Add KubeJS support.
新增了对 KubeJS 的支持。
Syntax is the same as KubeJS-Create, except .recipeTier('tier') can be added to the end if you want to specify a tier.
相关语法与 KubeJS Create 相同。若需要指定需求机器等级,只需在原语法基础的末尾添加 .recipeTier('tier') 即可。
Fix andesite shaft recipe
Add proper translated label to recipe category in JEI
为 JEI 中的配方类别添加了正确的翻译标签。
Add GT macerator recipes to millstones
Fix unmatched registry name & tooltips
Fix shafts rotating the incorrect way when attached to a gearbox
Add crushing wheels & processing recipes
Show tiered machine in JEI based on recipe tier
在 JEI 中现在会显示不同等级机器的配方。
Add recipes for tiered crushing wheels
Configurable impact for tiered millstones & crushing wheels