


  • Added dichrome eye customization

  • 新增了自定义双色眼

  • Added player size customization

  • 新增了自定义玩家模型尺寸

  • Added advanced color picker BPI screen

  • 新增了BPI界面的高级取色器

  • Added fennec fox

  • 新增了胶液耳廓狐

  • Added partial DL wolf

  • 新增了半兽化黑胶狼

    • Try wearing a DL mask while a partial wolf

    • 这种情况下试试戴上黑胶面具

  • Added latex human

  • 新增了胶液人类

  • Added green lizard

  • 新增了绿蜥蜴

  • Added gas mask

  • 新增了防毒面具

  • Added vertical drag to tail animation

  • 为尾部动画新增了垂向阻力

  • Added double item in hand renderer (squogs and bee)

  • 新增了对乌贼犬和胶液蜜蜂额外的手持有的物品的渲染

  • Added quadrupedal armor (boots and leggings for centaurs)

  • 新增了四足盔甲作为白胶半人兽的护腿和靴子

  • Remodeled squid dogs, bee, light latex knight, knight fusion, raccoon, siren, mermaid shark, deer, yuin, centaur, and otter

  • 重制了乌贼犬、胶液蜜蜂、白胶骑士、合体白胶骑士、胶液浣熊、胶液塞壬、胶液人鱼鲨、胶液鹿、胶液Yuin、白胶半人兽和胶液水獭的模型

  • Syringes and oranges only place while crouching

  • 注射器和橘子只有在潜行状态下可以被放置

  • Removed extra hands ability, replaced with just switch hands ability

  • 移除了使用额外的手的能力,用改变可操作手的能力代替

  • Selected ability now saves

  • 现在可以保存选择的能力

  • Added advancement for killing one of each latex

  • 新增了“杀死过每一种胶兽”的进度

  • Latex containers can now fall (and break)

  • 胶液容器现在可以落下并摔坏

  • Added I-frames for just TF'd latexes (30 ticks)

  • 为刚被同化不到30刻的胶兽新增了边框

  • Improved note, clipboard, and CD editing

  • 改善了便签、纸夹板和光盘的编辑功能

  • Added /progresstransfur command, for map creation

  • 新增了“/progresstransfur”命令用于地图创建

  • Added compatibility with not enough animations

  • 新增了对更多动画(Not Enough Animations)的兼容

  • Added compatibility with supplementaries (moonlight)

  • 新增了对锦致装饰(Supplementaries)及其前置模组Moonlight Lib/Selene的兼容

  • Adjusted swim speeds for aquatics, adjusted how speed responds to friction

  • 调整了水生胶兽的游泳速度,调整了对摩擦的响应速度

  • Land variants have better friction on ice

  • 陆生胶兽在冰面上有了更好的摩擦反馈

  • Aquatic variants don't sink in water

  • 水生胶兽在水中不会自动下沉

  • Gave feline variants a jump boost, slightly reduced health

  • 猫科胶兽获得跳跃能力增强,略微减少生命上限

  • Lab doors now open for many humanoids

  • 实验室门现在对多种人形生物开启

  • Added cape layer for latexes

  • 新增了胶兽的披风图层

  • Adjusted some facility pieces

  • 调整了自然生成的废弃的兽化实验室的部分结构



  • DLs no longer drip from their mask

  • 黑胶不再从它们的面具中滴落胶液

  • Fixed first person dripping

  • 修复了第一人称视角下胶液滴落存在的问题

  • Fixed particles spawning while the game is paused

  • 修复了游戏暂停时粒子生成的问题

  • Variants that scare mobs won't be targeted in the first place

  • 能够恐吓怪物的胶兽不再被主动攻击

  • Scare-able entities now require line of sight

  • 能够受惊的实体需要看到(惊吓的来源)才会受惊

  • Fixed physics based animations jittering

  • 修复了基于物理效果的动画抖动的问题

  • Fixed BPI desync when exiting BPI menu

  • 修复了退出BPI目录时BPI不同步的问题



  • Fixed bug with KeepConsciousEvent

  • 借助KeepConsciousEvent修复了bug

  • Added FirstPersonLayer interface

  • 新增了FirstPersonLayer接口




  • Procedurally generated facility

  • 新增一种废弃的兽化实验室“设施”

    • Try /locate changed:facility

    • 试试输入指令“/locate changed:facility”

  • Reworked decayed lab placement for performance

  • 重制了废弃的兽化实验室的生成过程以优化性能

  • Remodeled many classes of latexes

  • 重制了数类胶兽的模型

    • Wolf, Cat, Shark, and Dragon

    • 狼、猫、鲨鱼和龙

    • They are fitted with unique animations

    • 各自适配了与物种相匹配的独特动画

    • Try spinning

    • 试试转起来

  • Reworked latex drip particles

  • 重制了胶液滴下的粒子效果

  • Retextured many lab blocks

  • 重绘了大量实验室方块的纹理

  • 3x3 lab doors

  • 3x3大小的实验室门

  • Made minecraft:protection apply a little protection against TF

  • 使我的世界原版的保护附魔能够在一定程度上抵御兽化

  • TF'd entities keep their armor, and rarely their item

  • 被兽化的实体保留兽化前的盔甲,偶尔保留兽化前的手持物品

  • Added many blocks

  • 新增大量方块

    • You can sit on these, DL pups can sleep on pillows

    • 枕头,玩家可以坐在上面,黑胶幼崽可以睡在上面

    • Cardboard box

    • 纸板箱

    • Small cardboard box

    • 小纸板箱

    • Soup cans

    • 罐头汤

    • Dropped syringes

    • 放置在地上的注射器

    • Dropped oranges

    • 放置在地上的橘子

    • Microscope

    • 显微镜

    • Latex wall splotch

    • 墙上的胶液污渍

    • Flasks and beakers

    • 锥形瓶和烧杯

    • Office chair and pillows

    • 办公椅和枕头

    • Book stack

    • 一摞书

    • Potted orange tree sapling

    • 橘子树苗盆栽

  • Added basic player info (BPI)

  • 增加了玩家基本信息(BPI)界面

    • Values that describe your player, to make TFs fit you better

    • 可以改变玩家被兽化后的一些特征,使之更符合你的喜好

    • Try the gas wolf

    • 试试Transfur气体狼

  • Added the Changed OST in the form of records

  • 以唱片形式添加了Changed OST

    • They loop on their own

    • 一曲一张,单曲循环

  • Added fusability gamerule

  • 新增了关于兽化后可熔性的游戏规则

    • Latexes can only fuse until the duration specified

    • 胶兽只有在兽化后可熔性时限内才可互相融合成新种类的胶兽

  • Added creative flight for winged latexes

  • 新增了有翼胶兽的创新的飞行

    • There are penalties for it though

    • 但是有代价

  • Tied many effects to accessibility settings

  • 将大量状态效果绑定到可访问性设置



  • Fixed menu abilities not ticking

  • 修复了目录中的胶兽能力无法使用的问题

  • Fixed various centaur issues

  • 修复了半人兽的若干问题

  • Fixed various tall cardboard box issues

  • 修复了大纸箱的若干问题

  • Fixed crash from latex covered block generation

  • 修复了胶化方块蔓延造成游戏崩溃的问题

  • Fixed bedrock missing a texture

  • 修复了基岩材质丢失的问题



  • Simplified connected block texture management

  • 简化了连接方块纹理的处理

  • Glu block for facility pieces

  • 用于调整前述“设施”的部件的glu块




  • Adjusted tame rates for the DL pup to be dependant on what variant the player is

  • 调整了玩家使用人类或不同胶兽物种游玩时黑胶幼崽的驯化成功率

  • Added spawning limiter for crystal spawning latex entities

  • 增加了对胶兽结晶生成胶兽的限制机制

  • Improved quick equipping restrictions with invalid armor items (if your variant can't wear it)

  • 改进了快速装备功能对装备玩家当前模型不能使用的护甲的限制

  • Added client configuration option to heavily reduce quality of generated latex covered models

  • 增加了用于大幅降低胶液覆盖模型质量的客户端配置选项

    • This is for massive modpacks

    • 为规模较大的整合包准备

    • See the config option "fastAndCheapLatexBlocks"

    • 参阅配置选项“fastAndCheapLatexBlocks”

  • Added survival usability with lab looted syringes

  • 生存模式可以使用废弃的兽化实验室中寻获的胶液注射器

    • They still need to be purified

    • 它们仍需要被提纯

    • They're also more rare now

    • 它们现在也更加稀有

  • Adjust lab loot tables

  • 调整了废弃的兽化实验室的箱子的战利品表



  • Fixed incompat with create addons (null model check)

  • 修复了与创建插件不兼容的问题(无效模型检测)

  • Fixed client crash regarding DL pup and armor

  • 修复了关于黑胶幼崽和盔甲的客户端崩溃问题

  • Fixed being invisible after a box you are in is exploded

  • 修复了玩家模型在玩家所处的纸箱被打破后不可见的问题

  • Fixed incompat with hardcore revival

  • 修复了关于硬核复活(Hardcore Revival)的兼容性问题

  • Fixed more incompat with dragon survival

  • 修复了更多关于龙之生存(Dragon Survival)的兼容性问题

  • Fixed players occasionally freezing when using elytra in a weird way

  • 修复了玩家以异常方式使用鞘翅时偶发的无法移动问题



  • Fixed arms not lining up with custom armor layers (#525)

  • 借助自定义盔甲架修复了模型手臂不对齐的问题(#525)




  • Created Roughly Enough Items (REI) plugin

  • 创建了REI插件

  • Adjusted infuser menu

  • 调整了胶液灌注机的GUI

  • Remodeled crystal wolves

  • 重新建模了魔晶狼

  • Remodeled translucent lizard

  • 重新建模了胶液蜂蜜透明蜥蜴

  • Remodeled computer block

  • 重新建模了电脑

  • Added some custom model compatibility for moded armor

  • 为mod中的护甲添加了一些适应胶兽体型的模型

    • Keyword: some

    • 关键字:一些

  • Added compatibility check for Dragon Survival mod

  • 为龙之生存(Dragon Survival)mod增加了兼容性检查

  • Tweaked various legacy latex models

  • 微调了个别赞助者特殊形态胶兽的模型

    • Red dragon, DL wolves, purple fox, DL yufeng, dark dragon, beifeng, benign wolf

    • 胶液红龙,黑胶狼,胶液紫狐,黑胶御风,黑胶龙,悲风,束缚胶狼



  • Fixed incompatibility with Oculus and Rubidium

  • 修复了与Oculus和铷(Rubidium)的不兼容问题

  • Fixed crash related to untrasfurring while the ability menu is up

  • 修复了与能力页面打开时解除兽化(untransfur)有关的崩溃

  • Fixed missing custom head layer for latex models

  • 修复了胶兽模型头部自定义图层丢失的问题

    • Involves wearing skulls and heads

    • 包括可穿戴的生物头颅

  • Fixed dupe bug related to the infuser

  • 修复了与胶液灌注机有关的物品刷取bug

  • Fixed tamed dark latex despawning

  • 修复了被驯服的黑胶胶兽消失的bug

  • Fixed tamed dark latexes from preventing sleep

  • 修复了被驯服的黑胶胶兽阻止玩家睡眠的bug

  • Fixed various dark latex pup bugs

  • 修复了黑胶幼崽(dark latex pup)的若干bug

  • Fixed villagers running from latex players in creative mode

  • 修复了创造模式下村民逃离兽化玩家的bug

  • Fixed latex containers deleting items

  • 修复了胶液容器删除物品的bug


+ Added tameability to dark latex pup
* Use white latex goo or oranges
* They grow up tamed too
+ Added puddle mode for dark latex pup
+ Adjusted some AI move speeds
+ Added an enabled texture state for microphone
+ Remodeled legacy yuin dragon
+ Remodeled sniper dog
+ Overhauled recipes and loot tables
+ Remodeled manta rays, mermaid shark, and siren
+ Added purifier function to convert latex goo into latex base
+ Added pipe block
+ Overhauled ability usage
* Some abilities charge, others activate while held, etc.
+ Readded latex bee
+ Added night vision check for dark latex blindness
+ Added visibility check for latex AI targetting
* Invisibility potions work now
+ Overhauled structure placement
* They now can be located by /locate
+ Latex pup crystals naturally gen in the dark latex biome
+ Decreased dark latex growth activity
+ Remodeled traffic cone dragon
+ Remodeled legacy snow leopard, white latex wolf, and latex blue wolf
+ Made some blocks furnace fuel
+ Added retract mechanic to pup crystal
+ Overhauled latex block generation system
* With configs on when to cache textures
+ Changed how latex GUI uses colors to render
+ Added brief tutorial for ability usage
+ Added summon shark ability for tiger shark
+ Adjusted fall damage scaling


+ Fixed TSC shield display
+ Fixed infinite pup glitch from crystals
+ Fixed fusion mechanism
+ Fixed benign latex arm animating like they're holding an item
+ Fixed ModernFix incompat
+ Fixed integrated dynamics incompat
+ Fixed first person mod bugs
+ Fixed dark latex pup bugs
+ Fixed netherite abdomen armor burning in lava
+ Fixed vivecraft arms
+ Fixed latex colored blocks map color


+ Organized animate package
+ Cleaned mods.toml
+ Added update.json
+ Added tag-ability to latex variants
+ Moved loot table references to class LootTables
+ Added register time ability to remove covered property from blocks by block id


+ 黑色小胶狼现在可以驯服了
* 对它们喂食白色胶液或橘子可以将它们驯服
* 它们长大后仍然是驯服的状态
+ 为黑色小胶狼添加了胶液滩模式
+ 调整了部分生物AI的移动速度
+ 为麦克风添加了开启的纹理状态
+ 重制了Yuin龙的模型
+ 重制了狙击犬的模型
+ 对合成配方和战利品表进行了全面改进
+ 重制了蝠鲼胶兽、人鱼胶兽和塞壬的模型
+ 添加了净化功能,可以将胶液转化为胶液基了
+ 添加了管道方块(功能上更类似于扶手&护栏)
+ 对能力进行了全面改进
* 一些能力需要蓄力,而其他的则在持续使用时激活,等等。
+ 重新添加了蜜蜂胶兽
+ 为失明状态下的黑胶兽添加了夜视状态检测
+ 为胶兽的生物AI的目标添加了可见性检查
* 隐身效果现在有效了
+ 全面改进了结构生成
* 现在可以使用/locate来找到它们
+ 降低了黑色胶液的生长活跃度
+ 重制了交通锥标龙的模型
+ 重制了雪豹胶兽、白色胶狼和蓝胶狼的模型
+ 一些方块可以作为熔炉燃料使用了
+ 为小胶狼水晶添加了缩回机制
+ 全面改进了胶液方块生成系统
* 添加了缓存纹理时间的选项
+ 修改了胶兽GUI使用颜色渲染的方式
+ 添加了简要的能力使用教程
+ 为虎鲨胶兽添加了召唤鲨鱼的能力
+ 调整了坠落伤害的比例

+ 修复了TSC盾牌的显示问题
+ 修复了从水晶中无限生成小胶狼的问题
+ 修复了融合机制
+ 修复了胶兽手臂的动画像拿着物品一样的问题
+ 修复了与ModernFix不兼容的问题
+ 修复了与integrated dynamics不兼容的问题
+ 修复了第一人称模式的错误
+ 修复了小胶狼的错误
+ 修复了下界腹部护甲在岩浆中烧毁的问题
+ 修复了Vivecraft手臂的问题
+ 修复了胶液方块的在地图的颜色

+ 整理了动画包
+ 清理了mods.toml
+ 添加了update.json
+ 为胶兽变种添加了标签
+ 将战利品表引用移到LootTables类中
+ 添加了在注册时通过方块ID移除方块属性的方法




  • Retextured legacy manta ray, dark dragon, red dragon, purple fox, pink wyvern, and deer

  • 重绘了胶液蝠鲼、黑胶龙、胶液红龙、胶液紫狐、胶液枫岚和胶液鹿的赞助者特殊形态的纹理

  • Added ming cat

  • 新增了胶液冥猫(latex ming cat)

  • TF'd players can now crawl in ducts

  • 已兽化的玩家可以在通风管中爬行

    • Interact with a vent opening to crawl in

    • 右键开启的通风口以进入管道

    • Movement snaps to vent blocks

    • 移动到(没有通风口的)管道末端时,无法继续向前移动

  • Added client config option for latexed inventory and hearts

  • 新增了关于胶化物品栏和生命值图标的客户端配置选项

  • Optimized mixed texture handling

  • 优化了混合材质处理

    • They cache between launches

    • 它们在两次游戏启动之间缓存

    • In "cache" folder in the instance folder

    • 在实例文件夹的“cache”文件夹中

  • Adjusted latex fluid and lava behavior

  • 调整了胶液源和熔岩的表现

  • Disabled hotbar/hand/item in hand render when a variant can't use items

  • 玩家游玩的胶兽不能使用物品时,禁用快捷栏、手及手中物品的渲染

    • Applies to benign forms

    • 对束缚胶狼生效

  • Added dark latex pup

  • 新增了黑胶幼崽

    • Doesn't transfur

    • 没有兽化能力

    • Will grow up into a DL wolf in 3 days (72000 ticks)

    • 在3游戏日夜(72000游戏刻)后生长为成体黑胶狼

  • Added pup crystal block

  • 新增了黑胶幼崽结晶


  • Fixed white latex wolf remodel

  • 修复了白胶狼新建模的问题

  • Fixed milk pudding health

  • 修复了牛奶布丁的生命值问题

  • Fixed block culling issues related to latex covered blocks

  • 修复了与胶化方块相关的方块选中问题

  • Fixed music disc attenuation (aka being heard globally)

  • 修复了胶液唱片音量随距离衰减的问题(现在全图都能听了)

    • Was because the music was formatted in Stereo, not Mono

    • 出现问题的原因是音频文件的格式是立体声,而非单音道



  • Added player mover system

  • 新增了玩家mover系统

  • Added NONE transfur mode, and itemUseMode variant descriptor

  • 新增了无兽化模式,及itemUseMode变体描述符

  • Added progressTransfur(LatexVariant<?> variant)

  • 新增了progressTransfur(LatexVariant<?> variant)




  • Added latex inventory decals (like latex hearts)

  • 新增了胶液物品栏贴图(参照胶液生命值贴图)

    • This is only for survival inventory, nothing else

    • 只改变生存模式物品栏,其余不变

  • Tweaked some legacy textures (red panda, watermelon cat, organic wolf, raccoon, female manta)

  • 微调了一些赞助者特殊形态胶兽的纹理(胶液小熊猫、胶液西瓜猫、白毛毛狼、胶液浣熊、雌性胶液蝠鲼)

  • Remodeled hypno cat

  • 重制了胶液催眠猫的模型

  • Remodeled watermelon cat

  • 重制了胶液西瓜猫的模型

  • Remodeled purple fox

  • 重制了胶液紫狐的模型

  • Remodeled white latex wolf

  • 重制了白胶狼的模型

  • Replaced gamerule transfur tolerance with server config

  • 用服务器配置选项代替了游戏规则胶液耐受

    • your_world_name/serverconfig/changed-server.toml

    • ↑your_world_name就是你需要改配置的存档的名字

    • accessible in file explorer, or the configured mod

    • 可以通过文件资源管理器或配置界面(Configured)模组访问

    • this value is now how much TF damage you can take, normalized to 20 (similar to player health)

    • 变量值是你能承受的兽化攻击的次数,至多二十次(近似玩家血量)

  • Adjusted entity TF damage to adjust to difficulty

  • 调整了胶兽兽化玩家需要的攻击次数以适应不同难度

    • Easy = 8 hits, normal = 7 hits, hard = 5 hits

    • 简单、普通、困难模式分别需要8、7、5次攻击

  • Milk pudding fall through vent hatches

  • 牛奶布丁会从通风口漏下去

  • Added vent block

  • 新增了通风管道

    • Connects to vent fan, and hatch

    • 与排风扇和通风口连通

    • It is planned to be able to crawl through them

    • 未来的版本中玩家或可在其中爬行

  • Added TF resistance enchantment for armor

  • 为护甲新增了胶液防护附魔

    • Works like regular protection armor

    • 起效方式类似于保护附魔

  • Increased exhaustion from create item abilities

  • 延长了创造物品的胶兽能力的冷却时间

  • Added crash log clarification for "Rendering Overlay" crash

  • 新增了“渲染叠加”造成崩溃的崩溃记录的解释

    • Should now show more useful data rather than failed to create vanilla mob model

    • 现在会展示更多有用信息,而不仅仅是告诉你创建原版生物模型又失败了

  • Reduced post TF nausea duration

  • 降低了兽化后反胃debuff的持续时间

  • Adjusted dark latex AI to ignore entities not moving/crouching in the dark

  • 调整了黑胶胶兽的AI,使他们忽略不移动的及在黑暗环境中潜行的个体

    • Not exactly like the DL area in changed, but you can sneak around DL's in the dark now

    • 没能完全复刻Changed原版中的黑胶区域,不过在黑暗中你可以在黑胶兽身边潜行了。

  • Reworked latex fluids ===== For latexes matching the fluid type =====

  • 重制了胶液源=====对于与某种胶液源有关的胶兽,它可以=====

    • Negates fall damage

    • 降低摔落伤害

    • Can climb and stand on like its scaffolding

    • 可以在其上攀爬站立,类似脚手架

    • Very slightly boosts vertical jump ===== Otherwise =====

    • 极轻微地帮助垂直跳跃=====而其他实体=====

    • Slows and traps

    • 会被胶液源减速及捕获

  • Latexes inherit nametags

  • 胶兽继承命名牌



  • Fixed sprinting breaking when transfurred on laggy servers

  • 修复了在很卡的服务器被兽化后在疾跑时发生停顿的问题

  • Fixed players losing their leggins and boots when TF'd into a legless form with a full inventory

  • 修复了玩家在被兽化为缺少腿部的胶兽种类且物品栏存满时丢失腿甲和靴子的问题

  • Fixed large latex crystals dropping fragments when mined with silk touch

  • 修复了大型胶液结晶在使用有精准采集附魔的工具采集时掉落胶液结晶碎片的问题

  • Fixed latex spread rates

  • 修复了胶液扩散速率的问题

  • Fixed handedness for latexes

  • 修复了胶兽偏利手的问题



  • Organized mixin folder

  • 规划了mixin文件夹


Fixed servers failing to load





  • Remodeled tiger shark, beifeng, blue wolf, and red panda

  • 重制了胶液虎鲨、北风、胶液蓝狼和胶液小熊猫的模型

  • Replaced transfur progress bar with border indicator

  • 将兽化进度条替换为边框图像指示

  • Added nausea effect (and blindness if goo) just after being TF'd. NOTE: this is disabled in creative mode.

  • 新增了兽化完成后数秒内的反胃(如果是胶兽化还会有失明)debuff(创造模式下兽化不会被添加)



  • Fixed broken infuser (oopsie daisy)

  • 修复了受损胶液灌注机的问题(oopsie daisy)

  • Fixed swap hands ability

  • 修复了胶兽换手能力的问题




  • Remodeled some entities: Gas wolf, dark latex wolf, dark latex yufeng, dark latex dragon, latex shark, light latex wolf, latex snow leopard.

  • 重制了以下实体的建模:Transfur气体狼、黑胶狼、黑胶驭风、黑胶龙、胶液鲨鱼、白胶狼、胶液雪豹

  • Added client config option to disable the remodel.

  • 新增了禁用重建模的客户端配置选项

  • Added support for the Configured mod

  • 新增了对配置界面(Configured)模组的支持

  • Added support for the Presence Footsteps mod

  • 新增了对脚步声(Presence Footsteps)模组的支持

  • Added ability to toggle placed canisters

  • 新增了切换已放置的棕狼毒气罐的能力

  • Added horned crystal wolf

  • 新增了有角魔晶狼

  • Removed hair customization for legacy models

  • 移除了赞助者特殊形态的自定义头发建模

  • Remodeled some hair customization for new models

  • 重制了新模型的部分自定义头发建模

  • Made abdomen armor contribute to advancements

  • 使腹甲能够触发对应材质护甲的进度

  • Retextured latex pants

  • 重绘了胶液短裤的纹理

  • Removed foil effect for latex syringes

  • 移除了胶液注射器的失败影响

  • Added organic texture for radial menu

  • 新增了径向菜单的非胶液兽人纹理

  • Added effect where latex drip more when lower health

  • 新增了胶兽处于低生命值时滴落更多胶液的效果



  • Fixed broken axe.json tag

  • 修复了broken axe.json关联的tag

  • Fixed special form animation

  • 修复了特殊种类的动画

  • Fixed missing death message for bloodloss

  • 修复了失血而亡时缺失死亡信息的问题

  • Fixed hair rendering when invisible

  • 修复了玩家处于不可见状态时头发异常渲染的问题

  • Fixed ability data save issue

  • 修复了胶兽能力数据保存的问题

  • Fixed gas canister refilling when broken

  • 修复了棕狼毒气罐被破坏时自动回满耐久的问题

  • Fixed villagers running away from latex NPCs

  • 修复了村民远离胶兽过程中存在的问题



  • Added helper event to easily add sound maps to presence footsteps.

  • 新增了用于容易地为脚步声模组添加声音地图的辅助事件
