Seems to work as much as I'd expect
Fixes the replacement Quantum Suit recipe not showing in JEI
Fixes the Advanced and Ultimate Lappacks not have an overlay power amount
Fixes the overlay showing when pressing F1
Might even release if I get around to creatively flying the GraviChestPlate
1.9.9a -> 2.0.0
+ Ported to Minecraft 1.7.10 and IC EXP 2-2.2.X
+ Added full localization for mod (you can send me your's translate for other lang. I will add it into main build)
+ Added new mode for GraviChestPlate - Levitation mode (You can change it same as Jetpack). This mode give you always flight (not needed to press double space for fly and you can't falling)
+ Decrease power consumption in GraviChestPlate if you on land and gravitation engine is on (now it's only 1 eu\t !!!)
+ Increase boost power in GraviChestPlate (You can fly faster )
+ Decrease falling speed in "Hover mode" of Adv jetpack. Now it's more softly. (you can increase falling speed by press "SNEAK" + "BOOST" or increase rise by press "JUMP" + "BOOST")
+ Added new KEY = "HUD display" in game settings. By pressing this key you can disable and enable information status on main screen. Pressing "IC ALT key" + "HUD display" you can change display position of status information in game !
+ Fixed bug with discharge at GraviChestPlate and UltimateLappack
+ Changed balance of Items:
AdvLapPack, advJetPack and AdvNanoChestPlate 1 000 000 eu -> 3 000 000 eu,
UltimateLappack and GraviChestPlate 10 000 000 eu -> 30 000 000 eu,
Vajra - 1 000 000 eu -> 3 000 000 eu,
GraviTool - 100 000 eu -> 300 000 eu,
AdvDDrill, AdvChainSaw 15 000 eu -> 45 000 eu
+ Ported to new Minecraft 1.6.2 and IC build 1.118.401 (Required Forge >
+ Added new mode for Advanced Lappack and Ultimate Lappack. Now you can supply any electric chest armor (batpacks, quantum armor and etc) with additional power. With 3 ultimate lappack and gravichestplate now you can fly more than 2 hours !!! For enable\ disable this function shift in hand this item and press key "Mode" and Right Click mouse button.
+ Added new 4 working modes in Advanced Diamond Drill (Normal mode, "Lower power" - speed same as original Diamond Drill, "Fine mode" - speed same as Drill, "Big holes" - destroy 3 * 3 * 1 area for quick mine). For enable this function shift in hand this item and press key "Mode" and Right Click mouse button.
+ Fixed all bugs in vajra "accurate mode" (i hope ). You can disable accurate mode in game by press key "Mode" and Right Click mouse button.
+ Fixed bug with visual indication of working state over debug screen.
+ Some code optimization.
+ Added silk touch to Vajra in accurate mode (right mouse button) !
+ Changed energy consumption of GraviChestPlate. Flight time increased to 30 min. Reduced energy multiplier from 3 to 2 for boost mode.
+ Fixed visual bug of GraviTool with Optifine
+ Please use latest IC Build > 1.115.349 and Forge >
+ Added new cool item "Advanced NanoChestPlate"
-> contains all spec of Nano Body Armor.
-> integrated Advanced Electric Jetpack (see specification above)
-> energy storage 1 000 000 eu.
-> can charge at MFE, MFSU
-> supplies with energy your electrotool (as drill, saw, laser and etc..)
+Our engineers improved GraviTool device !
-> Upgraded "Wrench" snap. Now you don't need use Buildcraft (forestry) wrench ! Our wrench works with Buildcraft, Forestry, ThermalExpansion and mods which use BC wrench !
-> Added "Screwdriver" snap. Screwdriver snap works with all Redpower device and also can rotate pistons, dispenser and repeaters !
+ Re-balance Advanced Diamond Drill and Advanced Chainsaw. Now it's work much faster ! + Migrate Ultimate Solar helmet to Advanced solar panels addon. Recipe of USH disabled now, but item not removed. You can change it to USH from Advanced solar panels into crafting inventory. Just places USH GraviSuite into crafting slot and replace with USH helmet from Advanced Solar Panels. In next release i will fully remove USH in GraviSuite ! If you crafting it in world, please change it !
+ Added Forge Ore Dict support. Now you can use copper, superconductor from other mods (like as GregTech)
+ Added disable accurate mode of vajra in config files. I hope it will help some servers to prevent grief.
+ Some minor improvements
+ Added new cool item "Advanced Jetpack"
-> energy storage 1 000 000 eu.
-> can charge at MFE, MFSU
-> overlocked engine - max height now limit to 256 ! (energy consumption 50% more than standart Electric Jetpack)
-> supplies with energy your electrotool (as drill, saw, laser and etc..)
-> can enable and disable jetpack engine for your convenience ("Fly" key)
-> boost mode (energy consumption x5 more)
-> advanced visual indication of charge state and work mode (you can change work mode by shift "Space bar" and press "Mode key" )
+ Added new cool item "GraviTool"
-> energy storage 100 000 eu.
-> universal tool, it's include 3 removable snap (wrench, hoe, treetap)
-> wrench work only at lossless mode !
-> you can change work mode by shift "right mouse button" and press "Mode key"
-> rebalanced standart electric hoe and treetap algorithm (now it's not dry energy if can't make operation)
+ Added "accurate mode" to Vajra (you can use by press "right mouse click")
+ New cool icons (advanced drill, chainsaw, vajra)
+ Added sounds to Advanced jetpack and GraviTool
+ Added ultimate tool in game - "Vajra". Based on real device. The principle of work is based on destruction of intermolecular bonds with the microwave magnetic field. It's breaks any block in game with one hit (exclude bedrock).
+ Added "middle game" items (advanced lappack, advanced diamond drill, advanced chainsaw)
+ Superconductor added in Forge OreDictionary (as "itemSuperconductor")
+ All items added as fully charged in IC2 creative tab
+ Porting to Minecraft 1.3.2 and IC 1.106 / 1.107
+ Now addon is Universal (same file for Server and Client)
+ Added Ultimate Solar Helmet (only available with addon "Advanced Solar Panels")
+ Added disable recipe options in config flie for all items in addon
+ Added disable option for hud display (if you use other HUD addons).
+ Changed recipe for "Cooling core"
+ Optimized source code
+ Fixed bug at game GUI and menu when pressed "FLY" key. (such as search menu at NEI and etc...).
+ Fixed bug with display HUD (status) over others menus in game (such as Inventory, debug screen and etc.)
+ Fixed bug: when off creative mode and "Gravitation engine ON" fly mode is off and player falling down.
+ Added HUD (status) placement (you can setup it in config file). Hud position is 1 - topleft, 2 - topright, 3 - bottomleft, 4 - bottomright