  • Added warning to controller if Turbine is obstructed (#1710) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Updated fetching of dimensions in worldgen to catch late registrations (#1709) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Fixed usage of multiple dimensions in worldgen definitions (#1713) - Synthitic.

  • Fixed Fluid Regulator: Keep Exact Mode not working as expected (#1717) - Exaxxion.

  • Fixed phosphor ore names (#1718) - Exaxxion.

  • Fix many small GUI issues (#1574) - dan.

  • Add clarification tooltips to blocks in the multiblock preview (#1584) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Allow Quantum Chests/Tanks to Keep Inventory on Break (#1555) - dan.

  • Apply Rotor Efficiency to all EU output from Turbine (#1694) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Fix integer overflow for total fuel burn time (#1683) - Adrian Brock.

  • Fix time on Yttrium Barium Cuprate recipe (#1692) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Fix consumable Integrated circuit being added to EBF recipe (#1690) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Fixed Magic Energy Absorber's tooltip (#1685) - SuperCraftAlex.

  • Internal make the Fusion Property protected (#1689) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Internal change Fusion Property to Long (#1693) - ALongStringOfNumbers.


Note: This is hotfix

  • Fixed Surface block spawning (#1681) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Reverted "Fixed name overlaps in GUIs (#1665)" (#1686) - LAGIdiot.

  • Added Fluid Regulator (#1570) - hjae78.

  • Added Info tab for multiblock description (#1583) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Update input/output overlays on buses/hatches to look different (#1607) - galyfray.

  • Updated name of Phosphate to Tricalcium Phosphate (#1659) - MounderFod.

  • Updated systems to new Recipe Properties (#1672) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Fixed wire and cable lang (#1645) - TechLord22.

  • Fixed typo in Monazite vein preventing surface rock spawning (#1649) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Fixed Electric Pump Assembler recipe using wrong cable (#1650) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Fixed damage is not applied when a saw is used as shears (#1655) - Adrian Brock.

  • Fixed name overlaps in GUIs (#1665) - TechLord22.

  • Fixed Surface Block generation issue, add logging (#1666) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Fixed Ore generation Page glitches (#1668) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Internal migrated Json Recipes to Java Code (#1634) - Dane Strandboge.

  • Internal added isHidden to RecipeMaps to hide the default RecipeMapCategory (#1652) - bruberu.

  • Added recipe using liquid ice (#1620) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Added Active Overlay to single block Steam and Gas Turbines (#1624) - dan.

  • Added dustRegular oredict to vanilla dusts (#1625) - Adrian Brock.

  • Added unique OrientedOverlayRenderers for multiblocks (#1630) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Added Assembler recipes for components (#1633) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Updated Surface Rocks definitions and spawning (#1619) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Updated fuel names in TOP to be translated (#1612) - Adrian Brock.

  • Fixed Item Collector duplicating items (#1621) - ALongStringOfNumbers.

  • Fixed rare bug with output hatches not working (#1626) - Adrian Brock.

  • Fixed material type for plain granite ore blocks (#1627) - Adrian Brock.

  • Fixed items not clickable in the crafting station (#1629) - Adrian Brock.

  • Internal updated project state in README.md (#1609) - pyure.

  • Internal made MatFlags require unique IDs (#1622) - dan.


将 LargeStackSizeItemStackHandler 纳入API (#1284) - LAGIdiot

为流体灌装机的JEI标签加入了灌装桶与流体单元的信息 (#1288) - Frederic Marceau

加入了拆分石英块(1 -> 4)的配方 (Vanilla MC) (#1293) - LAGIdiot

将花岗岩独立成一种材料 (#1287) - LAGIdiot


修复了物品过滤覆盖板无法维持设定数量的问题 > 127 (#1284) - LAGIdiot

修复了配方有效性检查从配方建构几率而非配方几率记录数据的问题 (#1297) - galyfray

修复了机器结构核心异常地允许过高的红石信号设定的问题 (#1299) - galyfray

修复了机器结构核心异常地在覆盖板被移除后恢复工作的问题 (#1299) - galyfray

修复了配方耗时比预设值短1tick的问题 (#1301) - LAGIdiot

Added LargeStackSizeItemStackHandler to API (#1284) - LAGIdiot

Added a JEI Info Tab for the Fluid Canner Machines for Buckets and Fluid Cells (#1288) - Frederic Marceau

Added recipe for turning Block of Quartz (Vanilla MC) to 4 Nether Quartz (Vanilla MC) (#1293) - LAGIdiot

Updated Granite to be its own material (#1287) - LAGIdiot

Macerating recipe changed

Fixed Item Filter not persisting items with size > 127 (#1284) - LAGIdiot

Fixed recipe validation logging data from builder chance instead of recipe chance (#1297) - galyfray

Fixed Machine Controller GUI allowing to set too high redstone signal (#1299) - galyfray

Fixed Machine Controller incorrectly setting working enabled on cover removal (#1299) - galyfray

Fixed recipes taking 1 tick less to finish then they should (#1301) - LAGIdiot


Added placing Pump/Conveyor/Robotic Arm on Output side of machine will turn allow input from output side on (#1266) - PrototypeTrousers

Fixed issue preventing battery from fully charged. (#1267) - Derek.CHAN

Fixes Crafting Station crash and item dupe (#1274) - PrototypeTrousers

Fixed some RU lang entries (#1279) - Bombm


Updated (extended) manual I/O mode on covers to be able to bypass filter (#1248) - PrototypeTrousers

Fixed JEI R/U hotkeys not working on GTCE Fluid Slots (#1260) - PrototypeTrousers


Added way to cast materials in CraftTweaker (#1232) - LAGIdiot

Added zenClass annotation to GemMaterial and RoughSolidMaterial (#1253) - LAGIdiot

Added comment to config regarding need of useCustomModPriorities to be set to true for modPriorities to work (#1254) - LAGIdiot

Added NanoSaber configuration options (#1258) - ALongStringOfNumbers

Updated multiblock info recipe to be exposed (#1245) - decal

Fixed Rotor Holder spinning status after world reload (#1240) - ALongStringOfNumbers

Fixed crash when attempting to move items through Shutter Covers (#1247) - ALongStringOfNumbers


Added english fruit juice localization (#1204) - Saereth

Updated Scanner tooltip to clarify usage (#1214) - DoctorWeirdGuy

Fixed position of ghosting area for JEI items/fluids - (#1208) - detav

Fixed zh localization for Fluid Extractor (#1213) - LovelyCatHyt

Fixed Abandon Base generation being disabled on disabling Rubber Tree generation (#1225) - LAGIdiot

Fixed zh localization for Autoclave (#1227) - LAGIdiot

  • Added CTM as optional dependency (#1197) - LAGIdiot

  • Updated output amount of Facade recipes to be based on used plate (#1194) - LAGIdiot

  • Updated Integrated Circuit recipe to return circuit with configuration set to zero (#1198) - LAGIdiot

  • Fixed crash on getHarvestLevel when IBlockState is not provided (#1193) - LAGIdiot

  • Mostly know as crash on putting GTCE tools to EnderIO machines

  • GTCE tools can't be put in EnderIO machines as GTCE is not provided with information how they will be used

  • Fixed API shading (#1197) - LAGIdiot

  • Problems related to EnderIO facades glitching when made from Chisel blocks


Added Bone Meal recipe to Mortar (#1178) - LAGIdiot

Added Crafting Station to JEI list of crafting tables (#1186) - LAGIdiot


Updated Bone Meal recipes to work with Vanilla MC Bone Meal (#1178) - LAGIdiot

Updated Config to have unified style and default values (#1185) - ALongStringOfNumbers

Updated Crafting Station GUI (#1186) - LAGIdiot

Recipes from JEI can be clicked to crafting grid

Fixed scrolling via mouse wheel

Fixed scroll bar rendering outside of GUI

Fixed too many empty rows being rendered on Item List tab

Fixed Item List not correctly responding to removal/destruction of adjacent container

Updated Energy Crystal and Lapotron Crystal capacity (#1189) - LAGIdiot

Updated Nano Saber recipe to use Energy Crystal as battery (#1189) - LAGIdiot

Fixed possible concurrent modification exception on unification (#1176) - LAGIdiot

Fixed Blaze Powder and Bone Meal amount from Macerating recipes (#1178) - LAGIdiot

Fixed some Vanilla MC blocks having duplicate recipes (#1188) - LAGIdiot

Removed Bone Meal Dust (#1178) - LAGIdiot


Added replication of mold and extruder shapes in Forming Press (#1138) - LAGIdiot

Added Metal Bender recipe for Empty Shape Plate (#1138) - LAGIdiot

Added JEI information for integrated circuits (#1142) - Eutro

Added support custom chance functions (#1145) - Eutro

This allows for reverting to old byproduct chances

Added Implosion Compressor CraftTweaker integration for the ability to specify explosives types (#1148) - ALongStringOfNumbers

Added config option for lossless wires ot damage player on contact (#1151) - ALongStringOfNumbers

Updated JEI recipe info to render from the bottom instead of at a constant height (#1118) - Eutro

Updated zh-cn translation for Americium (#1124) - Rika

Updated pump cover with QOL improvements (#1125) - Decal

Updated circuit configurations to be distinct subtypes in JEI (#1142) - Eutro

Updated overclocking tooltip in GUI (#1143) - ALongStringOfNumbers

Updated thickness of wires for more realistic look regarding insulating them (#1159) - LAGIdiot

Fixed drained tank not being stackable (#1127) - Derek.CHAN

Fixed blocks not dropping when destroyed by AOE effect of Thermal Foundation hammers (#1130) - Creysys

Fixed the zhcn translations for fluidextractor (#1133) - Rika

Fixed running into powered 16x wires does not damage player (#1159) - LAGIdiot

Fixed missing localization for plasma generator recipe map (#1160) - LAGIdiot

Removed redundant DISABLE_DECOMPOSITION flag (#1150) - ALongStringOfNumbers

Removed localization for old way of handling fuel recipe maps (#1160) - LAGIdiot


Updated dependencies versions (#1070) - LAGIdiot

Forge updated to

CraftTweaker updated to

CodeChickenLib updated to

Forestry updated to

ForgeMultipart updated to

JEI updated to

The One Probe updated to 1.4.28

Added pan and zoom for Multiblock Pattern category in JEI (#1090) - Eutro

Added minimum tier energy input required to machine recipes in JEI (#1108) - clienthax

Added config options to hide containers (#1110) - LAGIdiot

Added Air Collector QOL improvements - tooltip, dimension blacklist (#1113) - LAGIdiot

Added config option for generating veins in center of chunk (#1116) - LAGIdiot

Fixed Chinese translation for Kanthal (#1034) - Balthild Ires

Fixed Light Gray Dye (Silver) using bad oreDict name (#1098) - LAGIdiot

Fixed all recipes using Gray Dye not being correctly oreDict (#1098) - LAGIdiot

Fixed Crafting Station missing lock texture (#1099) - LAGIdiot

Fixed Slider Widget not saving it's state when clicked (#1111) - LAGIdiot

Improved English localization (#1094) - LAGIdiot


修复WrapScreen初始化错误 (#1066) (#1080) - LAGIdiot

改进API机动性 (#1076) - Decal

新增对直接熔炼的禁用 - Decal

新增更改粉碎材料的功能 - Decal

SimpleGeneratorMetaTileEntity现在拥有了createWorkableHandle - Decal

开放INSULATION_MATERIALS的调用以便添加更多绝缘材料 - Decal

更改总耗电(EU)的数值为长整型 - Decal

为固定的ZenGetter添加了method - Ludi87

修复了客户端内容被服务端初始化的问题 (#1065) - LAGIdiot

修复了地表矿脉指示物的掉落物 (#1062) - pyure

修复了有损耗的储罐破坏 (#1060) - pyure

修复了矿脉指示物阻止矿脉正常生成的问题 (#1049) - LAGIdiot

修复了部分矿脉异常地使用硅作为矿脉指示物的问题 - LAGIdiot

修复了喷漆罐的工具提示 (#1056) - LAGIdiot

更新了一些工具提示中颜色名称的俄语翻译 - LAGIdiot

修复了ColorSprayBehaviour中包含“淡灰色”的工具提示的简中翻译 - LAGIdiot

修复了淡灰色染料的本地化 (#1057) - LAGIdiot

修复了缺失的材料同步 (#1059) - LAGIdiot

进一步确保客户端内容不会被服务端初始化 - Archengius

修复了原版流体的本地化key (#1053) - LAGIdiot

新增了 1甜菜根->2红色染料 的提取机配方 (#1048) - LAGIdiot

修复了能量网络无视机器的侧面属性进行连接的问题 (#1047) - LAGIdiot

修复了部分物品槽与流体槽在GUI中位置错误的问题 (#1045) - LAGIdiot

修复了流体在JEI中显得大过流体槽边框的问题 - LAGIdiot

新增扫描器 - Archengius

新增地表矿脉指示物 - Archengius

新增先进合成站 - Archengius

修复了物品容器的整理按钮无法正常工作的问题 - Archengius

JEI中的多方块结构预览现在包含了所有在模板里使用到的方块 - Archengius

修复了AdvancedTextWidget的空指针问题 - Archengius

改动流体储罐 - Archengius

改动大型锅炉的构造 - Archengius

修复了合成站界面在服务器中无法使用的问题 - Archengius

完善了/gt util hand结果复制到剪贴板的功能 - Archengius

新增锅炉节流阀(未完善) (#1010) - pyure

将锻造锤的节流功能替换为GUI中的节流功能并移除了对温度达限节流的阻止 - Archengius

电动泵会在互动到固体方块时停止行为并重新计算 (#1006) - oxalica

装置组不可见时阻止不存在的材料被放置或捡起 - Archengius

改动版本号 - Archengius

Fixed mess regarding WrapScreen initialization (#1066) (#1080) - LAGIdiot

Add flexibility into API (#1076) - Decal

Add possibility to disable direct smelting - Decal

Add possibility to change crushed material - Decal

SimpleGeneratorMetaTileEntity has now a createWorkableHandle - Decal

INSULATION_MATERIALS is now public to add more insulation tier - Decal

Total EU is now long - Decal

Added Method for fixed ZenGetter (addresses typo) - Ludi87

Fixed Client side only field being initialized on server (#1065) - LAGIdiot

Fix surface rock drops (#1062) - pyure

Fix Lossy tank break (#1060) - pyure

Bugfix/some ore veins not being generated because of surface rocks (#1049) - LAGIdiot

Fixed some veins using silicon as surface rock - which is invalid - replace it with surface rock from same file from diferent dimension, or just by most appropriet one - LAGIdiot

Bugfix/spray can tooltip (#1056) - LAGIdiot

Updated some color names in tooltip for RU - LAGIdiot

Fixed light gray tooltip for ColorSprayBehaviour for ZH - LAGIdiot

Fixed Light Gray Dye localization (#1057) - LAGIdiot

Fixed missing material synchronization (#1059) - LAGIdiot

Make sure to not initialize client-side only fields - Archengius

Fixed unlocalized name shown for vanilla fluids (#1053) - LAGIdiot

Added Extractor recipe: 1 beetroot -> 2 red dyes (#1048) - LAGIdiot

Fixed energy network ignoring sideness on connecting to machine (#1047) - LAGIdiot

Bugfix/item fluid slots out of alignment (#1045) - LAGIdiot

Fixed JEI fluid being too big for fluid slots - LAGIdiot

Scanner: - Archengius

Surface rocks: - Archengius

Crafting station: - Archengius

Fixed sort button not working properly - Archengius

Multiblock JEI preview now includes all blocks used in template in recipe lookup - Archengius

Fix null pointer in AdvancedTextWidget - Archengius

Fluid Tank changes: - Archengius

Large Boiler Multiblock changes: - Archengius

Fixed workbench ui not working on server - Archengius

Implemented text copying for /gt util hand - Archengius

Added boiler throttling (initial version) (#1010) - pyure

Replaced hammer throttling with gui and removed max-temp throttling prevention - Archengius

Pump: stop and re-calculate when touching solid-top block (#1006) - oxalica

Do not allow ghost ingredient placing and picking if widget group is not visible - Archengius

Bump version - Archengius


Added Crafting Station (Bronze Age)
Process wood recipes after everything else. Closes #1009.
Fixed crash when breaking a tool. Closes #1007.
Bump version.


Fixed discord send message and bintray upload referring to system pro…
…perties instead of environment variables for reading CI sensitive data


bump version


Bump version


Fixed safe loot table not loading in obfuscated runtime
Fixed missing safe unlock progress texture


Fluid pipes visuals rework - Archengius

Added Rebreather - Archengius

Increased Nano Saber energy usage to 64 EU/t when on - Archengius

New system for armor metaitems - Archengius

Add OreByproduct page to JEI (#913) - Blood-Asp

Implemented manual IO switch for conveyors/pumps - Archengius

Fixed weird max stack size behavior on robot arm - Archengius

Allow using different rubbers in wire insulation - Archengius

Multiblock tanks finish - Archengius

More multiblock fluid tanks work - Dragon2488

Decrease cobalt mining level - Archengius


Fixed locked safe not having textures.

Added config value for rarity of abandoned base generation.

Bump version.


Added WorldGen - abandoned structures.

Can spawn anywhere in the world on the surface

Contain useful materials for progression, if you can get them!

More is coming soon!

Disallowed fake players to use most of GTCE tool abilities.

Fixed battery buffers charging batteries wrongly.

Buff multi smelter smelting speed & item amount.

Fixed pipe syncing sometimes working improperly.

Bump version.


Fixed inability to make dark concrete bricks.

Fixed Air Collector consuming EU when tank is full.

Disabled decomposition of more organic compounds.

Removed max voltage transformer.

Prevent invalid models on facades from crashing game.

Fixed JEI multiblock preview not showing machines.

Fixed robotic arm modes not working.

Allow controlling battery buffers output via machine controller.


Added Energy Field Projector.

Fix server side crash with covers on pipes.

Tree capitation now only cuts logs connected via at most 1 leaves block.

Play destroy sound and spawn particles when tree capitating wood blocks too.


Added Energy Field Projector.

Fix server side crash with covers on pipes.

Tree capitation now only cuts logs connected via at most 1 leaves block.

Play destroy sound and spawn particles when tree capitating wood blocks too.


Added Energy Field Projector.

Fix server side crash with covers on pipes.

Tree capitation now only cuts logs connected via at most 1 leaves block.

Play destroy sound and spawn particles when tree capitating wood blocks too.


Removed debug log

Fixed exception while badly written mods attempt to retrieve info from invalid stacks.


Added Nano Saber.

Fixed severe e-net bug where battery buffers voided accepted EU.

Fixed cables burning on too many amps even if they're not consumed.

Allow using GTCE gems and ingots as beacon payments.

Changed some high-tier circuit textures.


Show full inventory in most covers UI instead of only hotbar.

Added recipe for electric screwdriver. Closes #530.

Added alternative recipes for tools using power units.

Electric tools now leave power units when their tips are broken. Closes #605.

Remove Quartz Block cutting recipe. Closes #848.

Temporary revert pipe rendering to previous version. Closes #846.

Fix fisher-related compile issues.

Added discharge mode for batteries in player inventory.

Don't connect wires on sides of mach ines that can't neither input nor output energy.

Increased overclock efficiency a bit for high voltage recipes.

Reduce damage taken by tools in certain actions a bit.

Added a Fisher.

Show only stone variants of ore in ores tab, show all variants in search tab.

Use voltage names instead of tier numbers in electric items tooltip.

Fixed incorrect pipes color after using spray on them.

Particle textures of machines, cables and pipes are now properly colored.

Added two new chest variants: wooden chest (27 slots) and small wooden chest (1 slot).

Fixed incorrect lighting of pipes in world.

Disabled cover placement grid on pipes - they now use sub areas for cover placement.

Fixed covers not blocking flow between pipes.

Allow blocking connections between pipes via wrench clicking on sides.

Fixed battery buffer not updating comparator value.

Disabled shift clicking for phantom item slots.

Added blacklist option for filters and conveyors.

Show actual meta tile entity creator mod ID in JEI.

Enhanced placement grid for covers on machines and pipes, show it only when it's used now.

Robotic Arm now isn't limited in the transfer rate in transfer exact & keep exact modes.

Fix few tools-related issues.


Added a config option to specify bonus EU output per turbine type.


Added a config option to specify bonus EU output per turbine type.


Bug fixes and tool improvements

Nerfed large turbine to the ground so you will never use it again.

Some other improvements.


Added block breakers with several tiers.

Refactor pump. Increase range and pump speed, made visuals better.

Refactored byproduct boost mechanic to fit better into game.

Adjust overclocking efficiency from 50% to 70%.

Remove output tank index filter mechanic (replaced by fluid filters for more precise control)

Add configuration circuit for NaOH production chain.

Allow using sodalite and lazurite for lapotron crystals.

Allow using sodalite and lazurite as blue dyes.

Remove amperage requirements for thermal centrifuge.

Fix wrong solar panel behavior on battery buffer.

Remove duplicate TiCl4 recipe.

Remove Radon requirements for some processing chains.

Allow recycling pipes.

Fix iron bars iron recycling loop.

Fix charge overrides not working.

Fix some redstone-related issues.

Disable electrolyzing of some materials.

Disallow input from output side. Can be configured with screwdriver.

Minor recipe searching and buffering refactor, fixes some issues related to fluid canner.

Allow toggling overclocking via GUI button for electrical machines.

Increase duration of some ore recycling chain processes because of increased overclock efficiency.

Made Lathe work as fast as extruder for rod production.

Add forge hammer recipe for small gears.

Made JackHammer use HV tier for charging.

Fix certain ore deposits not generating.

Fixed generators not showing in JEI as fuel recipe catalysts.

Added bismuth as cassiterite byproduct.

Fix JEI ingredient hovering not working on machine's fluid tanks.

Fixed fluid filter upgrade in pump not working properly.

Fixed rubber leaves and wood not burning.

Fixed certain issues with charger.

Change model in hand of rubber wood sapling to look like vanilla saplings.


JEI now recognizes fluids in tanks as ingredients and can show their recipes.

You can now drag ghost items and fluids from JEI to item filters and fluid filters.

Allow inserting more items to "Keep Exact" mode than transfer rate of cover.

Rework "Transfer Exact" mode of robotic arm to make more sense - now it only transfers items of same type in one operation, allowing to use it for example to combine dusts in packager.

Added machine controller cover to control covers and machines with redstone.

Added recipes for gravel and sand in forge hammer.

Added validate/invalidate hooks for meta tile entities.

Added turbine blade Recipes in the Assembling Machine.

Fixed weird item movement when affected by >1 item collectors.

Fixed pipes not being synced to other players on placement.

Fixed crash with wrench overlay.

Fixed rubber trees not producing rubber after server restart.

Fixed dark cover lighting.

Fixed wrong macerator byproduct outputs.

Fixed error for slab recipe generation.

Fixed inability to use plunger when there is little fluid left in machine.

Fixed brewery consuming all items.

Added wooden pipe recipes.

Fix batteries not recharging in machines.

Fix covers not dropping their inventory contents when removed (e.g filter upgrades)

Fix weird pump behavior on deep fluid sources.


Fix large boiler not using solid fuel.

Fix collectors collecting items without energy.


Fix silicon consuming integrated circuits + some other recipes.

Allow taking fluids from inputs via containers.

Changed lathe again to give 2 rods instead of long one.

Re-textured pipes to look better.

Re-design side hit calculation so covers are accessible in the similar to wrench manner.

Fixed wooden tanks being able to hold hot fluids as items.

Added wooden soft hammer.

Increased stats of flint & added Fire Aspect II to flint tools.

Fixed some cable duplication issues.

Fix duplicate decomposition recipe for liquid air.




Buff large boilers (a bit).

Fix boilers burning container-dependent fuels like firestone from Railcraft.

Fix ray tracing null exception.

Fixed indium gallium phosphate crafting.

Removed monazite -> helium recipe.

Made autoclave a bit faster in crystallization.

Reworked pipe texture locations a bit.

Fixed fluid references in oregen.

Fixed pipe burning crash.

InventoryTweaks compatibility.



Added item collectors. They collect items in configurable range.

Fixed boule recipes consuming integrated circuits.

Fixed NanoCPU wafer recipe wrong voltage.

Fixed power wafer duplication.

Fixed sodium sulfide recipes.

Added smoke to overvoltage.

Added rubber recipes for low-voltage cables.

Added nugget/dust recipes to packer/unpacker.

Fixed lumber axe not working.

Made Primitive Blast Furnace properly handle all types of fuel and use remainder.

Bump version & update changelog.


Reworked chests. Re-implemented visuals, increased capacities.

Added machine recipes for metal frames.

Added surface block populator for custom indicators support for ores.

Buff rotor efficiencies a bit more. Reworked rotor items.

Implemented fortune support for hard hammers.

Implemented anvil tool repairing.

Fix many issues related to previous major beta version release.





Merge GA chemistry into master.

New circuits inspired by GA.

Fix machine's auto outputting ignoring filtering covers (and covers installed in general)

Tweak electrolyzing voltages a bit.

Make Ilmenite a bit more valuable source of rutile.

Change amount of noble gases compounds a bit and add radon.

Increased rotor durability and efficiency for all rotors. Increased rotor cost a bit.

Increased base pump speed a bit.

Increased chests capacities.

Made Tesla Coil drop player-kill requiring loot.

Fix some machines not stacking after being broken down.

Fix turbine blades dupe.

Remove granites spheres from nether.

Fix noble gases not using centrifuge for decomposition.

Fixed disjunction crash.

Fixed wrong overclocking on multi-amperage input machines.

Fixed wrong light matrix usage on machine covers.


Fix paper crafting recipes not showing in JEI.

Fix wrong container item return with wooden form crafting.

Fixed wiremill fine wire recipe missing.

Fix tools harvesting not respecting block's harvest tool type.

Made filter recipes simpler and more accessible in early game.

Probably fix pipe crash without FMP installed.

Fallback to StoneTypes.STONE for ore generation replaceable blocks.

Rework StoneTypes to better fit above change. Cleanup OrePrefix.

Fix OrePrefix maxStackSize not applying to material items.

Do not apply incompatible material enchantments to tools.

Allow to use sodalite and lapis in enchantment table.

Refactor tool properties of most materials.

Added vinteum as a dungeon loot to some places.

Added unbreaking/mending enchantments support for tools.

Fixed enchantment glint not being rendered on tools.






  • Fix certain crashes with invalid pipe items and pipe placement in MP. Closes #576. Closes #573.

  • Make biome_dictionary raise error on invalid tags and upper case them automatically. Closes #575.

  • Fix frame recipes. Closes #571.

  • Fixed wrong output in UI of turbines. Closes #574.

  • Fixed large turbines not loosing rotor speed while working disabled.

  • Disabled electrolyzing of uranium compound ores.

  • Fixed high pressure machines not overclocking recipes.










  • Change amount of crushed ore obtained from different ores

  • Nerfed smelting of compound dust to nuggets (yet by smelting all dust from 1 ore block you will get 1 or 2 ingots for forge hammer/macerator)

  • Removed smelting of crushed ore

  • Jackhammer no longer behaves like hammer on blocks

  • Buffed hammer durability for block mining and dig speed

  • Hotfix for crash with coal boilers

  • Added foam blocks and reinforced stone (colorable)

  • Rework frames so they act like scaffolds and are paintable now

  • Added foam sprayer for placing them

  • Fixed some minor bugs and issues

  • Fixed server side crash. Closes #510.

  • Refactored meta tile entity sync to use less data and be faster.

  • Changed size of input * output fluid tanks to 64/32 buckets. Closes #510.

  • Fixed wrong sound type of gravel ores.

  • Disable steel decomposition.

  • Updated pipes throughput values

  • Fixed damage values back. Closes #411

  • fix cobalt missing screws (#407)

  • Fixed server-side crash with redefined storage. Closes #397.

  • Fixed some graphical glitches. Closes #399. Closes #408.

  • Fixed crash when painting pipes. Closes #402.

  • Fixed wrong sphere generator behavior. Closes #422.

  • Fixed wrong min. amount of outputs for ore washer. Closes #425.

  • Removed blaze blocks. Closes #417.

  • Disallow automation of primitive blast furnace. Closes #423.

  • Fixed diesel engine not using oxygen. Closes #401.

  • Added wooden frames. Made wood plates usable in place of planks. Closes #418.

  • Fixed wrong speed on high pressure steam machines. Disallow overclocking for bronze steam machines. Closes #400.

  • Fixed wrong information about items for chargers and battery buffers. Closes #409.

  • Fixed wrong generation of invalid frames.

  • Changed wood color to feel more vanilla-alike.

  • Fixed crashes when loading multiblock controllers. Closes #410.

  • Fix steam output update on steam machines not causing an chunk update

  • Add quantum tank fluid handlers. Closes #436

  • Fix quantum chest/tank tooltips. Closes #435

  • Fix door recipes

  • Updated Butchery knife. Changed the enchantment from sharpness II to Looting III

  • fix #454 use isAir instead of Blocks.AIR comparison (#458)

  • fix nulls passed to isAir in MetaTileEntityDieselEngine

  • Do not accept energy with zero voltage or amperage. Closes #465

  • do not trigger forge events when using setBlockState in dummy world

  • Fixed quantum chest exploit. Closes #463.

  • Fixed lag when attempting to fill/empty full/empty fluid tanks. Closes #460.

  • Made dynamite usable in implosion compressor. Closes #457.

  • Made cutter recipes using lubricant 4 times faster than water. Closes #450.

  • Implemented comparator support for chests & tanks. Closes #447.

  • Fixed wrong comparator output on battery buffer. Closes #467.

  • Rebalanced turbine rotor holder speed multipliers and logic in general. Closes #452.

  • Fixed turbine rotor not getting damage. Closes #451.

  • Fixed PBF not updating texture. Closes #446.

  • Fixed arc smelting recipes not generating for some ore prefixes. Closes #437.

  • Increased capacity of transformers to 2x to allow constant transform rate.

  • Fixed cyclic reference to OrePrefix when loading Materials class to early.

  • Implemented a proper place to register materials from the code to implement.

  • Added option to disable crashing behavior of invalid or error recipes.

  • Removed useless and random information from tools. Should fix issues with other mods supplying tools into recipes. Closes #453.

  • fixed jei multiblock info error

  • Sort out multiblock parts for persistent order. Closes #474.

  • Fixed harvest level for DustMaterial ores (#471)

  • Some energy API improvements, battery fixes. Closes #483.

  • Fixed battery buffer implementation bug. Closes #488.

  • Fixed color not applying during initial machine placement. Closes #502.

  • Fixed some machines have no painting color applied to their casings.

  • Made fluid tanks usable as fluid containers in item-form.

  • Made tungstensteel tank capacity 64 buckets.

  • Fixed large cells. Increased their capacity to 64/256 buckets (for steel/tungstensteel).- Fixed wrong tools attack speed.

  • Fixed creature spawning on machines. Closes #477.

  • Implemented big rubber trees.

  • Made electrolyzer and centrifuge output slots tabbed.

  • Fixed some recipes.

  • Fire tree grow event. Closes #509.

  • #### Implemented covers:

  • Robot Arm (most advanced cover- filtering, putting in specific slots, buffering and many more)

  • Conveyor Belt (transporting items, not filtered)

  • Pump (Fluid transportation, filtered)

  • Filter (item/fluid/ore dictionary) (allows you to filter items/fluids passing through machines)

All covers have GUIs that help you set them up. They can be placed on machines and on pipes. They're tierel


    • Fixed server side crash. Closes #510.

    • Refactored meta tile entity sync to use less data and be faster.

    • Changed size of input * output fluid tanks to 64/32 buckets. Closes #510.

    • Fixed wrong sound type of gravel ores.

    • Disable steel decomposition.

    • Updated pipes throughput values

    • Fixed damage values back. Closes #411

    • fix cobalt missing screws (#407)

    • Fixed server-side crash with redefined storage. Closes #397.

    • Fixed some graphical glitches. Closes #399. Closes #408.

    • Fixed crash when painting pipes. Closes #402.

    • Fixed wrong sphere generator behavior. Closes #422.

    • Fixed wrong min. amount of outputs for ore washer. Closes #425.

    • Removed blaze blocks. Closes #417.

    • Disallow automation of primitive blast furnace. Closes #423.

    • Fixed diesel engine not using oxygen. Closes #401.

    • Added wooden frames. Made wood plates usable in place of planks. Closes #418.

    • Fixed wrong speed on high pressure steam machines. Disallow overclocking for bronze steam machines. Closes #400.

    • Fixed wrong information about items for chargers and battery buffers. Closes #409.

    • Fixed wrong generation of invalid frames.

    • Changed wood color to feel more vanilla-alike.

    • Fixed crashes when loading multiblock controllers. Closes #410.

    • Fix steam output update on steam machines not causing an chunk update

    • Add quantum tank fluid handlers. Closes #436

    • Fix quantum chest/tank tooltips. Closes #435

    • Fix door recipes

    • Updated Butchery knife. Changed the enchantment from sharpness II to Looting III

    • fix #454 use isAir instead of Blocks.AIR comparison (#458)

    • fix nulls passed to isAir in MetaTileEntityDieselEngine

    • Do not accept energy with zero voltage or amperage. Closes #465

    • do not trigger forge events when using setBlockState in dummy world

    • Fixed quantum chest exploit. Closes #463.

    • Fixed lag when attempting to fill/empty full/empty fluid tanks. Closes #460.

    • Made dynamite usable in implosion compressor. Closes #457.

    • Made cutter recipes using lubricant 4 times faster than water. Closes #450.

    • Implemented comparator support for chests & tanks. Closes #447.

    • Fixed wrong comparator output on battery buffer. Closes #467.

    • Rebalanced turbine rotor holder speed multipliers and logic in general. Closes #452.

    • Fixed turbine rotor not getting damage. Closes #451.

    • Fixed PBF not updating texture. Closes #446.

    • Fixed arc smelting recipes not generating for some ore prefixes. Closes #437.

    • Increased capacity of transformers to 2x to allow constant transform rate.

    • Fixed cyclic reference to OrePrefix when loading Materials class to early.

    • Implemented a proper place to register materials from the code to implement.

    • Added option to disable crashing behavior of invalid or error recipes.

    • Removed useless and random information from tools. Should fix issues with other mods supplying tools into recipes. Closes #453.

    • fixed jei multiblock info error

    • Sort out multiblock parts for persistent order. Closes #474.

    • Fixed harvest level for DustMaterial ores (#471)

    • Some energy API improvements, battery fixes. Closes #483.

    • Fixed battery buffer implementation bug. Closes #488.

    • Fixed color not applying during initial machine placement. Closes #502.

    • Fixed some machines have no painting color applied to their casings.

    • Made fluid tanks usable as fluid containers in item-form.

    • Made tungstensteel tank capacity 64 buckets.

    • Fixed large cells. Increased their capacity to 64/256 buckets (for steel/tungstensteel).- Fixed wrong tools attack speed.

    • Fixed creature spawning on machines. Closes #477.

    • Implemented big rubber trees.

    • Made electrolyzer and centrifuge output slots tabbed.

    • Fixed some recipes.

    • Fire tree grow event. Closes #509.

    • #### Implemented covers:

    • Robot Arm (most advanced cover- filtering, putting in specific slots, buffering and many more)

    • Conveyor Belt (transporting items, not filtered)

    • Pump (Fluid transportation, filtered)

    • Filter (item/fluid/ore dictionary) (allows you to filter items/fluids passing through machines)

All covers have GUIs that help you set them up. They can be placed on machines and on pipes. They're tiered


  • updated pipes throughput values

  • Fixed damage values back. Closes #411

  • fix cobalt missing screws (#407)

  • Fixed server-side crash with redefined storage. Closes #397.

  • Fixed some graphical glitches. Closes #399. Closes #408.

  • Fixed crash when painting pipes. Closes #402.

  • Fixed wrong sphere generator behavior. Closes #422.

  • Fixed wrong min. amount of outputs for ore washer. Closes #425.

  • Removed blaze blocks. Closes #417.

  • Disallow automation of primitive blast furnace. Closes #423.

  • Fixed diesel engine not using oxygen. Closes #401.

  • Added wooden frames. Made wood plates usable in place of planks. Closes #418.

  • Fixed wrong speed on high pressure steam machines. Disallow overclocking for bronze steam machines. Closes #400.

  • Fixed wrong information about items for chargers and battery buffers. Closes #409.

  • Fixed wrong generation of invalid frames.

  • Changed wood color to feel more vanilla-alike.

  • Fixed crashes when loading multiblock controllers. Closes #410.

  • Fix steam output update on steam machines not causing an chunk update

  • Add quantum tank fluid handlers. Closes #436

  • Fix quantum chest/tank tooltips. Closes #435

  • Fix door recipes

  • Updated Butchery knife. Changed the enchantment from sharpness II to Looting III

  • fix #454 use isAir instead of Blocks.AIR comparison (#458)

  • fix nulls passed to isAir in MetaTileEntityDieselEngine

  • Do not accept energy with zero voltage or amperage. Closes #465

  • do not trigger forge events when using setBlockState in dummy world

  • Fixed quantum chest exploit. Closes #463.

  • Fixed lag when attempting to fill/empty full/empty fluid tanks. Closes #460.

  • Made dynamite usable in implosion compressor. Closes #457.

  • Made cutter recipes using lubricant 4 times faster than water. Closes #450.

  • Implemented comparator support for chests & tanks. Closes #447.

  • Fixed wrong comparator output on battery buffer. Closes #467.

  • Rebalanced turbine rotor holder speed multipliers and logic in general. Closes #452.

  • Fixed turbine rotor not getting damage. Closes #451.

  • Fixed PBF not updating texture. Closes #446.

  • Fixed arc smelting recipes not generating for some ore prefixes. Closes #437.

  • Increased capacity of transformers to 2x to allow constant transform rate.

  • Fixed cyclic reference to OrePrefix when loading Materials class to early.

  • Implemented a proper place to register materials from the code to implement.

  • Added option to disable crashing behavior of invalid or error recipes.

  • Removed useless and random information from tools. Should fix issues with other mods supplying tools into recipes. Closes #453.

  • fixed jei multiblock info error

  • Sort out multiblock parts for persistent order. Closes #474.

  • Fixed harvest level for DustMaterial ores (#471)

  • Some energy API improvements, battery fixes. Closes #483.

  • Fixed battery buffer implementation bug. Closes #488.

  • Fixed color not applying during initial machine placement. Closes #502.

  • Fixed some machines have no painting color applied to their casings.

  • Made fluid tanks usable as fluid containers in item-form.

  • Made tungstensteel tank capacity 64 buckets.

  • Fixed large cells. Increased their capacity to 64/256 buckets (for steel/tungstensteel).- Fixed wrong tools attack speed.

  • Fixed creature spawning on machines. Closes #477.

  • Implemented big rubber trees.

  • Made electrolyzer and centrifuge output slots tabbed.

  • Fixed some recipes.

  • Fire tree grow event. Closes #509.

Working Covers: - Robot Arm (most advanced cover- filtering, putting in specific slots, buffering and many more) - conveyor belt (transporting items, not filtered) - pump (Fluid transportation, filtered) - filter (allows you to filter items/fluids passing through machines)

All covers have GUIs that help you set them up. They can be placed on machines and on pipes. They're tiered








Fixed not colored wrenches and wrong crowbar overlay color

Rebalanced damage and durability values for tools

Fixed too long burn time for large boiler

Fixed worldgen replacing bedrock

Fixed crafted tools having 0 durability

Added emerald and diamond GT forms of gems

Removed rubber tools except soft hammer

Hoes now till coarse dirt too

Removed ambiguous gem + hammer -> gem recipes

Added 50% hammer tooltip


Added Stones and Oils to Generation in Overworld/Nether (Rongm[a]rio)

Added Chinese Translation (Timozer)

Rename worldgen extract lock file to be twitch-import friendly (pyure)

Fixed pipe networks not updating connections on world load

Fixed potion effect from food being applied on both sides

Fixed pumps not accepting power from cables

Removed unnecessary concrete recipe

Fixed hard hammer not dropping 1 extra crushed ore

Fixed crafting recipes for gems that do not have plate variants

Other bugfixes


Optimized cables and reworked pipes due to performance impact they had. Unfortunately these are not backwards compatible with previous ones, and it is better to remove all existing pipes and cables from the world to avoid possible world corruption

Fixed multiblock info tooltip rendering

Fixes an issue where BuildCraft oil cannot be refined in a Distillery, among others (codewarrior0)

Removed glow effect from metatools

Added turbine rotor efficiency description

Added option to reset recipe progress when energy supply is insufficient (default is slowly going down like in vanilla)

Added byproduct multiplier for higher tiers of the machines

Fixed hoes taking too much damage on use

Fixed memory leaks in packet system

Fixed various issues with lighting

Fixed a lot of other bugs


Added Item Pipes

Added Fluid Pipes

Added Dynamite

Fix duplicated MetaItem IDs

Fix duplicated Distillery recipes

Fix lens colors

Remove placeholder pipes

Added method for pbf recipe removal

Rewritten cable code
