- Management: Fixed a dupe with chests in boats.
- Misc: Fixed the Horse Whistle having a very tiny range.
- Misc: Iron Chains no longer cause minecarts to never shut up.
- Tweaks: Fixed the slabs to blocks recipe not working sometimes.
- World: Fixed stonelings always spawning with frogs.
- World: Fixed stonelings not being tamable properly.
- World: Fixed stonelings spawning with frogs and then despawning and leaving the frogs behind.
- General: Added the new Oddities module, including more complex which requires the Oddities addon to be installed.
- General: Moved some things around in the q Button menu to accomodate new buttons and the Oddities module.
- Automation: Added Iron and Gold Buttons. Iron is slow, Gold is fast.
- Automation: Added a Sugar Block. It dissolves if next to water.
- Automation: Added the Redstone Randomizer, made like a comparator but with Biotite.
- Automation: Fixed broken redstone behaviour with observers. (quat)
- Automation: Fixed the Chute desyncing a bit when just placed.
- Building: Added Framed Glass, a new glass type made with iron that looks cool for medieval builds.
- Building: Added Pavement for all types of stone.
- Building: Improved the Carved Wood texture. It no longer looks like a terrible mismash of wood plank textures (which it was).
- Client: Added a better looking effect for mobs on fire.
- Client: Better Vanilla Textures now makes Beetroot Seeds less awful.
- Client: Dropped items now flash when they're almost despawning.
- Client: Fixed panorama screenshots messing up the player's rotation and sending an error message instead of confirmation. (quat)
- Client: Fixed using the search bar when having invalid enchanted books in an inventory crashing the game. (quat)
- Client: Fixed the description for the panorama screenshot feature saying it's triggered by F12 instead of F2.
- Decoration: Added Flower Pots being able to hold every flower. (KnightMiner)
- Decoration: Added Paper Lamps.
- Decoration: Added wood variant Pressure Plates and Buttons.
- Decoration: Colord Flower Pots also have the ability to hold every flower. (KnightMiner)
- Decoration: Fixed paper walls breaking instantly and not having the proper sound assigned.
- Decoration: Paper Walls now have a big variant.
- Decoration: Tallow can now be used as a fuel source, smelting one item each.
- Experimental: Added [DATA EXPUNGED].
- Management: Added the ability to add chests to boats by right clicking them in.
- Management: Added the ability to right click shulker boxes with items to add the items to the box.
- Management: Better Crafting Shift Clicking now supports Villagers.
- Management: Delete Items now has a trash can icon you can drop stuff in.
- Management: Dropoff/sorting now supports forge SlotItemHandler. (asiekierka)
- Management: Fixed a possibility for world corruption with dropoff. (palaster)
- Misc: Added Parrot Eggs. Feed a parrot some Beetroot Seeds and it may pop out an egg after a bit!
- Misc: Fixed a crash with the Slime in a Bucket if the NBT data isn't correct.
- Misc: Fixed some log spam thanks to the glowstone dust and gunpowder blocks not having item models.
- Oddities: Added Pipes, a fancy way to transport items, designed so you need some thought to make them work.
- Tweaks. More Stackables now supports potions, soups/stews, and saddles.
- Tweaks: Fixed minecart interaction not dealing well with cart items that were replaced by other mods like Railcraft. (palaster)
- Tweaks: Fixed villagers that don't know how to open doors being forced to open two doors at a time crashing the game. (palaster)
- Tweaks: Improved Sleeping now turns itself off if you have SleepingOverhaul so it doesn't break it.
- Tweaks: Improved the code for hoe harvesting, it should be able to detect plants from Biomes'o'Plenty now.
- Tweaks: Signs from the Minecraft Guideposts mod are now blacklisted from sign edit.
- Vanity: Fixed desyncs when sitting in stairs.
- World: Added Fairy Rings, new rare flower structures with some cool ore under them.
- World: Added Speleothems (stalactites and stalagmites) to caves, they come in all 7 stone types, as well as netherrack. You can craft them too.
- World: Fixed Cave Crystals not working with Chisels & Bits.
- World: Made world stone clusters more common by default.
- General: Major Config Update
- Redid the entire ingame config UI to be much more user intuitive
- Added a "first load" menu that shows up the first time you load quark (when it has to generate the config file)
- Added a button to the main menu and pause menu to access the config (can be turned off)
- Added the ability to disable features from the quark website and import them into the game
- Improved some config descriptions to be more descriptive
- Building: Bark Blocks now default to a 3x3 recipe instead of 2x2 so they don't conflict with Forestry. The config to change to 3x3 has been changed to a config to change to 2x2.
- Decoration: Added a config option to enable recipes to revert quark chests to vanilla chests, case you're using mods that don't use the ore dictionary key.
- Misc: The first time you use Rotation Lock, you'll get a message in chat saying what you did and the keybind to revert it, since a lot of people seem to do it on accident.
- Tweaks: Enderman Anti Cheese is now only enabled in Hard difficulty by default.
- Tweaks: Fixed jump boost step assist not being the correct height. (InsomniaKitten)
- API: Added two new hooks: IFuseIgnitable and IRotationLockhandler
- API: Any GuiScreen with IChestButtonCallback is now accepted as Chest Button enabled.
- General: Added a new Client module, where all the features that don't require the server to have Quark fit. A bunch of features from other modules were moved here. Check the website for the full listing.
- Building: Added the Trowel, a new item that places random blocks from your hotbar.
- Client: Added Improved Sign Interface.
- Client: Added the Usage Ticker, a new HUD element that shows info about how many items/blocks you have left, and the status of your armor.
- Management: Fixed the Deposit chet button being able to place items in slots they shouldn't go into, such as Shulker Boxes inside other Shulker Boxes.
- Misc: Added Animal Poisoning. Baby animals can be fed Poisonous Potatoes to make them never grow up.
- Misc: Added Sweeping Edge to the list of valid Ancient Tome enchantments.
- Tweaks: Added Axe Leaf Harvesting. Axes will break leaves as fast as shears.
- Tweaks: Added Compasses Working Everywhere, which makes them work in the Nether and End, and disables them until they're crafted (to prevent recipe book cheesing).
- Vanity: Reworked Emotes.
- All Emotes were changed to a new data format.
- Added Weep and Think emotes.
- Redid the emote sprites to a new 16x style.
- Redid the emote menu to allow more to fit in larger GUI scales.
- Added support for fully custom emotes. Here's a tutorial.
- General: Added a Misc module and moved a few features from other modules to it. Check out what got moved on the new section in the site.
- General: Compressed more textures.
- General: Fixed entities not having properly localized names.
- Automation: Pistons can no longer break blocks with end rod unless the rod is directly adjacent to the piston that's pushing. This is a needed evil to fix dupe bugs.
- Misc: Added options to panorama screenshots to change the screenshot resolution and enable full resolution panoramas.
- Misc: Fixed Snow Golems only dropping their head when they DON'T have a pumpkin rather than when they do.
- Tweaks: Added maps rendering in inventory tooltips.
- Tweaks: Added villagers following players holding an emerald block.
- Tweaks: Disabled the pumpkin face texture override by default because it looked really weird when worn.
- Tweaks: Fixed recipes for reverting vanilla stairs not being registered.
- Vanity: Fixed boat sails not rendering.
- World: Changed the cave crystal textures to animated ones by /u/yukosgiti.
The 101 feature update! Quark now has 101 features to spice up your game.
- General: Any features that turn themselves off when specific mods are loaded now have config options to force them on.
- General: Features now define whether they require a minecraft reload to enable or not. Furthermore, any that don't, can now properly be enabled ingame even if they were disabled before.
- Automation: Added Animals eating food from the ground.
- Automation: Added End Rods working as block breakers when pushed by Pistons.
- Building: Added Soul Sandstone Bricks and Polished Soul Sandstone to the More Sandstone feature.
- Building: Added Soul Sandstone.
- Decoration: Added Iron Ladders.
- Management: Added Deleting Items by pressing Ctrl+DELETE.
- Management: Added Inventory Sorting.
- Management: Moved the Restock button in Chest Buttons and added a Sort button if Inventory Sorting is enabled.
- Tweaks: Added Endermites burying into Purpur, turning into Shulkers.
- Tweaks: Added Food and XP display when mounted.
- Tweaks: Added Food Display on Tooltips.
- Tweaks: The Double Doors feature will now turn off if CharsetTweaks is loaded.
- Building: Added recipes for colored Hardned Clay Tiles using 8 normal Hardened Clay Tiles and one dye.
- Tweaks: Added Ladder Deploying. Right click a ladder with another one to make it go down.
- Vanity: Lowered the range in which you can sit on stairs.
- Vanity: Removed the ability to sit on stairs if you're already sitting on something else.
- World: Added a config option to register the pirate hat item only and not the mob or generator.
- World: Fixed limit break books allowing for incompatible enchantments to be used together via an anvil.
- World: Made Wraiths spawn in biomes added to the nether by other mods.
- General: Removed debugs that were left in on accident.
- Decoration: Registered all trapdoors in the ore dictionary, so they work with Forestry.
- Experimental: Added Print Suppressor. Disables STDOUT and STDERR debug messages from mods.
- Experimental: All features are now disabled by default, the module itself is now enabled by default.
- Tweaks: Fixed players in adventure mode being able to edit signs.
- World: Removed respiration and depth strider from the ancient books enchantment list due to them not working properly at higher levels than what vanilla allows.