Added Spanish translation (kota_araya)
Added Polish translation (karolofgutovo)
Added French translation (thefiredragon)
Added "Dragon Health Multiplier" and "Dragon Damage Multiplier" config options
New advancements added with tips tips for possible interactions with dragons, including how to tame
Now you can give a potion to your dragon by clicking with it on your dragon while crouching. You cannot give potions that have only negative effects
Mod items now have their own item group
Moleclaw spawn conditions changed. It ignores light from blocks again, but Moleclaw no longer can spawn in chunks that were loaded for more than 2.5 minutes (3000 ticks). The last change were made in order to prevent Moleclaw from spawning in places where players builds are
鼠爪龙生成条件更改。它现在再次无视方块光照,但将不再生成在已加载超过 2.5 分钟(3000 刻)的区块内。最后一项更改旨在防止鼠爪龙生成在玩家的建筑区域内。
Acid effect now uses namespace of the mod rather than namespace of the Minecraft
(1.19.4 only) Fixed error causing incorrect work of acid damage type
(仅 1.19.4)修复了导致酸蚀伤害类型不正确作用的错误。
Fixed recipe for Diamond Dragon Tail Armor
Now Moleclaw requires specific block under and above it to spawn (defined by uselessreptile:allows_moleclaw_spawn block tag)
现在鼠爪龙生成时需要上方和下方存在特殊的方块(由 uselessreptile:allows_moleclaw_spawn 标签定义);
Fixed bug caused Moleclaw to ignore light from blocks when checking conditions to spawn. I hope your houses didn't suffer too much damage
Rewritten method of handling movement inputs of dragon
1.19.4 port
移植至 1.19.4。
Added Custom Named Texture support
New dragon: Moleclaw
Now upon applying acid effect custom sound is played
Animations in ReplayMod are now working (almost) correctly
ReplayMod 中的动画现在应当能(几乎)正确地播放了;
Now when Wyvern's projectile hits something, it'll have its own sound instead of thorns sound
You now can sit down with use of goat horn too, but you also need to crouch to perform this
Swamp Wyvern attack zone is now bigger when flying
Biomes, where Swamp Wyvern can appear, are now defined by "uselessreptile:swamp_wyvern_spawn_whitelist" tag
现在沼泽飞龙可以生成的群系将用 uselessreptile:swamp_wyvern_spawn_whitelist 标签定义;
Now if you sit down your dragon it'll loose its target
Sound of bite and shoot is now played not only when you control the Wyvern
Fixed a bug, caused dragons to not fight back
Deleted "Horn Work Distance Multiplier" config option
Updated Portuguese translation
Updated Swamp Wyvern model and animations
Fixed crash when using Xaero's Minimap
修复了与 Xaero的小地图 共存时的崩溃;
(1.19.3 only) removed alternative rider render option in config
(仅 1.19.3)从配置中移除了额外的骑手渲染选项;
(1.19.3 only) rider's model now follows dragon's model more precisely
Added ability to turn on crosshair in a 3rd view perspective while riding the dragon (can be turned in config)
Added ability to change camera offset in a 3rd view perspective while riding the dragon (can be turned in config)
Added ability to automatically switch between 3rd view and 1st view perspectives while climbing on and off the dragon (can be turned in config)
(Only 1.19.3) For test was added an option of alternative rider rendering. Due changes and unfinishedness of Geckolib 4, I can't really use previously used for 1.19.2 rider render method, but the one made made specifically for this version is also does not really satisfies me. Thus I added a config option for those who wishes to test it out
(仅 1.19.3)为了测试添加了额外的骑乘渲染选项。由于 Geckolib 4 的更改和完成度问题,我不能直接使用之前在 1.19.2 上使用的骑乘渲染方法,但是专门为这个版本制作的渲染也不能让我完全满意。因此我为希望帮助我测试的人添加了这个配置选项。
Wyverns regenerate health passively every 20 seconds (400 ticks) instead of 30
双足飞龙恢复生命的被动能力由每 30 秒触发一次改为每 20 秒(400 ticks)。
Fixed bug caused Wyverns to never passively regenerate health (I hope it's fixed)
(Only 1.19.3) Fixed Z-fighting on too thin model parts
(仅 1.19.3)修复了过薄的模型部件上 Z 轴的冲突。
Fixed incorrect tooltip for "Swamp Wyvern Spawn Weight" config option (for Russian and English)
I finally found a super glue that is able to stick rider's model to the model of the dragon and follow it properly (P.S. new Wyrmroost coders are really cool guys)
Slight tweaks in animations due change above
Swamp Wyverns now spawn in any biome with #c:swamp tag (except Mangrove Swamp)
沼泽双足飞龙现在会生成在所有包含 #c:swamp 标签的群系中(除了红树林沼泽)。
Dragons will no longer try to attack owner and their pets
Fixed bug that caused Swamp Wyverns to constantly jump on non-full blocks
Fixed bug that caused Swamp Wyverns to not being able to find landing position at all
Swamp Wyvern now jumps up to 2 blocks instead of 3
沼泽双足飞龙现在只能跳 2 个方块高,而不再是 3 个。
P.S. Originally was planned to release those changes with new dragon, but I might be not able to finish it before this year ends
Wyvern is now called Swamp Wyvern
Swamp Wyvern now dances to the music
Swamp Wyvern now can blink
Swamp Wyvern now has some armor points
Swamp Wyvern now will regenerate 1 HP every 30 seconds
沼泽双足飞龙现在每 30 秒会回复 1点()生命值。
Fixed possibility to infinitely jump in the air if you press jump button too fast
Haste and Mining Fatigue effects now affect attack cooldowns increasing or decreasing those by 10% per level. Minimal cooldown can't be lower than 10% from base one
急迫和挖掘疲劳效果现在每级会使攻击冷却获得 10% 的增益或减益。最小攻击冷却不会低于基础值的 10%。
Effects, that affect movement speed, now also affect turn speed and time needed to reach max speed
Base jump height for Swamp Wyvern is now 2 blocks
沼泽双足飞龙现在的基础跳跃高度为 2 方块。
Swamp Wyvern now can step over to block that placed higher if difference between current position of the Swamp Wyvern and the block is not greater than 1 (TL;DR - step like horses)
沼泽双足飞龙现在能登上与其目前高度相差不超过 1 格的更高处的方块。(简单来说就是类似马的自动攀登)
Added clarification in "Spawn Weight" config parameter for Swamp Wyvern that Swamp Wyverns can spawn only at normal swamps
Time needed to reach max speed for Swamp Wyvern was doubled
Transitions between animations are now smoother
Mod now requires Geckolib of version 3.1.28 or higher
模组现在需要 3.1.28 或以上版本的 Geckolib 作为前置。
Improved pathfinding
Swamp Wyvern animations now should play more correctly when using ReplayMod
Using empty bottle on your tamed Wyvern now allows you to store acid and use it later like any other potion
Changed way of how Acid effect works. Now damage from it will depend on how much elements of armor entity has equipped (damage = effect level * (1 + amount of empty armor slots) / 3)
更改了酸蚀效果的运作方式。现在由其造成的伤害将由目标实体身上所穿戴的护甲类型数量决定。(伤害 = 效果等级 * (1 + 空的装备槽数量) / 3)
Total damage to equipped armor durability from Acid effect is now constant. It means less elements you have on you more durability damage remaining ones will get.
Durability damage to armor from Acid effect is now 2 times bigger
Base damage from Wyvern range attack (when projectile hits the target) is now 2 times less
Fixed issue, that caused Wyvern range attack to apply Acid effect of level 3 instead of level 2
修复了一个导致飞龙的远程攻击施加的酸蚀效果等级为 3 而不是 2 的问题。
Fixed incorrect projectile model rotation from Wyvern range attack
Base horn response distance for Wyvern was increased by 3 times
飞龙的基础号角响应范围提升至原来的 3 倍。
Added config option "Horn Work Distance Multiplier" that allows you to control the distance from which your dragon will respond to the horn call
Added Wyvern Skin. Currently can be only exchanged for 2 leather, but in future will be a component for an armor set
Wyverns now drop Wyvern Skin instead of leather
Particles on dragon liftoff now showing to all players around rather than just the client
Starting to work on new dragon: Moleclaw. Currenty can be summoned only trough commands and there's nothing to look at atm. Absolutely nothing
Added Acid status effect. Acid deals damage to armor equal to effect level every second and 3 times less damage to its victim. Acid damage ignores armor and enchants
添加了“酸蚀”状态效果。酸蚀会对目标的护甲造成相当于效果等级的伤害,对目标则造成该伤害的 1/3。酸蚀伤害无视护甲和附魔。
New death messages when killed by acid damage
Wyverns are now immune to Acid effect
Cloud effect after Wyvern ranged attack now inflicts acid effect of level 2 for 10 seconds instead of Poison and Instant Damage
飞龙的远程攻击过后留下的效果云现在由中毒和瞬间伤害改为持续 10 秒的等级 2 的酸蚀效果。
Fixed issue, that caused all projectiles from ranged attack to be launched under 0 degree pitch while diving or flying up and forward, while riding the Wyvern
修复了一个导致在骑乘飞龙时俯冲、拉起或往前飞时进行远程攻击的所有投射物都被以 0 度角发射的问题。
Wyvern ranged attack projectiles should no longer ricochet from other entities
Slightly changed way how input packets are sent to the server
Fixed dependencies to actually request version of Geckolib 3.1.20 or newer instead of just 3.1
修复了依赖项的实际版本需求,由 3.1 的 Geckolib 调整为 3.1.20。
Massive code cleanup was done in preparation for future updates. If something broke, then please don't hesitate to report at mod Discord server
完成了大量代码的清理以便准备以后的更新。如果什么功能被破坏了,别犹豫,请来 DC 服务器上报告。