

  • Added the Pokédex as a craftable item that can be placed on lecterns.

  • Added Pokémon (and item) fishing using modified fishing rods - Poké Rods! You'll need a Poké Rod smithing template, a fishing rod, and some type of Poké Ball. Each Poké Ball makes a differently themed rod because it's cool.

  • Added Lure Ball functionality, increasing the catch rate of Pokémon that were caught on a fishing rod.

  • Added Repeat Ball functionality, increasing the catch rate of Pokémon that are already registered as caught in a player's Pokédex.

  • Added flat level battling with options to set all Pokémon to level 50, 100, or 5 for the duration of a battle. No experience or EVs are granted for a flat battle.

  • Added support for Double Battles, Triple Battles, and Multi-battles.

  • Added raft platforms for non-swimming, non-flying Pokémon to stand on during battles that take place on the water's surface (Flying Pokémon will fly over water in battle, and water breathing Pokémon will swim in water during battle).

  • Added smarter send-out positions for Pokémon in battle. They should get in your way less!

  • CriticalCaptures and Pokédex progress capture multiplier now work with the Pokédex.

  • Added shiny Pokémon particle effects and sounds to help find them.

  • Added effects for the burn status effect.

  • Added effects for the moves: Seismic Toss, Withdraw, Bite, Crunch, Super Fang, Hyper Fang, Pursuit, Mist, Haze, Lick, Kinesis, Psychic, Water Sport, and Mud Sport.

  • Added extra visuals to early berry growth stages.

  • Added Polished Tumblestone and Tumblestone Brick block sets from Tumblestone, Black Tumblestone, and Sky Tumblestone.

  • Moves impacted by the abilities Pixelate, Refrigerate, Aerilate, Galvanize, and Normalize now display as their altered typing.

  • Added Fire, Water, Thunder, Leaf, Ice, Sun, Moon, Shiny, Dawn, and Dusk Stone storage blocks.

  • Added Eject Pack, Metronome, Protective Pads, Punching Glove, Room Service, Scope Lens, Shed Shell, Terrain Extender, Throat Spray, Utility Umbrella, Wide Lens, and Zoom Lens held items.

  • Added a full evolution particle effect for Pokémon that are sent out when evolution is started.

  • Added a Nurse profession that can be unlocked by having villagers claim a healing machine block.

  • Pokémon are now animated when seen in any GUI that isn't the party GUI.

  • Added animation and sounds for trading.

  • Added icons for pending trade, team-up, and battle requests from other players.

  • Quirk animations can now occur for Pokémon that are shoulder mounted.

  • Added new sounds for Poké Balls bouncing off of Pokémon and landing on the ground during capture.

  • Added a unique set of sounds for Ancient Poké Balls.

  • Added a sound for using Exp Candy and Rare Candy items.

  • Added revamped Poké Ball animation for Pokémon breaking out.

  • Added battle log messages for switching out Pokémon.

  • Added config setting displayEntityNameLabel and displayEntityLabelsWhenCrouchingOnly to control what and when is displayed for the pokemon label.

  • Added no_ai and freeze_frame options to the /spawnpokemon command.

  • Added moves option to Pokémon properties, allowing you to set the moves of a Pokémon in commands and spawn files using comma-separated move names.

  • Added a natural block state property for the healing machine block; when property is set to true, the block will have a different texture and drop an iron ingot instead of itself.

  • Added a battleInvulnerability gamerule to make players invulnerable to any damage during a battle.

  • Added a mobTargetInBattle gamerule to exclude players from being targeted by mobs during a battle.

  • Added a /freezepokemon command to pause a Pokémon's animation at a specific point in time.

  • Added /spawnnpc and /spawnnpcat commands.

  • Added hiddenability=false option to /spawnpokemon and /pokemonedit commands, allowing the Pokémon's ability to be reverted to a normal ability.

  • Added aspect and unaspect PokemonProperty arguments (which also includes commands such as /pokemonedit, /spawnpokemon, and /givepokemon) to allow forcing or un-forcing an aspect on a Pokémon.

  • Added type alternatively elemental_type PokemonProperty argument, this is only used for filtering and is not applied to Pokémon. Example type=fire would be true for Charmander but false for Squirtle.

Structures Added

  • Fishing boat structure that contain an Explorer Map leading to a shipwreck cove and a Poké Rod Smithing Template.

  • Stonjourner Henge Ruins, Luna Henge Ruins, and Sol Henge Ruins.

  • Submerged Shipwreck Cove and Lush Shipwreck Cove.

  • Pokémon Centers to all 5 village types.

Pokémon Added

Gen 1

  • Alola Bias Cubone (built-in resource pack)

  • Alolan Marowak

Gen 2

  • Ledyba

  • Ledian

  • Sunkern

  • Sunflora

  • Wobbuffet

  • Girafarig

  • Corsola

  • Remoraid

  • Octillery

  • Mantine

  • Smeargle

  • Delibird

Gen 3

  • Slakoth

  • Vigoroth

  • Slaking

  • Corphish

  • Crawdaunt

  • Feebas

  • Milotic

  • Wynaut

  • Absol

  • Spheal

  • Sealeo

  • Walrein

  • Bagon

  • Shelgon

  • Salamence

  • Kecleon

Gen 4

  • Mantyke

  • Finneon

  • Lumineon

  • Shellos

  • Gastrodon

  • Rotom

Gen 5

  • Purrloin

  • Liepard

  • Scraggy

  • Scrafty

Gen 6

  • Clauncher

  • Clawitzer

Gen 7

  • Pikipek

  • Trumbeak

  • Toucannon

  • Mareanie

  • Toxapex

  • Sandygast

  • Palossand

  • Bruxish

Gen 8

  • Cramorant

  • Hatenna

  • Hattrem

  • Hatterene

  • Pincurchin

Gen 9

  • Wattrel

  • Kilowattrel

  • Wiglett

  • Wugtrio

  • Flamigo

  • Veluza

  • Farigiraf

  • Klawf

  • Finizen

  • Palafin

  • Wiglett

  • Wugtrio

  • Flamigo

  • Dondozo

Unique Forms

  • Magikarp Jump variants for Magikarp

  • Magikarp Jump variants for Gyarados (built-in resource pack, enabled by default on Fabric)

Added cries to the following Pokémon

  • Sandshrew, Sandslash

  • Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone

  • Gastly, Haunter, Gengar

  • Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior

  • Happiny, Chansey

  • Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra

  • Magby, Magmar, Magmortar

  • Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z

  • Sentret, Furret

  • Misdreavus, Mismagius

  • Corsola

  • Mantyke, Mantine

  • Girafarig, Farigiraf

  • Wynaut, Wobbuffet

  • Lunatone

  • Solrock

  • Corphish, Crawdaunt

  • Feebas, Milotic

  • Kecleon

  • Absol

  • Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein

  • Relicanth

  • Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence

  • Munchlax

  • Finneon, Lumineon

  • Purrloin, Liepard

  • Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr

  • Joltik, Galvantula

  • Elgyem, Beheeyem

  • Golett, Golurk

  • Deino, Zweilous, Hydreigon

  • Flabébé, Floette, Florges

  • Clauncher, Clawitzer

  • Mareanie, Toxapex

  • Wimpod, Golisopod

  • Bruxish

  • Hatenna, Hattrem, Hatterene

  • Pincurchin

  • Klawf

  • Finizen, Palafin [Zero], Palafin [Hero]

  • Dondozo

Added shoulder mounts for the following Pokémon

  • Weedle

  • Caterpie

  • Spearow

  • Mew

  • Murkrow

  • Smoochum

  • Larvitar

  • Tailow

  • Plusle

  • Minun

  • Beldum

  • Starly

  • Buneary

  • Combee

  • Pachirisu

  • Tepig

  • Pidove

  • Petilil, Hisui Bias Petilil

  • Zorua, Hisui Bias Zorua

  • Elgyem

  • Fletchling

  • Skrelp

  • Klefki

  • Litten

  • Fomantis

  • Morelull

  • Dreepy

  • Sprigatito

  • Shroodle

  • Tatsugiri

  • Glimmet

  • Gimmighoul [Roaming]

Animation updates for the following Pokémon

  • Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel

  • Shellder, Cloyster

  • Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z

  • Furret

  • Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine

  • Skarmory

  • Tyrogue

  • Spinda

  • Torkoal

  • Nincada, Ninjask

  • Lunatone

  • Solrock

  • Buneary, Lopunny

  • Magnezone

  • Alomomola

  • Tepig, Pignite, Emboar

  • Flabebe, Floette, Florges

  • Litten, Torracat, Incineroar

  • Fomantis, Lurantis

  • Dreepy, Drakloak

  • Kleavor

  • Scorbunny

  • Gimmighoul [Roaming]

Model updates for the following Pokémon

  • Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur

  • Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard

  • Caterpie

  • Kakuna, Beedrill

  • Lapras

  • Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z

  • Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff

  • Poliwhirl, Poliwrath

  • Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel

  • Shellder, Cloyster

  • Gastly, Haunter

  • Onix

  • Krabby, Kingler

  • Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior

  • Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra

  • Goldeen, Seaking

  • Magby, Magmar, Magmortar

  • Magikarp, Gyarados

  • Munchlax, Snorlax

  • Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine

  • Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert

  • Baltoy, Claydol

  • Carvanha

  • Relicanth

  • Prinplup, Empoleon

  • Gible, Gabite, Garchomp

  • Riolu, Lucario

  • Snivy, Servine, Serperior

  • Tepig, Pignite, Emboar

  • Krookodile

  • Dwebble, Crustle

  • Joltik, Galvantula

  • Klink, Klang, Klinglang

  • Golett, Golurk

  • Fennekin, Braixen, Delphox

  • Phantump, Trevenant

  • Litten, Torracat, Incineroar

  • Popplio, Brionne, Primarina

  • Mudbray

  • Lurantis

  • Scorbunny, Cinderace

  • Quaxly

  • Skeledirge

  • Tatsugiri


  • Buffed Dusk Ball catch multipliers: Increased multiplier to 3.5 (from 3.0) in light level 0. Increased multiplier to 3.0 (from 1.5) in light levels 1-7.

  • Altered the item model for Medicinal Leeks and Roasted Leeks to be held like sticks and other rod items.

  • Adjusted some berry balance values like yield and growth times.

  • Adjusted volumes of sounds made by Display Cases, Berry Bushes, Energy Root, Medicinal Leek, Vivichoke, Mints, Revival Herbs and Gilded Chests.

  • Changes to mulch buffs/durations.

  • Updated potion sprites.

  • Changed Link Cable recipe to be much cheaper.

  • Updated sounds for Medicinal Leeks, Big Roots, Energy Roots and Revival Herbs.

  • Updated UI sounds for clicking and evolving Pokémon.

  • Updated cries for Chansey, Crobat, Hoothoot, Noctowl.

  • Removed the interchangeable evolution results for the first stage Hisuian starters to prevent confusion. The method still exists for stage 2 to 3, but stage 1 to 2 was not distinguishable enough for many users.

  • Vivillon wings will stop being clear when you remove any Vivillon related resourcepacks. The default pattern will be the meadow wings.

  • Wild Pokémon interaction range increased to 12 blocks (from 10 blocks).

  • Player trade range increased to 12 blocks (from 10 blocks).

  • PvP battle range increased to 32 blocks (from 10 blocks).

  • Spectate range increased to 64 blocks (from 10 blocks).

  • The inventory key now closes our GUIs if they are open, mirroring how Minecraft screens usually work.

  • The noise from the pasture and PC blocks being interacted with now activates Sculk sensors.

  • Updated dialogue GUI assets with proper assets not made by a programmer. Well, it was still a programmer, but- someone who can also draw!

  • Updated party switching interface when in battle.

  • Relic coin pouches can now be waterlogged.

  • The "Press R to start battle prompt" will now disappear after a player's first battle has been won. You've probably figured that detail out by then.

  • The default number of digits for the Pokédex number in the summary has been increased, from 3 to 4. There sure are a lot of Pokémon these days.

  • The pasture block model's screen is now off by default.

  • The Poké Balls creative tab is now named Utility Items as it also encompasses Poké Rod and Pokédex items.

  • Moves can now be benched without specifying a replacement move, allowing for empty move slots.

  • Moves learned via Sketch now persist after battle.

  • Hidden Power now displays its effective typing.

  • Updated particles for moves: Confusion, Protect, Sand Attack, and Quick Attack.

  • Updated particles for status effects: Paralysis, Poison, and Sleep.

  • Updated particles on Gastly.

  • Revamped stat buff and de-buff particles.

  • Improved the performance of display cases that contain Pokémon photos.

  • Updated sounds for Poké Balls closing, opening and for Pokémon breaking out.

  • Improved the performance of display cases that contain Pokémon Model items.

  • Removed species Base Stats from the summary interface as it is now viewable within the Pokédex.

  • Changed summary tab text labels to icons. You'll get used to them. Or else.

  • Clicking the summary interface exit button while the swap moves or evolve screen is open will cause the interface to switch back to the party screen. The button will exit the interface otherwise.

  • Ancient Poke Balls now jump once rather than shaking 3 times when capturing Pokémon.

    • The jump height indicate the number of shakes that would have occurred.

      • A high wobbly jump indicates 1 shake.

      • A high jump indicates 2 shakes.

      • A medium jump indicates 3 shakes.

      • A short jump indicates that you caught the Pokémon.

  • Pokémon sent out during battle will spawn facing their opponent.

  • Pokémon sent out outside a battle will spawn facing their trainer.

  • Wailord is now 25% bigger. ... But I have an idea.

  • Region-biased Pokémon forms are now optional to a built-in resource pack. This pack is enabled by default for Fabric. For NeoForge users, all our built-in resource packs default to disabled because that's all it supports right now.

  • Update item sprites for Cell Battery, Chipped Pot, Covert Cloak, Cracked Pot, Masterpiece Teacup, Red Card, Sachet, and Unremarkable Teacup.


  • Fixed Ability Patches not reverting Hidden Abilities back to Normal Abilities.

  • Fixed awarding Pokémon experience upon forfeiting battles.

  • Scaled down Amaura's fetus model to avoid clipping through the tank while animating.

  • Fixed Cubone's cry not having a sound (as if that Pokémon needed to be more tragic).

  • Fixed the sendout sound erroneously playing when a wild Pokémon breaks out of a Poké ball.

  • Flamethrower is no longer missing sounds.

  • Fixed the Seafloor spawning context not being a usable context.

  • Fixed Pokemon spawning in non-full blocks like slabs.

  • Fixed Gilded Chests not dropping the chest itself when broken, only the contents.

  • Fixed Pokémon losing their Hidden Ability through evolution if the middle stage did not have a Hidden Ability.

  • Hidden Power no longer plays the water type action effect (It now plays the normal type action effect).

  • Fixed Crumbling Arch structures not blending in with the world.

  • Fixed Energy Root being usable on a fainted Pokémon.

  • Fixed Pokémon not being sent out when starting a battle while recalling said Pokémon.

  • Fixed species comparison not using namespace for both sides in PokemonProperties.isSubsetOf.

  • Fixed PokemonProperties#asString prefixing nicknames with a '$'.

  • Fixed shearable Pokémon not dropping correct wool colors.

  • Fixed pasture spawning Pokémon inside solid blocks when closest spawning position is blocked off.

  • Fixed Tumbling Down advancement not being granted by tumblestone variants.

  • Improve error handling when loading spawn sets to ensure invalid configurations don't crash the server.

  • Fixed empty JsonPlayerData files resulting in players being unable to join server/world.

  • Sound for evolving Pokémon through the Summary Menu is now correctly playing again.

  • Fix Starter prompt not showing up.

  • Fixed owned Poké balls floating upwards if pausing the game mid-transition (which looked absolutely hilarious).

  • Fixed all mouse buttons working for Battle UI navigation (now it's only primary/left click).

  • Fixed trading Pokémon setting their friendship to 0 instead of the base value.

  • Fixed a scenario where a Pokémon that rolled to spawn with a special Tera type sometimes having a Tera type that is already a part of their natural typing.

  • Fixed PokemonProperty argument suggestions for tera and tera_type not suggesting stellar.

  • Fixed being able to stack Relic Coin Pouches on top of each other.

  • Fixed model loader generating misleading crash-reports when client is crashing - that resurrection tank error wasn't our fault! We're innocent, your honour!

  • Big Roots and Energy Roots now share the same sounds as intended.

  • Fixed sounds made by blocks playing at a lower pitch than intended.

  • Fixed Chimchar and Monferno comically T posing whenever they sleep.

  • Fixed Cetitan's cry breaking its walk and sleep animations.

  • Fixed the Magby line not having any placeholder walk animations.

  • Fixed Duskull and Dusclops using skylight levels for their nether spawn data. There is no sun in the Nether!

  • Fixed Hisuian Zoroark using base Zoroark stats.

  • Fixed Bellossom clipping into the player head when shoulder mounted.

  • Fixed Shroomish's look range to prevent it from looking higher than it should.

  • Fixed Maushold's faint animations not playing. It's even sadder than Tandemaus!

  • Fixed Slowking's battle idle.

  • Fixed Grafaiai's walk speed to prevent model sliding.

  • Fixed Alolan Exeggutor's tail not showing in the party UI. It will now also stand in front of all Pokémon in the party menu :)

  • Fixed Timburr duplicating its log while fainting.

  • Fixed hitbox sizes for Grotle and Torterra being set to default values.

  • Fixed Hisuian Sneasel using Johtonian Sneasel's cry. Johto-nian. Jotonion. Jotunheim?

  • Fixed Trevenant T-posing after 8 seconds of sleeping. I also do that.

  • Fixed Bewear T-posing for a bit if a wild one faints where you can see.

  • Fixed Noctowl's placeholder fly animation.

  • Corrected Lotad blinking animation.

  • Fixed reviving items causing errors when used in battle.

  • Fixed messages for Focus Sash, Confusion, Mummy, Ice Face, Own Tempo, and Revive.

  • Improve error handling when loading spawn-sets to ensure invalid configurations don't crash the server.

  • Fixed Crumbling Arch Ruins generating a giant cube of air and removed the chest.

  • Fixed possible crash on large population servers due to concurrent access of data.

  • Quickly sending out and recalling Pokémon now looks smoother and can no longer be spammed to cause desync issues.

  • Pokémon are now invulnerable during sendout animation and intangible during recall animation.

  • Scrolling with party keybinding now behaves properly when using high scroll speed or scroll sensitivity.

  • Fixed battle log GUI flashing when Battle GUI is opened.

  • Bag Items used during a turn will now be refunded if the battle ends before the next turn begins.

  • Pokémon whose current owner is not its Original Trainer now gain extra experience.

  • Fixed Fossil Resurrection advancement not being granted.

  • Fixed village generation caps not applying for berry farms. You were not meant to see more than two berry farms per village! This has been broken for ages but no one noticed... Hmmm... We could just remove it from here...

  • Fixed the Ice Face ability activation being displayed incorrectly in a battle.

  • Fixed edge case of F1 and R locking you in battle with no R functionality (requiring ESC to get out).

  • Fixed Poké Ball render orientation in battle interface when capturing.

  • Fixed sync issues with recently learned moves where their PP would not go down until you logout and in.

  • Fixed some Pokémon photos in display cases flashing if the Pokémon has gender differences.

  • Fixed Bidoof and Jigglypuff sleep animations stopping after some time, causing them to be 'asleep' while T-posing menacingly.

  • Fixed entities not changing poses unless you're looking at them.

  • Fixed cries not playing on send-out if the Pokémon is off-screen.

  • Fixed text row selection highlight in battle log.

  • Fixed top black border rendering in scroll interfaces in summary UI.

  • Fixed aspect tracking for Advancements.

  • Fixed illusion not copying aspects or caught ball.

  • Prevent summary stats tab from making sounds when clicking on an already open tab.

  • Fixed display case not being able to be fed items from underneath.

  • Fixed Pokémon battling in water continuously sinking to the bottom.

  • Fixed passive healing and wake from faint not disabling when their config values are set to 0.

  • Fixed an issue where rebinding the R key to a mouse button prevented players from closing the battle interface using that button.


  • SpawnCause is now an implementation of SpawningInfluence.

  • Many types related to Pokemon including itself now have dedicated Codec, please migrate to them from the NBT/JSON/PacketBuffer write/read methods.

  • PokemonBattle now starts on turn 0.

  • Renamed Pokemon.hp to Pokemon.maxHealth to make it clearer. Backwards compatibility is provided but it is an active deprecation, please migrate away from it.

  • Serialization of PokemonStores and Pokemon themselves now require registry access, which will break some sidemods. This sucked for us more than it will suck for you! If you have a world or player instance, you can get it from there.

  • TeraTypes now implements Iterable.

  • Added forcedAspects to Pokémon to make it easier to easily add basic aspects to a Pokémon in a way that persists. We already know that everyone is going to overuse this.

  • Made the Pokemon.aspects setter private. This could technically break side-mods but if you are affected by this then you were using it wrong! Use Pokemon.forcedAspects to fix it.

  • Cobblemon's main logger is properly static now.

  • PokemonEntity.enablePoseTypeRecalculation can be used to disable automatic pose type recalculation.

  • Added CollectEggEvent and HatchEggEvent for compatibility usage.

  • Added events for:

    • Showdown Instructions

    • Mega Showdown Instruction

    • Terastallize Showdown Instruction

    • ZPower Showdown Instruction

    • Bait Consumed, Bait Set, and an event to register custom BaitEffect Functions

    • Bobber Bucket Chosen

    • Bobber Spawn Pokémon

    • Pokérod Cast

    • Pokérod Reel

    • Pokémon Heal (with context)

      • Added HealingSource, an interface applied to all sources of healing from player actions, for easier tracking of healing sources.

    • Move Change

    • Shiny Chance Calculation Event (with player context)

    • Dex Information Changed (Pre and Post); this event is fired when the Pokédex is updated with new information.

  • Rebuilt large swaths of the model animation code to simplify it.

  • Renamed a bunch of things from %Poseable% to %Posable% because spelling.

  • Renamed StatelessAnimation to PoseAnimation.

  • Renamed StatefulAnimation to ActiveAnimation.

  • Documented the animation system.

  • Allowed for SpawnSnowstormEntityParticleHandler to handle non-posable entities (due to being non-posable, locators are useless - to set the offset use the settings in the particle itself).

  • Added property chaining support for duplicate CustomPokemonPropertyType elements.

Data Pack & Resource Pack Creators

  • Added experimental flow datapack directory for handling events using MoLang event handlers.

  • Added support for "shedders" similar to Shedinja's evolution logic.

  • Fixed the placeholder WingFlapIdle animation so the wings are not rotating opposite to each other.

  • 'player' type dialogue faces can now be explicitly stated so that NPC mods that use fake players can show in dialogue portraits.

  • Added isLeftSide field for dialogue faces. This determines what side of dialogue box the portrait is on.

  • sounds/attacks directory has been renamed to sounds/move.

  • Moves sharing generic sounds now have unique sound events, allowing them to be changed with resource packs.

  • All move sound events have been renamed to move.<NAME>.<SOURCE> for consistency.

  • Status moves have been moved out of the attacks directory and split into volatile and nonvolatile.

  • status.badlypoison.actor sound event has been renamed to status.toxpoison.actor

  • Mulch and berry harvesting sound events have been renamed and moved to their respective directories in sounds/block.

  • All sounds related to evolving Pokémon have been moved to the sounds/evolution directory.

  • Sound events for all blocks now start with block.

  • Gimmighoul chest and item interaction sounds have been moved to where its cry is.

  • Unused sound files and sound events have been removed.

  • Poké Ball sounds are now in their animation files, making them more flexible to edit.

  • Added MoLang compatibility in the isVisible property for transformed parts.

  • Added q.has_aspect('some_aspect') function to animations, posers, and entity particle effects.

  • Added support for conditional pose animations.

  • Added a new universal locator called "top".

  • Added eggs_collected and eggs_hatched Advancement triggers.

  • Added missing minYaw configuration to the q.look() function for JSON posers.

  • Some pose condition names have been changed:

    • isTouchingWaterOrRain has been changed to isInWaterOrRain

    • isSubermegedInWater has been changed to isUnderWater


  • Updated translations for:

  • Czech, German, Greek, Spanish, Mexican Spanish, French, Canadian French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese

  • Migrated translation project to Weblate at https://lang.cobblemon.com/projects/cobblemon/mod/



  • Fixed Wooloo and Dubwool dyeing making your game start dying. Only if you do it on a server.

  • Fixed Gimmighoul causing PCs and parties to look glitched out, also only in a server.

  • Fixed players being able to dye other people's sheep Pokémon.



  • Added unique send out particles for Cherish, Dream, Beast, and Ancient Origin balls.

  • Made Wooloo and Dubwool dye-able like sheep. So cute!

  • Added stat up and down particles.

  • Most status effects now have particles! These include: Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Confusion, Infatuation.

Move Particle Effects

  • Confusion

  • Cotton Guard

  • Growl

  • Ice Punch

  • Fire Punch

  • Thunder Punch

  • Minimize

  • Quick Attack

  • Protect

  • Swords Dance

  • Sand Attack

  • Poison Powder

  • Sleep Powder

  • Stun Spore

  • Powder

  • Rage Powder

  • Spore

  • Thunder Wave


  • Sounds for Relic Coin Sacks have been correctly renamed. Relic Coin Pouches received new sounds for breaking and placing.

  • Readjusted Petilil portraits so they fit a bit better.

  • Improved handling of Pokémon taken from the Restoration Tank block to be a bit more stable.

  • Made Mulch cheaper to craft.


  • Fixed a bug in which adding organic material to the restoration tank
    via right click was adding the full count of the stack currently in
    hand - but only taking 1 of the item.

  • Fixed a niche issue where some properties of entities were not
    initialized correctly, causing Pokémon that appeared to be level 1 until
    you battle them.

  • Fixed Fossilized Drake being missing from the Fossils item tag.

  • Fixed Gilded Chest block entity not being cleared on block break,
    creating spooky ghost blocks. Old ones can be fixed by placing something
    like a furnace where it was, then breaking the furnace.

  • Fixed sherd brokenness on Forge.

  • Fixed Supplementaries incompatibility.

  • Fixed Fossil Compartment crash with Jade / WAILA forks.

  • Fixed pasture block PC lookups when the player is offline.

  • Fixed an untranslated battle message that occurs when using a move
    that just ran out of PP (e.g. Fire Blast that just got spited mid-turn).

  • Fixed held items being eaten even when the held item evolutions are already unlocked.

  • Fixed Hisuian Decidueye not being Grass/Fighting.

  • Fixed both Decidueye forms learning both Triple Arrows and Spirit Shackle.

  • Fixed Pineco being unable to evolve into Shulker Forretress.

  • Fixed Kabutops T-posing when underwater. It doesn't have proper swimming animations yet, though.

  • Fixed Pidgey's missing walk animation.

  • Fixed Cyndaquil's hidden flames clipping if it was swimming.

  • Fixed Chimecho and Chingling being unable to spawn near bells. They are meant to!

  • Fixed Tyrantrum and Wailord Party Overlay models peeking through the chat box. It was kinda funny though.

  • Fixed hitbox sizes for Seedot, Nuzleaf, and Shiftry.

  • Fixed Budew and Lechonk sliding if they walked for too long.

  • Fixed Shedinja T-posing in battle.

  • Fixed recoil evolution condition not working, making things like Basculegion unobtainable.

  • Fixed issue where poser debug tools didn't work on JSON posers.

  • Fixed issue where gilded chests don't close when going far away.

  • Fixed issue where the restoration tank's renderer was reading old data, making it appear wrong.

  • Fixed issue where the lights on the restoration tank would not animate if it was facing east. Very specific.

  • Fixed client crash with the fossil machine when updating block state
    on a chunk that is unloaded in the client. I don't understand this but
    the devs are sure that all of those are real words.

  • Fixed Restoration Tank crash with Create upon the tank block's destruction.

  • Fixed Restoration Tank over consuming items when interacting with Create blocks.

  • Fixed addons that add very many moves to a learn-set causing disappearing Pokémon (visually) issues on servers.

  • Fixed Hyper Cutter and Big Pecks incorrectly stating that it prevented accuracy from being lowered in battle.

  • Fixed missing messages for Rough Skin and Iron Barbs in battle.

  • Fixed a bug where sometimes Pokémon sendouts wouldn't create an
    entity, or the entity would spawn at 0 0 0 which is not a good place for
    a Pokémon to be. Or any of us, really.

  • Fixed issue in which a locked gilded chest would animate to the open
    state when the client fails to open it, such as when it is locked.

  • Fixed a bug where aspects of a form would not be properly reflected on form changes (eg. Normal -> Hisui).

  • Fixed generic battle effect sounds not sounding the way they were intended to.

  • Fixed particle effects often not having access to some specific entity functions from MoLang.

  • Fixed particles sometimes lasting a single tick too long, causing (very quick) visual glitches.

  • Fixed particle rotations being inverted.

  • Fixed particle events not spawning at the instigating particle's location.

  • Fixed a bunch of spam during world generation.

  • Fixed a bug in which throwing a Poké Ball at a player owned Pokémon
    with the ability Illusion would reveal its true species. Hilarious meta

  • Fixed root-part animations not working for JSON posed Pokémon. You
    didn't notice this but if we didn't fix this in this update then if you
    use Quick Attack a lot you'd have seen a whole lot of this which is damn funny but very unintended.


  • Changed SpawnAction#complete to return a nullable generic R (the
    spawn action result) instead of a boolean. Provides more information
    this way.

  • Added an event that fires when a fossil is revived, with or without a player.

  • Added IVS and EVS property extractors.

  • Fixed PCStore#resize not allowing PC boxes size reduction.

Data Pack & Resource Pack Creators

  • Added support for MoLang conditions for quirks and poses.

  • Changed the AttackDefenceRatio requirement to StatCompare and
    StatEqual. There is some backwards compatibility for AttackDefenceRatio,

  • Changed "dimensions" spawn condition to check with dimension IDs instead of effects, so custom dimension IDs can be used.

  • Added parametric motion and rotation support to particle effects.

  • Added entity_scale as a molang var for particles (likely only applicable to Pokemon)

  • Added support for primary quirk animations using the following format:

  "quirks": [
    "q.bedrock_primary_quirk('<pokemon>', '<animation>', <minSeconds>, <maxSeconds>, <loopTimes>, '<excludedLabels>', q.curve('<waveFunction>'))"


  • Updated translations for:

    • Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

    • Spanish.



1.5.0 - The Ruins and Revival Update (May 12th, 2024)

"You're telling me that Mojang has added archaeology to the game? Hmm... that gives me an idea."


  • Added 17 ruin structures, where you can find Pokémon-themed Armor Trims and Pottery Sherds, Tumblestones, and more.

  • Added 23 fossil structures, where you can brush Suspicious Sand/Gravel for Fossils. You can add custom fossils using datapacks.

  • Added the Data Monitor, Fossil Compartment, and Restoration Tank
    blocks. Placed in the correct formation, you can use these to create a Restoration Machine where you can bring fossils back to life. Use organic material to fill the tank first!

  • Added 3 variants of Tumblestone, which can be planted near Lava or Magma to grow harvestable Tumblestone Clusters.

  • Added Tumblestone Blocks, a storage block crafted from 9 Tumblestones.

  • Added Ancient Poké Balls, which are aesthetic variants crafted from Tumblestones.

  • Added the Ancient Feather, Wing, and Jet Balls, which fly further than regular Poké Balls.

  • Added the Ancient Heavy, Leaden, and Gigaton Balls, which are
    heavier and don't fly as far as regular Poké Balls. These will receive
    more functionality in a future update.

  • Added visual effects for many Poké Balls when sending out or capturing Pokémon.

  • Added a new send-out ball toss animation that showcases the ball used for the Pokémon.

  • Added simple move animations for Pokémon in battle with a proof of
    concept (Flamethrower) for more complicated animations. More and more
    specific animations will come in future updates.

  • Added Original Trainer to the summary menu. To edit the OT through
    commands, you must specify originaltrainertype=<Player/NPC>, and
    originaltrainer=<Username or UUID/NPC Name>

  • Added support for planting Apricorn trees, berries, and mints in Botany Pots

  • Added the hidden "True Vivillionaire" advancement.

  • Added the Display Case block. Use it to display your archaeological findings, Poké Balls, or other items.

  • Added 6 Pokémon-themed Pottery Sherds, obtained from ruin structures. Sherds... sh-erds. Weird word.

  • Added a Pokémon-themed armor trim, obtained from ruin structures.

  • Added Nether Fire Stone Ore to, surprisingly, the Nether.

  • Added Terracotta Sun Stone Ore to Badlands biomes.

  • Added the EV Boosting Feathers.

  • Added Gilded Chests, available in all Apricorn colors.

  • Added Relic Coins, Relic Coin Pouches, and Relic Coin Sacks. Gimmighoul might be interested in these.

  • Added Type Gems. These will have additional uses later, so you should start collecting them.

  • Added new held items: Ability Shield, Absorb Bulb, Air Balloon,
    Binding Band, Blunder Policy, Cell Battery, Covert Cloak, Damp Rock,
    Eject Button, Eviolite, Expert Belt, Float Stone, Focus Sash, Heat Rock,
    Icy Rock, Iron Ball, Light Ball, Loaded Dice, Red Card, Shell Bell,
    Sticky Barb, Smooth Rock, Soothe Bell and Weakness Policy.

  • Added Hisui starters to the starter selection menu. They come inside of ancient Poké Balls.

  • Added a bubble quirk to Krabby that only plays during clear sunsets. It looks familiar...

  • Added forfeit option to PVP battles.

  • Added visual changes for entities affected by Illusion, Imposter, or Transform in battle.

  • Added shoulder mounting for Squirtle, Ralts, Roggenrola, Charcadet,
    Sizzlipede, Litwick, Cutiefly, Flabebe, Flittle, and Scatterbug

  • Added species data for Hydrapple, Iron Boulder, Iron Crown, Pecharunt, Raging Bolt, and Terapagos

  • Added various new tags for search-ability and better mod compatibility.

  • Added the Ability Capsule and Patch.
    These have no way of getting them (for now) and only work as intended
    with the traditional ability format of 1 to 2 common abilities and 1
    hidden ability.

Pokémon Added

Gen 2

  • Sentret

  • Furret

  • Qwilfish

  • Heracross

  • Skarmory

  • Larvitar

  • Pupitar

  • Tyranitar

Gen 3

  • Lileep

  • Cradily

  • Anorith

  • Armaldo

  • Tropius

  • Roselia

  • Aron

  • Lairon

  • Aggron

  • Solrock

  • Lunatone

  • Makuhita

  • Hariyama

  • Trapinch

  • Vibrava

  • Flygon

Gen 4

  • Shieldon

  • Bastiodon

  • Cranidos

  • Rampardos

  • Budew

  • Roserade

  • Hippopotas

  • Hippowdon

Gen 5

  • Tirtouga

  • Carracosta

  • Archen

  • Archeops

  • Zorua

  • Zoroark

  • Petilil

  • Lilligant

  • Darumaka

  • Darmanitan

  • Woobat

  • Swoobat

  • Sandile

  • Krokorok

  • Krookodile

  • Frillish

  • Jellicent

  • Cubchoo

  • Beartic

  • Deino

  • Zweilous

  • Hydreigon

  • Larvesta

  • Volcarona

  • Alomomola

  • Ferroseed

  • Ferrothorn

    Gen 6

    • Tyrunt

    • Tyrantrum

    • Amaura

    • Aurorus

    • Goomy

    • Sliggoo

    • Goodra

    • Carbink

    • Flabébé

    • Floette

    • Florges

    • Klefki

      Gen 7

      • Turtonator

      • Fomantis

      • Lurantis

      • Salandit

      • Salazzle

      • Jangmo-o

      • Hakamo-o

      • Kommo-o

      • Alolan Diglett

      • Alolan Dugtrio

        Gen 8

        • Gossifleur

        • Eldegoss

        • Arctozolt

        • Arctovish

        • Dracozolt

        • Dracovish

        • Basculegion

        • Hisuian Decidueye

        • Hisuian Typhlosion

        • Hisuian Samurott

        • Hisuian Lilligant

        • Hisuian Sliggoo

        • Hisuian Goodra

        • Hisuian Zorua

        • Hisuian Zoroark

        • Hisuian Voltorb

        • Hisuian Electrode

        • Hisuian Qwilfish

        • Overqwil

        • Hisuian Sneasel

        • Sneasler

        • Stonjourner

        • Cufant

        • Copperajah

        • Dreepy

        • Drakloak

        • Dragapult

        • Impidimp

        • Morgrem

        • Grimmsnarl

          Gen 9

          • Gimmighoul

            • Using Relic Coins, you can increase Gimmighoul's Coin Stash. Upon reaching 999, it can be evolved into Gholdengo.

            • Additionally, if you give Gimmighoul a Netherite Scrap, you can
              increase its Netherite Stash. But what will that do to when you evolve

          • Gholdengo

            Cobblemon Exclusives

            • Hisui Bias Rowlet

            • Hisui Bias Dartrix

            • Hisui Bias Cyndaquil

            • Hisui Bias Quilava

            • Hisui Bias Oshawott

            • Hisui Bias Dewott

            • Hisui Bias Goomy

            • Hisui Bias Petilil

              These are our compromise for having both regular and Hisuian forms of
              these Pokémon in the game. Hisui Biased variations will evolve into the
              Hisuian evolutions under most conditions. They are otherwise purely
              cosmetic differences.

              Added cries to the following Pokémon

              • Alolan Raticate

              • Vulpix, Ninetales

              • Zubat, Golbat, Crobat

              • Meowth, Persian

              • Psyduck, Golduck

              • Growlithe, Arcanine

              • Geodude, Graveler, Golem

              • Doduo, Dodrio

              • Seel, Dewgong

              • Muk, Grimer

              • Krabby, Kingler

              • Voltorb, Electrode, Hisuian Voltorb, Hisuian Electrode

              • Tangela, Tangrowth

              • Snorlax

              • Cubone, Marowak

              • Koffing, Weezing

              • Aerodactyl

              • Elekid, Electabuzz, Electivire

              • Omanyte, Omastar

              • Kabuto, Kabutops

              • Lapras

              • Scyther

              • Hisui Bias Cyndaquil, Hisui Bias Quilava

              • Igglybuff

              • Yanma, Yanmega

              • Gligar, Gliscor

              • Qwilfish, Hisuian Qwilfish, Overqwil

              • Sneasel, Hisuian Sneasel, Weavile, Sneasler

              • Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar

              • Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine

              • Aron, Lairon, Aggron

              • Trapinch, Vibrava, Flygon

              • Cacnea, Cacturne

              • Barboach, Whiscash

              • Lileep, Cradily

              • Anorith, Armaldo

              • Tropius

              • Chimecho

              • Bidoof, Bibarel

              • Buizel, Floatzel

              • Gible, Gabite, Garchomp

              • Hisui Bias Oshawott, Hisui Bias Dewott

              • Petilil, Lilligant, Hisui Bias Petilil, Hisuian Lilligant

              • Basculin, Basculegion

              • Sandile, Krokolok, Krookodile

              • Darumaka, Darmanitan

              • Archen, Archeops

              • Zorua, Zoroark, Hisuian Zorua, Hisuian Zoroark

              • Tyrunt, Tyrantrum

              • Amaura Aurorus

              • Carbink

              • Goomy, Sliggoo, Goodra, Hisui Bias Goomy, Hisuian Sliggoo, Hisuian Goodra

              • Klefki

              • Hisui Bias Rowlet, Hisui Bias Dartrix

              • Komala

              • Impidimp, Morgrem, Grimmsnarl

              • Cufant, Copperajah

              • Dreepy, Drakloak, Dragapult

              • Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish

              • Lechonk, Oinkologne

              • Maushold family of three and four


              • Alolan Pikachu and Exeggcute changed to Alola Bias.

              • Pokémon now transition more smoothly between different poses.

              • Updated models for Mimikyu, Alcremie, Squirtle, Wartortle,
                Blastoise, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Omanyte, Omastar, Growlithe,
                Arcanine, Nidoran Male, Nidoran Female, Lapras, Swinub, Piloswine,
                Basculin, Rowlet, Dartrix, Decidueye, Kabuto, Kabutops, Piplup,
                Prinplup, Elekid, Electabuzz, Cubone, Marowak, Paras, Mawile, Drifloon,
                Drifblim, Venonat, Venomoth, Yanma, Yanmega, Psyduck, Dusknoir, Diglett,
                Dugtrio, Natu, Xatu, Oshawott, Samurott, Torchic, Grovyle, Sceptile,
                Sizzlipede, Mismagius, and Raboot.

              • Updated animations for Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Pidgey,
                Pidgeotto, Diglett, Dugtrio, Magikarp, Dragonite, Omanyte, Omastar,
                Kabuto, Pinsir, Chinchou, Lanturn, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade,
                Buizel, Garchomp, Pumpkaboo, Falinks, Lechonk, Litwick, Lampent,
                Chandelure, Carnivine, Galarian Meowth, Galarian Rapidash, Venonat,
                Venomoth, Phanphy, Donphan, Dratini, Dragonair, Happiny, Chansey,
                Blissey, Volbeat, Illumise, Numel, Sizzlipede, Centiskorch, Obstagoon,
                Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr, Drifloon, and Drifblim.

              • Resized Drifloon.

              • Added more held items to the held item tag, and Metal Coat to the held item tab.

              • Added all ores to the modloader ore tags, and added tags for each ore type to the mod (both blocks and items).

              • Changed the Destiny Knot to be crafted with a Ghast Tear rather than a diamond. We have big plans for the Destiny Knot...

              • You can now punch grown apricorns to harvest them. We saw so many
                content creators breaking apricorns with their fists that it was making
                us die inside.

              • The "Poké Ball" Vivillon variant is now obtainable by evolving a
                Spewpa after obtaining the "Aspiring Vivillionaire" advancement.

              • Renamed the "Vivillionaire" advancement to "Aspiring Vivillionaire"

              • Removed the Inferno, Forsaken, Poké Ball, and Void patterns from the Aspiring Vivillionaire advancement.

              • Updated the biome tags for Spewpa's evolutions into the various
                Vivillon patterns. You should mostly be getting one evolution option at a
                time now.

              • Apricorn Sprouts can now be planted directly on Apricorn leaves to create a new Apricorn of the same color.

              • Added tooltips to interaction GUIs to make it clearer what they do.

              • Poké Ball recipes now use tags for their center ingredient, rather
                than specifically Copper Ingots, Iron Ingots, Gold Ingots, and Diamonds,
                allowing for further datapack customisation and mod compatibility.

              • Starter Toast now closes once the corresponding button is pressed once.

              • Moved some items into the vanilla Food & Drinks category.

              • Stacked Cobblemon Potion Bases can now be quick moved into Brewing Stands.

              • Changed the Healing Machine recipe to swap the Max Revive for a Revive so that it is a bit easier to craft.

              • Upped the rate that Gastly drop Ghast Tears from 2.5% to 5%, further helping the crafting of a Healing Machine.

              • Pokémon with a low Blaze Powder drop chance now drop it more frequently in the Nether.

              • Reorganised a few advancements.

              • Pokémon entity shadows now scale when the Pokémon is being sent out or recalled.

              • Remade Torkoal particles, now they only appear when in battle.

              • Improved the shiny icon within summary and PC interfaces.

              • Changed the Poison Barb sprite so that it doesn't look like a sword
                when held. It's a Poison Barb, not a Poison Sword. Wait, that gives me
                an idea.

              • Moon Stone ore generates more frequently in Taigas and has been added to Magical and Spooky biomes. Ooo... Sorry.

              • Density, Season, and Nether biome tags have been moved and renamed within the biome tags directory.

              • Added particles to Lucario when in battle. Lucario is special.

              • Movesets updated for Blueberry DLC.


              • Re-added the recipe for the Iron vitamin. Well, technically it's a mineral.

              • Fixed Exeggcute and Pikachu not being able to evolve.

              • Fixed evolution priority for Exeggcute and Pikachu regional
                evolutions. Using a thunder stone on Kantonian Pikachu on the beach will
                give Alolan Raichu. A second thunder stone would then give Kantonian

              • Fixed battle text for the Poison Touch Ability.

              • Finally found Sudowoodo and Bonsly. They were missing spawn data. Same with Drifloon and Litwick. Uh... sorry about that.

              • Fixed Squawkabilly forms not being recognized.

              • Fixed the bounce animation for Poké Balls being delayed by like, a full second. It's enough to drive you mad.

              • Note blocks now play the correct sound on the Apricorn Plank-based blocks.

              • Fixed an issue with transformed parts in posers causing whacky positional issues.

              • Fixed Poké Balls freezing in an open state if you're looking away at
                the moment that it's meant to close. This actually fixes some other
                things but it's hard to explain.

              • Fixed thrown Poké Balls technically having no name.

              • Fixed very many issues with Bedrock particle effects. There are probably many more. Life goes on.

              • Fixed Arbok patterns not being as specific in spawning as they were intended to be.

              • Fixed Pokémon not avoiding danger at all when pathfinding.

              • Fixed Pokémon pathing over snow layers and carpets.

              • Fixed the Sobble line not being able to swim or breathe underwater.

              • Fixed mod incompatibility with Just Enough Resources.

              • Fixed mod incompatibility with Visual Overhaul.

              • Fixed an issue that allowed Pokémon to spawn on rails.

              • Fixed the data set on Pokémon when abilities are given via properties such as in /spawnpokemon.

              • Fixed Pokémon sometimes losing hidden abilities when evolving. This
                fix will only take effect for newly created Pokémon because of technical
                reasons that were explained to me but which I then forgot.

              • Fixed capture messages not displaying in battle.

              • Fixed the Illusion ability causing the wrong Pokémon to be targeted in battle.

              • Fixed battles started with fainted party members causing a soft-lock on defeat.

              • Fixed some issues with eyes in the faint animations of Hitmonlee and Phantump

              • Fixed missing evolution moves, for example Stone Axe for Kleavor.

              • Cleaned up empty evolutions declaration in species data (And no, I'm
                not listing all 169. No I don't care what you pay me, I'm not doing

              • Fixed non-consumable held items being consumed or swapped in battle permanently.


                • Significantly changed the way the properties in PokemonEntity work.
                  This could break some plugins (not in a big way, but changes will be
                  needed for some things).

                • Rebuilt the scheduling API to more clearly force side choices and
                  temporal frames of reference for tasks. The developers say that how it
                  works is cool but I stopped listening.

                • Added dialogue API and data registry. This is powerful, and there is
                  a full example in the Cobblemon mod you can trigger using /opendialogue
                  <username> cobblemon:example. The example JSON is inside the data
                  folder of the mod.

                • Opened up the ItemDropEntry class to allow for it to be extended.

                • Added a new "advancement" evolution variant that takes an advancement identifier and succeeds if the player has the advancement.

                • Made the spawning API capable of non-entity spawning. You can make it 'spawn' commands if you want. Go nuts.

                • Made PokemonProperties.parse more interoperable with Java. Save yourself and stop using Java.

                • Added the HeldItemEvent, this comes with 2 implementation HeldItemEvent.Pre and HeldItemEvent.Post.

                • Corrections to the ability implementation have been made that make Ability.forced
                  function as intended and never reroll an ability for a Pokémon, please
                  check your implementations to ensure the corrected behavior is intended
                  for your use case.

                • Pokemon.ability no longer has a public setter. Please migrate to using Pokemon#updateAbility, this handles the ability coordinate storage for you when necessary.

                • Ability.forced, Ability.index and Ability.priority
                  have all had their setters internalized, there is no longer any need to
                  manually adjust these migrate to the method mentioned above to handle
                  that process for you.

                • AbilityChanger has been added to API alongside some
                  implementations, this is subject to change as the ability capsule and
                  patch currently only expect the traditional behaviour in the Pokémon
                  games of 1 or 2 regular abilities and 1 hidden ability.

                • Pokemon#rollAbility has been added which rerolls for a legal ability for the Pokémon.

                • docs/cobblemon-tags tags and spawn-presets can now be auto-generated from the current tags in the Cobblemon mod with the generateSpawnPresetList.py and generateTagList.py scripts.

                • public_spawns_to_json.py script has been added to give the powerful spawn.json generator a simplistic UI.

                • Updated Showdown with Gen 9 DLC.

                • Changed mixins to be Java 17 for compatibility level instead of 16, removing a warning from startup logs.

                  Datapack & Resourcepack Creators

                  • The maximum amount of fossils that can fit in the Fossil Analyzer can be adjusted in the config.

                  • Custom fossils can be defined using a list of items and the resulting Pokémon. An example of aerodactyl.json:

                      "result": "aerodactyl",
                      "fossils": [
                    • Fetus models can be defined in bedrock/fossils.

                    • Fetus textures can be defined in textures/fossils.

                    • Fuel for the Restoration Machine is registered inside the natural_materials folder. To register more fuels, create a JSON file containing an array of objects. Each object supports the following fields:

                      • content: Integer containing the amount of fuel to add.

                      • item OR tag: Identifier of the item or item tag to be inserted.

                      • returnItem: Identifier of an item to return to the player after consumption.

                    • Added 3 new item tags: ancient_poke_balls, fossils, and tumblestones.

                    • Added a spawn rules system to modify general spawning behaviour, see the wiki for more information.

                    • Added dialogue datapack folder and /opendialogue command.

                    • Added the item tag cobblemon:held/leaves_leftovers this can be used to flag apple-like items that can create leftovers when eaten.

                    • You can now add support for dynamic lighting implementations, Cobblemon ships with a default implementation for LambDynamicLights and the Dynamic Lights Reforged, add the following to any species or form:

                      "lightingData": {
                        "lightLevel": 14,
                        "_lightLevelCommentRemoveMe": "Above supports 0 to 15",
                        "liquidGlowMode": "LAND",
                        "_liquidGlowModeCommentRemoveMe": "Above supports LAND, UNDERWATER or BOTH"
                    • Following up on this change light_source was removed as a possible shoulder effect due to becoming unnecessary and never having had a default implementation.

                    • Added the item tag cobblemon:ability_changers, contains the cobblemon:ability_capsule & cobblemon:ability_patch by default.

                    • Added the item tag cobblemon:held/is_friendship_booster, allows items to give the Soothe Bell effect of a boost of 1.5x Friendship gained, contains cobblemon:soothe_bell by default.



                    • Added battle spectating. Press R on a player in a battle and you can spectate and bully them for their tactics.

                    • Added the Litwick and Drifloon lines.

                    • Cobblemon now has compatibility with Adorn, allowing you to craft Apricorn wood furniture.

                    • Berries can now be used in recipes from Farmer's Delight and Farmer's Delight (Fabric), as well as any other mods using the same berry tags.

                    • Boats, signs and hanging signs are now craftable with Apricorn wood.

                    • Added the Fairy Feather, Iron Ball, Cleanse Tag, Flame Orb, Life Orb, Smoke Ball, and Toxic Orb held items.

                    • Added the Inferno, Void, and Forsaken patterns for Vivillon. These can be obtained by evolving a Spewpa in the Nether, End, or Deep Dark respectively.

                    • Bees can now be fed using Pep-Up Flowers.

                    • Mooshtank can now be milked with a bowl for Mushroom Stew.

                    • Updated Showdown version to use generation 9 battle data.

                    • Added cries to Beldum, Metang and Metagross.

                    • Added a /bedrockparticle command to run Snowstorm-format particle effects.

                    • Added data for Dipplin, Fezandipiti, Munkidori, Ogerpon, Okidogi, Poltchageist and Sinistcha.


                    • Using Potions, Status Heals, Ethers, and Antidotes will now return a glass bottle

                    • Using a Remedy, Fine Remedy, or Superb Remedy will no longer lower friendship with a Pokémon.

                    • The Healing Machine now has a much more difficult recipe, placing it later game.

                    • Made the EXP. Share recipe cheaper.

                    • Turtwig can now be put on your shoulder.

                    • Updated Zubat line model, texture, and animations.

                    • Updated Geodude line models and textures.

                    • Added animations for Hitmontop, Tyrogue, and Mightyena.

                    • Tweaked animations for Dusknoir, Ratatta, Bewear, Exeggutor, and Alolan Exeggutor.

                    • Sized Kantonian Exeggutor down. Still big, but not TOO big.

                    • Tweaked cries for Pikachu, Raichu and Alolan Raichu.

                    • Fixed Swimming behaviors for Wimpod line, Oshawott line, Quaxly line, and Clodsire

                    • Changed the way level scaling works in spawning. By default, anything with a spawn range of up to 5 either side of the party highest level and everything else will spawn per its specified ranges.

                    • The nature of Pokémon will now be displayed italicized when a mint has been applied. Hovering over the nature will display the mint that was applied.

                    • Slightly lowered the volume of all cries.

                    • Giving Pokémon items now plays a sound

                    • Updated the Poké Ball model and animations.

                    • Pasture blocks will now also connect their bottom left and right sides to walls, iron bars, glass panes, and any other modded block that follows the same connection rules.

                    • The config option consumeHeldItems has been removed, please see the Datapack & Resourcepack Creators section for instructions on the updated method.

                    • Heal Powder can now be composted with a 75% chance of adding a layer

                    • Mental, Power, White, and Mirror Herbs can now be composted with a 100% chance of adding a layer.

                    • Added glowing eyes to Hoothoot and Noctowl.

                    • Mining Evolution Stone Ores with a Fortune pickaxe will now increase the amount of items received.

                    • Black Augurite can now be used to craft stone axes and obsidian.

                    • Using Experience Candies brings up the Party Pokémon Select screen when not targeting a Pokémon.

                    • Added tab completion for statuses to commands.

                    • Remedies can now be cooked in a Smoker and on a Campfire.

                    • Vertically flipped the Destiny Knot recipe.


                    • Fixed Raticate, Onix, Unfezant, Bergmite, Avalugg, Boltund and Revavroom cries not playing.

                    • Fixed Alolan Ratticate animations causing a crash.

                    • Fixed Quaxwell not doing its cry.

                    • Fixed Shroomish not using its idle.

                    • Fixed how Weight and Height is calculated for Pokémon, fixing the damage from moves like Low Kick.

                    • Fixed a staggering number of battle messages.

                    • Fixed various stone related blocks not being valid for Big Roots to spread onto on the Fabric version.

                    • Updated the registration of compostable items to improve compatibility with Fabric forks such as Quilt. Please note this does not mean we officially support Quilt, this change was only done since it was possible by correcting the registration to use the new intended way in the Fabric API.

                    • Fixed Dispensers being unable to shear grown Apricorns.

                    • Fixed Bowl not being given back to player after using Berry Juice

                    • Fixed missing text for attempting to catch an uncatchable Pokémon

                    • Fixed Moonphases for Clefairy line

                    • Fixed issue where Potions, Super Potions, and Hyper Potions did not work during battle

                    • Fixed the compatibility patch with the Forge version of Carry On due to a bug on the mod, the Fabric version was unchanged and is still compatible.

                    • Added the ability to place Berries on modded Farmland blocks.

                    • Shouldered Pokémon now hop off when selected in team and R is pressed. This also is in effect in battles leading to shouldered Pokémon jumping of the shoulder of the trainer when it is their turn.

                    • Made more items compostable and changed the process for making items compostable.

                    • Added the ability for Hoppers to fill Brewing Stands with Medicinal Brews and Potions.

                    • Apricorn blocks are now flammable. Probably should have started that way, but we got there.

                    • The default pose for Pokémon being passengers is now "standing".

                    • Fixed issue where some IVs were changing every time a player logged back in.

                    • Fixed advancement crash from bad datapack evolution data.

                    • Fixed global influences being applied to TickingSpawners twice.

                    • Reverted the default SpawningSelector back to FlatContextWeightedSelector. This fixes multiple weight related issues, including weights with SpawningInfluences.

                    • Apricorn Planting advancement should work again.

                    • Advancement "Vivillonaire" should now allow High Plains and Icy Snow Vivillon to register.

                    • Fixed the last battle critical hits evolution requirement not working.

                    • Fixed the damage taken evolution requirement not saving progress.

                    • Fixed the defeated Pokémon evolution requirement not saving progress.

                    • Fixed potion brewing recipes not showing up JEI and similar mods on the Forge version.

                    • Fixed an exploit that could convert a single piece of Blaze Powder into an extra Medicinal Brew on the Forge version.

                    • Fixed an issue where health percentages would show incorrectly after healing

                    • Fixed the move Revival Blessing not allowing you to select from fainted party members.

                    • Fixed villagers not being able to pick up and plant mint seeds, vivichoke seeds, and revival herbs.

                    • Fixed Exeggcute faint.

                    • Fixed various spawn configuration issues across the board.

                    • Fixed a possible visual duplication of sent out Pokémon.

                    • Fixed battle text for Trace, Receiver, and Power of Alchemy.

                    • Fixed tooltips being appended too late in items.

                    • Fixed battles ending background music when battle music is not present.

                    • Fixed battles ending background music, instead of pausing, when battle music is played.

                    • Fixed a bunch of regionals to actually be obtainable, namely the unmodelled ones

                    • Fixed battle text for moves that were missing.

                    • Fixed a formatting error that affected Pokémon nicknames when the storage type is JSON.

                    • Fixed a crash that could occur on some servers relating to chunk loading and teleporting.

                    • Fixed an issue with Inkay's evolution requirement.

                    • Fixed conflicting evolution requirements that would cause the Ocean, River, Sun, and Tundra variants of Vivillon to be unobtainable through evolution.

                    • Fixed the Modern variant of Vivillon not being obtainable through evolution.

                    • Fixed Pokémon pathing through berry bushes, harming themselves in the process.


                    • Fixed the SpawnEvent not respecting usage of Cancelable#cancel.

                    • Added the EvolutionTestedEvent, this allows listening and overriding the final result of evolution requirement tests.

                    • Added utility script that can be used to generate all Spawn JSONS for all pokemon from the spawning spreadsheet in 1 click (cobblemon_spawn_csv_to_json.py).

                    • The HeldItemManager has a new method shouldConsumeItem, this will return false by default to prevent breaking changes, see the documentation and update your implementations as needed.

                    • Added and implemented minSkyLight and maxSkyLight as config options for SpawnConditions

                    • Player specific battle themes can now be assigned to PlayerData#battleTheme.

                    • Changed design of BattleStartedPreEvent. Will now expose the PokemonBattle.

                    Datapack & Resourcepack Creators

                    • Added 3 new item tags: cobblemon:held/consumed_in_npc_battle, cobblemon:held/consumed_in_pvp_battle & cobblemon:held/consumed_in_wild_battle these will determine which items get consumed in the implied battle types by Cobblemon, keep in mind the controller for this behaviour can be overriden by 3rd party.

                    • Unique wild encounter themes can now be associated with a specific species (or form) by assigning a SoundEvent identifier to the battleTheme field in the species' data configuration.

                    • Added a structure evolution condition, used to check if a Pokémon is in a given structure.


                    • Updated translations for:

                      • French and Canadian French

                      • Simplified and Traditional Chinese

                      • Spanish and Mexican Spanish

                      • Pirate English

                      • German

                      • Thai

                      • Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese

                      • Polish

                      • Italian

                      • Dutch

                      • Ukrainian

                      • Russian



                    1.4.0 - The Friends and Farms Update(October 13th,2023)


                    • Added pasture blocks, used to let your PC Pokémon roam around an area.

                    • Added nicknaming from the summary menu of a Pokémon (click their name).

                    • Added trading between players. Press R while looking at another player and you'll figure the rest out.

                    • Added mints for changing Pokémon stats. These are most commonly found at high altitudes.

                    • Added Revival Herbs, with pep-up flowers when fully grown, growing in lush caves.

                    • Added Medicinal Leeks, growing on the surface of rivers and ponds. It is a potion ingredient and can be cooked as food!.

                    • Added Big Roots, generating from cave ceiling dirt which sometimes spread as energy roots.

                    • Added 69 Berry Trees and Berries. Some are found in village farms, some from planting different berries close to each other.

                    • Added mulches: Mulch Base, Growth Mulch, Surprise Mulch, Coarse Mulch, Humid Mulch, Rich Mulch, Loamy Mulch, Peat Mulch, and Sandy Mulch

                    • Added Vivichokes, obtainable from wandering villager trades and some loot chests.

                    • Added medicine brewing using medicinal leeks and berries in brewing stands.

                    • Added Pokémon cries when in battles and being sent out.

                    • Added medicinal items: Berry Juice, Heal Powder, Remedy, Fine Remedy, Superb Remedy, Revive, Max Revive, Potion, Super Potion, Hyper Potion, Max Potion, Full Restore, Full Heal, Antidote, Awakening, Burn Heal, Ice Heal, and Paralyze Heal.

                    • Added battle items: X Attack, X Defence, X Sp.Atk, X Sp.Def, X Speed, Dire Hit, and Guard Spec.

                    • Added EV items: Power Anklet, Power Band, Power Belt, Power Bracelet, Power Lens, Power Weight.

                    • Added food items: Roasted Leek, Leek and Potato Stew, Braised Vivichoke, and Vivichoke Dip

                    • Added evolution items: Auspicious Armor and Malicious Armor, which can be used to evolve Charcadet into Armarouge or Ceruledge respectively.

                    • Added (mostly brewing) recipes for HP Up, Protein, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Carbos, PP Up, PP Max, and Medicinal Leek to Magenta Dye.

                    • Added held items: Bright Powder, Destiny Knot

                    • Added AI for Nosepass to point towards world spawn when idle. We just think it's neat.

                    • Added shoulder mounting for Mimikyu.

                    • Added flying placeholder animations to Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Golbat, Crobat, Scyther, Scizor, Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Dragonite, Rowlet, Dartrix, and Decidueye.

                    • Added loot to various vanilla chest loot tables (Link Cable in Ancient Cities, Woodland Mansions, End Cities, and Igloos, Vivichoke Seeds in Jungle Temples, Dungeons, and Plains, Savanna, Snowy, and Taiga Villages, and all 7 Apricorn Sprouts in Desert, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, and Taiga Villages, as well as the Bonus Chest, which can also have 5 of the basic Poké Ball types)

                    • Added a doShinyStarters gamerule to make it quick and easy to be offered shiny starters.

                    • Added a doPokemonLoot gamerule to toggle Pokémon dropping items/exp on death.

                    • Added ability activation announcement when in battle.

                    • Added animations for Wailord and made it BIGGER.

                    • Added Cherry Torterra variant.

                    • Added 2 new face spots for Spinda. The number of unique Spindas increases...

                    • Added Forretress Shulker variant.

                    • Added the /teststore <player> <store> <properties> command allowing command block/mcfunction users to query a party, PC or both for Pokémon matching specific properties and returning the match count, this will be a cheat command in the Minecraft permission system or use the permission cobblemon.command.teststore if a permission mod is present.

                    • Added the /querylearnset <player> <slot> <move> command allowing command block/mcfunction users to query a party slot and check if the Pokémon can learn a specific move returning a 1 if yes otherwise 0, this will be a cheat command in the Minecraft permission system or use the permission cobblemon.command.querylearnset if a permission mod is present.

                    • Added the /testpcslot <player> <slot> <properties> command allowing command block/mcfunction users to query a pc slot and check if the Pokémon matches specific properties returning a 1 if yes otherwise 0, this will be a cheat command in the Minecraft permission system or use the permission cobblemon.command.testpcslot if a permission mod is present.

                    • Added the /testpartyslot <player> <slot> <properties> command allowing command block/mcfunction users to query a party slot and check if the Pokémon matches a specific properties returning a 1 if yes otherwise 0, this will be a cheat command in the Minecraft permission system or use the permission cobblemon.command.testpartyslot if a permission mod is present.

                    • Added the /clearparty <player> command for emptying a player's party.

                    • Added the /clearpc <player> command for emptying a player's PC.

                    • Added the /pokemonrestart <reset_starters> and the /pokemonrestartother <player> <reset_starters> command allowing command block/mcfunction users to reset a players Pokémon data.

                    • Chikorita

                    • Bayleef

                    • Meganium

                    • Totodile

                    • Croconaw

                    • Feraligatr

                    • Cyndaquil

                    • Quilava

                    • Typhlosion

                    • Spinarak

                    • Ariados

                    • Shuckle

                    • Chinchou

                    • Lanturn

                    • Aipom

                    • Gligar

                    • Hoothoot

                    • Noctowl

                    • Mareep

                    • Flaaffy

                    • Ampharos

                    • Sudowoodo

                    • Snubbull

                    • Granbull

                    • Phanpy

                    • Donphan

                    • Teddiursa

                    • Ursaring

                    • Taillow

                    • Swellow

                    • Relicanth

                    • Duskull

                    • Dusclops

                    • Shroomish

                    • Breloom

                    • Cacnea

                    • Cacturne

                    • Poochyena

                    • Mightyena

                    • Wingull

                    • Pelipper

                    • Numel

                    • Camerupt

                    • Clamperl

                    • Huntail

                    • Gorebyss

                    • Surskit

                    • Masquerain

                    • Chimecho

                    • Barboach

                    • Whiscash

                    • Volbeat

                    • Illumise

                    • Zigzagoon

                    • Linoone

                    • Ralts

                    • Kirlia

                    • Gardevoir

                    • Nincada

                    • Ninjask

                    • Shedinja

                    • Beldum

                    • Metang

                    • Metagross

                    • Carnivine

                    • Shinx

                    • Luxio

                    • Luxray

                    • Ambipom

                    • Gliscor

                    • Dusknoir

                    • Chingling

                    • Bonsly

                    • Chatot

                    • Combee

                    • Vespiquen

                    • Buizel

                    • Floatzel

                    • Starly

                    • Staravia

                    • Staraptor

                    • Gallade

                    • Bouffalant

                    • Roggenrola

                    • Boldore

                    • Gigalith

                    • Venipede

                    • Whirlipede

                    • Scolipede

                    • Yamask

                    • Cofagrigus

                    • Patrat

                    • Watchog

                    • Lillipup

                    • Herdier

                    • Stoutland

                    • Cottonee

                    • Whimsicott

                    • Pidove

                    • Tranquill

                    • Unfezant

                    • Timburr

                    • Gurdurr

                    • Conkeldurr

                    • Scatterbug

                    • Spewpa

                    • Vivillon

                    • Skrelp

                    • Dragalge

                    • Bunnelby

                    • Diggersby

                    • Phantump

                    • Trevenant

                    • Fletchling

                    • Fletchinder

                    • Talonflame

                    • Wishiwashi

                    • Cutiefly

                    • Ribombee

                    • Stufful

                    • Bewear

                    • Comfey

                    • Alolan Exeggutor

                    • Alolan Raichu

                    • Alolan Meowth

                    • Alolan Persian

                    • Komala

                    • Wimpod

                    • Golisopod

                    • Crabrawler

                    • Crabominable

                    • Mudbray

                    • Mudsdale

                    • Arrokuda

                    • Barraskewda

                    • Nickit

                    • Thievul

                    • Falinks

                    • Galarian Farfetch'd

                    • Sirfetch'd

                    • Rookidee

                    • Corvisquire

                    • Corviknight

                    • Galarian Ponyta

                    • Galarian Rapidash

                    • Yamper

                    • Boltund

                    • Galarian Zigzagoon

                    • Galarian Linoone

                    • Obstagoon

                    • Galarian Meowth

                    • Perrserker

                    • Ursaluna

                    • Sprigatito

                    • Floragato

                    • Meowscarada

                    • Fuecoco

                    • Crocalor

                    • Skeledirge

                    • Quaxly

                    • Quaxwell

                    • Quaquaval

                    • Flittle

                    • Espathra

                    • Garganacl

                    • Fidough

                    • Dachsbun

                    • Armarouge

                    • Ceruledge

                    • Cetoddle

                    • Cetitan

                    • Shroodle

                    • Grafaiai

                    • Tandemaus

                    • Maushold

                    • Varoom

                    • Revavroom

                    • Squawkabilly

                    • Glimmet

                    • Glimmora

                    • Annihilape

                    • Tinkatink

                    • Tinkatuff

                    • Tinkaton

                    • Maschiff

                    • Mabosstiff

                    • Lechonk

                    • Oinkologne

                    • Paldean Wooper

                    • Clodsire

                    • Removed the existing shoulder effects from Pokémon until we have more balanced versions of them (they're too powerful!)

                    • Updated models and textures of Weedle, Dwebble and Crustle, Spiritomb, Koffing and Weezing, Kadabra and Alakazam, Emolga, Oshawott, Doduo and Dodrio, Dratini and Dragonair and Dragonite, Sneasel and Weavile, Gyarados, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, Chesnaught, Spinda, Mamoswine, Steelix, Misdreavus and Mismagius, Buneary and Lopunny, Golduck, Meowth and Persian, Fennekin and Braixen and Delphox, Snivy and Servine and Serperior, Ratatta and Raticate, Nidorina and Nidoqueen, Nidoran Male and Nidoking, Riolu and Lucario, Haunter and Gengar, Mankey and Primeape, Mew and Mewtwo, Arcanine, Magnemite and Magneton and Magnezone, Exeggcute and Exeggutor, Elekid and Electabuzz and Electivire, Pichu and Pikachu and Raichu, Wooper, Drowzee and Hypno, Aerodactyl, Spearow and Fearow, Lickitung and Lickilicky, Pidgey and Pidgeotto and Pidgeot, Scyther and Scizor and Kleavor, Popplio and Brionne and Primarina, Torchic and Combusken and Blaziken, Happiny and Chansey and Blissey.

                    • Updated animations for Steelix, Turtwig and Grotle and Torterra, Ponyta and Rapidash, Piplup and Prinplup and Empoleon, Drowzee and Hypno, Farfetch'd, Exeggcute and Exeggutor, Bidoof, Chimecho, Lickitung and Lickilicky, Popplio and Brionne, Luvdisc, Chimchar and Monferno and Infernape, Sobble and Drizzile and Inteleon, Greninja, Heatmor, Aerodactyl, Ditto, Lotad and Lombre and Ludicolo, Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist.

                    • Updated sprites for EV medicines, the rare candy, and the apricorn door item.

                    • Updated textures for apricorn doors and all the evolution stone ores.

                    • Ponyta and Rapidash now have animated textures; they look insane.

                    • Updated Apricorn Leaves color.

                    • Wild Pokémon now heal if you are defeated by them or flee from them.

                    • Doubled the default time between ambient Pokémon cries (they have cries if you're using a resource pack to add them)

                    • Moved spawn attempts per tick to a config option (ticksBetweenSpawnAttempts)

                    • PCs can now be waterlogged

                    • Starter selection prompt now appears as a tutorial-esque toast instead of plain text

                    • Reorganised the advancements recipes folder

                    • Pokéedit command now supports IVs and EVs.

                    • Reorganised creative categories

                    • Pokémon can now wander into non-solid blocks such as foliage

                    • Thrown Poké Balls now despawn after 30 seconds so that they don't fly forever.

                    • Dive Balls will now have the same motion speed underwater as if they were thrown in the air.

                    • Hardcoded potion shoulder effects have been removed. You can now use any potion vanilla or otherwise with the parameters you'd like, for more information see the Datapack & Resourcepack Creators section.

                    • Clicking categories of the Stat subsection or the party reorder button in the Summary screen will now produce a click sound.

                    • Updated PC Recipe.

                    • Improved Pokémon AI and movement.

                    • Friendship will slowly increase when Pokémon are shoulder-mounted.

                    • Master Balls are now unable to be burned when dropped into fire/lava. They're made from stronger stuff.

                    • Pokémon will appear red when hurt, like regular entities, except when they're fainting.

                    • Pokémon's air meter no longer depletes while battling underwater.

                    • Sleeping partially restores PP of Pokémon

                    • Shoulder mounts now match the shoulder position a bit more accurately when sneaking.

                    • Poison Heal will now cause poisoned Pokémon to heal outside of battle.

                    • Updated Poké Ball, PC, UI, evolution and Healing Machine sounds.

                    • All starters and their evolutions

                    • Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree

                    • Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill

                    • Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot

                    • Rattata, Raticate

                    • Spearow, Fearow

                    • Ekans, Arbok

                    • Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, Alolan Raichu

                    • Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable

                    • Mankey, Primeape, Annihilape

                    • Ponyta, Rapidash, Galarian Ponyta, Galarian Rapidash

                    • Farfetch'd, Galarian Farfetch'd, Sirfetch'd

                    • Onix, Steelix

                    • Tauros

                    • Ditto

                    • Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon

                    • Hoothoot, Noctowl

                    • Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos

                    • Aipom, Ambipom

                    • Wooper, Quagsire, Clodsire

                    • Snubbull, Granbull

                    • Miltank

                    • Poochyena, Mightyena

                    • Taillow, Swellow

                    • Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade

                    • Shroomish, Breloom

                    • Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja

                    • Buneary, Lopunny

                    • Chingling

                    • Chatot

                    • Riolu, Lucario

                    • Pidove, Tranquill, Unfezant

                    • Roggenrola, Boldore, Gigalith

                    • Venipede, Whirlipede, Scolipede

                    • Maractus

                    • Dwebble, Crustle

                    • Yamask, Cofagrigus

                    • Bunnelby, Diggersby

                    • Fletchling, Fletchinder, Talonflame

                    • Scatterbug, Spewpa, Vivillon

                    • Honedge, Doublade, Aegislash

                    • Skrelp, Dragalge

                    • Phantump, Trevenant

                    • Pumpkaboo, Gourgeist

                    • Bergmite, Avalugg

                    • Mudbray, Mudsdale

                    • Stufful, Bewear

                    • Mimikyu

                    • Rookidee, Corvisquire, Corviknight

                    • Nickit, Thievul

                    • Wooloo, Dubwool

                    • Yamper, Boltund

                    • Tandemaus

                    • Fidough, Dachsbun

                    • Squawkabilly

                    • Nacli, Naclstack, Garganacl

                    • Charcadet, Armarouge, Ceruledge

                    • Maschiff, Mabosstiff

                    • Shroodle, Grafaiai

                    • Flittle, Espathra

                    • Tinkatink, Tinkatuff, Tinkaton

                    • Varoom, Revavroom

                    • Glimmet, Glimmora

                    • Cetoddle, Cetitan

                    • Tatsugiri

                    • Fixed spawning moon phase dependent Pokémon only when the moon phase is wrong (that's a funny woopsy)

                    • Fixed large Pokémon spawning partially inside walls where they suffocate.

                    • Fixed custom Pokémon in your party or PC not being removed when the addon is removed, causing major issues.

                    • Fixed messages for entry hazards, screens, weather, damage, healing, Tailwind, Perish Song, Destiny Bond, Shed Skin, Uproar, Forewarn, Disguise, Arena Trap, Yawn, Curse, Clamp, Whirlpool, Liquid Ooze, Miracle Eye, Safeguard, Magic Bounce, Lock On, Focus Energy, Confusion, and more.

                    • Fixed Porygon not evolving with an Upgrade.

                    • Fixed super sized Pumpkaboo not having any moves.

                    • Fixed Infernape look animation.

                    • Fixed Garchomp T-posing while swimming which was very funny.

                    • Fixed a bug that caused sleeping Pokémon to stay asleep. Forever. The years passing them by as they dream of a world without hate...

                    • Fixed a bug that would freeze a battle when a Pokémon gets trapped by an ability, making the trap abilities even scarier and trap-like than they were before.

                    • Fixed the Poké Ball close animation canceling whenever colliding with a block.

                    • Fixed lighting and Pokémon label issues when a Pokémon item frame is nearby.

                    • Fixed Pokémon being able to spawn outside the world border as a tease.

                    • Fixed deepslate water stone ore items looking like deepslate fire stone ores. Huh?

                    • Fixed a bunch of client-side logging errors when Pokémon are shoulder mounted. You didn't notice? Good.

                    • Fixed a crash when wild Pokémon have to struggle under specific circumstances.

                    • Fixed uncolored pixels on Yanma's shiny texture.

                    • Fixed apricorn tree leaves looking gross on the Fast graphics mode.

                    • Fixed hoes not breaking apricorn tree leaves any faster.

                    • Fixed Shiftry's PC model position.

                    • Fixed the /pc command not playing the opening sound.

                    • Fixed different forms of Pokémon not being able to appear as different sizes.

                    • Fixed the Healing Machine soft locking you from using others when removed by non-players.

                    • Fixed animations being sped up when using the Replay Mod.

                    • Fixed particle animations not running when a Pokémon is off-screen.

                    • Fixed Pokémon variants and layers not rendering correctly when shouldered and playing on a dedicated server, existing shoulders affected will need to be retrieved and shouldered again.

                    • Fixed shoulder effects not staying applied through situations that remove potion effects such as drinking milk.

                    • Fixed Shedinja not being able to recover naturally.

                    • Fixed Shedinja evolving to use the consumed Poké Ball and removed the held item to prevent dupes.

                    • Fixed Shedinja healing above 1 HP.

                    • Fixed Shedinja, basically.

                    • Fixed shearing Pokémon dropping 0-2 wool instead of 1-3.

                    • Fixed some alignment issues in the stat hexagon of the summary menu. OCD people rejoice.

                    • Fixed capture calculations not applying ball bonuses entirely correctly.

                    • Fixed battles soft-locking when consecutive Pokémon faint on switch-in.

                    • Fixed timing and color of battle window messages.

                    • Fixed players being able to trade, battle and let out their Pokémon while in spectator mode.

                    • Fixed Galarian Yamask not being able to evolve and by proxy the damage_taken evolution requirement.

                    • Fixed Bisharp not being able to evolve and by proxy the defeat evolution requirement.

                    • Fixed White-Striped Basculin not being able to evolve because of a broken recoil evolution requirement.

                    • Fixed Primeape, Qwilfish and Stantler not being able to evolve because of a broken use_move evolution requirement.

                    • Fixed Bramblin, Pawmo, and Rellor not being able to evolve because of a broken blocks_traveled evolution requirement.

                    • Fixed displayName property in spawn files not doing what it's meant to do.

                    • Fixed Pokémon not sleeping in the wild like we wanted them to.

                    • Added SpawnEvent, ThrownPokeballHitEvent, PokemonSentEvent, PokemonRecalledEvent.

                    • Added BattleFledEvent, BattleStartedEvent, BattleFaintedEvent.

                    • Added persistent NBT property inside Pokémon to store quick and simple data.

                    • Species and FormData have had their evolutions, pre-evolution and labels properties exposed. It is still recommended to work using a Pokémon instance when possible.

                    • Added capture check to BattleVictoryEvent.

                    • The various hardcoded potion shoulder effects have been removed, make use of PotionBaseEffect.

                    • Added ContextManager for tracking causes and contexts of conditions created during a battle. See BattleContext for types of conditions that are tracked.

                    • Added MongoDB support for storing Pokémon and Player data. Must be enabled in config, requires MongoDB core and sync drivers (4.10.0+).

                    • CobblemonShowdown updated to version 10.

                    • Generation of a battle can be set in BattleFormat.

                    • Pokémon now have teraType, dmaxLevel, and gmaxFactor properties. Gimmicks can be used during battle by adding the respective identifiers to keyItems in PlayerData: key_stone, z_ring, dynamax_band, and tera_orb. Dynamax is only supported in Gen 8 battles. Mega Evolution and Z-Power require custom held items to be added (e.g. an item with the path gengarite will allow Gengar to Mega Evolve). Currently custom Z-Crystals and Mega Stones are not supported.

                    • All potion related shoulder effects have had their IDs changed. They now all share the same type being potion_effect and use the vanilla Potion data parameters. For example, here is the converted Pidgey asset:

                      • {
                         "type": "potion_effect",
                         "effect": "minecraft:slow_falling",
                         "amplifier": 0,
                         "ambient": true,
                         "showParticles": false,
                         "showIcon": false}

                    • Renamed the walked_steps evolution requirement to blocks_traveled.

                    • Added support for scale in animations.

                    • Added support for jump keyframes (i.e. pre and post keyframes)

                    • Added structure spawning conditions

                    • Added Advancement trigger for defeating Pokémon and collecting varieties of Pokémon.

                    • Added support for "isBattle" and "isTouchingWater" properties on resource pack Pokémon poses. This allows your custom Pokémon to be posed differently when in battle.

                    • Added support for "isVisible" on a transformed part on resource pack Pokémon poses. This allows your custom Pokémon to have bones disappear in specific poses, such as hiding Greninja's throwing star when not in a battle pose.

                    • Added support for battle music. Sounds can be added to the battle.pvp.default and battle.pvw.default sound events.

                    • Added 'enabled' optional property on model layers, allowing later variations to disable previously-defined layers. See this issue for how this looks.

                    • Cobblemon items can now all have their own tooltips via resourcepacks. To add a tooltip, add a lang entry like "item.cobblemon.{item_id}.tooltip". If you want to add multiple tooltip lines you can do so with "item.cobblemon.{item_id}.tooltip_1" and upwards.

                    • Item interaction evolutions and held item requirements now support NBT by creating an object JSON containing the key item for what used to be the existing condition support and a nbt key for the NBT format, this is the string format expected in commands. Existing data does not need to be updated.

                    • Fixed faint animations not working properly in add-ons.

                    • Fixed non-existent species in spawn pool files causing random species to spawn.

                    • Added partial translations for Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Hungarian, Czech, Cyprus Greek, and even Esperanto.

                    • Updated translation for French and Canadian French, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Mexican Spanish, Pirate English, German, Thai, Turkish, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese, Ukrainian, and Russian.



                    Fixes a crash when Klink family Pokémon faint.



                    • Added Slugma, Magcargo, Nosepass, and Probopass.

                    • Elgyem family now drops Chorus Fruit, Geodude family now drops Black Augurite.

                    • Added missing spawn files for Golett and Bergmite family.

                    • Apricorns can now be smelted into dyes.

                    • Added animations to Staryu line and Porygon line.

                    • Added faint animations to Klink line.

                    • Add lava surface spawn preset.

                    • Added an any evolution requirement allowing you to define possibilities of other evolution requirements, for example, this allows you to create an evolution that requires the Pokémon to be shiny or a female.

                    • Added the /spawnpokemonfrompool [amount] or /forcespawn [amount] command to spawn Pokémon(s) in the surrounding area using the natural spawn rates/pool of that area, this will be a cheat command in the Minecraft permission system or use the permission cobblemon.command.spawnpokemon if a permission mod is present. On a successful execution of the command, the amount of Pokémon spawned will be the output.

                    • Added the /pokebox and /pokeboxall commands to move Pokemon(s) to the PC from a Player's party, this will be a cheat command in the Minecraft permission system or use the permission cobblemon.command.pokebox if a permission mod is present. On a successful execution of the command the output will be the number of pokemon moved to the Player's PC.

                    • Added the /pc command which opens up the PC UI the same way interacting with the block would, this will be a cheat command in the Minecraft permission system or use the permission cobblemon.command.pc if a permission mod is present.


                    • You can now click the portraits of other Pokémon in the starter selection screen to navigate directly to them.

                    • You can now click the right and left arrow keys to navigate PC boxes.

                    • Link Cables will now require Pokémon to hold any held item normally required for their evolution.

                    • After a battle, the last Pokémon used now becomes the selected one in your party.

                    • The /teach command can now only allow the Pokémon to be given moves in their learnset, this can be controlled with the permission cobblemon.command.teach.bypass, to account for that change the base command now requires the permission cobblemon.command.teach.base, this change is meant only for people using a mod capable of providing permissions such as LuckPerms.

                    • Apricorns will no longer collide with their block form when picked, this should improve the experience in automatic farms.

                    • Increased spawn chances for many Pokémon requiring specific blocks to be nearby.

                    • Put Cryogonal in more snowy biomes.

                    • Ditto as well as the Eevee, Gible, and Riolu families have been made more common.

                    • Lowered spawn rate of Gyarados on the surface of water.

                    • Apricorn leaves can now be used in the Composter block, these have the same chance to raise the compost pile the Minecraft leaves do.

                    • Updated Gengar's model and texture.

                    • Updated Swinub line model and animations.

                    • Tweaked portrait frames for the Pidgey line and for Walking Wake.

                    • Changed all buff shoulder effects to only give a level 1 buff instead of level 2.

                    • Made Weavile a little bigger.

                    • Changed the recipes for Mystic Water, Miracle Seed, and Charcoal Stick to utilise the evolution stones, as well as Never-Melt Ice having an alternate recipe using the Ice Stone.

                    • Replaced the Failed to handle battle messages to Missing interpretation to make it more clear that mechanics do work just still pending dedicated messages.


                    • Fixed killing a Dodrio killing your game. Dodrio will never look the same to us.

                    • Fixed non-Fire-type Pokémon being immune to lava.

                    • Fixed custom Pokémon not being usable in battle, properly. A last minute fix caused this to break again; what are these devs not paid for?

                    • Fixed being locked in an endless healing queue if you broke the healing machine during use.

                    • Fixed an issue with the experience calculation when the Exp. Share is held.

                    • Fixed Friendship-based attacks not using friendship values from your Pokémon.

                    • Fixed Link Cables consuming held items they shouldn't due to not validating the held item of a Pokémon.

                    • Fixed a crash when Aromatherapy cured the status of party members.

                    • Fixed moves learnt on evolution not being given when said evolution happens. If you were affected by this issue your existing Pokémon will now be able to relearn those moves.

                    • Fixed console spam when rendering Pokémon model items.

                    • Fixed battle messages for 50+ moves and abilities and items.

                    • Fixed the possible duplicate when capturing Pokémon (probably, this one's hard to reproduce to confirm it's fixed).

                    • Previously duplicated Pokémon are cleaned from PCs and parties on restart.

                    • Fixed an issue with some particle effects applying after a Pokémon has died or on top of the wrong Pokémon when using specific mods.

                    • Fixed Pokémon not looking at each other in battle.

                    • Fixed Experience Candy and Experience Share attempting to bring Pokémon above level cap causing crashes.

                    • Fixed level 100 Pokémon having experience go over the cap total amount they should have.

                    • Fixed /pokemonspawnat having the argument positions reverted making it impossible for Brigadier to understand when to suggest coordinates. It is now the intended /spawnpokemonat <pos> <properties>.

                    • Fixed performance issues with shouldered Pokémon in certain systems.

                    • Fixed learnset issues for Pokémon whose only modern debut was LGPE/BDSP/LA.

                    • Fixed shiny Zubat, Grimer, Omanyte, Elgyem, Delphox and Aegislash displaying their normal texture.

                    • Fixed sleeping in beds allowing fainted Pokémon to receive experience after a battle ends somehow.

                    • Fixed an issue where a Pokémon will claim to have learnt a new move they already have in their moveset when learnt at an earlier level in their previous evolution. I realize that's confusing.

                    • Fixed Dispensers not being able to shear Wooloo. This will also extend to other mods that check if an entity is valid to shear.

                    • Fixed the currently held item of your Pokémon not dropping to the ground when removing it if your inventory was full.

                    • Fixed creative mode allowing you to make your Pokémon hold more than 1 of the same item.

                    • Fixed a Pokémon duplication glitch when teleporting between worlds.

                    • Fixed dedicated servers being able to reload Cobblemon data with the vanilla /reload command causing unintended behavior for clients.

                    • Fixed underground Pokémon spawning above ground.

                    • Fixed Pokémon portrait not reverting back to the Pokémon after a failed capture during battle.

                    • Fixed edge texture artifacts on pane elements for Tentacool and Tentacruel models.

                    • Fixed crash caused by Pokémon pathing

                    • Fixed Pokémon not returning to their balls when being healed in a healing machine

                    • Fixed all Gen IX Pokémon as well as forms added in PLA and Wyrdeer, Kleavor, Ursaluna, Basculegion, Sneasler, Overqwil, and Enamorus having 0 exp yields.

                    • Fixed Irons Leaves having bluetooth back legs. If you saw it, you know what I mean.

                    • Fixed Golurk not having shoulder plates on its shoulders.

                    • Fixed some water Pokémon walking onto land from the water even though they are fish.

                    • Fixed Porygon2 and PorygonZ being too small.

                    • Fixed Snivy line head look animation.

                    • Fixed Staryu line not being able to swim.

                    • Fixed an incompatibility with Thorium patch for MC-84873.

                    • Fixed Pidgeotto wings when walking.

                    • Fixed Delphox walk animation.

                    • Fixed Froakie line sleep animations in battle.

                    • Fixed Pokémon missing the non-level up moves they could relearn when rejoining a world until a new move was added to their relearn list.

                    • Fixed instantly fleeing from Pokémon set to be unfleeable.

                    • Fixed Pumpkaboo line forms not working. (Currently sizes aren't visual but check base stats to see which size you have.)

                    • Fixed a bug that caused already interpreted messages for moves to be mistaken as uninterpreted.


                    • Add events that are fired just before and after a Pokémon is released (ReleasePokemonEvent.Pre and .Post)


                    • Added complete translations for Japanese, Thai, and Canadian French.

                    • Added partial translations for Russian, Ukrainian, Mexican Spanish, and Korean.

                    • Updated every existing language's translation.

                    • All the translators that contributed are amazing.


                    The Foundation Update


                    • Upgraded Fabric API dependence to 0.75.1+1.19.2

                    • Upgraded Architectury API dependence to 6.5.69

                    • Cobblemon Forge now depends on Kotlin for Forge.


                    • Added new models and animations for Poké Balls and reworked their mechanics to feel much smoother instead of being pure frustration.

                    • Added party scrolling via holding R and using the mouse wheel so you don't need to take your hand off your mouse.

                    • Added a cap of Pokémon spawns in an area because waiting a while made things insane. This is controlled by a new config option.pokemonPerChunk

                    • Added models and animations for heaps of Pokémon (101): Riolu, Lucario, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra, Popplio, Brionne, Primarina, Treeko, Grovyle, Sceptile, Snivy, Servine, Serperior, Tepig, Pignite, Emboar, Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott, Grookey, Thwackey, Rillaboom, Scorbunny, Raboot, Cinderace, Sobble, Drizzile, Inteleon, Fennekin, Braixen, Delphox, Froakie, Frogadier, Greninja, Chespin, Quilladin, Chesnaught, Miltank, Torkoal, Kricketot, Kricketune, Heatmor, Durant, Wooloo, Dubwool, Pumpkaboo, Gourgeist, Sigilyph, Cryogonal, Whismur, Loudred, Exploud, Misdreavus, Mismagius, Tatsugiri, Eiscue, Luvdisc, Stantler, Wyrdeer, Gible, Gabite, Garchomp, Sneasel, Weavile, Elgyem, Beheeyem, Baltoy, Claydol, Nacli, Naclstack, Alcremie, Milcery, Dhelmise, Morelull, Shiinotic, Xerneas, Klink, Klang, Klinklang, Joltik, Galvantula, Honedge, Duoblade, Aegislash, Spiritomb, Mawile, Carvanha, Sharpedo, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Pineco, Forretress, and Spinda.

                    • Added generation 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 Starter Pokémon to the starter select screen.

                    • Added particle effect support for model animations

                    • Added particle effect and animation for Gastly.

                    • Added sleep and faint animations to many Pokémon.

                    • Added item holding for Pokémon. Any Minecraft item can be given to a Pokémon by holding shift and right-clicking them. Traditional Pokémon held items will have their expected battle effects.

                    • Added heaps of held items with crafting recipes: Assault Vest, Big Root, Black Belt, Black Sludge, Charcoal, Choice Band, Choice Scarf, Choice Specs, Dragon Fang, Exp. Share, Focus Band, Hard Stone, Heavy-Duty Boots, Leftovers, Light Clay, Lucky Egg, Magnet, Miracle Seed, Muscle Band, Mystic Water, Never-Melt Ice, Poison Barb, Quick Claw, Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Sharp Beak, Silk Scarf, Silver Powder, Soft Sand, Spell Tag, Twisted Spoon, and Wise Glasses.

                    • Added heaps of evolution items with crafting recipes: Milcery's sweets items, Chipped Pot, Cracked Pot, Deep Sea Scale, Deep Sea Tooth, Dragon Scale, Galarica Cuff, Galarica Wreath, Peat Block, Prism Scale, Razor Claw, Razor Fang, Reaper Cloth, Sachet, Sweet Apple, Tart Apple, and Whipped Dream.

                    • Existing evolution items all now either have a crafting recipe or drop from Pokémon.

                    • Added the Item tags and allowing you to mark any items you desire to have the effects implied in the tag name.cobblemon:held/experience_sharecobblemon:held/lucky_egg

                    • Added an interface that appears when interacting with your Pokémon while sneaking. The interface allows for interactive options such as shouldering and exchanging held items.

                    • Added blinking animations to many Pokémon.

                    • Added animated texture support.

                    • Added translucent option for aspect layers.

                    • Added glowing textures to many Pokémon and it looks amazing.

                    • Added the Saturation shoulder effect.

                    • Added the Haste shoulder effect, initially for Joltik.

                    • Added the Water Breathing shoulder effect, initially for Wooper.

                    • Added the Speed shoulder effect, initially for Pichu and Pikachu.

                    • Dispensers can now use shears to automatically harvest fully grown Apricorns.

                    • Added milking to Miltank.

                    • Added shearing to Wooloo and Dubwool.

                    • Added data for generation 9 Pokémon species, moves, and ability data. They're all still Substitute models, but their moves and abilities work.

                    • Added support for custom Pokémon to implement 'quirks' such as blinks.

                    • Added sound effect for harvesting Apricorns.

                    • Added icon to summary and PC interfaces to indicated if a Pokémon is shiny.

                    • Added the command, the argument uses the same syntax as the Minecraft summon command./spawnpokemonat <pos> <properties>pos

                    • Added the command which is definitely safe and not insane./giveallpokemon

                    • Added compatibility with Carry On by preventing the mod being able to interact with Cobblemon entities, the mod caused too many gameplay detrimental features to stay enabled.

                    • Added healing to your party when you sleep in a bed.

                    • Added the Pokémon Property so commands can specify the ability.ability

                    • Added block tag support to the and spawn condition.neededBaseBlocksneededNearbyBlocks

                    • Added a config option for disallowing players from damaging Pokémon by hand.

                    • Apricorn seeds can now be used with the Composter, these have the layer increase chance of 65% like Apricorns and various Minecraft crops.

                    • Added support for Pokémon species data appending making it so datapack developers no longer need to overwrite files.

                    • Added an implementation of every catch rate from generation 1 to 9, these can be used by changing the config value:captureCalculator

                    • generation_1 Sets the calculator to the generation 1 implementation.

                    • generation_2 Sets the calculator to the generation 2 implementation.

                    • generation_2_fixed Sets the calculator to the generation 2 implementation with the status multiplier bug fixed.

                    • generation_3_4 Sets the calculator to the generation 3 and 4 implementation.

                    • generation_5 Sets the calculator to the generation 5 implementation.

                    • generation_6 Sets the calculator to the generation 6 implementation.

                    • generation_7 Sets the calculator to the generation 7 implementation.

                    • generation_8 Sets the calculator to the generation 8 implementation.

                    • generation_9 Sets the calculator to the generation 9 implementation.

                    • cobblemon Sets the calculator to the custom Cobblemon implementation. This is the default value.

                    • debug Sets the calculator to the debug/cheat implementation, every attempt will be a successful critical capture.


                    • Pokémon now save to the world by default, meaning the same Pokémon will remain in the world and not disappear after you log out and log back in. They still despawn over time though.

                    • Significantly sped up the Poké Ball shake animation so it takes less time to try to catch Pokémon.

                    • Update the PC and Healing Machine models and bounding boxes.

                    • The Healing Machine and PC now emit light when fully charged or when turned on respectively.

                    • The PC block screen will now turn on when being used.

                    • The Healing Machine will now visually display its charge level using 6 stages.

                    • The Healing Machine will now emit a redstone signal with the strength of 1 for every 10% charge it has when attached to a Redstone Comparator.

                    • Made it so that particles are not shown whenever you have a shoulder Pokémon that gives potion effects.

                    • Changed hitbox and size definitions for Decidueye, Blastoise, and Magmortar.

                    • Apricorns can now be harvested with Axes, the speed will scale with enchantments and tool material, only dropping the Apricorn if fully grown, these will still destroy the Apricorn so the manual harvest still is recommended unless you're just keen on destroying trees.

                    • Apricorns are now a part of the vanilla tag .minecraft:blocks/mineable/axe

                    • Apricorns are now compatible with any mod that breaks a whole tree at once.

                    • Apricorns no longer have a config value for the seed drop chance these are now a part of their loot table which can be found in .cobblemon/loot_tables/blocks/<color>_apricorn.json

                    • Advancements were redone to be slightly more interesting, with improved names, descriptions, and sorting.

                    • Updated models and textures for Tentacool line, Gengar, Slowpoke line, Tyrogue line, Doduo line, Dratini, Dragonair, Quagsire, and Piplup line. There were probably others, the team lost track.

                    • Improved sending out Pokémon at the start of battle so that they are positioned in a less annoying way.

                    • Name Tags will no longer be used on Pokémon and Poke Ball entities, this prevents the item from being wasted.

                    • Lowered spawn rate of Tauros.

                    • Sableye now spawns near gem ores as well as amethyst.

                    • Added evolution stones and items to item tags.


                    • Fixed catch rates being entirely too difficult.

                    • Fixed various strange battle issues such as Flying types being vulnerable to Ground type moves and status effects hitting despite vulnerabilities.

                    • Fixed shiny Gyarados not using the red Gyarados texture.

                    • Improved the framing of all in-game Pokémon in the party and PC GUIs so they aren't halfway out of the screen or something else crazy.

                    • Fixed incompatibility with Kotlin for Forge (by depending on Kotlin for Forge ourselves).

                    • Fixed Gengar, Goodra, and many other Pokémon showing the types of an alternate form despite those not being modelled yet.

                    • Fixed datapack Pokémon not being able to battle.

                    • Fixed Pokémon always being created with a moveset as if they're level 1 instead of their current level.

                    • Fixed an issue of Pokémon not rendering in GUIs on some Mac displays.

                    • Fixed a soft-duplicate that could occur when a party Pokémon is pushed through a Nether Portal or left in a boat.

                    • Fixed Pokémon that faint from poison appearing to be on full health and suckering you into false hope.

                    • Fixed incorrect spawns of Tentacool, Tentacruel, Dragonite, Politoed, Tangrowth, Lickilicky, Electivire, and Magmortar.

                    • Fixed crashes involving opening the Pokémon summary GUI with an empty party.

                    • Fixed lower brightness settings causing Pokémon to appear much too dark in menus such as the party and PC.

                    • Fixed Showdown sometimes failing to start, causing crashes.

                    • Fixed Showdown initialization happening several times when you login, more depending on how many times you have relogged this session.

                    • Fixed Showdown failing to update on first attempt. We totally weren't accidentally deleting our target directory or anything, nope.

                    • Fixed HP recovery related battle actions not animating for the client nor updating the in-game Pokémon HP.

                    • Fixed moves that force a switch such as Teleport and U-Turn soft locking battles.

                    • Fixed missing battle text for Bide, Speed Boost, Belly Drum, Anger Point, and Haze.

                    • Fixed battle messages for many field effects starting, ending, and actions caused by them such as blocking certain moves.

                    • Improved battle messages for effects that prevent a move from being executed such as a Taunt, requiring a recharge, flinched, etc.

                    • Fixed move names not being translated in battle messages.

                    • Fixed stat change messages for boosts over 3 stages.

                    • Fixed experience calculation not being completely accurate.

                    • Fixed positioning of Poké Balls when rendered in Healing Machines.

                    • Fixed a desync issue on servers where all Pokémon seemed like they were special forms when they weren't.

                    • Fixed an incompatibility with Exordium.

                    • Fixed datapack Pokémon language key generation. A Pokémon under the namespace named will now correctly look for the lang key .examplePogemonexample.species.pogemon.name

                    • Fixed client not receiving messages for the different "stages" for the move Bide.

                    • Fixed the Medium Slow and Medium Fast experience group IDs, they're now and . Any custom datapack Pokémon will require an update.medium_slowmedium_fast

                    • Fixed Pokémon friendship being capped to the maximum level config value instead of the friendship one when loading Pokémon data.

                    • Fixed Poké Balls taking forever to capture Pokémon if you are underwater or up in the air where it takes a long time to hit the ground.

                    • Fixed Pokémon being unable to spawn on blocks such as snow layers.

                    • Fixed Pokémon spawning inside of trees.

                    • Fixed Pokémon experience not loading after a restart and instead going back to the minimal amount for the current level.

                    • Fixed being able to use in battle./healpokemon

                    • Fixed being able to select fainted party members in the switch menu causing the battle to lock.

                    • Fixed command not supporting any command source other than players./spawnpokemon

                    • Fixed issues with Charizard's sleep pose.

                    • Fixed players being able to use multiple healer machines at once.

                    • Fixed Pokémon layers not rendering when a Pokémon is on your shoulder.

                    • Fixed Caterpie and Weedle not moving or looking at players. That was meant to be Metapod and Kakuna; how embarrassing.

                    • Fixed Pokémon not carrying over the correct equivalent original ability when evolving from stages that only had one ability.

                    • Fixed Deerling and Sawsbuck not spawning with the correct season.

                    • Fixed issue of not being able to drag the scroll bar in summary and battle interfaces.

                    • Fixed optional aspects not saving and loading properly.

                    • Fixed layering logic so multiple texture layers can exist on a Pokémon (probably).

                    • Fixed not all Poké Balls being associated with the item tag.cobblemon:pokeballs

                    • Fixed the command not working./pokemoneditother

                    • Fixed ambient sound file path for Porygon2.

                    • Fixed forms not being able to unset the secondary type of a Pokémon in the stat JSON.

                    • Fixed moves that haven't carried over from generation 8 onwards having the description they did in the generation 8 games instead of their last valid one.


                    • Reworked CatchRateModifier, as such, existing implementations need to be updated.

                    • Fixed minimumDistanceBetweenEntities option being half of what it's set as.

                    • Fixed the contents of CobblemonEvents, CobblemonBlocks etc having getters instead of just being public static properties.

                    • Added ApricornHarvestEvent.

                    • Added a new item for representing Pokémon within native UI menus or item frames which display as the Pokémon's model. It's called a PokemonItem, with static functions to build one.


                    • Added complete translations for French, German, Simplified Mandarin, Brazilian Portuguese, and Pirate English.

                    • Added partial translations for Traditional Mandarin, Italian, and Spanish. We'd love more help with this!

                    • Thank you to all of the fantastic volunteer translators for taking the time to help with this!


                    The Customization Update


                    • Added models for Natu and Xatu, Murkrow and Honchkrow, Wailmer and Wailord.

                    • Added new PC interface and it is beautiful.

                    • Reworked the battle system so that battles load faster, cause fewer bugs, and can run on shared server hosts. This is a very big change that also reduced the size of the mod by 50mb!

                    • Added full resource pack / data pack customization of models, textures, animations, spawning, and spawn file presets to make custom Pokémon species and variations very easy to create. You can find the guide for creating custom Pokémon on our website!

                    • Added water surface spawning for Pokémon like Lapras.

                    • Added emissive texture support to Pokémon render layers.

                    • Added compatibility for Mod Menu (CurseForge, Modrinth).

                    • Added blank ambient Pokémon cries so cries can be added via resource packs.

                    • Added new sounds for GUIs and item uses.

                    • Added and options to commands such as and .naturepokeball/spawnpokemon/givepokemon


                    • Reinforced party and PC saving to make data corruption from crashes less bad.

                    • Added a config option for whether the starter config will be exported, making it more maintainable as we add starter Pokémon.

                    • Battles now start with the options menu open for convenience.

                    • Doubled the default charge rate of healers. You'd need to reset your config under to see this change!./config/cobblemon/main.json

                    • Changed the default Apricorn seed chance config value from 6% to 10%.

                    • The mod now correctly reports our dependency on Architectury API so people don't get super confused when things don't work.

                    • Pokémon now look at their opponents during battle.

                    • Updated Sableye's animations to be super freaky.

                    • Changed the healer advancements to make the healing machine's mechanics more obvious.


                    • Fixed an incompatibility with Porting Lib used by Fabric ports of mods such as Create or Twilight Forest.

                    • Fixed HP and max HP values in the battle GUI not being correct.

                    • Fixed some animations on snake-type Pokémon being super slow.

                    • Fixed a typo in the English name for Calcium. Calcuim.

                    • Fixed Pokémon gradually becoming rarer around you if you move long distances.

                    • Fixed a shoulder mount crash on Fabric.

                    • Fixed a rare issue where chunks would take a really long time to generate.

                    • Fixed a singleplayer bug where battles wouldn't work after leaving then rejoining a world.

                    • Fixed stat calculations for everything except HP. HP was fine though :).

                    • Fixed a randomized Pokémon spawning in mountains that corrupted the data of whatever party or PC it got into. Yikes.

                    • Fixed a rare crash involving literally random number generation. A random crash involving random numbers.

                    • Fixed all regular Mewtwo having the stats and types of Mega Mewtwo X - same deal with many other Pokémon.

                    • Fixed the framing of many Pokémon in GUIs.

                    • Fixed texture glitches with Rattata and Nidoqueen (again!).

                    • Fixed dropped item forms of all Poké Balls and the Healing Machine, and slightly adjusted all other display settings

                    • Fixed issues with forms not showing the correct evolution in the evolution menu.

                    • Fixed some alternate forms not having the alternate stats and types.

                    • Fixed moves that only work in double battles not being selectable at all (such as Helping Hand and Aromatic Mist).

                    • Fixed abilities not remaining legal in some forms.

                    • Fixed Poké Ball capture effects not triggering after a successful capture, such as the Heal Ball's healing effect.

                    • Fixed multiple-hit moves sending gibberish into the battle chat.

                    • Fixed Pyukumuku not being appropriately scaled.

                    • Fixed shiny and other variations of Pokémon not showing in the battle GUI.

                    • Fixed Eevee being poorly positioned and un-animated on shoulders.

                    • Fixed a Pokémon's hitbox not updating when it evolves while sent out.

                    • Fixed a Pokémon's PP going from zero to above the maximum when entering another battle.



                    • Fixed a critical issue with servers where Pokémon data didn't properly synchronize and so you couldn't see any.


                    The Swim and Sleep Update


                    Added a new GUI for viewing party information, rearranging moves, and evolving Pokémon. It looks too good.

                    Starter Pokémon will sleep on top of you if sent out when you get on a bed.

                    Added sleeping animations for starters, the Weedle family, and the Caterpie family. More to come.

                    Added Alolan Rattata and Alolan Raticate, Sableye, Deerling and Sawsbuck, and Pyukumukurutudulu or whatever it's called.

                    Added swimming AI so Pokémon don't sink to the bottom in water.

                    Aquatic Pokémon like Magikarp desperately move to water if they're on land.

                    Added status condition indicators in the party overlay.

                    Added HP labels to the battle interface so that you can see how much health you actually have.

                    Added spawn data for all final and special evolutions previously lacking spawn data.

                    Added shiny textures for many Pokémon (thank you MageFX!): Aerodactyl, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Chansey, the Dratini family, Electabuzz, Goldeen and Seaking, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee, Jynx, Kabuto and Kabutops, Magmar, Lickitung, Mr. Mime, Omanyte and Omastar, Rhyhorn and Rhydon, Koffing and Weezing, Porygon, Scyther, Seadra, Staryu and Starmie, and Tangela. Phew!

                    Added a couple of new advancements.

                    Added new items: Calcium, Carbos, HP Up, Iron, Protein, and Zinc. Currently only obtainable in Creative Mode (It's a surprise tool that will help us later).


                    Significantly improved AI pathing for larger entities so they won't keep trying to move to places they cannot possibly fit.

                    Changed the starter menu and summary menu keybinds to by default.M

                    Pokémon that are sent out slowly raise friendship. Before this it was faster and even worked when not sent out (wildly unbalanced).

                    Updated Link Cable and Protector item sprites to be prettier.

                    Slightly polished the Poké Ball opening and Poké Ball item use sounds.

                    /givepokemon random, , and will now only choose implemented Pokémon./spawnpokemon random/spawnallpokemon

                    The battle message box now displays even when the battle GUI is minimised so that you can still see what's going on.

                    Moved the prompt in battle to be higher on the screen so that it's not as distracting.R


                    Fixed shinies and form variations not displaying in the party or PC.

                    Fixed servers getting stuck on shutdown due to non-closed showdown server connections.

                    Fixed a niche situation where players could challenge themselves. It's a little inspirational if you think about it.

                    Fixed Pokémon natures not saving such that every time you restarted they had a totally different nature.

                    Fixed some underground Pokémon spawning above ground instead. I'm told other weird spawns were probably fixed at the same time.

                    Fixed Pokémon sometimes running in place. "It's still possible, but much less likely" - Yeah, ok devs.

                    Fixed mod incompatibility with many Architectury API mods, including Biome Makeover and Earth2Java.

                    Fixed a mod incompatibility with Minecraft Transit Railway Fabric and probably a bunch of other Fabric mods.

                    Fixed being unable to customize keybinds on Forge.

                    Fixed Summary keybinding being labeled as PokéNav. That comes later.

                    Fixed apricorns spawning without leaves which meant sometimes apricorns were growing on the side of dirt and stone which doesn't make much sense to me.

                    Fixed messages appearing in the console whenever a healer is used.

                    Fixed spawning in several biome tag categories.

                    Fixed resource pack support for Pokémon models and textures.

                    Model Fixes

                    Fixed Paras and Nidoqueen looking very weird.

                    Fixed Hitmonchan asserting dominance with a T-pose as well as Grimer and Muk pointing their hands to the sky.

                    Fixed specific Pokémon suddenly pausing their animation after staying still for a long time.

                    Fixed Mankey's feet being buried in the ground.

                    Updated the Substitute model and updated its shiny texture to be better for the red-green colorblind.

                    Improved Horsea, Seadra, and Kingdra animations, especially on land.

                    Battle Fixes

                    Fixed an issue with battles where Pokémon had a different max HP causing some desync issues with the health bars.

                    Fixed Magnitude battle messages.

                    Moves that are disabled or out of PP now show transparently in the battle GUI instead of being hidden completely.

                    Statuses like sleep and frozen no longer last forever if it was carried over from a previous battle.


                    Added species, ability, and move translations for , , , , , and. ko_ko jp_jp fr_fr es_es it_it zh_cn

                    • Initial release.
