New Features
Make config sync from server to client - changes config location to save/serverconfigs! #14
Verify compatibility with 1.16.5 #13
Bug Fixes
Client Side Crash when using theurgy on Server. #16
Crash on Diamond to Emerald Transmutation #15
Crystals grow upside down / facing away from the surface #12
Essentia Crystals grow too fast #11
Switch to personal token.
default github token does not allow to trigger action from action -> milestones are not closed.
Crystals face in wrong direction when spreading naturally. #10
Make crystals only grow on full blocks. #9
Make crystals drop if connected block is destroyed. #8
Add ingredient info for non-recipe items with no info in JEI. #5
Recipe missing for pure crystal and prima materia crystal stirrer. #6
NullPointerException: Exception ticking world. #4
New Features:
Add recipes for common mod gems #3
Add recipes for common mod metals #2
Add discord link to guide book #1