Forge version: 1.18.1-39.0.36
IE version: 1.18.1-7.1.0-145
Initial 1.18.1 Port
[C] Removed PostBase Tooltip. (TwistedGate)
[C] Manual Entry and Language File Changes. (TwistedGate)
Removed flavour text.
Removed dynamicly generated table and replaced it with a manualy written version. (Also removed the entries in en_us.json aswell.)
Index page entries are now clickable for faster navigation.
Switched from item display to recipe display. (As it used to be waaay back)
Moved Aluminum and Steel entry up, to be near Treated Wood, as they should be.
Forge version: 1.16.5-36.2.0
IE version: 1.16.5-5.0.3-138
[A] Added API to add custom Posts. (TwistedGate)
[A] Added Korean Translation. (FreddyYJ)
[F] ImmersivePosts actualy wanting the correct Forge and IE versions. (TwistedGate)
[F] Fixed ImmersivePosts reporting the wrong version. (TwistedGate)
With ImmersivePosts having an API now the version scheme changed aswell! ImmersivePosts-MinecraftVersion-ApiVersion-Release