

Fix fuel burn times, thus preventing NEI crash


Add natural coal coke ore (found at bottom of deep coal beds, next to granite)

Generate bituminous coal instead of vanilla coal (put in crafting table to convert to vanilla)

Anthracite and lignite drop eponymous lumps, instead of vanilla coal

Oil shale drops lumps, instead of blocks

Soil and clay ores drop clumps (like vanilla clay, craftable to blocks), instead of blocks

Add proper bog limonite ore, embedded in peat in swamps

Oil shale, coal, and coal coke are all supported as fuels

Remove limonite from rivers

Fix crash with Rotarycraft

Some texture improvements


Add peat generation in swamps

Add two new types of coal (lignite and anthracite) that drop different amounts of coal

Swamp limonite (bog iron) deposits consist mainly of clay instead of dirt

Fix glauconite generation (used invalid biome type)

Fix crash with Chisel


Fix gold ore crash.


Fix losing oil bucket when clicking on BC tank.


Fix the glauconite texture (packaging failure).

Fix torch placement and monster spawning on stone.

Fix crash when rendering slabs.


Fix the massive chunk generation lag.

Fix alpha blending of cobble, bricks and rubble overlays. This change will confuse Carpenter's Blocks again; however, I have a patch for CB that should be in its next release.

Tweak some overlays to blend in better.

Fix glauconite sand ore name and processing.


Fix rendering issue with leaves.


Rewrite rendering. Overlays should no longer overlap e.g. potion effects, except for wall blocks (would disturb mob pathfinding -- that's Minecraft for you). Should play a bit nicer with carpenter's blocks.

Redo overlays. Old textures are back but as overlays, many of which have been modified heavily but hopefully for the better. Every ore has a distinct overlay now. Vanilla ores use vanilla-style overlay.

Generate our own version of sandstone, which is has behavior consistent to that of the other rocks and is intentionally distinct from vanilla sandstone (potentially for balance, and because vanilla is more of a decorative block).

Add pyrite ore, which is a minor component of various sulfide ore deposits.

Add realgar, an ore of arsenic found in granite veins and new volcanic fumaroles, which are found in the Extreme Hills and BoP Hot Springs and also consist of gypsum and rock salt.

Give polluted soil hardness and step sound

Fix the incompatibility with recent Buildcraft.


Improve? the appearance the medium ore overlay -- contributions are welcome here.

Fix rendering of falling blocks

Fix flicker of block items in world


Use a custom item renderer instead of block renderer to avoid breaking path finding around wall blocks (and probably other things).


Fix ore/rock block dropping


Fixed accidental usage of scale Arrays class


Overhaul rendering. Ores are rendered as overlays, where the overlay pattern depends on the strength and material type. Colors distinguish ore types. Cobble, brick and rubble are also rendered as overlays. The base stone texture is fixed for some ores, for others it is selected based on nearby stone.

Many textures have been reworked to "blend in" more.

Add vanilla ore equivalents that use the overlay system and blend into the surroundings. By default, they drop items as in vanilla, but this can be disabled.

Conglomerate can drop copper nuggets, garnet sand can drop gold, silver and electrum nuggets (requires a mod to be installed that adds these, except for gold of course).

Glauconite is now a sand instead of a rock.

Use "stoneBricks" instead of "stoneBrick" as ore dictionary term for stone bricks.


Fluid source blocks are now flammable, so infinite fires should no longer consume CPU

Kyanite now generates in quartzite and quartz veins, not so much in pegmatites

Many ore distributions now replace vanilla stone, so that they generate even when Geologica rocks are disabled

Config cleanup


General nerf (1/2) of ore densities in clouds

Balance/compatibility with COG Gregtech config

Graphite clouds are more common and can contain diamonds

Add hint veins for apatite and gypsum

Drop magnesite, beryl, and scheelite from pegmatite veins (too crowded)

Add quartz (aplite) veins to granite

Add scheelite veins to skarn deposits

Cassiterite veins now contain some gold and scheelite

Small chance of lapis in skarn deposits

Sedimentary generation disabled in deep oceans (not enough space)

Add config options for disabling manganese, chromium and titanium ore generation

Carbonatites are now localized to mesas and shield volcanos; the composition of carbonatite veins has changed

Add specific rock strata to mesa biomes

Squid (water mobs) should now longer spawn in industrial fluids (like oil)

Flammable liquids can be ignited by nearby lava

Farmland near industrial liquid will convert to "polluted soil"

0.2.9: Fix respiration in water, other liquids

0.2.8: Biome dictionary fixes (laterite in jungles, basalt in oceans, etc)

0.2.7: Fix client-side crash related to flammability.

0.2.6: Fix for dedicated server crash.


Fix dedicated server support

Model respiration in fluids: it is now possible to drown in liquids, and asphyxiate or suffer other ill effects in gases

Burning entities can ignite flammable fluids


Fix crasher bug related to setting private fields by name, which breaks after obfuscation.

Override fog rendering so that the fog assumes the color of a custom fluid when the player is submerged in it.

Chemica is actually a mod now (in same jar as Geologica)


Add petroleum resources: crude oil (light, medium, heavy, extra-heavy), natural gas and oil shale. As usual, other mods are expected to add uses, but the fluids will burn if near fire, lava or if they pass into a torch or fire block. Natural gas required a new gaseous fluid behavior that I think is consistent with Minecraft; feedback welcome.


Fix compatibility with (and require) CustomOreGen 1.1.7

Add configurable hardness and resistance multipliers


Initial wide release


When Gregtech is installed, register all minerals and ores under their proper names, rather than their simple names; i.e., cassiterite is oreCassiterite, instead of oreTin.


Fix stone slab crash (and lighting).


Add the requested Geologica (cobble)stone = vanilla (cobble)stone recipes.

Add config options for strength-specific harvest levels and stone pickaxe damage.

Minor changes to world generation


Ported to 1.7.2.  Many changes behind the scenes to chemica.


Fixed ore dictionary, ore drops and an annoying NEI issue.


Disabled dependency checking, because it causes a crash in certain situations. Forge bug?


Sands should spawn at more appropriate heights when using ATG.

No longer necessary to open COG config GUI to get generation to work.

Add Chinese translation by sb023612.

Some texture tweaks.
