-Added mod support for Gems+
-Changed crafting recipe for BOP amethyst reed to use skystone instead of vanilla stone
-Changed a few textures
-Renamed Amber Ore Reed to Amber Bearing Reed
-Added mod support for Ars Magica
-Fixed Tinker’s Construct Aluminum
-Added the option to disable items by setting the id to 0
-Added more console outputs
-Changed the way the mod looks for mod support
-Fixed config file
-Made it possible to change the growing block texture via the config file
-Fixed mcmod.info file
-Added mod support for EE3
-Added English localisation (can support other languages too now, ask me about it)
-Changed name of Amber Ore Reed to Amber Bearing Reed
-Added smelting recipe to convert clay reeds directly to bricks
-Added Ender Reed
-Added Blaze Powder Reed
-Added mod support for Thermal Expansion
-Added mod support for Railcraft
-Added a new way of mod compatibility
-Added Dartcraft Support
-Fixed Apatite Reed Texture Bug
-Added Thaumcraft Support
-Added Clay Reed
-Added BOP Apatite reed
-Removed all ingots and gems added by Growable ores, except for copper, tin and silver
-Fixed IC2 uranium bug
-Fixed Forestry apatite bug
-Fixed Certus Quartz Reed Texture Bug
-Changed Silver Ore Reed Texture
-Added recipe to get emeralds back from emerald reeds
-Changed the recipe to get quartz back from nether quartz
-Changed the recipe to get lapis back from lapis reed
-Changed the recipe to get certus quartz back from certus quartz reed
-Changed the recipe to get apatite back from apatite reed
-Changed the recipe to get uranium back from uranium reed
-Added Tick Handler
-Added Version Helper
-Added Obsidian Reed
-Made glowstone dust easier to craft with glowstone reeds
-Changed growing block texture again
-Changed Block materials from plants to rock
-Made a pickaxe required to mine reeds
-Set all the reed’s harvest level based on the original block