Synthetic favorites display raw amount needed, rather than batch count, to be less confusing.
Fixed regex tooltip errors;
Fixed lookups of favorited damaged tools being overly precise;
Fixed item bars not being rendered for items in recipes;
Fixed legacy recipe handler conversion behavior.
Updated to 1.19.4.
Auto-resolving tags in the recipe tree now bases its decisions based on existing costs.
Fixed sidebars sometimes overlapping where they shouldn't below them;
Fixed craft history not having miscraft prevention;
Fixed remainder reuse ordering in cetain specific recipe tree structures.
Sidebars have been completely redone;
Every sidebar can have its size, positioning, and theming options individually changed;
There are now 4 configurable sidebars, including two new top and bottom sidebars;
Top and bottom sidebars can be aligned to be above or below existin;g sidebars.
EMI's config system got a facelift, the UI should look nicer, and be much nicer to use;
Changes are displayed and can be easily reverted;
Config presets now exist to set a variety of settings at once to a preset option rather than navigating a lot of individual options.
Increased search performance;
Added tag searching;
Added config options for searching tooltip/mod/tags without prefix.
A button can be enabled to save clean screenshots of recipes at a specified scale.
Moved to a proper EMI logger;
Unmoved status effects are now squished to not overlap a ton of EMI's sidebar;
Arrows in the recipe screen no longer shift around when changing tabs.
Batched rendering no longer breaks certain rendering conditions (#82);
EmiDragDropHandlers can now render feedback;
Added EmiDragDropHandler.BoundsBased and EmiDragDropHandler.SlotBased, simple drag drop handlers with simple rendering;
Deprecated the EmiStack.Entry system. It was mostly duplication of existing systems, not often useful, and cleaner to eventually remove;
Deprecated usage of FluidVariant in API methods;
Added more convenience methods to Bounds, likely only useful internally;
Added alignment options to TextWidget.
Added quick buttons for navigating the EMI config;
Added configurable subpanels for sidebars;
Added new sidebar types.
Craft History - A live updating history of the crafts you've performed;
Lookup History - A live updating history of the stacks you've looked at recipes for;
Added full support for chance in recipes and the recipe tree.
Craftables now display their output count, to help disambiguate them.
Sidebar background should properly draw behind GUIs with overlaps;
Chance support, #104 #105.
Added convenience method for easier text widget construction;
Added sorting method for recipes based on identifier.
Added support for more non-standard crafting recipes, like those generated by CraftTweaker
Tweaked the way EMI detects server connecton/disconnection;
Tweaked some EMI logging to include mod name outside of dev.
Fixed some "infinite reloading" bugs related to lifecycle events.
Added an option for using a global config;
Added logical OR searching #122;
Added index stack hiding and organization data formats;
Added basic custom recipe data formats for info and world interaction;
Added a category property data format;
Added a search alias data format;
Added a recipe filter data format;
Added a favorited recipe icon;
Added config to entirely remove mod name tooltips;
Added config for recipe screen size and workstation location.
Adjusted how recipes are sorted on usage lookup to show more specific results first;
Added Inventory Tabs compat with moved potion effects #94;
Adjusted textures for resource pack creators #96;
Changed how EMI handles input interaction to generally be more consistent;
EMI now reloads on resource reload;
Adjusted cost per batch to better take into account one time costs;
Properly display the sponge smelting recipe remainder;
The recipe tree screen is now batched, improving performance for significantly large recipe trees.
Reduced frequency of MC-258939 #126;
Fixed recipe filling strictness #100;
Added category prioritization #81;
Added configurable recipe viewer size #63;
Fixed keybinds failing in certain screens #32.
Refactored recipe handlers;
Added search control endpoints.
Updated Chinese translation;
Adjusted reload messages to be more clear if the server is not providing data;
Craftables now take into account the cursor stack, so moving items around shouldn't cause constant changing valid recipes;
Folded nodes in the recipe tree no longer ignore their base costs as it is generally more useful;
The recipe screen will now truncate recipe name and show the full name on hover instead of spilling outside of bounds;
Some tweaks were made to how EMI coerces ingredients to tags;
The recipe tree now has less superfluous padding, it should be easier to fit more on the screen at once;
Zooming in the recipe tree should be cleaner.
Fixed performance issues baking large sets of recipes, particularly in packs with large amounts of enchantments and gear;
Fixed fluid count display in synfavs;
The root node of the recipe tree can be properly reassigned;
Fixed some default config settings and config presets;
Fixed screenshot scale issues on auto GUI scale;
Auto resolution of recipes from ingredients should now always display the correct tooltip;
Minor stability and crash fixes.
An info recipe category for assigning descriptions to items or groups of items;
A bind for clearing search, focused or not;
Proper Sodium compat for animated items;
Quick crafting no longer requires recipe context, it will attempt to infer based on inventory state. A new bind (shift by default) displays this inference;
A proper description of the recipe, including how to use it and the interactions;
Contextual assignment of recipes in the recipe tree, based on inventory, using shift left click;
Quick clearing of recipes in the recipe tree with shift right click;
Client-only recipe filling;
Synthetic favorites will now also display required materials instead of just crafting steps.
Rare sidebar crash #75;
Tweaks to how miscraft prevention functions #65;
Filling properly using different sources for the same ingredient #19;
Various improper interactions with synthetic favorites;
Recipe filling increments instead of completely replacing.
Fix incompatibility with other mods causing EMI to clear its sidebars;
Fix furnace recipe handler issue (#83);
Fix recipe handler filling issues (#80).
EmiStackConvertible interface injections are no longer exposed due to Loom issues. They are still present at runtime and remain compatible with old mods that used them.
EMI now supports a variety of niche vanilla recipes more thoroughly, like firework crafting, map operations, crafting grid repairing, and more.
#52 #53 (thanks jopejoe1!) fixing #48.
Fixed Debugify incompat by reimplementing vanilla systems to avoid it;
Scrolling now works correctly on certain mouses #41;
Effects no longer overlap with the recipe book #43;
EMI now respects stack size limitations for filling where vanilla does not #47;
Fixed tag based crashing #50 #51;
Fixed rendering of evil fluids;
Several other fixes without issue numbers.
Added Mod Menu support;
Added batch size to recipe tree;
Added crafting mode for recipe trees;
Added synthetic favorites for use with crafting mode, quickly crafting batches, and not overcrafting;
Added experimental default recipe sorting for categories;
Recipe favorites now display missing items for a quick craft;
Recipe tree resolution can now be cleared, and is more telegraphed, informing the player how it functions.
Botania tooltip components and similar now show up in the right place for index tooltips;
Various stability fixes;
Cheat mode item deletion now respects exclusion zones (#23);
Button overlap (#34).
Added EmiStackConvertible to vanilla types. EmiStack.of(Items.STONE, 10) and EmiStack.of(Fluids.WATER) can be replaced with Items.STONE.emi(10) and Fluids.WATER.emi() for a more convenient dev experience.
SlotWidget.custom has been deprecated and replaced with SlotWidget.customBackground as the former returned void instead of SlotWidget. Will be removed in the next breaking release.