The first alpha release. This is not in a playable release state.
Well, it's here! Somewhat. Nuclearcraft-1.16-A0.1 is out! It's an alpha. As with all alpha, it'll have problems. I'll highlight some here that I will completely resolve in upcoming alpha releases:
-Localisations: some localisations are missing for en_us, and none exist for other languages.
-Fluids: some fluids are missing. I'll be completely rewriting fluids, so I don't see the point in implementing the missing fluids before this is done.
-Missing content. Of course, some content is not quite ready - the main one being multiblocks.
-GUIs. Some guis have problems, mainly in the form of misaligned elements, particularly fluids. I'll be tidying up GUI implementation a lot, but please let me know if you catch machines with these issues.
If you notice any other issues, please don't hesitate to let me know. Do this in the discord, please stay away from the github issue tracker as that is currently just for 1.12. Please make sure you ping me, Mommy RaVen, when reporting an issue.
It won't be much of a survival experience without the likes of reactors, but I appreciate anyone who wishes to test! I hope you enjoy testing, and I won't be as slow as I was in the past.
Thank you and I look forward to more, faster releases! -Heather
* Fixed ore processing config not correctly disabling ore melting recipes and unnecessarily disabling ingot crushing and melting recipes
* Fixed dungeon loot config not being read from config file
- Removed Common Capabilities support due to unavailable dependency
* Fixed ExampleMod being accidentally left in the mod jar
* Forge is now required
This is almost certainly the final pre-overhaul version for 1.12.2.
* Fixed GTCE recipe integration conflicting with base GTCE recipes
* Fixed crash when Gregicality is installed
+ Added molten steel in case other mods that add it aren't installed
* Hopefully fixed TiC smeltery recipes not being removable via CraftTweaker
* Fixed various feral ghoul rendering glitches
* Fixed player radiation being reset on leaving the End
* Fixed radiation-related crash with Cubic Chunks installed
修复安装Cubic Chunks时与辐射相关的崩溃
* Fixed fluids in GUIs not being coloured correctly
* Fixed remaining fuel time counter not taking fuel use rate config into account
* Updated Forge
* Moved to an unofficial fork of ForgeGradle 2.3 [thanks to DStrand1!]
更改到非官方的ForgeGradle 2.3分支[感谢DStrand1!]
* Various other minor fixes, changes and refactors
* Possible other things that I have forgotten
* 修复了在没有储存足够的能量情况下还可以继续工作的机器(Fixed machines sometimes continuing to run without enough energy stored)
* 有望修复很少消耗配料而不生产任何产品的机器(Hopefully fixed machines rarely using up ingredients without producing any products)
* 修复辐射等级未正确注册的盔甲装备(Fixed armour radiation levels not being correctly registered))
* 修复了在使用两个彼此相邻的MSR红石端口时发生的崩溃(Fixed crash when using two MSR redstone ports next to each other)
* 修复了在世界上注册新的多方块结构时发生的罕见崩溃(Fixed rare crash on registering new multiblocks in the world)
* 修复了一些错误的多方块结构的OC方法名称(Fixed a few incorrect OC method names for multiblocks)
* 有望改善涡轮转子的照明和渲染性能( Hopefully improved lighting and rendering performance for turbine rotors)
* 添加了配置选项以修改MSR和热交换器中的流体分配机制(Added configs to modify the fluid distribution mechanics in MSRs and heat exchangers)
* Radiation now spreads from scrubbed chunks as normal, while radiation to scrubbed chunks is diminished
* Fixed scrubbers incorrectly displaying their radiation removal rate in chunks with no active sources
* Fixed server-side crash when displaying radiation warning to players
* Fixed occasional crash on game load
+ Added GameStages support for radiation immunity through CraftTweaker
* Split player and passive mob radiation effects into separate configs
* Stators are now correctly rendered at right-angles to blades
* Fixed items not dropping from broken machines
* Fixed various items missing their tooltip info
* Improved CraftTweaker error-reporting
* Fission reactor meltdowns are now localised about cells/vessels and will set nearby graphite on fire
* Geiger counter blocks will output a comparator signal of strength relative to the logarithm of the chunk radiation level
* Fixed radiation shielding not being applicable to item containers
* Fixed hardcore containers treating dummy TEs as separate entities
* Fixed turbine rotor render blind-spots near chunk boundaries
+ Finally added slot and tank side configurations and settings to machines!
+ Added config to disable Mekanism gas support
+ Added config to log injected GTCE recipes
* Fixed array-returning OC methods not respecting Lua's multi-output protocol
* Fixed battery blocks' side configs not updating on sneak-right-clicking
* Fixed fission ports sometimes forgetting their connection to the controller on closing the server
* Fixed decay generators forgetting their active recipes on closing the server
* Changed item handling capabilities of machines to use a wrapper rather than cast the TE
* Improved performance of capability checking in general for machines and the radiation system
* Fixed molten thorium and uranium producing oxidised ingots in the Ingot Former
+ Added more ProjectE EMC values for NC materials
+ Added Integrated Dynamics temperature reading support for the fusion reactor
* Recipe checking moved to cache-based system - should significantly improve performance
+ Added configurable block mutation radiation effect - disabled by default!
+ Added configs for irradiation multipliers in rain and water
+ Added various radiation-related CT entity methods [thanks to LordPINE!]
+ Added config option to switch to non-linear radiation scrubbing system
* Added configs for fluid radiation levels
* Hardcore containers now reads the fluid contents of TEs
* Fixed scrubbers effectively behaving 'inter-dimensionally'
* Fixed entity and chunk radiation updating being out of synch
* Radiation updates now occur every tick in subsets of loaded chunks
* Slightly changed when and how fusion reactor plasma disappears from the e-magnet toroid
* Fission ports are no longer required to be placed facing a particular direction
* Fixed fission reactors not correctly updating after receiving new fuel from a port
* Fixed GTCE recipe integration not transferring all recipes correctly
* Changed a couple of GTCE machines targeted for NC recipe integration
+ 添加了对等价交换的部分支持(基础材料)(Added some default ProjectE EMC values for basic NC materials)
* 更新了API(Updated APIs)
* 其他小的更新(Other minor additions, changes, fixes and refactors)
+增加了食物辐射/抗辐射的配置选项(Added config option for food radiation and rad resistance effects)
* The Geiger Counter now displays the true radiation level and can read entities
* Fixed ConArm armour rad shielding recipes modifying the armour materials
* Fixed radiation-related crash with various mods' machines
* Fixed radiation building up in chunks with no loaded neighbours
* Fixed Feral Ghouls spawning in very large numbers
* Fixed disabling Feral Ghouls leading to strange bugs
* NC的机器现在可以使用Mek的气体(Improved Mekanism gas capability support performance)
+ 添加了氮的流体(Added liquid nitrogen)
* Various useful changes for those writing NC addons
* Improved formatting of various printed numbers
* 其他小的增减(Other minor additions, changes and fixes)
+ 野生食尸鬼现在会在核泄露之地生成(Added Feral Ghouls to the Nuclear Wasteland)
+ Added config option for radiation from structures such as villages and strongholds [thanks to McJty for the crucial methods!]
* Tweaked entity radiation decay and mob buffs to be a little less difficult by default
* Battery upgrading recipes now conserve their energy [thanks to Tfarcenim!]
* Fixed energy-handling items not transferring energy
* Added config option for alternate Rock Crusher recipes which only produce NC materials
* Tweaked recipe for Slow-Acting RadAway
* Fixed not being able to extract depleted fuel from solid-fuel Fission Ports
+ Added config option to force solid-fuel Fission Controller into heat-based comparator mode
* Updated fusion combo stats to be more accurate to real data
* Changed form of MSR cooling rate configs from units of H/t/mB to H/t, fixing the base heating rate
* Fluid clear buttons in multiblock GUIs are now only visible when shift is held
* Updated and improved radiation system and ore-dict caching [thanks to Shadows-of-Fire!]
+ Added config options for meltdown radiation multipliers
+ 在有玩家在关闭辐射选项的情况下进入打开辐射选项的服务器时会发出警告信息(Added warning message for clients with radiation disabled joining servers with it enabled)
* Fixed radiation-related bug which caused the game to crash with certain other mods installed
* Fixed some shielding recipes not showing correctly in JEI or not working with enchanted armour
* Changed GTCE machine integration config to be per-machine [thanks to LordPINE!]
* Infuser recipes are now added to the GTCE Chemical Bath instead of the Fluid Canning Machine
+ Added Hazmat Suit armour configs
* A full Hazmat Suit now protects fully against IC2 radiation
* Fixed machines sometimes not quite waiting long enough to have the energy to complete the next process
* Slightly modified machine textures
* Ingot Formers no longer produce flame particles
* 更新了俄语的翻译文件(Updated Russian language file [thanks to B45E!])
* Many minor refactors
* Updated MCP mappings
+ Added Condensation Tubes to complete the Rankine cycle!
* Fixed Vessels/Heaters/Tubes not copying across their side configurations correctly
+ Added Slow-Acting RadAway
* Fixed RadAway buffer not being saved correctly
* Improved machine energy tooltips for recipes requiring no power
* Improved performance of Universal Bin
* Other minor additions and changes
* Possible other things that I have forgotten
- 移除了Paul和HIM(此次应为笔误)(Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian)
* Moved JEI recipe information to the progress bar as a separate tooltip
* Exothermic Chemical Reactor recipes now require no power
* Fixed appearance of duplicate Ingot Former recipes
* Increased mean lifetime of blocks adjacent to Decay Generators
* Fixed buckets accessing incorrect machine tanks
* Fixed IC2 rubber boots not having default radiation protection
* Corium now produces radiation
* Radiation Scrubbers now increase chunk's resistance to radiation spreading into it
+ Added CT method to get the radiation level of an item
* Radiation Badge is now a trinket Bauble rather than a charm
* Hopefully fixed rare crash on breaking a Radiation Scrubber
* Fixed machines not correctly respecting the different stack sizes of 'ORed' recipe ingredients
* Fixed slightly broken CT recipe removal using the Ore Dictionary
+ Added OC support for the MSR, Heat Exchanger and Turbine
* The expansion levels of the default steam turbine recipes are now configurable
* Fixed bucketing fluid into machines filling incorrect tanks
* Fixed Fusion Core GUI not correctly showing empty tank information
* Huge refactors item-using TEs in preparation for machine side configuration
* Many changes to the recipe system to make it a bit more efficient and slightly more versatile
+ Added radiation to fusion reactor recipes
* Improved radiation spreading and Radiation Scrubber logic
* Slightly improved radiation capability attachment by combining into a single method
* Fixed chunk radiation command being unavailable to command blocks
* Radiation-related items/blocks are now hidden in JEI while radiation is disabled
+ Added support for 'ORed' CT ingredients as recipe inputs
+ Added redstone control buttons to machines
+ Added 'clear all fluid' buttions to MSRs, Heat Exchangers and Turbines
+ Added config to modify Manufactory planks and stick production rates
+ Added recipe caching to improve performance of stop-start machines
* Fixed strange flickering of fluids in GUIs when looking between two machines of the same type
* Removed machine parts from NC dungeon loot
* Replaced 3DO Hyperspace theme with (much better) remix of original PC version
* Fixed various misuses of String logic causing bugs in stricter JVMs [thanks to domi1819!]
- 移除了大量不必要的材质(Removed many unnecessary large textures)
* Huge refactors to fluid-using TEs in preparation for machine side configuration
* Many other minor additions and changes
* Possible other things that I have forgotten
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian
* Fixed radiation breaking various recipe systems from other mods
* Scrubbers will now work effectively in chunks with no active radiation sources
* Improved performance of comparator updating for reactors and batteries
* Changed various cooler placement rule descriptions to be a little bit clearer
* All recipes involving buckets of fluid can now use fluid from any container as an ingredient
+ Added config options to disable registering of TiC tool and ConArm armour materials
* Increased the number of fluids considered by the CoFH alternative fluid config
* Fixed a few localisation issues
* Speed and Energy Upgrade multipliers now follow a simple power law rather than simplex functions
+ Added cheap Radiation Badge
+ Added Baubles support for the Geiger Counter and Radiation Badge
* Fixed Radiation Scrubbers not effectively removing the radiation in their chunk
* Slightly reduced the radiation generated by placed RTGs
* Fixed biome radiation compatibility with OpenTerrainGenerator [thanks to utoxin!]
* Improved performance of radiation spreading and capability attaching
+ Added command to set the radiation levels of chunks
+ Added configs for dimension, biome and chunk radiation level limits
+ Added config for the radiation chunk spread gradient
+ Added config blacklist for dimensions without biome background radiation [thanks to utoxin!]
+ Added config for entity radiation level decay [thanks to chez4!]
+ Added hardcore container radiation and container radiation shielding configs (disabled by default)
+ Added config option for Geiger counters and Radiation Scrubbers to show chunk boundaries [thanks to dizzyd!]
+ Added config option to display radiation levels in standard form to a specified precision
+ Added IC2 reactor radiation support
+ Added IC2 radiation protection support to the NC Hazmat Suit
* Fixed various Mekanism power acceptors exploding unexpectedly [thanks to Jack Spedicy!]
* Hopefully fixed occasional crash on breaking multiblock controllers
* Fixed turbine flow direction occasionally not updating correctly [thanks to Kurtchekov!]
* Fixed Active Coolers in fission reactors occasionally not deactivating correctly
* Fixed small fusion active cooling rounding errors
* Removed extra heat generated by invalidly-placed moderator blocks
* Fixed collector blocks causing players to fumble buckets and spill water and nitrogen everywhere
* Hopefully fixed Quark piston duping issues with the Fusion Core
* Fixed crash caused by other mods registering TiC materials with the same name
+ Added JEI support for active cooling and the passive collectors
+ Added recipe support for alternatively named TechReborn fluids
* Improved performance of machine fluid filter generation
* Fixed glitchy Liquid Helium Cooler recipe
+ Added Endergy support to various machines
+ Added FourS'more QuadS'mingots
* Fixed CurseForge maven filename
* Possible other things that I have forgotten
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian
* Fixed MSRs not producing hot coolant
* Improved multiblock responsiveness to redstone signal updates
* Further improved machine updating tick time
* Fixed some machines trying to start running without power, leading to laggy flickering
* Fixed machines occasionally not respecting the stack size limit after being refreshed
* Fission ports can now accept a redstone signal to activate the reactor
* Somewhat reduced the lag caused by meltdowns
* Fixed input/output of fluid into a fusion core by hand not updating the processing state
* Fixed very fast machines not respecting the stack size limit
* Fixed some alloy melting and ingot forming recipes not being added correctly
* Refactored fluid initialising to be a little more robust to errors
* Improved various class-checking methods to be less laggy [thanks to Funwayguy!]
* Fixed potential crash on player radiation updating being interrupted
* Fixed Turbines not forming in various circumstances [thanks to Kurtchekov!]
* Fixed undercooled MSRs producing more useful heat than they should have been
* Fixed machines getting stuck after temporarily running low on energy
* Fixed lag on game startup and world load in a few packs
* Fixed power production not updating in the Fusion Core GUI
* Added config option for horse armour radiation shielding
* Geiger Counter now gets louder in dire situations
+ Added config option for alternative exhaust steam heat exchanger recipe
* Various fluids now have light levels
* Now using CurseForge maven for various dependencies
+ Added Turbines [entirely functional, but the rotor rendering and GUI is still a bit WIP!]
* Fixed MSR Heaters' placement rules occasionally not being checked correctly
* Fixed Vessels/Heaters/Tubes having their sidedness modified simultaneously if it had originally been copied along the line
* Modified Vessel/Heater/Tube tank capacities to allow for larger fluid throughputs
* Slowed down energy and fluid pushing rates to the pre-2.12k rate
* Fixed energy generators not pushing energy at the correct rate
* Fixed integration with various Mek gases
* Fixed invalid recipes sometimes appearing in JEI
+ Added RadAway and Rad-X cooldown messages
* Increased Hazmat Suit protection level
* Fixed player rads resetting on leaving the End
* Fixed RadAway recipe being unavailable
* Allowed for the removal of radiation levels from otherwise defaultly radioactive materials
- (终于)移除了流体棒(Totally removed fuel rods)
* Improved TiC alloying ratios
* Updated Russian language file [thanks to Lokuster!]
* Many other minor additions and changes
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobria
+ Added thorium, uranium, magnesium and chocolate as TiC materials
+ Added Construct's Armory support for all added TiC materials
* Horse armour can now be given radiation resistance
* Fixed radiation tooltip info not showing on servers when connecting with radiation disabled
* Fixed multiblock error highlighter not showing for players on servers
* Fixed cobblestone generator tooltip not showing power required if enabled in the configs
* Minor recipe tweaks and material additions
+ Added Geiger Counter block with OC support
+ Added OC support for Radiation Scrubbers
* Scrubbers no longer remove radiation at a fixed rate
* Improved scrubber rad removal rate updating
+ Added short-lived radiation immunity on death from a fatal dose of radiation
* Fission Ports and Fusion Cores now correctly refresh the multiblock on opening their GUI
* Fission Reactors now generate much less radiation
* Fixed Fusion Core GUI not updating correctly
* Fixed various multiblock errors being unlocalised
* Massively reduced lag from Cobblestone Generators and other item-pushing machines
* Fixed crash when trying to pass GTCE EU from weak energy sources
* Reduced lag from recipes and tooltips involving searching through Ore Dict entries
* Fixed lack of correct blending of Energy Upgrade slot ghost
* Added and changed many Advancements
* Minor recipe tweaks
* Fixed Active Coolers in solid-fuel fission reactors not being drained correctly
* Improved MSR and Heat Exchanger performances
* Added Heat Exchanger Tube conductivity multipliers to their tooltips
* Fixed weird damage bar errors with batteries after modifying their capacities
* Added a bit of colour to the GUIs of machines
Note: A couple of configs had to be moved (the upgrade configs) and some have had reshuffles (the battery storage configs), so it is recommended that you check that they are set to the values you want!
+ Added Energy Upgrades
* Improved machine and reactor recipe and structure updating to significantly reduce lag
* Fixed overflow issues with the Fission Reactor GUI
* Fixed Fusion Reactor pushing outputs into empty input tanks
* Fixed CT integration occasionally failing
+ Added Advanced, DU and Elite Voltaic Piles and Lithium Ion Batteries
+ Added config for disabling GTCE EU support
+ Added config for disabling the Fusion Reactor sound effect
* Fixed clients not respecting servers' radiation being enabled/disabled
* Fixed radiation info not appearing in later versions of JEI
* Fixed retention of rad count on death (if enabled)
* Split radiation medicine cooldown into seperate RadAway and Rad-X cooldowns
* Tweaked biome background radiation so as to not spread into other chunks
+ Added anvil repairing for tools and armour
* Fixed Spaxelhoes not breaking all blocks quickly
* Updated Forge and APIs
* Various other minor additions and fixes
* Sided multiblock parts' configurations can now be copied along a line by sneak-placing the next one on it
* Fixed certain multiblock building errors not being printed to chat
* Fixed some wonky Heat Exchanger maths (using wrong temperature differences, etc.)
* Fixed other mods' steam changing the temperature differences of steam recipes
* Modified a couple of Heat Exchanger default config values to make them more efficient
* Modified Heat Exchanger GUI font colour slightly to make it easier to read
* Fixed moterators being active even when no adjacent Salt Fission Vessels have any fuel
* Salt Fission Vessels now use fuel at the correct rate (same as solid-fuel cells)
* Fixed (hopefully) crashes and desyncs when placing and breaking Radiation Scrubbers
+ Added config option to have Radiation Scrubbers require a supply of Borax to run
+ Added more info to solid-fuel Fission, Fusion and Heat Exchanger JEI recipes
* Fixed JEI recipes not showing correctly if any machines are disabled
* Heat-negative solid-fuel Fission Reactors will output a comparator signal proportional to the energy stored in its buffer
* Fixed Fission Ports outputting energy incorrectly
* Fixed various asymmetries in Melter and Ingot Former recipes
* Fixed extra ore drop tooltip info showing even when the config for the drop is disabled
* Fixed crash when placing Integrated Dynamics cables next to fluid-handling machines
* Fixed (hopefully) rendering issues caused by the Geiger Counter
+ Added config option for a RadAway and Rad-X use cooldown
+ Added config options for the buffing and debuffing of entities
+ Added config options for the player and world radiation updating tick rate
* Fixed ore gen not placing enough ores in each cluster
* Modified NC dungeon loot a bit
Huge update!
+ Added new Molten Salt Reactor components
* Molten Salt Reactor parts are now available to craft
* Tweaked depleted fuel centrifuge recipes
+ Added multiblock Heat Exchangers - heat water into steam with hot coolant!
+ Added Mekanism gas support for fluid-handling machines
+ Added Borax for Radiation Scrubbers
+ Added IC2 hazmat suit pieces and Extra Planets suits to default radiation protection list
* Fixed solid-fuel fission structures occasionally being read incorrectly
+ Added remaining fuel time to solid-fuel Fission Controller GUI
* Fixed batteries charging at incorrect rates in IC2 energy storages
* Fixed Chance FluidStacks not working correctly in recipes added via CT
* Added extra chance output info to JEI tooltips
* Fixed various metadata block-related bugs [thanks to josephcsible!]
* Idle machines now take up much less tick time
* Many under-the-hood changes
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian
+ Added config options for disabling and blacklisting armor radiation shielding recipes
+ Added config option for adding default radiation resistance levels to armor pieces
* Fixed bug where shielding recipes for armor pieces with metadata would return incorrect results
* Fixed potential crash with TiC installed
* Tweaked TiC material handle and binding durabilities
* Updated Russian language file [thanks to kellixon!]
+ Added Radiation Scrubbers [thanks to Fatmice for all the help adding these!]
+ Added Hazmat Suit for specialised radiation protection
+ Added optional radiation death persistence
* Speed upgrades can now be right-clicked into machines - a shift-right-click installs the whole stack
* Removing recipes by outputs with CT will remove all recipes with those products rather than just one
* Fixed crash caused by other mods registering TiC materials with the same names as NC ones
* Fixed crash with Mekanism or Tesla installed
* Fixed Nuclear Furnace crash on placement
+ Added configs for adding custom biome and itemstack radiation levels
+ Added optional config for finer overlay position control
* Reshuffled some depleted molten salt fuel recipes for easier reprocessing
* Other minor recipe tweaks
* Updated Russian language file [thanks to kellixon!]
* Added missing localisation for some config options
+ 加入了辐射系统(Added Radiation - disabled by default in the configs!)默认禁用
+ Added Geiger Counter and Radiation Shielding
+ 加入了辐射宁和Rad-X(Added RadAway and Rad-X [thanks to Hammurabi1337 for the textures!])
* Diamond coolers now only require one adjacent water cooler rather than two
* Fixed crash when reactor door closes adjacent to Fission Controller
* Improved structure error reporting
* 更新了俄语汉化文件(Updated Russian language file [thanks to kellixon!])
* 更新了德语汉化文件(Updated German language file [thanks to Adatrem!])
+ Added new OpenComputers methods
* Fixed Fusion Core dummy tiles being treated as separate OC components
* Fixed speed upgrade tooltip to correctly specify power laws
* Fixed Hard Carbon TiC parts not being castable
* Modified various ore dict entries
* Mobs will now spawn on Wasteland Earth
+ Added some seriously serious stuff such as s'mores and a new music disc
+ Added OpenComputers support for Fission and Fusion Reactors
+ Check out 'openComputers.txt' on the GitHub repo for the available methods!
+ Added GregTech Community Edition EU support
+ Added Tinkers' Construct support for NC tool materials
+ Added some TiC smeltery support for NC metals and various alloys
* Machine recipe speeds will now be shown correctly in JEI
* Fusion active cooling will not take effect until the reactor reaches ignition temperature
* Fixed active cooling percentage info in Fusion Reactor GUI
* Fixed Fusion Core sound effects sometimes not updating correctly
+ Speed upgrades can now be piped into processors
* Fixed minor incompatibilities with old CraftTweaker methods
* Fixed CT integration sometimes not logging errors correctly
+ Added some alloying recipes for the Salt Mixer
* Fixed Ingot Former casting ExU redstone gems and GTCE glass gems
* Totally overhauled recipe system
* Recipes can now include empty and chance-based ingredients
* Full CraftTweaker support for these new ingredient types - video tutorial coming soon!
* Old CraftTweaker scripts will still work!
* Fixed major fluid-related crash with EnderIO installed
* Fixed issue with LittleTiles where some tile entities would not update correctly
+加入了其他三种太阳能( Added Advanced, DU and Elite Solar Panels)
* Recipes can now have different processing powers as well as processing times
* Improved server performance of processors and generators
+ Crafting and Furnace recipes will now take the ore dict priority list into account
+ Added config option to increase initial heating rate of Fusion Reactors
* Slightly decreased explosion size of faulting fusion electromagnets
* Fixed fission fuel tooltip info not taking fuel time config into account
* Fixed Molten Salt Fission Reactor changing heat level too slowly
* Fixed Decay Generator decaying adjacent blocks too quickly
* Slightly reduced rounding errors in Fission Reactor calculations
+ Added Arsenic and other materials derived from it
+ Added config option to condense all NC content into a single creative tab
+ 匠魂现在支持NC(Added Tinker's Construct support for base NC metals)
+ 增加了德语翻译(Added German language file [thanks to Adatrem!])
* 升级了Forge和API(Updated Forge and APIs)所以现在可以可以使用新版forge了
- (又)删除了Paul和HIM(Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian)
* Fixed crash when attempting to reprocess depleted IC2 fuels
* Fixed bug that could cause clients to crash on opening GUIs showing empty tanks
* Fixed the Rock Crusher not having a recipe
+ Added Extreme Reactors yellorium and blutonium support for fission reactors
+ Added config option to enable fission reactor explosions (disabled by default)
+ Added marshmallows [thanks to Ollie_Lansdell!]
+ Added Rock Crusher - used to obtain crushed gems and rare metal dusts
* Extra ore drops are now disabled by default due to the addition of this machine
+ Added Villiaumite and Carobbiite for Sodium and Potassium production
+ Added config option to prioritize particular mods' Ore Dictionary entries for machine outputs
+ Added config options to disable processor, passive machine, tool and armor registration
* Battery blocks now output a comparator signal proportional to their stored energy
+ Added IC2 nuclear fuel support for fission reactors
* Fixed fission sounds playing too often for small reactors
* Fixed Fusion Core not having a large enough energy buffer when power generation configs are altered
* Major texture overhaul!
* Machines can accept and output items through all sides
* Smart item insertion will now not allow slots to overflow, making automation much easier
* Energy and fluid spread now happens less regularly to reduce lag
* Split active cooling rates into two separate configs for fission and fusion
*RF:EU进率现在为16:1(于是mek-nc刷电机横空出世)( The RF to EU conversion ratio is now 16:1 in both directions)
* Combined all machine update rate configs into one universal config
* Fixed Nuclear Furnace breaking instantly
+ Added Lithium Ion Cell
* Battery blocks now have configurable sides and retain their energy when broken
+ Added Centrifuge - used to separate and reprocess molten salt fuels
* Fixed missing molten thorium fuel recipes
* Fuel rods are no longer required for nuclear fuels
* CTM is now used for connected textures!
* Fixed fluids not being correctly registered to the Fluid Registry
* This also fixes the EnderIO tank crash
* Fixed crash caused by extracting fuel from hidden fission slot using double-clicking
+ Added test molten salt fission multiblock components
+ Added hot molten salt coolants
+ Added molten salt fission and coolant heating recipes
* Fixed wrongly weighted Irradiator recipes
* Changed EnderIO integration recipes to use its new Ore Dict entries
* Major Refactoring
* IC2 is no longer packaged with the mod (still using IC2 API though!)
* Fixed minor localisation issues
+ Added NaK alloy and molten salt coolants
* Changed many machine recipes to make them more interesting
* Fixed a few missing recipes in a couple of machines and tweaked others
+ Added some NuclearCraft Advancements
+ Added new 'Nuclear Wasteland' biome - glowing mushrooms galore!
+ Added dungeon loot (can be disabled in config)
+ Added corium fluid which is now produced instead of lava after a fission reactor meltdown
+ Added config options to change speed upgrade power laws and effectiveness
* Ores now have different pickaxe harvest levels
* Fixed CraftTweaker recipe removal
+ Added option to remove recipes using either the inputs or outputs
* The names of the recipe removal methods have changed so update them accordingly!
* Errors in scripts should be much easier to fix with more descriptive error messages
* Fixed RF/EU conversion rounding small packets of energy incorrectly
* Improved fluid distribution methods which should reduce lag
* Fixed some large tooltips showing without shift held down
* Fixed some GUI tooltips being hidden by JEI overlay
* Updated JEI, CraftTweaker and Tesla APIs
- Removed many unused textures
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian
* Fixed active coolers using coolant even when reactor is not running
* Fixed ore drop events not checking for silk touch correctly
* Fixed potential crash with Tesla machines accepting null fluids
* Fixed passive machines accepting energy when they shouldn't be
* Fixed battery blocks not displaying their internal energy correctly
* Fixed broken IE treated wood planks recipe
* Minor recipe tweaks
+ Added config option for displaying machine particles
* Updated Forge
* Updated IC2 API
* Buffers will now only push items and fluids into particular machines, such as Active Coolers and Processors
* Fixed Active Coolers not using up coolant
* Increased rate of active water cooling in response to the new placement rules
* Fixed localisation errors
* Fixed fluid removal config option
* New fission reactor mechanics are now enabled by default
* All newly crafted controllers will use the new mechanics
* Old controllers will still use the old mechanics but can be updated through crafting
+ Added Fluid Extractor - extract Helium-3 from moon turf!
* Multiple fission ports on a reactor will now output energy at the same rate
* Fixed machines' maximum energy input rate changing with their capacity
* Added config option to disable the registering of fission fluid blocks - useful if running out of block IDs
* Made localisation unique to avoid any conflicts
* Updated Chinese language file [thanks to YueLengM!]
* Added 'fixed' info option for language files that shows before shift is pressed
* Use the ".fixd" and ".fix#" suffixes
* Cleaned up logging to show only important information
* Minor recipe additions and tweaks
* Possible other things that I have forgotten
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian
+ Added new OPTIONAL (disabled in config by default) fission reactor mechanics
+ This includes new power/heat calculations and more interesting placement rules
+ Added more heat info to the Fission Controller GUI
+ Added all molten fission fluids and some recipes involving them
* Increased default electromagnet power requirement
* Decay Generator will now cause all depleted blocks to decay down as far as Thorium-230
* Added more integration recipes
* Tweaked some Ore Dict entry names
* Fixed an error where the Melter was registering faulty recipes
* Tweaked some block and fluid textures
* Updated Forge
* Updated IC2 and JEI APIs
* Possible other things that I have forgotten
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian
+ Added five more passive Fission Reactor Coolers
+ Added more depleted isotope blocks [thanks to xenon54xenon54!]
* Fixed incorrect Fusion Reactor cooling rates
* Fusion Core GUI now shows the rate of change of heat and active cooling rate
* The Fusion Reactor is now gated behind Boron Nitride production
+ Added compact and dense forms of collector machines
* Electromagnets, Active Coolers and other passive machines will distribute their stored fluid and energy to adjacent machines of the same type - DISABLED by default
* Fixed slightly incorrect RF to EU conversion ratio
+ Added Brazilian Portuguese language file [thanks to InterPlay02!]
* Made language files much easier to customise
+ Tooltip info width is now set automatically - no more manual line spacing!
* Made lots of internal changes and cleaned up code
* Some recipe tweaks and fixes
+ Added early-game Decay Generator
* Fission Controller's energy and heat buffer now scales with reactor size
* Fixed certain Fuel Rods having the wrong stats [thanks to 28Smiles!]
* Fixed crash on Fission Reactor overheating [thanks to dizzyd!]
* Fixed Coolers not recognising Ports/Buffers/etc. as a form of Reactor Casing
* Fusion Reactor generates and removes Fusion Plasma a little more intelligently
* Fusion Plasma will now cause explosions intead of corrosion
* Made Fusion Plasma less laggy in general
* Fixed Fusion Core dropping unwanted dummy blocks
* Fixed (hopefully) Collectors crashing if multiple variants of Helium/Nitrogen exist
* Fixed some blocks breaking instantly
* Fixed Reactor Door not dropping after being broken
* Spruced up GUIs a little bit more
* Fixed bug where game sometimes crashed when attempting to open GUIs
+ Added more config options for ores
* Fixed vanilla ores still dropping NC resources when broken with Silk Touch
* CraftTweaker now works again [thanks to TheGuyRunningSouth!]
* Removed active machines and other junk from JEI
* Added and tweaked a few recipes
* Machines can no longer be rotated (temporary fix for machines losing contents when rotated)
* Processors can now be set to use no power in the config - this is done for the Ingot Former by default
* Fixed some mods' cables/conduits disconnecting from machines (temporary fix - machine textures won't update)
* Fixed IC2 Energy Net console spam [thanks to fscan!]
* Fixed getCapability returning null
* Updated Forge and APIs
* Possible other things that I have forgotten
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian
* Made machine GUIs a little fancier
* Added Fusion Reactor GUI option to force inputs to differ
+ Added Dissolver
+ Added Univeral Bin to dump excess resources
* Made Active Fluid Coolers use much less coolant
+ Added Reactor Door and Trapdoor
+ Added Sulfur - drops from Coal Ore
+ Added Fluorite - drops from Lapis Ore
+ Added a bunch of other new materials
* Fixed CraftTweaker fission recipe support
* Fixed potential crashes with fluid transfer
* Minor recipe tweaks
* Made machine GUIs a little fancier
* Added Fusion Reactor GUI option to force inputs to differ
+ Added Dissolver
+ Added Univeral Bin to dump excess resources
* Made Active Fluid Coolers use much less coolant
+ Added Reactor Door and Trapdoor
+ Added Sulfur - drops from Coal Ore
+ Added Fluorite - drops from Lapis Ore
+ Added a bunch of other new materials
* Fixed CraftTweaker fission recipe support
* Fixed potential crashes with fluid transfer
* Minor recipe tweaks
+ Added JEI support
+ Added CraftTweaker support
+ Added Ingot Former
+ Added Pressurizer
+ Added Chemical Reactor
+ Added Salt Mixer
+ Added Crystallizer
+ Added Beryllium - drops from Coal Ore
+ Added Zirconium - drops from Quartz Ore
+ Added a bunch of new items and fluids
+ Added new tools and armor
+ Added Glowing Mushrooms to the Nether
* Fixed crash related to machines trying to push null fluids
* Fixed issues with the Fission Reactor search algorithm
* Fixed crash when mining Redstone Ore
+ Additional configs
* Recipe tweaks and additions
* Removed lingering invalid/impossible recipes
* Updated Forge
* Updated IC2 and JEI APIs
+ Added active cooling for Fission and Fusion Reactors+ Added comparator functionality for Fission and Fusion Reactors+ Added transparent Reactor Casing and Electromagnets* Fixed exploit that allowed coolers to be utilised in invalid positions to support other coolers* Fixed bug where Fission Reactor Ports would not find the Controller* Fixed bugs related to energy transfer* Fixed bug where automating machines would disable them after one run* Fixed bug where battery blocks did not update correctly+ Additional configs* Recipe tweaks and additions* Updated Forge* Updated CoFH API (1.10.2)- Removed CoFH API (1.11.2)* Updated IC2 API
+ Added multiblock Fusion Reactor+ Added Electromagnet+ Added Fusion Connector+ Added fusion fluid fuels and products+ Added Fluid Infuser+ Added Metal Melter+ Added Supercooler+ Added Electrolyser+ Added Neutron Irradiator* Process times change depending on the recipe* Improved automation on machine sides+ Added Fission Port* Tweaked fission cooler effects+ Added Helium Collector+ Added Machine Interface+ Added Buffer+ Added Cobblestone Generator+ Added Infinite Water Source+ Added Superconducting Electromagnet+ Added Superconducting Supercooler+ Added Supercooled Ice+ Added many new config options+ Added and tweaked recipes+ Added new items and other fluids* Hopefully fixed SpongeForge crash* Fixed crash related to invalid recipes* Many, many internal changes* Updated IC2 API* Many thanks go to CrazyPants for allowing me to use EnderIO's GUI fluid rendering code!
+ Added Manufactory+ Added Isotope Separator+ Added Decay Hastener+ Added Fuel Reprocessor+ 加入了(新)裂变控制器(Added Fission Controller (WIP))+ Added RF, IC2 and Tesla support for machines+ Added Voltaic Pile and Lithium Ion Battery+ 加入了4种RTG(Added Uranium, Plutonium, Americium and Californium RTGs)+ 加入了基础太阳能发电机(Added Basic Solar Panel)+(又)加入了核熔炉( Added Nuclear Furnace)+ Added base blocks, including ores and fission reactor components+ Added base items, including ingots, dusts, fission materials and tools
WARNING: Turn off all Fission Reactors and reset configs before you update from version 1.9c or earlier!
作者要更1.10,1.7.10成绝唱(This is the final version for 1.7.10, including a few sneak peaks of some major changes coming for 1.10.2...)
DON'T use this version unless you just want to mess around with the new radiation mechanics!
+ Added player radiation count
+ Certain items and blocks will add radiation points to the player while in their inventory
+ Added RadAway which removes radiation points
+ Added Rad-X which causes the player to be more resistent to radiation
+ Added the Geiger Counter which can be used to find how irradiated the player is
* Tough Alloy armour can also be used to protect against radiation
* Radiation affects the player's health and may cause other negative effects
* Changed Fission mechanics a bit to prevent certain exploits
* Graphite now must be adjacent to a Fuel Cell Compartment to generate additional power
* Fuel Cell Compartments can now be separated by a single Graphite block and still be counted as 'adjacent'
* Improved usefulness of Coolant Reactor Coolers
* Water no longer has any effect
* Fixed Steam Fusion Reactor GUI... again
* Fixed Antimatter and EMP explosions
* Small changes to rare mob drops
* Updated German language file - thanks to HbmMods
WARNING: Turn off all Fission Reactors and reset configs before you update from version 1.9c or earlier!
This is almost certainly the final version for 1.7.10.
* Fixed Fission Controller crash when invalid fuel was inserted
* Energy storage blocks display RF stored if shift-clicked
+ Added Brian Williams, Paul's friend and former Shrewsbury Town F.C. winger
+ Added non-Thermal Expansion recipes for advanced coolers in case TE is not installed+ There is also a config option to force these new recipes to replace the TE ones+ New Brazilian Portuguese translation thanks to welcler castro!* Fixed Fission Reactors showing incorrect cooling rates when many coolers are used* Small recipe changes* Fixed categorisation of sound effects* Fixed Plutonium Ore creative mode seletion
* Changed Fission mechanics a bit to prevent certain exploits* Graphite now must be adjacent to a Fuel Cell Compartment to generate additional power* Fuel Cell Compartments can now be separated by a single Graphite block and still be counted as 'adjacent'* Improved usefulness of Coolant Reactor Coolers* Water no longer has any effect* Fixed Steam Fusion Reactor GUI... again* Fixed Antimatter and EMP explosions* Small changes to rare mob drops* Updated German language file - thanks to HbmMods
+ Added config option to modify the work rates of Steam Generators and Decompressors* Vastly improved mechanism to deal with non-vanilla air blocks in Fusion Reactor rings* Fixed machines acting weirdly when speed and efficiency configs were modified* Fixed Steam Fusion Reactor showing the wrong quantities in its GUI* Fixed Americium and Californium RTGs dropping the wrong type of RTG when broken* Fixed Assembler recipe conflict between Reactor Casing and Reinforced Plating* Modified Reaction Generator's GUI texture to avoid confusion regarding the fuel it uses* Fixed active blocks giving wrong blocks when picked in creative mode* Updated language files - thanks again to Cannon_fotter
+ Added Neptunium, Americium, Curium and Californium+ Added 21 new fission fuels - TBU-Oxide and 10 non-oxidised and 10 oxidised made from the new materials+ The fission reactor will now use up fuel cells more intelligently:+ If the depleted fuel just produced matches the fuel about to be used, the reactor will use up the fuel and run+ Added Fuel Recycler* All depleted fuel recycle recipes have moved from the Isotope Separator to this machine+ Added Americium-241 and Californium-250 RTGs+ Added Voltaic Pile and Lithium Ion Battery RF storage blocks+ Added Steam Fusion Reactor+ Produces Steam/Dense Steam/Superdense steam depending on the reactor's size+ Added many new Isotope Separator, Decay Hastener and Fission recipes+ Added EMP bomb (not currently craftable)* Reaction Generator now only accepts basic Uranium and Thorium as fuel- Removed annoying message that appeared when placing generators- Removed many unnecessary IC2 recipes* Other minor changes to code, recipes and textures* Updated Java and APIs
* Electrolyser now requires an input of water to operate - empty fluid cells can now be used* Solar panels now generate small amounts of power during dawn, dusk and the night+ Added config options for the heat and efficiency levels at which full Comparator signals are emitted for the Fission and Fusion Reactor, respectively* Fixed crash bug related to steam decompressors* Fixed graphite block crushing to coal dust rather than graphite dust* Minor changes to the fuel usage of non-RF machines* Minor changes to the spin-1/2 block* Fixed some errors in tooltip info* Hopefully fixed bug where mobs would drop rare loot even when mob drops was disabled* Minor texture changes* Many internal changes
+ Added info tooltips to all machines* Fixed Steam Fission Reactors producing four times as much steam as they should have been* Fixed Fission Controllers not checking for other Controllers correctly* Fixed Domino's crash* Fixed missing textures for some items+ Added Lithium Ion Battery crafting recipes* Fixed conflicting Assembler recipes* Fixed nuclear weapons being craftable in the Assembler regardless of the config option+ Added Manganese dust oxidising recipe* Nerfed the RTG a little* Nuclear Monsters now spawn in the Nether* Tweaked some tool and armour stats* Tweaked ore generation* Improved the Antimatter Bomb texture* Made description of nuclear weapons config option more clear
Turn off all Fission Reactors and delete old fission and fusion configs before updating to this version!+ Added info tooltips to most items and blocks+ Simply hold Shift while over an item or block from the mod+ Added portable Lithium Ion Batteries+ Added Rhodochrosite (drops from Redstone Ore) and many more ingredients used to construct Lithium Ion Batteries+ The power of Fission Reactors is no longer explicitly dependant on the size of the reactor+ Because of this, all fission fuels are four times as powerful+ Added Steam Fission Reactors+ Temporary mechanics - produces Steam/Dense Steam/Superdense Steam instead of RF+ Produces roughly 50% more power than a standard RF-producing Fission Reactor+ Added Dense Steam and Superdense Steam+ Added Steam Generator+ Added Steam and Dense Steam Decompressors+ Added Antimatter as a temporary product of Synchrotrons+ Added Antimatter Bomb+ Added button the Assembler to configure whether to try to keep the recipe intact or use all ingredients available+ Added config option for Fusion Reactors to asymptotically reach 100% efficiency* Edited some extra block drops, extra mob drops and dungeon loot* Changed some ore generation rates as they were too low* Changed some internal workings of the Fusion Reactor* Tweaks to achievements* Quietened down Fusion Reactor and Synchrotron sound effects* Slightly nerfed Reaction Generator, again* Fixed non-RF machine fuel lifetimes* Yellorium is no longer processed into Uranium* Exception is the Separator, where Yellorium is processed less efficiently* Fixed crashes related to searching for non-existing fluids+ Added Matrix and Complex classes to prepare for quantum mechanics* Other minor bug fixes* Minor file rearranging- Removed unused items
* Mekanism gases can now be used in the Fusion Reactor - just pipe them in* Changed some internal workings of the Fusion Reactor - it's possible that your input slots will become clogged up, so simply swap the stacks if this is the case* The fusion reactor will now recognise a redstone signal going into anywhere at its base* The base power and fuel consumption of all fission fuels has been halved* Fixed bug with meltdowns* Fixed bug where the heat level was not playing a part in the reactor efficiency* Increased the controller's reaction speed to redstone signals, but still be careful with pulse reactors (don't try anything much over 100 kH/t)* The Heavy Duty Workspace can now hold items in its crafting grid* Fixed many issues related to machines and generators not connecting to certain RF cables or storage blocks correctly (EnderIO in particular)* Fixed a small bug with rare block drops* Made rare mob drops rarer* Nuclear Monsters are rarer
+ Added Fusion Reactor NEI recipes* Doubled Fusion Reactors power production and fuel usage rate* It is highly recommended that you reset the Fusion config file* Improved Fusion Plasma's fire mechanics+ Updated Fission and Fusion NEI info* Fission Reactor comparators will emit a full signal if the heat level is above 25%* Fixed Fission Reactor heat shown in GUI when large amounts of heat is generated* Fixed bug where Electric Furnaces would not run* Fixed occasional glitchy progress bars in machines* Fixed particle effects on some machines+ Added a couple of new Manufactory recipes* Fixed some Assembler recipes* Minor texture changes- Removed Reactor Upgrade and Accelerator Upgrade- Removed Paulobrine
* Fission Reactors no longer require upgrades!* Fission reactors can now be a cuboid of any shape or size!* The Fission Controller can be anywhere on the exterior of the structure+ Added the Assembler - a machine to autocraft Heavy Duty Workspace Recipes!+ Will never totally empty its input slots, requires a stick in unused input slots+ Check NEI for the recipes (require the same total resources as the 5x5 recipes)+ Will still be available if the Workspace is disabled in the config+ Comparable to the Auto-Workbench of BuildCraft- Removed the Lithium-7 Irradiator recipe* Fixed some recipe irregularity in other mods' machines* Fixed automation in non-RF machines+ Added Steam fluid+ Added Computer Plate and Mechanical Part* Fixed some machine particle effects* Fixed bug where Fusion Reactors occasionally rendered incorrectly* Fixed some GUI update bugs in generators+ Added the Mekanism API (to be used in the future)+ Added Paul's voice to Paul* Possible other things that I have forgotten
* Fusion reactors no longer stack and instead require a ring of powered electromagnets* Check the YouTube video on Fusion more details* Fixed bug where the energy required to start the reaction was far too high* Fission reactors no longer require a vertical line of cell compartments down the middle* The power and heat generated and the fuel used depends on the number of cell compartments and their positions* Adjacent cell compartments generate additional energy and heat+ Added new cooler blocks which have better cooling rates depending on their positions in the reactor* Many changes to the base stats of all fuels and the energy and heat generation of graphite* Synchrotrons can now be built entirely, but do not yet have a use+ Added Fusion Plasma which is contained within the Fusion Reactors' electromagnet rings+ Added extra drops to certain ores+ Added extra rare drops to monsters+ Added anvil repair recipes to tools* Recipe tweaks* Other minor bug fixes* Minor changes to some machines* Possible other things that I have forgotten
+ Highly requested feature: New config option to disable the Heavy Duty Workspace and enable vanilla crafting recipes+ This change allows for recipes to be edited via MineTweaker and for all parts of the mod to be auto-craftable+ When 'false', the Heavy Duty Workspace will become uncraftable, and all Heavy Duty Workspace recipes are disabled+ This option is found at the top of the NCConfig file* Slight changes to tool durabilities* Minor changes to GUI textures* Prevented Liquid Helium Extractor from running if internal tank is too full * Possible other things that I have forgotten
+ Added Achievements+ Thermal Expansion support* Speed and Energy Upgrades now increase the speed and energy efficiency of machines exponentially+ Many, many new configs* Changed Fusion Reactor Efficiency equation to one which varies more smoothly and adds more flexibility* Fusion Reactors can now overheat* Fixed crash bug related to liquid helium having 0 viscosity* Fixed major crash when RTGs and Solar Panels were connected to Extra Utilities pipes+ 3 Music Discs... 10 points to whoever knows which game the songs are from (good luck)!+ Ricecake and Fish and a Ricecake+ Fusion Electromagnets (currently have no use)* Re-organised configs (again... sorry! Delete or ignore the old config files) * Recipe changes* Minor changes to RF generation from continuous generators* Minor changes to mob drops* Minor texture changes* Synchrotron Controllers can now determine whether it is connected to a complete Accelerator ring (still can't be used, however)* Made attempts to lower lag from certain blocks* More restructuring of the mod* Possible other things that I have forgotten
+ Huge amounts of additional NEI info about blocks and items in the mod* Fixed crash bug related to liquid helium textures+ Additional useful/requested recipes and additions to the Ore Dictionary* Cleaned up configs into one, neat file (delete or ignore the old config files)+ Additional texture files, allowing for more flexibility in texture packs* A large amount of restructuring (organising) of the mod
+ Liquid Helium Extractor+ Liquid Helium transferable Fluid+ Solar Panel+ Particle Accelerator Electromagnets and Supercoolers+ Magnesium and Magnesium Diboride* Fixed bug where Plutonium Ore generated in the Overworld in place of Uranium Ore* Updated Forge version to* Updated all APIs* This should prevent strange crashes related to outdated APIs
* The Fusion Reactor comparator setup now keeps the efficiency at around 90%* The Fusion Reactor produces more power* Tweaks to heat generation in the Fusion Reactor+ Comparators now read the Fission Reactor's heat level* Fixed some minor issues with coolant in the Fission Reactor* Background tweaks to heat in the Fission Reactor+ New Manufactory recipes* Other machine recipe tweaks+ NEI Info recipes
+ Added Neutron Irradiator+ Added Manufactory+ Added Supercooler+ Added Ioniser* Many Machine recipe changes* Heavy Duty Workspace now has a 5*5 crafting grid* Many Heavy Duty Workspace recipe changes+ Heavy Duty Workspace NEI Shift-click support+ Heavy Duty Workspace Ore Dictionary support* Fission Reactor now gives warning about the heat that it will produce* Bigger Fission Reactors produce much more power+ Fission Reactor Speed Blocks+ Blast Resistant Blocks+ Pistol and DU Bullets+ Added Weak Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator+ Spin 1/2 Block (uncraftable for now)+ More items and blocks for crafting+ New configs* It is suggested that the config folder is deleted and reloaded (then recustomised)* Fusion Reactors' efficiency now read by comparators* Nerfed Reaction Generator* Fixed small issues with Fusion Reactor+ Recipe info for Water Cells+ More dungeon/village etc. loot* Minor texture changes* Possible other things that I have forgotten
* Fusion Reactors now produce outputs* The products depend on the fuel combo being used* The products can be exported from any side of any block of the structure* Added sensible shift clicking mechanics to the Fusion Reactor* Shift clicked fuels will go to the slot which corresponds to the tank which contains that fuel or is empty* Added sensible automation mechanics as described below* Changed some Heat, Power and Fuel Usage Variables+ Added Oxidiser+ Added Oxide Fission Fuels+ These fuels are more energy efficient and heat generating than their non-oxide counterparts+ Added Uranium Oxide Ingots and Dust* All machines and generators can now import and export items on all sides* Imported items will be handled sensibly if certain items need to go to certain slots* The exceptions to this are upgrades which cannot be imported or exported+ Added Capsules to store Pu-238 for RTGs and Neutrons+ Added Depleted Uranium Plating as an upgrade to Tough Alloy+ Added DU armour and tools, including a Spaxeloe+ Added Boron tools - tier between iron and diamond+ Added Advanced Plating+ Added Small Lumps of Li-6 and B-10* Many Recipe changes* Increased ore generation rates* New Nuke sound effects* Lots of bug fixes related to the Fusion Reactor* Decreased durability of Tough Alloy armour and tools in response to the addition of DU Plating* Possible other things that I have forgotten
* Major changes to the operation of the Fusion Reactor |
* The Fusion Reactor requires energy at first to heat up |
* Once at 8 MK, the Fusion Reactor can start to run |
* Different fuel combos have different fuel efficiencies at different heats |
* The Fusion Reactor can now be indefinitely tall |
* Fixed bug where Fusion Reactors were not saving their inventories |
* Watch the video coming out soon on the YouTube channel or the page being created on the wiki for in-depth info |
+ Added Bronze Armour |
+ Added Boiled Egg - why not |
* Fixed another issue with the fission fuel NEI info |
* Fixed Uranium not being crushable |
* Fixed crash when right-clicking RTG or Empty Fluid Cells in the air |
* Possible other things that I have forgotten |
+ Added Electrolyser |
* Fusion Reactors can now be 8 chunks tall |
* Items and power can be inserted/extracted from all blocks of the Fusion Reactor |
* Fusion Reactor is temporarily balanced while changes to its functionality are being made |
* Fusion gases are now produced in the Electrolyser |
+ Added Nuclear Grenade |
+ Added Portable Ender Chest |
+ Added Tough Alloy Bow |
+ Added Mekanism recipe and AE2 SpatialIO support |
+ Added new Nuclear Monster sound effects |
* Hugely improved all machines' recipe systems |
* Tweaked the power production of the Fission Reactor |
* Fixed bugs in some machines' inventories |
* Hopefully fixed RTGs not outputting power sometimes |
* Fixed incorrect info on the fission fuels in NEI |
* Nuclear Monster doesn't run at warp 10 anymore |
+ Added Liquid Helium block |
+ Basic Fusion Reactor functionality |
+ Temporary recipes for the fusion gases |
* The Fusion Reactor is still not finished, but can at least be used |
* Properly fixed Ore Dictionary not working |
* Fixed ores not working in the machines |
* Fixed Nuke rendering bug |
* Fixed Energy and Heat per tick not updating correctly |
* Inverted Fission Reactors' redstone behaviour |
* Gave the paxel the additional ability of a hoe |
* A few more recipe tweaks |
+ Added Speed and Energy upgrades |
+ Added Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator |
+ Added Nuke |
+ Added IC2 recipe support |
+ Added Helium Collector |
+ Added Boron armour - between iron and diamond |
* Fixed Ore Dictionary not working |
* Fixed adjacent generators not outputting power correctly |
* Made Fission Reactors run faster (use more fuel but produce more power) |
* Fixed shift clicking in some machines |
* Made the paxel more durable |
* A few recipe tweaks |
- Removed all mod dependencies |
* Fixed many bugs related to lag caused by machines |
* Fixed some machines not updating properly |
* Fixed runaway Reaction Generator bug |
* More 32x textures |
* Paxel now breaks all blocks quickly |
* More tweaks to recipes |
+ Began adding materials related to nuclear fusion |
+ Added Fluid Cells and fusion gases |
+ Added fusion products |
+ Added Lithium |
+ Added Boron |
+ Added Fusion Reactor model - currently has no use |
* Totally overhauled the way reactors work, to make them much more interesting and useful | |
* Moved most items and blocks into groups, using metadata to conserve IDs | |
+ Added Plutonium Ore (found in the Nether) | |
+ Added Reactor Upgrade | |
+ Added config option to change the efficiency with the Reaction Generator | |
+ Added config option to disable Nuclear Monsters spawning | |
+ Added decorative tubing blocks (looks nice around edges of fission reactors) | |
* Bug fixes and recipe tweaks | |
* Cleaned up a lot of cumbersome code | |
- Removed currently unused sound files |
+ Added Nuclear Workspace | |
+ Added Hostile Nuclear Monster | |
+ Added Tough Alloy Paxel | |
+ Added Tough Alloy Armor | |
* Changed Fuel Cells and Depleted Fuel Cells to reflect the isotopes they were made from | |
+ Added NEI information for Nuclear Fuels | |
* Fixed GUI bugs where the showed RF stored in some machines became negative | |
* Fixed potential lag caused by machines and GUIs which weren't updating correctly | |
* Many recipe changes and tweaks | |
* Some name changes | |
+ Paul |
+ Fission Reactor
+ RF Support for the reactor
+ Fission Controller
+ Reactor Casing
+ Fuel Cell Compartment
+ Graphite Block
+ Reactor Cooler
+ Depleted LEU Cell
+ Depleted HEU Cell
+ Depleted LEP Cell
+ Depleted HEP Cell
+ Depleted MOX Cell
+ Depleted TBU Cell
+ Advanced Neutron Reflector
+ "Fission RF Production Multiplier" to the config file
+ Isotope Separator
+ Decay Hastener
+ RF Support for the new machines
+ NEI recipe support for the Decay Hastener
+ Tough Alloy
+ Tough Alloy Tools
+ Uranium 233
+ Uranium 235
+ Uranium 238
+ Plutonium 238
+ Plutonium 239
+ Plutonium 241
+ Plutonium 242
+ Thorium 232
+ Thorium 234
+ Small Lump of Uranium 233
+ Small Lump of Uranium 235
+ Small Lump of Uranium 238
+ Small Lump of Plutonium 238
+ Small Lump of Plutonium 239
+ Small Lump of Plutonium 241
+ Small Lump of Plutonium 242
+ Small Lump of Thorium 232
+ Small Lump of Thorium 234
+ Low Enriched Uranium Fuel
+ High Enriched Uranium Fuel
+ Low Enriched Plutonium Fuel
+ High Enriched Plutonium Fuel
+ Mixed Oxide Nuclear Fuel
+ Thorium Bred Uranium Fuel
- Uranium Cell
- Thorium Cell
+ Empty Cell
+ LEU Cell
+ HEU Cell
+ LEP Cell
+ HEP Cell
+ MOX Cell
+ TBU Cell
+ Small Pile of Crushed Lead
+ Convection Powered Grinder
* Multiple Texture and Recipe Tweaks
* Split current config file into one for machines and one for ore generation
+ "Isotope Separator Speed Multiplier" to the machines config file
+ "Decay Hastener Speed Multiplier" to the machines config file
+ "Decay Hastener Fuel Usage Multiplier" to the machines config file
+ Electric Furnace
+ Electric Crusher
+ RF support for the electric machines
+ NEI recipe support for the electric machines
+ Thorium Ore
+ Thorium Ore to the Ore Dictionary (oreThorium)
+ Thorium Ingot
+ Thorium Ingot to the Ore Dictionary (ingotThorium)
+ Thorium Block
+ Thorium Block to the Ore Dictionary (blockThorium)
+ Thorium Cell
+ "Electric Furnace Speed Multiplier" to the config file
+ "Electric Furnace Fuel Usage Multiplier" to the config file
+ Crusher
+ Metal Furnace
+ Silver Ore
+ Silver Ore to the Ore Dictionary (oreSilver)
+ Silver Ingot
+ Silver Ingot to the Ore Dictionary (ingotSilver)
+ Silver Block
+ Silver Block to the Ore Dictionary (blockSilver)
+ Iron Plating
* Changed "Nuclear Furnace Speed" to "Nuclear Furnace Speed Multiplier" in the config file
+ "Nuclear Furnace Fuel Usage Multiplier" to the config file
+ "Metal Furnace Speed Multiplier" to the config file
+ "Metal Furnace Fuel Usage Multiplier" to the config file
+ "Crusher Speed Multiplier" to the config file
+ "Crusher Fuel Usage Multiplier" to the config file
+ Crushed Iron
+ Crushed Iron to the Ore Dictionary (dustIron)
+ Crushed Gold
+ Crushed Gold to the Ore Dictionary (dustGold)
+ Crushed Lapis
+ Crushed Lapis to the Ore Dictionary (dustLapis)
+ Crushed Diamond
+ Crushed Diamond to the Ore Dictionary (dustDiamond)
+ Crushed Emerald
+ Crushed Emerald to the Ore Dictionary (dustEmerald)
+ Crushed Quartz
+ Crushed Quartz to the Ore Dictionary (dustQuartz)
+ Crushed Coal
+ Crushed Coal to the Ore Dictionary (dustCoal)
+ Crushed Copper
+ Crushed Copper to the Ore Dictionary (dustCopper)
+ Crushed Lead
+ Crushed Lead to the Ore Dictionary (dustLead)
+ Crushed Tin
+ Crushed Tin to the Ore Dictionary (dustTin)
+ Crushed Silver
+ Crushed Silver to the Ore Dictionary (dustSilver)
+ Crushed Uranium
+ Crushed Uranium to the Ore Dictionary (dustUranium)
+ Crushed Bronze
+ Crushed Bronze to the Ore Dictionary (dustBronze)
+ "Pitchblende Ore Generation" to the config file
+ "Copper Ore Generation" to the config file
+ "Tin Ore Generation" to the config file
+ "Lead Ore Generation" to the config file
+ "Silver Ore Generation" to the config file
+ Uranium Cell
+ Simple Neutron Reflector
+ Nuclear Furnace
+ Pitchblende Ore
+ Pitchblende Ore to the Ore Dictionary (oreUranium)
+ Copper Ore
+ Copper Ore to the Ore Dictionary (oreCopper)
+ Tin Ore
+ Tin Ore to the Ore Dictionary (oreTin)
+ Lead Ore
+ Lead Ore to the Ore Dictionary (oreLead)
+ Uranium Ingot
+ Uranium Ingot to the Ore Dictionary (ingotUranium)
+ Copper Ingot
+ Copper Ingot to the Ore Dictionary (ingotCopper)
+ Tin Ingot
+ Tin Ingot to the Ore Dictionary (ingotTin)
+ Lead Ingot
+ Lead Ingot to the Ore Dictionary (ingotLead)
+ Bronze Ingot
+ Bronze Ingot to the Ore Dictionary (ingotBronze)
+ Bronze Tools
+ config file: config/Nuclear Relativistics/Nuclear Relativistics.cfg
+ "Nuclear Furnace Speed" to the config file