added more achievements
added lightning rod staff, with strong knockback and slow swing speed
added Displace spell for circles to teleport entities for cheap
added energized mage blocks modifier to emit Redstone power
added living scrolls
added proper speck text rendering
added more meta-evals
added Dioscuri's Gambit
added Janus' Gambit
added Sisyphus' Gambit
added z-axis rotation for specks
added iota storage for conjured staves
added Dioscuri Gambit II
changed Conjure Speck to push the speck to the stack
changed Nephthys' Gambit to no longer need a number, instead relying on tail length
fixed accidental swapping of Sloth and Racer's Purification
fixed being able to use Recharge Item to recharge lamps
fixed conjured staves not casting properly
fixed mage block breaking particles
fixed Nephthys' Gambit not working on single patterns
fixed speck pattern saving
remove ambit requirement for altering specks
updated documentation
overhauled a lot of code
overhauled world scrying
added enchantment patterns
added entity patterns
added food patterns
added identifier patterns
added item patterns
added status effect patterns
added world patterns