
Hotfix release to resolve some melter and smeltery issues. For a full changelog for 3.9.2, see v3.9.2.34.

  • Added compat fluid effects for thermal (redstone, glowstone, enderium, lumium, signalum) and mekanism (refined glowstone, refined obsidian)

  • Change signalum (thermal compat) to not require blazing blood

  • Switch hurt sound for magic damage from thorns to normal

  • Fix fluid effects for compat materials being disabled even when the metal is present

  • Fix ductile trait description inaccuracy

  • Fix smeltery crashing on NeoForge

  • Fix melter not detecting heaters

  • Fix melters not detecting changes in tanks. This was accomplished by splitting the fuel module, so on the rare chance you are an addon with a smeltery feature you may need to update.

Full Changelog: v3.9.2.34...v3.9.2.37


Beta release for 1.20.1. This means the API should be stable enough for addons, however game content may still get changes and rebalances. There may still be bugs.


  • Nether grout can now be made from magma blocks instead of just magma cream.

  • Casting seared bricks via composite is now clay on flint, for consistency with scorched bricks.

  • Allow faucets to move lighter than air fluids.

  • Smeltery structure checking now ignores light blocks and glows. There is also a tag to mark other blocks as "fake air" for compatibility with mods that do weird block things.

  • Fix tank scala rendering behind fluids.


  • Smeltery tank in UI is now 200% bigger, making it easier to click fluids.

  • Added a slot for auto-dumping of fluid items into the smeltery.

  • Added ability to fill fluid items by left clicking fluids in the smeltery, melter, and alloyer UI.

  • Added ability to empty fluid items by right clicking fluids in the smeltery, melter, and alloyer UI.

  • Tank items can now interact with other fluid items by right clicking them in the inventory.

  • Tank item tooltip now displays fluid in units.


  • Ichor can now be melted using blazing blood.

  • Melting in the smeltery just returns some blazing blood.

  • Melting in the foundry gives blazing blood plus some pure ichor.

  • Ichor can be used for some unique fluid effects, along with alloying


  • New alloy from ichor, gold, and seared stone.

  • Trait gradually converts fuel into overslime.

  • Works as a armor trim material.

  • No longer a compat material, we now natively provide steel.

  • Steel is made as a byproduct from melting iron ore, or alternatively as a byproduct from melting chainmail in a similar recipe to ichor.

  • Steel can also be found on skyslime helmets. Yes, its significant that skyslimes give you steel and are used to make slimesteel.

  • Steel's palette is more bluish and now works as an armor trim material.


  • Byproducts overall have been reworked to give more useful results.

  • Gilded blackstone and nether gold ore both give copper (unchanged).

  • Overworld gold ore gives cobalt.

  • Cobalt ore gives diamond.

  • Diamond ore gives debris.

  • Debris gives netherite.

  • Quartz ore gives iron.

  • Iron gives steel.

  • Tin now tries to provide nickel if present.

  • As a reminder, byproducts require the foundry, so there are no progression breaks from this; we checked. Remember some of these ores require blazing blood to melt.


  • Added melting and casting for dawnstone from Embers.

  • Greatly improve smeltery metal recipe generation, allowing easier compat for specific mods and not requiring generating so many unused recipes.

  • Added melting for oreberries from Oreberries Reforged.

  • Tools complement and railcraft tools can now be melted.


  • Fluid effects have been totally overhauled for this update, with many new effects.

  • Splashing now consumes fluid per AOE target.

  • Fluid effects now consume a minimum of 1mb if any effect happened.

  • Fix fluid effects that only apply to blocks not working in the projectile or splashing.

  • Removed generic effect tags, I want to treat fluid effects like materials where behavior is opt-in and intentional.

  • Summary of effects below, for a full list see https://slimeknights.github.io/docs/design/#modifiers or check out the new listing in the encyclopedia of tinkering.


  • Projectile now can survive underwater.

  • Projectile no longer applies multiple times to one block.

  • Instead, it will either keep flying (if the block was removed), or apply to surrounding blocks (if the block is still present).


  • Block removing notably has cool interactions with gem fluids.

  • Gem fluids are used to mine blocks.

  • Amethyst is the cheap mining fluid.

  • Quartz is more expensive, but mines stronger blocks.

  • Emerald mines using silk touch.

  • Diamond mines using fortune.

  • Debris is the strongest mining fluid.


  • Slime fluids grant unique effects.

  • Earthslime pulls hit entities and blocks, like a piston.

  • Skyslime pushes hit entities and blocks, like a piston.

  • Ichor levitates hit entities and breaks hit blocks, ignoring hardness but consuming more fluid.

  • Enderslime teleports hit entities and swaps hit blocks with the block in your hand.

  • Magma creates a small explosion.

  • Ender places a block at the target.

  • Venom grants strength and poison.


  • Slimesteel generates explosions with no damage, perfect for rocket boots.

  • Queens' Slime generates large explosions that don't damage blocks, good for combat.

  • Cinderslime generates explosions with inverted knockback.


  • Metals now have damage based on their tiers.

  • Metals no longer place fires or light the target on fire. Instead, they place effect clouds at the target.

  • Some metal effects were adjusted, notably anything that was using the generic metal tags before.


  • Water extinguishes fire, damages water weak mobs, and breaks some fluid breakable blocks.

  • Milk cures effects.

  • Powdered snow deals cold damage and applies freezing.

  • Lava deals fire damage and applies fire.

  • Blazing blood deals fire damage, applies fire, and glowing. If hitting a block, places a glow.

  • Clay fluids place either bricks, slabs, or blocks. Includes seared stone, scorched stone, and clay.

  • Glass fluids place glass panes or blocks. Includes glass, soul, and obsidian. May switch these to glass spikes in the future.


  • Implement scaling effect - to apply different results based on effect level.

  • Implement block break effect - to mine targeted blocks, used mainly by gems.

  • Added drop item fluid effect, drops an item on hit.

  • Added push and pull block and entity effects.

  • Added explosion fluid effect with highly configurable explosion.

  • Place block effect can now place from the player's hand, and override the place sound.

  • Fluid effect provider has many new helpers for generating new effects.

  • Added many new fluid damage types, including cold, impact (standard hit), and spike (piercing).


  • Right clicking fluid items onto tools with tank now transfer the fluid.

  • Right clicking a tool with inventory now opens the tool UI.

  • If a tool has a tank, it now shows in the tool UI.

  • Tools can now be repaired by right clicking them with a repair kit.

  • Fix shields breaking when damaged on block.

  • Fix multishot firing too many arrows when stacks are split between slots.

  • Fix tool tank modifying the input fluid, which breaks some other mods fluid handlers (its the annoying thing with fluid handlers, have to copy on input and copy on receive).

  • Workaround double jump not resetting under slowfalling by resetting it upon jump from the ground. Still won't reset if you leave the ground by other means.

  • Fix bulk quiver not respecting levels.

  • Fix invariant damage being too high, was not lowered when the rest of conditional modifiers were.


  • Added headlight - new compat upgrade for https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/headlight

  • Added crafting table - new pants ability adding a crafting table to the UI.

  • Added workbench - miniature crafting table costing just an upgrade slot.

  • Added glowing to boots - places light when you walk into a too dark area.


  • Steel's trait is now slightly stronger, granting more durability and damage.

  • Lead and tungsten are now slightly higher stats to make up for the speed debuff.

  • Power now grants an extra 0.5 power on first level to match vanilla.

  • Removed sturdy as its redundant to ductile (sturdy is the old now unused iron trait).

  • Earth staffs have a bit less power to conserve fluid for certain fluid effects. They also use pickaxe style AOE.

  • Sky staffs have more durability. They retain circle AOE.

  • Ichor staffs now use veining AOE.

  • Enderstaffs now use cubic AOE, and have less block angle.

  • Tank is now allowed on any held tool and any armor, instead of an ever growing list of options.

  • Merged pathing and path maker; tilling and plowing; and the two modifiers named lightspeed. You shouldn't notice any notable differences.

  • Interaction modifiers now use steel instead of cobalt to apply.

  • Experimental: reduce melee and projectile protection from 10% to 8% due to how common these damage types are. Will further incentivize using the other types, or otherwise just charge a bit more to make full melee protection builds.


  • Creative slot items are now applied by right clicking the tool with the creative slot.

  • Right clicking the creative slot with the tool will reduce the slot count.

  • Removed the recipe to apply creative slots at the tinker station.

  • Both of the above interactions require being in creative mode. As a result, creative slots are no longer usable outside of creative. If you wish to add a modifier slot as a reward, make use of our fantastic datapack features to add a modifier that you can configure with both limits and an interesting recipe.

  • Modifier crystals in creative can right click on a tool to apply the modifier.

  • Tools can right click a modifier crystal to remove the modifier.

  • Both modifier crystal interactions ignore slots and are creative only. Survival can continue to use modifier crystals to apply modifiers for a cost.


  • Added rotation controls to the Armor Stand preview by @paypur in #5316

  • Adjust placement of slime islands to be less gridlocked.


  • Introduce new stat copy module, used to migrate overlord to JSON.

  • Introduce new overgrowth module, to allow configuring overgrowth in JSON.

  • Modifier slot and inventory module now use the scaled level for their effect, rounding down at the end. This means if a slot module adds 2 slots, you will get 1 slot from half a level.

  • Fix Json Things added tools not supporting stack size larger than 1.


  • AOE iterators now use UseOnContext for parameter instead of many different parameters, and support being used to highlight blocks for right click usage.

  • Mark ToolFluidCapability.FluidModifierHook as deprecated as we discuss replacing it with a simpler API. See #5353 for discussion.

  • Added a simple tool forge energy capability, to allow addons using Forge energy to work together consistently. See ToolEnergyCapability for details on how to use it.


  • Added support for modifier lookup using modifier tags.

  • Fix alloy screen not having JEI lookup on fluids.




Bug fix and small feature update. Requires Mantle 1.11.36.

Tools 工具

  • Plate armor default random materials now goes up to tier 2, since tier 1 is so small on armor.

  • Switch tinker station recipes to using for results, reducing the amount of NBT parsing required.LazyToolStack

  • Cleanup usages of , migrating to use it.ModDataNBTNamespacedNBT

  • Tool parts now show trait descriptions when pressing Control.

  • Cobalt, amethyst bronze, hepatizon, manyullyn, pig iron, rose gold, slimesteel, queens slime, and all 4 slime crystals are now armor trim materials.

  • Armor trim models now tint the base texture instead of using a missing texture for missing trim material/pattern combos, plus missing material item textures (#5303).

  • Added advancement for collecting all ancient tools.

  • Disable item tag validation on the material stat builder. This feature was meant to reduce NBT size of tools slightly, but keeps causing bugs so was easier to just ditch.

  • Fix tool stats not loading properly when connecting to a server without having first joined another world (#5309)

  • Fix daggers not being stackable.

  • Fix Tinkers' Anvil resetting names set by vanilla Anvil on any modification.

  • Fix battlesign using dagger modifier textures.


  • Newest ancient tool.

  • Located in buried treasure and shipwrecks, plus the hands of drowned. Can also be found while fishing.

  • Has a tool head, a handle, and a bow grip, giving it two melee/harvest traits and a ranged trait.

  • Starts with spitting and spilling.

  • Has 3 upgrade slots and 1 ability slot.

Modifiers 强化

  • Netherite now requires a smithing template in addition to an ingot, but no longer requires diamond.

  • Restore melee protection to not protecting against fall. 1.19 did not do that, we just had a stray comment suggesting it did.

  • Projectile hit hook now returns a forge ImpactResult instead of a boolean for entities, to respond to the new event parameters.

  • Severing now works on ranged weapons such as staff or bows to make the projectile sever. Luck also works on staffs now.

  • Fix severing and other loot modifiers not working in the offhand or on projectiles correctly (#5283).

  • Fix exploit using modifier crystals to bypass the cost for higher levels of luck or tool belt.

Smeltery 冶炼炉

  • Switch to using fluid output for all fluid recipes. Shouldn't require any changes in Java datagen to support; JSON format is guaranteed backwards compatible.

  • Improve stability of fluids in the smeltery drain.

  • Melting fuel now has speed separate from temperature, allowing high temperature low speed fuels and vice versa.

  • Solid melting fuel is now controlled by JSON. There is still only one temperature and rate for all items but modpack makers can change it.

  • Alloy recipes now support catalysts. Notably used to alloy obsidian from water and lava without consuming the water.

  • Fix fluid highlight in GUIs not rendering.

  • Fix casting table redstone click sometimes playing when a recipe swapped slots.

Book 书

  • Fix some typos.

  • Fix some index page icons being slightly transparent.

  • Fix repair kit showing "missing material" texture on its page.

  • Fix encyclopedia descriptions for melting pan and war pick being too long.


  • Switch to using JEI's tag to hide unimplemented fluids. Should keep them hidden from various mod compat if they properly use the tag.c:hidden_from_recipe_viewers

  • Moved a few JEI utilities from being nested in to their own class locations.JEIPlugin

  • Increased minimum JEI version to the beta we require that ensures entity melting works. Apparently JEI has not marked a build as release in awhile.

  • Fix potion fluid not showing in JEI and potion buckets not showing in creative.

  • Fix smeltery fluid lookups being upsidedown.

  • Texture improvements

  • Added new melting pan textures, including a charged state.

  • Updated tough collar textures.

  • Improve vein hammer grip texture.

  • Improve slime metal sword guard.

  • Improve shading on plate armor and maille.

  • Improve gold palette.

  • Make endstone the default variant of whitestone.

  • Fix some large plates not using slimewood or slimemetal texture variants.

  • Ancient tools no longer have unique textures generated for material variants, as those are unobtainable in survival on ancient tools.

Texture generation

  • Migrated to loadables. This may lead to some import/method name changes but shouldn't break any of the builders.MaterialRenderInfo

  • Material render info now support a field, which will copy properties from the listed material render info (like models)parent

  • Material render info now has a generator field to mark it as a variant.

  • Part sprites can be marked as skipping variants.

  • Improved texture sprite provider to use builders for sprite properties. Notably also lets tools stop supporting animations.

Misc 其他

  • Switched the side inventories from a blacklist to a whitelist. For more details, see the update primer.

  • Added budding blocks to .forge:budding

  • Tools and tool parts added through JSON Things now have material variants shown in the creative tab/JEI. Requires a JSON Things update to 0.9.7 or later.

  • Added protections against mods hacking the dye color enum. Its a really messy way to add more dyes that is guaranteed to break mods; but at least we can avoid it breaking our books.

  • Updated JSON Things support, so tool and tool part variants show in Creative/JEI

  • Added support to the enchantment to modifier mapping for optional modifier or enchantment IDs.

  • Fix wrong render type on snowy slimy dirt.

  • Fix startup log error related to our sound credits.

  • Fix wrong tooltip color on cheese (#5276).

  • Fix errors loading generator part textures causing the command to fail with no error output.

  • Fix tank models not always respecting fluid amount.

  • Fix potential error on not-JEI loading JEI's API at the wrong time in our GUIs.

Pull Requests

  • Change some recipes to use LazyToolStack for results by @IACTU in #5288

  • New textures for ancient tools, fluid cannon, tough collar and a few other things by @RCXcrafter in #5308


Update to 1.20.1. This build is an alpha, meaning things might be broken and APIs may change. Don't add to a modpack unless you plan to continue to support the modpack for the next several months.

If you are an addon author, know that the API is not yet stable so you may have to make changes when the next release is made. Otherwise, if you wait for a Beta release the API will be stable. See #5281 for what to expect to change in future 1.20 builds.

远古工具Ancient Tools

  • New tool variant which must be found in loot instead of being crafted.

  • Designed as a strong tool variant with a little less freedom of design. In addition, each ancient tool has very unique functions.

  • Materials on the tool are randomized, and part swapping is not supported. However, modifiers may still be applied.

  • Ancient tools get more slots from rebalanced.

  • All ancient tools can be bought from wandering traders.

  • Currently 3 ancient tools are in the mod.

Melting Pan

  • The melting pan is a cross between a mining tool and a staff.

  • Can mine any meltable blocks, but melts the result into fluid which is placed in its internal tank.

  • Can only hold one fluid type, meaning blocks that melt into a different fluid cannot be mined.

  • Has two materials - a shield plating (armor) and a limb (ranged).

  • Found in dungeons, igloos, and sometimes in the hands of husks.

  • Can also be obtained from a toolsmith villager as a hero of the village reward.

战镐War Pick

  • Cross between a pickaxe and a crossbow.

  • Has three materials - a tool head (melee/harvest), a limb (ranged), and a bowstring (ranged).

  • Found in mineshafts, pillager outposts, woodland mansions, and sometimes in the hands of zombie villagers.

  • Can also be obtained from a weaponsmith villager as a hero of the village reward.


  • Cross between a sword and a shield.

  • Has two materials - a tool head (melee/harvest) and a shield plating (armor).

  • Found in bastions, and sometimes in the hands of piglins.

  • Can also be obtained from bartering.


  • Parts tooltip list now shows the stat type name next to the material name for materials that don't have a part.

  • Zoom and bonking now both support blocking while using.

  • Shields can now receive flinging, springing, bonking, warping, spitting, and zoom.

  • Fix animated sprite transformer not being registered, prevented using the generate part textures command to make blazewood properly.

  • Fix some tools not registering item colors properly, which potentially affects modifier models]

  • Fixed color in fixed texture data provider not being datagenned.

  • Fix broken crossbow string textures not being generated.


  • Deprecated modifier salvage having nullable slots, all salvage does is apply modifier slots.

  • Disabled cheating in modifier crystals from JEI if the crystal is unextractable (aka it is not usable in recipes).

  • Quick charge is now crafted from sunflowers instead of redstone.

  • Fix some severing recipe variants not syncing to client properly.

  • Fix freezing fluid effect consuming wrong amount of fluid when a mob is already frozen.

  • Fix mob effect fluid effects possibly increasing the duration of a high level mob effect.

  • Fix harvest modifier not using the tools enchantments on harvest.

  • Fix modifier sorting recipe letting you "sort" with just 1 modifier.


  • New modifier for any interactable tools and any worn armor.

  • Costs 1 upgrade slot and 1 campfire per level.

  • Adds 2 slot per level for cooking items.

  • When using the tool (attacking mobs, mining blocks, etc.), slowly cooks the items inside using furnace recipes.


  • Compatibility alloy materials now are available if either a mod adds the relevant ingot, or a mod adds the relevant ingot for all components.

    • For example, bronze is available if either a mod adds tin or a mod adds bronze.

  • Molding recipes now properly ignore count on the output, since the table cannot store stack sizes above 1.

  • Remove broken recipes for golden bricks from Ceramics, they just cost too little gold.

  • Fix molting recipe lookup running twice when the player's hand is empty.


  • Added /materials command to query material stats, traits, and modify materials on a tool. For more info, see the SlimeKnights Documentation.



  • Render types are now controlled by block models instead of in code.

  • Stained clear glass now has its color set in the block model instead of in code.

  • Protection modifiers are now all defined in JSON, adding new modules for the secondary effects.

  • Inventory modifiers now use modifier modules instead of specialized modifier serializers. This means all modifier serializers are now migrated.

  • The part sprite generator now supports setting multiple stat types on a single texture. If any stat type is present on the material the texture will generate.

  • Migrated melting to JSON using the new melting module.

  • Migrated searing to JSON using a new meltable item condition.

  • Fixed embellishment description in books not being updated since 1.19 early changes.


  • Loot table modifications that were previous done in code (e.g. modifying the spawn chest) are now JSON controlled.

  • Added the volatile flag tool module, same as the modifier module with the same name.

  • The tank modifier model now uses the partial texture for full if full is missing.

  • Fix slot count non-nullable serialzier network implementation.

Pull Requests

New Contributors


Will likely be the last release for 1.19.2 unless major bugs are discovered. Development is moved onto focus on 1.20 now.

远古工具Ancient Tools

  • New tool variant which must be found in loot instead of being crafted.

  • Designed as a strong tool variant with a little less freedom of design. In addition, each ancient tool has very unique functions.

  • Materials on the tool are randomized, and part swapping is not supported. However, modifiers may still be applied.

  • Ancient tools get more slots from rebalanced.

  • All ancient tools can be bought from wandering traders.

  • Currently 3 ancient tools are in the mod.

Melting Pan

  • The melting pan is a cross between a mining tool and a staff.

  • Can mine any meltable blocks, but melts the result into fluid which is placed in its internal tank.

  • Can only hold one fluid type, meaning blocks that melt into a different fluid cannot be mined.

  • Has two materials - a shield plating (armor) and a limb (ranged).

  • Found in dungeons, igloos, and sometimes in the hands of husks.

  • Can also be obtained from a toolsmith villager as a hero of the village reward.

战镐War Pick

  • Cross between a pickaxe and a crossbow.

  • Has three materials - a tool head (melee/harvest), a limb (ranged), and a bowstring (ranged).

  • Found in mineshafts, pillager outposts, woodland mansions, and sometimes in the hands of zombie villagers.

  • Can also be obtained from a weaponsmith villager as a hero of the village reward.


  • Cross between a sword and a shield.

  • Has two materials - a tool head (melee/harvest) and a shield plating (armor).

  • Found in bastions, and sometimes in the hands of piglins.

  • Can also be obtained from bartering.


  • Parts tooltip list now shows the stat type name next to the material name for materials that don't have a part.

  • Zoom and bonking now both support blocking while using.

  • Shields can now receive flinging, springing, bonking, warping, spitting, and zoom.

  • Fix animated sprite transformer not being registered, prevented using the generate part textures command to make blazewood properly.

  • Fix some tools not registering item colors properly, which potentially affects modifier models]

  • Fixed color in fixed texture data provider not being datagenned.

  • Fix broken crossbow string textures not being generated.


  • Deprecated modifier salvage having nullable slots, all salvage does is apply modifier slots.

  • Disabled cheating in modifier crystals from JEI if the crystal is unextractable (aka it is not usable in recipes).

  • Quick charge is now crafted from sunflowers instead of redstone.

  • Fix some severing recipe variants not syncing to client properly.

  • Fix freezing fluid effect consuming wrong amount of fluid when a mob is already frozen.

  • Fix mob effect fluid effects possibly increasing the duration of a high level mob effect.

  • Fix harvest modifier not using the tools enchantments on harvest.

  • Fix modifier sorting recipe letting you "sort" with just 1 modifier.


  • New modifier for any interactable tools and any worn armor.

  • Costs 1 upgrade slot and 1 campfire per level.

  • Adds 2 slot per level for cooking items.

  • When using the tool (attacking mobs, mining blocks, etc.), slowly cooks the items inside using furnace recipes.


  • Compatibility alloy materials now are available if either a mod adds the relevant ingot, or a mod adds the relevant ingot for all components.

    • For example, bronze is available if either a mod adds tin or a mod adds bronze.

  • Molding recipes now properly ignore count on the output, since the table cannot store stack sizes above 1.

  • Remove broken recipes for golden bricks from Ceramics, they just cost too little gold.

  • Fix molting recipe lookup running twice when the player's hand is empty.


  • Added /materials command to query material stats, traits, and modify materials on a tool. For more info, see the SlimeKnights Documentation.



  • Render types are now controlled by block models instead of in code.

  • Stained clear glass now has its color set in the block model instead of in code.

  • Protection modifiers are now all defined in JSON, adding new modules for the secondary effects.

  • Inventory modifiers now use modifier modules instead of specialized modifier serializers. This means all modifier serializers are now migrated.

  • The part sprite generator now supports setting multiple stat types on a single texture. If any stat type is present on the material the texture will generate.

  • Migrated melting to JSON using the new melting module.

  • Migrated searing to JSON using a new meltable item condition.

  • Fixed embellishment description in books not being updated since 1.19 early changes.


  • Loot table modifications that were previous done in code (e.g. modifying the spawn chest) are now JSON controlled.

  • Added the volatile flag tool module, same as the modifier module with the same name.

  • The tank modifier model now uses the partial texture for full if full is missing.

  • Fix slot count non-nullable serialzier network implementation.

Pull Requests

New Contributors



  • Soulbound now is crafted using echo shards instead of totems or nether stars. Should make it more available and ties in nicely with the new worldgen.

  • Added soul belt, a pants modifier that causes your entire hotbar to remain with you on death.

  • Added swiftsneak modifier, works just like the vanilla enchantment. Applied using sculk sensors.

  • Unburdened (bamboo's trait) now works on armor, useful for addons.

  • Modifier variant names now show in JEI.

  • Chorus as a shield material now grants enderclearance instead of enderference. Instead of preventing the attacker from teleporting, it randomly teleports the attacker.

  • Fixed wrong icon for reinforced modifier

  • Fix splashing and blocking being applied to tools that lack durability.

  • Fix some potential cases for tools with no durability to get damaged, causing them to "break".

  • Fix whitestone's stoneshield not functioning.

  • Fix soulspeed not functioning.

  • Fix melting modifier duplicating the stored fluid under some circumstances.

Rebalanced (trait)

  • Rebalanced now has a new variant, trait, crafted using enderslime and manyullyn.

  • Tools with materials with this modifier will copy the traits of the main tool part on the tool (typically one of the heads).

  • Causes slimestaffs to grant 1 level of reach (reference to enderslime staffs starting with reach as a trait)

  • Flint and brick grants another level of scorching.

  • Slime boots grant another level of leaping.

  • Slimeshells grant another level of shulking.

  • Other tools (notably travelers gear and slimelytras) have no traits that could be copied, so they don't support this variant of rebalanced.

  • Modifier extraction now works using a crystal of the appropriate type with a wet sponge. Works like the dragon breath recipe, but is type specific and pre-end.

  • Extracting enchantments via enderslime crystals now returns the tool minus the one enchantment instead of clearing all enchantments.

  • Travelers gear now starts with the tanned trait, reducing durability loss.

  • Added stone parts for plating to make cast creation easier. These stone parts cannot be used to create armor, but otherwise work like other tool parts (made in the part builder, can create casts).

  • Fix shields being held too high when blocking.

  • Allow casting by dumping a fluid item into a casting table. Also allows fluid pickup using the same method. On the odd chance you wanted the fluid item in the table, you can do so via hoppers or a scorched table.

  • Make part swapping casting repair tools.

  • Part casts now show material cost in the tooltip.

  • Fix spectators being able to change fluid order in a smeltery.

Improved entity melting

  • Zombies and husks now melt into iron

  • Drowned now melt into copper

  • Piglins and zombified piglins now melt into gold

  • Frogs and shulkers now melt into potions of leaping

  • Bats and glow squids melt into potions of night vision

  • Phantoms melt into potions of slow falling

  • Ghasts and axolotls melt into potions of regeneration

  • Polar bears, panda bears, ravagers, and zoglins melt into potions of strength

  • Striders melt into potions of fire resistance

  • Dolphins, foxes, horses, donkeys, mules, llamas, and ocelots melt into potions of swiftness

  • Turtles melt into potions of the turtle master

  • Squids and pufferfish melt into potions of water breathing

  • Added a new JEI category for tool crafting in the tinker station or anvil (thanks paypur!)

  • JEI now shows variant names of swappable modifier recipes, such as rebalanced.

  • Correct disguise modifiers always showing "I" after the level, since they typically have just 1 level.

  • Fix slimy leaves being able to suffocate players

  • Fix JEI crafting table transfer failing if a table has a side chest

  • Fix many language errors and book errors. There are probably more; if you find any report them to #5201.

  • Update Japanese translation (thanks koh-gh!)

  • Update zh_tw translation (thanks StarlightCraft!)

  • Update Turkish translation (thanks imsi32!)

  • Update Chinese translation (thanks Cactusstudent!)

  • Update German translation (thanks maxomatic458!)

  • Added option to tool modifiers to force rendering of a modifier model. Useful mainly for those that display extra data such as tanks.

  • Remove special casing of bamboo in swords, since Forge added support for this via tool actions.

  • Added new modules for "wrench instant breaking", which make a block break as fast as possible without instant break. This may get used in a future tool, though that design is not yet finalized.

  • Improve efficiency of modifier recipes matching for many recipes.

  • Introduce LazyToolStack to make it easier for recipe outputs to work. This introduces a small API break for modifier worktable recipes. Will eventually be updating modifier recipes with this change on 1.20.


First Beta release for 1.19.2. API should not break after this point, if it does feel free to open a bug report. This means it is fully safe for addons to update.

There may still be balance changes in future builds, want to finalize a couple things before marking this as release.

  • Adjusted the handle stats for several materials in light of the updates to tool formulas.

  • Updated wood variant palettes to better match their planks (was based more on logs before).

  • All tool heads now repair the full amount given the material, instead of lower scaled heads repairing less. As an example, a cleaver with an iron blade and a stone plate no longer reduces stone repair to 33% (though stone does still repair less than iron).

  • Composite recipes are no longer valid if the result matches the input. This prevents casting molten glass on wrought iron to get wrought iron without disallowing creating wrought iron from raw iron.

  • Slimeskulls now tint the skull based on the embellishment color instead of always purple.

  • Shield casting now supports material composite recipes by pouring the second fluid on the shield. Note the fluid needs to not also be a valid shield plating option else it will just swap the base material (currently no such conflicts exist but a example would be if glass plating was added).

  • Fix recipe conflict between nahuatl shield cores and obsidian plating.

  • Fix tanned trait not reducing damage to 1 when the armor has custom protection types.

  • Fix shield stats getting reset to default.

  • Added Wings, allowing any chestplate to get elytra like behavior. Costs 2 ability slots (meaning plate maxes out its slot usage to get wings).

  • Half the amount of diamonds needed for revitalizing, and remove the max level.

  • Fix many modifier recipes checking the trait level for their requirements.

  • For some recipes (e.g. tilling or bouncy), they will continue to check the trait level in lieu of hardcoding the list of "tools that already have it". This means they will show up in JEI tool lists, but also means addons can avoid getting the relevant modifiers twice.

  • Fix tank modifier models applying an offset to the fluid and not rendering the non-fluid image.

  • Cleanup EFLN explosion code to be more consistent with vanilla explosions

  • While the blasting behavior is still the same, it no longer explodes over multiple ticks (as the explosion was way too small to bother with such optimizations).

  • Update entity pushing and damaging behavior to be more consistent with vanilla (though it still does less damage than a typical explosion).

  • The explosion should fire all the expected events for other mods detecting explosions.

  • Reduce the strength of the explosion by 33% to make it closer to TNT (since its already superior to TNT in most other ways).

  • Made fluids do something more than default Forge fluid behavior.

  • "Cool" fluids all can be swum in and extinguish fires.

  • "Hot" fluids all light entities inside them on fire, with varying fire burn times and damage per second.

  • Many fluids apply potion effects to entities inside them.

  • Removed mud bricks as vanilla has mud bricks now. Kept the old texture to potentially use on a new block variant in the future.

  • Added a page to puny melting about making sand casts in the part builder.

  • Fix various typos.

  • ModifiableItem no longer forces the stack size to 1 in favor of the tool properties stack size. We notably use this for daggers (no longer need a custom class). You may need to set the max stack size if you were not before.

  • ModifiableBowItem and ModifiableCrossbowItem are now part of the library.

  • Removed ModifiableStaffItem (and its Json Things equivelent) in favor of ModifiableItem supporting left click interactions (provided the tool is in the tag).

  • Material render infos can now datagen including alpha, since a few places that use the color support alpha (and future Minecraft will as well).

  • Make modifier models accept a consumer for the quads instead of returning a quad list.

  • Migrate process loot method to a modifier hook. This is the last method planned for migration.

  • Fix removal hook not being called for modifier traits in all relevant cases that remove modifiers. Note that the hook might not get called if a modifier is added causing the removal of a modifier trait (e.g. a trait that only exists at specific modifier levels). If you encounter such a case, report it on GitHub with details on what you are doing that caused it.

  • Reworked tank module significantly.

  • Instead of a modifier adding a tank module with some complex logic to ensure only one of them actually runs, modifiers just add tconstruct:tank_handler as a modifier trait.

  • Instead of setting the capacity as a volatile integer, now use a tool stat tconstruct:tank_capacity.

  • For the helper methods for working with fluid on a tool, see ToolTankHelper.

  • There is no direct support for adding custom ToolTankHelper instances in JSON as you need to register a custom stat and alike, however its pretty trivial to mirror the stuff we did in Java code for a custom tank. Figured it was not worth providing JSON impl when its a very little used feature.

  • Armor added in Json Things now properly gets the broken item predicate.

  • Modifier recipes can now choose whether to check the trait level or just recipe added modifiers.

  • Added tconstruct:modifiable/armor/golden item tag for armor that can receive golden (instead of hardcoded blacklist).

  • Added tconstruct:modifiable/bonus_slots for tools that can receive extra modifiers from gilded, writable, rebalanced, and alike. This will in the future allow tools that have materials but no modifiers, but notably requires addons to add the tag to their tool to continue allowing those modifiers.

  • Remove the tconsturct:default modifier serializer, just use tconstruct:composable (all the fields default to the same thing as tconstruct:default did).

  • Added a field to composite part casting to specify a conflicting material stat type. If set, and the fluid casts into a material that supports that stat type, the composite recipe will not match. Prevents conflict with tool casting recipes.

  • Added tconstruct:burning_liquid and tconstruct:mob_effect_liquid block types for Json Things support.

  • Now controlled by resource packs via assets/<namespace>/tinkering/armor_models

  • Can define fixed layers (which can be conditioned on a modifier), dyed layers (pulling a modifier color), and material layers (either embellishment or tool part).

  • Armor models support wings on chestplates, conditioned on having the wings modifier.

  • Armor models entirely replace MaterialArmorItem and MaterialArmorModel, so those have been removed.

Full Changelog: v3.8.2.32...v3.8.3.39


Hopefully should be the last major API changes. Marking this as an alpha mostly as it needs more testing, but addons should have a lot less risk of breaking when porting to the API from this alpha.

  • Plate armor now has 2 tool parts instead of being made in the crafting table.

  • Plating comes in four variants for helmets, chestplates, leggings, and boots and provides the majority of stats.

  • Maille has a single variant used for all 4 armor pieces. It has the same set of traits as plating but no stats.

  • Plating is made from metals (including gold!) and ceramics (seared stone, scorched stone, or obsidian).

  • Maille is made from anything valid for plating plus leather or ancient hide.

  • While maille can be created in the part builder and via casting, plating can only be created via casting. To aid this, sand casts can now be created in the part builder by placing sand in the pattern slot. This is in addition to creating them in casting tables.

  • All available materials have traits that are effective on armor, full list coming soon to the book.

  • Since golden is now added to plate via the gold material, you can no longer apply golden to plate armor.

  • Since plate can be created with overworld materials in the tinker station, its now covered in puny melting instead of fantastic foundry.

  • Plate shields are now created by casting molten metal or stone on a shield core

  • All non-composite variants of armor plating work as the casting

  • Shield cores can be made out of wood, including bamboo, nahuatl, and the new blazewood

  • Shield cores just provide traits, while shield plating provides durability, toughness, and knockback resistance

  • To reduce recipe overlap, travelers shields are now made from leather and patterns instead of copper and wood. As a result, they now use wood embellishments for the inner layer and dye the outer layer

  • All 5 protection types now use wood patterns as the base instead of obsidian panes.

  • Projectile protection is now made from iron instead of amethyst bronze.

  • Blast protection is now made from obsidian instead of emerald.

  • Projectile protection now boosts knockback resistance instead of reducing mob visibility.

  • Melee protection's secondary ability now boosts movement speed when using shields or bows instead of attack speed.

  • The emerald modifier now grants toughness instead of knockback resistance.

  • Durability reinforcements now use emerald instead of iron.

  • Modifier crystals and modifiers in JEI now show the modifier description in the tooltip

  • Fix a few armor modifiers applying to held modifiers when they shouldn't, such as magnetic

  • Fix double jump not working

  • Fix magnetic not triggering on bow firing

  • Fix momentum level scaling being broken

  • Removed chain tool material

  • For melee/harvest tools, the existing rose gold binding replaces it

  • For bows, the new rose gold bowstring replaces it. Created by casting molten rose gold on string tool parts

  • For the cool palette, the new wrought iron material variant replaces it. Wrought iron requires pouring molten glass on iron.

  • Plate armor was moved to puny melting alongside travelers

  • Puny melting, mighty smelting, and fantastic foundry now have sections on armor materials. Puny melting is notably both tier 1 and 2 (since you cannot create armor without casting)

  • Encyclopedia now has 1 section per material type (melee/harvest, ranged, armor) instead of 1 per tier per type

  • Encyclopedia no longer uses advancements to unlock sections; all start unlocked. This is because after merging materials, only modifiers were left unlocking making the feature a little lack-luster

  • Material pages will n o longer show composites from themselves (e.g. casting water on copper to get oxidized copper)

  • Furnaces, brewing stands, melters, and foundries are now blacklisted from the side inventory for crafting stations and tinker stations.

  • Silky cloth is now crafted by pouring rose gold on cobwebs

  • Severing on spiders now can drop cobwebs

  • Updated slimes to work with frogs

  • Fix small tool models having z-fighting in some cases

  • Fix small tool models not processing material luminosity

  • Fix stray slimeskulls having no face texture

  • Fix platforms defaulting to waterlogged when placed with commands

  • Cleanup material ingredient, now supports material tags (though the change that led to this refactor ended up being reworked, so material ingredients are still not used to their potential)

  • Use data generator to create cast and tool part models since they are mostly just repetition of a texture name

  • Multiblocks (e.g. the smeltery) now store their positions in NBT relatively. This should make them friendlier to being relocated by things like structure blocks.

  • Material sprite generator now supports animated materials

  • Protection module builder now defaults to CAN_PROTECT

  • Modify damage hook no longer requires shields to be blocking, as that is almost never the case in that hook

  • Fix ordering of part sprites in the material generator being inconsistent for tool models

  • Added a builder for part models for datagen

  • Tool brokenness is now handled via an item override instead of being special cased in the tool model. This should simplify modifier model code and give more flexability, though its a bit more JSON

  • Added a data generator to help make broken and blocking models for tools, since they are all the same general structure.

  • Unknown materials now render as an outline instead of solid white.

  • Tool models now pass unknown instead of null for missing materials.

  • Item display on blocks (casting, crafting station, etc.) now use custom transform types allowing you to change how they display in resource packs.

  • ModifierModule#defaultHooks moved to HookProvider#defaultHooks to make it easier to find for tools. Unfortunately static interface rules forbid that being an easy reference update.

  • Move TooltipDisplay to BasicModifier since it was weird the modifier used an enum defined in a subclass.

  • Renamed ModifierHookMap to ModuleHookMap and ModifierHook to ModuleHook for the sake of tool modules.

  • Renamed TinkerHooks to ModifierHooks, they are now registered to ModifierHooks#LOADER.

  • Now uses modules and hooks instead of a bunch of hardcoded fields. This provides a lot more flexibility as addons can more easily define custom tool behavior.

  • Notable hooks granting new functionality: volatile data, material repair and missing materials

  • Material repair for non-multipart tools is notably defined using MaterialRepairModule

  • Tool definition random material tier is now part of the default material module

  • Tool definition stat provider is now part of the material stat or part stat module.

  • With the above changes, tool definitions no longer directly contain data, its all handled by JSON.
    In the future, this set of changes may allow "global tool definitions" which add extra modules to all tools. Allows things like a global trait, a global stat multiplier, or adding behavior to existing tools.

  • Material stats (additive and multipliers) are now applied at the same time as modifier stats.

  • This means a handle multiplier will now multiply modifiers, e.g. a mining speed multiplier will affect haste.

  • Goal was partly simplicity of API, but mostly just reducing the difficulty in explaining the formulas.

  • On average tools will likely be a bit stronger due to this change.

  • Its possible handles will get further changes in the future to make bow limbs and handles more consistent.

  • Modifier stat builder now supports fetching a partially built stat

  • Tool stats can now access the modifier stat builder object on final stat build.

  • Now use loadables instead of GSON for parsing, should reduce boilerplate for packet buffers and allows reusing a single class for multiple types.

  • Bowstrings and bindings are both part of StatlessMaterialStats now, attempted to deprecate the old locations but it was not always feasible.

  • Handle stats now uses a builder instead of a bunch of with methods.

  • Material stats are now handled by the stat object directly.

  • Removed MaterialStatsBuilder and IToolStatsProvider due to the above. As a result, any stat types can be combined on a tool.

  • Tools now use stat scales instead of weights for parts, which allows going above 1 in the total amount notably. See this commit for more details.

  • No longer contains stats due to the stat rework changes above.

  • No longer contains volatile data, as that was only populated for a single hook.

  • Added a new tool stack predicate for predicates wanting that additional context.

  • All usages of ToolRebuildContext in hooks are now IToolContext

  • Volatile flag modifier now supports conditions, used to migrate offhanded to JSON

  • Overslime friends is now a modifier tag instead of a volatile flag

  • Overslime capacity is now a tool stat, allowing migrating overcast and overforced to JSON

  • As a result of this, overcast now multiplies overlord

  • Process loot hook now takes modifier entry as a parameter. Still not sure what I'm going to do with that one...

  • Protection enchantment subtraction is now a new module instead of part of the protection module. Reduces JSON boilerplate with repeating the enchantment settings.

  • Armor level and armor stat modules can now be used in JSON, due to a registry of standard types. This means modifiers such as haste are now defined in JSON

  • Added effect immunity module, implements mithridantism

Full Changelog:



    • Prevent pick block from deleting tinker tools (#4939)

    • Fix invalid fluid handler on ichor bottles which broke several mods in weird ways (#5202)

    • Fix incremental recipes returning wrong leftovers

    • Fix entity ingredient in JEI conflicting with Create (#5203)

    • Fix longbow ignoring charge time (#5206)

    Fluid Effect Modifiers

    • Fluids can now affect blocks, currently doing things like placing snow or fire or leaving potion effect clouds

    • Spilling now only affects melee entities

    • Added bursting for applying fluid on counterattack (previously part of spilling)

    • Added splashing for applying fluid on interact (previous part of spilling). Works on blocks and entities

    • Spitting now can affect blocks

    • Slurping no longer slurps when you cannot slurp the fluid

    • All fluid effects are more conservative, consuming less fluid if they only apply a partial effect


    • Modifier and LazyModifier are now IdAwareObject, makes some method overloads simplier

    • Revamp spilling AP


    • Incremental modifiers are now handled through the modifier entry instead of the modifier/modifier modules.

    • This makes it way more efficient and way more practical to use

    • To get the incremental level, use ModifierEntry#getEffectiveLevel. Can also use ModifierEntry#intEffectiveLevel in integer contexts.

    • When modifying modifier entries, make sure to use the provided helpers like merge, addAmount, and withLevel to preserve the incremental amounts.

    Fluid effects

    • Revamp spilling effect API into fluid effects

    • Now support effects on hitting blocks, not just entities

    • Much better handles the different needs among all the fluid modifiers

    Full Changelog: v3.8.0.14...v3.8.1.16


    Obligatory Alpha Warning

    This build is an alpha. Alpha means things might break. Specific points:

    • We will do our best to prevent worlds from breaking, but make backups of worlds just in case.

    • Do not include this build in a modpack unless you plan to stick around on 1.19.2 long enough for us to get a stable release out. We don't want to constantly get reports of issues we have long since fixed because a modpack did not make a stable experience.

    • If you are an addon author, know we make no API stability guarantees until we make a beta. Check out the Roadmap for specifics on what we plan to change. Feel free to ask on our discord if you have any questions on updating.

    Specific changes in this build are below.

    Blood rework

    After thinking it over for awhile, blood does not really have a good place in TiC 3. Originally in TiC 1, blood was a slime substitute with a few funny plans, but mostly was a placeholder for future content that never got implemented. TiC 3 has so many ways of obtaining slime that a slime substitute is less necessary, and most of its plans were scrapped.

    • Removed blood slime variant, including the blood block, blood balls, congealed slime, and the blood fluid.

    • The fallback for mob melting is now liquid soul (also obtained from melting soul sand). Figured 1 underutalized fluid is better than 2.

    • Blood embellishments still exist, crafted using bloodshroom planks. Other slimy planks craft the appropriate embellishment.

    • Blood cake now uses honey in place of blood, providing much nicer flavor.

    • Piggybackpacks are now crafted using skyslime on a saddle.

    • Blood foliage (such as bloodshrooms) is unaffected, except getting the word "slimy" replaced with "bloody".

    • Blazing blood is also unaffected by this change.

    Meat soup

    • Edible animals such as cows, pigs, rabbits, fish, and sheep melt into meat soup instead of blood.

    • Can be poured into wooden bowls to use as a food, or used with modifiers such as slurping.

    • Since its just farm animals, there are no downsides to eating it unlike blood.

    • Used in alloying pig iron alongside honey and iron.


    • Replaces bloodbone as we need blood for bloodbone

    • Created by pouring venom (from melting spiders and spider eyes) on bone or bone tool parts.

    • Stats are the same as bloodbone used to be, putting it in tier 2 melee.

    • Trait boosts damage when poisoned, higher levels of poison grant more damage.

    • Consider drinking liquid venom, which grants poison and strength.

    • Raging (bloodbones trait) will return on a different material in the future.


    • Ducts (the filtered drain) are crafted using gold instead of cobalt. This is to free up cobalt for use in the sublimery (and allow earlier access to filtered drains).


    • Added magma embellishement from magma blocks and magma cream.

    • Added mangrove as a new wood variant

    • Strong bones and boon of sssss will no longer function if cheated onto a non-helmet. before they partly functioned but some features required helmets.

    • Removed slime slings, they were replaced by flinging, springing, bonking, and warping (from 1.18). Apply to a slime staff for the most comparable experience.

    • Fix conditional mining speed module not checking the holder condition (affects airborne trait)

    • Fix being able to cast water on oxidized copper to make oxidized copper

    • Fix tank module serializer having the wrong default keys

    • Fix extra ingredients in tool recipes being ignored in the tinker station under some circumstances

    • Fix feather falling not being marked as an incremental modifier

    • Fix part builder not always updating the material value when materials change

    Slime Staff aesthetics

    • Slime staffs no longer receive metal embellishments.

    • Instead, they receive wood embellishments using 2 planks and a pattern, which changes the wood variant of the handle.

    • Dyeing now changes the color of the crystal (previously was the handle).

    • The metal band is now the part of the texture which remains the same regardless of embellishments and dyeing (was the crystal before).

    • This should overall allow better matching your staff look to the modifier thematics, and also sets up wood embellishments for future content.


    • Added ichor cake, it is currently uncraftable but that will change in the future.

    • Skyslime islands no longer spawn with congealed earth slime in the lakes, instead having just congealed skyslime.

    • Blood islands no longer spawn with congealed blood, instead having just congealed ichor. The lakes also now have magma blocks at the bottom.

    • Removed the earthslime mob, it only existed to work around a Minecraft limitation that prevented us from spawning vanilla slimes on the islands. Forge has a new API that fixed that. Only change in behavior is vanilla slimes cannot spawn with armor.


    • The end slime island trees have been revamped

    • Trees are now styled after mangrove trees, meaning leaves no longer drop saplings, but can be bonemealed to grow "propagules".

    • Trees also notably will grow enberbark roots under the stem, which can grow though congealed slime making slimy enderbark roots.

    • Slimy enderbark roots can also be created by casting slime onto enderbark roots, and can be used as a slime dirt alternative. They may get more uses in the future.

    • Enderbark is now used to craft enderslime staffs, and works as a slimewood material variant.

    Datapacks and resource packs

    • Fluid ingredients referring to static fluids now use the key fluid instead of name for consistency with item ingredients and fluid stacks.

    • Use no-load data key to stop sections with no data file from erroring. Apparently this was a problem on 1.18 but it did not produce visible errors?

    • And, Or, Any, and Inverted predicates are now registered under mantle instead of tconstruct for all types.

    • Defaulting fields in JSON will now often not include the default in our provided resources (e.g. most uses of mantle:any)

    • Ore melting recipes can now specify ore rate types of default (same behavior in byproduct as not specifying) and none (no boost on the fluid or byproduct from ore config). Note if you are just going to none or default everything, you might as well not use the ore loader.


    • Modifier requirements are now defined in the modifier JSON instead of the recipe JSON. Recipes that just wanted a lower level of themselves are defined using the new min level field.

    • Modifier recipes no longer have a output level, instead restricting to 1. This was done as it caused issues with incremental modifiers and modifier removal when higher than 1, and was never used in our content.

    • Removed tconstruct:tool predicate in favor of the improved tconstruct:tool_stack predicate.

    • Simplify JSON for variables: mining speed, melee damage, and conditional stats all automatically have access to tool variables now. Mining speed now automatically has access to conditional stat variables.


    • Moved tconstruct/modifiable/melee_or_harvest to tconstruct/modifiable/loot_capable_tool as all recipe usages got switched to compound ingredients (as we wanted more fine grained control between unarmed and ranged also wanting many modifiers). You probably should migrate to fine grained control instead of the loot tag unless doing loot.

    • Removed tconstruct:tooltips/water as we did not end up encountering any other bottleable water variants, the default behavior handles buckets and milibuckets.


    • Fallback textures for large tool models with no parts are now large_tool and large_broken instead of tool_large and tool_broken

    • Replaced CopperCanModel with FluidContainerModel. Its basically a specialized version of forge's fluid container model, ditching covers (which we don't need) but handling fluid stacks and static fluid tints.

    • Moved fluid textures from textures/block/fluid/ to textures/fluid and organized into folders.

    • Fluid textures are now controlled by files in mantle/fluid_texture/ instead of the block model, means JSON exists for powdered snow and potion fluids now.

    • Bow and crossbow charging states are now under tconstruct:charge and tconstruct:charging instead of the pull IDs. This is for consistency with non-bows.


    • Slime islands are now registered in JSON, this allows modifying them or adding your own islands more easily.

    • Cobalt ore and geodes are now registered in JSON, meaning their config options were removed. Forge has documentation on how this registration works which is applicable to modpack makers.


    • Fix tool pages in materials and you loading from the wrong folder

    • Fix book index links not working for sections with modifiers in multiple groups

    • Fix tooltip overlap on material pages

    API and technical

    • Added ModifierHookProvider, interface to create modules that don't serialize to JSON. It just adds default hooks so you don't have to manually specify them in the module map builder.

    • Added BasicModifier, extraction of the base class for ComposableModifier which includes a builder for registering a modifier with modules statically.

    • Added modifier priority command, to list all modifiers, the hooks they implement, and their priority value. Useful for ensuring hooks run in the right order.

    • Moved modifier usage command from /tconstruct modifier_usage to /tconstruct report modifier_usage. Partly for organization, partly to make tab completion on /tconstruct modifiers easier.

    • Datagen now sorts the keys due to a change Mojang made. This may cause some files with trivial updates when you regenerate data.

    • Casting recipes now pass their serializer in as a constructor parameter to handle basin/table recipes instead of using subclasses and factory methods.

    • Ditch various registry migrations, including materials, items, fluids, etc. from 1.16 and 1.18 features. We assume if you are updating, you are updating from the latest 1.18 build.

    • Migrate many serializers to the new Mantle Loadable API

    • Seared and scorched blocks no longer have block entities when not in a smeltery structure unless they were using it for other data (e.g. tanks for the fluid). This makes them a bit faster on world load/save when used for decoration.

    • Fix spilling fluid packet not setting handled, which for some dumb reason is something you have to do even though there is no case you would not.


    • MaterialRenderInfo.TintedSprite now contains emissivity (renamed luminosity).

    • Simplify quad getting on MaterialModel, notably means ToolModel should create fewer quads during model baking.

    • Added BakedUniqueGuiModel, common logic between TankModel and ToolModel. There is a more advanced version in forge though its very bulky to construct.

    • Models no longer stitch the fallback texture if they have a unique texture. Likely will have no impact on addons as fallbacks are only used if the unique texture is missing, but maybe someone was doing something weird.

    • Fix race condition between material render info and tool/tool part models.


    • Removed tool modifier slot migration from the old NBT format, you should only update from recent 1.18 builds.


    • Added CureOnRemovalModifier, common logic between a couple slimeskull traits.

    • IncrementalArmorLevelModifier, ScaledArmorLevelModifier, and TotalArmorLevelModule were migrated to either ArmorStatModule or ArmorLevelModule, based on your goal.

    • InteractionModifier was migrated into the existing ShowOffhandModule

    • HasteModifier#HASTE is now a percentage boost instead of the total haste level.

    • Added default value to ModifierPredicate

    • Enchantment modifiers now take advantage of the new forge hook. This means they will be available to other mods looking for enchantments, and they will no longer overwrite enchantment NBT.

    • Looting hook and enchantment hook now have an armor hook that contains slot context, instead of reusing the tool hook.

    • Fix mob effect module serializing target condition to entity instead of target.

    • Fix conditional melee damage module not serializing attacker condition.

    • Removed FAST_USE_ITEM flag, as the toolstat exists.

    • Removed IncrementalModifier#getScaledLevel as Modifier#getEffectiveLevel exists.

    • Removed the non-chargeable variant of "General Interaction" hooks, you are now required to use the chargeable variant which has been renamed to GENERAL_INTERACT. This simplifies implementation notably by removing the return on the finished using methods.

    • Removed capability variant of drawspeed, since we moved to a NBT variant. See bows for an example of how to use the new method.

    • Removed TankModifier, use TankModule instead. Note some helpers were ditched as they were just less efficient ways of manually working with the tank.

    • Removed old module API (that is, Modifier#getModule(Class<T>)).

    • Removed all methods on modifier that have been migrated to a modifier hook or another form. With the exception of processLoot, remaining methods are not getting migrated to hooks.

    • Removed all modifier classes for modifiers migrated to JSON

    Utility relocation/renaming

    • Many deprecated constructors/methods were removed, check for an alternative with different paramters.

    • Many classes where repackaged, notably modifier hooks. A reimport may be needed for static usages/custom modules but the functionality should still be there.

    • TooltipKey and SafeClientAccess` were moved to Mantle.

    • IJsonPredicate was moved to Mantle, this notably means the IDs for many predicates are now under Mantle.

    • ModifierUtil: Looting and harvest enchantment static helpers were moved to the related modifier hook interface.

    • ToolDamageUtil: Removed durability display hooks as they exist in the durability display interface

    • ValidatedResult was replaced with RecipeResult<ItemStack>, though some usages were migrated to nullable components as they did not use the result.

    • TagNotEmptyLootCondition -> TagEmptyLootCondition

    • StatPredicate -> StatInRangePredicate


    This will most likely be the last release for 1.18.2 barring any significant bugs discovered. It contains a ton of bug fixes and minor features backported from the 1.19.2 branch.

    • Sand casts can now be created in the part builder

    • Fix extra ingredients in tool recipes being ignored in the tinker station under some circumstances

    • Fix part builder not always updating the material value when materials change

    • Modifier crystal and modifiers in JEI both now show the modifier description.

    • Strong bones and boon of sssss will no longer function if cheated onto a non-helmet. before they partly functioned but some features required helmets.

    • Make magnetic run after firing a bow.

    • Made revitalizing cheaper, and removed the max level.

    • Mob disguise (slimeskull traits) are now a bit stronger and support multiple levels (not that we use it currently, 1.19.2 does)

    • Fix magnetic modifier running when tools are held.

    • Fix conditional mining speed module not checking the holder condition (affects airborne trait)

    • Fix incremental modifier recipes having backwards leftover calculation.

    • Fix tank module serializer having the wrong default keys

    • Fix feather falling not being marked as an incremental modifier

    • Fix a couple of modifier recipes that require durability being available to tools that lack durability.

    • Fix temperate not working properly on bows

    • Part casts now show the material cost in the tooltip.

    • Fix a couple of compat recipes for Ceramics containing invalid byproducts.

    • Fix being able to cast water on oxidized copper to make oxidized copper

    • Fix spectators being able to change the order of smeltery fluids

    • Modifier variant names (e.g. rebalanced or embellishment) now show in JEI recipe.

    • Added a new recipe category for tool recipes (thanks paypur!)

    • Blacklisted various crafting blocks as valid "side inventories" for the crafting station and part builder. This works around an issue with output slots and in most cases this is not the desired block for the connection.

    • Fix platform blocks defaulting waterlogged to true (affects setblock)

    • Fix slimy leaves suffocating players.

    • Fix mud brick slabs and stairs having no proper tool.

    • Fix wrong blocking model on broad axes

    • Fix potential crash if a modifier model exists on large but not small or vice versa

    • Merged the melee/harvest material sections into a single section. Also merge the ranged material sections into a single section. This keeps the index to a much more manageable size.

    • Encyclopedia pages no longer require advancements to unlock. The above change meant too few sections still used this feature, and ultimately there was not much gained by it.

    • Material pages no longer list composites from the material to itself (e.g. oxidized copper from copper)

    • Many typos fixed, too many to list

    • Fix tool pages in materials and you loading from the wrong folder

    • Fix book index links not working for sections with modifiers in multiple groups

    • Fix tooltip overlap on material pages

    • Update zh_tw localization (thanks StarlightCraft!)

    • Update Japanese translation (thanks koh-gh!)

    • Update Turkish Translation (thanks imsi32!)

    • Update Chinese Translation (thanks Cactusstudent and ChuijkYahus!)

    • Add default value to ModifierPredicate

    • Added ModifierHookProvider, interface to create modules that don't serialize to JSON. It just adds default hooks so you don't have to manually specify them in the module map builder.

    • Added BasicModifier, extraction of the base class for ComposableModifier which includes a builder for registering a modifier with modules statically.

    • Added modifier priority command, to list all modifiers, the hooks they implement, and their priority value. Useful for ensuring hooks run in the right order.

    • Moved modifier usage command from /tconstruct modifier_usage to /tconstruct report modifier_usage. Partly for organization, partly to make tab completion on /tconstruct modifiers easier.

    • Properly mark empty book sections as no-load, prevents possible weird errors.

    • Material render info will now skip stitching fallback textures that are never used by any material.

    • Modifier recipes now take advantage of the cached tool instance to speed up recipe matching. Likely won't be noticable, but every little bit helps.

    • Fix a potential race condition when loading material textures

    • Fix log spam from spilling fluid packet not properly setting handled (why does the API even require this?)

    • Fix ordering of tool part sprites in the texture generator not being consistent, causing the file to "randomly" change. Order is now consistent, but it might cause the order to swap when you run datagen.

    • Fix wrong recipe serializer in ageable severing recipes

    • Fix wrong generics on material registry get tag values

    • Fix modifier slot module ignoring its conditions (was unused but existed in datagen)

    • Fix mob effect module serializing target condition to entity instead of target.

    • Fix conditional melee damage module not serializing attacker condition.

    • Fix HasMaterialPredicate not serializing index

    • Fix tank capacity module scale capacity being ignored


    See the 3.7.0 changelog for a more complete list of changes in the 3.7 update. This build is a hotfix to fix a critical crash related to bows.

    • Book tool pages now show the "extra requirements" for tool crafting alongside the tool parts

    • Fix powdered snow buckets deleting the bucket when dumping in a container

    • Fix a crash related to conditional stat modifiers on bows

    • Fix some missing generated textures for slime staff embellishments

    • Fix miscellaneous typos


    This will be the last major content update for 1.18.2. From this point on we will be focusing on 1.19.2, though we may return to 1.18.2 for bugs and technical changes. Requires a Mantle update.

    This update implements several new APIs for addons to use which replace some of the older APIs. The old APIs are left in place for 1.18 so no addon should break (make a bug report if one does), however 1.19 will ditch the old APIs.


    • Renamed "Attack Damage" to "Melee Damage" to make it more clear it does not affect arrows

    • Renamed "Projectile Damage" to "Projectile Power" as some new modifiers use the stat for non-damage reasons

    • Renamed "Harvest Tier" to "Mining Tier" as all melee stats started with "Melee", so it makes sense mining stats start with "Mining"

    • Excavators now apply the "bonk" particle on attack, from frypans in TiC 2

    • Pickadzes no longer get bane of sssss for free, and mattocks no longer get sticky. This was partly done as sticky is being removed, and partly as both tools do so many harvest things that the melee trait feels kinda tacked on.

    • Kamas once again start with tilling like they did in 1.16. This means either a mattock or a kama lets you till, giving a bit more flexability in getting that important modifier. If you manually added tilling to your kama, consider salvaging it using the modifier worktable

    • Gave skyslime, earthslime, and ichor staffs different ranged weapon stats.

    • Fix indestructible tools despawning after 10 minutes

    Enderslime Staff

    • New staff variant made from enderslime crystals, nahuatl, and netherite. Repaired with nahuatl

    • Starts with reach 2, 3 upgrade slots, 1 defense slot, and 2 ability slots

    • Higher block amount than other staffs save earthslime staffs

    • Recipe may change as future content gets implemented


    • Emerald now grants a 50% repair bonus (sorta like the cultivated modifier)

    • Many ranged modifiers got the applicable tag adjusted to allow new modifiers to use the applicable modifiers. Some got broadened from BOWS to RANGED, some the opposite, and some special cased to allow staffs specifically.

    • Disallow applying a swappable modifier recipe (e.g. rebalanced) if that variant is already on the tool

    • Scope now works on crossbows and on staffs that are charging up

    • Bucketing now has the default priority, so you can reorder it more freely

    • Parrying on daggers now only works in the offhand, as it was providing undesirable results with dual wielding when used in the main hand

    • Fix tool belt salvage not having a max level

    • Fix too little fire protection on staffs and shields. The fire tick time reduction from fire protection requires modifying the vanilla enchantment, which is tied behind a config option just in case it breaks something.

    • Fix spilling effects not properly applying partial levels after level 1

    • Fix vanilla enchantments added via modifiers sometimes receiving arbitrarily inflated values on tools

    Sling Modifiers

    • Added flinging, causes you to launch away from the targeted block (like earthslime slings)

    • Added springing, causes you to leap forward in the air (like skyslime sling)

    • Added bonking, causes the targeted mob to fly away (like ichor sling). On melee tools, bonking deals damage when targeting (like frypans in TiC 2)

    • Added warping, causes you to teleport forwards

    • All sling modifiers support using power and velocity to boost the distance, and can reduce draw time with quick draw

    • Flinging, springing, and bonking also are boosted by knockback, for when they are used on melee tools

    • In 1.19, slime slings will be removed in favor of these new modifiers.

    Counter attack

    • Fiery and freezing now both work on armor as new counterattack effects

    • Freezing also works on melee tools now

    • Sticky is no longer craftable, will likely be removed in 1.19 as its just inferior freezing

    • Wetting now only applies if the damage is not blocked, notably meaning you won't consume fire resistance potions from fire damage if the effect is active.


    • Launches fluid from the tools tank as a projectile that behaves like llama spit

    • Projectile applies an effect to the target

    • Can be applied to any tool that interacts on right click (mostly melee weapons and staffs)

    • Higher levels launch more fluid like multishot

    • Staffs can receive power to boost the amount of fluid in each shot (which makes the effect stronger)

    • Staffs can also receive velocity to boost the speed and range, and drawspeed to fire faster

    • Staffs can receive punch to boost the knockback of the fluid


    • Can now be applied to longbows and crossbows to block while you charge up. Don't ask how you shoot straight from a sideways bow.

    • With tools that have modifiers that charge up (like sling modifiers or spitting), blocking can be applied to block as it charges.

    Piercing rework

    • Costs pointed dripstone instead of cactus

    • Instead of dealing extra damage that ignores armor, now cancels 1 point of armor per level

    • Grants a flat melee damage boost of 0.5 per level

    • Reduced max level to 3; by combining vein hammers and bone that means a max of 9 levels

    • Renamed to pierce to better disambiguate from the vanilla enchantment

    • Thorns no longer grants piercing to unarmed attacks, unarmed uses the same pierce modifier as tools now.

    • Old behavior still exists under the ID tconstruct:piercing, with the new behavior under tconsturct:pierce. This also means old tools will still be using the old version of the modifier, you can use the modifier worktable to manually migrate if desired.


    • Added cheese, cast milk into a basin or ingot cast then wait several minutes for it to congeal. Can be used as a building block or eaten to restore a bit of hunger and remove a random status effect.

    • Made powdered snow a fluid so you can store it in tanks. May get a use in recipes in the future

    • Added tinted seared glass and tinted scorched glass, can be used to build a smeltery/foundry with windows without letting light through, because that might be useful

    • Added seared soul glass and scorched soul glass, can be used to build a smeltery/foundry but can also be walked though to make easy doors into the structure

    • Pistons now break seared tanks instead of being blocked, and dispensers can place seared tanks. Has some neat potential smeltery automation.

    • Fix scorched glass not being registered to its block entity properly. This could possibly cause issues breaking a foundry with a large window after a reload, however the lack of reports suggests that it somehow did not break anything?

    • Fix some recipes using tanks allowing filled tanks, causing the fluid to get consumed instead of the tank itself



    • Added icons to modifier pages in materials and you.

    • Moved travelers gear pages from materials and you to puny smelting.

    • Book sections on tools and modifiers now load pages based on item tags/modifier tags, meaning its possible for addons to add new pages to the books.

    • Presently supported sections include materials and you (small tools), puny smelting (upgrades and slotless modifiers), mighty smelting (broad tools, abilities and defense modifiers), tinkers gadgetry (slimestaffs), and the encyclopedia (all 3 tool types, armor, and all 4 modifier types). First 5 books also have an armor section that shows if the tag is filled (materials and you/mighty smelting are hidden by default).

    • Filtered the tool lists on many modifier pages to show only tools relevant to the topic for modifiers that have different effects based on tool type. For instance, fiery works differently on bows vs swords, so now the bow page displays just bows in the tool preview.

    • Modifier pages no longer show "missing modifier" if the modifiers recipe is removed, should make the book more usable if packs change recipes.

    • Fix many typos across the books and language, probably added some new ones


    • New Advancement: Netherite Tier - create a tool with the netherite harvest tier

    • New Advancement: Perfect Aim - create a bow with 1.0 accuracy

    • New Advancement: One Shot - create a melee weapon that does 21+ flat damage

    • Goal of these was mostly to test out some new datapack tool predicate features, will be useful in the loot modifier hook rework

    • Updated existing advancements with new materials and modifiers


    • Added support for Diet. Tasty now counts as eating Tinkers Construct bacon, while slurping fluids are all mapped to their related food item (with blood mapped to bottle o' blood and molten pig iron mapped to bacon).

    • Fix "large" cobalt ore veins averaging 4 blocks instead of 6 making cobalt slightly less common than it should be

    • Fix fluids tagged as water getting turned into water bottles (as the vanilla tags unfortunately do not represent water with mods)

    • Fix a crash with "School of Magic" which is entirely their fault (returning null from a vanilla nonnull method), but given its a trivial fix and that mod seems to be dead figured I might as well patch it

    • Fix multiple overlapping sounds when shift clicking in part builders or tinkers stations/anvils


    • Update Japanese translation (thanks koh-gh!)

    • Update Korean translation (thanks Sn0w0wl and gisellevonbingen!)

    • Update Ukrainian translation (thanks BetaCarotina!)

    • Update Chinese translation (thanks ChuijkYahus and Cactusstudent!)

    • Note that due to the timing of the translation updates and other book changes, even updated translations may still need some additional work. We are looking into a better way to process translations to make it easier to contribute and to get the updates faster.


    • You can now use overrides to add an existing material to a new stat type for the sprite generators.

    • Advanced tooltips now show material and modifier IDs for tools (though modifier IDs is locked behind config since its pretty bulky)

    • Migrated aqua affinity to the vanilla enchantment, the APIs that implemented it before are now deprecated for removal in 1.19

    • Starting modifier slots from the tool are now stored in volatile data instead of persistent data. This means they will automatically update if the datapack changes, and are guaranteed to be added to new tools no matter how they are created

    • To make the above change work without breaking old tools, the item stack NBT tic_persistent_data has been renamed to tic_persistent. This will automatically be migrated, but the semantics of the two are slightly different so it may be worth updating code that uses the name directly.

    • In recipes that support material variant inputs (e.g. composite casting), you can now use mod:name#default to match only mod:name with no variant (as mod:name ignores variants).

    • Diamond, Emerald, and Netherite no longer apply larger effects at higher levels. This was done as it makes the modifiers a bit more efficient and we never used the higher levels in the mod.

    • Skyslimes now use the modifier tag tconstruct:slime_defense to select protection modifiers that randomly appear on their helmets at higher difficulties.

    Composable modifiers

    • New modifier serializer intended to replace almost all existing serializers

    • Instead of having a serializer per behavior, the composable serializer handles common properties and has a registry of modules that can be added

    • Modules can do things like add enchantments, add stats, add attributes, add modifier slots, etc.

    • Many conditional stat modifiers are migrated to this system by taking advantage of formulas and serve as examples until we get the documentation written. These are expressed in reverse polish notation, at this time whether we add a standard infix formula parser is undecided.

      • Formulas can take advantage of variables to give them more flexability. Loosely speaking, a variable is just an additional property from the world, tool, or other context included in the formula. Variables allows us to load those properties only for modifiers that need them.

      • We choose reverse polish notation as its much simpler to parse, and internally most infix formula parsers store the formula as reverse polish so we needed that logic anyways.

      • If you do not understand how to use it, feel free to ask for help on our discord.

    Modifier modules

    • Many methods on Modifier have been migrated to the modifier module API

    • At this time the main thing unmigrated is the loot table hook, as I want to reconsider whether to just commit to global loot managers for that instead of java implementations.

    • This should make it easier to both combine modifier effects and migrate them to dynamic modifiers for flexibility

    Modifier traits

    • Modifiers can now automatically add another modifier whenever they are applied

    • Main usecase is getting around technical restrictions for hardcoded modifier effects

    • Can also be used for dynamically added modifiers, such as from an Iguana Tinker Tweaks style random modifier kit



    • Make tool slot outline in containers more obvious

    • Velocity no longer increases inaccuracy of projectile weapons

    • Iron now uses magnetic as a trait instead of sturdy, experimental change

    • Fix a couple of dupe bugs related to stacked daggers

    • Fix possible duplication bug in the tool inventory container


    • Added Boundless: New ability modifier for shields to increase protection cap from 80% to more

    • Reduce all recipes using reinforcements to only cost 20 instead of 24

    • Revitalizing now has a cap of 5 on all pieces, use it wisely

    • Simplify fire protection, should be more consistent/reliable now

    • Make spilling cache concurrent to prevent possible crash

    • Prevent reflecting from letting you duplicate skeleton arrows

    • Make necrotic restore a flat 5% per level instead of the previous formula

    • Make sinistral take priority over punching with the crossbow

    • Stringly now can use string repair kits for repair

    • Cap knockback at 3

    • Cap severing at 3, and make luck boost the 5% per level to 6%, 7%, 8%, etc. instead of being a flat boost

    • Make zoom cheaper now to respect it being an upgrade

    • Nerf lightweight on bows a bit, that was way overtuned

    • Fix potential crash with reflecting and piercing arrows

    • Fix reflecting triggering when it shouldn't and ignoring higher levels

    • Fix reflecting not syncing projectile motion

    • Fix emptied tank daggers not stacking under some conditions

    • Fix sweeping edge at max level doing 1 more damage to edge targets than it should

    • Fix modifier icons not loading on some modpacks


    • Make seared and scorched ladders connect

    • Fix soup melting having too high melting time


    • Update JEI transfer support for modifier recipes

    • Prevent possible startup crash with tool color handlers

    • Remove outdated crafttweaker examples

    • General typo fixing

    • Fix some missing tags on slimy grass and ferns

    • Fix fancy frames allowing converting vanilla frames into fancy frames


    This update has some of the last features needed for the mod to be called "complete". There are still plenty of things on the roadmap, but we have all the essentials in the mod now.



    • Shields are crafted like armor, with two variants

    • Shields have a block amount stat, which determines the maximum damage it can block. If an attack does more damage than the max, it is reduced by the stat.

    • Shields also have a block angle stat, determining how wide of an area they protect. It ranges from 0 to 180 degrees (180 degrees is vanilla shields)

    • Shields can receive armor, toughness, and knockback resistance. All three stats apply in either hand, even when not blocking


    • Shields can receive protection modifiers, which work identically to armor. This lets you further increase your protection amount to effectively protect against all 5 main damage types.

    • Shields can receive counterattack modifiers as upgrades. They only apply when blocking, but are twice as effective as on armor

    • Shields can receive interaction modifiers, which apply on left click like bows.

    • Shields can have their wood dyed and their metal embellished, to help them fit your armor set visuals

    • Shields can receive reflecting to deflect projectiles

    • Shields can receive wetting and spilling to apply fluids on hit

    Travelers Shield

    • Crafted from copper and wood

    • Has 3 upgrade slots, 2 defense slots, and 1 ability slot

    • Blocks up to 10 damage per attack, with a block angle of 45 degrees

    • Allows the player to move at nearly full speed while blocking

    Plate Shield

    • Crafted from cobalt and wood

    • Has 1 upgrade slot, 4 defense slots, and 1 ability slot

    • Blocks up to 100 damage per attack, with a block angle of 90 degrees

    • Starts with 2 toughness which applies even when not attacking

    Blocking Modifier

    • Blocking is a modifier that can be applied to any held tool, enabling it to block like classic swords.

    • Most tools have a block amount off 5 with a block angle of 60 degrees

    Parrying Modifier

    • Allows daggers to briefly block after attacking

    • Daggers block up to 10 damage at an angle of 60 degrees for about 2 seconds

    Slime Staffs


    • Slime staffs are tools that do nothing. However, they start with at minimum 2 ability slots to make them do something

    • They are not melee tools, but do count as armor (meaning they can get an armor value from diamond, netherite, and alike)

    • They support interaction modifiers on both right click and left click. A worktable recipe lets you decide for each modifier where to use it


    • Slime Staffs can receive any existing interaction modifier, such as blocking, bucketing, pathing, or glowing

    • Slime Staffs given spilling use it on interaction, allowing you to apply spilling effects to a target without damaging it. When expanded, grants AOE spilling

    • Slime Staffs can also receive slurping, for applying effects to the player directly

    • Slime Staffs are "overslime friends", meaning they can receive overslime without penalty

    Skyslime Staff

    • Made from skyroot, rose gold, and skyslime crystals

    • Starts with 5 upgrade slots and 2 ability slots

    Earthslime Staff

    • Made from greenheart, cobalt, and earthslime crystals

    • Starts with 2 upgrade slots, 3 defense slots, and 2 ability slots

    Ichor Staf

    • Made from bloodshroom, queens slime, and ichor crystals

    • Starts with 2 upgrade slots and 3 ability slots

    Other tools

    • Disallow luck on chestplates. Too few people understood that it only worked on unarmed, which is a niche enough usecase that scrapping it in favor of clarity is good

    • General tools now support blocking as a modifier

    • Boots now support long fall to fully neutralize fall damage, requires feather falling IV.

    • Cleanup logic for respiration modifier

    • Wet sponges can now be used in modifier extraction when combined with enderslime crystals

    • Sweeping edge is now capped at 3 levels instead of 4

    • Fixed some weirdness with using modifier crystals and multi-level recipes such as luck and tool belt

    • Fix modifier crystals potentially breaking JEI on servers

    • Fix firing a bow with too little velocity deleting arrows

    • Fix "fast use item" (used by Tinkers' Things shortbow and the Traveler's Shield) causing super speed in some situations

    Stackable Daggers

    • Daggers now stack to 2 when undamaged.

    • Crafting a dagger now yields 2 instead of 1.

    • While stacked, they cannot be used, but they can be modified; ideal for creating matched pairs of daggers as it provides a modifier discount.

    Protection Rebalance

    • All conditional protection modifiers now grant 10% protection per level

    • Protection now grants a flat 5% per level, and is capped at 1 level per piece. This allows me to increase protection amounts without worrying you will go too high once you have draconic.

    Rebalanced Modifier

    • This is not another rebalance, but rather a modifier called rebalanced.

    • Rebalanced grants +1 modifier slot, but you get to choose the type

    • All variants require gilded blackstone, or once you are late game dragon scales work just as well

    • To add +1 upgrade slot, you need to pay skyslime crystals and rose gold

    • To add +1 defense slot, you need to pay earthslime crystals and cobalt. This slot can be placed on most tools, taking advantage of the shield/staff defense slot mechanics

    • To add +1 ability slot, you need to pay ichor and queens slime. This also causes you to lose an upgrade slot.

    • If you try to apply rebalanced a second time, it will replace the original (no getting more than one slot from the modifier)


    • Add config option to suppress the invalid tool stack warning

    • Apply a hacky fix for Carry On wrongly firing a Forge event

    • Fix smeltery components not keeping textures when broken

    • Update Japanese Translation (thanks koh-gh)

    • Update Chinese Translation (thanks Cactusstudent and ChuijkYahus)


    • Added new recipe type for a modifier that has different slot requirements each level but the same inputs

    • Added improved API for modifiers that are used by charging the tool

    • Tool Definitions now support custom modules being registered to them, works similarly to modifier hooks

    • Update to latest Json Things, add ability to add staff like tools (used for shields)

    • Add scaled FOV modifier for FOV that scales with the slider

    • Added tool stat for movement penalty when using an item

    • Walking on snow is now controlled by a volatile flag instead of hardcoded into travelers boots

    • Tool crafting recipe now supports setting the tool output size and adding extra requirements beyond the parts

    • Armor with the golden modifier can now be repaired using gold

    • Travelers armor is now slightly stronger in unarmed combat

    Tool Renaming * Tools can now be renamed once again * The Tinker Station allows naming any new tool * The Tinkers Anvil allows renaming a tool during any modification

    • Encyclopedia mention armor unarmed damage penalties under chestplates

    • Tinkers Gadgetry now has pages about the modifier worktable in its odd modifiers section

    • Fix Mantle dependency string

    • Fix plate armor embellishments showing a missing texture

    • Fix possible conflict with mods that construct item stacks before tags are loaded

    • Fix material modifier recipe builder using the wrong JSON key

    • Fix unarmed debuff only applying when ambidextrous. Note the way I had to fix this means any custom chestplates will need to apply the fix in the tool definition

    • Fix modifier extraction exploit involving incremental modifiers

    • Fix one more case of extra NBT. Just a warning now thanks to previous fix, found nicely using previous logger.

    • Note this bug no longer harms your game, but I would rather if it logs in the future to know its not me causing it

    • Fix the modifier material repair recipe adding extraneous NBT to items

    • Fix adding extraneous NBT to items once and for all. If it happens in the future, it will just log an error that does not affect gameplay instead



    • Added depth strider, works like the vanilla modifier

    • Make soul speed more consistent with vanilla

    • Crystalshots go ding instead of twing

    • Prevent enderporting arrows from teleporting you if the arrow is in another dimension

    • Bows, armor, and flint and brick now get luck instead of looting. Turns out giving them looting led to an accidental exploit with modifier slots

    • Merge tool and armor haste into one modifier

    • Merge tool and armor knockback into one modifier

    • Projectiles now ignite targets for longer at higher levels of fiery

    • Speedy now works on held tools, though is not craftable still

    • Fix insatiable not properly boosting ranged damage

    • Fix crash on removing tool belt

    Modifier crystals

    • New item for applying a modifier without paying its standard item cost

    • Useful for modpack makers if they want to gift modifiers without them having other uses

    • Can be obtained by extracting enchantments from books or enchanted tools in the modifier worktable

    • Can also be obtained by extracting modifiers from a tool, as an end game version of modifier removal


    • Flint and brick now has 1 level of scorching

    • Mattocks now have sticky instead of knockback

    • Fix crossbows shooting fireworks too low

    • Fix longbow model holding the longbow at the wrong spot


    • Smeltery controllers, seared drains, seared ducts, and seared chutes all support crafting from any seared to get the texture

    • Foundry controllers, scorched drains, scorched ducts, and scorched chutes all support crafting from any scorched block texture

    • All of the above also have a 3D model now (which it turns out made it easier to implement the above feature)

    • There is a new config option if you wish to show just one variant of each in JEI, just like the tables or anvils


    • Slimy dirt can now be casted using liquid slime on dirt

    • Slimy dirt can now be blasted to produce slime crystals


    • Added bamboo to material master

    • Update abilities for ability advancement

    • Fix material master using the wrong variant of bronze


    • Remove square brackets from trick quiver selection notification

    • Rename weapon categories to melee

    • Mention bows in lightweight tooltip

    • Tool parts now use the tool format string for naming, so names need not be space separated

    • Fix grip stat tooltips being wrong

    • Fix impaling having the wrong tooltip

    • Fix wrong quick charge max level

    • Fix shield strap saying its an ability

    • Fix reference to slimeboots that should be a reference to bouncy

    Data Packs

    • Stat boost modifier can now assign tool actions

    • Added tconstruct:fast_item_use volatile flag, will be used later for travelers shields

    • Added mob effect modifier, for a modifier that adds effects on melee, ranged, or armor counter

    • Added tags for making metal or slime based items embellishable more easily, and for dyeable armor

    • Added recipes for cobalt and enderslime embellishments, not any use in the base mod but useful for addons

    • Added config option for repair kit quality

    • Added recipe type for a material to repair tools with a modifier

    JSON Things Compact

    • Can add tinkers items using JSON Things

    • Supports adding tool parts, repair kits, tools, bows, crossbows, and armor

    • More information can be found on our wiki


    • Added enchantment to modifier mapping. By default we support vanilla, Cyclic, Ensorcellation, and Wall Jump

    • Added modifier predicates, used in many recipes related to modifiers. Will likely migrate ModifierMatch to something similar in the future.

    • Worktable recipes now include additional context in some hooks

    • Add method to register crossbow item predicates

    • Fix typo in ID for repulsive

    • Change ID for the Worktable modifier tab to strongly encourage it to show after modifiers

    • Synchronize deferred registers, will hopefully reduce the chance an addon causes synchronous class loading making us drop a registry entry

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/compare/



    • Crossbows are the small variant, designed for high speed arrow launching and fireworks

    • Longbows are the large variant, designed for high damage projectiles

    • There are not modifiable arrows. You can use vanilla arrows, or arrows from other mods such as Archer's Paradox.


    • Bow materials are a distinct set of materials from melee/harvest materials. This means while there are many common materials, there are some unique bow materials and some unique melee/harvest materials.

      • Notably, there are no stone or osmium (compat) bows, while bows uniquely have access to bamboo and aluminum (compat)

      • In total, we have 18 bow materials, plus 5 bowstrings so far. Additional materials are planned.

      • We also have 12 compat bow materials which are enabled if a mod adds the relevant materal

    • Bow limbs affect bow durability, accuracy, drawspeed, and arrow velocity (which in turn affects damage)

    • Bow grips affect bow durability, melee attack damage, and accuracy

    • Bow limbs, grips, and bowstrings all add traits designed with ranged weapons in mind


    • Support all existing modifiers related to durability

    • Most right click interaction modifiers work on bows, but are activated on left click instead

    • Experienced and looting are both available, affecting monsters killed by arrows fired from this bow

    • Diamond boosts bow projectile damage, longbows can receive power to further boost projectile damage

    • Netherite boosts arrow velocity

    • Emerald boosts bow accuracy. Trueshot and blindshot increase or decrease accuracy further

    • All bows can receive fiery (flame), punch, freezing, piercing (not vanilla), impaling (piercing in vanilla), and necrotic to boost arrows

    • Bows can also receive multishot, crystalshot (infinity), and quivers

    • Crossbows can receive quickcharge to boost drawspeed and receive sinistral to allow better crossbow dual wielding

    • Longbows can receive scope to zoom in on the target

    • Instead of lustrous (platinum) boosting mining speed of ores (which overlapped a lot with blasting or melting), it now causes ores to drop bonus nuggets

    • Zoom is now an upgrade, and can be applied to any tool that supports right click interaction to make it act like a spyglass

    • Soulbound now will keep armor and the offhand items in the same slot upon respawn

    • Fix deletion bug with shift clicking items into pockets or other inventory modifiers


    • Chestplates can now receive melee modifiers to boost left click attack without needing to apply unarmed. This means it only costs upgrade slots to have good left click damage

    • If you wish to punch with the offhand, you now apply the ambidextrous modifier, any tools that had unarmed applied before this update will automatically receive ambidextrous in its place

    • Smeltery detection logic has been improved to better work with future multiblocks. This shouldn't cause any broken smelteries, but may change the block marked as "invalid" during building

    • Pewter now is alloyed from tin +lead if tin is available, for compatibility with Alomancy. If no tin is available, it will continue to use iron + lead.

    • Allow casting potions and tipped arrows.

    • Fix stack size 1 slimy bottles not returning their bottles when drunk.

    • Guidebooks have all been updated with information on crossbows and longbows

    • Big thanks as usual to Shiny for helping keep the books up to date

    • Fix various typos and inaccuracies from older content

    • Update Japanese Translation (thanks TwelveYO21)

    • Update Chinese Translation (thanks Cactusstudent and ChuijkYahus)

    • Add a new translation key for the format of a tool name, to allow languages to change the separator or switch the order of the words if desired

    • Tools in JEI now show variants for binding only materials

    • Fix tools in modifier recipes not showing the focused tool (showing all valid tools instead)

    • Fix usage on a slimeskull not showing valid modifiers

    • Slimy ferns and saplings can now be placed in flower pots

    • Fix free sponge when removing modifiers using venom

    • Fix occasional loss of sponge when using wet sponge to remove modifiers

    • Fix AOE block breaking not spawning particles for all the blocks

    • Fix item deletion when using a bundle to take items out of the crafting station

    • Fix various crashes and otherwise unwelcome behavior when opening our UIs in spectator mode. Please let us know if any blocks do not work as expected.

    • Fix modifier log missing texture config being ignored.

    Rework modifier priority

    • Modifiers with the same priority now fallback to the order they were added.

    • As a result of this change, tools that have internal modifiers like tilling now use the craftable one instead as the new modifier overrides it

    • Many internal modifiers will also show in the tooltip now instead of being hidden

    • You can use the modifier worktable to resort modifiers to choose which modifiers act

    • Some modifier priorities may need to be adjusted as part of this change for those that should have consistent behavior

    • Firestarter modifier now exposes the light_fire tool action. If you make a mod that adds extra behavior to flint and steel, check for that tool action for tinkers compatability. If you do not know how tool actions work, ask on our discord.

    • Added block transform modifier hook for addons wishing to add modifiers that run post block transform

    Modifier hooks

    • New mergable system for modifier functions

    • Use registerHooks to implement the hooks on a modifier

    • In the future, will make it easier to write JSON modifiers as we migrate existing hooks

    • Currently, all hooks using the old system have been migrated, as well as various new methods

    • Pay attention to deprecations on methods to keep track of what has been migrated

    • Implement hook fired post block transform (thanks Pyre540)

    Stat type fallbacks

    • Trait JSON now supports two custom internal types, tconstruct:melee_harvest and tconstruct:ranged which act as a fallback for any stat types in that group.

    • If a stat is missing a specific trait set, it will try the fallback before the default traits.

    • Addons can register their own fallbacks for custom stat types they add

    Left click modifiers

    • Bows and longbows support running modifiers on left click

    • Any interactions that require holding down right click cannot be used on left click, but most other modifiers can be implemented

    • You likely will want to migrate any existing interaction modifiers to the new hooks to get support

    Tool tags

    • Deprecated one handed and two handed, that system while nice in theory ended up being too cumbersome

    • Added interactable left, interactable right, and interactable armor for the three types of tools that can run interaction hooks. The hooks also now pass a parameter for the type. By default, anything using the deprecated one handed or two handed tags are added to interactable right

    • Added ranged tags for bows, longbows, and crossbows


    New table block for modifying your tool's modifiers.

    • Crafted using seared stone and some rocks for the legs. Rocks affect the texture, can be any stone variant supported by tools

    • Can remove modifiers using a wet sponge or liquid venom. This replaces the tinker station recipe

    • Can hide modifiers using a potion of invisibility. Hiding can be reverted using a bucket of milk

    • Can reorder modifiers using a compass

    • Bottles can now be filled with more fluids

    • All 5 types of slime (earth, sky, ichor, ender, and blood) can be put into bottles and drunk for special effects

    • Magma cream can also be placed in a bottle

    • Slime bottles and magma bottles can be created using the relevant congealed block in a brewing stand

    • Venom can also be bottled. Drinking grants both strength and poison, or it can be used to remove modifiers

    • Melting modifier now allows using a smeltery or foundry controller as an alternative to the melter.

    Rebalance inventory modifiers

    • Most inventory modifiers got buffed as they were a bit too strict before.

    • Pockets

      • Now has 18 slots instead of 9.

      • You can open pockets without sneaking as long as you do not have tool belt or shield strap.

    • Tool belt

      • Cheaper for the initial level allowing more early game use, costing iron for the ingot.

      • Now requires slotless modifiers to add additional slots instead of a second ability slot, each using a successively more expensive ingot.

      • If tool belt is combined with shield strap, requires holding control to swap the belt

      • Can now open inventory by sneaking and interacting even without pockets

    • Shield strap

      • Now requires an upgrade slot instead of an ability slot

      • Can now open inventory by sneaking and interacting even without pockets

    • Pocket chain was removed. For shield strap, just add a second level. For tool belt, use the new slotless upgrades

    • Spilling

      • Most metals now have unique spilling effects, many in loose reference to the Cosmere

    • No refunds are given for ability slots spent on these modifiers before this update, if you wish to reclaim those slots, use a wet sponge before updating.

    • Fix certain modded items being allowed in tool belts that shouldn't, notably custom shulker boxes or Create's tool box. If anything seems to be missed, there is a tag blacklist or a method that mod can override.

    • Chorus: tier 1 end material with the enderference trait that stops teleportation

    • End Stone: New variant of whitestone, making that material available without zinc or tin (though much later game)

    • All bone materials now can use their respective bone in the part builder. Before bloodbone, necronium, and blazing bone were composite casting exclusive. The bone items of course still require composite casting to create.

    • Obsidian can now be alloyed using mushroom stew as an alternative to water.

    • Added a config option to force enable recipes using slime crystals, by default they are changed to fallbacks if geodes are disabled

    • Enchanted tools no longer have z-fighting when placed on tables.

    • Sand casts, gold bars, and platforms can now be placed in cast chests.

    • Fix clear glass not being meltable.

    • Fixed protection's description.

    • Fix dragonborn being incorrectly listed as 10%.

    • Fix scorched tanks showing wrong amount in tooltips.

    • Fix foundry byproduct amounts being wrong with changed config in JEI

    • Fix tooltip mod name bug if JEI disables the mod name

    • Added modifier icons. Currently just shows in JEI, but will have more uses later.

    • Added modifier tags, can be used in modifier match entries in recipes.

    • Added material tags, can be used in random material loot tables

    • Tinker weapons now mark used stats

    • Improve speed of texture lookups by a bit. Does not appear to be significant in most packs, but there were some reports of long load times so I tried to improve it where I could.



    • Unarmed no longer damages the chestplate when attacking mobs

    • Scythe now can break more plants in AOE. There may have been some that are missed, its a manually created list

    Oxidized metal materials

    • Oxidized copper is a new variant of copper, crafted from pouring water on copper. Same stats and traits, but a nice green texture

    • Raw iron is a new variant of iron, crafted from pouring water on iron, which does not rust it because of magic. Same stats as iron but a nice brown texture

    • Raw iron and raw copper are both available as embellishments for plate armor with the same color schemes as the new material variants


    • Allow repairing a tool using its head part in the tinker station/anvil. Repair kits will still be easier as they stack, but this might save you from wasting a head

    • Allow recycling tool parts in the part builder to create other parts. For example, you can turn 4 small axe heads into a broad sword blade.

    • Allow breaking down tools with no modifiers in the part builder. You can select which part to salvage, and there is a chance of salvaging a second part based on the tools remaining durability


    • Rework tinker station buttons to not cause issues with mods that do weird UI stuff

    • Make the non-API base recipe provider crash when a mod other than tinkers uses it as it lead to addons dumping their recipes in our domain.

    • It is non-API, and is literally 10 lines of code, half of which you need to change for your mod anyways. Just create your own.

    • As a reminder to addons, if you are registering anything new under tconstruct, you are almost certainty doing something wrong. Register new stuff under your own mod ID. Extensions to existing stuff may go under our ID, if in doubt ask instead of making assumptions that break our mod.

    • Improve compatibility with mods that add extra information to the attributes tooltip area

    • Update pack format for the texture generator command to 1.18

    • Improve ability for books to create material sections. Instead of hardcoding the 4 tiers, tiers are set in JSON



    • Allow ore melting recipes to set a rate per byproduct

    • Let damagable recipes specify a unit, which will enforce fluid output is in terms of that unit (e.g. metal melting can use 1 nugget as the unit instead of 1mb)

    • Rose gold is now 1:1 gold and copper, to be consistent with Thermal's rose gold

    • Fix seared tank capacity not setting on placement


    • Boost attack damage multiplier of broad axes slightly

    • Fix blocks that require no tool not dropping when broken with broken tools

    • Fix tool NBT initialization again, that is just always a pain


      Cleanup slimesuit materials

    • Creepers now use glass as its more logical than gunpoweder (plus looks cool)

    • Spiders now use string instead of spider eyes

    • Cave spiders now use darkthread instead of venom

    • Ender pearls can only make repair kits via casting now

    • Rabbit and leather merged into a single material, so leather can repair slimeboots

    • Some slinesuit material stats tweaked


    • Added shulking modifier, new defense modifier from shulker shelles that increases defense while sneaking

    • Adjust bouncy, should be a bit faster and a bit more bouncy

    • Cap protection tooltips to 80%. Still is not accurate to the whole set, but more accurate for individual pieces

    • Update feather falling for 1.18 mojang fall damage changes

    • Rework melee protection to be more consistent with guardian thorns, change its bonus from fall damage reduction to small attack speed boost

    • Leaping now requires skyslime crystals (or skyslime dirt if geodes are disabled)

    • Soulbound now allows a netherstar as an alterantive to a totem

    • Draconic no longer requires shulkers, just wither rose and dragon scales

    • Offhanded no longer requires a membrane

    • Fix modifier data being lost when switching dimensions. Notably affected bouncy

    • Fix conditional modifiers such as smite applying wrongly (often leading to too much damage)

    • Fix guardian thorns damaging players due to the bleeding effect

    • Fix milk spilling effects being broken

    • Fix saturation being too high on spilling foods

    • Fix protection not applying the extra 2% bonus on first level

    • Fix a crash with the spilling modifier

      Reach rework

    • Reach now is chestplate exclusive due to inconsistencies between main hand and offhand. Also grants chestplate another unique ability

    • Reach now works on mobs for attack thanks to a forge PR

    Damage Tweaks

    • Added config options for several vanilla damage source tweaks. May altar behavior with other mods, hence the config option

    • Added option for wither and dragons breath damage to be marked as magic, will affect magic protection and witches

    • Added option for falling blocks to count as projectiles, affects mainly projectile protection. Defaults to disabled unlike the other options

    • Added option for lightning to be counted as fire damage, affects fire resistance potion and fire protection


    • Added potion fluid from dumping potions into seared tanks. Can be used ideally alongside fluid modifiers like spilling or slurping.

    • Added potion buckets, can be drank for 2.5x power of a potion, but takes much longer to drink

    • Added splash and lingering bottles, can be filled with water for brewing. Created by "brewing" gunpowder or dragons breath into a glass bottle

    • Change piggybackpack recipe to casting blood on a saddle

    • Change clear item frame texture to make it stand out in the inventory more


    Slime Helmets

    • Slimes now can render helmets

    • Earthslimes will randomly spawn with vanilla helmets, including leather, chain, iron, gold, diamond, and turtle shell

    • Skyslimes will randomly spawn with travelers goggles or plate armor, including some random modifiers

    • Enderslimes will randomly spawn with slimeskulls. They currently can use a majority of the effects, the remaining such as creeper are planned for future builds

    • Slimes have 4x protection from helmets since the helmet protects their whole body so well

    • Slimes will pass helmets to their children when possible


    • Earthslimes now use the vanilla loot table, improving compat with mods that add new green slime drops


    • Make modifiers a bit brighter in JEI

    • Fix molding recipe leading to some implied odd recipes (e.g. pickaxe head -> axe head)


    • New fluid textures, makes them more than recolored lava and water

    • Make mighty smelting pages a bit brigher to increase contrast between text and pages

    • Update mighty smelting for recent smeltery changes

    • Improve descriptions of many modifiers in the books

    • Ensure all modifiers are included in the book

    • Fix description on armor upgrade page

    • Fix articles on slime island pages

    • Fix config file typo in the word slimeballs

    • Fix liquid magma being called magma cream


    • Deprecate some non-library modifier utils

    • Fluid tooltips are now controlled via JSON as part of Mantle, means its easier for addons to add new fluid unit scales


    • Color manager is now in Mantle, switching from to for the folder. Utils are deprecated.tinkering mantle

    • Migrate many JsonUtils methods to Mantle's JsonHelper

    • Migrate SafeClientAccess and TooltipKey to Mantle. TooltipKey deprecation is unfortunately messy

    • Migrate fluid transfer util to Mantle. Unfortunately required renaming the folder, so datagen will need to be rerun. Code referencing fluid transfer instances directly may also break, which was sadly unavoidable

    • Migrate fluid ingredient serializer and unplacable fluid to Mantle



    • Experimental: broad tools are no longer two handed. Want to see if this plans better before fully removing the feature, so feedback is welcome

    • Fix tools in bonus chests not having any modifier slots

    Travelers Gear

    • Travelers gear now protects against freezing

    • Travelers boots now allow walking on powdered snow


    • Added Wetting, leggings ability like spilling, except the fluid applies to yourself on damage

    • Added Step Up, a leggings modifier that increases the step height of a player

    • Necrotic now heals a constant percentage on crit instead of healing a random amount every hit

    • Enderporting now triggers when harvesting crops

    • Exchanging no longer requires the tool to be effective to trigger

    • Split haste into armor haste and melee/harvest haste. If you migrate a world from 1.18.1 or before, you may need to use a wet sponge to remove then reapply haste to your chestplate.

    • Overslime now applies a debuff to armor. Overforced now counts as a slime friend to prevent the debuff

    • Zoom now requires spy glasses to apply


    • Dwarven was rebalanced. Now gives a percentage debuff at high elevations, and bases the buffs and debuffs off the world max height and 0 instead of sea level

    • Fix tinkers bronze redirecting to a material that does not always exist


    • Fix part builder slider being invisible

    • Fix a dupe with specifically sized part builder recipes


    • Smeltery controller is now crafted using seared bricks block instead of a heater, to encourage keeping your melter functional

    • Removed removing of cut copper from copper (implemented in forge)

    • Fix alloyer closing its UI on block update

    • Fix foundry byproducts adjusting the rate twice on a client connected to a server


    • Added soup and honey as fluids

    • New fluids can be used in slurping/spilling to restore hunger

    • Bees now melt into honey

    • Honey is now used in pig iron instead of clay



    • Now crafted by pouring molten gold on a book

    • Every time you craft one of the other guidebooks, more sections will appear in the encyclopedia

    • Means you can use the encyclopedia even before you have nether access

    • Fix pocket chain being marked as slotless

    • Fix many tools having outdated stats

    Gadgets & World

    • Fixed slimy trees not growing above y=256

    Punji sticks

    • Returned from 1.12

    • Deal a bit less damage, but no longer conflict with potions

    • Nicer hitbox

    • Crafted using bamboo


    • Added unarmed tag, preferred to use over chestplates for melee modifiers

    • SingleUseModifier is now NoLevelsModifier, as the earlier name was confusing

    • Tool stats now can specify a filter tag, items not in that tag will not support the stat

    Container Transfer

    • New JSON allowing fluid to be extracted from items that are not forge fluid containers

    • Triggers in game when right clicking any of our tanks

    Dynamic Modifiers

    • Modifiers can be registered with JSON.

    • Addons can register new JSON serializers, and are encouraged to do so over static

    • Currently the base mod registers 6 different serializers, though more will be added later

    • Likely in the future most modifiers will be moved to dynamic modifiers to allow datapacks to rebalance modifiers

    • Documentation for theses is planned but not finished. If you want to help out the mod this is a great place to contribute

    Moved spilling

    • Spilling recipe JSON are now defined in their own folder instead of being in recipes

    • As a result of this change, spilling recipes no longer synchronize spilling effects with the client, making a ne spilling effect only require serverside changes (and reducing network traffic)

    • For addons that add spilling effects to new fluids, there is a data provider in tconstruct.library.data.tinkering to use

    Removed Modifier Item Salvage

    • Removing modifiers now only restores modifier slots, no more item salvage

    • Was causing problems in design with some future feature ideas

    • Update to JEI 9.4.0 API

    • Fixes a bug with entities showing in the wrong spot in JEI


    Requires a Mantle update


    • Added bamboo as a new wood variant, and allow it for repairs of wooden tools

    • Basalt now has a unique texture

    • Added darkthread - binding exclusive material that grants looting

    • Added ancient hide - binding exclusive material that grants fortune

    • Added tool action to firestarter for compat with a campfire mod

    • Slimesuit can now be embellished with clay and honey

    • Plate armor can now be embellished with obsidian and debris

    • Fix pickaxes not dropping enough geode shards

    Added Amethyst Bronze

    • Replaces Tinker's Bronze (Tinker's Bronze is removed)

    • Alloyed from copper and amethyst

    • Has the crumbling trait, which boosts mining speed against blocks that don't require a tool. Ideal for a pickaxe that also breaks dirt, or to boost mattock's speed against wood

    Rework tool tiers

    • Copper is now tier 1 instead of tier 2, stats adjusted

    • Seared Stone is now harvest instead of weapon, stats also adjusted

    • Bloodbone is now the main tier 2 weapon material

    • Necrotic bone is now tier 2 instead of 1, stats adjusted

    • Cobalt, whitestone, lead, rock, flint, and blazing bone tweaked slightly to better fit their tiers/be more unique


    • Added Killager, modifier from lapis that makes you deal more damage to illagers

    • Emerald now boosts conditional bonuses like smite, blasting, or killager

    • Diamond now grants +2 mining speed and +0.5 attack

    • Netherite now grants +20% attack and +25% mining speed

    • Sharpness now grants +0.75 damage per level

    • Haste now grants +4 mining speed per level (netherite makes it more comparable to vanilla)

    • Smite, bane of ssss, cooling, and alike now grant 80% as much, emerald restores them to their old values

    • Dwarven, maintained, and temperate all have flat boosts now

    • Make recipes for interaction abilities cheaper, using cobalt instead of netherite scrap

    • Seared Reinforcement can be cast using scorched stone now

    • Fix invariant boost happening in the opposite places it should

    • Fix fiery only lasting about 1 tick

    • Fix tool belt having the wrong max level


    • Added tooltips to scorched basin and tables to hint at the need for a cast. Might want a model change later, but have to think about it

    • Blazing blood can be poured on slime to make magma/magma cream

    • Fix seared triangle bricks and scorched chutes having no harvest tool

    • Fix smeltery fluids not rendering on fabulous graphics

    • Fix clear glass not dropping


    • Allow crafting blast furnaces using smooth basalt

    • Add more hacks to fix issues with slime islands not working in terralith

    • Fix raw cobalt not being tagged as a raw material


    • Tool stats now merge better with lower datapacks. For example, a datapack can change harvest level without changing any other stats (before changing harvest level required overriding durability, attack damage, and mining speed)

    • Removed fractured modifier - it was basically weaker sharpness

    • Remove maintained_2, since maintained has a new formula, did not seem worth updating both


    Update: hotfix was released to fix a bug with repairing armor or flint and bronze that was present in


    • Pickadze now shows the capped tier in the tooltip, instead of hiding the tier. It also now has a mining level of gold instead of wood, so can mine a few more blocks

    • Pickaxe Heads are now Pick Heads to better fit their usage in pickadzes

    • Looting on chestplates is now an upgrade instead of an ability, and requires unarmed

    • Allow gold casts to be used as the pattern in the part builder. It is reusable, but only supports making a single part. Remember that a chest can be placed next to the part builder for easy cast swapping

    • Fix strength having the same recipe as one overslime variant

    • Fix tinker station not showing the slider

    • Fix scythe attack not working

    • Fix pattern icons and unique part textures sometimes not loading

    • Fix glints on armor not rendering on all layers

    Balance * Cleaver is now slightly faster, making it more comparable to swords * Dagger now does slightly more damage to make it a more viable mainhand weapon * Kama does less damage, but now has an smaller version of the scythe AOE * Scythe is now slightly slower * Pickadze now starts with bane of sssss, similar to the hammer starting with smite * Vein hammer is now a slower weapon, as it was too fast after being switched to a piercing weapon

    Material variants

    • Wood, stone, and slimewood all have texture variants allowing for more vareity

    • Bronze and tinkers bronze are now both variants of the same material as well

    • Variants can have different recipe usage and names, but have the same repair items, stats, and traits

    • In the future, flint and basalt will be variants of some currently unnamed base material

    • Amethyst and quartz gems can be casted again, as after analyzing the recipes there were no major balance concerns

    • Fix seared and scorched bricks using too little fluid to cast

    • Fix faucets running some code client side causing rendering desyncs

    • Added config option for dragon scale drop

    • Make slime dirt and leaves tougher and give them mining levels

    • Fix only earth geodes having config option

    • Fix enderslime crystal names

    • Fix geodes spawning in non-vanilla dimensions

    • All client resource packJSON is now in the tinkering folder, for consistency with datapacks

    • Resource packs can now control the color of many things including harvest levels and modifier colors via tinkering/colors.json

    • Material text color is also in colors.json, allowing variants to be colored

    • Allow changing the pattern item per part builder recipe, could allow a modpack to add a tier 2 pattern to make all the broad parts

    • Fix crash from adding a material with no harvest level. Still a bad idea, but at least it does not crashh now

    • Two handed tools are now entirely controlled by tags, so the two handed modifier is no longer needed


    Anything marked [1.16] is being considered for inclusion in the final 1.16 release.

    • Added gold, iron, copper, and cobalt platforms, a new decorative block with unique connection behavior [1.16]

    • Added gold bars [1.16]

    • Fix bone models having the wrong display properties [1.16]

    • Fluid tooltips are now tag based rather than recipe driven

    • Added tinted clear glass

    • Removed blank gold casts. All the recipe usages are either gold ingots or any cast variant now

    • Marked seared blocks as "fire" to mob pathing when the smeltery is active, should prevent pathfinding from accidently killing pets [1.16]

    • Added geore support for smeltery melting [1.16]

    • Separated ore config bonuses betweens gems and metals

    • Metals are now 90mb per ingot, making 10mb nuggets and 810mb blocks

    • Gems are now 100mb, making 900mb blocks

    • Bricks are now 250mb, including seared and scorched

    • Lanterns now hold only 50mb, making it cheaper to fill

    • Ingot tanks now hold 48 ingots instead of 32 ingots

    • Smeltery and melter now each hold 12 ingots per block instead of 8

    • Reduced the number of recipes that give partial nuggets, everything should have a full amount of nuggets

      • For gems, 1/4 of a gem is currently the smallest unit

      • For bricks, 1/2 of a brick is the smallest unit

      • For glass, 1 pane is the smallest unit

    • Smeltery now only gives a 33% bonus when melting ores

    • Foundry now only gives byproducts as an ore bonus

    • Foundry byproduct amount is now a config option [1.16]

    • Silk touched ores now melt for 200% molten metal compared to raw ores

    • Raw ore blocks melt for 900% molten metal compared to raw ores

    • Amethyst is now able to be melted and casted

      • Allow hepatizon to be alloyed using quartz or amethyst

      • Changed quartz byproduct to amethyst

    • Quartz gems can no longer be casted

      • More consistent with vanilla not letting you uncraft the blocks. A datapack can easily bring this feature back

    • Scorched basin and table now require a cast to perform recipes, making it better for composite automation [1.16]

    • Gold platforms and gold bars can be used as a "blank cast" in scorched basins and tables [1.16]

    • Casting tables now swap the input and output when applied a redstone pulse. Helps with automating cast creation or swapping casts. [1.16]

    • Casting tables have better comparator behavior [1.16]

      • Signal strength of 0 means empty

      • Signal strength of 1 means it has a cast

      • Signal strength of 2-10 means a recipe is in progress with between 0% and 99% fluid required

      • Signal strength of 11-14 mean the recipe is cooling, from 0% to 99% cool

      • Signal strength of 15 means the recipe is done cooling an has an output

    • Added the pickadze

      • Effective on stone and dirt blocks

      • Cannot mine anything with a harvest level

      • Creates paths

    • Adjust the mattock

      • Tills instead of makes paths

      • Now 100% effective on logs and other plant like woods

      • Has a flat mining speed of 200% hand on non-log wood blocks

    • Kamas no longer till

    • Materials

      • Added deepslate to the stone tool material

      • Adjust slimeskull durabilities so repair makes more sense [1.16]

    • Move keybinds to their own control category [1.16]

    • Fix random material deserializer in tool loot condition [1.16]

    • Added protection as a new ability modifier. Grants 6% general protection at level 1 on each piece, and 4% at level 2 or more.

    • Added wax removal and axe scraping modifiers, used internally on axes

    • Haste no longer boosts attack speed

    • Swiftstrike is a new modifier that boosts attack speed, costing amethyst

    • Severing now reqires a lighting rod instead of copper

    • Diamonds now only give +250 durability on armor, as vanilla armor seems balanced at lower durability [1.16]

    • Improve performance of modifier hooks a bit [1.16]

    • Autosmelt is not crafted using blazing bone [1.16]

    • Fix some modifiers causing you to have 3 hands when holding a map [1.16]

    • Added raw ore chunks for cobalt ore

    • Cobalt ore is a bit more rare now. Should make the related alloys feel a bit more valuable

    • Added geodes for slime crystals, allowing slimes to be located without slime island

    • Properly updated leaves loot tables for the new forge shearing tool aciton

    • Remove copper other than copper nuggets, as vanilla adds copper

    • Slimy wood is currently breakable by both shovels and axes instead of just shovels. This is due to how mojang set of the harvest levels, still considering if there is a good way to restrict to just shovels

    • Corrected slime island registry names for the locate command. May cause worlds ported from 1.16 to not spawn as many slimes, but I considered that to be a pretty small group of people

    • Allow configuration over both spacing and separation of slime islands, should reduce chance of many islands in a small area. [1.16]

    • Fix some trapdoor variants not orienting properly [1.16]

    • Fix skyslime grass on enderslime dirt having the wrong model [1.16]

    • Updated various textures that used copper to the new vanilla palette

    • Recolored old copper textures and used for hepatizon, as that one never got proper textures [1.16]

    • Nahuatl now uses wood as a base, and several repair kit only materials use rock or wood [1.16]

    • Correct header for weapon abilities in mighty smelting [1.16]

    • Added hooks for modifiers and tool definitions to add tool actions (e.g. pickake dig or path making)

    • Tool harvest levels are now tier based instead of numbers, meaning any harvest level added by a mod is supported. Tools will keep the harvest level that Forge declares higher per the tier sorting registry

    • Reworked tool harvest logic. Is now primarily tag based, with additional extensions controlled by the tool definition

    • Tool stats are no longer required to be floats

    • Data loaders now have timers so we know if any are taking excessive amounts of time [1.16]

    • Tool attack logic is now part of the tool definition, meaning almost every tool behavior is controlled by the tool definition

    • Material stat decoders are now required on registration instead of using reflection

    • Texture generator now uses textures internally everywhere instead of having a boolean to choose. Helpers still exist for textures/item/tools so hopefully minimal data generator changes are needed

    • Modifier recipes now support stacks of modifiable items. Not used internally, but an addon requested it [1.16]

    • Materials are now in the tinkering folder in datapacks

    • Updated to new Mantle book format, meaning old book pages may no longer work

    • Moved MetalItemObject, FluidNameIngredient, FluidTagEmtyCondition, LoggingRecipeSerializer, and several deferred register extensions to Mantle.

    • Remove many deprecated methods.

    • Rename some tool related classes. Notably IModifierToolStack is now IToolStackView and the ambigious ToolStack::getModifier is now ToolStack::getMultiplier

    • Rename many classes to better reflect Mojmapping class names, notably Container is now ContainerMenu, Inventory is now Container, and TileEntity is now BlockEntity. If you see something that is using MCP style class names it may be renamed in a later release

    • Other repackaging for code cleanup

    • If you need help finding the replacement for something, feel free to discuss on the SlimeKnights discord


    This will most likely be the last 1.16.5 build unless significant issues arise. Development will be focused on 1.18.2


    • Update slimeskull durability to make repairing less expensive

    • Fix custom armor not always showing the enchantment glint

    • Fix plate armor being repaired with manyullyn instead of cobalt


    • Added config to disable dragon scale drops

    • Added darkthread, a binding only composite of obsidian and string that grants a tool looting

    • Added ancient hide, a binding only composite of ancient debris and leather that grant a tool fortune

    • Tweak textures of nahuatl by using wood as a base

    • Tweak textures of several materials that only exist as repair kits

    • Fix invariant being backwards

    • Fix random material deserializer crashing (used for tools in loot tables)

    • Fix bone items having wrong orientation in hand

    • Fix some compat material recipes not disabling properly when the material is not present


    • Added protection modifier, a new ability providing general protection. Together with the defense slot modifiers, armor can now reach levels of protection comparable to netherite armor

    • Added clay and honey as embellishments for slimesuit

    • Added obsidian and debris as embellishments for plate armor

    • Move tinkers keybindings to their own category

    • Diamond now only boosts armor durability by 250 instead of 500 to be more inline with vanilla diamond armor

    • Improve tooltips on several modifiers, notably adding a tooltip to temperate

    • Fix extra hand when holding map with some armor modifiers

    Modifier recipes

    • Netherite embellishment now costs nuggets instead of ingots

    • Exchanging and autosmelt can now be added to all harvest tools instead of just "primary" harvest tools

    • Players now have a higher drop rate of heads from severing, making it possible to get 100% drop rate with the right modifiers

    • Interaction modifiers such as tilling and pathing now use cobalt instead of netherite scrap in the recipe

    • Allow creating seared reinforcement using scorched stone, for nether runs

    • Looting on chestplates is now an upgrade, and now properly requires unarmed to make it more clear it only affects unarmed attacks

    • Make autosmelt recipe a bit cheaper, making it possible with overworld resources

    • Fix toolbelt having a max of level 1


    • Discourage mobs from pathfinding into an active smeltery or foundry

    • Cast chest can now be crafted using any cast type. This is more consistent with the recipe in 1.18, where blank casts no longer exist

    • Add recipes for casting magma using blazing blood and slime


    • Fix skyslime grass on ender dirt having the wrong texture

    • Fix trapdoor textures orienting wrongly when opened


    • Improve page for repair kits

    • Fix some typos in books


    • Added timers to data loaders to keep track of how fast they load

    • Make model caches concurrent, I am told some performance mod causes a crash if they are not concurrent, and its a trivial fix

    • Make modifier recipes support stackable tinker tools. We don't use this feature internally, but an addon requested it

    • Tool stat JSON have better merging logic across multiple datapacks. Now instead of needing to provide all stats, you only need to provide the ones you change. For example, you can change the harvest level of a material without being forced to override its durability, attack damage, and mining speed

    • Make texture scanners less likely to fail if the order of resource loading changes



    • Change hepatizon recipe to using molten quartz instead of obsidian

    • Fix tank and copper can models not properly tinting NBT fluids

    • Fix coloring on copper can tooltip

    • Fix material melting recipes showing wrong time in JEI

    • Fix damaged anvils not melting into iron

    • Fix smooth quartz not melting into quartz


    • Add unique toolpart textures for vines, strings, and pig iron

    • Make plate armor using cobalt instead of manyullyn

    • Fix z-fighting on non-multipart tools like armor


    • Added unique default textures for anvils

    • New model for scorched anvil

    • Make anvils default to no NBT variant when not showing all variants

    • Fix scaling chests not marking dirty when slots change

    • Fix tinker station and anvil allowing curse of binding armor to be removed


    • Added embellished, lets you change the texture of plate armor or the slimesuit

    • Added dyed, lets you change the color of travelers gear

    • Golden now changes the texture of armor, other modifier models on armor will be a future change

    • Make interaction modifiers on chestplates less likely to conflict with other mods

    • Fix wrong mod domain for creative slot recipe

    • Prevent crash with spamming helmet interaction with creeper slimeskull

    • Fix modifier hooks running in spectator mode

    • Fix insatiable scaling incorrectly


    • Fix duplicate registration for earthslime trees


    • Add support for potion fluids in spilling recipes, from both IE and Create

    • Add fluids to immersive engineering chemical thrower

    • Fix TOP modifier salvage loading when TOP is not installed


    • Added breakable dyed modifier model

    • Added breakable material modifier model

    • Added swappable modifier recipe, for modifiers that have a string variant

    • Allow material textures to be generated form outside item/tool. The current method of doing this is temporary until I can do a breaking change in 1.18 for the permanent method

    • Tool models can now specify a list of modifier models to render first, regardless of the order they are added in

    Books and language

    • Correct whitestone description

    • Remove outdated beacon base tooltips

    • Correct spider duration in tooltip

    • Fix outdated teleport cooldown

    • Fix material pages showing stacked items in a Mantle update

    • Fix melee protection tooltip being too low

    • Fix slimeshell in book claiming too high protection level



    • Tinker pickaxes and axes now have a 33% chance to spawn in place of the vanilla tools in the starter chest. Will have a random tier 1 head and binding with a wooden handle

    • Tinker tools now support vanilla curses, and will attempt to preserve enchantments applied from other sources. Note we still do not support enchantments, it was just not hard to apply this fix

    • Daggers are now an effect tool for any vanilla hoe harvestable blocks

    • Fix tools cheated in from creative search spawning with no stats. For multipart tools, they will randomize materials


    • Husk slimeskull now is repaired using iron, and drowned slimeskull with copper

    • Added piglin, piglin brute, and zombified piglin slimeskulls

    • All parts of the slimesuit are now repairable with enderslime


    • Bucketing chestplate modifier now plays sounds when filling and draining tanks

    • Reduce priority of chestplate interaction events to prevent conflicts with other mod handlers

    • Rework bouncy logic slightly, runs on both client and server to prevent weirdness with laggy servers

    • Added tooltips to many modifiers, which live update based on the players state (e.g. dwarven shows the boost for the current Y level)

    • Reduce damage for the chestplate unarmed, in playtesting it was just way too fast

    • Fix double jump resetting on world load

    • Fix modifier keybinds not working in multiplayer


    • Casting tables now render blocks slightly smaller

    • Fix smeltery tank GUI behaving oddly when drained while the GUI is open

    • Fix composite recipes breaking when the game is quit during cooling

    • Fix cooling animation not syncing on world load

    • Fix potion fluids being colorless drains, ducts, and copper cans


    • When interacting with clear item frames, redirects the interaction to the block behind if the clear frame is filled and you are not sneaking. Makes them ideal for chest labels

    • Improve syncing of slimeslings, should prevent odd behavior on laggy servers

    • Slimeslings now attempt to preserve speed instead of boosting velocity if it changed. The result is you will bounce off walls more when using slings, but they may give slightly less speed


    • Added piglin, piglin brute, and zombified piglin heads

    •  Allow some tinker ingots to work as beacon fuel, and adjust which blocks work as bases. Any metal that is a valid beacon base will be a valid fuel

    •  Piglins now love gold casts, item frames, and reinforcements

    •  Piglins now guard cast chests, as apparently that little bit of gold makes it theirs

    •  Endermen can now pick up nether grout


    •  Added config options to disable loot table injections

    •  Added config option to disable the slime recipe fix, like the glass recipe fix

    •  Added config option to limit max quads in the smeltery renderer for the sake of certain streamers who fill a smeltery with 6 stacks of HD generated item models


    •  Added new book covers by Falkor

    •  Fix inverted descriptions for path maker and flamewake


    Several translations were merged from the past several months of development. Some are more up to date than others, so updates are encouraged

    •  Japanese translation by kikathom

    •  Polish translation by joker876

    •  German translation by Toscanphoenixde

    •  Korean translation by red1854th

    •  Russian translation by Bytegm



    • Creeper Slimeskull damage can now be blocked using a totem of undying

    • Slimeshell now starts with pockets and protection I instead of protection III

    • Fix description of blaze slimeskull in encyclopedia

    • Fix slimeskull rendering when sneaking

    • Fix casting recipes not properly initializing tools. This lead to 1/1 durability on servers and 0 modifier slots on both sides



    • Item Frame - Helmet Upgrade - Adds 1 inventory slot to the helmet per level. The slot has a max stack size of 1, and will render on the screen when the helmet is worn. The config file allows repositioning the render

    • Strength - Chestplate Ability - Adds +10% attack power per level

    • Knockback - Chestplate Upgrade - Adds bonus knockback to both the empty hand and the tool being used

    • Pockets - Leggings Ability - Tool gains 9 inventory slots per level, can be opened with shift + the leggings keybind

    • Shield Strap - Leggings Ability - Adds 1 inventory slot per level, which can be swapped with the offhand using the leggings keybind

    • Tool Belt - Leggings Ability - Adds 4 inventory slots per level, which can be swapped with hotbar slots using the leggings keybind

    • Pocket Chain - Leggings Upgrade - Adds 1 slot to both shield strap and tool belt, and allows opening the leggings inventoy with shift + the leggings keybind

    • Frost Walker - Boots Ability - Causes water to freeze when walked upon, and protects the wearer from magma blocks

    • Path Maker - Boots Ability - Causes dirt to transform into paths when walked upon

    • Plowing - Boots Ability - Tills dirt when walked upon

    • Snowdrift - Boots Ability - Leaves a trail of snow in cool biomes

    • Flamewake - Boots Ability - Leaves a trail of fire

    • Expanded - Boots Ability - Increases the area of effect of frost walker, path maker, plowing, snowdrift, and flamewake

    • Soulspeed - Boots Upgrade - Increases movement speed on soulsand

    • Lightspeed - Boots Upgrade - Increases movement speed in well lit areas

    • Nearsighted - Slotless Modifier - Increases the FOV by 5% per level when the tool is worn or held. Example usage is canceling the FOV change from the heavy or sharpweight trait

    • Farsighted - Slotless Modifier - Decreases the FOV by 5% per level when the tool is worn or held. Example usage is canceling the FOV change from the speedy leggings upgrade


    • Bouncy recipe now uses earthslime instead of enderslime, but uses a lot more slime

    • Reduced time needed to slurp fluid from a helmet

    • Half dragonborn in air attack bonus, it was way too strong in testing

    • Removed recipe for power modifier, it has been moved to the new strength ability


    • Fix helmet interact running in spectator

    • Fix unlocalized piercing description for unarmed with thorns

    • Fix redundant recipe for thorns on chestplates


    • Queens Slime now glows with a minimum light level of 9. This is a visual thing, like blazing bone

    • Tinker Station UI now includes armor slots and offhand slot for more convenient modifying of armor

    • Fix the modifier removal command display -1 when removing all levels of a modifier

    Books & Documentation

    • Added new advancements for armor, and updated a few existing advancements

    • JEI now sorts modifier recipes by slot type

    • Improved display of attributes in tooltips

    • Materials and You, Puny Smelting, Mighty Smelting, Fantastic Foundry, and Tinkers' Gadgetry all include some armor information now


    • Make it easier to add new capabilities to tools

    • Add player context to modifier tooltip hook

    • Added more tool building context to addVolatileData and addToolStats

    • Added hook for boot walk modifier

    • Added hooks for modifiers adding inventory slots



    • Added three sets of modifiable armor: travelers, plate, and slimesuit

    Travelers Armor

    • Overworld armor set, made from copper and leather

    • Balanced number of upgrade and defense modifier slots

    Plate Armor

    • Nether armor set, made from manyullyn and chain

    • Higher armor and high number of defense slots, but few upgrade slots

    Slime Suit

    • Slimeskull is a new helmet made from a mob head and enderslime. Different heads grant different abilities.

    • Slimelytra is a modifiable elytra from an elytra and enderslime.

    • Slimeshell is leggings made from a shulker shell and enderslime. Its ability is not yet implemented, so for now it just grants protection (since the shell is hard).

    • Slimeboots are more expensive now, but also support modifiers and grant leaping I.



    Note that not all planned modifiers are fully implemented. Notably most of the planned leggings modifiers and some of the planned boots modifiers are not finished

    • Defense - New group of modifiers that increases protection

      • Melee Protection - Protects against melee attacks such as zombies or hoglins

      • Projectile Protection - Protects against projectiles and decreases visibility to mobs

      • Fire Protection - Protects against fire damage and decreases fire tick time

      • Blast Protection - Protects against explosion damage and decreases knockback from explosions

      • Magic Protection - Protects against magic damage (such as potions) and decreases duration of negative potion effects

      • Turtle Shell - Protects against all types of damage while underwater and increases swim speed

      • Dragonborn - Protects against all types of damage while in air and increases critical damage

      • Knockback Resistance - Adds +1 knockback resistance

      • Revitalizing - Increases max health

      • Golden - Prevents piglins from being hostile

    • Upgrades

      • Diamond - grants +1 armor in addition to durability boosts

      • Emerald - grants +0.5 knockback resistance in addition to durability boosts

      • Magnetic - works on armor providing a constant magnet

      • Netherite - grants +1 toughness and +0.5 knockback resistance in addition to durability boosts and dropped item protection

      • Overforced - increases overslime capacity

      • Reinforced - decreases damage taken by armor

      • Ricochet - increases knockback received

      • Sticky - causes attackers to sometimes receive slowness

      • Springy - causes attackers to sometimes bounce away

      • Soulbound - causes the armor to remain in the inventory on death

      • Thorns - causes attackers to sometimes take damage

      • Respiration - Helmet upgrade - Decreases rate of air consumption underwater

      • The One Probe - Helmet upgrade - Compatibility, grants access to the One Probe UI while wearing

      • Haste - Chestplate upgrade - Increases mining speed of held tool

      • Power - Chestplate upgrade - Increases attack damage of held tool

      • Experienced - Leggings upgrade - Increases experience gained

      • Speedy - Leggings upgrade - Increases movement speed

      • Leaping - Leggings upgrade - Increases jump height

      • Feather Falling - Boot upgrade - Increases protection against fall damage

    • Slotless

      • Draconic - grants +1 ability slot

      • Harmonious, Recapitated, Resurrected, Writable - grants +1 upgrade slot

      • Overslime - gives armor a second durability bar repaired with slime

      • Shiny - makes the armor glow

      • Worldbound - makes the armor item immune to damage when dropped

    • Abilities

      • Gilded - trades 1 ability slot for 2 upgrade slots

      • Unbreakable - makes the armor no longer lose durability

      • Aqua affinity - Helmet ability - allows mining underwater with no penalty

      • Slurping - Helmet ability - allows you to drink fluid contained in the helmet for effects

      • Zoom - Helmet ability - adds a toggleable zoom ability similar to 1.17's telescope

      • Bucketing - Chestplate ability - empty hand will fill or drain fluid from the chestplate

      • Frestarter - Chestplate ability - empty hand can create fire

      • Glowing - Chestplate ability - empty hand will place glows, a light source

      • Pathing - Chestplate ability - empty hand can create paths like a shovel

      • Reach - Chestplate ability - increases harvest block reach of held tool

      • Spilling - Chestplate ability - spills fluid on attackers, causing potion effects, bonus damage, and more

      • Stripping - Chestplate ability - empty hand can strip wood like an axe

      • Tilling - Chestplate ability - empty hand can till dirt like a hoe/kama

      • Unarmed Attack - Chestplate ability - allows you to punch with both the main and offhand, and allows modifying the chestplate with melee weapon modifiers to improve unarmed damage

      • Luck - Leggings ability - increases fortune and looting of the tool in hand

      • Bouncy - Boot ability - causes you to bounce instead of taking fall damage, replaces slime boots

      • Double Jump - Boot ability- allows you to jump a second time in air


    • New modifiers

      • Nohanded - Slotless - Upgraded form of offhanded, entirely disables tool interaction ability. Indented to allow a tool in the main hand and using a chestplate interaction ability in the offhand

      • Sticky - Upgrade - Causes slowness on the attacked target

      • The One Probe - Upgrade - Compatibility, grants access to the One Probe UI while holding

    • Changes

      • Severing - Fix wither skeleton being marked rare instead of wither

      • Spilling - Water spilling effect now extinguishes fire, perfect for a spilling helmet or a "healing" sword


    • Fix part builder not considering containers of input items


    • Fix slots command set argument syntax being incorrect


    • Tool parts now show the material ID in the mod name area of the tooltip

    • Added config option (default true) to show modifier "ingredients" in the JEI ingredient list. They are not items, but are useful for recipe lookup


    • Many improvements to the book indexes

    • Encyclopedia lists all armor modifiers and pieces



    • Modifiable Armor Item

    • Armor Material builder

    • Many armor related modifier hooks

    • Several new armor related modifier tags, and the new HELD tag to make a modifier only work on tools held in either hand (non-armor)

    Tool Definition

    • It is now possible to add a tool with no tool parts, but with stat types for each part



    • Update queens slime textures, including tool, ingots, nuggets, and blocks

    • Update ability master advancement with new abilities

    • Adjusted mattock stats

    • Mattock speed multiplier when mining wood is now adjustable with a datapack

    • Reduce power of stoneshield slightly

    • Slimy seeds now work on vines to make slimy vines


    • Fix errors in enderslime teleport event

    • Fix various typos and grammar errors in the books

    • Fix cast and part chests starting with 0 slots

    • Fix visual desync on the items displayed on a crafting station in multiplayer



    • Modifier description now is optionally tool sensitive

    • Added new sprite based texture generator, inspired by Materialis

    • Adjusted texture generator internals a bit, should not affect you unless you use custom texture transformers

    • See the texture generators wiki page for more information on the texture generators


    Breaking changes

    These changes will only affect addons that add new tools. If the addon does not add new tools, it should continue to work as before.

    • Tool definition build is now done through datapacks, so the old builders no longer exist. There was no clean way to keep the old builds and migrate to datapacks

        • Code calling methods on tool definitions should still work, though many old methods are deprecated

    • The old Tinker Station Slot layout logic was removed, so JSON added for slots will no longer work

        • There are no breaking changes in code as all the related classes were not in the API


    For full details on material changes, see the traits spreadsheet and the materials spreadsheet.


    The following materials are new binding exclusive materials. This means they provide no stats, but do provide some unique traits

    • Added leather, string, and vines as tier 1 materials. All have traits related to durability

    • Added chain and skyslime vine as tier 2 materials. Chain is a durability related trait, while skyslime vines are harvest

    • Added enderslime vines as a "tier 4" material, with a harvest/melee trait

    The following materials require another mod to provide certain ores for them to show.

    • Added osmium as a tier 2 general material

    • Added tungsten and platinum as tier 2 harvest materials

    • Added whitestone as a tier 2 special composite using aluminum, tin, or zinc

    • Added invar as a tier 3 weapon material

    • Added necronium as a tier 3 weapon composite using uranium and necrotic bones

    • Added plated slimewood as a tier 3 special material using brass and slimewood


    • Adjusted sort orders of many materials to leave more room for addon materials

    • Made bloodbone deal slightly more damage to better align with tier 2 materials

    • Made cobalt and steel a bit more distinct by giving steel more attack to cobalts mining speed

    • Constantan now has stats closer to tier 3 harvest materials

    • Seared stone buffed to have more durability

    • Material redirects now save to tool NBT, which should both be slightly more efficient and give the option to remove redirects for cleanup later


    • Blood and pig iron now restore hunger when used as a spilling effect, for the sake of future shenanigans

    • Broad axes now use a binding instead of the large plate in the recipe


    • Gold now always gives a byproduct of copper, instead of giving silver if present. This provides a source of copper in the nether

    • Smeltery debug block border now shows from smeltery building blocks instead of manuals, should make the reason more clear


    • Immersive Engineering: Added wire cast and wire casting

    • Mekanism: Added melting, casting, and composite recipes for for refined obsidian and refined glowstone, along with alloying for refined obsidian

    • Thermal: Added melting, casting, and alloying for lumium, enderium, and signalum


    • All materials now have unique textures with proper palettes due to texture generators, instead of using the tint fallback. Means much better contrast on textures (thanks RCXcrafter for palettes and the original bases)

    • New nahuatl texture to match the new part palette

    • New queens slime textures (thanks LethalChicken)


    • JEI: improved rendering of custom ingredient types, now show IDs on F3+H and all ingredients render properly in bookmarks

    • Fix a duplication bug in part builders related to changing stack sizes of the input

    • Fix cleared glass not being accepted by many vanilla recipes.

        • As a note for modpack makers, this fix was implemented by registering a second copy of those recipes.

        • A config option is provided to disable this fix in case you change the recipes (or you can use a datapack to remove our copies of the recipes)

    • Fix many small book errors

    • Fix JEI not showing stack sizes for part builder recipe inputs

    • Fix materials with no relevant stats showing in the book lists


    • Added new command to list all modifiers and whether they are used in recipes or traits

    • Tool definitions are now defined in datapacks

    • Tinker Station slot layouts are now defined in datapacks instead of resource packs, and have a bit more functionality. In addition, they are now separated from tools, so custom layouts can be more easily added

    • The book no longer shows tools with invalid material combinations

    • Added texture generators, specifically generators for material variants of part textures

      • Currently just implement repaletting a base texture, but the system has enough flexibility that the other methods can be brought back


    • Added material render info data generator

    • Added tool defintion and tinker station slot layout data generators

    • Added new IModifierRecipe interface for compatibility with the new command in dynamic recipes, it is the parent interface of IDisplayModifierRecipe

    • Material based recipes that fail to find the material now hide in JEI and always fail

    • All relevant teleports now fire a subclass of the forge EntityTeleportedEvent so other mods can cancel or modify teleports

    • Modifier tool damage hook now has an entity parameter. It is nullable, but in most cases it should be non-null



    • Fix z-fighting on tool models

    • Fix tool parts having tint indexes, possibly conflicting with certain modifiers


    • Added spilling, will boost your tool's attack using fluids from your weapon


    • Added venom from melting spiders

    • Many smeltery recipes now use forge fluid tags for better compatibility with other mods adding molten metals. If you see one that is missing and affects your mod, let us know on github or discord

    • Fix smeltery IO blocks (drain, chute, duct) not properly updating the faucet when the structure is broken

    • Fix seared lanterns melting into scorched stone


    • Switched to the forge datapack loaded event, should fix a lot of bugs with JEI loading

    Resource packs

    • Added materials and you page on part …



    • Tool stats now build on create for all tools instead of just non-multipart. Only affects tools that did not already build stats

    • Blazing bone tools now render fullbright

    • Fix material registry not syncing to players on LAN worlds

    • Fix bloodbone repair item using the wrong fluid to cast

    • Fix mob pathing around table blocks. If any blocks still have weird pathing let me know as its hard to catch them all


    • Pathing, stripping, and tilling now work on durability hand-held tools instead of harvest

    • Bucketing, firestarter, glowing and offhanded now only work on handheld tools (will affect armor later)

    • Glowing now deals less damage to the tool when the tool is reinforced or has other damage reduction methods

    • Correct blasting tooltip having too low of a value

    • Lightspeed, haste, fiery, and unbreakable now render brighter on tools


    • Drowned now melt into water

    • Mob heads now melt into the respective mob's fluid. Notably blaze heads melt into blazing blood

    • Fix smeltery drains being invalidated if placed next to a pipe that fetches fluid capabilities on block neighbor change

    • Fix heater consuming buckets when using lava buckets as a fuel source. Currently spits them out on the ground. Figured that is not a big deal as you really should be using a seared tank if you want to use lava, its far more efficient

    • Fix mob pathing around several smeltery blocks


    • Terracubes now drop bricks if killed while one fire

    • Slimes now are more consistent with vanilla, including follow range and update speed. This may affect spawning rates as well, needs more testing

    • Slimes now can spawn anywhere in the world on the appropriate grass color in the appropriate dimension

    • Rename slimy grass after foliage type instead of dirt, as foliage type has unique behaviors related to slime spawning

    • Fix earth slimes having no pick block


    • Shurikens now make a sound when thrown and should be slightly more efficient

    • Fancy frames reworked:

      • Clear frames now render the item slightly larger

      • Cobalt was replaced with diamond, which slowly rotates the item back to upright

      • Jewel was removed as we no longer have silky jewels (and it basically looked like gold)

      • Gold frames slowly rotate the item

      • Manyullyn frames render the item fullbright

      • Netherite frames are immune to explosions

    • Fix shurikens causing the player to move faster when thrown


    • Added content to Tinkers' Gadgetry about world and gadgets added by Tinkers. Should cover everything except slimeboots and EFLN, as both are subject to major changes in the next couple alphas

    • Updated blazing blood section in Fantastic Foundry with head melting and piglin bartering

    • Encyclopedia now states the ideal damage amount to deal for max fluid output from melting

    • Correct book descriptions about tools that start with piercing

    • Fix typo on the blasting page

    • Fix Thruul in puny melting looking about 20 pounds too heavy

    • Fix encyclopedia listing wrong value for tank modifier

    Data packs

    • Material JSON now supports syntax to redirect a material to another material

      • Useful if an addon material gets added to the base mod, or if an addon wants to automatically disable a material when another addon is loaded

    • Fix materials added by datapacks not showing the "added by" tooltip


    • Repackage some internal modifiers. If you were using any of these, let me know so we can consider if they belong in the public API

    • Interfaces for harvest and shear modules are now extracted into the public API

    • Modifier models have a new hook to allow adding extra parameters apart from the name


    • Tools now bake colors into the model instead of using ItemColors. Means they should render a bit faster and the colors handler is no longer needed for tool parts (modifiers use the tools one so that is still needed)

    • Materials now support setting a luminosity to make the material appear to glow slightly

    • Tank models now render the fluid in the item model as fullbright, and no longer require a color handler to be registered in code

    • The normal and breakable models now support options to set color and luminosity

    • Fix missing texture on tank models with small amounts of fluid



    • Nahuatl is now a new building block, and is used to repair nahuatl tools instead of obsidian

    • Blocks now have map colors

    • Added heads for blazes, endermen, strays, husks, drowns, spiders, and cave spiders


    • Added flint and bronze, a modifiable version of flint and steel

      • Crafted using 1 flint and 1 bronze ingot

      • Can receive durability based modifiers

      • Also can receive melee modifiers, starts with 1 attack damage and 1.0 attack speedd

    • Swords now instant break bamboo, like in vanilla

    • Tools now use the player knockback attribute, similar to a recent forge change

    Modifiers and materials

    • Allow dual wielding on two handed weapons, requires offhanded

    • Added bloodbone

      • Tier 2 weapon material

      • Composite of blood and bones

      • Handle has high attack speed

      • Trait deals bonus damage when the player is at low health

    • Added blazing bone

      • Tier 4 weapon material

      • Composite of blazing blood and necrotic bone

      • Handle has high attack speed

      • Trait deals bonus damage when the player is on fire

    • Added firestarter

      • Modifier turns a tool into a flint and steel

      • Expanders increase the size

    • Added fireprimer

      • Modifier exclusive to flint and bronze

      • Increases size of fire

    Tool Balance

    • Melting now gives up to twice as much fluid

    • Swords once again have 3 upgrade slots and 1 ability slot, as it turns out they are the strongest weapon in terms of DPS

    • Haste now gives only 5% attack speed per level instead of 10%

    • Dual wielding now causes 80% attack speed and damage, instead of just 66% attack speed

      • On large tools, its 90% attack speed, 70% attack damage

    • Sweeping edge is now linear, granting +25% sweeping per level

    • Reinforced is now a different formula to make level 1 less strong and later levels more viable

    • Jagged now gives only half the damage boost it previously did, as it still ended up too strong

    • Insatiable does +2 damage per level instead of +3

    • Piercing now does +1 piercing per level, but -0.5 attack damage (net gain of +0.5)

    • Glowing now only works on tools with durability (only affects addons), but only costs 10 duarability per glow instead of 25

    • Many handle stats rebalanced

      • Within each tier, all handles should be roughly as strong

      • Tier 4 is now about as strong as tier 3, to encourage using older materials

      • Overall most handles are about 5% to 10% weaker, but some are 5% to 10% stronger

      • Seared and scorched stone were both switched to high damage to make space for bloodbone

    • Several head stats rebalanced as well

      • Notably tier 4 heads are a bit less durability, and some high tier heads have lower mining speed


    • Added composite recipes for seared and scorched bricks

    • Make channels less sensitive to neighbor changes

    • Added casting recipe for andesite

    • Remove melting recipe for bloodshrooms

    • Fix certain quartz items giving 3x as much as they should


    • Bloodshrooms now behave a lot more like nether trees, including needing bonemeal to grow and "saplings" coming from bloodgrass

    • Reworked nether slimy foliage to be more like nether foliage

    • Skyslime now has a chance when growing to have double height

    • Added terracubes to clay islands, magma cube like slime that drops clay

    • Slime variants now spawn anywhere in the world on slimy grass of the correct color

    • Prevent slime islands from generating too high


    • Cast chests now keep contents when broken

    • Modifier chests are now Tinker's Chests

      • Can be dyed like leather armor

      • Can hold any item

      • Effectively a chest with more slots, but less storage capacity

      • Does not keep contents when broken

    • Part chests do not keep contents when broken

    • All chests should interact with automation better

    • Brought back modifier removal

      • For custom modifier recipes, its nessesscary to define a removal recipe or the modifier will give nothing when removed

    • Nahuatl, lavawood, and blazewood can be used as table legs

    • Added tool forge recipe

    Documentation and books

    • Material encyclopedia and flavor text is now defined in the main lang file instead of the book one, will help addons

    • Tool page in books now supports tools without parts and non-tools

      • In either case, will show vanilla crafting table recipes instead of tinker station recipe

    • Fix missing tooltips on material items

    • Fix insatiable tooltip applying the damage multiplier twice

    • Fix incorrect tooltip description for glowing

    • Fix modifier levels above 10 not showing properly

    Resource packs

    • Modifier models now can use tint indexes, good for animated colors

    • Modifier model JSON can now be extended more easily by addons

      • Replaces the modifier recipe lookup on recipe levels


    • Added a config option to force enable Tinker's compat materials, useful for testing material balance

      • For modpacks, don't use this as it won't give you recipes. Just use a datapack to change the material (honestly, you would be better off adding a custom material that reuses the trait)

    • addVolatileData and addToolStats now have item context

      • Old hooks still exist as deprecated, will be removed in the future, but should remain for a couple alphas

    • Added set option to the tool definition builder

      • Used instead of modifier for attack speed on vanilla tools, will also be useful for specialized tools in the future

    • Split out parent ModifiableItem from ToolItem

      • Has a lot of similar uses, but does not implement harvest logic

      • Much of the logic from ToolItem was also moved to some of the helper classes to make modifiable items that don't extend ModifiableItem easier

    API - Recipes

    • Modifier requirements now check tool tag as well as modifier level

    • Added modifier salvage recipes

      • The existing modifier recipe builder can generate salvage recipes, in many cases its just a couple of tweaks for the recipe

    • Merged the two recipe modifier packages

      • Unfortunately may break some addons, though in most cases it will only affect datagen

    • Modifier slots are more generic now

      • Allows addons to add more slot types

      • New wiki page gives more details



    • Added: padded - reduces knockback of a tool

    • Added: dual wielding - allows using a small tool in the offhand

    • Added: textures for many modifiers on tools (thanks RCXcrafter)

    • Added: dragon scales - dropped when the dragon is damaged by end crystals or TNT, used as an alternative to dragon heads

    • Changed: diamond, emerald, netherite, and shiny now change the text rarity of tools

    • Changed: reach now requires queens slime instead of manyullyn

    • Changed: tilling, stripping, and pathing now require 1 netherite scrap and 2 tool parts instead of custom items

    • Changed: autosmelt now uses magma blocks instead of ichor

    • Changed: severing now works on the ender dragon

    • Changed: severing drop rate is doubled on rare entities such as the ender dragon

    • Changed: damage based modifiers are now scaled by tool damage multipliers

    • Modifiers such as shiny now display better in JEI


    • Added the dagger, a fast item that can be used in both hands

    • The scythe and cleaver now shear in AOE when given silky. Kamas, daggers and swords can use expanders (and silky) to get AOE shearing

    • Kamas now attack somewhat slower


    • Doubled the effect of cultivated/wood, now granting +50% repair per part

    • Greenheart, skyroot, and bloodshroom now can be used to make and repair slimewood in the part builder

    • Removed the option to repair slimewood using slime


    • Lower cost patterns are now sorted first in the part builder, effectively groups small and large parts

    • Added back config options to hide most table or anvil variants

    • Fix wrong tag for crafting station variants in JEI


    • Incomplete smelteries now display a message on right click explaining the problem

    • Incomplete smelteries now highlight the problematic block in red

    • When holding a book, the block preventing the smeltery from expanding is highlighted in yellow

    • Fix melter UI not opening due to empty stacks of fluid tank items

    Gadgets and world

    • Added slime cake, grants potion effects replacing slime drops

    • Reduced mining level of cobalt ore to just iron

    • Added signs for the three woods added by Tinkers


    • Added advancement to get the anvil

    • Split tool crafting advancement into small and broad

    • Move ability advancement to the smeltery tree, as most abilities require the anvil

    • Add new advancement for getting 6 extra upgrade slots

    • Disable glass cannon advancement, as its not currently possible (but will be once the soul forge is added)

    Book additions

    • Updated materials and you

    • Added puny smelting content

    • Added mighty smelting content

    • Added fantastic foundry content

    • Added encyclopedia of tinkering content

    • Only book left unfinished is Tinkers' Gadgetry

    Book changes

    • If a material has no items, repair kit is now the fallback instead of a question mark

    • New book item textures (thanks Falkor)

    • (Mantle change): books can now be removed from lecterns using the UI

    • New recipe for the encyclopedia

    • Added new padding page type


    • Adjusted sort keys of tinker station tools, to add more room for addons to sort new tools

    • Moved material melting fluid into a recipe

    • Split material casting fluid into a separate recipe, supports tagged fluids and allows a material to be only castable or only meltable

    • Most casting recipes now use tagged inputs instead of hardcoded fluids

    • Rework composite recipes a bit, instead of composite basins and table, there is composite part recipes and composite materials

    • Added the option to hide a material from JEI and creative

    • Added interfaces to aid in recipe generation for materials, metals, parts, and tools

    • Added repairable tag, so its possible to make a modifiable item with no durability


    • Harvest and attack related hooks now use context objects to reduce the number of parameters

      • Should also mean those hooks remain stable up into the beta release

    • Block harvest related hooks now have context related to the originally targeted block

    • Attack related hooks now have a flag marking if an entity is the targeted entity and hand used for attacking

    • Attack related hooks now are called for all entities instead of just living, a couple are renamed as a result

    • Validate hook is now called when the last level of a modifier is removed, to allow preventing removal

    • Added tool shear event to allow shearing non-IForgeShearable entities

    • Material registry now has hooks on both sides to run events once the registry is fully loaded, and uses a forge event

    • Added new tool definition builder, will make it easier to add new tool definition parameters if needed

    • Begin changes needed to allow non-part tools to support modifiers


    • Removed slimedrops, replaced with slime cake (see gadgets)

    • Fully remove stone ladders and torches, wooden rails, dried clay, and jerky, they were just hidden before

    • Library cleanup: many classes were moved to new packages and some deleted or moved out of library

      • Notable change: MaterialValues is now FluidValues


    • Updated CraftTweaker examples (thanks Jared)

    • Improve debug display of modifiers and materials

    • Fix log spam when tools with old NBT are stored in containers that don't call proper vanilla itemstack hooks

    • Fix exception on config reload

    • Fix crafting station not working

    • Enqueue some vanilla registration to hopefully prevent race conditions with other mods registering



    • Add a recipe to cast iron bars

    • Prevent casting magma cream, magma blocks are just too common

    • Tinkers bronze recipe now produces 3 ingots instead of 4

    • Allow filling tank items in casting tables and some modded machines

    • Prevent melting tanks if they contain fluid

    • Add seared and scorched lanterns: a decorative tank holding 100mb, useful for light or a duct filter

    • Increase hardness and blast resistance of drains, ducts, chutes, and controllers

    • Pickblock on filled tanks now includes the fluid

    • Fix two invalid foundry cases that still built (and possibly caused crashes)

    • Fix channels reappearing after breaking in some cases


    • Using too much material (e.g. logs to make a pickaxe head) now places leftovers in the inventory

    • Patterns now show tooltips in the UI

    • Its now possible to add custom part builder recipes that don't make tool parts

    • Tinker station slots now filter tool parts

    • Part builder recipes now show in JEI

    • Fix a few material item recipes allowing crafting invalid items


    • Magnetic improvements

      • Now applies after harvesting with a kama or scythe

      • Items pulled by magnet now cancel out gravity

    • Exchanging tweaks

      • Instant break blocks can be exchanged even if the tool is wrong

      • Fixed neighbors not always updating

    • Rename Bane of Arthropods to Bane of Sssss, works on creepers now

    • Haste is now multiplicative instead of additive

    • Decrease percentages on netherite a bit

    • Increase attack damage of diamond slightly

    • Make luck I and luck II a bit cheaper, no longer requiring rabbits feet until luck III

    • Fix a couple of modifiers still working when the tool is broken


    • Make obsidian panes immune to the ender dragon

    • Make sky slime slings charge a bit faster


    • Allow placing books in lecterns

    • Add advancements for a basic tutorial to the mod

    • Add encyclopedia book: contains all tool materials from the other books


    • Fix villagers not being able to open slimy wood doors


    • Make fluids such as slimes and metals display better values in UIs

    • Rename molten blaze to blazing blood

    • Rename magma cream to magma

    • Add a way to barter for blazing blood, making 3 ways to obtain it

    • Fix fluids not giving off light in tanks


    • Create compat: cast andesite alloy, and adjusted brass ratio

    • Immersive engineering compat: cast treated wood

    • Ceramics compat: melt ceramic items, alloy porcelain, and fill clay buckets

    • Provide player access in the crafting station in a few more places


    • Increase pack version to prevent a warning

    • Add index page type to books

    • Add showcase page type to books

    • Add support for modifier models, though currently not used as we are not done texturing the modifiers

    • Tool slot loader now ignores empty JSON, allowing disabling a slot loader


    • Split modifier hook onBlockUse into beforeBlockUse and afterBlockUse

    • Make tool stats more generic, allowing addons to add custom stats more easily

    • Allow new stat types to be made repair materials



    • New block that can alloy from neighboring tanks

    • Based on the original block from TInker's Complement

    • First step in the nether smeltery progression

    • Made from scorched bricks, the new nether alternative to seared bricks

    • UI shows neighboring tanks


    • Nether smeltery alternative

    • Crafted from scorched blocks, quartz, and obsidian

    • Requires the corners in the structure, unlike the smeltery

    • Larger fluid capacity to make up for the extra blocks needed, but cannot alloy

    • Ores produce byproducts but less base metal


    • Improved behavior of casting tables with existing items

    • Fix progress bars not properly updating in the UI sometimes

    • Now 4 tank variants instead of 3, and the names make the capacity clear. Means a gauge is available for both ingots and buckets

    • Diamond and quartz can both be melted in the smeltery now

    • Eyes of ender, granite, and diorite can all be casted

    • Casting channels can now be set to accept input on the side without a channel being there, allowing other mod's pipes to fill them

    • Obsidian alloying now uses less water, means you only need 3 water bottles from piglin bartering to make a foundry

    • Fix emptied copper cans not stacking with freshly crafted cans

    • Tagged faucets for smeltery compatibility


    • The offhand no longer renders when holding a 2 handed tool

    • Scorched stone is a new tool material

    • Rename sword blade to tool blade, to make kama usage less awkward

    • Tweak searing, bonus damage now works on fiery mobs

    • Lowered damage multipliers on many tools, strongest tools are now 1.5x but a few tools have higher base damage

    • Tool base damage is now calculated before handle multipliers, making the multiplier a bit stronger

    • Adjust a few tool stats in light of the above change

    • Kamas now break cactus faster

    • Improve display of chests in the crafting station

    • Colors on handle multipliers are a bit darker now, so they read better in the book

    New modifiers

    • New overforced modifier: increases overslime capacity using slimesteel reinforcements

    • Add shiny modifier, makes tool glow

    • Add sweeping edge modifier for swords, like vanilla

    • Added exchanging, causes blocks you mine to be replaced with the block in the offhand

    • Added tconstruct:red_extra_upgrade, tconstruct:green_extra_upgrade, and tconstruct:blue_extra_upgrade, three modifiers like writable or recapitated that give +1 upgrade slot, but with no recipe. Intended for modpacks that want to provide quest rewards or integrate more mods with Tinkers

    Modifier changes

    • Changed reinforced recipe: uses 24 iron reinforcements (net cost is 6 obsidian, 8 iron ingots)

    • Changed luck recipe, it was too cheap and the mechanics were a bit convoluted

    • Strengthen necrotic, restoration is now 0 to level * 5%, instead of a level * 10% chance of restoring 10%

    • Beheading is now severing, and it has a few more drops including rabbits feet and spider eyes

    • Added JEI recipe transfer support for modifier recipes

    • Remove caps on gilded, expanded, and reach, allowing 3 levels of them on swords due to their extra ability slot

    • Fix piercing not working and cooldown being ignored

    • Remove modifier removal via sponges for now, it was making certain mechanics hard to implement. It will be brought back later as part of the modifier workstation


    • Fix clay islands using the wrong type of tall grass

    • Fix slimy grass and ferns not being replacable

    • Fix cobalt ore not properly culling in walls


    • New textures for tinkers bronze, plus a few unimplemented materials (big thanks to RCXcrafter)

    • New textures for molten obsidian and molten glass

    • Adjusted many fluid and tool material colors to better match the items and fluids

    • Fluid textures and colors can now be controlled by resource packs

    • Fix silky cloth having the wrong palette


    • Added crafttweaker support (thanks Jared)

    • Adjust tool tags a bit related to melee or harvest

    • Material traits are now their own JSON instead of being part of the material JSON, and it supports traits per stat type

    • Rework material stats JSON a bit to make them behave more like tags

    • Tag guidebooks as forge:books/guide

    • Added fantastic foundry guidebook, for future nether content

    • Fix index pages with 3 columns overflowing, 3 is going to be our max so 4 is still too much



    • Fix some syncing errors with many tile entities, showed up in multiplayer or when placing from the offhand.


    • Part builder now has support for side chests just like crafting stations

    • Fix blackstone not working as a input for stone


    • Casting recipes for common materials (e.g. copper) are now tag outputs instead of hardcoded to Tinkers

    • Added recipe for melting obsidian dust

    • Fix heater not saving inventory contents


    • Pickaxes now do 1 piercing damage, but have 1 lower based damage

    • Sledge hammer base damaged reduced, and the undead damage bonus made more visible

    • Broadswords renamed to swords

    • Swords have 1 extra ability slot, but 1 fewer upgrade slots. Using the gilded modifier, they effectively gained 1 upgrade slot

    • Improved shift and control tooltips on tools to show less redundant information

    • Remove damage cutoff, it was a poorly communicated and hard to understand mechanic and there are better ways to prevent power crepe

    • Scythes and kamas now harvest anything tagged as forge:crops instead of just minecraft:crops


    • New piercing modifier using cactus

    • Antiaquatic switched to use pufferfish to craft


    • Added earth slime islands

      • Spawn in the ocean

      • Spawn earth slimes (vanilla mob) and greenheart trees

    • Added clay islands

      • Spawn in the sky randomly like sky slime islands

      • Contain a clay filled lake and a random vanilla tree

    • Slime island configs improved

      • Config can now control the island frequency, and individually disable each island type

    • Added a sound when bounced by congealed slime

    • Added ender slime mob, drops ender slime and has a teleport attack and defense

    • Fix earth slime fluid not being transparent

    • Fixed slimy grass and leaves not dropping when broken with a kama

    • Fixed wooden doors dropping two items


    • The applyEnchantments hook is now specifically for block harvesting, and gained information about the targeted block



    • Add support for player sensitive recipes in the crafting station

    • Fix duplication bugs with doLimitedCrafting on crafting stations or tinker stations

    • Overall some pretty big code changes to crafting stations, so bugs are possible

    • Fix tinker station message disappearing when reopening the window or when resizing Minecraft


    • Added unbreakable ability modifier, prerequisites include reinforced V and netherite (total of 7 upgrade slots)

    • Added tinker station recipe to damage tools using potions of harming

    • Added tinker station recipe to remove modifiers using a wet sponge

    • Tools repair is a now a bit more efficient

    • Mattocks now break nether wart blocks faster

    • Fix repair kits showing head stats in the tooltip

    • Fix overslime recipe not properly working when the tool previously had no overslime


    • New cast textures (thanks to RCXCrafter)


    • Added slimy wood, a half slime half wood thing that grows from slimy saplings

      • Comes in three variants: greenheart (temporarily in the end), skyroot (sky islands), and bloodshroom (blood islands)

      • Replaces the previous congealed slime from the trees

    • Potentially fix slime islands not spawning in modified nethers, such as Biomes O Plenty

    • Congealed slime now behaves more like clay blocks in its drops

    • Fix slime trees being too rare

    • Fix leaves and plants not burning properly


    • Added pages to tinkers' gadgetry for the two new recipes: tool damaging and modifier removal

    • Fix wrong tool being listed on the axe page in some worlds


    • Crafting station blacklist has been moved to the tile entity type tag tconstruct:crafting_station_blacklist. Should improve mod compatibility as mods can directly blacklist their tile entities.

    • The config for showing only one tool or tool part now lets you specify which tool material to show



    • New piggybackpack recipe

    • Glows are now replacable with blocks, like tall grass

    • Clear glass blocks now prevent fluid drips

    • Work around a spectator crash with custom chests


    • Removed kama heads, kamas now use sword blades to craft, and mattocks pickaxe heads

    • Kamas and scythes can now disuse tripwire. Update forge to at least 36.1.15 for best behavior

    • Rebalanced many tool stats, should help the weapons stand out better individually rather than one being strongest

    • Fix critical hits happening when tools are not fully charged

    • Fix some tool AOE breaking bedrock

    • Fix scythes not working to AOE slimegrass


    • New slimesteel textures (credit to LethalChicken)

    • Slimesteel blocks are now bouncy

    • Pig iron's trait now allows you to eat the tool instead of being random

    • Iron now has the sturdy trait instead of reinforced, steel has a new ductile trait that boosts damage, durability, and mining speed at a lesser amount

    • Average strength of some traits lowered. Before traits averaged at +10% (+30% overall), now they are +5% (+15% overall)


    • New glowing modifier: allows tool to place a glow on sneak + right click

    • New tilling, stripping, and pathing modifiers: grant the block transform behaviors from tools

    • Tank modifier: adds a fluid tank to tools allowing them to transport fluids

    • Melting modifier" melts dropped items and attacked mobs

    • Bucketing modifier: allows tool to pick up and place fluids in world


    • Congealed slime is now bouncy on the side

    • Fix shovels not breaking congealed slime faster

    • Fix some slimy grass behavior being inconsistent with vanilla


    • Removed the requirement that the smeltery contains fluid to melt mobs. For a safe smeltery, have no fuel

    • Fix filling and emptying tanks not making sound

    • Fix coagulated blood not melting into blood

    • Fix wall crafting producing too few walls


    • Add content to Material and You, this book should have all information up until the melter

    • Melter and smeltery content will be later books

    • Mighty smelting now discusses the 3 main ways to get molten blaze

    • All book tooltips now contain the word book to help with searchability

    • Fix a textless tooltip when hovering over "no stats"


    • Add new modifier tooltip hook

    • Add hooks for modifiers to change right click behavior

    • Overslime modifier API changed a bit, should be easier to extend for a similar modifier


    工具范围功能(Tool AOE)

    • Change AOE behavior of existing tools


    • No more even number AOE


    • Hammers and excavators now start at 3x3, and expand to 3x5 then 5x5

      大锤和开掘铲的起始挖掘范围现为 3×3,扩展后将逐级提升至 3×5 和 5×5

    • Scythe now starts at 3x3x3 and expands to 5x5x3 then 5x5x5

      长柄镰的起始破坏范围现为 3x3x3,扩展后将逐级提升至 5x5x3 和 5x5x5

    • Pickaxe now gains depth when expanding


    • Mattock now gains veining when expanding


    • Hand axe and kama now expands into a plus shape before the 3x3

      手斧和短刃镰现在玩家拥有 3x3 作用范围的工具之前可扩展为增幅形态

    • Added vein hammer: can vein mine with a 2 block distance, and be upgraded to a 4 block distance

      添加了脉矿锤(暂译):可挖掘 2 方块尺寸的矿脉,升级后可挖掘 4 方块尺寸的矿脉

    • Added broad axe: high damage and can fell whole trees


    • Unlike the lumber axe, it will only fell a single column in 2x2 trees by default

      与伐木斧不同,它默认只会放倒一颗 2x2 截面的柱状树

    • Adding expanders allows felling 1x3 trees then 2x3 trees

      添加扩展会赋予它放倒 1x3 和 2x3 截面树木的功能

    其它有关工具的改动(Other tool changes)

    • Added repair kits, for repairing tools in the crafting table


    • Make jagged and stonebound less explosive on broad tools


    • Tasty now adds bacon


    • Fix crafting station not keeping log textures on drop



    • Prevent using an empty bucket or can as a filter, let to confusion


    • Added debris nuggets, for using leftover molten debris


    • Changed the texture of seared bricks to make it more unique from netherite ingots


    • Allow filling buckets using drains by interacting using a copper can or bucket


    • Fix issues with stacked copper cans filling Tinkers tanks, further issues are the responsibility of other mods


    • Fix a potential crash in the casting renderer


    • Fix container filling recipe deleting inputs NBT and not checking if it can be filled

      修复灌满容器的合成会删除输入 NBT 并且不检测目标物品可否被灌满的问题


    • Increase efficiency of slime boots further


    • Added tag blacklist for piggybackpack



    • Tagged slimy leaves and saplings for better mod and vanilla compat



    • Material render info can now be set to not use unique textures, mainly used for the internal UI materials


    • Tag all books as forge:books

      为所有的手册打上 forge:books 标签

    • Fix potential server attack with one of our packets


    • Added materials pages to the books for the first 4 tiers


    • Fix crash on mobs spawning on certain blocks


    • Potentially fix crash with tags on server load

      尝试修复在服务器加载时由 tag 导致的崩溃



    • Make it cheaper to cast blaze rods from molten blaze


    • Casting blaze rods now requires a rod cast, which can also be used for some Immersive Engineering recipes

      现在浇注烈焰棒需要使用手柄铸模,该铸模同样也可以用于沉浸工程(Immersive Engineering)的一些合成

    • Added multi-use cast tags so other mods can more easily add cast variants


    • More metal melting and casting support. Now supports gears, plates, rods, sheetmetal, and coins


    • Fix steel melting temperature being too high


    • Fix stonecutting seared blocks into themselves


    冶炼炉结构(Smeltery structure)

    • Smeltery and melter controller now have separate states for burning (shows flames) and valid structure


    • This means the flames on the controller will only show when fuel is being consumed


    • All smeltery blocks now have a in_structure state, that is visible on the debug screen. It will be true when its part of a valid smeltery

      所有的冶炼炉方块现在都具备了一个 in_structure 数据,可以在调试界面看到该信息。当某个方块成为有效的冶炼炉结构的一部分时,该数据就会变为 true

    • Max smeltery size is now 16x16x65, or 14x14x64 internal

      冶炼炉尺寸上限被提升至 16x16x65,拥有 14x14x64 的内部空间

    • Unfortunately, there was no easy way to migrate this change. You will need to break and replace the melter's fuel source and a block in the bottom row of the smeltery to update


    工具部件(Tool parts)

    • Tool rods are now called tool handles


    • Tough tool rods are now called tough handles


    • Part builder now shows when a material is unusable



    • Added lightspeed modifier: use glowstone to make your tool mine faster in the light


    • Added blasting modifier: use gunpoweder to make your pickaxe break low blast resistance blocks faster


    • Added hydraulic modifier: use prismarine shards to make your pickaxe mine faster in the rain or underwater


    • Necrotic can now be added to tools using a wither rose, a ghast tear, and a block of congealed blood



    • Tagged scythe and kama as "forge:tools/scythe" for thermal cultivation compatibility

    • 为短刃镰和长柄镰添加 forge:tools/scythe 标签,以提供对热力农业的支持

    • Split harvestable tags to make it easier for addons, see Github wiki for more details

      分离 harvestable 标签以使附属更易制作,请查阅 Github 上的维基以得到更多细节信息

    • Allow harvesting beehives and carving faces on pumpkins



    • Husks and drowned now drop zombie heads (temporary until we add proper heads)


    • Strays now drop skeleton skulls (temporary until we add stray skulls)


    • Withers now drop wither skeleton skulls, little bit of salvage


    • Snow golems now drop pumpkins, or snow blocks if they were sheared



    • Slime boots now work on non-players


    • Sky slimes behave as if they are always wearing slime boots, they will no longer die when jumping off the island


    • Sky slimes now jump higher


    • Endermen can now carry slime dirt and congealed slime


    • Renamed cobalt ore to "Nether Cobalt Ore" for vanilla consistency


    • Fix a potential crash on load with composter recipes being registered



    • Mighty smelting is now crafted from molten seared stone instead of molten copper


    • Puny smelting is now crafted using grout instead of a seared brick


    • Make tool part layout cleaner


    • Add support for rendering material pages


    • Fix modifier recipes not supporting overslime recipes


    • Fix modifiers section not supporting non-modifier pages



    • Improved behavior of piggy back pack, it should be more intutive


    • Fix ender slime slings teleporting the player into invalid locations, such as past the worldborder


    • Fix fancy frames being unlocalized and not rendering right, clear item frames are once again clear



    • Striders are warmed by liquid magma or molten blaze


    • Soul fire can be placed on soul glass


    • Piglins now guard rose gold and silky jewel blocks


    • Modifier chest stack size limited to 16


    • Fix scrollbar on chests not working




    • Kamas now can right click harvest again


      • The logic is tag based, so blocks must be in minecraft:crops to work

        该功能逻辑是基于原版的 tag 的,所以只会在对应方块具有 minecraft:crops 这一标签时起效

    • Added back scythes: the 3x3 version of kamas

      添加长柄镰(旧译镰刀):具备 3x3 工作面积的大型短刃镰

      • Have AOE attacking, plant breaking, and hoeing


      • Due to limitations of 1.16, they do not have shearing when given silk touch, but many blocks support both silk touch and shears

        由于 1.16 版本的限制,它们不能在获取精准采集能力后维持其剪刀功能,但许多方块都是既支持精准采集又支持剪刀收获的

    • Added back the cleavers: the giant broadsword


      • Cleavers grant bonus range when held, and have a larger version of the broadswords sweep attack


    • Improved tool block breaking animation


      • This should flicker a lot less when the players view shifts



    • Necrotic bone is now a tool material instead of an upgrade modifier


    • Manyullyn has slightly higher handle attack modifier


    • Lead has slightly less damage


    • Basalt now crafts flint instead of stone


    • Blackstone can still be used for stone tools in the nether、


    改善工具模型(Improved tool model)

    • Tools now may change textures when broken


    • Broad tools (sledge hammers, excavators, etc.) now render twice the size in hand


      • This work using 32x textures, scaled to be the same pixel scale as the small tool 16x textures

        这项功能基于 32x 分辨率的材质,这样就能与使用 16x 分辨率材质的小型工具保持相同的像素比例


    • Added recipe for casting blaze rods from molten blaze


    • Show container filling recipes in JEI

      现可通过 JEI 展示填充容器的合成表

    • Improve error message when swapping parts leaves too few modifiers



    • Added Puny Smelting: the book for melters, casting, and tier 2 materials

      添加《微型熔炼》(暂译):记述熔炼炉、浇注和 2 级材料的手册

    • Added Mighty Smelting: the book for smelteries, peripherals, alloying, entity melting, and tier 3 materials

      添加《强力冶炼》(暂译):记述冶炼炉、外围设备、合金、生物烧冶和 3 级材料的手册

    • Added Tinker's Gadgetry: the book for non-tool content, such as slimeslings


    • Added some placeholder pages to the book, notably for tools and a couple modifiers


    • At this time, the books are not finished. The extra books were mainly added so the one writing the documentation can more easily test their changes in game



    • MeltingFuelCache renamed to MeltingFuelLookup

      MeltingFuelCache 被重命名为 MeltingFuelLookup

    • No longer requires world access to fetch melting recipes



    • Slimeslings can no longer be enchanted directly in a table


      • Enchanted books should still work


    • Fix enderslime slings not centering the player, causing some weird behavior in some orientations


    • Corrected enderslime tooltip


    • Fix mobs spawning on clear glass


    • Fix beheading tools behaving oddly when breaking blocks



    • Removed a bunch of old registry migrations


      • This should only affect you if you played the mod pre-alpha and have not download an official alpha

        这项变动只会对那些预先玩 pre-alpha 的版本(即在发布前自行构建或使用官方的构建测试网站下载的 jar)并且没有更新官方 Alpha 版本的玩家有影响



    • Blood slime blocks are no longer sticky, they are just bouncy


    • Ichor blocks will not stick to other ichor, but will stick to slime, honey, and other blocks


    • Ender slime will stick to other ender slime, but will not stick to other slime unless pushed


    • Slime blocks, congealed slime, slime boots, and slime slings can no longer be crafted from mixing slime types


    • Fixed slime blocks not being bouncy from pistons



    • Increased damage on mattocks slightly


    • Increased damage on axes to be closer to vanilla, lowered attack speed slightly


    • Increased sledge hammer damage to be more comparable to axes, decreased attack speed a lot


    • Broadswords now grant slightly higher reach when held


    • Added new reach ability modifier


    • Expanded II recipe changed


    • Removed the text field from the tinker station, it did not function and may be removed permanently. Anvils work for renaming tools


    • Fixed tool parts and tools not always showing in JEI

      修复工具部件和工具不总是能在 JEI 中看到的问题。

    • Fixed broadsword sweep attack not dealing damage


    • Fixed the order of tool part slots for the mattock



    • Improve faucet behavior, should sync slightly better and added a small delay before pouring when powered


    • Lower the melting temperature of osmium (compatibility) so it is meltable using lava


    • Added compatibility support for casting, melting, and alloying pewter


    • Soul glass now speeds up entities with soul speed


    • Fixed some inconsistent behavior with casting tables and basins that could lead to items not being removable


    • Fixed a crash when placing a casting channel below another one


    • Fixed placed tanks not stacking with unplaced tanks


    • Fix soul glass panes melting into the wrong fluid


    • Fix some seared block models looking weird



    • Updated the intro to make correct statements about what is incomplete


    • Added some test pages for modifier recipes in the book, full modifier listing coming later


    • Added tools in the book, some descriptions may be outdated



    • All pairs of still and flowing fluids now have a fluid tag under tconstruct


    • Tagged liquid earth slime as forge:slime, switched to that in relevant recipes

      将大地史莱姆液体重新标记为 forge:slime 以使其支持有关合成

    • Tagged liquid magma cream as forge:magma, switched to that in relevant recipes

      将液态岩浆膏重新标记为 forge:slime 以使其支持有关合成

    数据包(Data packs)

    • Removed ingredient tconstruct:intersection in favor of mantle:intersection

      移除了 tconstruct:intersection 并用 mantle:intersection 取而代之

    • Removed ingredient tconstruct:without in favor of mantle:without

      移除了 tconstruct:without 并用 mantle:without 取而代之

    • Removed global loot modifier tconstruct:replace_item in favor of mantle:replace_item

      移除了 tconstruct:replace_item 并用 mantle:replace_item 取而代之



    • Casting Table & Basins will no longer appear in the crafting station in order to fix issues related to slots


    • Fix not being able to click on the side buttons while using flipped mouse controls


    • Fix crafting station exposing inventories that should not be exposed as they cannot be modified.


    • Congealed slime will no longer send you flying through the world in the wrong direction!




    • Added autosmelt ability modifier


    • Added beheading upgrade modifier


    • Added soulbound upgrade modifier



    • Rename firewood to blazewood, recipe now requires firepoof woods


    • Rename dwarfish trait to dwarven



    • Fix duplication when large stacks are dropped into the smeltery


    • Fix silky jewel not working for beacons


    • Fix crafting station connecting to non-inventories


    • Fix weird right click and shift click behavior in the crafting station and tinker station


    • Fix ichor sling not working on players


    • Fix insatiable (manyullyn) not boosting damage


    • Fix potential crash in smeltery GUI that only happens when dumb mods change the order of things

      修复冶炼炉 GUI 中潜在的崩溃问题,该问题来自于某些愚蠢的模组修改物品的顺序

    • Fix potential crash from dumb things that kill mobs without a damage source


    • Potentially fix a stack overflow error with drains


    • Fix dupe bug with part builder and shift clicking

      修复潜行与部件制造桌互动时出现的复制 Bug


    本篇日志是对 1.16 版本匠魂 3 更新内容的摘要。可前往 GitHub Releases 界面查阅格式更为严谨的完整更新内容。

    This section discusses changes to the world module


    • Tinkers once again provides copper ore.


      • Copper is the only overworld ore we add.


    • Ardite ore has been removed.


      • Potentially moved to Natura, otherwise just removed entirely

        可能会被移动至 Natura 模组,或者直接彻底地移除。

      • Manyullyn specifically is now alloyed from cobalt and molten debris (ancient debris)


    • Magma cubes redecorated their island to make it red like blood.


    • Purple slimes islands got tired of the dumb blue slimes, so they migrated to the end.


    • All slime types have unique names


      • Green slime is often called earth slime, or just generically slime


      • Blue slime is called sky slime


      • Orange slime is called ichor


      • Purple slime is called ender slime


      • Magma cream is often considered a fifth slime type by some, blood by others


    This page describes some of the new content related to tools mechanics, including parts, materials, and modifiers. later in the section it has a full list of tools planned for Tinkers' Construct 3.

    本章节记述基于工具机制而新增的内容,包括部件、材料和强化。后续将会在本章节中记述匠魂 3 的完整工具设计表。

    • Improved part builder


      • Stencil table and part builder were merged into one block


      • Instead of crafting patterns and using those, the part builder has a UI similar to the stone cutter to craft parts

        与旧有的先制作再使用模具的方式不同,部件制造桌现在的 UI 更接近于原版的切石机。

      • Crafted from 2 patterns and 2 wooden planks


    • Improved tinkering


      • Tinker Station


        • New name for the tool station


        • Has only 3 slots (no crafting large tools), and a similar UI to the classic 1.7 UI

          只有 3 个槽位,不能组装大型工具,UI 也更接近于 1.7 版本的经典界面 

        • Tool station is crafted using 4 planks and 3 patterns

          匠人桌需要 4 个木板和 3 个模具才能合成

      • Reworked Tool Forge into Tinker's Anvil


        • Simply sounds cooler


        • Contains 5 slots, like the 1.12 UI

          与 1.12 版本的 UI 相仿,有5个槽位

        • Recipe requires 3 metal blocks and 4 seared bricks

          合成需要 3 个金属块和 4 块焦黑石块

    • Improved Crafting Station


      • Can be crafted from a pattern and either a crafting station or any wooden table


      • Alternatively, can be crafted from a pattern and a log to use the log texture on the legs


    • Improved station tabs

      • Any two station blocks together will now form tabs, instead of requiring a crafting station


      • Multiple of the same block can be tabs, for example placing 2 crafting stations together gives tabs to switch between them


    • Material tiers

    • Materials now come in more clearly defined tiers, and all are divided into general, weapon, harvest, or special materials

    • 材料现在依据明晰的等级系统而有了更加明确的划分,且具有了常规、武器、收获或者特殊材料的明确区分

      • 一阶:

        • Starting tool tier


        • Includes wood, stone, flint, and bone


        • In the end, this tier consists of chorus


      • 二阶:

        • Requires ores or the melter to obtain materials


        • Includes iron, copper, slimewood, and seared stone


        • In the nether, this tier includes scorched stone


        • In the end, this tier includes end stone


        • The emerald modifier will also upgrade a tool to tier 2

          镶嵌绿宝石这一强化也会将工具等级提升至 2 阶

      • 三阶:

        • Requires alloying to obtain materials


        • Includes nahuatl, slimesteel, tinker's bronze, pig iron, and rose gold


        • In the nether, this tier includes cobalt


        • In the end, this tier includes dragonstone


        • The diamond modifier will also upgrade a tool to tier 3

          镶嵌钻石这一强化也会将工具等级提升至 3 阶

      • 四阶:

        • Requires nether access to obtain materials


        • Includes manyullyn, hepatizon, and queen's slime


        • The netherite modifier will also upgrade a tool to tier 4, requires either the diamond or emerald modifier

          下界合金镀层这一强化也会将工具等级提升至 4 阶,但在其之前还需要镶嵌钻石或绿宝石强化

    • Stat updates


      • Handles reworked:


        • No longer have a flat durability boost


        • Have 4 multipliers: durability, attack speed, attack damage, and mining speed

          有 4 种不同的倍率值:耐久度、攻击速度、攻击伤害和挖掘速度

        • Most materials only 2 multipliers set, though later game materials will set at most 3

          大多数材料只会固定 2 种倍率值,但未来游戏中的材料将会有最多 3 种

      • Bindings reworked:


        • Bindings no longer have any stats


        • Instead, the purpose of bindings are to let you choose the trait you wish without concern for material tiers


    • Part Cleanup


      • Many parts that only got used once were removed in favor of reusing parts


      • Currently, there are two types of tool rods: small and tough, and large plates replace tough bindings


      • Sword guards are replaced with other parts, including tool rods, small plates, and bindings based on the sword


      • Tool heads ideally will be used in at least two tools. For example, the axe head is used on the axe and the mattock


    • Modifier types


      Modifiers are now divided into 4 categories:

      强化现在被分为 4 种类别:

        • Upgrades: Classic modifiers common to TiC 1 and TiC 2. Requires upgrade slots

          升级:与匠魂 1、匠魂 2 相仿的经典强化,需要升级槽

        • Abilities: Stronger and more unique modifiers, such as silk touch or luck. Requires ability slots


        • Free: Modifiers that can be applied without any slot restriction


        • Traits: Additional modifiers applied based on the materials


    • Trait rebalancing


      • Tool traits are getting rebalanced


      • All parts share the same trait, instead of heads often having unique traits


      • Traits on average will be a bit weaker than 1.12 to prevent discouraging use of a material due to trait

        与 1.12 版本相比,特性大多有所削弱,以此来抑制单纯依赖强大的特性就能选取材料的设计思路

      • Some traits from 1.12 will get moved to modifiers, and some new traits will be added

        部分 1.12 版本的特性被修改到了强化中,而且还会添加一些新的特性

      • More information to follow


    • These tools are available from tier 1 and onwards.


      • 镐(Pickaxe)

      • 鹤嘴锄(Mattock):

        • Makes paths instead of hoeing, effective on all blocks the shovel could break.


        • Replaces the shovel in TiC 3.

          在匠魂 3 中替代了锹

      • Hand Axe: Rebalanced to be closer to the vanilla axe, making it a viable weapon.


      • Kama: Gained the ability to hoe blocks, making it a fully effective farming tool. Not fully implemented.


      • 阔剑(Broadsword)

      • These tools require the Tinker's Anvil to craft, a tier 3 component. Tool part will make use of the Part Forge.


        • Sledgehammer: Rename of the classic hammer


        • 开掘铲(Excavator)

      • These tools are not returning in Tinkers Construct 3. If its not on this list, check the roadmap for plans to implement

        这些工具不会回到匠魂 3 中。如果某个工具不在这个列表里,请查阅开发路线图。

        • 箭矢(Arrows):

          • We cannot get the design for Tinkers arrows to work, and vanilla arrows are a lot more interesting now.


          • The way modifiers function (large material costs) conflicts with the idea of disposable ammo


          • What you may see is the ability to craft custom arrows in the Tinker Station, otherwise some of the old trait effects will return as crafting table recipes


        • 弩箭(Bolts):

          • Bolt crafting sucked, both in explaining to people and the mess of edge cases it caused in code


          • We don't see much need to keep separate ammo types when vanilla has arrows for both


          • Expect to be able to use fireworks on Tinkers' Construct crossbows as well.


        • 手里剑/回旋镖(Shurikens):

          • Shurikens had the same ammo problems as arrows and bolts


          • Being replaced with boomerangs (for a full Tinkers tool) or the new shuriken gadget (see the misc page)

            会被回力标(完全的匠魂工具)或者新的小型手里剑(请查阅 misc 章节)取代

        • 长剑(Longswords):

          • Were basically a reskin of the sword with minor stat changes that most people just used for the leap ability


          • Leap returning as a slime sling variant


        • 长弓(Longbows):

          • Were basically a reskin of the short bow with more expensive parts and slightly different stats


          • Cross bow is being declared the large version of the bow


          • Bow will have modifiers that make its stats closer to the longbows original stats


      This section is about new features related to the smeltery or smeltery mechanics, and also other multiblocks


      • Added the melter


        • Mini 2 block smeltery. Can run off solid or liquid fuel


        • You may remember this from Tinkers' Complement


      • Added sand casts:


        • Replace clay casts as the single use cast


        • Blank cast can be crafted from sand


        • Placing a blank cast in a casting table, then pressing a tool part in the top shapes the cast


      • Added composite casting recipes


        • Composite materials are made by pouring a liquid on a solid tool part of a different material


        • One example is slimewood, from pouring liquid slime on wood


      • New peripherals


        • 焦黑梯子(Seared Ladder)

          • Climbable seared block to prevent molten player


        • 焦黑滑槽(Seared Chute,暂译)

          • Smeltery item input and output


        • 焦黑导管(Seared Duct,暂译)

          • Filtered version of the seared drain


      • Smeltery recipe changed


        • The smeltery controller now requires casting molten copper


        • Seared drains include copper as part of their recipe


        • These changes are to encourage use of the melter before jumping to a smeltery


      • Changed seared stone recipe


        • Seared stone can no longer be obtained by melting down cobblestone


        • Instead, seared stone can be casted from pouring molten clay on stone


        • While this change does make giant smelteries more expensive, we have plans for a nether smeltery variant that will be easier to mass produce


      • Smeltery fuel consumption changed


        • Smeltery fuel consumption is now based on the number of blocks in the structure


        • This means building cube smelteries will be more fuel efficient than tall and thin structures


        • This also means smaller smelteries may be better if you don't need ton of fuel storage


        • Smelteries now require fuel to melt entities and to alloy


        • This means a smeltery with no fuel can store liquids without accidently alloys


        • Based on these changes, you might find it useful to make two smelteries:


          • One small one for melting and alloying


          • One large one for liquid storage


      • Melting recipes improvements


        • Separated time from temperature


        • Temperature requirement remain consistent across a material, so if a fuel can melt nuggets it can melt ingots


        • Time varies based on fluid volume and a few other factors such as ores


        • There are now three different fuel choices for melting


        • Note this is not blaze rods, its the actual blaze mob you must place in a smeltery


        • Solid fuels are only available in the melter, producing the lowest temperature of 800 C


        • Lava is back as the standard fuel of 1000 C


        • Molten Blaze is available from absorbing down blazes, granting up to 1500 C.


      • Alloy improvements


        • Alloying now has a temperature property, so some recipes can require a hotter fuel


      • Smeltery efficiency


        • All multiblock checking code for the smeltery got reviewed to improve the efficiency


        • Smeltery structures should overall cause less lag from structure checks


      This page discusses some of the new features that do not fit in any other section


      • 铜罐(Copper Cans,暂译)

        • Fluid container that holds exactly 1 ingot of fluid

          正好能容纳 1 锭液体的物品型储液设备

        • Stackable up to 16

          最多堆叠 16 个

      • 灵魂玻璃(Soul Glass,暂译)

        • Nether clear glass variant


        • Only available by casting


      • 通透玻璃板(Clear Glass Panes)

        • Clear glass, stained clear glass, seared glass, and soul glass are all available as panes


      • Better JEI support

        更好的 JEI 支持

        • Entity melting is now shown in JEI, along with the new recipe type for making sand casts

          熔炼生物和制作沙合铸模的合成表现在都支持 JEI 了

      • 手里剑(Shurikens,原回旋镖)

        • Throwable item crafted from flint or quartz


        • Single use, not a full Tinkers tool


        • Intended to be disposable weapons to keep monsters at bay for an escape


      • All recipes have been moved to JSON, allowing them to easily be added using data packs

        所有的合成表都被迁移至 json 了,这使得使用数据包添加合成表变得容易

        • Some new recipe types exist


        • Castin recipes come in many variants


        • Molding recipes are the new recipe type for making sand casts


      • 木漏斗(Wooden Hoppers)已移除

          • I (KnightMiner) does not really like wooden hoppers


          • A lot of wooden hopper mods exist


      • Content moved to other SlimeKnights mods

        被移动至其它 SlimeKnights 旗下模组的特性

      • The devs of Tinkers Construct and Natura discussed whether some content should be moved between mods


      • It was decided that the following features would be moved to Natura:


        • 石棍梯子和石柄火把(Stone ladders and torches)

        • 褐砂岩(Brownstone)

        • 晾干架与肉干(Drying racks and jerky)

        • 意面(Punji sticks)

      • Additionally, wooden rails will move to Mechworks

        另外,木轨会被移动到 Mechworks 模组中。

      • 粉色史莱姆/粘液 (Pink slime)

        • Was the fallback for mixing slimes towards the end of 1.12.

          在 1.12,最终作为混合不同种类粘液的成果出现

        • Decided it was a bit too awkward of a mechanic


        • In 1.16, green slime is the fallback for mixing

          在 1.16 版本中,绿色黏液会是混合的结果

      • 工匠储罐(Tinker Tank)

        • Moving to Tinkers' Complement


        • The original design was based on the deep tank from Tinkers' Steelworks. The other steelworks multiblock was added to Tinkers' Complement, so it makes sense to have them together


        • The commonly used purpose of the tank, preventing accidental alloys, is now handled by a smeltery with no fuel.

