该模组为 随机死亡信息 模组的非官方 1.20.1 重制版,已在 GitHub 开源。
该模组可以改变玩家死亡时屏幕显示的消息,显示的死亡消息列表默认将会从 GitHub 仓库 中获取,若获取失败则会将本模组的 JAR 文件中的 messages.txt 文件作为死亡消息列表获取。
除此之外,此模组还为原模组额外添加了以下 8 条随机的死亡消息,其中的 <rdmr.player.name> 代表玩家的名称:
404 Not Found <rdmr.player.name>.
There isn't a player named <rdmr.player.name>.
Do you know the player named <rdmr.player.name>? I don't know.
<rdmr.player.name> has lost the fight for his life.
<rdmr.player.name> tried to go fight with his fate,but he failed miserably.
<rdmr.player.name> is going fight with his fate,but he don't know why its to fail.
<rdmr.player.name> as if he know he would lose the fight against his fate,but he still wants to go fight with his fate again.
<rdmr.player.name> not found his direction.