[API] Added CuriosAPI#setSlotsForType helper method to set slot sizes for a given entity and curio type identifier (thanks ItsTheBdoge!) #26
[API] Added built-in support for "hands" curio type
[API] Added ICurio.RenderHelper#followBodyRotations to rotate models according to entity pose
Added new test item for "hands", Curious Knuckles
Changed tooltip for curio tags on items #26
[API] ICurio#onCurioBreak and CuriosAPI#onBrokenCurio for implementing break animations for curios in curio slots, defaulting to vanilla behavior but allowing for overrides as well
[API] Added ICurio#onCurioTick(String, int, LivingEntity) for index-sensitive tick calls
[API] onUnequipped and onEquipped methods now fire only when items are different and ignore durability
[API] ICurio#onCurioTick(String, LivingEntity) has been deprecated in favor of the index-sensitive version
Fixed bug with Curios stacks not being cleaned up in the slots
Ported to 1.14.3 Forge
[API] CuriosAPI#getType now returns an Optional value
[API] CuriosAPI#getCurioEquipped methods each now return an Optional ImmutableTriple
[API] Moved IMC processing out of the API
[API] CuriosAPI#registerIcon has been removed and replaced with IMC processing
[API] CuriosAPI#getIcons has been removed and replaced with CuriosAPI#getIcon(String)
[API] CuriosAPI.FinderData class and usages have been removed and replaced with ImmutableTriple
[API] Curio item tag dictionary is available as a holder class to provide commonly used terms for potential slots
[API] Major API changes to streamline methods and emphasize concurrent determinism so that the registry will always output the same results.
Slot registry converted to IMC process
Icon registry isolated to client-side
Some CuriosRegistry methods moved to CuriousAPI so that the latter contains all methods intended for third-party use
[API] Debug "Amulet" slot changed to "Necklace" slot
[API] Added ICurio#getSyncTag and ICurio#readSyncTag(NBTTagCompound) for additional data syncing
[API] Re-added ICurio#onEquipped(String, EntityLivingBase) and ICurio#onUnequipped(String, EntityLivingBase) methods
[API] Added RenderHelper for holding helpful rendering utility methods
[API] Change return of some CurioRegistry methods to be immutable to prevent access to certain registry data
Added crown item
[API] Changed CurioAPI#getCurioEquippedOfType(String, Item, EntityLivingBase) to a more robust CurioAPI#getCurioEquipped(Item, EntityLivingBase) that returns more data about the found stack
Modified speed bonus on ring item
Fixed inverted tracking sync checks
Fixed dedicated server crashes