  • Implemented workaround for crash from breaking some TC2 blocks due
    to Forge introducing incompatibility in 1.7.10 for breakBlock calls

  • Implemented some EntityFX support, particles in TC2 appear to work properly

  • Reworked item usage to improve client/server compatibility, resolves putting disks into RP2 disk drive

  • Fixed crash with TC2 when fetching ItemStack info

  • Improved tool support, RP2 and other mods with tools should work now

  • Implemented custom tool materials

  • TC2 tool special abilities somewhat working, though some actions only affect client side for some reason

  • Prevented TC2 GUI crash

  • Implemented TextureFX, various animated things render now, like RP2 frame motors, BC liquids, TC2 liquid vis, etc

  • Fixed bug in timing of client world ticks

  • Added a more universal system for dealing with static fields used in world ticks

  • Misc crash fixes

  • Portal guns work a tiny bit, but are still really glitchy

  • Reworked item/block/stack name localizations, most mods now show proper names

  • Fixed a crash with RP2 deployers that got introduced during build 006's development

  • Connected some chat messages, RP2 voltmeter prints to screen now

  • Added support for ICraftingHandler, RP2 saws now properly take damage when crafting microblocks

  • Added texture info for some vanilla blocks, makes various RP2 microblocks render properly

  • Added worldgen support

  • Added better biome conversion

  • Added better block color override support

  • Bridged various block harvesting functionality, things now take time to break, most have proper drops now

  • Limited lava detection during worldgen to 10%; prevents out of control RP2 volcanoes due to newer 1.7.10 worldgen

  • IC2 tree tap can be used on rubber trees

  • Thaumcraft 2 fixes, worldgen works, Goggles of Revealing work, Eldritch Monoliths can be opened, Arcane Singularity works, etc

  • Implemented random and scheduled block updates

  • Added synchronization of item stack NBT data

  • Destruction Catalyst in EE2 now destroys blocks

  • Fixed EntityItem bug that caused certain stacks to be empty and appear with only a shadow

  • Implemented a player inventory sync,Destruction Catalyst consumes glowstone now. (Reverted somehow, only sometimes works)

  • Evertide Amulet can place water, Volcanite Amulet places lava

  • RP2 Deployer doesn't lose entire inventory after activation now

  • Implemented basic entity rendering, particularly for EntityLiving, but it's mostly broken

  • Found client/server separation-related bugs, then made GUIs work better than at any point so far

  • Volcanite and Evertide Amulet can launch projectiles (but they don't render yet)

  • Armor can be equipped, but it doesn't render yet and doesn't offer protection

  • Fixed client/server separation bug with EntityItem

  • Added more entity-related functionality, items are attracted by Black Hole Band on Dark Matter Pedestal in EE2

  • Fixed some issues with BuildCraft 3, things like assembly table will work (with bad laser rendering)

  • Fixed some Thaumcraft 2 crashes, Portable Hole now works

  • Implemented some support for mod load order priority

  • ComputerCraft and Balkon's Weapon Mod will load, most is broken

  • Fixed some entity rendering, cannon and training dummy in Balkon's Weapon Mod appear correctly

  • Entities can receive damage

  • Sychronized more entity stuff, dynamite and knife can be thrown in Balkon's Weapon Mod

  • Fixed ray casting bug, IC2 cables can be broken

  • Various little fixes to avoid some IC2 crashes

  • Fixed some timer issues, IC2 energy net now somewhat works

  • Replicated some TileEntityFurnace functionality, IC2 generators will burn coal properly, everything else uses generic amount

  • Fixed enough stuff to let Thaumcraft 2 start again

  • Improved ModelRenderer support, things like BC refinery and TC2 blocks look much better

  • "Fixed" render passes, RP2 lamps and TC2 blocks look far more correct

  • Made
    all unknown 1.7.10 blocks use a generic 1.2.5 block ID, avoids crashes
    in mods like RP2 which access the block array directly

  • Implemented hack workaround to prevent second render pass from vanishing after chunk sorting. Will fix properly later.

  • Portal Gun works (kind of)! Faith plates and portal frames, at least, not the gun due to entities.

  • Added entity watcher, synchronizes basic changes made to entities on 1.2.5 side into 1.7.10

  • Improved GUI rendering a bit, fixes PortalGun GUI issues

  • Fixed bug forcing you to relog after placing certain blocks before their GUIs would update, like BC engines

  • Got More Creeps & Weirdos to start, fixed some crash bugs, but it's far from working due to entities

  • Railcraft starts, coke oven cooks, water tank forms but doesn't seem to collect water, lots of broken stuff

  • Fixed class mapping, should let RedPower 2 Control start

  • Fixed bug preventing Forestry from starting

  • Fixed lots of things to allow various Forestry machines and engines to work

  • Rewrote item rendering to support Forestry layered items

  • Fixed rendering for certain vanilla render types

  • Rewrote
    a lot of the container code, some GUIs work better, some not as well
    (player inventory doesn't update while in GUI, BC engines require
    logging back into world once after placing)

  • Fixed stuff for RedPower2 deployer to work, but it swallows its inventory after one activation

  • Fixed block drops, BuildCraft quarry now spits out items, etc

  • Fixed
    item stack limits (with the unfortunate side effect that RP2 saws don't
    stack now but are still eaten after crafting for some reason)

  • Major GUI overhaul, still with a lot of bugs, but RP2 logic devices work more accurately, and sync with the server.

  • RP2 screwdriver syncs with server now

  • RP2 Blulectric power and machines work, including frames and the pump. Frames have buggy rendering during movement though.

  • RP2 Control computers work but not in release builds yet due to a mapping bug, sorry!

  • BuildCraft stirling engine works without crashing now

  • Thermal Expansion GUIs work, machines work, can be powered by BuildCraft engines and pipes, etc

  • Probably other stuff.

  • Fixed a bug I accidentally introduced shortly before release of #001, which broke BC pipe rendering and probably other things.

  • Thermal Expansion will now load!

  • Other internal things that will eventually make GUIs work better.

  • Initial release!
