Added Electric Armor
Added Feather Falling, Jetpack, and Gliding upgrade modules for Electric Armor
Added Fortune upgrade for Electric Sword
Fixed pipes not pulling out all liquids in some machines
Fixed fluid pipes no filtering with the new forge buckets
Fixed issues with the pump
RF pipes now transmit on tick instead of second, others still operate the same
Fixed RF Storage and anything containing an RF Battery
Fixed Crafting Net Launchers
Fixed Advanced and Elite tanks not getting the proper storage amount when placed for first time.
The Great Conduit Conversion
Pipes now operate more towards a conduit network. This should solve all the issues we have been having with pipes including lag issues, mod interaction, etc.
Pipes now accept Multipart Covers. You can now hide your pipes!
Added Climbing wall. Hold Shift and click blocks above you. Faster than ladders!
MCMultipart is now required (
Fixed issue with fluids not being registered if Tinkers isn't present.
Fix issue with Creative Tanks
Changed Recipes and Amounts for RF Storage and Solar Panels.
Bumped Versions of ALL Machine Registry files. If you had added any custom recipes, they will need to be re-added.
Normal bug fixes.
New Recipe system, supports auto updating and in game commands
New machines, Alloyer, and centrifuge. (Deals with molten iron and such)
Added an ElectroMagnet. Will pull things towards you... Many things.. Muwahahahahaha
Added Expansion Upgrade to Dimensional Crate. This will turn it into a cobble gen when there is a block of lava and a block of water beside it.
Thermal Binder now requires molten tin to operate
Thermal Binder also is used to apply upgrades to tools
You can no longer take upgrades off a motherboard once bound
Tool system, right now just pick and sword. Recipes/names/icons WIP but function is there
Added tons of tool upgrades, look them up and see them all
Added Control Upgrade to Dimensional Crate. This will allow oreDict interaction.
Fixed RF Storage not keeping RF when broken.
Fixed Electric Solidifier having 2 recipes and Electric Crucible not having any
Added Crucible. Melts metals in to there Liquid/Molten Form.
Added Solidifer. Creates Nuggets/Ingots/Blocks from liquid/molten metals
Lots new Metals. We recommend using Simply Retrogen to generate new ores in existing worlds. (Add to config)
Dynamic Model System for rendering Fluids
Created 3 Tiers of Item Batteries. Currently only used in crafting recipes. Chargeable in RF Storage
Dimensional Crate will now take a Motherboard (just right click crate with motherboard in hand). Left Click with wrench to remove. Currently only supports Hard Drives to increase Storage size.
Localized/Standardized Locale formats.
Fluid Pipes will now only insert fluids 100mb minimum.
Mob Gun now requires steel and a battery to make. Uses RF to shoot nets
Distance that net flies now dependent on how long you Hold Down the Mob Gun
Added option to Mob Stand to display Custom Named Mobs. Either nametag a mob before capturing or use the Mob Net in an anvil to give it a name. Keeps name on release.
Tanks now interface with IFluidContainer Items and Buckets. If you right click with a tank/bucket in your inventory, it will fill them from the tank in the world.
Tons of bug fixes
YOU MUST DELETE YOUR config/NeoTech/Registries/crusherRecipe.json file so it can be rebuilt with the new ores
Added Void Tank
Added Tree Farm
Added Mob Gun and Mob Net. Allows capturing of mobs and animals
Added Mob Stand. Display all your captured animals
Interface pipes now default to Insert. To configure Shift/Right click with a wrench
Solar Panels now hold different amounts of energy depending on Tier
Added Waila information for the Pump
Fixed Storage Crate sometimes loosing its display
More Fixes/Improvements to Pipes
General Fixes/Improvements
Lots of updates to pipes. This should hopefully solve any issue that were happening with pipes.
Make pipe recipes cheaper
Increase RF/t output of energy pipes and RFStorage
Fixed Solar Panels being able to output energy to any side. Should only be able to output to bottom
Normal collection of Bug Fixes :)
Added an Electric Pump
Storage Crate now will fill with everything in your inventory by double right clicking
Added Config option for max chunkloader size (#79)
Fixed Redstone mode Reset of World Load (#86)
Fixed Item/Fluid interface crash (#83/#85)
Fixed trying to render on missing TE's (#82)
Fixed Item Pipes sending more items then receiving inventory can handle and just dropping them on Floor (#81)
Fixed Crusher going past MaxStackSize (#77/#78)
Fixed multiple update notifications
New Item. Spawner Relocator. Moves spawners. Hold right click till full extension, then release.
Storage Crate now Lockable
Code has been optimized and should improve performance.
Add Information Tab (Left Side) to all machine explaining what they do and what upgrades they accept.
Fixed Issue with Item/Liquid Pipes and Tanks (Fixes #64)
Fixed Furnace Generator not using fuel (Fixes #62)
** If upgrading from version 2.3.0 or earlier, you MUST DELETE THE NEOTECH CONFIG DIRECTORY **
Changed all inventories to IItemHandler, no more IInventory or ISided. If a mod isn't interacting well with our inventories, tell that mod author to handle IItemHandlers as Forge has stated this is the new practice
Finished implementing upgrades on all machines/generators
Crusher can be upgraded to have secondary output, use expansion upgrade
Added Dimensional Storage, a barrel like storage system
Improved tank model/handling
Implemented Forge Update checker
Added colored stars
Added redstone clock
Added trash bag, will automatically trash items set in its filter (right click with trash bag) on item pickup
Machines have been refactored into Producers and Generators. They should be much more efficient
GUIs have been improved to look better. Motherboards are on tabs and all upgrade functionality is available in one GUI
Pipes have been condensed to just Interface pipes, they act as extraction and insert pipes
Pipes have been made more efficient
Changed Miniature sun to require a Nether Star in crafting recipe to balance.
Fixed Crusher/Grinder not working with colored wool. You will need to delete config/Neotech/Registries/CrusherRegistry.json
Added a flushable chest, apply a redstone signal to clear the inventory
Added chunk loaders, 0 around means it'll load its own chunk. Can expand to 3 around (5x5 chunk area)
Added solid bronze block, changed textures to look better
Fixed issue with energy size not updating with upgrades in machines on reload
Pipe rendering improved, won't show walls inside pipes
Huge performance fix, pipes not cache their pipe map
Added pipe filters (control upgrade)
Added pipe frequencies (expansion upgrade)
Added ability to disable Insert/Extract pipe connections (control upgrade)
Improved item rendering in pipes, shows stack and rotates
Redstone control for input pipes
Advanced pipes now share common super class, makes things cleaner
Wrench rotates blocks, shift right click pipes to remove them
New wrench texture and renders as tool
Fixed Crusher not using RF
Fixed crash with Thermal Binder when removing things mid process
Finally fixed Item Pipes being derpy with ISidedInventories
Reduced RF required per upgrade in Thermal Binder
Started adding tooltip information for upgrade usages
Added ChunkLoader
Switch WorldGenerator over to Java Class for SimpleRetrogen Compatability. To use CPW's SimpleRetroGen mod, add com.dyonovan.neotech.managers.NeotechWorldGenerator
to the config.
Furnace and Crusher now accept upgrades.
1.8.9 Update
We are officially moving to JEI support, I imagine it will be the new NEI so hopefully it will stick around even if NEI updates. It is way easier to work with and we love it.
We are also using JEI's in game description feature to start documenting blocks and items. This will make in game documentation simple
The update to 1.8.9 brought some improvements in the mod
The upgrade system has been started, but not in functional stages just yet for machines
New block, the grinder is an early game ore doubling mechanic. Place a vanilla pressure plate on top and jump on that to grind ores. Better plate makes things go faster
Upgrade system implemented on extraction pipes, hard drives pull larger stacks, cpus make it faster, control adds redstone control, expansion lets you change mode
Use the wrench on an expansion pipe to access motherboard and upgrades when installed
Redstone can be toggled to disabled, activate on high, and activate on low
Modes can be switched between first available, last available, and round robin
Pipe recipes made cheaper
Fix for ISidedInventories not working right with pipes, should remove bounce back when others are available
Pipes now try to remember what is being sent, this means it will only send what will fit into the inventory and not send more than it needs
Player only activated pressure plate added
Fixed lag issues with machines and RF storage, should run much better
Added recipes for components and thermal binder
Grinder JEI support and completion
The bug fixes never end.....
Fixed crash when using pistons
Added dual crafting workbench
Applying redstone to Tank will stop it draining down
Improvements to Pipes. Optimized to run at half the resource cost
Added Color variants of Basic Structure Pipe. Each color will only connect to its own color, white, or extraction/insertion pipes. Allows placing pipes beside each other without them connecting
NEI Work. Added Overlay for Crusher/Furnace recipes
Tweak to initial Crusher Recipe List Creation. I RECOMMEND DELETING EXISTING crusherRecipe.json FILE!!!
Added particles to active state of machines
Added Bronze dust and ingots.
Waila integration
Tweaks to model rendering. We have switched to using the Forge V1 of BlockStates
Bunch of bug fixes (Lets just forget 2.0.1 even existed)
Added 3 tiers plus a creative RF Storage Cube
Added Pipes! They are not craftable yet, but please play with them in creative and let us know!
Pipe Network eventually will be able to transport items, liquids, and power over the same network
Separate extract and insert pipe for each type
Currently only Item versions are available
Eventually pipes will be upgradable
Added Electric Miner (Needs testing. Please report any bugs). A chest MUST be placed on top of miner and then items can be piped out from the chest.
Added 2 new upgrades for Electric Miner. Size and Silk Touch (WIP)
Changed Fluid Generator recipe to need a blaze rod. It was to easy to make and bypass the Furnace Generator.
Fixed being able to use water in Fluid Generator. This was never intended. Right now lava is the only valid fluid.
Added Block Form of Copper and Tin.
Fixed a bunch of bugs in the upgrade system.