
=== 复兴-2.10 ===

(2021 02 06)

>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

  1. + 添加了自定义路径点

  2. + 添加了中洲地图的显示/隐藏路径点选项

  3. + 添加了显示/隐藏地图位置选项

  4. + 添加了洛丝罗瑞恩边界、哈拉德半沙漠、哈拉德沙漠丘陵、洛斯特拉登沙漠和东荒地生物群系


>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

  1. + 添加了新的自定义路径点创建机制

  2. + 自定义路径点现在可以撰写自定义介绍文本了

  3. + 自定义路径点现在可以设为公用并让其他玩家使用

  4. + 现在可以用资源包更改中洲地图的显示样式了(实际生成仍由map.png控制)

  5. + 第一次进入中洲时会出现新的帮助框

  6. + 添加了各种小冰山,以及冰山地区的生成;添加了北极熊,以及北方海洋群系的降雪天气

  7. + 添加了部分随机的小岛屿,在这些小岛屿上随纬度变化,树种、草地颜色和树叶颜色也会随之变化

  8. + 在map.json文件中添加了'procedural_rivers'旗帜文件

  9. + 为梨树树叶添加了更多材质

  10. + 在“统计”页面添加了玩家迅速旅行和自定义路径点相关的内容

  11. + 添加了/alignment query命令

  12. + 添加了/pledge [set|break|cooldown|query]命令

  13. + 添加了新的gamerules命令:lotr:fast_travel(此前该选项在配置文件中)和lotr:custom_waypoint_creation

>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

  1. * 改进了派系间关系数据的加载:派系间关系现在可以在多人游戏的文档中进行定义,除了默认的列表类型外,还可以通过不同的加载顺序来避免关系冲突

  2. * 派系菜单界面的箭头现在可以移动(?)

  3. * 改进了创造模式下的地图传送:现在传送会保持高于目的地地表的高度

  4. * 改进了选中路径点时的提示框

  5. * 移动了部分魔戒mod的命令中“玩家”参数的位置,以更贴合原版

  6. * 重新绘制了吊灯的材质

  7. * 重新绘制了戒指的材质

  8. * 重新绘制了红皮书的材质

  9. * 重新绘制了屏幕上指南针的材质,以及其他乱七八糟界面元素的材质

  10. * 小桶在打开/关闭时会发出声响,类比箱子

  11. * 现在沙漠地区将更难看到云

>>> 修复:

  1. * 修复了查看派系势力范围时地图标记会显示在提示文本上层的问题

  2. * 修复了各种乱七八糟地图上的元素会显示在指南针上层的问题

  3. * 修复了裂洛汗砖的材质

  4. * 修复了玩家数据一直在储存的问题

  5. * 修复了mod的自定义统计数据会以"minecraft:"命名空间储存的问题(改正后将以"lotr:"命名空间储存)

>>> 翻译:

  1. * 更新了意大利语、日语、西班牙语翻译

=== Renewed-2.10 ===
(6th February, 2021)

>>> Ported:
+ Added custom waypoints
+ Added the show/hide waypoint type toggles
+ Added the show/hide map location toggle
+ Added the Eaves of Lothlórien, Harad Half-deserts, Harad Desert Hills, Desert of Lostladen, and Eastern Desolation biomes

>>> New in Renewed:
+ Added new custom waypoint creation mechanics
+ Added optional lore for custom waypoints
+ Added public custom waypoints which other players are able to adopt
+ Added the ability to define map image overrides in resource packs to display a custom image in the map screen instead of the biome map, depending on the current datapack's map name
+ Added a new Middle-earth help screen displayed when first creating a world
+ Added small iceberg features, large iceberg terrain generation, polar bears, and snowfall in the northern seas
+ Added a transition to northern tree types and colder grass & foliage colours on the randomly generated islands
+ Added a 'procedural_rivers' flag to the map.json data file
+ Added texture variants for pear leaves
+ Added new player statistics for fast travel and custom waypoints
+ Added the /alignment query command
+ Added the /pledge [set|break|cooldown|query] command
+ Added new gamerules - lotr:fast_travel (replacing the config option) and lotr:custom_waypoint_creation

>>> Changes (to earlier Renewed):
* Improved faction relations datapack loading: faction relations can now be defined in multiple files, in addition to the default list, with a load order to handle conflicts
* Improved the placement of the faction menu page buttons
* The faction menu page arrows are now translatable
* Improved map teleporting in creative mode: the teleport now maintains height above terrain
* Improved the waypoint selection tooltip
* Moved the player argument in some mod commands to bring them more in line with vanilla commands' syntax
* Retextured chandeliers
* Retextured ring items
* Retextured the Red Book
* Retextured the on-screen compass and various other GUI elements
* Kegs now play barrel sounds when opened and closed
* Clouds are now rarer in deserts

>>> Fixes:
* Fixed map labels rendering in front of the area of influence tooltip
* Fixed various map elements rendering in front of the compass
* Fixed the cracked Rohan brick textures
* Fixed player data constantly saving
* Fixed the mod's custom statistics being saved with the minecraft: namespace

>>> Translations:
* Updated Italian, Japanese, and Spanish translations


=== 复兴-2.9 ===

(2021 01 09)

>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

  1. + 添加了结盟值

  2. + 添加了屏幕上方的结盟条

  3. + 添加了 /alignment 命令

  4. + 添加了各派系结盟值对应的头衔

  5. + 添加了不同性别的头衔

  6. + 添加了宣誓效忠机制

  7. + 添加了各派系的敌对玩家无法使用的路径点

>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

  1. * 派系结盟值对应的头衔现在定义于.json文件中,可以通过资源包修改、移除、添加

  2. * 改进了派系头衔在翻译文本中的表示形式:每个派系头衔均可单独增删修改其阳刚/阴柔版本

  3. * 调换了洛汗派系头衔中“贵族”和“骠骑”的顺序(Esquire & Rider)

  4. + 改进了中洲地图界面的放缩机制(左shift + 放大)

  5. + 为中洲地图界面添加了具体放缩程度的显示

  6. + 添加了 /lotr_message 命令,用于展示游戏内的各种预设信息和自定义信息文本

  7. * 模组所需的最低Forge版本现在被指定为必需项(版本号31.2.13)

>>> 修复:

  1. * 修复了在冒险模式下右键空气导致的游戏崩溃

  2. * 修复了地图上的文字标记会遮挡派系影响区域标记的问题

  3. * 修复了Forge更新提示不会在自定义的游戏主菜单界面显示的问题

>>> 兼容性:

  1. * 其它模组中在相邻时模型自动连接的方块(如原版的栅栏),现在可以变回不连接的模型。前提是该模组具有空模型数据

>>> 翻译:

  1. * 更新了意大利语、俄语、匈牙利语、海盗语、荷兰语、颠倒的英语翻译

=== Renewed-2.9 ===
(9th January, 2021)

>>> Ported:
+ Added alignment
+ Added the on-screen alignment meter
+ Added the /alignment command
+ Added faction ranks
+ Added rank gender preference
+ Added pledging mechanics
+ Added certain waypoints being unavailable for enemy players

>>> New in Renewed:
* Factions' ranks are now defined in their .json files, and can be customised with datapacks
* Improved faction rank translation: all name variants are now defined in a single line with new syntax, removed redundancy, and any rank can be translated into separate masculine and feminine versions
* Moved Rohan's Esquire rank below Rider
* Waypoints' faction ties for fast travel are now defined in their .json files
* Waypoints unavailable due to enemy alignment now have a darker colour
+ Added fine zoom to the map screen (left shift + zoom)
+ Added a zoom scale display when zooming in and out
+ Added the /lotr_message command to display various preset ingame messages or custom message text to players
* The mod's minimum required Forge version is now specified as a dependency

>>> Fixes:
* Fixed the game crashing when right-clicking the air in adventure mode
* Fixed map labels rendering in front of the areas of influence title text
* Fixed the Forge mod update notification not rendering in the custom main menu screen

>>> Compatibility:
* Allowed connected texture block models to fall back to their default connection context if supplied empty model data by another mod's renderer

>>> Translations:
* Updated Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Pirate, Dutch, and English (Upside-down) translations


=== 复兴-2.8 ===

 (2020 12 23)

>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

  1. + 添加了一众派系与派系菜单

  2. + 添加了派系影响区域

  3. + 添加了中洲主菜单

  4. + 添加了夏尔历的显示

  5. + 添加了屏幕上显示的指南针

  6. + 添加了 /lotr_date 指令

  7. + 添加了环境音中的风声

  8. + 添加了直视太阳时的眩光

  9. + 添加了下雨时的迷雾

  10. + 添加了迷雾山脉的迷雾

  11. + 添加了中洲维度独有的雨声和雷声

  12. + 添加了中洲独有的雨雪材质

  13. + 添加了落灰和沙尘暴天气

  14. + 添加了酒精度耐性

>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

  1. * 派系、派系物品、派系间关系、派系影响区域现在定义于.json文件中,可以通过资源包修改、移除、添加

  2. + 添加了雪砖、雪砖台阶、雪砖楼梯、雪砖墙

  3. + 添加了冰砖、冰砖台阶、冰砖楼梯、冰砖墙

  4. + 添加了雪径

  5. + 添加了毛皮捆和皮革捆

  6. + 添加了鲸脂和鲸脂火把

  7. + 添加了佛洛赫尔生物群系

  8. + 多人服务器中,下线的玩家快速旅行会以原速的10%继续计时

  9. + 为布理地区的村庄添加了临时的道路

  10. * 直视太阳产生的眩光会在日出和日落时变为黄色

  11. * 直视太阳产生的眩光会过饱和

  12. * 落灰和沙尘暴天气会减少能见度

  13. * 将LOTRLevelData和LOTRPlayerData文件拆分为服务端和客户端两部分

>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

  1. * 长有树枝的瑁珑树将会有更广阔的树冠,且主干顶端将会生成瑁珑木方块而非瑁珑原木

  2. * 重新绘制了艾森加德铠甲的材质

  3. * 重新绘制了干石的材质

  4. * 重新绘制了松木木梁的材质

>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

  1. * 修复了长有树枝的瑁珑树的树枝高度错位的问题

  2. * 修复了长有树枝的瑁珑树顶部出现断层的问题

  3. * 修复了芦苇偶尔生成在水底并替换原有固体方块的问题

  4. * 修复了新进入世界的玩家快速旅行冷却时间未充满的问题

>>> 兼容性:

  1. * 删除从橡树树叶中掉落的苹果采用的是全局Loot修饰符,而非原先的替换数据文件

>>> 翻译:

  1. * 更新了法语、汉语、日语、波兰语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语(巴西)、意大利语、莎士比亚英语、土耳其语翻译

  2. + 添加了越南语翻译

=== Renewed-2.8 ===
(23rd December, 2020)

>>> Ported:
+ Added factions and the factions menu
+ Added faction areas of influence
+ Added the Middle-earth master menu
+ Added the on-screen Middle-earth compass
+ Added the Shire Reckoning date display
+ Added the /lotr_date command
+ Added wind ambience sounds
+ Added sun glare
+ Added rain mist
+ Added Misty Mountains mist
+ Added Middle-earth replacement rain and thunder sounds
+ Added Middle-earth replacement rain and snow textures
+ Added ashfall and sandstorm weather effects
+ Added alcohol tolerance

>>> New in Renewed:
* Factions, faction properties, relations, and areas of influence are now defined in .json files, and can be customised with datapacks
+ Added snow bricks, slabs, stairs, and walls
+ Added ice bricks, slabs, stairs, and walls
+ Added snow paths
+ Added fur and leather bundles
+ Added blubber and blubber torches
+ Added the Forochel biome
+ On multiplayer servers, an offline player's fast travel clock will now tick forwards at a rate of 0.1x the normal rate
+ Added temporary roads at Bree to stand in for the generated village
* Sun glare now yellows at sunrise and sunset
* Sun glare can now become oversaturated
* Ashfalls and sandstorms now reduce visibility
* Split the LOTRLevelData and LOTRPlayerData classes into separate server- and client-side instances

>>> Changes (to earlier Renewed):
* Boughed mallorn trees now generate with wider leaf canopies and a full-bark wood block to cap the trunk
* Retextured Uruk armour
* Retextured drystone
* Retextured pine beams

>>> Fixes:
* Fixed the boughs of mallorn trees overriding the vertical axis of the trunk
* Fixed boughed mallorn trees sometimes generating with a gap near the top of the trunk
* Fixed reeds sometimes generating deep underwater and replacing solid blocks
* Fixed new players not starting with a full fast travel clock

>>> Compatibility:
* The removal of apples from oak leaves' drops is now implemented with a Global Loot Modifier instead of a data file replacement

>>> Translations:
* Updated French, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Italian, Shakespearean English, and Turkish translations
+ Added a Venetian translation


=== 复兴-2.7 ===

(2020 12 05)

>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

  1. + 添加了所有树种的原木台阶、木台阶、去皮原木台阶、去皮木台阶、木梁台阶

  2. + 添加了所有树种的木楼梯和去皮木楼梯

  3. + 添加了所有树种的树枝方块和去皮树枝方块

  4. * 木梁和木梁台阶可以作为燃料

  5. * 松树的侧面的树枝既有原木也有原木台阶

  6. * 瑁珑树、雪松、黑橡树族的树根部也会生成树枝方块

  7. + 为夏尔的道路生成了树篱

  8. + 添加了镶青金石路伊刚砖

  9. + 添加了矮人火把


>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

  1. * 改进了山脉地形的道路生成系统

  2. * 废墟地区的道路边缘会有更多方块缺失

  3. * 重新绘制了路伊刚的材质

  4. * 重新绘制了洛汗砖的材质

  5. * 重新绘制了松木原木的材质

  6. * 重新绘制了蜡烛物品的材质

  7. * 每个朽木原木现在可以合成两个朽木板(原先只能合成一个);每四个朽木原木现在可以合成两个朽木(原先只能合成一个)

  8. * 木盘的合成配方可以合成八个木盘(原先只能合成两个),而且现在可以用原木台阶合成

>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

  1. * 修复了当与FTB Chunks mod共同安装时,玩家接近水时会频繁报错的问题

  2. * 修复了高炉炼铜速度不会加快的问题

>>> 翻译:

  1. * 更新了波兰语、匈牙利语、西班牙语、俄语、汉语和白俄罗斯语翻译

=== Renewed-2.7 ===

(5th December, 2020)

>>> New in Renewed:
+ Added log, wood, stripped log, stripped wood, and beam slabs for all wood types
+ Added wood and stripped wood stairs for all wood types
+ Added branch and stripped branch blocks for all wood types
* Wood beams (and beam slabs) can now be used as furnace fuel
* Pine trees' sideways branches can now generate with log slabs as well as full logs
* Mallorn, cedar, and mirk-oak family trees' roots now generate with branch blocks
+ Added hedges along roads in the Shire
+ Added lapis-trimmed Luigon brick
+ Added dwarven torches

>>> Changes (to earlier Renewed):
* Improved road generation in mountainous regions
* Ruined roads with distinct edges now have even more blocks missing from their raised edges
* Retextured Luigon blocks
* Retextured Rohan bricks
* Retextured pine logs
* Retextured the candle item
* Rotten logs now make two planks per log (up from one), and two wood blocks from four logs (up from one)
* Wooden plate crafting now makes eight plates instead of two - and they can also be crafted from log slabs

>>> Fixes:
* Fixed the mod logging an error extremely frequently when near water with the FTB Chunks mod installed
* Fixed the blast furnace not smelting copper faster than in the furnace

>>> Translations:
* Updated Polish, Hungarian, Spanish, Russian, and Belarusian translations

=== Renewed-2.6.1 ===
(24th November, 2020)

>>> Changes (to earlier Renewed):
* Removed thistles from Mordor generation
* Rotten logs and boulders will no longer generate on roads
* The client-side road curve generator now runs on a separate thread after entering a world in order to prevent world loading delay
* Reeds and rushes are now flammable
* Increased the amount of rushes along rivers
* Changed the map colours of mallorn, cherry, beech, maple, lairelossë, and red-oak leaves to match their block textures

>>> Fixes (to earlier Renewed):
* Fixed the placement of the Bree-land waypoints to match their locations in the latest Legacy version
* Fixed the Great East Road not running east to Redwater Ford
* Fixed the road from Udûn through Carach Angren not passing through the mountain gap
* Fixed a Great East Road map label overlapping the nearby High Pass waypoint label
* Fixed the map screen's road points and label spacing not scaling with different map scale factors
* Corrected the 'Nobottom' road to 'Nobottle'
* Fixed marsh biomes generating mostly dry terrain
* Fixed rotten logs generating in the bottom halves of double grass blocks
* Fixed the water in the bottom half of waterlogged rushes and yellow irises disappearing if the top block is broken

>>> Translations:
* Updated Italian, French, English (Upside-down), Japanese, Polish, Russian, Shakespearean English, Chinese, Portuguese (Brazil), Turkish, and Pirate translations


===复兴-2.6 ===

(2020 11 21)

>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

  1. + 添加了道路

  2. + 添加了更多近哈拉德路径点

  3. + 添加了芦苇和干芦苇

  4. + 添加了芦苇茅草块、台阶及楼梯

  5. + 添加了戈埚洛斯生物群系

>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

  1. * 道路现在定义于.json文件中,可以通过资源包修改、移除、添加

  2. * 使道路对地形的扁平化影响更自然:道路更宽阔,更少使地形扁平化,扁平化算法修改为线性而非二次型

  3. * 相比与传统样式,道路现在改为以草径(草方块、泥土等)的样式生成

  4. * 部分道路有着不同的边缘

  5. * 树不会在道路上自然生成

  6. * 芦苇自然生成时总为三格高,每层材质不同;现在可以手动放置在水边或两格深的水中

  7. * 芦苇现在可以使用骨粉加速生长

  8. * 芦苇可以放置在沼泽泥上

  9. * 芦苇的合成配方由三张纸修改为两张纸

  10. * 使干芦苇的材质更佳美观

  11. * 添加了纸莎(suō)草

  12. * 添加了灯芯草

  13. * 添加了莲花

  14. * 在沼泽群系中添加了海草

  15. * 甘蔗现在只会自然生成于哈拉德和刚铎的南部生物群系中

  16. * 魔戒mod的的树叶、树苗、花、草、蘑菇、水果、农作物、种子、茅草块、芦苇茅草、灯芯草和馅饼现在可以用于堆肥

  17. * 茅草和芦苇块现在可以作为燃料

  18. * 重新设计了魔多生物群系,使之更贴近原著描述;将原魔多群系的生成特征移改为戈埚洛斯群戏的特征

  19. * 魔多草和刺棘可以放置在普通的草方块和泥土上

  20. * 魔多和努尔恩现在会在寻常泥土和魔多石两层中间夹入一层魔多泥土

  21. * 达戈拉德群系现在会生成灰化土

>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

  1. * 从刚铎西部和安德拉斯特移除了深色橡木

  2. * 从埃希尔安都因移除了睡莲

  3. * 将埃瑞吉安和伊希利恩的树木生成修改为以树群的形式生成

  4. * 移动了塔尔诺斯特路径点和临近的道路,使之呈现出环绕丘陵的效果

  5. * 将幽谷传送点向幽谷群系更深处移动

>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

  1. * 修复了路径点偏移半个像素的问题

  2. * 修复了遗忘客栈路径点会随埃利阿多群系解锁的问题,现改为随布理地区群系解锁

  3. * 修复了洛斯阿尔那赫和埃路伊十字路口的地图文字偏离出洛斯阿尔那赫群系的问题

  4. * 修复了细玻璃、沼泽泥、埃蒂尔维尔块和未被水浸没的朽木原木、朽木木梁被水浸没后的材质显示问题

  5. * 修复了去皮原木可以继续进行去皮操作的问题

  6. * 修复了被水浸没的朽木原木去皮后变干的问题

>>> 翻译:

  1. * 更新了法语、波兰语、日语、颠倒的英语、葡萄牙语(巴西)、汉语、俄语、白俄罗斯语、斯洛伐克语、意大利语、土耳其语、西班牙语翻译

=== Renewed-2.6 ===
(21st November, 2020)

>>> Ported:
+ Added roads
+ Added more of the Near Harad waypoints
+ Added reeds and dried reeds
+ Added reed thatch blocks, slabs, and stairs
+ Added the Gorgoroth biome

>>> New in Renewed:
* Roads are now defined in .json files, and datapacks can customise them, remove them, or add new ones
* Made road terrain-flattening more natural: roads now flatten the terrain less, over a wider range, and flatten linearly inwards instead of quadratically
* Common path-style roads now use grass paths in their generation
* Some roads now generate with different edge blocks
* Trees will not generate on road grass or dirt blocks
* Reeds are now always one to three blocks tall, with different textures for each stage, and can be placed either adjacent to water, or up to two blocks deep
* Reeds can now be grown with bone meal
* Reeds can be placed on quagmire
* Reed crafting now makes two pieces of paper instead of three
* Made dried reeds more friendly-looking
+ Added papyrus
+ Added rushes
+ Added water lily flowers
+ Added seagrass in marsh biomes
* Sugar cane now generates only in Harad and southern Gondor biomes
* The mod's leaves, saplings, grasses, flowers, mushrooms, fruits, crops, seeds, thatch blocks, reeds, rushes, and pies are now compostable
* Thatch and reed thatch blocks can now be used as furnace fuel
* Redesigned the normal 'Mordor' biome to closer match the book description - and moved the old biome generation to Gorgoroth
* Mordor grass and stabbing thorns can now be placed on ordinary grass and dirt
* Mordor and Nurn now generate a layer of Mordor dirt between ordinary dirt and Mordor rock
* Dagorlad surface terrain now includes greyish grass

>>> Changes (to earlier Renewed):
* Removed dark oaks from Western Gondor and Andrast
* Removed lily pads from Ethir Anduin
* Changed tree generation in Eregion and Ithilien to use tree clusters
* Moved the Tarnost waypoint and nearby roads so they skirt around the hills
* Moved the Rivendell waypoint further into the valley

>>> Fixes (to earlier Renewed):
* Fixed waypoint placement being off by half a pixel
* Fixed the Forsaken Inn waypoint unlocking in Eriador instead of Bree-land
* Fixed the Lossarnach map label and the Crossings of Erui waypoint having moved outside of Lossarnach after the recent map changes
* Fixed fine glass, quagmire, edhelvir blocks, and non-waterlogged rotten logs and beams displaying water flowing down their sides when placed underwater
* Fixed stripped logs being strippable into stripped wood
* Fixed waterlogged rotten logs becoming dry when stripped

>>> Translations:
* Updated French, Polish, Japanese, English (Upside-down), Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese, Russian, Belarusian, Slovak, Italian, Turkish, and Spanish translations


=====复兴-2.5=====   (2020年11月7日)

>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

  • Added tree clusters for improved tree generation


  • Added leaf bush generation

  • Added the Shire Moors and White Downs biomes


  • Added marsh terrain generation and the Midgewater, Swanfleet, Gladden Fields, Long Marshes, Nindalf, Dead Marshes, Mouths of Entwash, Ethir Anduin, Shire Marshes, and Nurn Marshes biomes


  • Added yellow irises

  • Added quagmire

  • Added rotten logs and their rotten wood products


>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

  • Revised the map of Southern Gondor again


  • Added a new 'Western Gondor' biome to fill some area that was previously Pinnath Gelin


  • Added mallos flowers in Lebennin, Pelargir, and Ethir Anduin


  • Changed the sky colour in Midgewater and added persistent fog


  • Changed the environmental colours in Nindalf and the Dead Marshes to slightly less intense palettes


  • Added tree cluster generation to several biomes that didn't use it in Legacy


  • Yellow irises can now be placed in one-block-deep water


  • Rotten logs and beams are now hollow and can be waterlogged


  • Rotten logs make only one planks block per log


  • Added driftwood on beaches


>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

  • Retextured Luigon blocks


  • Renamed the 'Pinnath Gelin' waypoint to 'Hirluin's Halls'


  • Increased the hilliness of the Weather Hills


  • Increased the hilliness in Rivendell and added more boulders


  • Moved the Rivendell biome so the river runs through the middle


  • Stabbing thorns now generate in thicker clumps


>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

  • Fixed full wood blocks displaying the wrong colour on maps


>>> 翻译:

  • Updated Shakespearean English, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), French, Polish, English (Upside-down), Russian, Belarusian, Pirate, and Italian translations



=====复兴-2.4=====   (2020年10月25日)

>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

  • Added Dalish brick, mossy, cracked, and carved brick, and pillar sets


  • Added the Dalish crafting table


  • Added the Drúwaith Iaur, Andrast, Lossarnach, Lebennin, Pelargir, Lamedon, Lamedon Hills, Blackroot Vale, Pinnath Gelin, Northern Wilderland, Rivendell, and Rivendell Hills biomes


  • Added blackroot plants and sticks


>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

  • Redrew the map of southern Gondor


  • Renamed the base 'Gondor' biome to Anórien


  • Added the Anfalas biome


  • Added Dalish paving blocks


  • Added Dalish crafting monuments in the biome


  • Improved terrain generation in Dale


  • Added the Northern Dale biome, with snowy areas


  • Added snowy areas in Northern Wilderland


  • Added surface diorite and granite variation in the Trollshaws


  • Added Rivendell crafting monuments in the biome


>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

  • Foxes and sweet berry bushes can generate in Eryn Vorn


>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

  • Fixed the cypress boat's name


  • Fixed the Dorwinion crafting table having stone material properties


  • Fixed the lack of Wood-elven crafting monuments in the Woodland Realm


  • Fixed a river pixel in the Brown Lands


  • Fixed a duplication glitch with crystals and dripstones


>>> 翻译:

  • Updated French, English (Upside-down), Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese, and Russian translations



=====复兴-2.3=====   (2020年10月18日)

>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

  • Added map labels


  • Added chalk and chalk brick sets


  • Added pressure plates and buttons for the mod's six stone types


  • Added Dorwinion brick, mossy and cracked brick, and pillar sets


  • Added the Dorwinion crafting table


  • Added the Dorwinion and Emyn Winion biomes


  • Added cypress trees and cypress wood blocks


  • Added white sand and white sandstone blocks


  • Added white beach biomes


  • Added the Wold, Minhiriath, and Eryn Vorn biomes


>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

  • Map labels are now defined in .json files, and datapacks can customise them, remove them, or add new ones


  • Added a polished chalk block set


  • Chalk bricks and pillars are now crafted using polished chalk


  • Added chalk dripstones


  • Added a chalk layer beneath dirt in the Eriador Downs and the Wold


  • Added 'dirty chalk' as a transition between dirt and chalk


  • Added new red Dorwinion brick, mossy, and cracked brick sets


  • Added white sandstone dripstones


  • Added cut, chiselled, and smooth white sandstone block sets


  • Added stonecutting recipes for all factionless Luigon, Cargon, and chalk recipes, including all brick and pillar variants


  • Added stonecutting recipes for stone pillars, brick pillars, and carved brick


  • Added stonecutting recipes for all clay tiling blocks, including recipes made from the corresponding terracotta


  • Added crafting recipes for chain armour


>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

  • Renamed the 'Trollshaws' waypoint to 'Trolls' Cave'


  • Removed some superfluous waypoints which merely referred to regions, and replaced some with map labels


  • Changed the grass colour in the Weather Hills


  • Retextured Mordor dirt


  • Retextured mithril items


  • Andesite now generates only in western coastal biomes and the Weather Hills


  • Diorite now generates only in downland biomes, some hill biomes, and deep beneath some mountainous areas


  • Granite now generates in most biomes (but not all), and more commonly in the lands around Eriador, and Emyn Muil


>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

  • Fixed petrified Fangorn trees generating along the border with the Misty Mountains


  • Fixed the placement of vanilla slabs and their corresponding vertical slabs ignoring entity bounding box collisions


  • Fixed Middle-earth respawning using the wrong z-coordinate


  • Fixed mod fences and fence gates not working as fuel


>>> 翻译:

  • Updated Chinese, Japanese, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, French, English (Upside-down), and Pirate translations



=====复兴-2.2=====   (2020年10月1日)

>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

  • Added map waypoints


  • Added fast travel


  • Added the /wpregion, /wpcooldown, and /ftclock commands

    添加了 /wpregion, /wpcooldown, /ftclock 命令

  • Added Angmar brick, cracked, and snowy brick, and pillar sets


  • Added the Angmar crafting table


  • Added the Coldfells, Ettenmoors, Harnennor, and Dagorlad biomes


  • Added Mordor rock's smoke particles, and for its slabs, stairs, walls, and dripstones


  • Added the alternative compass and clock crafting recipes with copper


>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

  • Waypoints are now defined in .json files, and datapacks can customise them, remove them, or add new ones


  • The waypoint route on the main menu screen can now be customised via datapack


  • Added orc plating and rusted orc plating slabs and stairs


  • Added wool slabs and wool stairs


  • Added the mossy Angmar brick set


  • Added carved Angmar brick


  • Added Angmar crafting monuments in the biome


  • Changed the terrain generation and colours in the Ettenmoors


  • Changed the terrain generation in the Coldfells to be like the previous Ettenmoors


  • Added new purple and red moor-grass in northern regions, replacing flowery grass and wheatgrass


  • Added double wheatgrass and double arid grass


  • Added dead bushes in the Brown Lands and Dagorlad


  • Removed flowery grass and wheatgrass from Angmar and mountainous biomes


  • Added a new 'Western Isles' biome, distinct from the randomly generated 'Island', so that the western isles must be visited to unlock their waypoints


  • Changed the fog colours in the Harad biomes to a slightly sandy colour


>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

  • Fixed 'skeleton trap' horses being able to spawn from lightning strikes in Middle-earth

>>> 翻译:

  • Updated Japanese, English (Upside-down), and Czech translations



=====复兴-2.1.3=====   (2020年9月23日)

>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

  • Added different side textures for the Dol Amroth crafting table


  • Remodelled vertical slabs for sandstones, cut sandstones, Mordor rock, and Rohan bricks to fit properly with their full blocks


  • Added variant texture models for cracked Umbar brick and snowy dwarven brick slabs, stairs, and walls


>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

  • Fixed vertical versions of vanilla slabs not dropping their slab items


  • Fixed lighting issues on vertical Dol Amroth brick slabs


  • Fixed vertical slabs not rotating in structure block operations


  • Fixed dead trees sometimes generating with a missing block in the trunk


  • Fixed Middle-earth biomes' water turning white if Optifine is installed


>>> 翻译:

  • Updated Korean, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, German, Italian, and Shakespearean English translations

    更新了韩语, 西班牙语, 瑞典语, 俄语, 德语, 意大利语, 莎士比亚体英语翻译

  • Added an English (Upside-down) translation

    添加了颠倒的英语翻译(例:poW sᵷuᴉᴚ ǝɥʇ ɟo pɹoꞀ ǝɥ⟘)

=====复兴-2.1.2=====   (2020年9月21日)

>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

  • Fixed four-leaf clovers generating too commonly 


>>> 翻译:

  • Updated French translations


=====复兴-2.1.1=====   (2020年9月21日)

>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

  • Fixed the Arnor pillar slab model


>>> 翻译:

  • Updated Polish, Swedish, Japanese, Hungarian, Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese, and Turkish translations


=====复兴-2.1=====   (2020年9月20日)

>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

  • Added Arnor brick, mossy, cracked, and carved brick, and pillar sets


  • Added the Ranger crafting table


  • Added Gondor cobblebrick, mossy, and cracked cobblebrick sets


  • Added the Dol Amroth brick set, with new special models and textures


  • Added the Dol Amroth crafting table


  • Added the Dor-en-Ernil and Emyn-en-Ernil biomes


  • Added the cracked Umbar brick set


  • Added clay tiling and all coloured clay tiling block sets


  • Added fine glass and all coloured fine glass, and their panes


  • Added recipes for black dye from charcoal, brown dye from mixing colours, and light blue dye from dwarfwort


  • Added orc plating and rusted orc plating


  • Added the Middle-earth respawning mechanics


  • Added other players' icons on the Middle-earth map


>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

  • Added Ranger crafting monuments in Eriador and the Lone-lands


  • Added mossy and cracked Dol Amroth brick sets


  • Added Dol Amroth crafting monuments in Dor-en-Ernil


  • Added carved Númenórean brick


  • Added the mossy Umbar brick set


  • Umbar bricks and pillars can now be crafted with either stone, sandstone, or a mix of both


  • Added carved red brick


  • Added clover blockstates for up to four clovers in a block


  • Crystals and Edhelvir blocks can now be used to colour beacon beams


  • Added a new logo image


  • Added chat messages for when Middle-earth respawning mechanics take effect


>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

  • Vertical slabs no longer use coremodding, fixing some compatibility issues - now LOTR mod slabs have all 3 axes, and vanilla slabs have new corresponding vertical-only slab blocks (X and Z axes), with placement overrides for vanilla slab items


  • Vertical slabs of smooth stone, sandstone, cut sandstone, red sandstone, and cut red sandstone now have rotated textures (uvlock: false) like pillar slabs


  • The map teleport key is now ENTER by default, with its own keybinding in settings


  • Reduced the generation rate of islands


  • Edhelvir blocks are now translucent


  • Retextured glowing dwarven brick


  • Haradric crafting monuments now generate with bronze lanterns


  • Bronze lanterns now have correct collision boxes


>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

  • Fixed the Rohirric crafting table displaying a brick bottom texture and requiring rock in its recipe


  • Fixed wild pipeweed generating too commonly


  • Fixed bees being active at night in Middle-earth (and other modded surface-world dimensions)


  • Fixed a crash when loading a world with the Ice and Fire mod installed


>>> 翻译:

  • Updated German, Polish, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese, Czech, French, Pirate, Spanish, Korean, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Hungarian, and Russian translations

  • 更新了德语,波兰语,日语,葡萄牙语(巴西),汉语,捷克语,法语,海盗语、西班牙语、韩语、斯洛伐克语、瑞典语、匈牙利语、俄语翻译



>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

+ 添加了中洲地图生成与地图界面

+ 添加了安格玛,南刚铎,埃奈德地区,安都因河谷,安都因丘陵,大荒原,老林子,布理地区,切特森林,努尔恩,乌姆巴尔,哈拉德沙漠,北地,北森林群系

+ 添加了山麓群系

+ 添加了魔多,佛洛德地区,安格玛这三个群系的山脉群系

+ 添加了林顿林地,埃利阿多岗,孤土丘陵群系

+ 添加了海洋,岛屿,沙滩,托尔法拉斯,湖泊,努尔能群系

+ 添加了中洲维度与中洲经典生成

+ 在中洲经典中添加了海洋

+ 添加了荒草地

+ 添加了白色、黄色、粉色、红色和橙色的菊花

+ 添加了裂矮人砖和錾制矮人砖

+ 添加了苔、裂、錾制黑森林精灵砖及其相关方块

* 极光的生成再次与纬度相关

>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

* 中洲地图的默认按键更改为“M”

* 地图图片文件存储在"/data"中而非"/assets"中

* 地图除图片外的子文件(路径点、按钮、海洋随纬度的变化等)存储在".json"文件中

* 地图图片文件和子文件可以通过资源包更改

* 海水结冰的样式现在使用柏林噪声(Perlin noise)而非随机生成

* 海底方块随纬度变低逐渐由砂砾变为沙子

+ 添加了海带、珊瑚、海泡菜、海龟,以及所有鱼类;随纬度会有变化

* 改进了岛屿生成机制

+ 在北森林中加入了白色狐狸和甜浆果灌木丛

* 孤土丘陵与普通的孤土群系相比,草地颜色有变化

* 更改了努尔恩的环境色,添加了更多种地表样式

+ 添加了乌姆巴尔工作台,和其他派系的相同,生成与对应的纪念碑结构中

- 移除了蓝色菊花,更改为红色

+ 添加了青铜灯笼和青铜粒

+ 添加了苔矮人砖、雪矮人砖和相关方块

>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

* 黑森林和范贡森林的水雾颜色已经更正

* 重新绘制了mod的菜单按钮材质

* 重新绘制了埃蒂尔维尔、古尔都利尔矿石的材质

* 重新绘制了古尔都利尔相关物品的材质

* 埃蒂尔维尔水晶和古尔都利尔水晶有40%的几率在不使用精准采集的情况下掉落自身水晶

* 重新绘制了金栏杆、银栏杆、秘银栏杆的材质

* 重新绘制了艾森加德钢栏杆的材质和模型

* 重新绘制了艾森加德砖和艾森加德柱的材质

* 重新绘制了矮人柱的材质

* 重新绘制了刚铎、洛汗、林顿、幽谷、加拉兹民、黑森林精灵、艾森加德、哈拉德、乌姆巴尔工作台的材质

* 重新绘制了埃拉诺、妮芙瑞迪尔、辛贝穆奈、阿斯法黛尔、金盏花和薰衣草的材质

* 重新绘制了哈拉德花朵的材质

* 重新绘制了银块和银锭的材质

* 重新绘制了岩矿石、盐块及其相关物品的材质

* 重新绘制了硝石块的材质

* 重新绘制了精灵火把的材质

- 出于显示问题,移除了茅草块边缘的刺突

* 灰浆墙方块的音效与脚手架相同

>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

* 修复了阿塞拉斯生成率过高的问题

* 修复了冰锥在水中生成且被水浸没的问题


* 更新了汉语、葡萄牙语(巴西)、捷克语、海盗语、瑞典语、土耳其语、法语、俄语、意大利语、斯洛伐克语、西班牙语、德语翻译

+ 添加了莎士比亚版英语翻译


建议的Forge版本: 1.15.2-31.2.31



>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

* 修复了在服务器中动态联合mod(DynamicIngredient)导致崩溃的问题

* 修复了除金吊灯外其他吊灯未添加入掉落物表文件(loot_table.json)的问题


>>> 翻译:

* 更新了波兰语,韩语,日语翻译




>>> 10移植的特性:

+ 添加了灰色山脉,白色山脉,范贡森林,黑森林王国,河谷邦生物群系

+ 添加了范贡森林的巨型树木

+ 添加了绿橡树及其相关方块

+ 添加了红橡树

+ 添加了苔加拉兹民砖,裂加拉兹民砖,錾制加拉兹民砖及其相关方块


>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

+ 在黑橡树上添加了蜘蛛网

* 修改了范贡森林的草地和水面颜色,修改了范贡森林的天空为晴

* 修改范贡森林的巨型树木树干外部为原木,内部为去皮原木

* 增加黑森林王国的树木覆盖率


>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

* 减小了“中洲经典”生成世界中的生物群系大小

* 重新绘制了加拉兹民砖,加拉兹民柱,黑森林精灵砖,黑森林精灵柱的材质

* 重新绘制了黑橡木门的材质

* 冬青树上可生成蜂巢


>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

* 修复了破坏瑁珑木梯时无掉落物的问题

* 修复了奥克锻炉无法将正常的肉转为腐肉的问题


>>> 翻译:

* 更新了瑞典语,西班牙语,波兰语,斯洛伐克语,日语,葡萄牙语(巴西),俄语,韩语,海盗语,法语,汉语,土耳其语,德语翻译

+ 添加了捷克语翻译




>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

+ 添加了更多黑橡树模型

+ 添加了黑蘑菇


>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

* 修复了黑森林到处生成的问题

* 修复了黑橡木根部过于繁茂的问题

* 修复了丢失的冬青木告示牌材质


>>> 翻译:

* 更新了波兰语,西班牙语,葡萄牙语(巴西),法语,瑞典语翻译




>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

+ 添加了蓝色山脉工作台

+ 添加了蓝山矮人装备

+ 添加了蓝山矮人钢栏杆

+ 添加了金,银,铜宝藏堆

+ 添加了平滑魔多石,平滑刚铎石,平滑洛汗石,及其相应的台阶

+ 添加了冬青树和冬青木

+ 添加了埃瑞吉安生物群系

+ 添加了黑橡树

+ 添加了黑森林生物群系

+ 生物群系间的雾厚度会出现渐变


>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

+ 各派系的工作台均添加了一个按钮,使其可以作为原版工作台使用

* 移除“蓝山矮人钢锭”,蓝色山脉的物品均使用矮人钢锭合成

+ 为宝藏堆添加了闪闪发光的粒子效果

* 使用锹可以更快破坏宝藏堆

* 小桶和宝藏堆可以浸没在水中,同其它的不完整方块一样

* 魔多植物可以通过在魔多石,魔多泥土和魔多砂砾上使用骨粉生成

* 山毛榉树,蕨类,狐狸和甜浆果灌木丛可以在埃瑞吉安生成

+ 为黑橡树叶设计了新的模型

* 当超过单个树叶方块重叠放置时,黑橡树叶会显得完全不透光


>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

* 蓝色山脉纪念碑结构添加了蓝色山脉工作台

* 木盘的合成配方现在可以合成两个木盘

* 重新绘制了魔古尔工作台和魔多砂砾的材质

* 重新绘制了矮人铠甲的材质

* 重新绘制了部分栏杆的材质

* 重新绘制了刚铎柱的材质

* 略微修改了梨木的颜色

* 饮品材质像素大小改为32px,左上角的16x16用于物品栏中图标,右半边用于在小桶中的显示

* 减少了阿塞拉斯的生成概率


>>> 翻译:

* 更新了法语,瑞典语,西班牙语,葡萄牙语(巴西),汉语,俄语,波兰语,英语(新西兰),德语,海盗语,意大利语翻译

+ 添加了罗马语和日语翻译


* 现在需要31.2.31以上的Forge版本

>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

+ 添加了中洲云的模型

+ 添加了配置文件(.cfg)

+ 添加了木桶(Barrel),更名为小桶(Keg)

+ 添加了木杯,陶瓷杯和金高脚杯

+ 添加了饮料形式的水,牛奶,巧克力和苹果汁

+ 添加了可酿造的饮料:麦芽酒,苹果酒,梨酒,樱桃甜酒,蜜酒,米茹沃,奥克饮料,矮人麦芽酒,矮人补药,阿塞拉斯酿,朗姆酒,伏特加,枫啤酒,胡萝卜酒,仙人掌甜酒,西瓜甜酒,酸奶

+ 添加了瑁珑坚果

+ 添加了魔古尔菇

+ 添加了增强后的醉酒画面效果

+ 添加了醉酒文本

+ 添加了錾制路伊刚砖和錾制卡尔刚砖

+ 添加了平滑路伊刚和平滑卡尔刚,及它们的相关方块

+ 添加了盘子碎掉的音效

+ 添加了发射器可发射盘子的机制

* 漏斗可以均匀地将物品输入至合金锻炉中

>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

+ 为盘中食物设计了精美的模型,可由资源包修改

* 盘子可以盛装汤,炖,以及其他用碗装的食物

+ 添加了mod中所有木材版本的船

* 蜜酒现在使用蜂蜜酿造(之前使用糖)

* 酿造配方现在可由数据包修改

* 酿造配方现在支持为不同饮料修改不同的酿造时间,以及获得的经验

* 垂直堆放的小桶模型中添加了支架

+ 添加了甜浆果汁

+ 添加了裂路伊刚砖,裂卡尔刚砖,錾制路伊刚砖,錾制卡尔刚砖,及其相应的其他方块

* 平滑路伊刚方块和平滑卡尔刚方块现在与原版中的平滑石头在合成配方和侧面贴图设计上保持一致

>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

* 重新绘制了努门诺尔柱的材质

* 重新绘制了红色哈拉德砖,红色哈拉德柱的材质

* 重新绘制了洛汗石和洛汗柱的材质

* 重新绘制了路伊刚和卡尔刚石,砖,柱的材质

* 重新绘制了乌鲁克钢锭和钢块,以及乌鲁克装备的材质

>>> 相比之前版本修复的:

* 修复了两个裂魔多砖台阶堆叠在一起的整体模型

* 修复了北方的光芒(极光)在视角快速摆动下无法正确旋转的问题

* 修复了破坏掉自定义名称的霍比特烤炉不会掉落有着自定义名称的烤炉的问题

* 修复了食用枫糖浆会获得食用柠檬的效果的问题

* 修复了破坏瑁珑叶不会掉落瑁珑木棍,只会掉落普通木棍的问题

* 修复了服务端一个与投掷盘子相关的导致崩溃的问题

* 修复了手持红皮书导致的一个与照明相关的问题

* 修复了双倍大小的石笋生成在水中时,第二格高度不会浸水的问题

>>> 翻译:

* 更新了韩语,法语,俄语,波兰语,白俄罗斯语,海盗语,汉语,意大利语,葡萄牙语(巴西),瑞典语和土耳其语翻译。

+ 添加了西班牙语和斯洛伐克语翻译


>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

+ 添加了木盘,石盘,成盘

+ 添加了苔刚铎砖,裂刚铎砖,錾制刚铎砖及相关方块

+ 添加了苔高等精灵砖,裂高等精灵砖,錾制高等精灵砖及相关方块

+ 添加了裂魔多砖,錾制魔多砖及相关方块

+ 添加了裂洛汗砖,錾制洛汗砖及相关方块

+ 添加了佛洛德地区生物群系

+ 添加了极光(能否见到与生物群系相关,而非纬度)

+ 添加了茅草块及相关方块

+ 添加了连接材质,如秘银块等

+ 添加了干石

+ 添加了灰浆墙

+ 添加了镶金,镶银,镶秘银矮人砖

* 铜块,锡块,青铜块,银块,秘银块,矮人钢块,精灵钢块,奥克钢块,乌鲁克钢块,埃蒂尔维尔块,古尔都利尔块可用于搭建信标基座

>>> 复兴版额外添加的:

* mod使用的连接材质配置可应用于任意方块

+ 添加了新的茅草块模型

+ 添加了苔魔多砖,苔洛汗砖及相关方块

+ 添加了苔努门诺尔砖,裂努门诺尔砖及相关方块

+ 添加了灰浆墙柱

+ 在多种森林群系中添加了铃兰生成

+ 在夏尔和多种森林群系添加了狐狸和甜浆果灌木丛生成

+ 在佛洛德地区添加了北极熊生成(稀有)

* 蕨和大型蕨可以在更多群系生成

>>> 相比之前版本更改的:

* 更改了魔多石,魔多砖,魔多柱及相关方块的材质。

* 更改了努门诺尔砖的材质

* 略微更改了林顿的天空和迷雾颜色

>>> 翻译:

* 更新了汉语,韩语,波兰语,俄语,Lolcat语,法语,瑞典语,荷兰语,葡萄牙语(巴西),海盗语,土耳其语,德语翻译。



  1. >>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

  2. + 添加了合金锻炉,矮人锻炉,精灵锻炉和奥克锻炉

  3. + 添加了青铜锭,精灵钢锭和矮人钢锭的合金配方

  4. + 在奥克锻炉中煅烧任意一种原木可以得到焦木

  5. * 秘银锭只能在矮人锻炉中制作,奥克钢锭只能在奥克锻炉中制作

  6. + 添加了努门诺尔砖及相关方块

  7. + 添加了砖柱和砖柱台阶

  8. + 添加了艾森加德工作台

  9. + 添加了艾森加德砖及相关方块

  10. + 添加了乌鲁克钢锭

  11. + 添加了艾森加德装备

  12. + 添加了南库茹尼尔地区

  13. + 添加了夏尔工作台

  14. + 添加了霍比特烤炉

  15. + 添加了松树

  16. + 添加了冷杉相关方块物品

  17. + 添加了落叶松相关方块物品


  19. >>> 复兴版额外添加的:

  20. * 锻炉的煅烧配方可在数据包中更改

  21. * 锻炉煅烧速度减半

  22. * 更改了锻炉的材质

  23. * 更改了锻炉的合成配方

  24. * 在锻炉中shift移动物品更方便

  25. * 霍比特烤炉形式上等同于锻炉,可以通过同时放入盐(上层)和生/熟猪排(下层)来制作腌火腿

  26. * 夏尔松木成为仅在夏尔生成的特殊松木,而不是独立于松木的新树木类型。夏尔松木门和夏尔松木活板门仍然能在夏尔工作台上合成

  27. + 添加了夏尔工作台,可以在夏尔生成


  29. >>> 相比之前版本更改的:

  30. * 更改了魔多砖和魔多柱的材质

  31. * 路伊农和卡拉农更名为路伊刚和卡尔刚

  32. * 由于Forge 1.15.2-31.1.91的bug修复,移除了注册表别名修复


  34. >>> 相比之前版本修复的:

  35. * 修复了主世界加载时,中洲维度不会加载的问题

  36. * 修复了安山岩石笋的模型


  38. >>> 翻译:

  39. * 更新了韩语,土耳其语,荷兰语,俄语翻译

  40. + 添加了英语(新西兰),葡萄牙语(巴西),瑞典语,波兰语和Lolcat语翻译


Renewed-1.2.2(包括 1.2 和 1.2.1)

>>> 相比之前版本修复的:
* 修复了快照1.2之前创建的世界可能会导致游戏宕机的问题,原因是注册表名重映损坏射。

>>> 翻译:
* 更新了汉语,匈牙利语,德语翻译
+ 新增乌克兰语翻译


>>> 相比之前版本更改的:
* 更改了蓟的模型

>>> 相比之前版本修复的:
* 修复了萤石矿石/水晶会被埃蒂尔维尔矿石/水晶代替生成的问题
* 修复了一些台阶竖直放置时材质出问题的bug
* 修复了丢失的莱瑞洛雪告示牌材质

>>> 翻译:
+ 更新了韩语,俄语,法语,白俄罗斯语,意大利语,海盗语翻译
+ 新增匈牙利语翻译


>>> Ported:
+ 添加了吊灯,改变了外观和配方
+ 添加了洛丝罗瑞恩,铁丘陵,黑蛮地,埃敏穆伊,林顿,南蛮子海滨生物群系
+ 添加了具有分支的瑁珑树
+ 添加了落叶粒子
+ 添加了四种颜色的瑁珑火把
+ 添加了埃蒂尔维尔和古尔都利尔的矿石,宝石,块
+ 添加了山杨,雪松,莱瑞洛雪树及相关方块
+ 添加了修改后的白桦树模型
+ 添加了阿塞拉斯,矮人麦草,野生烟斗草,野生亚麻
+ 添加了作物烟斗草,作物亚麻,作物生菜
+ 添加了哈拉德的花朵:红沙宝石,黄沙宝石,南风铃,哈拉德雏菊,木槿,哈拉德之焰
+ 添加了沙漠中的橡树模型
+ 添加了石墙
- 移除了哈拉德
+ 重添加哈拉德

>>> mod新增的:
* 一个方块上最多可放置四根蜡烛(类比海泡菜)
+ 添加了水晶形式的埃蒂尔维尔,古尔都利尔,萤石
* 更改了烟斗草,阿塞拉斯,生菜的外观
* 矮人麦草可以在迷雾山脉生成
* 埃敏穆伊群系生成的更小
* 将埃敏穆伊生成的陶瓦换成花岗岩
+ 添加了沙石石笋和红色沙石石笋
+ 在某些生物群系中暂时添加了一种结构,以作为目前获得派系工作台的途径

>>> 相比之前版本更改的:
* 路因刚和卡兰刚更名为路因农和卡兰农(仍然是语言学原因)
* 石笋重命名(上一版是“洞穴堆积物”)
* 改进了石笋放置机制
* 蓟,荨麻和厥芽可放置在花盆中
* 更改地形生成,使丘陵和山脉更平缓,河流可在更高的地方生成

>>> 相比之前版本修复的:
* 修复了厥芽渲染为灰色荨麻的问题
* 修复了蜡烛模型中丢失一小部分的问题
* 修复了南瓜会在褐地生成的问题
* 修复了蓝色山脉的水域中会生成奇怪的蓝色石头堆的问题
* 修复了魔古尔铁矿石生成率只有预计的一半的问题

>>> 翻译:
* 更新了汉语,意大利语,韩语,法语翻译
+ 添加了俄语,德语,荷兰语,白俄罗斯语,挪威语,土耳其语,海盗语翻译



>>> 由旧版本桥接来的内容:
+ 添加蓝色山脉、食人妖森林、埃利阿多、孤土、伊希利恩、褐地生物群系
+ 添加了石笋,石笋可倒置摆放(即钟乳石)
+ 添加了原版原木的木梁
+ 添加了枫树及相关方块
+ 添加了枫糖浆
+ 添加了奥克火把
+ 添加了各种钢栏杆
+ 添加了精灵木栅栏
+ 添加了三叶草和四叶草(可放入花盆内)
+ 添加了中洲特有的高草丛
+ 补全了所有台阶、楼梯、墙
+ 在中洲维度添加了地下水和岩浆湖
+ 生成岩石区域的高度增加了
+ 在森林地区添加了草地-灰化土-泥土混合的生成区域
+ 添加了/lotr_time指令,中洲的时间现在与主世界分开计算了

>>> 新增的内容:
+ 添加了各种样式的石笋
* 改变了石笋的外观
+ 添加了两倍大小的石笋(手持石笋对着石笋尖端放置得到)
* 石笋可以被水方块包裹(类比台阶、板砖)
* 石笋可以倒置
+ 添加了在石笋上死亡的死亡信息
* 根据辛达语的规则将萨尔路因、萨恩卡兰和督尔瑙尔重命名为路因贡、卡兰贡和督尔诺尔
+ 添加了蜂蜡和蜡烛
* 奥克火把现在可以用煤炭或督尔诺尔在任何奥克工作台上合成
* 改变了精灵木栅栏的合成配方,以闭免和活板门冲突
* 现在麦草比其他草丛更容易掉落小麦种子
* 四叶草可以在任何群系生成,只是比在夏尔更罕见
* 太阳、月亮、星星(尤其是埃雅仁迪尔)在玩家进入遮蔽天空的群系(如魔多)时会缓慢淡出,而不是突然消失
+ 添加了一个错误提示,与竖直放置的台阶有关

>>> 相比之前版本更改的:
* 更改了刚铎石和刚铎砖的材质
* 莱贝斯隆树仅在伊希利恩生成
* 洛汗砖的材质现在有了四种不同的随机旋转
* 月亮的贴图更小了
* 修正了各种金属工具能开采的对应矿物的关系
* 垂直台阶贴图不再会随着玩家的方向而旋转

>>> 相比之前版本修复的:
* 修改了派系工作台有时会复制材料的bug
* 修改了在原版工作台上摆放只能在派系工作台上合成的配方时会弹出“新配方解锁!”的问题
* 修复了秘银装备的配方使用秘银锭而非秘银锁子的问题
* 修复了部分魔多装备配方会在原版工作台显示的问题
* 修复了在试图附魔模组装备时游戏崩溃的问题
* 修复了部分矿石可被所有镐开采的问题
* 修复了埃雅仁迪尔会突然消失的问题

>>> 原版更改:
* 替换了/weather命令,以免冲突

>>> 翻译:
+ 增加了意大利语、韩语、法语、汉语翻译

Snapshot 1.0



>>> 从1.7.10移植的特性:

+ 添加mod主菜单界面

+ 添加戒指传送门

+ 添加中洲维度以及自定义地形生成

+ 添加五个生物群戏(以及河流、夏尔林地), 随机生成

+ 添加各种石、砖、及其台阶、楼梯、墙

+ 添加柱和柱台阶

+ 添加一些派系工作台

+ 添加一些矿石、锭、粒、金属块

+ 添加金戒、银戒、秘银戒

+ 添加盐、硫磺、硝石

+ 添加萤石矿石

+ 添加发光矮人砖

+ 添加青铜铠甲、秘银铠甲、以及部分派系铠甲

+ 添加树、原木、以及夏尔松木、瑁珑木、黑橡木、焦木、苹果木、梨木、樱桃木、莱贝斯隆木、山毛榉木及其相关方块

+ 添加木梁

+ 添加瑁珑木梯

+ 添加辛贝穆奈,夏尔帚石楠、铃兰、金盏花、阿斯法黛尔、薰衣草

+ 添加埃拉诺和妮芙瑞迪尔

+ 添加兰巴斯、腌肉片、青苹果、梨、樱桃、可疑肉

+ 添加苹果酥、樱桃馅饼

+ 添加鞍合成配方、铁马铠合成配方

+ 添加毛皮

+ 添加毛皮铠甲

+ 添加红皮书

+ 添加壁炉块

+ 添加巨石

+ 添加魔多泥土、魔多砂砾、魔多草、枯苔藓、刺棘

+ 添加口袋

+ 添加手持武器的大模型(与物品栏中小图标区分)

+ 增加每日时长

+ 添加天空渲染

+ 水的颜色随纬度改变

+ 添加瀑布粒子效果

>>> 1.15新特性:

* 重写方块与物品材质

+ 添加红皮书的手持模型

* 柱可以侧放

+ 为所有原木添加去皮版/六面贴图相同版、压力板、按钮、活板门、告示牌

* 果树的树叶既有结实的又有未结实的

* 松树枝条末端的原木是贴图相同的版本

+ 添加裂纹版本的矿石

+ 切石机可用于切割刚铎石

* 魔戒mod的花也可以制作迷之炖菜

* 辛贝穆奈可用于制作白色颜料

* 兰巴斯的饱和度由1增加到1.5 (恢复饥饿值仍为20)

+ 添加都尔瑙尔块的粒子效果

* 略微减少了在泥土上撒盐转化为灰化土或无草泥土的范围

+ 盐可以化雪(雪方块不行)

* 增加了使用硝石合成骨粉得到的数量

* 每次只能合成一个壁炉块

* 点燃的壁炉块材质不同

+ 刚铎有几率生成巨石(刚铎石构成或原石构成)

>>> 原版更改:

+ 添加可竖直放置的台阶

* 橡树叶不会掉落苹果,只有苹果树叶会掉落
