  • Facades can now mimic any solid block

  • Technomancy armor (goggles, propeller pack, toolbelt, enviro-boots) now break like normal armor when they run out of durability, instead of having an inactive 'damaged' state that can still be repaired

  • Technomancy armor that hasn't been upgraded with netherite now has durability and can break. It has as much durability as diamond armor and can be repaired with bronze ingots. Netherite-upgraded technomancy armor still has netherite-tier durability and is repaired with netherite ingots

    *Temporal accelerators will not apply additional ticks to entities if they leave the area of effect during the accelerated tick. This does respect other temporal accelerators, so adjacent temporal accelerators will smoothly combine their areas of effect

    -Temporal accelerators no longer stack their effects if they overlap

    -Removed the crafting recipe for the distributed temporal accelerator (sped up time over a full chunk)

  • Fixed time beams applying the incorrect level of time acceleration

  • Fixed readout on stirling engine temperature swapping the side and bottom temperatures

  • Fixed many Crossroads armor items not doing their effects properly

  • Fixed alchemy reaction vessels not doing reactions

    *Added a logo file to the mods description


*Improved information in JEI for alchemy reactions (courtesy of The-Minecraft-Scientist) 

*Improved the ability of expansion beams to place blocks on partial blocks (slabs, farmland, etc). Should make it easier to use expansion to plant seeds 

*Increased range of expansion, back to sqrt(power) from sqrt(power)/2 

*Fixed incubator recipes only working once 

*Fix a issue with chunk unloading of beam blocks, fixing a crash with another mod 

*Creepers which explode themselves can now respawn if they have souls (previously they only respawned if killed)


+Fancy new renderer for reagents in alchemy blocks, replacing the old particle effects

+Dispensers can now place/remove glassware from the glassware stand and electrolyzer

+Glassware stand can now be turned upside-down with a wrench, allowing solid/liquid reagents to flow down out of the glassware into a conduit

-Removed the ability to make glassware stand act like a pump with a redstone signal

*Changed the way alchemical tubes move reagents. They are now generally slower but more consistent and controllable.

*Alchemy conduit now only stores 1

*Changed capacity of alchemy vessels to be multiples of 8

*One bucket of distilled water is now worth 8 units of water reagent instead of 10

*Omnimeter now works from offhand

+Tesla coil base can now accept electric items other than leyden jars, to charge items from other mods. Only the leyden jar increases the FE capacity of the tesla coil itself.

+Hoppers,etc can now add/remove items from the tesla coil base

+Circuits now read the temperature of thermal conduits

*Increased the effective heat capacity of reagents compared to heat cables

*Tweaked models/textures for all alchemy blocks that handle reagents

*Clockwork stabilizer now uses same hitbox as regular beam stabilizer

*Recolored alchemical salt, water reagents

*Recolored distilled water slightly

-Deprecated cooling coil



+Pumps can now place fluids into the world from a pipe by spinning in reverse

+Radiator setting can now be changed in the UI
+Steam turbine can now be throttled similarly to the radiator, and this can be set in the UI or with a wrench

*Renamed the path 'Witchcraft' to 'Bioengineering' by popular demand

*New models and textures for large and small gears, axles, clutches, and anything using large and small gears

*New models and textures for icebox, firebox, wind turbine, and stamp mill, courtesy of Mikalia

*New models and textures for pump and turbine

*New textures for dusts, bricks, nuggets, ingots (and tin ore), courtesy of Lucksinia

*Added redstone particles to activated redstone heat cables and fluid tubes

*Changed ice cables to start with -20C rather than -10C when placed

*Heat cable melting particles/sounds when <20C from melting

*Changed icebox recipe

*Fireboxes and iceboxes now emit light when running like a furnace.

*Fixed the sequencer only working for up to 98 entries rather than the intended 99

*Fixed fluid cooling chamber ignoring max stack sizes

*Config to disable particles from permanent potion effects
*Fixed copshowium gears missing from the creative menu


Ported to MC1.19.4.

*Increased the rate of piglins selling rubies, up to 2% from ~1%.

-Removed config option to make beams do invulnerability-piercing damage. 

2.9.5(Create compat)

+The heat sink can now act as a heat source for Create boilers, allowing converting Crossroads heat to Create rotary power.

+Added ability to invert the redstone response of redstone fluid tubes and redstone heat cables by shift-right-clicking with a wrench.

*Omnimeter readout (and goggles readout) are now done as an overlaid 'message' over the hotbar rather than in chat (there is a config to put it in chat instead). Omnimeters now continuously display the readout while holding the item and looking at a block rather than right-clicking on the block.

*Fluid cooling chamber now works like a normal machine; rather than instantly crafting and slowly releasing the heat overtime, it now only finishes the fluid cooling recipe when the full heat has been released.
*Fluid cooling chamber UI now shows the maximum temperature for the current recipe. It changes color between red and green; hopefully people will stop asking me about why their FCC stopped working.

*Rebalanced the heat loss rates of heat cables. Low temperature heat cables (like wool and slime) now have very low losses (such as -1C/t per 10 blocks for wool), while high temperature cables now have high losses (-1C/t per 4 blocks for ceramic). The aim is to both make the low-temperature cable materials more useful and to incentivize using steam to move high temperature heat long distances.
*Wool and slime cables have swapped melting temperatures. Wool now burns at 500C, slime melts at 300C.

*Adjusted heat cable models to have an integer number of pixels

*Disabled some CR potions from working with Supplementaries spikes

*Incubator recipes are now defined by datapack

*Made tin ore slightly more common by eliminating the chance to remove the tin if exposed to air, as it made people feel it was much rarer than it actually is
*Changed life-spark capsule, atmospheric attenuator recipes to use lightning rods where appropriate

*Rotary drill now attempts to do damage & break blocks 5 times a second, down from 10/second
*Synced up the drill with the world time, so it should be in better sync w/ beams.
*Reduced drill damage to 0.5/(rad/s speed), from 5/(rad/s speed). To be clear, this damage scales with drill speed and applies 5 times per second.
*Added particle effects for when the drill attempts to break a block but can't because the speed is too low.

*Fixed outdated references to renamed blocks in the guidebook

*Fixed incorrect visual beam output from lens frames in some cases

*Fixed crash when changing beam machine blockstate mid-beam-emission

*Switched the wrench tag location to the new standard (matches Essentials 2.9.5+)


+Added Blood Effigy, a witchcraft block that allows performing beam effects on any entity/player from anywhere in the world using a blood sample. Limits the beam power to 1 (configurable), and has a risk of backfiring if the blood sample is spoiled.

+Added mainspring; broken clockwork items are no longer destroyed, but stop working until the mainspring is replaced in an anvil. Updated recipes to use mainsprings

+Players with an equipped beam cage will charge the beam cage when hit by a beam (annuls the beam effect)

+Added copshowium recipe to generate more molten copshowium using molten copshowium as an input

+Added Lightning Rod Extension, a (mostly) decorative block designed to extend vanilla lightning rods. Doesn't attract lightning (only the vanilla lightning rod on the tip does that), but if the lightning rod gets charged, so will the entire extension, with the associated effects.

*Improved model, textures, sound effects, particles for formulation vat, potion brewing vat, blood centrifuge, nutrition vat

*Renamed Miller-Uray capsule to Life-Spark Capsule

*Permanent potion effects are now limited to potion intensity 1. Configurable. Does not apply to genetic strain.

*Updated Chinese translations

*Fixed sorting hopper (Essentials item) not loading properly when Crossroads is installed

*Fixed density plates consuming item in Creative

*Fixed regular beam reflector having the sensitive beam reflector's tooltip

*Fixed nonviable clones with souls being trapped in a living hell

*Nonviable clones now have a custom death message

*Improved alchemy reagent effect-range calculations

*Reduced operating speed of formulation vat at low temperatures

*Beam code optimizations
*Fixed incorrect damage magnitude from void-potential beams

*Buffed the stasis storage, as spoiled items are now instantly re-wound to fresh with a time beam instead of needing to rewind the whole time spent spoiled.
*Improved blood sample tooltips for blood samples from complicated clones.
-Removed the temporal entropy effect that did a void-potential AOE damage


+Updated to MC 1.19

+Added Hemophiliac Compass, a witchcraft item that points to the entity (or player) a blood sample was taken from

+Added config option to render beams with additive blending transparency (off by default). It looks very fancy. 

+Added Sensitive Beam Reflector, a beam reflector that can collide with entities in the path of the beam and will collide with any block that isn't air (instead of only solid blocks)

+Charge beams charge items with FE capability in inventory (and void-charge does reverse)
+Energy beams set entities on fire (and void-energy puts out entities on fire)
+Void beams damage entities (only for directly hit entities, without the AOE of void-potential)

+Crossroads blocks and items are now linked to their Patchouli book entries (you can jump to the entry by mousing over the item in your inventory, or by clicking the block with the book). Courtesy of MrDrProfNo, who re-wrote every book entry to make it work.  

+Poison vodka can now be used in a Syringe

*Edible blob is now treated as a food item by other mods and can be fed to wolves  (courtesy of The-Minecraft-Scientist)

*Edible blobs now have a minimum hunger value of 1 (courtesy of The-Minecraft-Scientist)

*The Leyden jar now has an FE capability attached to the item, which will let it play nice with chargers from other mods

*Changed beam cannon recipe to use the new sensitive beam reflector

*Made the UI overlay for beam cages and beam staff smaller

*The beam cage overlay now also shows while it is held in the mainhand, and leyden jars and beam cages can now be drawn from while they're in the mainhand

*Fixed beams colliding with players in spectator mode

*Fixed exploit with spam-clicking the hand crank by forcing a 4-tick cooldown. Courtesy of The-Minecraft-Scientist. 

*Syringe now ignores sneaking/not sneaking. If looking at a mob, it targets the mob, otherwise it targets self.
*Renamed Poison Vodka to Moonshine Vodka
*Poison vodka can now be used in a beam extractor
*Poison vodka now deals instant damage rather than applying wither
*Bobo rod recipe can now be crafted in any column of the crafting UI

*Fixed incorrect molten copshowium reagent conversion rate

*Wrote a book entry for the Crystalline Prism
*Tweaked the color chart UI to have a background for the searchbar.

*Fixed a crash with expansion beams

*Fixed fusion beam not working on dirt

*Fixed recipe to smelt water bottle into salt not working (courtesy of agnor99)

*Updated mandarin translations (courtesy of kappa-maintainer) 

*Changed the format for Piglin loot modifiers.

*Tweaked the creative beam extractor UI

*Ghost mobs now drop a full soul cluster worth when killed with soul transience
*Windmill damage now has a custom death message
*Cleaned up the registration process for containers
*Added names to the credits

-Completely removed the CR copper ingot, copper ore, and copper block
-Removed unused poison vodka assets


+Added item cannon, a technomancy block. Similar to the beam cannon, the pitch and yaw are adjusted by rotary inputs and can be locked in place. Any inserted item is launched, with launch speed controlled by a circuit signal. Item travel distances of 100+ blocks are achievable. Shells launched by the item cannon act as projectiles, breaking on impact.

+Added fire detector, an alchemy block which senses distance to nearest flame cloud.

+Equilibrium beams now push blocks like a piston, but ignore stickyness of blocks. They also have a 'tractor beam' effect with entities when used with a beam cannon/beam staff. Void-Equilibrium beams are the same as equilibrium, but pull instead of push. Renamed 'Equilibrium' to 'Force'. Renamed 'Cataclysm' (void-equilibrium) to 'Disruption'.

+Stability beams now have the equilibrium effect of suppressing explosions.

+Flame clouds now make a sound when spawned

+Blood pouches can be filled by dispensers.

+Added an entity tag for mobs damaged by salt, rather than hardcoding it.

+Added missing expandus beam extract recipe
*Fixed missing reference to Witchcraft in a tooltip.
*Thrown shells now use item physics for movement.

*Tweaked beam cannon model 
*Slightly slowed down flame clouds
*Flame clouds now stagger effects over the surface over time, to reduce lag and make the effect less discrete
*Flame clouds without alchemical salt now sets mobs on fire
*Flame clouds now have a different texture, which is actually tiled instead of stretched.

*Increased alpha (rendering) of flame clouds
*Damping powder range is now based on distance to the edge of the flame cloud instead of the center
*Fixed incorrect path sigil chat messages
*Fixed entropy sink not working below Y=0
*Fixed anomaly in shell glassware model

*Fixed the syringe not clearing treatment after use on other entities in creative mode
*Fixed the syringe not applying instant effects properly

*Fixed missing icon for soul transience potion effect
*Fixed hydroponics trough disabling rendering of the top of the block below it in some cases

*Fixed rare crash in creative mode menu

*Fixed changing the element in a crystal master axis with a void beam not resetting the timer

*Fixed several crashes related to rendering blood centrifuges


*Fixed boilers making free salt from nothing when boiling distilled water

*Salt blocks and salt effects now destroy leaves


+Updated to MC1.18.2.
*Carbon sources in the blast furnace are now defined by tag
*Localized a couple JEI text lines

*Update zh_cn localization (courtesy of KappaMaintainer)

*Fixed several mod-incompatibilities and crashes related to improperly handled tags


+Added raw tin ore block, and associated recipes

+Added recipe to make dirty water from slag
+Lapis can be used to make enchantment in an arcane extractor
+Copshowium ingots and nuggets can be used to make time
+Cocoa beans can be used to make equilibrium. Does it make thematic sense? Not really; but let's give people a new reason to farm cocoa, and it helps incentivize people to find uses for equilibrium.
+Amethyst can be used in the lens frame. A white (light, ex. from glowstone) beam gets filtered to purple, in the rift range.
+Added creative heat reservoir (stays at a temperature set in the UI for free)
+Added creative master axis (like a redstone master axis, but speed set in UI and doesn't require power)
+Added creative resonance extractor (emits a constant beam for free, with beam type and power set in UI)
+Radiators can have their heat output set with a wrench, up to 25C/t
*Increased yield from fluid tube recipe to 10 from 8
*Tweaked heat sink tooltip
*Fixed steamers not saving progress to disk
*Creative-only items were given an item name color (teal)
*Made regular master axes cheaper to craft
*Fixed alchemy tooltips not working in JEI in some cases.
*Buffed gunpowder to last 2 cycles
*Updated to the 'final' Forge version for 1.18.1
*Fixed logged warnings for custom recipes*Slag is now a possible product from centrifuging dirty water
*Tweaked the weightings of the various dirty water products
*Changed deepslate tin ore to make the deepslate noises instead of regular stone noises

*Fixed path sigils needing to be clicked on a block

*Fixed reaction chambers accepting negative items in some cases

*Fixed reaction chambers accepting items when full in some cases, then deleting them

*Increased maximum whirligig elevation to account for increased world height

*Made hamster wheel and maxwell's demon more expensive
*Adjusted how the whirligig propellor animation works, hopefully improving it

*Fixed temperature not displaying at absolute zero for alchemy

*Update Mandarin translations (courtesy of Kappa-Maintainer)

*Updated documentation


+Added JEI support to the detailed autocrafter. Known issue: The recipe configured with JEI won't be visible in the interface at all unless the correct sigil is installed. 

+Added reagent for lapis ('Lazurite'), and reaction to produce it from Fusas
*Nerfed the yield from the reactions to produce diamond, emerald, and ruby from 2 to 1.

*Update to Forge 39.0.55, fixing crash on newer versions

In accordance with a previously discussed plan, both Tinkers Construct and Crossroads are changing the number of mB of molten metal in an ingot from 144mB to 90mB.
*Changed all recipes involving molten metal to a standard 90mB per ingot
*Changed default value of the config for mB per ingot to 90mB
*Changed fluid capacity of the Copshowium Creation Chamber to 1000mB, from 1440mB.

*Fixed stamp mill running at double intended speed (courtesy of EminentMass)

*Fixed stamp mill draining power while not running

*Fixed tin ore generating less than intended

*Fixed hydroponics trough crash

*Added missing reagent localization keys

*Fixed the detailed autocrafter requiring a specific path for recipes with multiple valid paths
*Update Mandarin translations (courtesy of Kappa Maintainer)
*Fixed bad link in the guidebook

-Removed several tags made redundant by their inclusion into Forge


*Copper ore now makes 6 raw copper in a millstone, up from 5, to better represent the actual ore yield
*Reduced the range of several of the temporal entropy disasters
*Fixed Reaction Chambers not ticking properly, leading to a wide variety of strange behaviors *Improved tooltips on Embryos, to fit more information on effects


+Added Witchcraft. An entirely new path with new game mechanics, new sets of machines, blocks, and items, and more

+Updated to MC1.18 (skipping MC1.17)

+Added recipes for dirt (from clay, plant matter, and sand) and soul soil (from soul sand, nether wart, gravel). The dirt recipe makes dirt, clay, and derived products fully automatable. 

+Added two new lens types. Lapis is a worse diamond, transmitting half the stability. Nether quartz transmits half of everything- which I think is actually useful as a cheap and easy power throttle.

+Added Expandus, the alchemy reagent for expansion. It terraforms to flower forest

+Added raw tin item, which drops from tin ore (to match vanilla)
+Added amethyst reagent to alchemy, and recipe to make it

+Added an ore processing recipe to convert ore blocks to raw ores to specifically the millstone (and nothing else). It has a x2 conversion for most ores, and x5 for copper- this is slightly worse than Fortune 3 on average.
+Added recipe to (inefficiently) make vanadium dust from coal, starting with vanadium dust. Can be made in a normal crafting table (so making more vanadium automatically in alchemy doesn't need the detailed auto-crafter from technomancy).

+The pump can now drain lava & water from cauldrons
+The pump will NOT consume water from cauldrons (it does consume lava). This means a water cauldron can be used as a compact infinite water source which also works in the nether.
+Added a recipe to smelt water bottles into salt. It consumes the bottle. It is intended as an early source of small quantities of salt for the first few thermal reservoirs, without needing a boiler/water centrifuge

+Added deepslate tin ore. Tin ore spawned in deepslate now spawns as deepslate tin ore

+Added a config for the rate of the solar heater

+Added recipe to millstone glowstone into dust
+Added recipe to millstone redstone crystal into dust
+Added recipe to millstone snow into snowballs

*Nerfed the lava heat-feedback-loop. Lava->obsidian now makes 1250C in the FCC, down from 1500C. As it takes 1000C in the crucible to do obsidian->lava, the profit is halved to ~10C/t down from ~20C/t per crucible.
*Buffed the firebox. Fuels now last 4x longer in the firebox (config controlled).
*Increased default value of maximum firebox burn time, to allow burning a full coal block without any waste (to 64000ticks from 4000ticks).
*Added a config to change the rate heat is added/removed by energy/cold beams

*Changed Crossroads ore distribution in the world
*Emerald reagent is now made with vanadium instead of iron (iron + fusas makes amethyst. Amethyst IRL is iron+quartz, emerald IRL is quartz + vanadium or quartz + beryllium)
*All ore processing recipes now start with raw ores rather than ore blocks
*Honey blocks added to the alchemy crystal tag

*Alchemy biome terraforming now only changes the biome in the vertical range directly affected- no longer does it change biome from bedrock to world height. 
*Either nerfed or buffed density plates depending on your definition. Probably nerfed. Density plate acceleration is now configurable, and has been reduced from 0.6 to 0.15. However, multiple plates can now be stacked in one blockspace (up to four) to increase the acceleration back to the old levels. This makes a single plate less insanely fast, while also allowing the old level of compactness.

*Buffed the Solar Heater, increasing maximum temperature to 325C (from 250C), heat production to 8C/t (from 5C/t), and reducing the cost (4 tin and 3 iron instead of 7 tin).
*Nerfed the Maxwell's Demon slightly- increased the minimum cooling temperature to -200C from -250C. Made the rate of heating/cooling configurable, but the default is unchanged.

*Reworked the stirling engine. It now consumes some of the heat, instead of losslessly moving all of it from the hot side to the cold.
*All of the stirling engine formulas have been reworked. It is more efficient than a steam engine (in terms of J/*C in the hot side) above 500C, less efficient below 500C.
Increased default maximum speed of the stirling engine to 2rad/s from 1rad/s.

*Added a few public accessors for alchemy to register new effects and flame formulas, allowing addons to add new alchemy effects

*Increased yield of heat cable recipes to 6 per craft (from 4)
*The rotary pump no longer caps out the speed at 2.5rad/s (it now continues to run faster at higher rotary speeds)
*The millstone no longer caps out the speed at 5rad/s (it now continues to run faster at higher rotary speeds)
*The stamp mill no longer carries over progress between crafting operations. Instead, if the timer runs out, it has a random chance to succeed based on how much progress it made. On average, this acts the same as the old system, but makes a bit more physical sense.

*Improved shape of quartz stabilizer (courtesy of MrNo)

*Updated the credits

*Improved documentation

*A lot of bugfixes

-Crossroads copper ore no longer spawns in the world, and will slowly convert to vanilla copper. Use vanilla copper instead. 

-Removed recipe to millstone netherwart blocks into netherwart


This is a re-upload of crossroads 2.26.5. The previous upload does not work; use this file instead. 


*Fixed some recipes being set to "active": "false" via datapack breaking in multiplayer.
*Fixed several config values being unable to generate in the config file
*Fixed several ore related config settings being ignored

*Fixed gateway controllers not making temporal entropy

*Migrated to use the official Mojang mappings internally (shouldn't affect gameplay)

*Corrected inaccuracy in the flying machine docs
-Removed unused config value (wipe_dim_map)


+Added Magicae, an elemental alchemy reagent for
enchantment, thus completing the set of elemental reagents. It
terraforms to mushroom island.
+Added code for an end biome and a
jungle biome terraforming effect. No reagents currently use them, but
custom reagents can implement the effects.
*Giant mushrooms, endstone, and purpur are now all terraformable
the format of beam outputs, to include beam power and to color code
information (red, green, blue text for color codes and beam

*Fixed worldgen of ores occurring even when disabled in the config if another world where they were enabled was loaded first.
storage vessels, reaction vessels, fluid tanks, and heat reservoirs
losing their contents when broken using a tool with the Acquisition
enchantment from the Charm mod.

*Updated Mandarin translations. This was a group effort by several
people, including kappa-maintainer and Water-Moon. If I've missed anyone
who contributed translations in the credits, that was an error on my
part; poke me and I'll correct it.


+Added a client-side config option to disable rendering the beam cage
overlay when not holding a beam staff (or other beam cage using item).

+Added a config for raytracing stepsize for loose beams

+Sulfur dioxide prevents terraforming from affecting the biome
+Cavorite prevents terraforming from affecting blocks
+Terraforming now affects tree blocks (wood and leaves are separate categories)
*Eldrine now makes soil soil instead of soul sand from soil blocks
*Terraforming now works on soul soil and soul sand, as soil blocks

*Fixed pipes being blurry with Optifine installed

*Localized the mod to Mandarin (courtesy of Water-Moon)

*Made several temporal entropy optimizations; Most significant: Rendering temporal entropy transfer requires far fewer packets.
entropy transferred into unloaded chunks is now deleted instead of
being transferred, to prevent issues when crossing chunk boundaries.

*Fixed dynamos only running with positive speed

*Gateways now choose their address when created based on position. If
a gateway is broken and reformed in the same position, it will have the
same address- unless another gateway snags that address first.
[Convenience feature]
*Improved entropy node and gateway behavior when full in safe mode

*Fix beam cannon server crash

*Fixed a rare crash with the water centrifuge, and water centrifuges working for free on rare occasions 

*Buffed recipe to make gunpowder from coal blocks. It now makes 2
gunpowder per block, and also accepts charcoal blocks (if applicable)

*If Patchouli is installed, the joint Essentials/Crossroads guidebook
will be renamed 'Crossroads & Essentials Guidebook', from
'Essentials Guidebook', when Crossroads is installed.
*The guidebook is now in both the Essentials and Crossroads creative tabs.
*Fixed the reinforced toolbelt not mentioning it in the tooltip


Requires Essentials 1.16.5-2.10.2 or higher

  • Fixed heat reservoirs not actually storing heat



+Added a config for whether charge beams can summon lightning underground
*Fixed pufferfish being spawned in the wrong place
the keybinding loading much more robust. No sequence of classloading
should be able to cause a keybinding related crash anymore (fixes some
mod incompatabilities)

*Fixed beam blocks being tick-accelerate-able
*Fixed beams from the beam cannon being rendered with the wrong offset
*Fixed entropy nodes not actually applying the entropy gain
*Fixed entropy nodes rendering the overload sparks all with the same endpoint


+Added Propelled Wingpack, an elytra with a booster built in

+Added the toolbelt, the technomancy armor pants. Dying while
wearing the toolbelt will cause the player to respawn with their hotbar
and offhand intact. Basically useless if keepInventory is enabled

+Added All-Terrain Boots, technomancy armor boots which
provide a swimming speed boost, total immunity to fall damage, soul
speed effect, and a frost walker effect while sneaking. Each effect is
individiually configurable.

+Added Distributed Temporal Accelerator, a Temporal
Accelerator that affects the entire chunk it is in at once, but only
affects tile entities.+Added Endpoint Controller, which
can be used to form a gateway multiblock that can only connect to one
other gateway, but is much cheaper and much easier to use

+Added the Beam Cannon, a technomancy machine that fires a beam long distances in a direction controlled by two rotary inputs.

+Added a 'safe mode' config for temporal entropy, where
machines that overfill with temporal entropy will not break or cause any
damage, but will shut down until the entropy is handled.

+Prismarine crystals and shards can now be used as a beam source. Shards make expansion, crystals make fusion

+Added a UI for the beacon harness. There is no player
input/interaction in the UI- it only displays information about the
operation of the beacon harness.
+Added a config for the power output of the beacon harness

+Added a recipe to millstone clay into balls

+Whirligig now does damage as a melee weapon. It's like a worse iron axe

+Added config for potential-void damage to be absolute damage
+Added config for beacon harness to give an extra safety buffer when loading the chunk

+Added config for xp cost of upgrading technomancy armor in an anvil (including goggle lenses)

+Added a config for rift beams to spawn mob drops instead of mobs even when not in peaceful.
+Added molten copshowium recipe using lava. Same as distilled water recipe

+Added millstone recipes to grind (red) sandstone into (red) sand

+Added circuit support to measure fullness of the input to:
smelter, millstone, stamp mill, ind blast furnace, ore cleanser, firebox, icebox
+Added circuit support to measure stored beam power to quartz stabilizer
+Added circuit support to measure total FE in tesla coil bases
+Added circuit support for stored voltus in Voltus Generator
+Added circuit support for total stored reagent in reaction vessels

*Entropy Sinks now have a maximum amount of Temporal Entropy they can hold or destroy per cycle (256)
nodes now create a small amount of temporal entropy (default 2, config
setting) when transfering temporal entropy. Loops are inevitably
destructive and long chains will have more entropy coming out than going

*Reworked a few existing circuit formulas to be more
consistant. Atmospheric attenuator, tanks, storage vessels all measure
total values instead of percentage-fullness.

*Modular goggles can now have netherite armor added to them
*Modular goggles can now be enchanted and are fireproof

*Goggle lenses quartz and void now use the tag for acceptable items in an anvil

*Fixed a crash with the Sequencer

*Refactored temporal entropy code, fixing many edge case bugs and
fixing displayed values with an omnimeter being frequently wrong.
*Entropy links are now rendered black, and tesla coil links are purple-ish when holding a linking tool.

*Temporal entropy production is now listed in TEn/cycle instead of TEn/t.
*Tweaked the fuel-time of several items in the beam extractor to be divisible by 5
*Tweaked the line spacing in the beam extractor JEI integration

*JEI will now show reactions where the reagent is a catalyst under uses
*Fixed incorrect particle placement for glassware
*Fixed iceboxes raising their temperatures to -20C when running if below that
*Fixed incorrect cullfacing on reagent filters, reagent pumps
*Fixed incorrect break particles for the heated tube
*Fixed snow biome terraforming making snow layers instead of snow blocks
*Added prismarine to the alchemy_rock tag

*Fixed Crossroads blocks which directly accept circuit input not detecting when the circuit source was broken.
*Fixed beam siphons and splitters not always changing visual state correctly when circuit input changed.
*Fixed beam siphons, splitters, and redirectors not always rotating with a wrench correctly

*Fixed the reagent filter culling the top and bottom model faces

*Cavorite blocks are now 4 cavorite instead of 9
*Increased ruby ore spawnrate by a factor of 5
*Fixed temperature regulators not updating when wrenched properly
*Fixed gear rotation looking 'choppy' when the master axis has existed for a long time
*Clarified some documentation

*Made gateways cheaper

*Fixed the cooling coil model being the wrong way around
*Gateways now have a consistant 3 second teleport cooldown for all entities and players
*Added config options to limit gateways
*Made the ability to forget paths using sigils off in the config by default

*Rotary has been re-worked code-wise. The mechanics are unchanged-
this is a technical change only, with some performance improvements (API

*Master axis now reports total energy change and energy consumed by power loss last tick when using an omnimeter/goggles on it.
*Buffed the lodestone turbine (increased power from 5J/t to 15J/t)
*The power production of the hamster wheel is now a separate config from the lodestone turbine
speed is now reported in RPM in addition to rad/s. Absolutely nothing
will ever use RPM for mechanics (everything is still rad/s based)- it is
provided solely for interest and to provide a more familiar/intuitive
set of units.
*Dynamo now has a limit on how fast it converts rotary
power to FE- capped at 20*(gear speed) J/t, instead of consuming energy
as fast as possible.

*Fixed Crossroads metal/gem blocks not being usable for beacon bases

*Fixed log spamming when joining a crashed server
*Halved the number of markDirty and addHeat calls in heat cables, significantly reducing overhead. (Optimization)

*Fixed a crash with reagent filters
*Optimized mechanisms to reduce CPU usage when updating energy values (Optimization)
*Made a few more blocks use the blockstate cache instead of fetching from world (Optimization).


It is suggested to enable 'entropy safe mode' in the config
if updating with existing large Technomancy setups. Mechanics have
changed that could cause them to break (in a 'not working way', not a
glitchy way) when updating. 

Requires Essentials 2.10.0 or newer


+In peaceful mode, rift beams now spawn the drops of the mobs it would have spawned were the difficulty not peaceful.

+Added UI for the steam turbine

+Added 'pirate speak' localizations, courtesy of Spo0ok. They are basically unplayable.

+There is now a config to change how rotary power loss works.

+New textures for the detailed crafter UI, reagent filter UI, and sigils courtesy of marbles-box

*Fixed crash with double layered facades. 

*Fluid turbine and water centrifuge no longer care about side for fluid input/output.
*Pumps now send fewer packets (optimization)
*Tweaked pump energy use

*Massively buffed the salt reactor (it desperately needed it). Fuel
now lasts 20 times as long (1 second instead of 1 tick per salt).
*Valid salt reactor items is now a dedicated tag, instead of using salt + alchemical salt tags
*Salt reactor can now connect to pipes on any side
can now input/output both fluids on both the top and bottom (instead of
only steam in on the bottom, only distilled water out of the top).

*Fixed Nitroglyerin getting yoted instead of yeeted

*Moved the particle spawn location upwards slightly for flasks in glassware stands, to look more centered on the new model
*Expanded the amount of ticktime profilling to help find areas in need of optimization in event handlers


+Beams now make a noise. This can be disabled in config

+Electrical arcs now make one of two different noises. This can be disabled in config

+Temporal entropy transfer now makes a noise. This can be disabled in config

+Temporal entropy transfer has a completely new render, instead of
being recolored electric arcs. This render was also added to the entropy

+New textures for master axis, crystalline master axis, redstone master axis, courtesy of Unnamed1334.
+Redstone master axis now switches between 3 visual states based on signal input

+New model for detailed crafter, courtesy of AD-II.
+New textures for detailed crafter and detailed auto-crafter, courtesy of AD-II

+New animated stirling engine textures by marbles-box. Stirling
engines change animation speed and direction based on gear speed.

*FE transfer by tesla coils is now at random intervals (with same average transfer rate)

*Tesla ray now applies lightning effects to entities (eg. pig->zombie pigman) when fully charged

*Updated Russian translations for new features, courtesy of Lucksinia Grimhold.

*Reworked some of the electric renders for various machines
*Fixed Water Centrifuges dropping items when rotated

*Fixed a crash when pushing water centrifuges with pistons when Quark is installed

*Changed the recipes for the detailed crafter to reflect the new model and textures.

*Corrected an error in the winding table entry in the book

*Fixed broken texture mapping on the rotary drill TESR


+Added the Sequencer, a new(-ish) Technomancy block. It's like the Redstone Registry from CR1, but better. Stores a sequence of UI defined values and outputs them to a circuit in order, advancing one step with every strong redstone pulse.

+Added the ability to dye individual blades on the wind turbine by using dye on the turbine block. The dye is not consumed, and all 4 blades can be dyed different colors.

+Redirectors, splitters, and siphons now change texture based on redstone input

+Russian translations, courtesy of Lucksinia Grimhold

*New textures for a large number of blocks and items. Textures are being crowdsourced from the community. If you'd like to contribute a texture or two (or even a model or sound), join the Discord; we'd love the help.

New textures and models include:

**New textures for solid forms of chlorine, eldrine, fusas, quicksilver, stasisol, SO2, and voltus courtesy of marbles-box

**New lens frame textures, courtesy of Unnamed1334

**New textures for the fluid tube, courtesy of DA

**New beam block textures, courtesy of Unnamed1334

**New shell/phial/flask textures, and new shell model, courtesy of marbles-box

**Blast furnaces now change texture to a new off texture when not running

*Wind turbines now produce a random amount of power between +-5 and +-25 J/t, with average +-15J/t, instead of +-10 OR +-20 J/t, with average +-15J/t

*All wind turbines in the world now produce the same power

*Wind turbines no longer use random number generation when deciding power outputs. Power output changes continuously instead of jumping (but still jumps from +5J/t to -5J/t and vice-versa)

*Fireboxes can now have non-fuel items (empty buckets) pulled out of them by automation

*Fireboxes now have a maximum burn time of 4000 ticks (configurable)

*Changed lens frame recipe to use 8 bronze nuggets + 1 pure quartz instead of 8 smooth stone + 1 pure quartz

*Fixed Stirling engines not reading/writing NBT properly

*Fixed temperature regulators misbehaving when output temperature was higher than target temperature. Heat transfer is now truly unidirectional (forward only in red mode, reverse only in blue mode)


*Fixed shells rendering as empty when thrown

*Redid the wind turbine model to be cleaner and more traditional (still a rustic Holland style windmill). Also made the model larger- from a 4x4 to a 6x6

*Tweaked how facades are placed onto mechanisms: Clicking against an axle or gear now tries to place inside that blockspace first, before trying to place in the adjacent blockspace. 

*Adjusted the block harnesses, sounds, and materials of most Crossroads blocks to make them more consistent.

*Fixed a large number of Crossroads blocks not requiring a pickaxe to drop the item (they still took extra time to break; they just dropped the item in the end anyway)

*Fixed the drill not dropping items in some cases


*Fixed a bug where fluid tubes would void fluids if connected to a high capacity tank from another mod


*Fixed redstone heat cables transmitting heat while deactivated.


*Fixed some grammar issues/typos/missing entries in the mysterious journal/technician's manual

*Fixed fluid tanks spamming block updates while transferring fluid (this should increase FPS in areas with a lot of tanks)

*Nixon should no longer despawn


+Added a config to limit the pistol damage

*Fixed extremely high pistol speeds making the bullet miss everything

*Fixed an obscure crash with salt reactors

*Fixed newly created beam cages stacking


+Added /resetPath command to reset the chosen path

+Added /discoverElement <element OR all> to discover a magic element 

*Fixed a crash with redstone fluid splitters


Fixed some minor formatting issues with the previous 1.5.7 version. Use this instead.


*Fixed the fuel heating consuming the bucket when given bucketed fuel (like lava)

*Fixed "Format error:" appearing in several entries in the guide books. 

*Fixed shift-right-clicking with measurement devices on blocks with GUIs
still opening the GUIs in many cases. 

*Tweaked the first bobo entry to make it clearer that important information for creating bobo items is in the brazier entry.


*Fixed a dupe bug with fluid tubes. 

*Fixed the last edible blob in a stack not restoring hunger/saturation.


I am amazed at how many bugs slipped through to release

*Fixed flux events occuring in prototypes (they aren't supposed to)
*Fixed the explosion flux event not breaking blocks (the boolean
argument in the method is called isSmoking. Why did they call it
isSmoking instead of breakBlocks we will never know)
*Fixed fields being changed inside prototypes
*Fixed some typos and other slipups in the documentation
*Added a bit more lore to the technomancy section of the mysterious


*Fixed a crash with a newly created beam cage and a prototyped pistol/watch

*Fixed tubes + tanks (when used together) spamming block updates

*Fixed gears not consistently applying energy loss. 

*Gear angle resets happen less now


Apologies for all the new versions that were
released today. I did a huge amount of bug testing before release, but a
bunch of bugs slipped through (introduced in the 1.12 port) that I had
missed. This should (hopefully) be the last of them for a while. 


*Fixed gateways forgetting who placed them

*Fixed typo in the journal/manual

*Fixed ratiators not updating some machines when broken

*Fixed axles connected to advanced master axes outputs that are facing a negative direction causing them to pop off and break

*Fixed axles stopping gear systems from turning in some cases

*Did some optimization of the gateway frame tile entity


*Fixed item chutes only working for some heights

*Fixed an inaccuracy in the heating crucible JEI integration

*Tested and verified that the mod works on 1.12.1


Fixed newly crafted bobo items sometimes being destroyed in the lightning.


Almost everything in the heat system has been
re-designed/rebalanced. The general trend of the changes is to make
creating heat systems less of a guessing game (Will it melt? Will it
stay hot enough?) and more of a designed system (The numbers add up on
paper so that it will stay around the right temperature, and lo and
behold, it does). Read the details in the Basics of Heat section of the
ingame manual, as well as device specific details in the relevant


NOTE: May break pre-existing worlds. At the very least, most
pre-existing heat cables will disappear. As always, make a backup before


*Updated to 1.12


WARNING: Not only is this a port to a new version
of the game, but many features have changed/been optimized as well.
There will be bugs that slipped through, PLEASE report any you find on
Github so they can be fixed quickly. 


The Technomancy update.


Any item on the list below that starts with U is something that will
break on old (pre-1.11) Crossroads worlds. Those worlds can be safely
ported if the items starting with U are taken account of. 


+The entire Technomancy section of the mod (Discover it yourself,
it's all in the documentation). Highlights include time manipulation,
finer control over rotary systems (including speed mathematics),
prototyping (think copy-able compact machines that shrink down large
builds), a mechanical arm, and more. 

U*Large gears NEED to be loaded in latest 1.10 FIRST
U-Debug Reader is removed
U*Molten Copper changed registry name
U*Placed Steam Turbines will disapear from the world.
U*Delete config files
U-Removed Glow Glass
U*Changed Fusion Recipes
U*Changed Light Recipes
U-Removed Salt Tile Block
U*Bobo armor now takes damage, repaired with poisonous potatoes.
U*Salt block falls like sand.
U*Ratiators use different formula with lens holder and toggle gear
+Large gears have a new and improved model.
the Technomancy stuff. Highlights include, but are not limited to,
prototyping, gear mathematics, chrono-fields, and mechanical arms.
*The guide book now supports localization.
*Lots of bugfixes and optimizations.
*Changed how many machines use rotary energy, they now connect directly and store energy within themselves
-Grindstones can no longer be powered from below
U-Removed drills stopping if attached to an up toggle gear (it was kind of stupid, and is no longer necessary).
+Material blocks can now be used as beacon bases
+Small gears now rotate more smoothly visually.
+Ratiator can measure through normal cube.
*Changed (crystalline) master axis textures.
*Changed some sounds
U-Fertile soil no longer interacts with redstone. Use an observer instead.
*Beams now render as very thin ("Dense") when power >= 512.
-Removed config option to make the guide book have larger text.
*Changed some recipes.
+Item Chutes can now insert into inventories
*Arcane Extractors now accept items from all sides (other than the front)
+Grindstone can turn stone into gravel
+Grindstone can grind copper ingots back into dust
U*All stored beams will disappear.
*Beam effects now reach maximum effectiveness at power >= 64 (instead of >= 128).


A 1.12 version will be released once the 1.11.2 version has had a few bugfixes for when users find everything I missed.


*Fixed some edge case crashes with fluid tubes

*Fixed a capability related crash with the Fluid Cooling Chamber

*Increased version number

  • Fixed a crash when placing large gears in multiplayer


  • Fixed a crash when breaking large gears in multiplayer



*Fixed an incompatibility with other mods adding steam. This should
fix some issues related to removing steam from boilers when Mekanism is
installed, among other things

*Increased version number


*Fixed the beacon harnesser not working
*Localized sidedGearHolder
*Increased version number


+Added Beacon Harness (Creates large amounts of magic from a beacon beam)

+Added Fat Feeder (Feeds nearby players with liquid fat)

*Changed Rod of Discord recipe

*Beams now glow in the dark

*Fixed large gears losing data on reload


+Decorative salt block variant

+Block crafting recipe for bronze

*Fixed chat spam with the omnimeter on an empty crystalline master axis

*The Rain Idol now has a longer lasting effect, and cannot be crafted when disabled via config

*Fixed a crash with multiple Master Axises

*Improved documentation

*Fixed salt block breaking

*The texture that the heating crucible displays when filled with copper dust makes more sense now

*Increased version number


+Entire magic system
+Alternative lore free version of the guide book
+Axles are now placable, and interact with gears
+Fertile soil
+More Bobo items
+Multipiston and Sticky Multipiston
*Fixed several bugs, most notably an incompatability with Optifine
*Buffed the salt reactor
*Added a recipe to the grindstone to craft down redstone blocks into dust
*Simplified a few recipes
*Added a shapeless piston recipe
*Added a recipe to empty fluid tanks
*Ice insulated heat cables now take packed ice instead of normal ice
*Gears are now slightly cheaper, and can be crafted one at a time
*Boilers are now cheaper
*Increased version number
*Changed gear models
*Made some internal changes to large gears. They *should* autoconvert in old worlds
*Heat cables, fluid tubes, and gears now have multi-section selection boxes
*Changed some textures
*Changed Item Chute model
*All bobo recipes now use poisonous potatoes
*Mashed potatoes are now edible
-Deprecated metal scraps, use up any you have


Delete old config files when updating

  • Updated the JEI support to the newer JEI versions, fixing a bug with blank recipes in the process


  • Increased version number



There is currently a bug when using JEI v329 or up where
grindstone/fluid cooling chamber recipes added with CraftTweaker do not
show up in JEI, this is a known bug on CraftTweaker's/JEI's side.

目前在使用JEI v329或更高版本时,用CraftTweaker添加的磨石/流体冷却室配方不会在JEI中显示,这是CraftTweaker/JEI的一个已知bug。

  • Fixed a crash with the Crafttweaker integration for the grindstone


  • May have fixed a JEI issue with the Crafttweaker integration for the grindstone


  • Increased version number


  • Added a config for replacing all heat cable overheating effects with just burning up


  • Added CraftTweaker support



The next update will (hopefully) be the magic update, which is full of new features, bugfixes, and general improvements.


  • Fixed a crash with fluid tubes and Tinker's Construct smelteries


  • Fixed the Alchemist's spelling.


  •  Added some new textures, though some of them may change again


  •  Fixed heat cables/fluid tubes having squished textures where they connect.


  • Added water centrifuge


  • Changed more textures to fix with the bronze block


  • Removed the ability to smelt water bottles into salt


  • Initial release

