这是一个在 Minecraft 还原了音游 Arcaea 的模组。
本模组增加了 230 首唱片,三种机器,一整套的武器工具装备以及其他物品
由于本模组违反了 Arcaea 制作公司 lowiro 自 2020 年 2 月 6 日开始实行的《衍生作品政策》中“不得复制或使用任何游戏资产”的规定(见此处),作者于 2021 年 2 月 6 日已停止更新,且百科内不再提供下载。
lowiro 新规原文: Artwork: You may not copy or use any game assets, including but not limited to character and event graphics, for use in your own works. This includes both digital assets and physical ones, eg. designs and artwork from official CDs. However, you may create your own artwork based on the game if you wish, as long as you’re not tracing any of the aforementioned assets. Music: You may not use any of the music or sound effects included in the Arcaea app or on any of its official soundtracks for any purpose, including derivative works. This includes fanmade charts and levels for rhythm games.