-The Ratlantis addon is now completely redundant. To enable ratlantis, you now have to enable the Ratlantis datapack on world creation.
-Completely redid Rat AI and pathfinding. Rats should now be much more reliable when performing tasks
-Completely redid the Ratlantis dimension. The dimension will now feature more frequent, smaller islands and should have better structure spreading. The dimension will also be a lot less harsh when loading chunks and should overall run better
-Redid how Ratlantis portals work. Portals will now properly link and wont spawn you so far in the air. They should also be a lot more reliable taking you to and from ratlantis
-Moved rat, demon rat, and piper spawning to biome modifiers. This removes the need for configs for them and allows more flexible spawning restrictions
-Split Rats into 2 separate entities, wild and tamed rats. This means wild rats should be a lot less of a burden on the game now that most of the stuff tamed rats did is now split into its own entity.
-Added a way to make blue cheese and nether cheese in cauldrons
添加了用炼药锅制作蓝纹奶酪和下界奶酪(Nether cheese)的方法
-Overhauled JEI compat for cheesemaking
-Rats will now wear special hats or hold certain items on holdiays
-Party hats can now be dyed any color
-Added a spawning animation for the flying dutchrat
-added spawning and death animations for the rat king
-Reimplemented village pet shops and trash piles. You can give a villager the pet store owner profession by placing a trash can near it
-Added a raw oratchalcum ingot for vanilla parity
-Added back the fly particles that spawn over trash piles. Trash cans that are partially full will also spawn flies around it.
-Redid how the trash can works. Right click it with an empty hand to open and close it, and right click blocks into it to fill it when its open. You can also prevented blocks from being turned into trash by adding them to the `rats:trash_can_blacklist` tag. Resource storage blocks and the trash can itself are included in the tag by default.
-Added a new rat skin
-reorganized the creative mode tabs
-overhauled the rat crafting table. instead of defining what the output is, you can now make a ghost version of the recipe and the rat will make its result as long as it has the items needed in the table
-rats will now play a sleeping animation when sitting on a bed
-plague doctors will eat items theyre holding if their health is below max
-rat variants have been moved to a registry, meaning other mods can register their own variants. You can even define if its a breeding exclusive or a naming easter egg.
-Added a BUNCH of new config options. You can configure lots of things about the various bosses, and you can control more things about the rats and their upgrades
-Ratlantis now has exclusive fishing loot
-Tamed Cats now have a chance of bringing you a raw rat or tiny coin after sleeping with you at night
-removed the recipe for rat transfer papers. They are now only obtainable through pet shop owners.
移除了Rat Papers的配方。现在只能通过与宠物店店主交易获得。
-The ratlantis bow will now shoot twice as fast and the arrows do double the damage normal arrows do.
-plague doctor and black death masks will now unrender the player's hat layer, fixing any clipping issues when wearing them.
-attempted to make the ratlantis portal effect mimic the 1.12 effect a bit better
-ratbow essence will create different overlays based on whats its named. Wear your colors with pride!
-rat dragon fire will now create fire blocks at a max age instead of fresh blocks. Hopefully they wont burn as much stuff with this change.
-Moved rat spaws to their own mob cap. You can now have a max of 25 wild rats spawning in an area without affecting the animal spawn cap. Demon rats were also moved to their own mob cap, which is set at 5.
-Trash piles now respect the new mob cap mentioned above, meaning that they wont spawn millions of rats forever. Trash piles dont follow the cap exactly though. They will continue to spawn rats until the mob cap is at 50 (double what it will normally be)
垃圾堆生成老鼠的方式现在也遵循上面提到的新的生物生成上限,这意味着垃圾堆不会再生成成千上万只老鼠了。但垃圾堆不完全遵循这个上限,它将继续生成老鼠,直到生物生成上限达到50个 (是通常上限的两倍)。
-plague doctorates will now only work on nitwits or unemployed villagers
-add unique subtitles for sounds
-added oratchalcum and ratlantis gems as valid trim materials
-added a new advancement trigger for summoning black death
-Ripped out the old API and completely redid show compat works. Upgrades now use various interfaces, mounts are now defined in the item, and skins were moved to a registry (as stated before)
-moved creeper chunks and tiny coin drops to loot modifiers
-added 3 new loot conditions:
- `rats:rat_has_plague`: returns true if a rat is plagued
- `rats:ratlantis_loaded`: returns true if the ratlantis datapack is enabled
- `rats:killer_has_upgrade`: returns true if a rat has a certain upgrade or a rat is this entity's passenger and has the upgrade (used for mounts)
- `rats:rat_has_plague`: 如果老鼠感染了瘟疫,则返回true
- `rats:ratlantis_loaded`: 如果鼠西洲数据包已启用,则返回true
- `rats:killer_has_upgrade`: 如果被拥有某个给定的升级的老鼠杀死或被拥有该升级的老鼠骑乘的实体杀死,则返回true(用于坐骑)
-nerfed the synesthesia effect quite a bit. The effect now only heals 1 hunger notch and 0.1 saturation, and will fire every 2 seconds instead of every tick
-migrated archeology, gemcutting, and chef "recipes" to actual recipes, meaning datapacks can now add more as they please.
将考古、宝石切割和厨师的“配方”(意思是原来的配方是硬编码) 迁移到了实际的配方中,这意味着数据包现在可以随意添加更多内容。
-added 3 new gamerules to toggle rat, piper, and plague doctor spawns
-removed milk fluid and instead migrated to using forge's milk fluid
-added dispenser interactions for the following:
- all hats: will be equipped to mobs when dispensed
- ratlantean automaton head: will place if it can spawn an automaton. Otherwise will behave like hats
- all dyes + ratbow essence: will dye a rat if its in front of the dispenser
- cheese cannonball, capture net, purifying liquid, crimson fluid, and vial of sentience: will shoot them
- plague doctorate: will transform a villager into a plague doctor
- plague tome: will transform a plague doctor into black death
- cheese: will be placed in a rat trap if aimed at one
- 所有帽子:戴在面前生物的头上
- 鼠西族战机头颅:如果放置后可以生成鼠西族战机,则放置。否则,将像帽子一样戴在面前生物的头上
- 所有染料+彩鼠源质:如果老鼠在发射器前,则给它染色
- 奶酪炮弹、捕鼠网、净化液、Crimson Liquid和知性小瓶:发射它们
- 奶酪:如果发射器对着捕鼠夹,则将奶酪放置在上面
-added potted ratglove flower
-added new compostable materials:
- Rat nugget: 30%
- contaminated food: 50%
- ratglove flower and potato pancake: 65%
- herb bundle and ratglove petals: 85%
- confit byaldi and pottato knishes: 100%
- 老鼠“坨坨”:30%
- 受污染的食物:50%
fixed a world deadlock when trying to spawn demon rats on striders
fixed rats not digging holes to get to places they cant
fixed plague doctors not restocking their trades ever. They will now restock their trades at the start of every day.
fixed wandering plague doctors never despawning
fixed the auto curdler not displaying the fluid amount in the GUI
fixed plague doctors spawning in dimensions they shouldnt
fixed a few crashes with the undead upgrade
fixed a lot of issues with rat mounts
fixed rats disappearing from your shoulder/head after teleporting around
fixed festive rats not giving presents
fixed plague doctors deleting their held items when converting to black death
fixed many issues with patrol staffs
修复了Rat Patrol Staff(老鼠巡逻法杖)的许多问题。
fixed rat king only spawning female rats
fixed lots of rats released from a rat sack taking cramming damage
fixed many mod projectiles not despawning
fixed zombie villagers not discounting their trades when cured by purifying liquid
fixed rattling gun bullets killing things other than the rat's target
fixed rats with flying upgrades gliding on the floor after landing
fixed bonemeal not making ratglove flowers in ratlantis
fixed an issue where you couldnt extract power from a rat wheel
修复了无法从Rat Wheel(老鼠轮)中提取能量的问题。
fixed all mobs in the mod targeting dead mobs or mobs they shouldnt
-fixed dupe bug with angel rats
-added stonecutter recipes for marbled cheese
-fixed rat block placer consuming entire stacks and placing 1 block
-fixed memory leak with hash maps
-fixed miner rats not breaking blocks harder than stone
-increased rat drop off distance
-made ratlantean automaton head wearable
-fixed server crash with rat mounts
-fixed no tooltips in rats GUI
-Fixed crash with newest forge versions
-Fixed weird fog colors in Ratlantis
-Fixed too many particles from Ratlantean Spirits
-Increased hitbox size for Ratlantean Spirits
-Fixed rats tunneling through stone and iron
-Fixed issues relating to Lumberjack upgrade standing on chests
-Fixed rats not picking items up
-Fixed grass/flower dupe bug with Replanter upgrade
-Fixed UUID crash with Rats
-Fixed Grabage pile crash
-Fixed tamed rats despawning
-Fixed rats in cages despawning
-Fixed crash with Rat Cage
-Fixed duplication bug with harvesting rats
-Fixed rats wandering when harvesting, transporting, etc.
-Fixed creative players stealing rats
-made Pied Pipers much slower
-Rats only make "nuggets" if tamed
-Backported Rat Upgrade fragment to 1.12.2
-Backported Plague Tome to 1.12.2
-Made Feral Ratlanteans and Pied Pipers quieter
-Fixed Milkmaid Rat upgrade stop functioning
-Fixed issues with Chisel
-Fixed rat console spam with Mekanism
-Fixed modded terrain gen bus not supported by Ratlantis
-Fixed crash with Dynamic Trees
-Fixed being able to combine processing upgrades like Chef and Archeologist
-Backported Rat Upgrade: Jury Rigged to 1.12.2 version
-Milk can now be right clicked into Curdling Station
-Fixed Pied Piper spawning in Mushroom biomes
-Fixed Rat spawning in Mushroom biomes
-Fixed Rats prioritizing picking up items over other tasks
-Fixed JEI crash
-Fixed Rats not taming with other mod's cheeses
-Fixed Rat Staff issues in LAN worlds
-Fixed Animania milk curdling incompatiblity
-Fixed crash with Better Portals
-Fixed Pirat crash
-Added Rat Whistle
-Added obnoxious rat flute sound config
-Fixed despawning rattling gun
-Fixed Rat Radius Staff crashing
-Fixed Rat item gathering not working
-Fixed Rat gathering not obeying the Rat Radius Staff
-Fixed rats not dropping items off in chests
-Fixed piper spawning in lit areas
-Fixed rats breaking pumpkin stems
-Fixed rats not obeying block breaking config
-Pipers are no longer technically raiders
-Added Rat Papers, which can be used to transfer rat ownership to other players
-Fixed tamed rats despawning
-Fixed ratlantis portal dumping players underground
-Fixed plastic config not working
-Fixed creative players stealing rats
-Fixed Oratchalcum items not forge tagged
-Only tamed rats can make "nuggets"
-Added Rat Baron, a new boss for Ratlantis
-Completed Ratlantis Progression
-Added Oratchalcum Ore, a play on words of Orichalcum, the ancient metal of Atlantis, to Ratlantis
-Added Oratchalcum tools and armor, both with special abilities
-Added Cheese Ore to Ratlantis
-Added Ratlantean Gem Ore to Ratlantis
-Added Animation to Ratlantis Portal Creation
-Added Ancient Runway structure to Ratlantis
-Added Rat Upgrade: Biplane Mount
-Fixed Rat Radius Staff freezing
-Fixed incompatibility with the "weed" mod
-Fixed Pied Pipers spawning in the End
-Migrated Server config to Common config
-Fixed no sun, moon or clouds in Ratlantis
-Added Rat Upgrade: Replanter
-Decreased Feral Ratlantean attack length
-Fixed crash with Rat Upgrade: Placer
-Fixed ghost pirats not spawning
-Fixed rats not pathing under slabs
-Fixed structure namespaces under minecraft
-Fixed rats wandering while transporting and harvesting
-Fixed rats not spawning with togas in ratlantis
-Fixed rat crafting table loosing inventory
-Rats can now be dyed like sheep/wolves
-Added Ratbow Essence which allows rats to be dyed rainbow colors
-Added Pied Wool, new drop from pied pipers
-Added Rat Upgrade: Tick Accelerator
-Added Pied Garbage, which spawns pied pipers
-Made pied pipers quiter
-Added configs for mob spawning in non-overworld dimensions
-Added ''rare'' rat drops to rat loot tables
-Added plague rat loot table
-Made Piper hat craftable
-Fixed Piper rats being invincible
-Fixed some blocks not having drops
-Fixed some advancements not working
-Added Rat King, a new miniboss spawned by covering a rat with a Ball of Filth
-Added Diseased Garbage, a garbage variant that only spawns plague rats
-Added Purified Garbage, a garbage variant that only spawns rats without plague
-Added Compressed Garbage, a garbage variant that spawns double the amount of rats
-Added Rat Attractor, a new redstone block which attracts untamed wild rats
-Added Rat Upgrade Fragment, a new rare item that can be dropped from rats
-Added Plague Tome, a rare drop from plague rats that can spawn a Black Death
-Added Rat Upgrade Block
-Added Rat King's Crown
-Added Gilded Rat Flute, which can fire rats out of it at targets
-Fixed Plague Doctorate not working on Wandering Traders
-Added Wandering Plague Doctors that spawn occasionally
-Added Config for Rat Garbage spawn rate
-Added many more Plague Doctor Trades
-Add Ratlantis biome localization for Journeymap compatibility
-Seperated config files into server and client
-Fixed Rats not spawning on garbage
-Fixed Rat Music discs not functioning
-Fixed Rats being invincible when with Pied Piper
-Added Trash Can, a new way to get garbage blocks
-Added Manhole
-Added subtitles for the mod's sounds
-Rats will no longer attack cats
-Fixed Rat pinkie model crash
-Fixed "entity.rats.rat.name" appearing in rat GUI
-Fixed pied piper spawning in Mushroom biomes
-Fixed crash with planter rat and saplings
-Fixed Rat Upgrade: Ore Doubling not working on dedicated servers
-Fixed ratglove not generating in Ratlantis
-Fixed Pirat boat rendering oddly
-Fixed rats not spawning in modded biomes
-Now on Minecraft 1.15.2
-Added Rat Upgrade: Bee, which allows rats to grow plants nearby along with flight and poison abilities
-Added Ratlantean Officer Hat
-Added Rat and Sickle banner pattern
-Banner patterns are craftable again
-Rat Golem mount now displays damage like vanilla iron golems
-Fixed server crash with Ratlantis portals
-Added Rattling Guns, a new powerful weapon that can be manned by a rat placed onto it.
-Added Ratlantean Ratbot, a new robotic mob that spawns in ratlantis
-Added Rat Upgrade: Undead, allowing a rat to blend in with hostile mobs
-Added Rat Upgrade: Basic Mount, a new crafting ingredient for many new rat upgrades
-Added Rat Upgrade: Chicken Mount, which summons a chicken mount for its user
-Added Rat Upgrade: Golem Mount, which summons a iron golem mount for its user
-Added Rat Upgrade: Beast Mount, which summons a feral ratlantean mount for its user
-Added Rat Upgrade: Automaton Mount, which summons a ratlantean automaton mount for its user
-Added Rat Skull
-Added Golden Rat Skull
-Added Party Hats
-Added new model and animation for Ratlantean Automaton Head
-Modified many recipes
-Fixed Rat Upgrade: Miner not functioning on dedicated servers
-Fixed crash with Rat crafting table
-Fixed crash with Curdling Station
-Fixed crash with nametags and rats
-Fixed crash with Rat Upgrade: Planter
-Fixed rats not spawning naturally asides from pied piper
-Fixed potion effects missing textures
-Fixed missing advancements