· Moved everything to 1.18.2.
· Curios is no longer required. Also Obfuscate is no longer required, instead you need to install Framework.
· There is a bug in the interface for adjusting config in the game and it is still being fixed, temporarily removed.
· The Armor Rig returns, equipped/unarmed using hotkey (default o).
· The sight magnification algorithm has been modified, but the magnification of double rendering went wrong. You need to set scopeDoubleRender to false in config/tac-client.toml.
· The skin system updated in 0.3.9 has been temporarily removed due to the need for functional adjustments. Only skin items will remain, and they will not actually take effect.
· If using optifine, please download and use the "tac-a-0.3.10-1.18.2-optifine.jar" file, otherwise the game will crash.
1. Added C96 and a new set of sound effects;
2. Added sixteen new common skins for Colt Python, DP28, FAL, Glock17, Glock18, HK416, G3, MP5;
3. Added data\tac\modifiers to control attachments' properties;
4. Added a new black/white list to allow or disallow the installation of attachments;
** When there is no list, all weapons are allowed to be mounted by default, when there is a whitelist, only the whitelisted weapons
are allowed to be mounted; the blacklist is a list of forbidden weapons, and its priority is higher than the whitelist **
5. Added data\tac\tags\items for setting weapon group configuration for black/white list;
** You can refer to 8x_scope's config file to know how to use the registration name or weapon group for installation restriction **
6. New gunpowder synthesis recipe;
7. Added settings for ammo explosion in guns data;
** Whether or not to explode / Explosion damage / Explosion range (radius) **
1. Reduced deviation of actual Hitbox from player's prediction;
2. Fixed the problem of explosives damage settlement caused by the original explosion damage calculation;
3. Fixed the issue of weapon fire mode switching;
4. Fixed the m16a4 light grip modeling error;
1. Bullets will be allowed to penetrate iron fences;
2. TaC explosives will now allow separate inputs for damage and blast radius;
** F1 grenades will now cause a "30 point center, 1 * Config grenade blast radius" explosion; M67 delay fuse grenades will cause a "50 point center, 1.25 * Config grenade blast radius" explosion **
3. rpg7 will deal additional collision damage to the entity it hits and the explosion it causes;
4. removed two useless Config options;
** Glass Drop can never be dropped due to MC underlying limitations; Can Pass Fence has been integrated into the data and is no longer controlled by Config **
1. 新增 Colt Python 和一个新的音效;
2. 新增 P90 和两个新的音效,以及 P90 的十六个通用皮肤;
3. 新增 AA12,CZ75,截短霰弹枪,MP9 的十六个通用皮肤;
4. 新增 MP9 的改模专属皮肤,该皮肤的快慢机能正确表示选择的模式;
** 如果没有更改 data 中的开火模式 **
5. 新增 Config 控制选项,现在可以自由调整持枪右键时候的可交互对象;
** 该控制选项可以在游戏中的鼠标设置内进行更改 **
6. 新增 5.7mm 穿甲弹与马格南手枪弹;
1. 修复镭射染色问题;
2. 修复 MK20 镭射模型渲染问题;
3. 修复按键系统历史遗留问题;
4. 修复部分枪托、握把、镭射类配件的渲染错位问题;
1. 按键系统与原版按键系统捆绑;
** 旧版本更换至此版本时,会出现按键绑定丢失的问题,需要重新手动绑定一次 **
** 右键切换或长按开镜的设置被移至鼠标设置中 **
2. 附属包支持优化。
1. 正式加入皮肤插件系统;
2. 增加武器 GUI 侧视图;
3. 增加控制伤害对象(玩家、其他实体)的 config 设置,以适应特殊需求;
4. 增加 ak47、rpk 通用皮肤;
5. 增加 ak47 改模皮肤;
6. 增加“一级皮肤插件模块”(使用枪械工作台制作);
7. 增加十六个通用皮肤的合成方式(使用原版工作台或者生存模式背包,在任意羊毛上方放置原版染料即可合成);
8. 增加子弹穿透木栅栏、铁栅栏的特性,并且可以使用 datapack 进行调整;
** 路径为 data/tac/tags/blocks/bullet_ignore.json **
1. 修复在使用 TaC 时,其他 MOD 组合键设置效果错误的问题;
2. 修复多人模式下开镜过程判定错误的问题;
3. 修复在疾跑、下蹲时,其他按键无法触发的问题;
4. 修复 mk14 模型错位问题;
1. 暂时删除护甲系统与 curios 依赖;
** 根据服务器报告,curios 的发包量十分恐怖,并且护甲系统问题不断,因此将这一部分的内容暂时移除 **
2. 更改了部分默认键位设置以避免可以遇见的冲突;
3. 删除 ak47 金色、银色测试用皮肤;
4. 调整枪械工作台的合成分类,现在枪械被分成了六个不同的标签,方便查找。
1. 增加爆炸物爆炸是否允许破坏地形的 config 选项;
2. 增加纵火狂附魔(现仅能通过 NBT 代码添加)是否能引燃方块的 config 选项;
3. 增加爆炸物爆炸是否能引燃方块的 config 选项;
** 以上三个新的 config 设置均默认为关闭(防拆家)**
4. 增加破坏玻璃时是否掉落的 config 选项;
5. 增加一个新的副手物品处理方案,支持 config 设置或游戏内设置更改;
** 在新的方案下,当主手使用双手武器时,副手物品将被禁用且关闭渲染,而非收入背包或扔掉 **
6. 增加部分情况下的开镜状态打断;
7. 增加检视动画期间开镜行为打断动画;
8. 增加针对不同瞄具进行枪械高度调整的效果;
9. 增加子弹命中钟时的敲钟判定;
10. 增加 TEC-9 全自动手枪;
1. 修复切换开镜状态下连续开关镜时的卡顿现象;
2. 修复一个潜在的光照处理问题;
3. 修复开镜过程中精确度错误,直接变为最高精准度的问题;
4. 修复关闭双重渲染下准星 z 轴的位置问题;
5. 修复MC原版碰撞箱计算系统带来特定条件下无法命中的问题(未完成);
6. 修复特定条件下切换武器导致动画被吞的问题;
7. 修复极端条件下换弹行为被跳过的问题;
8. 修复开火方式绑定在键盘上后无法正常射击的问题;
9. 修复新环境中第一次使用 TaC 时,默认按键绑定失效的问题;
10. 修复部分武器使用镭射配件时,可以安装两个镭射的问题;
1. 修改游戏内开镜灵敏度调整范围从 0 - 1 至 0 - 2;
2. 删除一个影响开镜流畅度的 config 设置;
3. 优化枪械与疾跑部分的相关代码;
4. 优化按键系统的相关代码;
5. 优化部分行为下的动画表现;
6. 优化子弹命中方块时的粒子效果;
7. 优化纵火狂附魔造成的粒子效果;
8. 优化机械瞄具的光影效果;
9. 优化枪械射击手感;
10. 优化配件增减益条目和幅度;
11. 优化伤害削减系统的表现;
12. 更新韩文语言包(至,更新中文、英文语言包(至;
13. 更新 Glock 17 的枪械模型与贴图;
14. 更新 M24 的枪械模型与贴图;
15. 枪械皮肤系统预载。
- 替换所有武器模型和数据,更新了大量纹理,同时添加新的枪支和瞄准镜
- 实装动画系统 V1版本,每把枪都获得自己独有的换弹、切枪和检视动画
- 新的第一人称程序性动画,包括奔跑、行走、瞄准、移动视角、跳跃等动态效果
- 更多配件插槽,允许后端添加支持多种配件的插槽
- 新的瞄具光学技术,模拟了现实中的光学可逆性,瞄具的准星指向性始终是视线方向(不是镜片上画一个点了)
- 新的精度参数,包括首发精度,腰射精度和连射扩散等
- 新的护甲系统,可以吸收对应口径子弹的伤害,拥有存放子弹的背包空间,防弹插板有助于在战斗中快速修复护甲,护甲有独立的3d模型
- 新的伤害计算方式,允许子弹无视Minecraft 护甲值计算,并以一定百分比穿透(默认 25% 的伤害会被原版护甲值系统计算,75% 穿透,若要阻挡所有伤害只能使用 TaC 护甲)
- 武器的物品栏 2D 图标有助于显著提高性能,为弹药更新了2d贴图以减少整体系统负载以及增加辨识度,尤其是在背包与创造物品栏以及jei列表中(瞄准镜也即将支持该功能)
-(ALPHA 功能)新的子弹轨迹有助于可视化每种武器的弹道特性,以及多人游戏中指示攻击方向与攻击来源。
- 新的移速系统和武器重量计算
- 大多数双手武器禁用了左手栏位的使用,少部分单手武器将允许在左手物品栏放置物品。
- 新的按键处理,在菜单中出现一些问题,但总体上允许快速操作以及围绕哪个键执行哪个操作的更多自定义
-(ALPHA 功能)新的武器rpm系统绕开了mc原有的tick计算方式,实现了600-1200rpm的射速表现
-(ALPHA 功能)瞄具准星添加了击中标记的显示,击中标记跟随瞄具的准星染色,但腰射和机瞄暂时不显示
- 新的射程和弹道下坠计算
- 大修后坐力系统,视觉与数值上的(一次又一次)
Adding the following new guns:
- M4 (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
- Walther PPK (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
- Mossberg 590 (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
- Double Barrels (Not Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 75% Complete
- M24 (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
- Nether M1911 (Animated, attempted to balance, not craftable ) 75% Complete (Is a test weapon and only a skin of the current m1911 pistol)
- M4 (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
New features include:
All weapons have relative ranges compared to their real life weapons, some guns may not reach the same distance as rifles and such! Even smoother bolt animations for all weapons! (Thank you Bomb787!!!) Including some bolt action rifles like the newest M24 rifle!
Bug Fixes:
Updated config!
Weapon balances once again to all weapons as usual! (both snipers did get updates however)
Adding the following new guns:
- Micro Uzi (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
- Vector 45 (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
New features include:
Only 2 real differences is a few performance changes internally along with proper Subtitles added to each currently used sound added from TaC!
Bug Fixes:
Many automatic weapons have been given more reworks to their recoil along with updating their damage values and range, short range weapons will now truly have a maximum range that will be noticible like SMG's which have a max range of about ~100, more and more weapons will be reworked in the same manner
All iron sights for all pistols and rifles have been reviewed and updated in order to zero in their sights, allowing for true accuracy to be gained from the weapon themselves!
Adding the following new guns:
- STI 2011 (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
- AK-74 (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
- Glock 17 (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
- M92FS (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
- M16-A1 (Not Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 75% Complete
- DP-28 (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
- Hell Mouth AR-15 (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
- Police AR-15 (Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 100% Complete
New features include (also still in the works):
To start off the full stream of changes:
The config file is now useful! Wow! One of the first additions to the new config file is a simple option to display the amount of ammunition left in your weapon, as a toggle on or off! The second is a bit more complicated, the second option was requested by many server owners as weapons can be drastically changed into very over powered weapons from the Trigger Finger enchantment, to help combat this a good bit of weapons by default will never allow either a certain amount of trigger finger, or to disallow at all! The way this is handled is when a weapon is in someone's inventory. This has not been tested in all server environments!!!, if you encounter issues with reliability or simply non functional send a comment immediately with an explanation on your situation for I (ClumsyAlien) to help fix the issue and provide a server hotfix!
Animations got a nice boost in cleanliness as we implement Bomb787's math towards slide / bolt animations, making every weapon significantly smoother!, When certain weapons are also out of ammunition we can see the bolt / slide lock back, relating to the real weapons behind those implemented in TaC!
Weapons have also gotten many internal reworks allowing many new changes to come soon! These new changes can already be seen when hovering over each weapon and noticing the new styling and extra text under automatic weapons!
A few new enchantment and attachment reactions such as for the AR-15 series, every attachment (other then scopes) has a custom rendered model!
New sounds for every weapon, suppressed and not have also been added after much wait throughout all our BETA and ALPHA updates!!
Bug Fixes:
In short, every weapon has gotten an update in balance, crafting, and most notably recoil!
No other bugfixes are on record however many smaller changes can be seen throughout all around the code!
Adding the following new guns:
- M60 ( Not Animated, attempted to balance, craftable ) 75% Complete
New features include (also still in the works):
Attachment reactions first included on the new AK-47!
Adding any scope will will add a scope mount automatically, making the rifle more realistic! Many more sightings of this new feature will come up as time continues on and the mod develops!
Another major change is the new
crafting table! Yes the Rustic Workbench is here replacing the location for crafting all currently added weapons from the Timeless and Classics mod, along with it's ammo and ammo boxes! The GUI is based off the original CGM bench with the same dyable function as before, only with a custom tab layout and look! The crafting table is also mineable as usual! (The design however is still in beta and is actively being changed as we speak, I really wanted to get this update out to you guys
to play around with and have fun with the new changes!)
Bug Fixes:
Too many damage balance and visual changes to count, if something looks off just notify us of the issue, otherwise differences are probably minimal!
Ammunition is significantly cheaper in both standard and box form!
Simple adjustments to hand rendering in first person!
Slight changes all around to tint management for weapon coloring!