Crash Utilities 添加了许多工具,用于查找和修复常见的服务器问题。
按 CTRL + U 打开 Crash Utilities GUI界面
在地图上查看加载的区块。 View loaded Chunks on a map
在地图上查看实体数量。 View number of entities/TileEntities on a map
打开其他玩家的背包。 Open other players inventories
有关命令的详细信息及最新信息,请参阅 Wiki(英文)
[]为可选值,<>为必须值,()为注释 | @2020/8/3 |
描述 | 命令 |
+ 使用命令获取日志文件和崩溃日志。 Get log files and crash reports via command | /cu getLog |
+ 清除超过X数量的地面掉落物/物品。 Clear Items if there are more than X on the ground | /cu callItemClear(使用命令时立即检查是否超过数量) |
+ 查找存在大量实体的区块。 Find chunks with large amounts of entities | /cu allEntities [dimension] |
+----生成当前世界中按数量排序的实体列表。 Generates a list of Entities that are currently in the world sorted by count. | /cu findEntities <type> |
+----生成区块中包含按数量排序的此类型的实体列表,点击传送到区块。 Generates a list of Chunks with entities of this type sorted by Count. Click to tp to the chunk. | /cu findEntities <type>[dimension]
+ 发送玩家去出生点。 Send players to Spawn | /cu unstuck(玩家离线时有效) |
+ 跨维度/世界传送命令。 Crossdimensional Teleport Command | /cu tp [dimension] |
+ 检查内存使用情况。 Check RAM usage over time | /cu memoryCheck [number] |
+ 查找世界上特定的TileEntities。 Find specific TileEntities in the world | /cu allLoadedTileEntities [dimension] |
+----生成当前世界中已加载并按数量排序的实体列表。 Generates a list of all tile entities that are currently loaded sorted by Count. | /cu findLoadedTileEntities <type>
+----生成区块中包含按数量排序的此类型的已加载的实体列表,点击传送。 Generates a list of all tile entities of that type that are currently loaded. Click to tp to them. | /cu findLoadedTileEntities <type>[dimension]
+ 在玩家背包中查看和移除物品(需要Curio支持)。 Read and remove items from player inventories (Curio support) | /cu readInventory (在列表中单击删除物品) |
+----移除玩家背包中的同种所有物品。 Removes all of one type of item from a players Inventor
| /cu removeAllFromInventory <player><item>
+----移除玩家指定插槽的物品(背包,护甲,Curio类型) Remove the item in the specified player slot. Valid Inventory Types: inventory, armor, offhand + curioslottypes
| /cu removeFromInventorySlot <player><inventoryType><slot>