  • Fixed an issue where long messages being spammed would cause the game to lag more than it does in vanilla. (#27)

    修复了大量发送长信息会导致游戏比原版延迟更严重的问题 (#27)

  • Message occurrences stop incrementing after 100 occurrences, it will say 100+ for anything above 100.

    信息出现次数在 100 次后停止递增,超过 100 次就会显示 100+

Minor performance improvements and under-the-hood changes.


  • Messages are now identified by their string contents, and not their Text instance, meaning that the mod should be faster in general - but this may not be that obvious.

    现在,信息是通过字符串内容而不是文本实例来识别的,这意味着模组的运行速度总体上应该会更快 - 但这可能并不那么明显。

  • We have added a cache to Minecraft’s code which splits a single text message into multiple lines to be displayed, this was an expensive operation, and if it was being run for the same message multiple times (which is the case with Compact Chat, but not in vanilla, due to us removing duplicate messages), it will cause a lot of lag. This cache’s entries are cleared if the entry has not been accessed for over a minute.

    我们在 Minecraft 的代码中添加了一个缓存,该缓存会将单个文本信息分割成多行显示,这是一个代价很大的操作,如果多次为同一信息运行该缓存(在紧凑聊天中是这种情况,但在原版中不会,原因是我们删除了重复的信息),就会导致大量的延迟。如果条目超过一分钟未被访问,缓存中的条目就会被清除。

  • Bumped dependencies and added support for 1.20.4!

    升级了前置,并添加了对 1.20.4 的支持!

As always, you can also download this release on GitHub.

您也可以一如既往地在 GitHub 上下载此版本。

  • Added compatibility for mods that add timestamps to messages (#23)


    • Your configuration files should automatically be migrated, if you get an error in your log that says the migration has failed, open an issue.


  • Add support for 1.20

    添加对 1.20 的支持

You can also download this from GitHub.

您也可以从 GitHub 上下载。

  • Compact Chat has been rewritten from the ground up


    • Most options have remained the same, however some have been removed due to redundancy


  • It should now be more reliable, and have an overall better experience!


  • Support has been dropped for versions less than 1.19 - Only 1.19.1+ is supported now!

    已放弃对 1.19 以下版本的支持 - 现在仅支持 1.19.1 及更高版本!

You can also download this from GitHub.

您也可以从 GitHub 上下载。


CompactChat 1.3 is now here! This version contains some new features, some bug fixes and general performance improvements.

CompactChat 1.3 正式发布!该版本包含一些新功能、漏洞修复和总体性能改进。

⭐️ 功能 Features

  • Add the ability to only compact consecutive messages (suggested by jn64, issue #11)

    添加仅压缩连续信息的功能(由 jn64 建议,issue #11)

🐛 漏洞修复与性能改进 Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Improve the way that we store compacted messages


    • This should make compact chat more reliable, and hopefully should make it perform better with longer chat histories.


🔨 次要改动 Minor Changes

  • Add dutch translations


  • Improve the way that we register our configuration


📝 注意 Notes

  • fabric-api and cloth-config are required.

    需要安装 fabric-apicloth-config

  • To configure the mod, you need to install ModMenu.

    要配置该模组,您需要安装 ModMenu

  • There are two seperate jars, one for 1.19 and one for 1.18, make sure you download the correct one for your version of Minecraft.

    有两个不同的 jar 文件,分别适用于 1.19 和 1.18,请确保为您的 Minecraft 版本下载正确的 jar 文件。


CompactChat 1.2.1 is now here! This version contains a critical bug fix for 1.18 users and some other minor changes.

CompactChat 1.2.1 正式发布!该版本包含针对 1.18 用户的重要漏洞修复和其他一些次要改动。

🐛 漏洞修复与性能改进 Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Fix messages not appearing at all on 1.18

    修复信息在 1.18 中完全不显示的问题

🔨 次要改动 Minor Changes

  • Added norwegian translations


  • Updated simplified chinese translations


📝 注意 Notes

  • fabric-api and cloth-config are required.

    需要安装 fabric-apicloth-config

  • To configure the mod, you need to install ModMenu.

    要配置该模组,您需要安装 ModMenu

  • There are two seperate jars, one for 1.19 and one for 1.18, make sure you download the correct one for your version of Minecraft.

    有两个不同的 jar 文件,分别适用于 1.19 和 1.18,请确保为您的 Minecraft 版本下载正确的 jar 文件。


CompactChat 1.2 is now here!

CompactChat 1.2 正式发布!

This version contains a few new features, some bug fixes and general performance improvements.


Your mod configuration will be reset after installing this update due to using cloth-config instead of the old .properties file.

由于使用 cloth-config 代替了旧的 .properties 文件,安装此更新后您的模组配置将被重置。

⭐️ 功能 Features

  • Add the option to reset the message counters when joining a new world


  • Add the option to clear / not clear the chat history when joining a new world


🐛 漏洞修复与性能改进 Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Make BetterOrderedText#getString static

    BetterOrderedText#getString 设为静态

🔨 次要改动 Minor Changes

  • Use cloth-config for handling the configuration

    使用 cloth-config 处理配置

📝 注意 Notes


CompactChat 1.1.1 is now here! This version contains mostly minor additions and bug fixes.

CompactChat 1.1.1 正式发布!该版本主要包含一些次要添加和漏洞修复。

🐛 漏洞修复 Bug fixes

  • Change positioning and size of "Done" button in the options screen (0ec7c2d)

    更改选项界面中“完成(Done)”按钮的位置和大小 (0ec7c2d)

🔨 次要改动 Minor Changes

  • Added official support for 1.18.2 (5345810)

    添加了对 1.18.2 的官方支持 (5345810)

📝 注意 Notes


CompactChat 1.1.2 is now here! This version contains official support for 1.19.

CompactChat 1.1.2 正式发布!该版本包含对 1.19 的官方支持。

🔨 次要改动 Minor Changes

  • Stop using SpruceUI for the Mod GUI

    停止将 SpruceUI 用于模组界面

  • Added official support for 1.19

    添加了对 1.19 的官方支持

📝 注意 Notes


⭐️ 功能 Features

  • Reset message counters when F3+D is pressed

  • 按 F3+D 时重置信息计数器

🐛 漏洞修复 Bug fixes

  • Fixed custom fonts on messages causing counters to appear as a blank character

  • 修复了信息上的自定义字体导致计数器显示为空白字符的问题

🔨 次要改动 Minor Changes

  • Added Russian Translations

  • 添加了俄语翻译


CompactChat 1.0.1 is now here! This release contains the following changes:

  • Modify the chat infinite chat history's length to be infinite (enabled by default)

  • Don't compact messages which contain "---"

  • Fix spacing issue with certain servers

If you have any problems, please open an issue.

Note: To disable the infinite chat option, you need to access the config screen via ModMenu

CompactChat 1.0.1 正式发布!此版本包含以下更改:

  • 修改无限聊天记录的长度为无限(默认启用)

  • 不要压缩包含“---”的信息

  • 修复某些服务器的间距问题




No changelog specified.

