Legends: + : Adding;
#: Fix;
>: debuffing;
<: buffing;
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (3.3.360.6r)
#Fix - #31 (Scripts don`t work)
#Fix model for Herobrines Scythe
Legends: + : Adding;
#: Fix;
>: debuffing;
<: buffing;
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (3.3.350.6r)
#Planks have OreDict "plankWood" #20
#Plant grow without "randomTickSpeed" and Bonemeal #19
#Fix disconnects multiplayer players after use smoking pipe #16
+Prepare add Bullet and Revolver (I reboot Windows 10 D:)
+Add Tobacco Pouch
Legends: + : Adding;
#: Fix;
>: debuffing;
<: buffing;
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (
#You can make Aspectc-Crystals #7
-You must use Hopper for make Silverwood Smoking Pipe #9
#Grow ALL (maybe) crops (Very common bugs)
-I don`t know this bugs - #8 , please tell me MORE info about it
Legends: + : Adding;
#: Fix;
>: debuffing;
<: buffing;
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (
#Update all core mods (DummyCore and Thaumcraft 6)
+ Add Aspects for items (Looking Thaumic JEI)
+ Add config option for craft primordar pearl and void seeds (default - false)
Knowed Bugs and Thinking featurs: I take time for relax :D, soon make Ukelele, Revoler and Foci, but i still wait release version thaumcraft 6
Process - 95%
Legends: + : Adding;
#: Fix;
>: debuffing;
<: buffing;
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (
#Update B14->B17 version Thaumcraft 6
#Fix crush with Thaumcraft 6 Beta 17
Knowed Bugs and Thinking featurs: I take time for relax :D, soon make Ukelele, Revoler and Foci, but i still wait release version thaumcraft 6
Process - 95%
Legends: + : Adding;
#: Fix;
>: debuffing;
<: buffing;
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (
+Add JEI Support (Just add in Blacklist blocks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
#Thauminicons research
+Tobacco and his functions
+Pipe for tobacco
#More craft fixes
+Name tags FINALLY
#Fix research
Knowed Bugs and Thinking featurs: add Enchantment and Lore in last build
Process - 40%
Legends: + : Adding;
#: Fix;
>: debuffing;
<: buffing;
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (
+Add new Block - Campfire
+Add new Research
#Research <3
#Rewrite fuctions campfire system
Knowed Bugs and Thinking featurs: add Enchantment and Lore in last build
Process - 25%
Legends: + : Adding;
#: Fix;
>: debuffing;
<: buffing;
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (
+Add OverChanter
+Add Craft Trees and Aurelia
+Add craft Spikes
#Fix Thauminicons AGAIN
< Enchatments in Overchanter
Knowed Bugs and Thinking featurs: add Enchantment last build
Process - 20%
+ : Adding;
#: Fix;
>: debuffing;
<: buffing;
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (
+Trees (100%, but have craft one sapling)
#Fix arcane craft vanilla block again!
#Fix watch recipe in Thauminicons#
Remove Peacfull Tree
Knowed Bugs and Thinking featurs: add Enchantment last build, Thaumonomicon don`t show new research mod (I don`t know why!) Use /thaumcraft reload after enter in world
Process - 18%
Legends: + : Adding;
#: Fix;
>: debuffing;
<: buffing;
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (
+Add new plant and fuction for his
+Add new Research
+Add recipe for plants
Knowed Bugs and Thinking featurs: add Enchantment last build, Thaumonomicon don`t show new research mod (I don`t know why!) Use /thaumcraft reload after enter in world
Process - 18%
Legends: + : Adding;
#: Fix;
>: debuffing;
<: buffing;
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (
+Add new Fluid and solid fluid state
< More powder after break solid
+New researching
+New Cruisble recipes
> harden Cruisble recipe
Knowed Bugs and Thinking featurs: add Enchantment last build
Process - 15%
Legends: + : Adding;
#: Fix;
>: debuffing;
<: buffing;
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (
+New ignot finish porting
+Crystal blocks finish porting
#Fix more recipe bugs and add config option for count aspect
Knowed Bugs and Thinking featurs: add Enchantment last build
Process - 13%
+ : Adding
#: Fix
>: debuffing
<: buffing
Thaumic Bases 1.12.2 (
+Crystal blocks.WIP(25%)
+New ignot (but strange textures).WIP(25%)
+Cruisble macerator recipe
#Remove Enchantment, return later and fix
#Transfer of alpha into beta
+Open Source
Fixed revolver primal with efficiency upgrade
Fixed new wand cores being useless
Fixed the Node manipulator research being unobtainable
Fixed crash with new TC due to API changes
Added WAILA patch
Fixed some rendering issues for items
Fixed wrong displayment of wand cores due to model changes
Fixed NPE with Ukulele's aspects
Fixed a derp in the Shard Cluster's recipe ._.
Fixed a N must be positive crash with Aura Linkers
Fixed a CME if the player tries to pick up pyrofluid with a bucket
Fixed a NPE crash with rosa mysteria fragments
Thaumonomicon entry for rosa mysteria now mentions the ability to craft the fragments with research
Fixed a server-side crash
Fixed the Entity Deconstructor losing the information about the player it is bound to after relogging
Fixed some more tiny bugs
Added the Node Linker - Node Bullying 2.0
Added the Thaumaturge's revolver - a very cool weapon, that has it's own upgrade system.
Added half-slabs for some decorative blocks
Pyrofluid drops can now be tweaked in the config file
Made the brightness foci require a Primordial Pearl(configurable)
Added a config option to disable tobacco
Made the advanced alchemical furnace require alumentum to speed up(configurable)
Made the speed of the advanced alchemical furnace configurable(default is x2)
Added a config option to control ore processing results(default 8)
Fixed OreDictionary related crash if no mod was adding obsidian to it
Pestle And Mortar are now OreDictionary replaceable