  • Power XV for your bow that can one shot someone in full netherite (note: I didn't actually test this claim)

    理论上带有力量 XV 魔咒的弓可以让你一击击杀穿戴全套下界合金盔甲的玩家(注意:作者没有具体进行测试);

  • Enchantments can now go up to XXX (lvl 30)! Not that you are gonna be able to get THAT high of an enchantment anyways.

    魔咒现在最高可以到达 XXX(30)级!总之并不是说你无论如何都不能得到那么高等级的魔咒了。

  • Now displays enchantment levels higher than X properly!

    现在可以正常显示高于 X 级的魔咒等级了!
