
- left in some test fx with the harvest seals. Oops
- fixed lumber and breaker seals. Turns out they were taking advantage of the bug with tasks getting stuck that I fixed in 5.2.3. Reworked them not to rely on bugs :p
·修复了操控印记:挖掘和操控印记:砍伐。原来他们通过让作者上当修复5.2.3来利用BUG,修改它们不会再依赖于BUG了 :P
- climbing golems should be less likely to try and climb whatever they are working on
- golems are now more likely to try and get next to their target block instead of right in it.


- fix for possible seal crash on servers
- 修复了一些由操控印记引起的服务器崩溃问题.
- tracked down a nasty bug causing golem AI to interrupt itself and 'lose' certain tasks. This effected harvest seals especially and would cause farms to become very slow.
- 修复了由于傀儡自身AI引起的任务丢失问题.这项问题在收获印记上表现尤为突出,使得整个农场运作缓慢.


- new stuff
- 新的法杖
- 9 coins can now be crafted into a gold bar
- 现在⑨个金币可以合成一块金锭
- totems now properly count all chunks in their inner and outer range as eligible
- 图腾现在会正确检测其内部及外部区块
- possible fix for golems with the hauler tag occasionally getting stuck holding a ghost item.
- 修复了傀儡偶尔会持有并不实际存在的物品的问题.
- when sprinting while flying with a thaumostatic harness, vis usage will be greatly increased.
- 在加速跑的情况下使用奥法缰绳起飞将大大提升缰绳内部的灵气消耗
- fix for infusion crafting speed modifiers (from upgrades and altar types) not being applied
- 修复了注魔石不起作用的问题
- changed the way revelations in the outer lands is gained. It is now a secondary research, but should be a lot less buggy.
- 修改了外域启示研究的获取方式.现在他成为了次生研究,这会修复之前的一些问题.
- the Warping effect on gear will now also increase the time it takes for warp events to stop happening after warp is gained.
- 由于装备引起的扭曲同样会提升扭曲反应停止的时间.
- fixed the recipe for sustaining ring enchantment to use the proper metadata value for the water breathing potion. The MC wiki lied to me :(
- 修复了由于弄错水下呼吸药剂ID导致的某种指环无法合成的问题.

- the dioptra now emits a comparator signal based on the aura levels for the current chunk (based on which crystal is placed inside)
- 现在奥术屈光仪会基于放在其中的元素碎片类型来发出比较器可接收的红石信号,用以指示附近该种灵气的数量.
- fiddled with grapple focus syncing a bit. The grapple head might now shift position slightly while you are being pulled as the client and server catches up to each other, but it won't seem to connect to empty air anymore or give 'false' connects.
- 抓钩核心的目标问题得到了修复.现在抓钩头部会轻微转换目的地来确保你和服务端的同步.
- by default filtered seals will now be in blacklist mode and a completely empty white list will not allow anything through (currently empty white lists act like empty black lists which is counter to how most other mods work)
- 现在默认的操控印记过滤器会执行空白的黑名单模式.一个完全空白的白名单会阻止任何物品.(之前是空白的白名单和空白的黑名单表现出一样的运转结果)
- fill seals can now be set to only fill a container if it already contains an item like that
- 操控印记:填充现在可以设定仅在目标容器可以容纳该物品时工作.
- empty and provider seals can be set to always leave at least 1 item of a type in their container
- 操控印记:空置 和 供给 现在可以设定总是保留一个物品在绑定容器内.
- several small tweaks and bugfixes
- 一些小改动及bug修复.


- fixed sword of the zephyr crafting recipe
- 修复了风雷剑的配方
- fixed rechargable items causing a crash if placed in recharge pedestal
- 修复了可充能物品放在充能基座内会引起崩溃的问题
- fixed edge-case mod conflict causing seal gui's to break
- 修复了由于模组冲突引起的操控印记gui崩溃
- arcane bore now properly detects infusion enchants. I completely forgot it can harvest clusters and such.
- 现在奥术钻探机会正确地读取注魔附魔.


- API: addition to the seal filtering api involving having filters with stacksizes>0
- API:除了傀儡印记自身的过滤装置之外,API还提供了任何堆叠数大于0的物品的过滤.
- API: added methods to allow checking of redstone signals for seals.
- API:添加了使傀儡印记能够检测红石信号的方法.
- many non-wand items powered by vis no longer recharge themselves from the aura. They can hold much more charge than they could before, but require a recharge pedestal (or vis amulet) to recharge.
- 现在非法杖的物品无法再通过吸收周围的灵气来进行充能.他们的灵气存储上限相比以前增加了许多,但是需要通过充能基座或是魔力石,魔力存储护身符来进行充能.
- the vis amulet no longer has an internal store of vis. Instead it acts as a portable recharge pedestal for any 'rechargable' item worn (armor, baubles) or held in your hotbar.
- 魔力石及魔力存储护身符不再提供内部的灵气存储.作为代替,它现在充当便携式充能基座来为玩家穿戴的装备和物品栏内的物品进行充能.
- added a hud element to clearly indicate the charge levels in items. If the charge level remains constant the hud elemenent will hide itself after some time to reduce onscreen clutter. There is a config option to change where on the screen the hud is displayed.
- 添加了一个用以显示装备充能程度的hud.如果装备的充能程度在一定时间没有改变,该hud会自动隐藏.同时添加了相应的cfg选项来改变显示该hud的位置.
- added blast resistant property to some golem materials
- 为部分材质的傀儡添加了爆炸抗性.
- golems placing blocks via the use seal will block themselves from placing it a lot less now
- 现在傀儡在执行操控印记:使用 的命令放置方块时,被自己所放置的方块卡住的几率大大减小了.

- block breaker seal will now be able to properly filter things like logs
- 操控印记:挖掘现在能够通过设置来过滤物品,例如原木.
- block breaker, harvest and lumber seals now check their area 5 times faster
- 操控印记:挖掘 收获 伐木的工作范围内检测速度是上版本的5倍.
- chain lighting focus and arcing enchant will now ignore friendly entities you own
- 连锁闪电升级在运作时会忽略你拥有的友好生物.
- changed the way elemental tools work behind the scenes and also altered the abilties some of them had. This is still a WIP.
- 改变了元素工具的工作模式,以及修改了他们的部分特性.这项内容仍然在制作中.
- added a revised infusion enchantment system based on adding unique 'enchantments' in line with elemental tool abilities.
- 为了给元素工具添加独一无二的附魔,而新增了一个独特的注魔附魔系统.
- node merging will now only happen serverside and not cause odd desync issues
- 节点间的相互吸引现在不会引起服务端不同步的问题了.
- goggles of revealing now require brass in their recipe as intended. The have been repairable with brass instead of a gold for a while now, but looks like I missed the recipe.
- 揭示之护目镜现在需求黄铜作为材料.可以通过使用一块黄铜锭在铁砧中进行修复.似乎在之前的版本中我忘记添加这项功能了.
- gears and plates are cheaper to craft now.
- 齿轮和金属板的造价降低~

- getting to the simplest golems will no longer require scanning something that isn't extremely obvious.
- 现在制作最简单的傀儡不再需要去扫描那些不常见的东西了.
- golems can now be dyed light blue
- 傀儡可以被染成天蓝色
- seals can now be set to deactivate if they recieve a redstone signal
- 操控印记现在可以通过红石信号来进行关闭
- harvest seal will now attempt to till soil if it was farmland previously, but has turned into dirt
- 操控印记:收获 现在会尝试将范围内的泥土变为耕地
- the store seals can now be set to infinitely fill (like they currently do) or only fill up to a specific amount in white list mode.
- 操控印记:填充 可以在以下模式中进行设定: 无限制的填充,填充白名单中的物品至特定数量.
- provide seal should definitely only take a single item now when you have that setting ticked
- 操控印记:供给 现在可以通过设置来仅仅提供单个物品.
- fixed the oh so incredibly bugged essentia crystalizer. It was using crazy amounts of vis since it was still thinking it was in TC 4 and getting fed CV
- 修复了源质结晶器工作时消耗海量灵气的问题.
- fixed pech mage trading crash bug
- 修复了地精交易时引起的崩溃问题
- pechs now only trade for things worth at least 2 lucrum
- 地精现在只接受含有至少2点贪婪要素的物品进行的交易.
- wand textures should now properly update when resourcepacks are loaded/unloaded
- 现在法杖的贴图会在切换资源包的时候及时更新.

- fixed a huge bug that meant that aura recharge and pollution events where ignoring the world they happened in and just happened in whatever dimension processed them first - usually the overworld.
- 修复了一个巨大的BUG,内容为:灵气的充能以及污染事件会忽略他们发生的世界以及仅仅把这些发生在最初进入这个世界的地点,通常是主世界.
- eldritch portal should be visible again
- 血腥门户现在重新变为可见状态.
- thaumcraft mobs now have aspects again
- 神秘时代特有的生物现在重新拥有了要素点.
- made scattershot frost focus a bit more effective at short range
- 略微提升了溅射升级在短距离的输出表现.
- flammable things are now flammable
- 可燃物现在可燃了...
- vis crystals are now more limited in their spread - only 4 'generations' of growth can occur from a central crystal before spread stops. This is still a fairly large patch, but will prevent caves from being completely overrun by crystals on servers.
- 魔力结晶现在在传播方面受到了限制:仅仅只有完全成长的魔力结晶才具有传播特性.这项修改使服务器内的洞穴不再被结晶所覆盖.
- brain in a jar now retains its xp when picked up
- 缸中之脑在被破坏时会保留其中的经验.
- added brass lid braces. Placing these on a warded or void jar will prevent essentia being placed in or drawn from the jar by transfusers or infusion crafting
- 添加了黄铜质的罐子盖.把它放在要素罐子或是虚空罐子上将阻止该罐子参与注魔过程及无线源质运输.


- fix for seal gui not showing the color you are switching to in SMP.


- API: Added ore dictionary entries for vis crystal blocks
- API:现在元素晶簇支持矿物词典了
- API: additional methods for the new golem coloring mechanic
- API:添加了给傀儡染色的方法
- golems and seals can now be assigned colors allowing you to limit golems to performing tasks from specific seals. See the thaumonomicon for details.
- 傀儡和控制核心现在可以被染色了,可以让你指定特定的傀儡去接受来自特定的控制核心的命令。更多细节详见魔导手册
- use seal should be a lot less derpy when it comes to using items that can change in their inventory like buckets
- 使用核心在使用会改变形态的物品(例如桶到水桶)的时候应该会更加智能了
- fixed seal filtering logic. The damage value and nbt checks were either reversed or not working for most seals. My bad
- 修复了控制核心的过滤逻辑。以前大部分控制核心的耐久度检测和nbt检测要么反了要么罢工(作者吐槽:我的锅)

- aura nodes are now immune to explosions
- 灵气节点现在免疫爆炸了
- you can now navigate through the thaumonomicon recipe pages using the keyboard
- 你现在可以通过快捷键来到达魔导手册的合成表页面了
- new essentia fx
- 修复了新的要素?(直译,如果有知道到底改了什么的可以跟帖回复)
- flux dust should now be easily harvestable with a shovel
- 腐化尘现在可以通过铲子更容易的采集了
- stabilizers can now only hold one node at a time - any others will be pushed away
- 节点稳定器现在只能容纳一个节点了,其他的会被推开
- fix essentia mirror interactions with transfusers... again.
- 再次修复了源质之镜和源质析出注入装置的交互问题
- when initially logging into a world you will now be able to combine aspect in the research table that already contained a note without having to remove and replace it
- magic and essentia mirrors will now build instability slower and will lose instability over time if not used
- fixed a major bug that was preventing certain things like flux events, seals etc. working in certain dimensions.



- builder focus


- taint events (like flux rain) will no longer trigger in wuss mode


- added Flux Sponge creative only item to drain flux from the aura


- provisioning with seals should no longer cause a crash on servers


- builder and equal trade focus should properly ignore and/or replace liquid blocks


- made flux events a bit more diverse and not just related to taint. This will be expanded a lot more in future updates


- added a config setting for those who want to remove some anxiety inducing effects


- node magnets will now ignore stabilized nodes


- tweaked golem ranged AI and rebalanced golem dart launchers


- made research packets passed between client and server on login more robust which should reduce the chances of losing research, warp, etc.


- fixed up some legacy research loading code that was making a real mess of things


- seals now follow the normal right-click rules which will allow you to (for example) place them in pedestals for infusion.


- infusion recipes that simply added NBT to an item (like the fortress armor mask recipes) should now work again


- fixed items like the primal crusher not dropping xp for certain harvested items.


- added support for Botania petal apothecary


- earth shock upgrade will once again leave the area charged.


- block breaker seal can be now set to ignore block metadata


- store seal task generation reworked so there should not be occasions where no task exist for a given seal


- store seals no longer need to be placed on an inventory. The golem will simply drop the item at the location if no inventory exists.


- fix for emptying transfusers not being able to work through essentia mirrors


- fixed node stabilizers occasionally skipping a tick giving other nodes a momentary chance to creep closer


- fixed many smaller bugs



- API:允许为法杖核心添加新的功能.
- 修复了炼狱熔炉消耗Ignis灵气过多的问题.
- 操控印记(收获,挖掘,伐木.使用)现在在服务器可以正常工作了.
- 新增了法杖核心


- 腐化草丛现在会被正常渲染了.
- 修复了由法杖核心:魔力碎片渲染错误而引起的崩溃.
- 你不再需要在炼金炉上方先放置一个奥术蒸馏器来使得其他贴在炼金炉上的附属粘浆泵正常工作.
- 调整了傀儡在跟随模式下的移动距离.现在傀儡只会在其持有者距离足够远时才开始跟随.
- 现在阀门管道在放置时会自动调整合适的方向.
- 法杖核心:锚钩现在会有一个极限拉力来防止玩家突破天际.
- 现在可以通过开启相关研究来制作攻击组件了
- 开眼仪式的vis消耗由之前的1000vis降低到了500vis(每种)
- 提升了异域boss的生命值.


- 优化了一些提示的显示
- 阻止了由傀儡悬浮而造成的崩溃
- 现在操控印记印记会被正确的显示并且同步到服务器.
- 现在右击奥术工作台上方的奥术中继器会直接打开其下方的奥术工作台合成界面


更新至MC版本1.8.9 同时,需求的API为Baubles
- 傀儡系统全面回归!新的傀儡制作方式 更强大的傀儡功能!
- API:坩埚现在支持多个研究的配方。
- 修复了在完成研究后魔导手册显示区域的位置跳转问题。
- 去除了编码的药水ID以适应于新的forge系统。
- 新增了法杖!
- 重新平衡了一份研究笔记所含有的初始要素的量,这使得复杂研究不再能简单地完成。
- 重新平衡了奥术合成或注魔合成需要的vis和xp的量。
- 修复了关于施法器的研究开启问题。
- 减少了在白天工作的邪术祭坛的数量。
- 现在霜冻核心在撞击一个实体后的弹跳会减少,并且溅射升级会更高效。
- 现在节点会减少对周围其他节点的检测频率,这可以使服务器减少卡顿。
- 修复了部分方块在被破坏的瞬间无法获取掉落物的bug。
- 大量减少了奥术悬浮台放置时从周围环境中抽取的用于填充其内部缓存的灵气数量,同样地,也减少了它工作时消耗的灵气。
- 现在由于自动充能机制减少了玩家对于法杖的需求。为了使得它们更有用一点,现在法杖天生拥有10%的魔力减免,但是同时也略微减少了他们的魔力储量上限。事实上来说,法杖和权杖现在为数不多的区别是能否套上核心来使用以及魔力储量的差距。
- 现在六种元素杖柄和元素杖芯会在对应的vis低于其内部总存储容量的50%进行自动充能,而不是先前的10%。
- 修复附魔现在消耗更少的灵气对物品进行耐久恢复。
- 对灵气流动相关的代码及其他方面进行了一些优化。(感谢Tschallacka)
- 现在异域的boss会掉落一个或以上数量的元始珍珠,但是现在制作相关物品会直接消耗掉元始珍珠(以前不会消耗)。
- 现在任何meta值的物品都可以作为合成材料或注魔材料来完成合成。
- 制作虚空罐子时不再获得黏性扭曲值。黏性扭曲值的获取应该是发生在制作缸中之脑的过程中。
- 进行了一些轻量级bug的修复以及作出了一些对于游戏平衡的改动。


- fixed portable hole focus casting cost changing when used

- 修复了法杖核心:便携式洞穴在使用的时候法力消耗会改变的问题
- added an indication to thaumometer hud element to make it clearer what the current aura level is vs. the aura base level 

- 为魔导透镜的要素检视面板添加一个指示,以更清楚地显示当前灵气域中灵气含量水平和灵气充足基准水平的对比
- increased the chances that a silverwood tree will contain a pure node.

- 增加了银树包含纯净节点的概率
- sword of the zephyr can now only push living things around like intended

- 风雷剑现在跟预期一样,只能推开活物(修复这个BUG之前,风雷剑可以推走所有实体,比如盔甲架和灵气节点)
- completely draining the aura in a chunk will cause a lot less flux now (about 1/5th previous amount)

- 现在完全抽干一个区块的灵气而产生的咒波大大减少了(大约为先前产生量的1/5)
- taint can now only replace blocks with greater than 0 and less than 10 hardness

- 腐化现在只能侵蚀硬度大于0小于10的方块
- added additional sources of auram by changing some existing aspect assignments

- 通过变更已有物品的要素成分来为灵气要素增加附加来源(也就是除了天域之华外新增了一些包含灵气要素的物品比如银树树苗、水银花等)
- added config option which allows you to increase the speed at which tainted dust dissipates, and another which lets tainted soil turn back into dirt instead of dust. This should help performance on lower spec systems

- 增加了配置选项,一个能增加次级腐化粉(名字叫粉,实现出来是一种...呃...液体)的消逝速度,另一个让腐化泥土变回为泥土而不是变成腐化尘土。这样对低规格系统可能有帮助
- vishrooms confusion effect now works again

- 纤毛菇的混乱效果再次生效
- slightly increased hover harness base speed and fixed its hud element lighting bug

- 稍微增加了奥法缰绳的基础飞行速度,修复了要素检视面板的发光BUG
- void jars should not be venting ALL the extra essentia as flux, just a teensy weensy bit of it.

- 虚空罐子不会把所有额外的要素源质作为咒波污染排放,而是很少很少的一点点
- bellows will once again speed up vanilla furnaces 

- 奥术风箱再一次能加速原版的熔炉
- made the repair enchant a lot more forgiving on the aura

- 使修复附魔在灵气中更加给力
- by popular demand the advanced aura tapper research no longer allows wands to recharge from anywhere in your inventory. They must still be in your hotbar. 

- 学会进阶灵气引流术后也不再允许在物品栏任意位置的法杖自动充能,它们必须放在快捷栏中才能自动充能

- made the arcane levitator cheaper to use

- 使奥术悬浮台的消耗更加便宜
- fixed banner recipes - the required wool colors and resulting banner was reversed.

- 修复了旗帜的配方BUG——羊毛颜色和合成的旗帜颜色完全颠倒
- autocasters now render properly when placed upside down

- 自动投手现在被颠倒放置时会正确渲染(自动投手是新增的一项位于傀儡学标签页的研究)
- improved arcane bore block finding algorithm

- 改善了奥术钻探机的方块寻找算法
- arcane bore block detection will not be blocked by arcane block glimmers anymore 

- 奥术钻探机的方块侦测不再会被奥术微光(奥术灯产生的一个看不见的发光方块)打断
- arcane bore now interacts correctly with silk touch

- 奥术钻探机现在会正确发挥精准采集的效果
- added wool -> string entropic processing recipe

- 新增羊毛->线的混沌过程配方
- apprentice rings now gives a larger vis discount. This may change again at some future date if I can get something I've been working on, um, working.

- 学徒指环现在提供更高额的消耗减免。这项变更可能将来我在我正在研究的黑科技上取得进展时再度变更
- various other small bugfixes and balance changes

- 一堆小BUG修复和平衡性变动


- rebalanced vis amulets to make them more useful with the new aura changes

- 重新平衡了魔力储存护身符来使得它在新的灵气域充能中更有用
- players will now drop their gear if killed by taint poison

- 现在被腐毒杀死的玩家会丢失他们的...
- fixed boots of the traveller step height bonus not being removed along with the boots

- 修复了旅行者之靴的额外跳跃高度不会随着脱下靴子而被移除的BUG
- corrected second page of levitator research entry

- 修正了奥术悬浮台研究的第二页内容
- added more recipes to alchemical manufacture, duplication and entropic processing and reshuffled some of the existing ones a bit

- 为炼金制造、炼金复制、和混沌过程新增了更多的配方,并重组了一些已经存在的配方
- arcane ear no longer requires an airblock above it to work properly

- 奥术之耳不再需要在其上方空置一个空气方块来保证工作
- tweaked flux and taint a bit to make it a tad less self-sustaining

- 稍稍调整咒波污染和腐化,使得它们稍微稍微少一点自我维持的能力
- tainted nodes generated a bit more taint than intended and have been rebalanced a bit

- 腐化节点会生成比预期稍微多一点的腐化,现在被稍稍平衡了一些
- taint can now also convert stone, though the tainted rock cannot itself spread taint. This means only the outside layer of rock will get converted. Tainted rock can be quite useful under the proper circumstances. 

- 腐化现在同样会侵蚀石头,但是腐化岩石自身不会传播腐化。这意味着只有表层岩石会被侵蚀。腐化岩石在正确的情况下将会十分有用
- nerfed pure nodes a bit since they are theoretically a renewable resource. They will now have a tiny chance to shrink (and eventually disappear) each time they remove flux from the aura.

- 稍稍削弱了纯净节点,由于它理论上是可再生资源。当它们每次从光环中净化咒波时,有很小概率会收缩(罕见地,会消失)
- various arcane spa fixes (including once again being able to fill it with buckets) 

- 各种奥术浴盐的BUG被修复(包括再一次可以用空桶装起净化之水)
- squashed the infinite essentia bug with smelters

- 修复了要素熔炉的无限要素源质BUG
- added a new addon block for smelters to help manage flux

- 新增一个插件方块来帮助要素熔炉来管理咒波
- fixed essentia crystalizer placement

- 修复了源质结晶器的放置BUG
- enlarged essentia buffers tube hitboxes a bit making them easier to shift-click

- 稍稍增大了源质缓存管道的碰撞箱来使得它们更容易shift点击
- portable hole should now properly close 

- 便携式洞穴现在会正常关闭了
- fixed focus costing bug

- 修复了法杖核心消耗BUG
- taint fibres will now properly render on the south side of blocks

- 天域花方块的南面现在会被正确渲染
- various other small bugfixes

- 一堆其他的小BUG修复
- improved excavation focus aiming and made it cheaper to use

- 改善了法杖核心:采掘的指向并且让它的消耗更加便宜
- research flags (gold star, green plus, etc) will now properly sync to servers

- 研究标记(金星*、绿加+,类似这些)现在会正确地同步至服务器
- a completion percentage is now shown when you hover over a research category

- 现在当鼠标停留在研究目录上会显示当页目录的完成百分比


- crashfix for pickaxe of the core scanning funtion.

- 修复了由炽心镐的扫描功能引起的崩溃问题
- prevent chat spamming in spectator mode while in eldritch dimension

- 保护了在外域中开启旁观模式的聊天刷屏现象
- TC metal blocks (brass, thaumium, etc) and alchemical construct blocks can now act as beacon bases.

- 神秘的金属块(如黄铜、神秘块之类的)和炼金构材方块现在可以作为信标基座使用
- fixed various rendering issues

- 修复各种各样的渲染问题
- fixed vis capacity descriptions for various wand cores in thaumonomicon

- 修复了魔导手册中各种杖柄的vis容量的描述(实际上手册中关于法杖容量的描述只有铁杖端木制法杖和工艺权杖是正确的)
- fix for golem boss and eldritch cleric magical projectiles causing a crash when they hit something

- 修复了由于傀儡BOSS和邪术守卫的魔法球命中物体而引起的崩溃问题
- arcane workbench will once again drop items in the wand slot when broken

- 奥术工作台被破坏时再次会掉落法杖槽中的物品(如果这个BUG在5.0.0存在的话确实是个比较严重的BUG)
- fix thaumometer related crash that a few people experience while searching in creative mode

- 修复了魔导透镜相关的崩溃问题,少数玩家经历过的在创造模式下扫描物品导致崩溃
- sword of the zephyr once again allows you to float upwards

- 风雷剑再一次允许玩家向上飘



- Did some general housekeeping and moved related things into their own helper classes.
- made the scanning mechanic a lot more robust and less limiting. Addon devs can even create their own scanning mechanics/tools that hook into the system
- changed research api. Hidden and Concealed researches have been combined and can make use of the new scanning mechanic to "reveal" them.
- added the ability for recipes to require multiple researches to be completed.
- several changes to how foci effects are now triggered to make it a bit simpler and to accommodate the new focus turret block
- The wand still stores vis at a x100 the displayed amount, but there is no longer a need to take this into account for addon devs. All interfaces to the wand automatically do the conversion so you just need to use the "real" vis amounts.
- Added the IWand interface implemented by ItemWand to make it simpler to access the utility methods
- changed the wand api slightly to allow more control over when vis gets subtracted or not. onFocusActivation returns a boolean now. If true vis will be subtracted



- completing research or finding clues now gives experience

- 现在完成某项研究或者发现线索会获得经验(不多,一点点)
- Added a new config setting allowing more than one discovery to be created when you finish research. This should be a handy change for team play and such. 

- 增加一项新的配置文件,允许设置当完成一个研究时,生成多份卷轴。这对多人游戏的情况应该会有所帮助(TT的知识共享之书笑了)
- Secondary researches must now be purchased with experience levels. This applies to "easy mode" research as well.

- 附属研究(六边形的那些)现在需要花费经验等级购买。这也是致力于研究简单化而作的改动
- Knowledge fragments now give experience when used. They cannot be used to craft special research notes anymore, but more uses will come for them in the future.

- 现在使用知识碎片会给予一定的经验值。现在知识碎片不再可以用于合成一个特殊研究笔记了,但将来会为它更新更多的应用
- overhauled thaumonomicon gui. Now takes up more space, is zoomable, has search functionality and has a scrollable category list for addons.

- 魔导手册界面大改。现在占用更大的屏幕空间(实际上,是MC窗口的全屏),可缩放,并且拥有一个可查找可滚动的目录列表
- newly learned researches will still be marked, but the mark will remain until you actually read the entry. The mark is now a simple gold star.

- 新学的研究任然会被标记,但是标记直到你读了该项研究后才会消失。现在的标记是一个简单的金色星标*
- if a newly learned research unlocks additional pages within another research entry you will see an indication on the research with the new information in the form of a green plus. Like above the mark will remain until the entry is viewed.

- 如果一项新学的研究或者发现解锁了另一项研究的附加页,你会看到该研究上标有象征新信息格式的绿色加号+。同上,这个记号也会保留到你读了该项研究为止
- both these marks also appear on the category buttons

- 以上两种记号也会同时出现在目录按钮上
- the research table is no longer a multiblock because *effort*.

- 研究台不再是一个多方块结构(现在研究台只需要一个台桌放上墨与笔就可以了,以前需要两个放在一起的台桌)
- removed deconstruction table as it is no longer needed

- 移除了物品解构台,因为不再需要它


- loads of minor fixes and improvements
- fixed potential infinite loop with aspect algorithm

- 修复要素算法中的潜在无限循环
- the research browser will only jump to a location when you learn now research if the research category matches the last viewed category in the browser

- 现在打开研究浏览器(应该是指魔导手册界面)只会地跳到你上次浏览的研究的研究目录位置
- ethereal bloom now only plays its grow animation when initially placed

- 天域花现在只在第一次被放置时播放生长动画
- fixed edge-case crash caused by entities in outer lands (and potentially other places) being made champion mobs twice

- 修复了一个由于外域(或者其他地方)的精英怪两次生成而引发的临界崩溃
- fixed infusion crafting defaulting to runic augmentation if the item you are infusing can be augmented

- 修复能够被注魔增广的符文增广护盾装备的默认注魔公式(TC5的符文增广护盾再次修改)
- resolved some portable hole syncing issues and made it a lot less lag inducing.

- 解决了法杖核心:便携式洞穴的方块同步问题,并且极大的降低了它带来的卡顿/延迟。


- new blocks, items and mobs

- 新方块,新物品,新怪物
- Golemancy tab is hidden and needs to be discovered ingame

- 傀儡学标签被隐藏起来,需要在游戏中自行解锁
- rebalanced aspects and aspect combinations. 

- 重新平衡了要素和要素和合成
- added a mechanic similar to the Thaumcraft 2 and 3 aura system. 

- 增加了类似TC2和TC3的灵气域的一个机制
- aura nodes are now special entities and cannot be used to recharge wands

- 灵气节点现在是一个特殊实体(以前的节点是一个方块),并且不能为法杖充能
- aura nodes now recharge the aura

- 灵气节点现在只为灵气域充能
- aura nodes merge like they did in Thaumcraft 3

- 灵气节点像TC3一样融合在环境中
- winds recharge directly from the aura while held

- 被持有的法杖直接从灵气域中得到充能

- aspects in a crucible degrade directly into flux and goes into the aura instead of degrading into simpler aspects.

- 坩埚里的要素直接挥发成咒波污染,而不是挥发成更低级的要素
- runic shielding now uses the vanilla "damage absorption" mechanics (the yellow hearts you get when eating golden apples) to do its thing. Not quite as flashy, but it is more predictable and mod-friendly

- 符文护盾现在使用原版的“伤害吸收”机制(就是吃了金苹果以后的黄心)来实现。不华丽,但是更加稳定和兼容其他mod
- rebalancing wand focus costs to work with the new aura system

- 重新平衡法杖核心的消耗以适配新的灵气域系统
- dropped the whole concept of CV (centi-vis) and fractional vis costs. Most vis totals, capacities and costs have been increased by a factor of 10. For addon devs this means no longer multiplying by 100 internally.

- 放弃了整个厘vis以及所有微小vis花费的概念(vis就是法杖的容量和核心的消耗的单位)。多数vis总量,容量,和消耗都以10倍的基数增幅过。这对插件开发人员而言意味着再也不需要进行内部数据乘以100来处理。
- scattershot ice focus is less effective at short range making it much less of an OP boss killer.

- 法杖核心:寒霜在近射程的情况下更低效,以便不再使它变成一个过于OP的BOSS杀手(我居然以前都没注意过这个核心)
- thaumometer now only requires a single click to scan something - it doesn't have to be held down anymore

- 魔导透镜现在只需要点一下右键就可以扫描物品——再也不需要一直按紧右键
- removed need to have xp to purchase certain things while in creative mode

- 移除创造模式下还是需要实际的经验才能购买解锁一项研究(这项变更其实是由于现在需要的是经验来解锁研究附属的变更,创造模式设定是无限经验)
- the sinister lodestone now points towards eldritch portals not sinister nodes and the research has been moved to the eldritch tab

- 凶险磁石现在指向邪术入口(应该指的是邪术祭坛)而不是凶险节点,并且这项研究移至邪术学标签
- new texture for ancient stone

- 荒古石块现在有了新的材质(荒古石块就是构建那些外域的通道的石头)
- added protection to certain mobs which should prevent them being spawned via mod-added spawners. It cannot protect against everything, but should catch most things

- 增加了对某些应该防止被外加mod的刷怪笼生成的特定怪物的保护(比如可能用NEI的刷怪笼刷出外域的BOSS),这不能对所有的情况进行保护,但应该能阻止大部分
- made praetor armor equivalent to diamond

- 使猩红执政官套装的护甲等同于钻石甲的护甲
- added ore_density setting to config

- 在配置文件中增加矿物密度的设置(应该只限于调整神秘自带的矿物的密度)
- reshuffled some researches around

- 重新调整了一些研究的分布(我会在我的帖中详细介绍研究的调整)
- taint crawlers are no longer taint spiders

- 腐化爬行者(此爬行者是crawler而非creeper,是由神秘的腐化属性精英怪生成的一个怪物)不再是腐化蜘蛛
- fiddled with outer lands and added some missing features

- 修改了外域(应该指的是外观上),增加一些迷失的特征
- rebalanced wand capacities and vis costs to reflect new aura system

- 重新平衡了法杖的容量和vis消耗来反映新的灵气域系统
- removing warded blocks and related items until I come up with a better implementation

- 移除了锁孔方块和相应的物品(外域的BOSS房门口的锁),直到我想出更好的实现方法
- Arcane ear has had its model changed slightly and can now be placed in any orientation

- 奥术之耳有了轻微的模型变更,且现在能面朝任何方向放置
- changed the alembic model and recipe

- 更换了奥术蒸馏器的模型和合成配方
- changed the alchemical furnace recipe and renamed it to essentia smelter because, well, that makes more sense.

- 更改了炼金冶炼炉的合成配方,并且将其重命名为要素熔炉,因为这听起来更带感
- remove advanced alchemical furnace. Instead the base alchemical furnace can be upgraded and expanded upon

- 移除了高级炼金炉,相应的现在基础的炼金炉可以被升级和扩展
- the basic alchemical furnace is now quite inefficient as up to 10% of essentia is lost and converted to aura flux instead

- 基础炼金炉变得更加低效,其中的10%(实际上,是20%)要素会流失,转变为灵气域中的咒波污染
- infused ore has been replaced by vis crystals which act as a vis battery of sorts. Harvesting all the crystals you come across is not the best idea as it may help replenish the aura.

- 自然生成的蕴魔石被魔力结晶替代,新的魔力结晶更像是各种要素的电池。收割掉所有你遇到的魔力结晶并不是一个好主意,因为魔力结晶会补充灵气域中的灵气
- infernal furnace is now an inventory and items can be piped or hoppered in from the top of the lava bit.

- 地狱熔炉现在有一个物品栏,物品可以被导到或者被漏斗运输到岩浆单元的顶部
- removed the item grate. Its main use can now be duplicated by a vanilla hopper so there is no real need for it.

- 移除了物品格栅。他的主要功能现在能被原版的漏斗所替代,所以不再需要它
- you can now also add items to the crucible one at a time by simple right clicking with the item on the crucible itself.

- 现在可以直接用物品右键坩埚来一个接一个的给坩埚添加物品(挺坑的,一旦误点就爆炸)
- liquid death is now a 'classic' liquid instead of a 'finite' liquid like flux goo.

- 死亡之水现在是一个“经典”液体,而不再是像咒波粘浆那样的“有限”液体
- killing mobs no longer drop aspect orbs

- 杀死怪物不再掉要素球
- removed mana beans... for now. They may, or may not, return in some form

- 移除了魔豆...暂时。可能,或可能不,以其他的形式回归
- arcane lamps now only create glimmers of light if there is line of sight to the target location

- 奥术灯现在只会在视野和目标位置的连线上产生奥术微光(这一条是ppt提供的翻译,错了就是ppt的锅)
- reduced the size of eldritch mazes a bit to make them a bit less of a chore to navigate through 

- 稍微削减了邪术迷宫的规模,使得遍历整个迷宫变得不那么繁琐
- added ability to double the size of amount text in aspect tags via config

- 新增一个可以通过修改配置文件来使得要素研究卷轴的要素要素研究点变成双倍分量的功能(TC5的研究点是每个卷轴独立给定的)
- essentia filter tubes can now be set with any essentia container item like phails(应该是phials,作者坑货写个错别字我查半小时), not just labels. The item used is not consumed. 

- 过滤源质管道现在能被任何源质容器比如要素之瓶来设定,而不能只是要素标签。而物品本身不会被消耗掉
- levitator now no longer requires stacking (simply toggle the switch on the bottom to change its range). It can also be placed in any orientation, but requires a small amount of vis to operate.

- 奥术悬浮台现在不再需要堆叠(只需要切换地步的开关来改变范围)。同样悬浮台现在可以以任意朝向放置,但需要一点点vis来驱动它
- removed the research that allows you to use primordial pearls on nodes since it didn't work and doest really apply anymore anyway. It will be replaced by something better eventually

- 移除原始节点操纵这项研究,因为它不起作用,并且并不再需要这项应用。最终会有更好的实现来替代它
