  • Update to 1.18.2!

  • 更新到1.18.2

  • Not well tested!

  • 还没有经过很好的测试!

  • Powdered snow now goes in buckets!

  • 细雪现在可以装在桶里!

  • Should automatically support custom buckets like powdered snow buckets

  • 应自动支持自定义桶,如细雪桶。

  • Added kiln recipe for smelting smooth basalt quickly

  • 新增窑配方,快速冶炼光滑玄武岩。

  • Empty buckets now have a different item ID from regular buckets

  • 空存储桶现在具有与常规存储桶不同的项目 ID

  • Golden bricks are now more expensive

  • 金砖现在更贵了。

  • Added new tag for clay buckets for other mods to use for recipes

  • 为粘土桶添加了新标签,供其他模组用于配方。

  • Added tag for blocks which should crack clay buckets on pickup, for instance if you think powdered snow should crack buckets-

  • 添加了标签,用于在拾取时应该会破裂粘土桶的块,例如,可以使细雪破坏水桶。


Fluid transfer

 * Improved timing of faucets so they interact more consistently with redstone 


* Allow a side on channels to be set to input from non-channels 


* Improve syncing of channel and faucet NBT, should be a bit faster 


* Increase faucet and channel flow rates slightly, will be a bit faster than Tinkers in exchange for costing more



* Gauges can now be placed on any fluid handler, instead of any solid block 


* Clay plates now cost only 1 clay instead of 2, for consistency with other mods plates


 * Changed clay plate texture 


* Switch milk buckets to using the forge milk instead of being dynamic from the tag 


* Update the kiln support in JEI based on newer furnace JEI support, shows recipe time for instance 


* Fix fuel lasting too long in the kiln 


* Fix broken terracotta cisterns, faucets, and channels not stacking with freshly crafted ones



* Added Simplified Chinese Translation (thanks Aemande123)


  • Fixed wrong input for uncrafting unfired cisterns

  • 修复了反向合成未烧制的水箱的错误输入。

  • Fix crash when placing a channel by clicking the bottom of another channel

  • 修复通过单击另一个通道底部放置通道时崩溃的问题。

  • Added Russian Translation (thanks Bytegm)

  • 添加了俄语翻译(感谢Bytegm)

  • Added Traditional Chinese Translation (thanks Pancakes0228)

  • 新增繁体中文翻译(感谢Pancakes0228)

  • Corrected words used for "Black Porcelain" in Korean Translation (thanks mindy15963)

  • 更正了韩语翻译中“黑瓷”的单词(感谢mindy15963)


Added tags to override hot fluids and cool fluids for buckets and terracotta blocks


Fix a missing check on casting channels, which may have led to errors with certain mods.


Marked as supporting 1.16.5

标记为支持 1.16.5



Terracotta and porcelain blocks

  • All fluid blocks come in terracotta and porcelain variants

  • 所有流体都有陶和瓷两种变体。

  • Terracotta does not hold hot fluids well, and will crack over time, eventually breaking. Cracked terracotta can be repaired with raw clay

  • 陶器不能很好地容纳热流体,并且会随着时间的推移而破裂,最终破裂。破裂的陶器可以用生粘土修复。

  • Porcelain is heat resistant, but requires quartz to craft.

  • 瓷器是耐热的,但需要石英来制作。

  • Additionally, all blocks are available in raw clay and porcelain variants. These can be placed in world, but serve no functionality.

  • 此外,所有块都有未烧制的粘土和瓷器变体。这些可以放置在世界中,但没有任何功能。


  • Cisterns are the updated barrels from 1.12.

  • 蓄水池是从 1.12 开始更新的桶。

  • Instead of crafting extensions and bases separately, cisterns automatically connect to the same color below

  • 蓄水池不是单独制作扩展和底座,而是自动连接到下面的相同颜色的方块。

  • Can hold 4 buckets for terracotta, or 6 for porcelain

  • 陶器可容纳4桶液体,瓷器是6桶。

  • Visually connect to faucets, channels, and gauges.

  • 直观地连接到水龙头、通道和仪表。


  • New block to check the fluid level of a fluid tank such as a cistern

  • 用于检查水箱(如蓄水池)液位的新方块。

  • When right clicked, displays the fluid name and the fluid level of the adjacent tank

  • 右键单击时,显示相邻桶的液体名称和水位。


  • Ported from 1.12

  • 从 1.12 移植。

  • Move fluids from the side or bottom of a block into the block below

  • 将流体从块的侧面或底部移动到下面的块中。

  • Improved redstone interactions over 1.12, should also be more efficient

  • 与 1.12 相比,红石互动得到改进,也应该更有效率。


  • Ported from 1.12.

  • 从 1.12 移植。

  • Filled with faucets, pour fluid into adjacent or below blocks.

  • 可以用水龙头装满,将液体倒入相邻或下方的块中。

  • Can interact to change connections

  • 可以交互以更改连接方式。

  • More efficient than the 1.12 version.

  • 比 1.12 版本更高效。


  • All fired clay items are now called "Terracotta" for consistency with vanilla.

  • 所有烧制的粘土制品现在都被称为“兵马俑”,以与原版保持一致。

  • Raw clay is universally named "Clay"

  • 未烧制的粘土被普遍命名为“粘土”

  • Fired porcelain is called "Porcelain", while unfired will be "Unfired Porcelain" or simply "Unfired"

  • 烧制瓷器称为“瓷器”,而未烧制的瓷器则称为“未烧制瓷器”或简称为“未烧制”

  • Updated dragon bricks textures for 1.16. They were the one variant that never got a texture update.

  • 更新了 1.16 的龙砖纹理。它们是唯一从未有过纹理更新的变体。


Update for 1.16.4, should also work on 1.16.2 and 1.16.3

更新到1.16.4 ,也应该适用于 1.16.2 和 1.16.3。


Updated to 1.16.3. Should work on 1.16.2 as well.

更新到 1.16.3。也应该适用于 1.16.2。


Updated to 1.16.1


Mantle is now a dependency, as that sped up porting to 1.16. Will also help with porting barrels in the future


Fix showing both still and flowing fluids for mod fluids



First draft of a 1.15 update.


Updated Porcelain


  • Colors are now more pastel to make the textures more unique from concrete

  • 颜色更加柔和,使其纹理和混凝土有区分。

  • Porcelain is currently only available from quartz, still considering whether to add back the bone meal recipe

  • 瓷器目前只有石英配方,正在考虑是否加回骨粉配方。

Updated Rainbow Porcelain


  • Now crafted like glazed terracotta, by cooking colored terracotta in a furnace

  • 现在像带釉陶瓦一样制作——在熔炉中烧制彩色陶瓦。

  • Variants with different start times are now a stone cutter recipe

  • 具有不同循环初始颜色的变种现在添加了切石机配方。

Updated brick blocks


  • Updated the textures based on 1.14 bricks (still need to update dragon bricks, need to rethink them a bit)

  • 更新了基于1.14砖块的纹理(仍然需要更新龙息砖,需要重新考虑)。

  • As before, all variants have slabs, stairs, and walls

  • 和以前一样,所有变种都有相应台阶、楼梯和墙。

  • Recipes have been tweaked for some variants

  • 针对某些变种调整了配方。

Updated Armor


  • Renamed Clay Armor to Clay Plate Armor

  • 将粘土盔甲更名为粘土陶板护甲

  • Removed raw clay armor, was just left in for legacy purposes and I have a lot of other breaking changes now

  • 移除了原始粘土盔甲,只是出于遗留目的而留下来,现在还有很多其他的突破性修更改。

  • Armor is properly repaired with clay plates now

  • 盔甲现在需要使用粘土陶板修复。

Updated Clay Bucket


  • As before, hot fluids will cause the bucket to break

  • 和以前一样,过热的流体会导致桶破裂。

  • As a new feature, buckets will now visually crack when holding a hot fluid

  • 一项新功能:桶盛放热流体时会在材质上开裂。

  • Dispenser support is still work in progress

  • 对于发射器的支持仍在制作。

Coming in a later update: barrels, faucet, channels, and tools.



* Added kiln: like the smoker or blast furnace, but for clay and stone


* Fix blocks not having drops



Fixes a potential crash from faucets filling tanks that cause block updates as content change (typically comparator updates). Fix is already on the 1.16 branch. 

修复了水龙头填充水箱的潜在崩溃,这些崩溃会导致内容更改时造成方块更新(通常是比较器更新)。修复已经在 1.16 上实行。



  • Barrels are now a bit cheaper, requiring only 5 clay per barrel and 3 per extension

  • 桶现在便宜一些,每桶只需要 5 个粘土,每个延伸只需要 3 个粘土。

  • Faucets and channels now must be fired instead of being made from bricks

  • 排液口头和通道现在必须烧制,而不是用砖块制成。

  • Lava bricks now are now made using a TInkers casting basin if available

  • 熔岩砖现在使用匠魂的盆(如果有的话)制成。

  • If porcelain is disabled, channels and faucets will now be made of regular clay

  • 如果禁用瓷器,通道和排液口现在将由普通粘土制成。


  • Fixed milk picked up from a fluid tank not being drinkable

  • 修复了从液体罐中拿出的牛奶无法饮用的问题。

  • Fixed fences, walls, and glass panes connecting to faucets, channels, and barrels when they shouldn't

  • 修复围栏、墙壁和玻璃板,在不应该连接到水龙头、渠道和桶时。

  • Fix some items showing in JEI and creative when disabled

  • 修复禁用时仍在 JEI 和创造模式中显示的某些物品。

  • Fix barrels sometimes not saving when quitting the world too quickly after filling them

  • 修复桶有时在装满后太快退出世界时无法保存的问题。

  • Improve network code

  • 改进网络代码。

  • Fix some invalid barrel structures being accepted

  • 修复一些被接受的无效桶结构。

  • Fix buckets not breaking when emptying hot fluids

  • 修复倒出热流体时桶不破裂的问题。

  • Fix buckets ignoring sand config

  • 修复桶忽略沙子配置的问题。



  • Added monochrome bricks

  • 添加了单色瓷砖。

  • Rainbow bricks and clay now require camouflage dye to craft if primitive mobs is installed

  • 如果安装了原始生物,彩虹砖和粘土现在需要迷彩染料来制作。

  • Dark bricks are now crafted by smelting regular bricks instead of using black dye

  • 深色砖现在通过烧炼普通砖而不是使用黑色染料来制作。


  • Fix faucets draining from the wrong side of the source

  • 修复排液口从源头的错误一侧排水。


  • Added French translation (thanks Yanis48)

  • 添加了法语翻译(感谢Yanis48)

  • Added Russian translation (thanks TimeConqueror)

  • 添加了俄语翻译(感谢TimeConqueror)


  • Fix tile entities being registered in the wrong namespace

  • 修复在错误的命名空间中注册的瓷砖实体。

  • Rewrite clay bucket code to be cleaner and fire proper events

  • 重写粘土桶代码以使其更简洁并触发适当的事件。

  • Reorganized recipes into subfolders to be cleaner

  • 将配方重新组织到子文件夹中以使其更简洁。

  • Add sounds when equipping armor

  • 装备护甲时添加声音。

  • Make channel recipe produce 3 channels instead of 1

  • 使输液道配方可以制作出 3 个而不是 1 个了。

  • Add Tinkers Construct recipe to make a cast using a porcelain brick

  • 添加匠魂配方以使用瓷砖制作铸件。

  • Add config option to disable clay buckets from holding hot fluids at all

  • 添加配置选项以完全禁止粘土桶容纳热流体。

  • Add option to disable oredict porcelain furnace recipes and rework when the oredict recipes are added

  • 添加选项以禁用瓷土矿物词典配方并在添加矿石配方时返回。

  • Added some small improvements to channel behavior

  • 对输液道行为进行了一些小的改进。

  • Added redstone interaction to channels: if powered, channels will activate their downwards flow, and depowering it will deactivate it

  • 为输液道添加了红石交互:如果充能,输液道将推动水流,取消充能将停用它。

  • If a channel cannot flow down, it will now continue flowing to the next block

  • 如果输液道中的液体无法向下流,它将水平流向下一个输液道。

  • Reduce RAM usage for channel models

  • 减少通道型号的 RAM 使用率。

  • Update Chinese language to include channels (thanks Aemande!)

  • 更新中文以包含频道。

  • Added channels, a new block for fluid transfer

  • 增加了新的流体传输方块。

  • Added Chinese translation (thanks Aemande!)

  • 添加了中文翻译。

  • Fix torches not being placeable on walls

  • 修复火把无法放置在瓷砖上的问题。

  • Add a config to place unfired clay buckets in the world

  • 添加控制能否把未烧制的粘土桶放置在世界中的配置。

  • Add config to disable raw clay armor

  • 添加可以禁用未烧制的粘土装甲的配置。

  • Added a config to set the capacity of barrels

  • 添加了可以设置桶容量的配置。

  • Allow clay buckets to work with cauldrons

  • 允许粘土桶与炼药锅一起工作。

  • Allow all clay items to be uncrafted

  • 允许将未烧制的粘土制品反向合成为粘土。

  • Fix some potential NPEs related to buckets

  • 修复一些与桶相关的潜在异常。

  • Fix some faucet rendering

  • 修复一些排液口渲染问题。

  • Added config for clay and porcelain barrel capacities

  • 增加了控制粘土和瓷桶容量的配置。

  • Switched to the new Forge fuel handler

  • 改用新的forge燃料处理器。

  • Fixed a null itemstack

  • 修复了空物品。

  • Fixed clay buckets returning iron buckets on usage

  • 修复粘土桶在使用时返还铁桶的问题。

  • Updated to 1.12

  • 更新至1.12

  • Tinkers Construct compat temporarily disabled so the mod properly compiles

  • 匠魂的兼容性暂时禁用,以便模组正确编译

  • Internally, configs no longer stop blocks and items from being registered, instead they just hide them and disable the recipes

  • 配置不再阻止方块和物品被注册,而只是隐藏它们并禁用配方

  • Fix an empty itemstack in a furnace recipe

  • 修复熔炉配方中的物品空位问题。

  • Fix registering block models even for null blocks

  • 修复了注册的方块模型(即使对于空方块)的问题。


Released on August 2, 2017, archived on CurseForge and only available on GitHub.

  • Add a config to place unfired clay buckets in the world

  • 添加配置以将未烧制的粘土桶放置在世界中。

  • Add config to disable raw clay armor

  • 添加配置以禁用未烧制的粘土装甲。

  • Added a config to set the capacity of barrels

  • 添加了设置桶容量的配置。

  • Allow clay buckets to work with cauldrons

  • 允许粘土桶与炼药锅一起工作。

  • Allow all clay items to be uncrafted

  • 允许所有粘土物品反向合成为粘土球。

  • Fix some potential NPEs related to buckets

  • 修复一些与存储桶相关的潜在 NPE

  • Fix some faucet rendering

  • 修复一些排液口渲染。

  • Update porcelain barrel description in JEI

  • 在 JEI 中更新瓷桶的描述。

  • Fix mod requesting Tinkers Construct build 27 instead of 26

  • 修复为请求安装 27 版本的匠魂而不是 26。

  • Porcelain barrels now have a capacity of 6 buckets per block instead of 4

  • 现在每方块的瓷桶可容纳 6 桶水,而不是 4 桶。

    • This makes them slightly better than clay ones to make up for the more expensive recipe

    • 这使得它们比粘土的桶略好,代价是更昂贵的材料。

    • Porcelain barrels placed before this update will have to be broken and replaced to get the new capacity

    • 在此更新之前放置的瓷桶必须打破并重新放置才能更新容量。

    • A side effect is a barrel must be entirely porcelain or entirely clay for it to work

    • 另外一个多方块的桶必须完全是瓷或完全是陶的才能正常使用。

  • Faucets now function without Tinkers Construct

  • 排液口现在无需匠魂即可运行。

  • Added lava bricks, rainbow bricks, and rainbow clay

  • 添加了熔岩砖、彩虹砖和彩虹粘土。

  • Made dragon bricks and golden bricks cheaper

  • 让龙瓷砖和金瓷砖更便宜。

  • Allowed unfired barrels to be placed in the world

  • 允许将未烧制的桶放置在世界中。

  • Clay armor is now made with clay plates instead of smelting raw armor directly

  • 陶装甲现在用粘土板制成,而不是直接烧炼未烧的粘土装甲。

  • All my bricks now work as a material for a Better With Mods kiln

  • 所有的砖现在都可以作为Better With Mods模组中窑的材料。

  • Fix issue with light blue porcelain clay name

  • 修复浅蓝色瓷砖名称问题。

  • Made raw clay armor not enchantable

  • 未烧制的粘土盔甲不可被附魔。

  • Improved barrel interactions

  • 改善陶桶交互。

    • Switch block check to fluid handler check

    • 将方块检查转换为流体处理器检查。

    • Fix barrel extensions not syncing master location to client properly

    • 修复桶的扩展方块未将主桶的位置正确同步到客户端的问题。

  • Add Tinkers Construct plugin

  • 添加匠魂插件

    • Barrels now show the faucet flow at the proper depth for extended barrels

    • 桶现在在适当深度的地方显示排液口流量。

    • Clay buckets can be filled in casting tables

    • 可以在铸造台中填充粘土桶。

    • Porcelain faucets are added, basically seared faucets but visually different and crafted from porcelain bricks

    • 添加了瓷排液口,功能基本上相同,但视外观不同,由瓷砖制成。

  • Fix a crash caused by a missing "@" sign in dependencies string.

  • 修复了字符串中缺少“@”符号导致的崩溃。

  • Updated to 1.11.2

  • 更新到1.11.2。

  • Barrels now display their liquid and level above the hotbar upon right click

  • 现在右键单击桶时,会在快捷栏上方显示其中的液体种类和水位。


This will be the last build for 1.10.2.


  • Fix a crash caused by a missing "@" sign in dependencies string.

  • 修复了字符串中缺少“@”符号导致的崩溃。


Released on May 28, 2017, archived on CurseForge and only available on GitHub.

  • Fix issue with light blue porcelain clay name

  • 修复浅蓝色瓷砖名称问题。

  • Made raw clay armor not enchantable

  • 未烧制的粘土盔甲不可被附魔。

  • Improved barrel interactions

  • 改善陶桶交互。

    • Switch block check to fluid handler check

    • 将方块检查转换为流体处理器检查。

    • Fix barrel extensions not syncing master location to client properly

    • 修复桶的扩展方块未将主桶的位置正确同步到客户端的问题。

  • Add Tinkers Construct plugin

  • 添加匠魂插件

    • Barrels now show the faucet flow at the proper depth for extended barrels

    • 桶现在在适当深度的地方显示排液口流量。

    • Clay buckets can be filled in casting tables

    • 可以在铸造台中填充粘土桶。

    • Porcelain faucets are added, basically seared faucets but visually different and crafted from porcelain bricks

    • 添加了瓷排液口,功能基本上相同,但视外观不同,由瓷砖制成。

  • Added walls of all brick types

  • 添加所有种类瓷砖对应的墙。

    • This includes vanilla bricks. The vanilla brick wall can be disabled in case another mod adds this feature

    • 这包括原版砖块。另一个mod加入这种物品时可以禁用原版砖块。

    • The rest of the walls are disabled based on the specific brick type

    • 其余的墙根据特定的砖块类型被禁用。

  • Improved barrel interactions

  • 改善桶的交互行为。


Fixed broken recipe for dyeing porcelain


  • Added porcelain brick stairs and slabs

  • 添加瓷砖楼梯和台阶。

  • Added four new decorative brick types, all with stairs and slabs

  • 添加四种装饰瓷砖系列,带有楼梯和台阶。

  • Fix porcelain oredict being disabled when barrels are disabled

  • 修复禁用桶时瓷砖矿物词典也被禁用的问题。

  • Added oredict support for porcelain clay

  • 添加了瓷土的矿物词典。

  • Tweaked porcelain recipe to only use one bone meal for the recipe

  • 调整后的瓷土配方,只使用一个骨粉作为材料。

    • To prevent a conflict with Ex Nihilo Adscensio use the latest release 0.1.9 which also adds oredict support

    • 为了防止与无中生有发生冲突,请使用最新版本 0.1.9,该版本还添加了矿物词典支持。

  • Added an alternative porcelain recipe using quartz

  • 添加了使用石英的瓷土配方以作替代。

  • Added a recipe for cake using clay buckets

  • 添加了使用粘土桶制作蛋糕的途径。

  • Added an easter egg relating to sand and gravel, can be disabled in the config

  • 添加了与沙子和沙砾有关的彩蛋,可以在配置中禁用。

  • Fix typo on porcelain barrel extension's name

  • 修复瓷桶扩展名称上的拼写错误。

  • Fixed crash when disabling porcelain

  • 修复了禁用瓷器时崩溃的问题。

  • All dyeing recipes now use oredictionary names rather than vanilla dyes

  • 所有染色配方现在都支持矿物词典而不仅仅是原版染料。

  • Any type of barrel (including previously dyed ones) can now be dyed

  • 任何类型的桶(包括以前染色过的桶)现在都可以染色了。

  • Fix config file not properly showing

  • 修复配置文件无法正确显示的问题。

  • Added porcelain clay, a new decorative block that can be made into true colored clay and barrels

  • 添加了瓷土,一种可以用于制作彩色瓷砖和瓷桶的新物品。


Fixes a crash caused by the shears HarvestDropEvent


  • Added clay barrels

  • 添加陶桶。

    • Multiblock liquid tank, can be infinitely extended upwards

    • 多方块的水箱结构,可以无限向上扩容。

    • Comes in 17 colors, including normal clay and 16 colors

    • 具有十七种不同颜色的变种,包括陶的本色和其他十六种颜色。

  • Added clay shears

  • 加入粘土剪刀。

    • Like iron shears, but less duribility and sharper

    • 类似铁剪刀,但是耐久低一些,更锋利一些。

  • Added config file

  • 添加配置文件。

  • Fix milk buckets deleting fluids when right clicking a tank if milk is not registered as a fluid

  • 修复了牛奶粘土桶在牛奶未注册为液体时右键单击陶桶时删除液体的问题。


Fixed a bug with buckets containing fluids that have no block form.


Switch clay bucket breaking from material based to temperature based. A few liquids might now work in buckets that did not before.


A few more cases should play the breaking on bucket break now.



First release.


Includes clay buckets and clay armor.

