
《龙之生存》1.19.2 Forge版本更新日志 - 2024年5月17日


  1. 新增五种龙身类型:

    • 中央型 - 所有生物群落的普遍居民,比其他类型更常见。

    • 东方型 - 适应洞穴生活,失去翅膀但保留了使用悬浮魔法的能力。

    • 北方型 - 完美的海洋旅行者,征服水域和天空。

    • 南方型 - 平原的居住者,能跳得高跑得快。

    • 西方型 - 山脉和天空的征服者,在其元素中无与伦比,但在地面上较为笨拙。

  2. 玩家特性变化: 每种龙身类型都会为玩家带来不同的速度、跳跃高度、护甲等特性变化。玩家可以在服务器配置中自定义这些变化。

  3. 选择龙身类型: 玩家可以在祭坛中选择龙身类型。更改龙身类型将重置生长进度,类似于更改物种。

  4. 动画效果: 所有龙身类型都带有动画效果。我为每种龙身类型从头开始制作了80个动画,总计400个动画!虽然并非所有动画都完美,但我付出了很多努力。

  5. 动画与速度关联: 部分动画现在将随着玩家的速度变化而变化。

  6. 统一模型: 所有龙身类型都使用一个模型,这意味着所有皮肤都将继续工作,无需重新制作。SkinMaker将在稍后更新。

  7. 皮肤预览: 在皮肤菜单中,玩家可以看到不同龙身类型下的皮肤外观。

  8. 新增纹理: 在编辑器中新增了超过100种新纹理,让玩家能够创造完美的龙。

Global Update Log for Dragon Survival 1.19.2 Forge - 17.05.2024

Major Updates:

  1. Added 5 Dragon Body Types:

    • Central - Universal inhabitants of all biotopes. More common than others.

    • Eastern - Adapted to cave life and lost wings but retained levitation magic.

    • North - Perfect sea travelers, conquering both water and air.

    • South - Dwellers of the plains, capable of high jumps and fast running.

    • Western - Conquerors of mountains and skies, unrivaled in their element but clumsy on ground.

  2. Player Characteristic Changes: Each body type brings different changes to player's speed, jump height, armor, and more. All customizable in server configs.

  3. Body Type Selection: Players can choose body types at the altar. Changing body types resets growth progress, similar to changing species.

  4. Animations: All body types feature animations. Created 80 animations for each type, totaling 400 animations! Not all perfect, but much effort was put in.

  5. Animations Linked to Speed: Some animations now change with player's speed.

  6. Unified Model: All body types use one model. This means all skins remain functional and do not need remake. SkinMaker update coming soon.

  7. Skin Preview: In the skin menu, players can see how skins will look with different body types.

  8. New Textures: Added over 100 new textures to the editor for creating perfect dragons.



  • Removed compatibility with Chinese skins, as it was causing problems for all other players. 

  • 移除了与中国皮肤的兼容性,因为这给其他所有玩家带来了性能缺陷。

  • Due to github restrictions, you can only send 30-50 requests per hour to repository (when your game wants to show you a dragon skin, your ip sends a request to the github api and it sends you a testura of the skin from the repository). That is, when you reach the limit you will no longer be able to see new skins for an hour, and then everything will go back to normal. Perhaps a restart might help.

  • 解决了IP请求限制的问题。 由于GitHub的限制,玩家在达到每小时30-50个请求的限制后,将无法看到新的龙皮肤一小时。重启游戏可能有所帮助。

  • Added more compatibility to shields, bows, and dragon food. 

  • 增加了盾牌、弓和龙食的兼容性支持。

  • Fix model and SkinMakerKit. 

  • 修复模型的问题。


Dragon Survival Minecraft Mod - 1.19.2 Forge 更新日志 (2023-11-23)



  1. 添加了"enlightened_end"食品配置,为游戏添加更多可玩性。


  1. 验证并修复了本地化问题,现在游戏将更加易于理解。



Dragon Survival Minecraft Mod - 1.19.2 Forge 更新日志 (2023-11-17)



  1. 添加了“minecraft:fire”到caveDragonManaBlocks,

  2. 在配置文件中增加了燃烧能力的几率设置,玩家可以根据自己的需求调整龙的燃烧能力,从而影响游戏的平衡。

  3. 更新了韩语支持,为玩家提供更全面的游戏体验。


  1. 修复了情感跳过的问题。现在,当龙受到一定范围内任何实体的伤害时,情感将不再跳过,使得游戏的体验和龙的行动方式更加自然。

  2. 修复了内存泄漏问题,提升了游戏的性能和稳定性。


  • 龙编辑器新增超过300个部件:角、爪子、爪子、鳞片等等!感谢TANC57提供的马鞍和装饰品!

  • 能够在龙编辑器中自定义魔法。

  • 改进了龙编辑器的随机化结果。

  • 更新了模型并添加了新区域用于皮肤。新的皮肤制作工具包将在不久的将来创建。旧的皮肤不需要重新制作!对我来说,您的皮肤是安全的,这是我的原则。

  • 每个爪子现在都有单独的UV。现在可以制作有5个爪子的龙!

  • 更新了动画。非常感谢Ais!

  • 添加了新的情绪“抖落”。感谢Loa!

  • 重绘了某些门和压力板的纹理

  • 修复了一个可能导致门失去纹理的错误

  • 牙齿对齐并变得更加平滑(有些皮肤可能因此受到一点视觉损坏,所以请去看牙医!)

  • 来自特殊插槽的爪子和牙齿现在作为装饰品呈现在爪子和脖子上,而不是作为彩色纹理呈现在爪子和牙齿上。

  • 编辑器中的龙将不再把头扭向所有方向。

  • 旧纹理已经打磨过

  • 进行了本地化和其他小细节的处理

  • 在编辑器中的影子不再闪烁

  • mod版本现在将采用不同的格式。发布日期更容易读取,将来将代替数字使用。

  • 修复了洞穴龙站在火中时其魔力指示器闪烁的错误。

  • 很遗憾,由于美丽的游泳动画会导致尾巴消失的错误,因此默认情况下必须禁用客户端配置中的“enableTailPhysics”。

  • 标签上没有小门

  • Realm RPG Creep和Crops的南瓜盔甲

  • 马匹将不再攻击龙,以免在使用马类坐骑的mod时出现问题

  • 如果启用怪物破坏,火焰吐息(洞穴)可以点燃tnt。

  • 更新了许可证,以减少争议。

  • 森林吐息 - 配置(默认设置为 true)以允许污垢转换(可以配置要转换的方块)+ 草不再免于骨粉逻辑。

  • 当使用龙编辑器作为玩家时,初始大小将是雏龙。

  • 设置收割速度奖励不再会丢弃其他插件对块破坏速度所做的更改。

  • 洞穴龙火免疫更兼容。

  • 添加了食物列表的配置,该列表应保持其效果(并且不受饥饿效果配置的影响)。它们的(负)营养/饱和度保持不变。对于像Vinery的葡萄酒这样的物品或使用其效果来触发与mod相关的物品是有用的。

  • 修复了服务器和客户端之间维度(大小)可能不同步的情况(可能是通过使用命令将自己变成龙,然后注销并重新登录而触发的)。该问题会导致您无法靠近区块等。

  • 添加了一些重建某些配置的明确调用,以确保对配置的更改立即生效。

  • 修复了从爪库存中正确删除损坏工具的问题。

  • 删除了不必要的文件,大大减轻了mod的大小

- Over 300 new parts for the dragon editor: horns, paws, claws, scales, maces, collars and more! Thanks to TANC57 for the saddles and decorations!

- Ability to customize magic in the dragon editor

- Improved randomization results in the dragon editor

- Updated the model and added new areas for skins. New Skin Maker Kit will be created in the near future. OLD SKINS DO NOT NEED TO BE REMADE! For me it is principle that your skins are safe.

- Each claw now has a separate UV. It is now possible to make a dragon with 5 claws!

- Updated animations. Thanks a lot to Ais!

- Adding new emotion "Shaking off". Thanks Loa!

- Textures of some doors and pressure plates redrawn

- Fixed a bug that could cause doors to lose texture

- Teeth aligned and made smoother (some skins may have a little visual damage because of this, so visit the dentist!)

- Claws and teeth from special slots are now rendered as decorations on paws and neck, rather than as colored texture on claws and teeth

- Dragons in the editor will no longer twist their heads in all directions.

- Old textures have been polished

- Localization and other minor details

- Adding food compatibility and other small things

- Shadow in the editor no longer flickers so much- mod version will now have a different format. The release date is easier to read and will be used instead of a number in the future.

- Fix bug when a cave dragon stands in the fire its mana indicator flashes.

- Alas, the client config on the beautiful swimming animation will have to be disabled by default, as it causes bugs with the tail disappearing. (enableTailPhysics)

- No dupe with small door in tag

- Pumpkin armor for Realm RPG Creep and Crops

- Horses will no longer attack dragons so as not to cause problems with mods for mounts that use horse class

- Nether breath can ignite tnt if mob griefing is enabled.

- Updated the license to be less controversial.

- Forest breath - Config (true by default) to allow dirt transformation (blocks to transform to can be configured) + Grass is no longer exempt from the bonemeal logic.

- When using the dragon editor as a player the initial size will be Newborn.

- Setting the harvest speed bonus no longer discards changes made to the block break speed by other mods.

- Made the mixin responsible for turning cave dragon block drops fire immune more compatible.

- Added a config for food list which should keep their effects (and are exempt from the hunger effect config). Their (negative) nutrition / saturation remains unchanged. Useful for items like the wine from Vinery or items which use their effects to trigger something mod related.

- Fixed an instance where the dimension (size) could desync between server and client (could be triggered by using a command to turn yourself into a dragon and then logging out and back in). The issue would cause you to be unable to get close to blocks among other things.

- Added some explicit calls to rebuild certain configs to make sure changes to the config get immediately applied.

- Fixed an issue where broken tools were not properly removed form the claw inventory.

- Deleted unnecessary files that greatly increased the weight of the project

  • Avoid unnecessary config updates

  • Don't defer config saving to a new IO thread (seems to lead to more issues)

  • Avoid crashes regarding numeric / enum configs

  • Check if config entry is valid while editing it and don't allow invalid config entries

  • Resource config entries now always show their icons (if the relevant mod is loaded), not just when they're shown as suggestions

  • Show resource config icons and suggestions for block, entity type, mob effect and biome configs (was already there but not really used)

  • Avoid right click crash (due to adding / removing ui elements instead of setting their visibility)

  • Avoid suggestions window overlaps when a new resource entry is focused

  • Avoid suggestion entries overlapping the suggestion item tool tip

  • Avoid suggestion entries being overlayed by resource entries

  • Suggestions can be scrolled through

  • Fix some configs not being correctly synced / saved

  • Disabled progress slider for numeric values (now always uses a text field)

  • Increments do not work correctly

  • Updates / saves too often causing problems and crashes (might need to add a timer or just save once when the config screen is closed)

  • Configs of the type string (non-list) now also show up in the config menu

  • (Probably some other things I forgot)

  • Only load regions_unexplored charged coal recipe when the mod is present

  • Avoid hunters_goal tag being broken when zombiemods mod is not present

  • Also avoid river biomes for prince / princess spawn (#forge:is_water)

  • Added config to use vanilla experience bar / food level hud

  • 对图形界面进行了小幅改进。

  • 改进动画。感谢 Ais 对动画做出的所有修改!

  • 更改跳跃/下落循环动画逻辑。

  • 正确的项目旋转和位置(也适用于钳口模式)。

  • 在施放 BUFF 时禁用 fov 效果。

  • 某些表情的尾部/颈部物理特性。

  • 感谢 SiverDX 提供的这些修复和许多其他修复!

  • 固定检查工具的方式。

  • 修正了一个无法正确同步自定义的错误。

  • 修复了一个偶发的祭坛崩溃问题。

  • 从龙爪菜单中设置成长龙图标的深度渲染级别。

  • 一次性初始化已使用的资源位置,而不是每次渲染时不断重新创建。


Gui fixes

All glowing sea dragon textures now work correctly

Getting harvest tool: skip raytrace when there is already a blockstate reference

Hopefully better enchantment level check

Skip more categories for performance

Don't overwrite the level if the claw tools enchantment level is 0

Replaced server side AWT library usage

Innate claw skill description will no longer get modified by worn tools / weapons

Small fix for modded blocks and dragon harvest level (if claw tool was lower than dragon harvest level)

Beacon texture should now correctly show when placed (and not just after being lit / rejoining the world)

Entities are now correctly getting their capabilities (fixes cave dragon burn doing no damage and maybe other things dunno)

Entities hurt by dragon magic now keep the player as a damage source (this enables player-only logic (e.g.for drops) when the entity dies) (also disabled knockback for that type of damage since that always gets applied if an entity is present as a source and previously there was none)


Improved gui textures


Treasures now have adequate time reduction in configs


Fixed localization bugs


Treasures should now fully restore health



fixed a problem with a crash due to mining check


fixed problem with skin tab


major gui update




- Skins should now be available in China  (If you have any problems because of this, let us know!)

zh_tw by vergils495!

- 皮肤现在应该可以在中国使用(如果您因此有任何问题,请告诉我们!)

Tooltip coloring for increasing levels.


Experience gained from decreasing was 1 level lower than intended.


There were 2 additional SkillProgressButtons being rendered (but overlayed by other buttons)

渲染了 2 个额外的技能进度按钮(但可以被其他按钮覆盖)

Right side of the experience cost for abilities had the wrong start location.


When increasing or decreasing ability levels all were shown as obtainable (until screen was re-opened)


Removed bad omen application when you kill a knight (only occurred as a non-dragon)


Fixed some issue with water cauldron block (sea dragon gained no good mana condition from it)


Fixed a bug with the Claws and Teeth description


The harvest level text was not accurate 


Fixed issues with harvesting


Modded ore support for drops when only using paws (most modded ores should already work but this fixes certain other instances, mostly MCreator related)

仅使用爪子时,模组矿石支持掉落(大多数模组矿石应该已经可以工作,但这修复了某些其他情况,主要与 MCreator 相关)

Config for bonusUnlockedAt is now respected


ServerConfig.baseHarvestLevel is now actually used


Minimum level for base and bonus level is now 0 (wood)

爪子和牙齿的基础等级和奖励等级的最低等级现在为 0(木)

When the tool in the claw inventory breaks block-breaking will no longer desync


Block breaking speed is only applied if the dragon is effective against the block (e.g. cave dragon can mine pickaxe-blocks faster but not shovel-blocks)


Removed Better Combat animation compatibility


New Porting - 1.5.42

Early beta version for 1.19.2.

1.19.2 的早期测试版。

Contains all the latest changes from version 1.18.2.

包含版本 1.18.2 的所有最新更改。

Temporarily not working for a dedicated server.


Thank you so much FirDragon!


  • skin fix and model fix

  • 皮肤修复和模型修复

  • Beta version of porting

  • 移植的Beta版本

  • Thanks to  Cadentem!

  • 感谢Cadentem!的协作

  • Happy upcoming New Year!

  • 龙生存的群体制作组祝大家新年快乐!



Medium patch - 1.4.43

Fixed huge problems with FPS and TPS due to bad code.

修复由于代码错误而导致的 FPS 和 TPS 的巨大问题。

Efficiency enchantments work correctly in claws.


Some other small fixes.


Lots of new bugs. Especially on the server. Still in the process of fixing, but you can appreciate it now.


Small patch - 1.4.42

■Small patch



- Fixed an issue where weapons in [Claw Inventory] would be destroyed along with the item in hand when damaged. 

- 修复了[爪子物品栏]中的武器在损坏时会与主手物品一起被销毁的问题。

- Fixed an issue where skins could not be changed without changing dragons. 

- 修复了在不更换龙的情况下无法更改皮肤的问题。

- Fixed game crashes when lightning balls hit flying arrows or other projectiles.

- 修复了海洋龙的2技能击中飞行中箭或其他射弹时游戏崩溃的问题。

- Removed unnecessary texture for sea dragon claws.

- 去除了海洋龙爪的多余纹理。


Small patch - 1.4.41
  • Disabled languages which have not received updates for a very long time (es_es, he_il, ja_jp, pl_pl, pt_br, uk_ua, zh_hk, zh_tw)

  • 禁用长时间未更新的语言(es_es、he_il、ja_jp、pl_pl、pt_br、uk_ua、zh_hk、zh_tw)

  • Updated localization for de_de, en_us, fr_fr, iw_il, ko_kr, ru_ru, zh_cn.

  • 更新了 de_de、en_us、fr_fr、iw_il、ko_kr、ru_ru、zh_cn 的本地化。

  • Fixed the problem that saturation is invalid。

  • 修正了饱和度无效的问题。

  • Added some additions for configs, suggested by players。

  • 添加了一些由玩家建议的配置项。

  • Changed the color of horses for princesses.

  • 改变了公主马的颜色。

  • Fixed a bug that caused the appearance of the dragon in the altar not to be saved.

  • 修正了龙在祭坛出现时外观无法保存的问题。

  • Fixed an issue where mana cost was doubled when using magic.

  • 修正了使用魔法时法力消耗加倍的问题。

Medium patch - 1.4.40

■ The main change in this update is the improvement of dragon hunters, princes, and princesses. All trades, behavior and everything related to them were rewritten.

■ 本次更新的主要变化是猎龙者、王子和公主的改进。 所有交易、行为以及与之相关的一切都被重写。

■ Changes:

■ 改动:

- Added scrolls for summoning princes and princesses. They will appear for a short period of time (15 minutes by default). You need to raise their level of trade, if you want to exchange useful items. These scrolls can be found in any chests.

- 添加了用于召唤王子和公主的卷轴。 它们将出现一小段时间(默认为 15 分钟)。 如果您想交换有用的物品,则需要提高他们的交易水平。 这些卷轴可以在任何宝箱中找到。

- The prince buys equipment (swords, shields, crossbows, etc.), bread, and bunches of flowers. At high levels of trade they sell dragon bones, star bones, and a star heart.

- 王子购买装备(剑、盾、弩等)、面包和鲜花。 在高交易水平时,他们出售龙骨、星骨和星心。

- The princesses are distinguished by different products depending on the color of the dress. Mostly they sell food for dragons. For the cave dragons is a red and black princess, for the forest dragons is yellow and purple, for the sea dragons is blue. They all like to buy flowers and gold ingots.

- 公主们根据礼服的颜色以不同的商品来区分。 大多数情况下,他们为龙出售食物。 洞穴龙是红色和黑色公主,森林龙是黄色和紫色,海洋龙是蓝色。 他们都喜欢买花和金锭。

- The white princess is special. At high trade levels, she trades unnecessary items (golden apples, knight helmets, elytras, phantom membranes, hearts of the sea, etc.) for more useful items (iron, gold, netherite scrap, Totem of Undying, etc.). 

- 白公主是特别的。 在高交易水平时,她用不必要的物品(金苹果、骑士头盔、鞘翅、幻影膜、海洋之心等)换取更有用的物品(铁、金、下界合金碎片、不死图腾等)。

- Significantly improved behavior of dragon hunters. Knights, Hounds, Shooters and Squires attack aggressive monsters, keep in a group, protect each other, follow princes and princesses.

- 显着改善了猎龙者的行为。现在骑士、猎犬、射手和侍从会攻击具有攻击性的怪物,成群结队,互相保护,誓死跟随王子和公主。

- You can add more mobs for dragon hunters with the datapack. (dragonsurvival:hunters_goal).

- 您可以使用数据包为猎龙者添加更多生物。 (dragonsurvival:hunters_goal)。

- Bolas is disabled, because it doesn't work properly and I don't know how to fix it.

- 波拉斯被禁用,因为它不能正常工作而且我(作者)不知道如何修复它。

- Princesses now appear only on horseback. Princess without a horse will no longer appear, but saved in code.

- 公主现在只在马背上出现。 没有马的公主将不再出现,而是保存在代码中。(你仍然可以用指令生成但是为了保护公主的马还是不要怎么做好)

- The prince got more health and speed.

- 王子得到了更多的生命值和速度。

- In more chests you can now find elder dragon dust and bones The chance has also been increased.

- 你现在可以在更多的战利品箱里找到古龙之尘和古龙之骨。生成几率也有所增加。

- Added the "royalDisappearInMinutes" config affecting the time until the princes and princesses summoned by the scroll disappear.

- 添加了“royalDisappearInMinutes”配置,影响卷轴召唤的王子和公主消失的时间。

- Removed config princessDespawnDelay. They are now using hunterDespawnDelay  (only for despawn in nature, it does not affect the scroll).

- 移除了配置 princessDespawnDelay。 他们现在正在使用 hunterDespawnDelay(仅用于在自然界中消失,它不影响卷轴)。

- The Evil Dragon effect is now renamed to Royal Chase and affects human players as well. Iron Golems have been added to the list for this effect.

- 恶龙效果现在更名为皇家追逐并且也影响人类玩家。 铁傀儡已添加到此效果列表中。

- Changed the color of spawn eggs for knight, princess and prince.

- 改变了骑士、公主和王子刷怪蛋的颜色。

- Improved descriptions of all items in Russian and English. There's more information out there now.

- 改进了俄语和英语对所有项目的描述。 现在那里有更多信息。

- Changed sorting in DS creativity tab.

- 更改龙之生存的创造选项卡中的排序。

- Added effect descriptions for Just Enough Effect Descriptions (JEED).

- 添加了JEI药水效果(JEED)的效果说明。

- More food compatibility.

- 更多的食物兼容性。


Finally don't forget


Don't forget to delete old configuration file!



- you can find it in one of two places: 

- /[mapname]/serverconfig (for a server)

- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig (for single play)


- 你可以在两个地方之一找到它:

- /[mapname]/serverconfig(对于服务器)

- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig(单人游戏)

Small patch - 1.4.39

- fixed rendering item in mouth (config option).

- 添加了是否将主手物品在固定龙吻中的的配置(配置选项)。

- fixed bug with the generation config food on servers.

- 修复了服务器上生成配置食物的错误。

- added Korean localization. Thank for LoA! 

- 添加了韩语本地化。 感谢贡献者LoA!

- updated Chinese localization. Thanks for @Gairlading-盖尔列汀 and @FrostFlame!

- 更新中文本地化。 感谢贡献者Gairlading-盖尔列汀和贡献者FrostFlame(也就是我冰焰龙冰)

Medium patch - 1.4.38

■ Changes:

■ 改动:

■ Cave dragons food:

■ Add

■ 洞穴龙的食物: 

■ 新增

Hot Dragon Rod (4:15, protects cave dragons from water for 1 minute),

酥脆热龙棒 (4点():15点(), 食用获得火焰之洞穴 (Cave Fire)持续1分钟)。 

Explosive Copper (6:4, explosion particles with 1 damage), 


Quartz Explosive Copper (12:18, Absorption (5:00) , Regeneration II (0:10), removes poisoning and wither effect), 


Double Quartz (8:6, Regeneration I (0:05)). 


Charged charcoal now clears all effects as milk.


- Changed saturation parameters for other food(Cave): 

- 改变了其他食物的饱和度参数(洞穴):

























"dragonsurvival:quartz_explosive_copper:12:18" and other.


 ■ Forest dragons food: 

 ■ 森林龙的食物:

 ■ Add

 ■ 新增

Sweet Sour Rabbit (10:6, removes all effects like milk), 

酸甜兔肉 (10点():6点(), 食用移除所有效果,像牛奶一样),

Luminous Ointment (5:3, Glow effect (5:00), protects from forest debuff for 5 minutes), 


Diamond Breath of Chorus (15:12,Absorption (5:00) , Regeneration II (0:10), removes poisoning and wither effect), 

钻心紫颂果(15点():12点(),食用获得伤害吸收I(5:00),再生 II(0:10)并移除中毒和凋零效果),

Smelly Meat Porridge (6:10, just food),


Meat Wild Berries (12:10, just food), 


Meat Chorus Mix (12:8, Regeneration I (0:05)).

紫颂肉沙拉(12点():8点(),食用获得再生I (0:05))。

- Changed saturation parameters for other food(Forest): 

- 改变了其他食物的饱和度参数(森林):









"minecraft: rabbit:7:8",

"原版: 兔肉:7点():8点()",



















"dragonsurvival:sweet_sour_rabbit:10:6" and other.

"龙之生存:酸甜兔肉:10点():6点()" 等。

■ Sea dragons food: 

■ 海洋龙的食物:

■ Add

■ 新增

Seasoned Fish (12:10, just food),


Golden Coral Pufferfish (12:14, Regeneration I (0:05)), 


Frozen Raw Fish (2:1, restores water and removes all effects like milk), 


Golden Turtle Egg (15:12, Absorption (5:00) , Regeneration II (0:10), removes poisoning and wither effect).

金海龟蛋(15点():12点(),食用获得伤害吸收I(5:00),再生 II(0:10)并去除中毒和凋零效果)。

- Changed saturation parameters for other food(Sea): 

- 改变了其他食物的饱和度参数(海洋):















"dragonsurvival:golden_turtle_egg:15:12" and other.


ᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ 

- Many unnecessary items have been removed from the dragon food list. For example, all golden apples are no longer edible for dragons. Full list of food you can find in dragonsurvival-server.toml.

- 许多不需要的物品已从龙的食物清单中移除。 例如,龙不再可以食用所有金苹果。 您可以在 dragonsurvival-server.toml 中找到完整的食物列表。

- Added hints in description for each food.

- 为每种食物添加了描述提示。

- All the animations have been updated. Thanks so much to Ais for the work he did! Emotions will be updated in the future.

- 所有动画都已更新。 非常感谢 Ais 所做的工作! 后续会更新情绪。

- Added a texture for jewelry from Ars Noveau. Thanks to SeadragonDreams!

- 为来自 Ars Noveau 的珠宝添加了纹理。 感谢 SeadragonDreams!

- Fixed problem with incorrectly displayed skin in the skins tab.

- 修复了皮肤选项卡中皮肤显示不正确的问题。

- Human hand no longer has to appear after death.

- 死后不再出现人手。(终于修复了)

- Added a config that allows you to cancel the descent of the dragon during flight.

- 添加了一个配置,允许您在飞行期间取消龙的下降。

- Rebalance Magic. Now all skills will cost 1 unit of mana, but pumping passive skills will be several times more expensive.

- 重新平衡魔法。 现在所有技能都会消耗 1 个单位的法力值,但被动技能的消耗增加了几倍。

- Added damage type for rain damage for cave dragons.

- 为洞穴龙增加了雨伤害的伤害类型。

- Lang key for key-bind category

- Added targeting function to make abilities consider friendly fire and pets.

- 增加了瞄准功能,使技能考虑友军和宠物。

- Fix enchantments applying for all claw tools instead of only correct tool.

- 修复适用于所有爪工具的附魔,而不是仅适用于手持的工具。

- Code cleanup. 

- 清理代码。

- And some other little things I might have forgotten.

- 还有一些作者可能忘记的小事。


■ ⚠️Don't forget to delete old configuration file!⚠️

■ ⚠️别忘了删除旧的配置文件!⚠️

■"dragonsurvival-server.toml" - you can find it in one of two places: 

■"dragonsurvival-server.toml" - 你可以在两个地方之一找到它:

- /[mapname]/serverconfig (for a server)

- /[mapname]/serverconfig(对于服务器)

- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig (for single play)

- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig(单人游戏)


Small patch - 1.4.36


■ Changes:

■ 改动:

- fixed crash with hopper minecart.

- 修复了漏斗矿车的崩溃问题。

- fixed issue with dragon type selection.

- 修正龙类型选择的问题。

- fixed casting and mana/exp lose (make breath check for correct mana amount before casting).

- 修复了施法和法力/经验损失(在施法吐息前检查正确的法力值)。

- fixed config what preventing chain lightning from affecting guardians and enderman.

- 增加防止连锁闪电影响守护者和末影人的配置。

- fixed lightning ball to crash the server.

- 修复了闪电球导致服务器崩溃的问题。

- renamed incorrect textures in the editor.

- 在编辑器中重命名了错误的纹理。


Small patch - 1.4.35

■ Changes:

■ 改动:

- Fix server problem.

- 修复服务器问题。

Small patch - 1.4.34


■ Update your geckolib-forge to 3.0.55+

■ 将你的 geckolib 更新到 3.0.55+


■ Changes:

■ 改动:

- Fix enchantments on claw tools.

- 修复在爪子槽的工具附魔问题。 

- Fix forest speedup blocks. 


- Fixed slow swimming in the cave dragon lava when lavaSwimming=true.

- 修复了洞穴龙熔岩中缓慢游泳的问题。

- Added de_de language.

- 添加德文(德国本土)语言

- Possible fix for fall damage with close wings.

- 可能修复了关闭翼造成的坠落伤害。


Small patch - 1.4.33


■ Update your geckolib-forge to 3.0.55+

■ 将 GeckoLib (forge) 更新到 3.0.55+


■ Changes:

■ 改动:

 - Possible fix for dragon choice menu on server.

 -  修复了服务器上的频繁选择龙菜单的问题。

 - Geckolib fixes.

 - GeckoLib 修复。大部分问题是这个前置的问题。

 - Fix glowing effect on base layer and pure black.

 - 修复基础层和纯黑色的发光效果。

 - Fix treasure block drops, helmet block and altar.

 - 修复龙之财宝、头盔方块和祭坛的掉落问题。

 - Fix missing items near the dragon. 

 - 修复龙附近遗失的物品。


Small patch - 1.4.32

■  Don't update your Geckolib and keep an eye on the project page (▸news) or installation instructions. 


■ Changes:

- Fix for modded armors using a vanilla ArmorMaterial. The Quark helmet should now work with the new armor texture system. 

- 修复了使用原版盔甲材料的改装盔甲。 夸克头盔现在应该可以与新的盔甲纹理系统一起使用。

- Should fix dragon choice reappearing, closes #208bug

- 修复了选择龙的再次出现,关闭 #208bug

 - Charge abilities not draining mana so there were no situations because of which the mana and experience were spent for nothing.

- 冲锋技能不会消耗法力,因此不会出现法力和经验白白浪费的情况。

 - Fix source of magic dupe on break.

- 修复中断魔法之源时不消耗但是仍然有无限魔力buff。

 - Breath casting while moving now work.

 - 现在可以在移动时进行吐息施法。

 - Knight helmets rendering fixed.

 - 修复了骑士头盔渲染

 - Should fix the brightness value making dragon texture invisible. The full black one is still broken

 - 修复使龙纹理不可见的亮度值。 全黑的还是坏掉的


Small patch - 1.4.31


■ ⚠️ Don't update your Geckolib and keep an eye on the project page (▸news) or installation instructions.

■ ⚠️ 不要更新您的 Geckolib 并密切关注


■ Changes:

■ 更改:

- Fixed an issue with textures on the server due to the new render.

- 修复了由于新渲染而导致服务器上的纹理问题

- 80+ New textures for armor.

- 80 多种新的盔甲纹理。

- Now there is a unique texture for: carved_pumpkin, creeper_head, dragon_head, jack_o_lantern (secret), player_head, skeleton_skull, wither_skeleton_skull, zombie_head.

- 现在有穿戴这些有独特的纹理:雕刻南瓜、爬行者头、龙头、南瓜灯(秘密)、玩家头、骷髅头骨、凋灵骷髅头骨、僵尸头。

- Armor compatibility from mods: aquaculture, creature and beast, create, creeperoverhaul, galosphere, immersive_weathering, overweight_farming, seadwellers, theoneprobe, upgradednetherite, whisperwoods.

- 来自 mods 的装甲兼容性:水产业2/水产品2 (Aquaculture 2), 动物和野兽 (Creatures and Beasts), 机械动力 (Create), creeperoverhaul, galosphere, [IW] 沉浸式风化 (Immersive Weathering), Overweight Farming, seadwellers, theoneprobe, upgradednetherite, 低语之森 (Whisperwoods).

- Partially updated altar textures.

- 更新了部分祭坛纹理。


Small patch - 1.4.30


■ ⚠️ Don't update your Geckolib and keep an eye on the project page (▸news) or installation instructions.

■ ⚠️ 不要更新您的 Geckolib 并密切关注安装说明。


■ Changes:

■ 更改:

- Experimental new kind of rendering, which should be safer for your FPS.

- 实验性的新型渲染,对你的 FPS 来说应该更安全。

- You can now create textures for armor from mods using texture packs. Thanks to NotSoEpic :3.

- 您现在可以使用纹理包从模组创建盔甲纹理。 感谢 NotSoEpic:3。

- Creat's goggles have been added as an example. They now look like glasses instead of a helmet.

- 添加了Creat的护目镜作为示例。 它们现在看起来像眼镜而不是头盔。


■ ⚠️Don't forget to delete old configuration file!⚠️

■"dragonsurvival-server.toml" - you can find it in one of two places: 

- /[mapname]/serverconfig (for a server)

- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig (for single play)

■ ⚠️不要忘记删除旧的配置文件!⚠️■“dragonsurvival-server.toml” 

- 您可以在以下两个位置之一找到它:

- /[mapname]/serverconfig(用于服务器)

- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig(单人游戏)


Small patch - 1.4.28

■⚠️This version is in the final stages of testing. 

Be sure to report any bugs here:https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■⚠️Update your Geckolib to 3.0.40 and Forge to 1.40.80. 



■⚠️更新你的 Geckolib 到 3.0.40 和 Forge 到 1.40.80。


■ Changes:- Fixed a problem with config generation on servers 

- Fixed the balance of magic skills dragon. Now they are correct 

- The dragon no longer depletes its hunger instantly during flight. 

- Configure files are no longer spammed in the folder - The missing configs have been returned. 

- Perhaps a fix for Lan. 

■ 改动: 

- 修正了服务器上配置生成的问题。

- 修正了魔法技能的平衡。现在他们是正确的。

- 龙不再在飞行过程中立即耗尽它的饥饿感。 

- 配置文件不再在文件夹中不正常的反馈错误。

- 丢失的配置已返回。 

- 或许可以解决 Lan 的问题。

■⚠️Don't forget to delete old configuration file!⚠️

■"dragonsurvival-server.toml" - you can find it in one of two places: - /[mapname]/serverconfig (for a server) - .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig (for single play) 


■“dragonsurvival-server.toml” - 你可以在以下两个位置之一找到它: - /[mapname]/serverconfig(用于服务器) - .minecraft/saves/ [worldname]/serverconfig(单人游玩)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Small patch - 1.4.26 - 1.18.2 Forge


■ This version is in the final stages of testing. Be sure to report any bugs here: https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■ 此版本处于测试的最后阶段。请务必在此处报告任何错误:https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■  Update your Geckolib to 3.0.33 and Forge to 1.40.73. 

■ 将 Geckolib 更新到 3.0.33,将 Forge 更新到 1.40.73。


■ Changes:

- new config disableDragonSuffocation.

 - 新配置禁用龙玩家的窒息伤害。

- Should suffocation damage be disabled for dragon players? Disabled by default, so that there are no problems with flying in caves. 

- 是否应该为龙玩家禁用窒息伤害?默认禁用,因此在洞穴中飞行没有问题。

- new config flightHungerTicks.

- 新配置 每Ticks飞行时饥饿的消耗

- How many ticks it takes for one hunger point to be drained while flying, this is based on hover flight. 

- 飞行时消耗一个饥饿值需要多少Ticks,这是基于悬停飞行。

- changed the calculation of flight and starvation expenditures. Slow flight will now drain the dragon's hunger much faster to avoid frequent use of flight to fight monsters. 

- 改变了飞行的饥饿值计算。慢速飞行现在会更快地消耗龙的饥饿值,以避免频繁使用飞行来对抗怪物。

- sea dragon ball explodes blocks now.

- 海洋龙的闪电球现在会爆炸方块了。 

- Dragons should no longer be invisible if they transform using /dragon

- 使用 /dragon 变形的龙不再是隐形的 

- DS should no longer break shadows in shaders.

- DS 不应再破坏着色器中的阴影。

- no more white zombie villagers.

- 不再有白色僵尸村民。 

- no more config spam.

- 不再有配置的垃圾提示。

- all types of food and configs associated with them now work correctly. Don't forget to delete old configs for this change to take effect.

- 所有类型的食物和与之相关的配置现在都可以正常工作。不要忘记删除旧配置以使此更改生效。

- The princesses now definitely only appear in the village. 

- 公主们现在肯定只出现在村子里。

- fixed #199 Crash after using elemental breath

- 修复了使用元素呼吸后的 #199 崩溃 

- fixed #192 Changing dimension brings up the dragon altar prompt

- 修复了改变维度会弹出龙祭坛#192 提示  

- fixes "If a tool breaks in the claw, you won't be able to mine blocks until you open your inventory again" 

- 修复了“如果工具在爪子中断裂,你将无法挖掘块,直到你再次打开你的背包”


■Don't forget to delete old configuration file!



- you can find it in one of two places:  

- 您可以在以下两个地方之一找到它:

- /[mapname]/serverconfig (for a server) 

- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig (for single play) 


Small patch - 1.4.22 - 1.18.2 Forge


■ This version is in the final stages of testing. Be sure to report any bugs you find to our Github:

■ 此版本处于测试的最后阶段。请务必向我们的 Github 报告您发现的任何错误:  https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose


■  Update your Geckolib to 3.0.33 and Forge to 1.40.73. 

■ 将 Geckolib 更新到 3.0.33,将 Forge 更新到 1.40.73。


■ Fixes:

■ 修复以下内容:

- sea breath and cave now only destroys the grass.

- 海洋龙和洞穴龙的吐息现在只会破坏草。

- the black list of items should now work correctly.

- 物品黑名单现在(应该)可以正常工作了。

- powder snow added to the list of blocks that restore water to the sea dragon.

- 将细雪添加到能为海洋龙恢复水分值的方块列表中。

- chargedSpreadBlacklist updated. 

- 感电机制黑名单更新


■ Known problems:

■ 已知问题:

- After the restart claw icons can remain. 

- 重启后爪图标保留。

-The endless sound of breathing may occur. 

- 可能会出现无尽的呼吸声。

- In the presence of small lags, after death the player have human model for the first few seconds. 

- 在存在延迟的情况下,玩家在死亡后的最初几秒内会变成史蒂夫状态。

- If a tool breaks in the claw, you won't be able to mine blocks until you open your inventory again. The blocks simply won't break (or break very fast). 

- 如果工具在爪子中断裂,您将无法挖掘块,直到您再次打开您的爪子栏。块根本不会破裂(或破裂得非常快)。

- Need add our own system for displaying the saturation and hunger index for dragons.

- 需要添加我们自己的系统来显示龙的饱和度和饥饿指数。

- Spamming config files everywhere.

- 疯狂发送垃圾配置文件。

 - Dragon asphyxiation in blocks. 

 - 卡方块中的龙窒息。

- High damage if you close your wings before landing. 

- 如果您在着陆前关闭翼,则会摔伤。

- Ds does not work correctly with replay-mod-for-forge. 

- Ds 不能与 replay mod forge 一起正常工作。

- Compatibility with oculus. In the first-person view, the color of the dragon does not match the third-person view. Armor, too
- Magic isn't working on lan server.

- 与 oculus 的兼容性。在第一人称视角中,龙的颜色与第三人称视角不匹配。盔甲也是 - 魔法不适用于局域网服务器。

- Animations-emotions can be interrupted.

- 情绪动画可以被打断。


■Don't forget to delete old configuration file!


1. "dragonsurvival-server.toml" 

- all dragon type settings and 95% of mod settings. You can find it in one of two places: 

- 所有龙类型设置和 95% 的 mod 设置。您可以在以下两个位置之一找到它:

- /[mapname]/serverconfig (for a server) 

- /[mapname]/serverconfig(用于服务器)

- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig (for single play) 

- /[mapname]/serverconfig(用于服务器)

2. "dragonsurvival-common.toml" 

2. "dragonsurvival-common.toml" 

3.  "dragonsurvival-client.toml" 

3.  "dragonsurvival-client.toml" 

Medium patch - 1.4.19 - 1.18.2 Forge

■ This version is in the final stages of testing. Be sure to report any bugs you find to our Github: https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■ 此版本处于测试的最后阶段。请务必向我们的 Github 报告您发现的任何错误:https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose■

Update your Geckolib to 3.0.33 and Forge to 1.40.69. 

更新你的 Geckolib 到 3.0.33 和 Forge 到 1.40.69。

■ Changes:

■ 更改以下内容:

 - Make it so that the prince and princess can only spawn in the village and despawn if there are no knights nearby.

 - 让王子和公主只能在村子里生成并在附近没有骑士时消失。

 - Added a small delay before the start altar gui appears so that the world and icon loads.

 - 在开始祭坛 gui 出现之前添加了一个小延迟,以便加载世界和图标。

■ Fixes:

■ 修复以下内容:

 - When the player dragon is out of sight for a long time and changes different animations, his model may at some point stand in the T-pose.

 - 当玩家的龙长时间不在视线中并改变不同的动画时,他的模型可能会在某个时候站成T字姿势。

 - Fireball cave does not explode blocks (should explode).

 - 炎爆(洞穴龙技能)不会爆炸方块(应该爆炸)。

 - The sea dragon experience buff only works for a couple of seconds.

 - 海洋龙的经验buff仅持续几秒钟。

 - After the invisibility of the forest dragon in a motionless state it has no animation.

 - 森林龙在静止状态下隐身后没有动画。

 - The soul reveal skill does not work at all and does not give an increase in experience.

 - 灵魂掠夺(海洋龙技能)技能根本不起作用,不会增加经验。

 - Jump animation fix
- No food animation for a.

 - 跳跃动画修复。

 - person item.

 - 人玩家没有食用动画。

 - Breath particles may be accidentally missing.

 - 呼吸粒子可能会意外丢失。

 - Dragon hunter warrior has no weapons.

 - 龙猎人战士没有武器。

 - the host player hears all the sounds of other players' magic near him, even if he is very far away. (Lan)

 - 房主玩家听到他附近的所有其他玩家魔法的声音,即使他很远。 (局域网)

 - The knight's shield is not positioned correctly on the model. 

 - 骑士的盾牌没有正确放置在模型上。

 - After the world restarts it will no longer ask you every time which dragon you want to turn into .

 - 世界重启后,不再每次都问你想变成哪条龙。

Medium patch - 1.4.15 - 1.18.2 Forge


■ ⚠️ This version is in the final stages of testing. Be sure to report any bugs you find to our Github: https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■ ⚠️ 此版本处于测试的最后阶段。请务必向我们的 Github 报告您发现的任何错误:https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■ ⚠️ Update your Geckolib to 3.0.29 and Forge to 1.40.60.

■ ⚠️ 将 Geckolib 更新到 3.0.29,将 Forge 更新到 1.40.60。


■ Changes:

■ 更改:

- Fixed #162/176 - rendering the knight entity.

- 已修复 #162/176 -渲染骑士实体。

- Fixed #181 - Crash when activating Lava Vision.

- 已修复 #181- 激活熔岩之视时崩溃。

- Fixed #180 - ClientFlightHandler will yeet dragons to absurd y levels under specific circumstances.

- 已修复 #180 - 使用飞行在特定情况下会将龙玩家带到荒谬的 y轴。

- Fixed #179 - Squished.

- 已修复 #179 - 挤压bug。

- Fixed #177- Something about skin loading in China.

- Fixed #177- 关于中国皮肤加载的一些事情。

- Fixed #172 - MixinameRenderer creates issues with night vision when using Iris ports and shaders.

- Fixed #172 - Mixin 游戏渲染器在使用 Iris 端口和着色器时会产生夜视问题。

- Fixed #165 - Rider Crash.

- Fixed #165 - 骑乘玩家bug。

- Fixed #164 - fps drops.

- Fixed #164 - fps暴跌bug。

- Fixed #168 - Entity buildup with modified hitbox on while maxEntityCramming is off.

- Fixed #168 - 在关闭 maxEntityCramming(实体堆叠) 时打开显示命中框的实体堆积。

- Fixed treasures skip a night 

- 已修复 龙之财宝不能跳过晚上。

- Fixed glow layers for resource packs.

- 已修复 资源包的发光层。

- Completely changed the structure of the config file. All parameters are now stored in server config.

- 完全改变了配置文件的结构。现在所有参数都存储在服务器配置中。

- Fixed dupe a vanilla beacon.

- 已修复 一个原版信标的问题。

- Custom hitboxes are disabled by default.

- 默认情况下禁用自定义命中框。

- Rewritten the magic system in the code.

- 重写了代码中的魔法系统。

- Changed balance for dragons: forest dragons are less afraid of darkness, sea dragons take damage faster on land and their lightning can no longer endlessly ricochet between enemies, cave dragons have reduced time in the lava.

- 改变了龙的平衡:森林龙不那么害怕黑暗,海龙在陆地上受到的伤害更快,它们的闪电不再在敌人之间无休止地弹跳,洞穴龙在熔岩中的时间减少了。

- Added food, blacklist items, and other trivia for compatibility with mods.

- 添加了食物、黑名单项目和其他与模组兼容的琐事。

- Improved rendering in the dragon editor.

- 改进了龙编辑器中的渲染。

- Add a config to disable item rendering completely.

- 添加配置以完全禁用项目渲染。

- This rendering significantly degrades performance. 

- 这种渲染会显着降低性能。

- The dragon renderer has become much more optimized.

- 龙渲染器变得更加优化。



■ Known problems:

■ 已知问题:

- After the restart claw icons remain.

- 重启后爪图标仍然存在。

- When the player dragon is out of sight for a long time and changes different animations, his model may at some point stand in the T-pose.

- 当玩家的龙长时间不在视线中并改变不同的动画时,他的模型可能会在某个时候站成T字姿势。

- Fireball cave does not explode blocks (should explode). The sea one has the same problem.

- 洞穴龙的炎爆技能不会爆炸方块(应该爆炸)。 海洋龙一样有同样的问题。

- Sea Dragon Ball Lightning has a broken animation.

- 海洋龙球状闪电动画损坏。

- The sea dragon experience buff only works for a couple of seconds. The same applies to similar skills of other dragons.

- 海洋龙的经验buff仅持续几秒钟。 这同样适用于其他龙的类似技能。

- The soul reveal skill does not work at all and does not give an increase in experience.

- 灵魂掠夺技能根本不起作用,不会增加经验。

- Problem of endless looped sound for breathing. In testing this happened with the all dragon.

- 无休止的呼吸声音循环问题。 在测试中,这发生在所有种类的龙身上。

- Configuration search do not work.

- 配置搜索不起作用。

- After the invisibility of the forest dragon in a motionless state it has no animation.

- 森林龙在静止状态下隐身后动画丢失。

- In the presence of small lags, after death the player have human model for the first few seconds.

- 在存在小卡顿的情况下,玩家在死亡后的前几秒内有人类模型。

- If a tool breaks in the claw, you won't be able to mine blocks until you open your inventory again. The blocks simply won't break (or break very fast).

- 如果工具在爪子中断裂,您将无法挖掘方块,直到您再次打开您的库存。 这些方块根本不会破裂(或破裂得很快)。

- Jump animation need fix.

- 跳跃动画需要修复。

- No food animation for a 3-person item.

- 食物动画丢失。

- Breath particles may be accidentally missing.

- 吐息粒子可能会意外丢失。

- Need add our own system for displaying the saturation and hunger index for dragons.

- 需要添加我们自己的系统来显示龙的饱和度和饥饿度指数。

- Dragon hunter warrior has no weapons.

- 龙猎人战士没有武器。

- Spamming config files everywhere.

- 到处发送垃圾邮件配置文件。

- Ds does not work correctly with replay-mod-for-forge.

- Ds 无法与 replay mod forge 工作。

- Compatibility with oculus. In the first-person view, the color of the dragon does not match the third-person view. Armor, too. 

- 与 oculus 的兼容性。 在第一人称视角中,龙的颜色与第三人称视角不匹配。 盔甲也是。

- Dragon asphyxiation in blocks.

- 龙卡在块中。

- Crash because of knight banners.

- 由于骑士旗帜而崩溃。

- High damage if you close your wings before landing.

- 如果你在着陆前关闭你的翅膀,会造成很高的掉落伤害。


DragonSurvival_DragonEditorUpdate 0.11.4

■ This version is published for testing purposes only. We do not recommend using this version in modpacks and servers until we have a complete list of bugs and free time to fix it all. Be sure to report any bugs you find to our Github: https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■ 此版本仅用于测试目的。 我们不建议在模组包和服务器中使用这个版本,直到我们有完整的错误列表和空闲时间来修复它。 请务必向我们的 Github 报告您发现的任何错误:https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■ Fixed:
- screenshot button in the dragon editor was removed.

- 龙编辑器中的屏幕截图按钮已移除。

- fixed a visual bug in the editor, when it was not possible to see the appearance of body parts in previews.

- 修复了编辑器中的视觉错误,现在可以在预览中看到身体部位的外观的变化了。

- Fixed lost localization.

- 修复丢失的本地化。

- inventory dragon render.

- 龙物品栏的额外渲染

- Fixed #151 - crash with Pehkui
- Fixed #159 - startWithDragonChoice has no effect for dedicated servers
- Fixed #161 - placing dragon treasure
- corrections for emotions (Keybinds)

- 增加情绪(按键)

- armor render.

- 盔甲渲染。

- player no longer loses progress after credits.

- 玩家在重新选择后不再失去成就进度。

■ New config:
- useModifiedHitboxes - "Should the mod use the new modified hitboxes for dragon players?"

■ 新配置:

- useModifiedHitboxes - “应该使用新实体碰撞箱吗?”


ragonSurvival_DragonEditorUpdate 0.11.3

■ This version is published for testing purposes only. We do not recommend using this version in modpacks and servers until we have a complete list of bugs and free time to fix it all. Be sure to report any bugs you find to our Github: https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■ 此版本仅用于测试目的。 我们不建议在模组包和服务器中使用这个版本,直到我们有完整的错误列表和空闲时间来修复它。 请务必向我们的 Github 报告您发现的任何错误:https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■ Fixed:

■ 修复:

- Should fix LAN server rendering (https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/152

- 修复局域网服务器渲染 (https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/152)

- LAN riding

- 局域网骑行失败。

- Sleeping on treasures.

- 睡在龙之财宝的错误。

- Waila mods for the hitbox.

- 用于碰撞箱的 Waila 模组显示错误

- Die when entering the game because of a squeeze.  



■ This version is published for testing purposes only. We do not recommend using this version in modpacks and servers until we have a complete list of bugs and free time to fix it all. Be sure to report any bugs you find to our Github: https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■ 此版本仅用于测试目的。 我们不建议在模组包和服务器中使用这个版本,直到我们有完整的错误列表和空闲时间来修复它。 请务必向我们的 Github 报告您发现的任何错误: https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■ Fixed:
- Dedicated servers crash (https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/149)
- Localization

■ 新增:

-修复服务器崩溃 (https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/149)

- 本地化

■ Riding, correct render in dragon editor and LAN server are still not available for this version. It is also possible to die when entering the game because of a squeeze.

■ 骑马,龙编辑器和局域网服务器中的正确渲染对于这个版本仍然不可用。 进入游戏时也有可能因为挤压而死。


DragonSurvival_DragonEditorUpdate 0.11.1


■ This version is published for testing purposes only. We do not recommend using this version in modpacks and servers until we have a complete list of bugs and free time to fix it all. Be sure to report any bugs you find to our Github: https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■ 此版本仅用于测试目的。 我们不建议在模组包和服务器中使用这个版本,直到我们有完整的错误列表和空闲时间来修复它。 请务必向我们的 Github 报告您发现的任何错误:https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose


■ Fixed:


- Crash due to an attempt to spawn knights.

- 试图产生骑士的崩溃bug。

- Localization issue fixed.

- 本地化问题已修复。

- Tough skin scaling.

- 顽固的皮肤缩放bug。

- Beacon crash and render.

- 信标崩溃和渲染。


■ Riding, correct render in dragon editor and LAN server are still not available for this version. It is also possible to die when entering the game because of a squeeze.

■ 骑马,龙编辑器和局域网服务器中的正确渲染对于这个版本仍然不可用。 进入游戏时也有可能因为挤压而死。


DragonSurvival_DragonEditorUpdate 0.11.0


■ !!!WARNING!!!

■ !!!警告!!!

■ This version is published for testing purposes only.  We do not recommend using this version in modpacks and servers until we have a complete list of bugs and free time to fix it all. Be sure to report any bugs you find to our Github: https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose

■ 此版本仅用于测试目的。 我们不建议在模组包和服务器中使用这个版本,直到我们有完整的错误列表和空闲时间来修复它。 请务必向我们的 Github 报告您发现的任何错误:https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/issues/new/choose


■ Changes:

■ 变化:

- all old content, except for magical predators, carried over from version 1.16.5 unchanged. If you notice that something has changed, keep in mind that we haven't innovated it and it's most likely just a bug.

- 所有的旧内容,除了魔法掠食者,从版本 1.16.5 继承不变。 如果您发现某些地方发生了变化,请记住我们没有对其进行创新,而且很可能只是一个错误。

- all old bugs from version 1.16.5 will probably be kept and many new ones will be added since the game code has changed significantly and Forge is still in "beta" mode

- 1.16.5 版的所有旧bug可能会被保留,并且由于游戏代码已发生重大变化并且 Forge 仍处于“测试”模式,因此将添加许多新错误


Small patch - 1.4.47



No more strange sounds of breath when someone uses magic.


Fixed some config problems.


All adult dragons (20 hearts) can now ride passengers (humans and newborn dragons) on their backs.


Falling on a block of straw no longer deals damage in flight.


Medium patch - 1.5.43-45



Return Nether Star in Star Dragon Parts crafting.


Breathing has a more correct source (mouth).


Breath attack radius is now more correct. Fixed an issue where the dragon could not hit an enemy that was close to him.


Star Dragon Bone and Heart recipes.


Treasure can be re-crafted back into dust.


Fixed the problem that the mana value required for breathing was wrongly estimated, which caused the problem that the breath could not be released after using experience.


Fixed a few crashes.


Added Dragon Treasures tag.


Thank so much to FirDragon!


Small last patch - 0.10.7

■ Fixed:- forbidden & arcanus/CreRaces respawn now work

DragonSurvival_DragonEditorUpdate 0.10.6 (server +)


■ Important news on Discord!

■ Discord 上的重要消息!

■ We're porting to 1.18.2 and ending support for 1.16.5!

■ 我们正在移植到 1.18.2 并结束对 1.16.5 的支持!


■ Fixed:
- ported some fixes from 1.18

- 从 1.18 移植了一些修复。也就是说原来的一些老bug被修复了。

■ Delete old configuration file if you are upgrading from old versions of the mod to new ones!
1. "dragonsurvival-server.toml" - all dragon type settings and 95% of mod settings. You can find it in one of two places:
- /[mapname]/serverconfig (for a server)
- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig (for single play)
2. "dragonsurvival-common.toml"
3. "dragonsurvival-client.toml"


■ 如果您从旧版本的模组升级到新版本,请删除旧的配置文件!

1.“dragonsurvival-server.toml”——所有龙类型设置和95%的mod设置。 您可以在以下两个位置之一找到它:

- /[mapname]/serverconfig(用于服务器)

- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig(单人游戏)

2. "dragonsurvival-common.toml"

3. "dragonsurvival-client.toml"

■ Don't delete "saved_customizations.json" if you don't want to lose your dragon editor setting 

■ 如果您不想丢失您的龙编辑器(也就是自定义龙外观)设置,请不要删除“saved_customizations.json”


Small last patch - 0.10.5


■Small last patch - 0.10.5 - 1.16.5

■最后的小补丁 - 0.10.5 - 1.16.5




- Hitbox cramming fixed.

- 碰撞箱问题。

- Lan riding.

_ 修复骑术。就是这个问题之前本地游戏中存在不允许玩家坐在彼此之上的错误。


DragonSurvival_DragonEditorUpdate 0.10.4

■ Fixed:


- Tough skin scaling.

- 皮肤缩放bug。

- Localization issue fixed.

- 本地化问题已修复。

Small last patch - 0.10.3

■ Fixed:

■ 修复:

- elder dragon dust and bones no longer replace loot from other modifications in chests.

- 古龙之尘和古龙龙骨不再取代箱子里的其他战利品。

- eyes in the editor now select color more correctly and can glow.

- 编辑器中的眼睛现在可以更正确地选择颜色,并且可以发光。

- riders work.

- 骑动作正常运行。

- LAN servers work.

- 局域网服务器正常工作。

- claw tools on blocks such as redstone.

- 红石等区块上的爪子工具速度问题。

- localization.

- 本地化。 

- hitbox not showing up on minimap. 

- 碰撞箱不显示在地图上。

- some effects applying to the player. 

- 一些适用于玩家的效果。

- fix the config crash.

- 修复配置崩溃的问题。

DragonSurvival_DragonEditorUpdate 0.10.2

 ■ Fixed:

 ■ 修复:

- saved_customizations.json is now located in the main folder, not in the config, so you don't accidentally delete your appearance.

- saved_customizations.json 现在位于主文件夹中,而不是在配置中,因此你不会在意外删除你的龙外观。

- Annoying noises when spin attacking removed.

- 移除横滚攻击时的烦人噪音。

- Hitbox not showing up on minimap now.

- 小地图上现在不再显示命中框。

- Explosive potions and combustion effects work correctly with the new hitboxes.

- 滞留药水和燃烧效果与新的碰撞箱现在能一起正常工作。+ fixed some random bugs, but NOT fixed: riders do not work and in LAN game your friend will still lose dragon status.
+ 修复了一些随机bug,但未修复:mod不工作,在局域网游戏中你的朋友仍然会失去龙状态。

■ Delete old configuration file!
1. "dragonsurvival-server.toml" - all dragon type settings and 95% of mod settings. You can find it in one of two places:
- /[mapname]rverconfig (for a server)
- .minecraftves/[worldname]rverconfig (for single play)
2. "dragonsurvival-common.toml"
3. "dragonsurvival-client.toml"

■ 删除旧的配置文件!




- /[mapname]rverconfig(用于服务器)

- .minecraftves/[worldname]rverconfig(单人游戏)

2. "dragonsurvival-common.toml"

3. "dragonsurvival-client.toml"

■ Don't delete "saved_customizations.json" if you don't want to lose your dragon editor setting  

■ 如果您不想丢失您的龙编辑器的皮肤设置,请不要删除“saved_customizations.json”

Small patch - 0.10.1



- Small dragon doors.

- 小龙门(终于正式加入了)

- Food compatibility with Prehistoric Fauna.

- 与史前动物MOD的食物兼容性。

■ Fixed:

■ 修复:

- Sorting in creative. 

- 在创造物品栏中排序错误

- Minor waterlog change 

- 轻微修改水分值变化

- Should fix emotes being canceled on server.

- 修复在服务器上取消的表情bug(应该)。

- Fixes dimension change resetting state 

- 修复尺寸变化重置技能状态。

- Emotion animations don't turn off for no reason. 

- 情感动画不在会无缘无故关闭。

- Fixed several crashes for servers.

- 修复了服务器的几个崩溃问题。

  • Dragon Editor. Now you can change the appearance for your dragon at any time without using third-party graphics editors! You can see it right after selecting species in a dragon altar. You can still draw your own skins if you want, but that will no longer be the only way to have a unique appearance.

  • 龙编辑器。现在可以随时更改龙的外观,而无需使用第三方图形编辑器!在祭坛中选择后,可以立即看到。如果愿意,仍然可以绘制自己的皮肤,但这将不再是拥有独特外观的唯一方法。

  • More than 150 textures have been added to customize your dragon: 15 basic bodies, 20 horns, 13 spikes, 39 eyes, and 60 additional details. Each species has its own set of textures. You can create resources packs that will expand our editor and offer your own textures.

  • 添加了 150 多种纹理来定制您的龙:15 个基本身体、20 个角、13 个尖刺、39 个眼睛和 60 个附加细节。每个物种都有自己的一组纹理。您可以创建资源包来扩展编辑器并提供您自己的纹理。

  • The editor has many features: interactive 3D model of a dragon with the ability to change animations, a button to hide the GUI, randomization of appearance to find a suitable result in the absence of ideas, creating a screenshot of a dragon with a transparent background, saving results in different slots, undo/redo actions, resetting to the default set, changing the saturation and brightness of each element, convenient switching between different parts, copying the result at all stages of growth, disabling the rendering of wings, glow for individual textures, enabling standard textures for texture packs, a small adjustment of growth and much more.

  • 该编辑器具有许多功能:具有更改动画能力的龙的交互式 3D 模型、隐藏 GUI 的按钮、外观随机化以在没有想法的情况下找到合适的结果、创建具有透明背景的龙的屏幕截图, 将结果保存在不同的槽中, 撤消/重做动作, 重置为默认设置, 改变每个元素的饱和度和亮度, 方便在不同部分之间切换, 复制所有生长阶段的结果, 禁用翅膀的渲染, 发光单个纹理,为纹理包启用标准纹理,小幅调整增长等等。

  • Slightly improved GUI of the altar of transformation. There is now a general tooltip and a 3D dragon renderer with different animations. There is also now a warning about losing progress when changing dragon species or turning into a human. 

  • All standard dragon textures have been updated and now have a nicer pixel style with no soap. 

  • 稍微改进了祭坛的GUI。现在有一个通用工具提示和一个具有不同动画的 3D 龙渲染器。现在还有一个警告,当改变龙种或变成人类时会失去进度。

  • Added 5 new pressure plates for humans and all dragon species. Work underwater. Unique for each dragon species doors react to these plates if they are close to them, but do not react to the normal redstone signal. 

  • 所有标准的龙纹理都已更新,现在有更好的像素风格。 为人类和所有龙种添加了 5 个新的压力板。在水下工作。每个龙种的专属门如果靠近它们就会对这些板作出反应,但不会对正常的红石信号作出反应。

  • Animations have undergone changes and are better.

  • 动画发生了变化并且变得更好。

  • Improved in-game configuration interface.

  • 改进的游戏内配置界面。

  • Dragons now have a larger and more complex hitbox. Check it out with F3+B. There may be unpredictable problems with it, but we seem to have solved all of them. If not, tell us in the form on the github!

  • 龙现在有一个更大、更复杂的碰撞箱。使用 F3+B 进行检查。它可能存在不可预知的问题,但我们似乎已经解决了所有问题。如果没有,请在 github 上的表格中告诉我们!

  • The growth of dragons has been complicated. Dragons will now grow slower by default and the chance to drop ancient dragon parts from monsters has been reduced.

  • 龙的成长是复杂的。龙现在会默认增长得更慢,并且降低了从怪物身上掉落远古龙部件的机会。

  • Treasures now give regeneration faster. If you put the maximum amount of treasure (240 pieces) in one place, it will take 5 seconds to regenerate 1 unit of health, not 1 minute as before. Don't forget to delete the configs to make this work.

  • 宝藏现在可以更快地再生。如果将最大数量的宝物(240 件)放在一个地方,则需要 5 秒才能恢复 1 单位生命值,而不是像以前那样需要 1 分钟。不要忘记删除配置以使其正常工作。

  • The sea door now has a watterloged and does not create air blocks.

  • 海洋龙门现在有一个新的记录并且不会产生空气块。

  • Fixed all the old bugs. For example: treasure now correctly updates your spawn point when a block is destroyed, no more crashes for sea dragons when using lightning, ender dragon gives out wings, fixed some problems with death in End, mowziesmobs: wrought_axe added to list of forbidden items for dragon, items don't disappear in hand when claws are broken, fixes config work, beacons now give effect for 20 minutes in exchange for experience (instead of just dealing damage to player) and more.

  • 修复了所有的旧错误。例如:当一个龙之财宝被摧毁时,龙之财宝现在可以正确更新你的生成点,使用闪电时海洋龙不再崩溃,末影龙发出翅膀,修复了末地死亡的一些问题,mowziesmobs:wrought_axe 添加到禁用物品列表中龙,当爪子被折断时,物品不会消失在手中,修复配置工作,信标现在生效 20 分钟以换取经验(而不是仅仅对玩家造成伤害)等等。

  • Added commands /dragon-editor and /dragon-altar, which call the corresponding interfaces.

  • 添加命令 /dragon-editor 和 /dragon-altar,调用相应的接口。  

  • Added configs:  altarCraftable, maxSizeVari, minSizeVari

  • 添加配置:altarCraftable、maxSizeVari、minSizeVari

  • Added a lot of new bugs that we have not yet guessed.

  • 添加了许多我们尚未猜到的新错误。

■ Don't forget to delete old configuration file!


1. "dragonsurvival-server.toml" - all dragon type settings and 95% of mod settings. You can find it in one of two places:

- /[mapname]/serverconfig (for a server)

- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig (for single play)

2. "dragonsurvival-common.toml"

3. "dragonsurvival-client.toml"

Small patch - 0.9.2

 ■ Added:

 ■ 新增:

- wip small doors for creative.

- Allow blend for emotes.

‎- 允许混合表情。

- elder dragon parts in chests

■ Fixed:

‎‎■ 已修复:

- More claw tool fixes and some tail animation changes.

- 更多爪子工具修复和一些尾巴动画更改。

- Tool durability issue.

- 工具耐久性问题。

- Should fix shears and similar tools. 

- 应修复剪刀和类似工具。

- Make appleskin take config into account.

- 使苹果皮考虑到配置。

Small patch - 0.9

■ Fixed:

■ 修复了:

- Human players are not given dragon rations in multiplayer.

- 多人游戏中人类玩家没有得到龙的口粮。

- Crash due to missing AppleSkin (StackOverflowError)

- 由于缺少苹果皮mod而崩溃(堆栈过流错误)

- Tooltip crash.

- 工具提示崩溃。


■ Added:


- Several types of Dragon Treasures: Iron, Diamond, Emerald, Copper, Gold, Debris. Craft: resource + 1 dragon dust.

_ 多种类型的龙之财宝(铁,钻石,绿宝石,铜,金,下界)合成:对应材料+1个龙尘。

- All dragon treasures can be used as a spawning and resting point. You can skip the night, but also just rest during the day.

- 所有龙之财宝都可以作为生存和休息点。你可以过夜,也可以在白天休息。

- Unlike the vanilla bed, there will be no unnecessary interfes with chat on the treasures.

- 与原版床不同,在财宝上不会有不必要的聊天干扰(就是没有“你现在不能休息,床离你太远”和“你现在不能休息,周围有怪物在游荡”。

- Dragon treasures are very slow to restore a dragon's health and mana. Collect more treasures to speed up health recovery. It piles up like snow.

- 龙之财宝对在上面休息的龙的生命值和法力值的恢复是非常缓慢的。收集更多的宝物更好来加快恢复的速度。它像可以雪一样堆积起来。

- Custom sounds for all treasures.

- 所有龙之财宝有自定义声音。

- Several types of "Sources of Magic": Forest, Cave, and Sea. Uses a level 3 nest model, but has different functionality, crafting, and rendering,Has a hint inside. Can be filled with parts of Elder dragon. Spends 1 item every 10 seconds,The source of magic is best used for afk,Used to obtain and accumulate a buff, which gives the dragon infinite magic,Crouch + right click to use,If you use the wrong magic source, you will take damage instead of a buff.

- 添加几种类型的 "魔法之源"(森林、山洞和海洋)使用3级巢穴模型,但有不同的功能、合成和渲染,里面有一个提示。可以用古龙的部件填充。每使用10秒消耗1个物品。蹲下+右键使用。获得一个BUFF,使龙获得无限的魔法。最好用于afk。但是如果你使用了错误的魔法源,你将受到伤害而不是BUFF。

- Test version of smooth neck and tail turns.

- 测试版的平滑颈部和尾部转动。

- To view your dragon from the first person, you now need to press the key (left alt). By default, the tail will always be behind you.

- 要从第一人称观看你的尾巴,你现在需要按下(左alt键)。默认情况下,尾巴会一直在你身后。

- Items near the dragon now have different animations.

- 龙附近的物品现在有不同的动画

- Ingame config menu. Now client, common and server configs can be changed without restarting the game!

- 游戏中的配置菜单。现在可以在不重启游戏的情况下改变客户端、本地和服务器的配置了。

- Improved description of all configs to make it easier to understand how they work.

- 改进了对所有配置的描述,使之更容易理解它们的工作原理。

- Deleted all dragon nests. Keep this in mind when you update.

- 删除了所有的龙巢。更新时请记住这一点。

- Sea Dragon Breath appearance has been changed to lightning.

- 海洋龙吐息的外观已改为闪电形状。

- Spin attack now works on the right mouse button, not on left. You can also choose your preferred key in the settings.

- 旋转攻击现在在鼠标右键上工作,而不是在左键上。你也可以在设置中选择你喜欢的键。

- birch dragon altar by GridExpert

- 桦树龙坛 by GridExpert

- The bite animation no longer breaks other animations.

- 咬的动画不再打断其他动画。

- AppleSkin mod support

- 支持[AS]苹果皮mod

- Spin_grant and wing_grant can now disable the relevant skills.

- 横滚之能和天赐之翼现在可以禁用相关技能。

- Now there will never be a mess in the creative tab. Everything is sorted, even for old worlds.

- 现在,创造选项卡中不会出现混乱了。一切都被整理好了,即使是旧的世界。

- Localization update: en_us, ru_ru, he_il, zh_cn, zh_tw, zh_hk

- 本地化更新:en_us, ru_ru, he_il, zh_cn, zh_tw, zh_hk


■ Rebalance:

■ 重新平衡:

- keepClawItems - now items from the claws are being dropped by default.

- 保留爪槽物品 - 现在爪子上的物品默认死亡后会被丢弃。

- maxFlightSpeed - speed returned to 0.3 by default.

- - 最大飞行速度 - 速度默认恢复为0.3。

- foldWingsOnLand - wings will now not automatically close so as not to create dangerous situations.

- 在陆地上折叠翅膀- 现在翅膀不会自动关闭,以免造成危险情况。

- allowedVehicles - boats have been returned for use by the dragons.

- 载具黑名单 - 船只已允许给龙使用。

- dragonOreDustChance - chance of dust falling out of ore is reduced to 0.2, as hearts can now be obtained from enemies.

- 龙尘几率 - 矿石掉落灰尘的几率降低至0.2,因为现在可以从敌人那里获得心脏。

- charged_coal - now restores 6:1 hunger instead of 4:2 for the cave dragon and melts twice as many items in the furnace. During crafting it gives 2 charged coals instead of 1.

- 充能煤 - 现在洞穴龙可以恢复6:1的饥饿度,而不是4:2,并且可以在熔炉中熔化两倍的物品。在制作过程中,它可以提供2个充能煤,而不是1个。

- Upgrade passive skills now much more expensive, because before pumping magic fully could be in the first 2 hours of the game.

- 升级被动技能现在要贵得多,因为之前完全获得全部魔法可以在游戏的前2小时内完成。

- sweet berries restore 1:1 hunger instead of 2:2 for forest dragon

- 森林龙的甜浆果将恢复1:1的饥饿度,而不是2:2。

- Changed the crafting for all dragon treats.

- 改变了所有龙类食物的制作方法。

- The wings will automatically fold when you have 0 hunger.

- 当你的饥饿度为0时,翅膀会自动收起。

■ New server configs:



- treasureHealthRegen - Whether sleeping on treasure will recover health or not.

- treasureHealthRegen - 在财宝上睡觉是否会恢复健康。

- treasureRegenTicks - The time in ticks it takes to recover 1hp while sleeping on treasure. Keep in mind that there is 1 treasure in mind. A large number of treasures in one place reduces time.

- treasureRegenTicks - 在财宝上睡觉时恢复1hp所需的时间,单位是ticks。请记住,只有一个宝藏。大量的宝物在一个地方会减少时间。

- treasureRegenTicksReduce - The amount of ticks each additional treasure reduces the regen time by.

- treasureRegenTicksReduce - 每一个额外的财宝会减少多少刻度的再生时间。

- maxTreasures - he max amount of additional treasure that can be used to reduce the regen time.

- maxTreasures - 可用于减少再生时间的额外宝物的最大数量。

- Source of Magic configs: sourceOfMagicInfiniteMagic, damageWrongSourceOfMagic, canUseAllSourcesOfMagic, elderDragonDustTime and other.

- 魔力之源配置:SourceOfMagicInfiniteMagic, damageWrongSourceOfMagic, canUseAllSourcesOfMagic, elderDragonDustTime和其他。

- DragonManaBlocks - Blocks that will restore mana quicker when a dragon is standing on it.

- DragonManaBlocks - 当龙站在上面时,会更快恢复法力的块。

- initialPassiveCost, passiveScalingCost - The initial exp cost for leveling passive skills.

- initialPassiveCost, passiveScalingCost - 提升被动技能等级的初始经验成本。

- Cooldowns - cooldown in ticks for all ability.

- Cooldowns - 所有能力的冷却时间(ticks)。

- forestBreathGrowBlacklist - blocks that will not be grown by the forest breath.

- forestBreathGrowBlacklist - 自然吐息不会催生的区块。

- chargedSpreadBlacklist / chargedEffectChainCount / chargedEffectDamage.

- 带电范围黑名单 / 带电效果链数 / 带电效果伤害

- spectralImpactProcChance - The percentage chance that spectral impact will proc. This is multiplied by the level of the skill.

- spectralImpactProcChance - 幽光冲击会产生的百分比。这要乘以该技能的等级。

- foldWingsThreshold - If the player's hunger is less then or equal to this parameter, the wings will be folded even during flight.

- foldWingsThreshold - 如果玩家的饥饿度小于或等于这个参数,即使在飞行过程中翅膀也会被折叠。

- canMoveInEmote.

- 可以移动表情

- canMoveWhileCasting.

- 可以在施法时移动。


■ New client configs:


- renderFirstPersonFlight - Render dragon model in first person while gliding. We don't advise you to turn it on.

- renderFirstPersonFlight - 滑翔时以第一人称渲染龙的模型。不建议打开。

- flightZoomEffect - Should the zoom effect while gliding as a dragon be enabled.

- flightZoomEffect - 作为龙滑翔时的变焦效果是否应该被启用。

- flightCameraMovement - Should the camera movement while gliding as a dragon be enabled.

- flightCameraMovement - 在以龙的身份滑翔时,是否应该启用摄像机的移动。

- clientDebugMessages - Enable client-side debug messages.

- clientDebugMessages - 启用客户端的调试信息。

- enableTailPhysics - Enable movement based physics on the tail, this is still a working progress and can be buggy.

- enableTailPhysics - 启用基于运动的尾巴物理学,这仍然是一个工作进展,可能会有错误。

- rotateBodyWithCamera - Should the body rotate with the camera when turning around.

- rotateBodyWithCamera - 当转身时,身体是否应该与摄像机一起旋转。

- armorRenderLayer - Should the armor be rendered as a layer on the dragon? Some shaders requires this to be off. Can cause some weird effects with armor when turned off.

- armorRenderLayer - 盔甲是否应该作为龙的一个层被渲染?有些着色器要求关闭这个选项。当关闭时可能会导致盔甲的一些奇怪的效果。

- tooltipChanges - Should the mod be allowed ot change the color and appearance of tooltips?

- tooltipChanges - 是否允许MOD改变工具提示的颜色和外观?

- dragonFoodTooltips - Should dragon foods have their tooltip color changed to show which type of dragon can consume it?

- dragonFoodTooltips - 龙的食物是否应该改变工具提示的颜色,以显示哪种类型的龙可以食用它?

- helpTooltips - Should the effect of the help tooltips be enabled?

- helpTooltips - 是否应该启用帮助工具提示的效果?

- alwaysShowHelpTooltip - Always show the help tooltip border.

- alwaysShowHelpTooltip - 总是显示帮助工具提示的边界。

- manabarXOffset - Offset the x position of the mana bar in relation to its normal position.

- manabarXOffset - 偏移法力条的X位置与它的正常位置。

- renderItemsInMouth - Should items be rendered near the mouth of dragons rather then hovering by their side?

- renderItemsInMouth - 是否应该在龙的嘴边渲染物品,而不是在龙的身边盘旋?

 ■ Fixed:

 ■ 修复:

- Forest dragon spike now works.

- 森林龙的锐利之镖技能现在可以使用了。

- Forest dragon spike no longer appears behind the dragon and has a bite animation.

- 森林龙的锐利之镖技能不再出现在龙的身后,并且有一个咬的动画。

- Selection square of skill bar doesnt move with skill bar config.

- 技能栏的选择方块不随技能栏的配置而移动。

- corrected incorrect names of configs like firebreathDamage/fireballDamage in config.

- 纠正了配置中的错误名称,如FirebreathDamage/fireballDamage。

- Charm Reforged mod compatibility

- Charm Reforged mod(百科目前没有)兼容性

- The accidental disabling of smooth growth will no longer bother you.

- 自然成长的意外禁用将不再困扰你。

- Princesses and princes no longer disappear after receiving the tag.

- 公主和王子在收到标签后不再消失。

- Spin attack no longer causes cooldown to other players.

- 旋转攻击不再对其他玩家造成冷却时间。

- Spin attack triggers correctly in water.

- 在水中正确触发旋转攻击。

- PvP gamerules now apply to dragon magic.

- PvP游戏规则现在适用于龙魔法。

- zoom in skin tab save now when you flipping skins.

- 在翻转皮肤时,缩放皮肤标签现在可以保存。

- All dragons take reduced damage from the fall, equal to the height of the jump. Hills should now become less traumatic for adult dragons.

- 所有的龙在坠落时受到的伤害减少,与跳跃的高度相等。山丘现在对成年龙的创伤应该变小了。

- Adult dragons should now break their legs less often because of jumping down the hill.

- 成年龙现在应该更少因为跳下山而摔断腿了。


■ Added:


- Improved breath source


- Config: allow ender dragons give a spin or not

- Config: option for camera movement

- Config: body in first person always rotate opposite of the camera

- Localization is temporarily disabled: pt_br, pl_pl, ja_jp, es_es. Now the localization will be disabled if it does not match the current Russian and English translation.

暂时禁用本地的以下语言:pt_br, pl_pl, ja_jp, es_es。现在本地化将被禁用,如果不匹配俄语与英语的翻译的话

- Localization update: uk_ua, en_us, he_il, ru_ru

语言更新:uk_ua, en_us, he_il, ru_ru


■ Fixed:

- bug with first-person tail


- crash due to incompatibility with some mods


- magic debuffs are now player attacks


- changed the calculation of fall damage. No more strange deaths!


- fixed castimer on client side,

- fixed dragonFoods = false crash

修复了配置中dragonFoods = false导致的崩溃

- fixed glow skins on the skin menu


- armor rendering back to seperate entity render rather then render layer to support optifine glows


- fixed claws - swapping to another tool on the hotbar with a damage value overwrites the claw tools damage until reqeuipped


- fixed claws - crit icon doesnt display with claw sword


- fixed claws - If you turn into a human, all tools in the claw slot are removed.


- fixed many server side crash


- fixed spam in the console on the server with mods (the same problem with the cloud effect)


- fixes body rotation glitch


- fixed - the human player gets the phrase about the lack of wings when trying to open them.


- jaw bug

DragonSurvival_FlightUpdate 0.6

Updated Flight system.


  • - Now you can dive, quickly take off, slow down, smoothly land and do many more incredible things! Flying will become one of your favorite fun!

  • - 现在你可以潜水,快速起飞,放慢速度,顺利着陆和做到更多不可思议的事情! 飞行将成为你最喜欢的乐趣之一!

  • - Activation of flight mode is now slightly modified. You still need to press a button to turn on the mode, but when your paws touch the ground this mode is automatically turned off. If you want, you can turn on double jump in the config or take off when you look up into the sky.

  • - 飞行模式的激活现在略有修改。仍然需要按下按钮才能打开该模式,但是当爪子接触地面时,此模式将自动关闭。如果需要,可以在配置中打开双击空格(也就是连续跳跃)或者在抬头仰望天空时起飞。

  • - Dragons are now born with wings, but to get the ability to accelerate (Flight Spin), you need to ask the Ender dragon.

  • - 龙现在天生有翅膀,但要获得加速的能力(飞行突刺),你需问问末影龙。

  • - Flight Spin speeds up your dragon in flight and water/lava, dealing massive melee damage to all enemies in your path. Has cooldown.

  • - 飞行突刺只能在龙在飞行/水/熔岩使用,对你路径上的所有敌人造成巨大的近战伤害。有冷却时间。

  • - Depending on the enchantment of your claws, Flight Spin will have different particles.

  • - 根据你的爪子的附魔效果,飞行突刺将有不同的粒子。

  • - Flying wastes the player's hunger more if he stops in flight.

  • - 如果玩家在飞行中停下来(悬浮),会额外消耗饥饿值。

  • - The activation of the flight now does not spam in the chat, but just shows the open wings as an effect.

  • - 飞行的激活现在不会在聊天栏中发送垃圾消息,而只是显示张开的翅膀作为效果。

  • - 14 new areas where you can draw teeth/lips/fangs and slightly change the shape of your mouth (for skins)

  • - 14个新区域,您可以在其中绘制牙齿/嘴唇/尖牙并稍微改变嘴巴的形状(用于皮肤)

  • - 9 new flight animations.

  • - 9个新的飞行动画。

- Updated Growth system.

- 更新了生长系统。

  • - Dragons gradually grow over time. Adult dragons have a slower growth rate.

  • - 现在龙会随着时间的推移而逐渐成长。成年龙的生长速度较慢。

  • - You can now become larger than a standard adult dragon. Previously this parameter was equal to 40 units of growth , but now it is 60. You can set this parameter up to 1000, but we strongly recommend not to do this. The maximum health is still 40.

  • - 你现在可以变得比标准的成年龙更大。以前这个参数等于40个增长单位,但现在是60。您可以将此参数设置为 1000,但我们强烈建议您不要这样做。最大生命值仍为 40。

  • - Star Heart to stop growth of dragon

  • -‎‎ 星心‎‎阻止龙的生长

  • - More expensive hearts now give more growth for young and newborn dragons.

  • - 更好的心现在可以为年轻和新生的龙‎‎提供更多的生长值‎‎。

  • - Visualization of the dragons growth in the inventory.

  • -‎‎ 可以在‎物品栏中看到龙的成长进度。

  • - Visualization of the dragons growth when a growth item is selected in the hotbar

  • - 在快捷栏中选择成长物品时龙的成长可视化

  • - Added recipes for converting hearts back to weak versions

  • ‎‎‎‎- 添加了将强化后的心转换回强化前的‎‎心的配方‎‎

  • - Dragons can mine blocks at a greater distance with age (does not apply to attacks and interaction with chests)

  • ‎‎- 龙可以随着年龄的增长在更远的距离‎‎上挖掘方块‎‎(不适用于攻击和与宝箱的互动)

  • - Animations and model rotations are now VERY smooth. No more twitch when turning. Some mods can affect the rotation speed(but we do not know which ones)

  • - 动画和模型旋转现在‎‎非常流畅‎‎.转弯时不再抽搐。有些模组会影响转速(但作者不知道是哪些模组)

  • - Different hearts can now be drop from different creatures with health 14-20 for a shard, 20-50 for a weak, and over 50 for an elder heart.

  • - 不同的心现在可以从不同的生物身上掉落,生命值为14点()~20点()的为龙心碎片,20点()-50点( × 25)的为脆弱龙心,超过50点( × 25)的为古龙之心

  • - The camera is now attached to the dragons head instead of the torso.

  • - 视角现在在龙的头部而不是躯干上。

  • - Zoom to skins menu.

  • -‎‎ 皮肤缩放‎‎到菜单里。

  • - Emote animation speed, mirroring (Pos/Rot/Scale) for emotes.json

  • - 情感动画的速度,镜像(位置/旋转/比例)的情感.json

  • - Items that cave dragons mine under the lava no longer burn.

  • - 洞穴龙在熔岩下开采的物品‎‎不再燃烧‎‎。

  • - Configs added: Growth modifier config, max growth size, growth over time, position of the growth indicator, render the items in first person, flight settings and more.

  • - 添加的配置:成长修改器配置、最大成长尺寸配置、成长时间配置、成长指示器的位置配置、以第一人称渲染物品配置、飞行配置等。

  • - Localization: update ru_ru, en_us, fr_fr

  • -‎‎ 本地化:‎‎更新ru_ru、en_us、fr_fr‎

  • - Temp fix for concurrent modification error on config reload.

  • - 临时修复配置重载时的并发的修改错误

  • - The spike now shoots more accurately.

  • - 锐利之标现在射出的更准确了。

  • - Spectral impact no longer affects the sea dragons breath.

  • - 海洋龙的吐息将不在受到【幽光震荡】的影响。

  • - The claw system is completely rewritten and now (hopefully) it will be definitely compatible with all mods.

  • - 爪子系统已经完全重写,现在(希望)它能与所有的mods绝对兼容。

  • - Forest dragon now recovers mana during daylight hours and any time from plants.

  • - 现在森林龙可以在白天和植物中恢复法力值。

  • - No more problems with animation if the fps is over 60.

  • - 在帧数超过60的情况下,动画不再有问题。

  • - Upgraded aquatic crash with storm breath.

  • - 升级了闪电吐息

  • - When you open multiple tabs and return to inventory, it is now the dragon's inventory that opens.

  • - 当你打开多个标签并返回到物品栏时,现在打开的是龙的物品栏。

  • - Fixed problems with first-person view.

  • - 修复了第一人称视角的问题。

  • - AlternateGrowingFrequency deleted.

  • - 已移除AlternateGrowingFrequency。


  1.  "dragonsurvival-server.toml" - all dragon type settings and 95% of mod settings. You can find it in one of two places:

  2. 1. "dragonsurvival-server.toml" - 所有的龙类型设置和95%的mod设置。你可以在两个地方中的一个找到它。

- /[mapname]/serverconfig (for a server)

- /[mapname]/serverconfig (对于一个服务器)

- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig (for single play)

- .minecraft/saves/[worldname]/serverconfig (用于单机游戏)

MagicUpdate 0.5


  • 修复了:

  • - Fixed: Claw and Teeth Damage.

  • - 修复了:爪子和牙齿的错误伤害。

  • - Fixed: Claws and teeth no longer render with invisibility or spectator.

  • - 修复了: 爪子和牙齿不再渲染在处于隐身状态或观察者模式的玩家身上。

  • - Fixed: carry on no longer damaging mobs.

  • - 修复了:Carry On功能不再伤害生物。

  • - Fixed: mining speed take efficiency into account with claws.

  • - 修复了: 采矿速度考虑到爪子的效率。

  • - Fixed: offhand not dropping blacklisted items.

  • - 修复了: 副手无法丢弃黑名单上的物品。

  • - Fixed: breath abilities being able to break other blocks then intended.

  • - 修复了:吐息能力能够打破其他方块。

  • - Fixed: No more magic in spectator.

  • - 修复了:旁观者不再有魔法。

■ Added:

- 新增:

  • - Added: smooth dragon turns.

  • - 新增: 龙的流畅转身。

  • - Added: Skin tab in the dragon's inventory.

  • - 新增: 龙背包中的皮肤标签。

  • - Added: exp drops to hunters and knights.

  • - 新增: 猎人和骑士的经验掉落。

  • - Added: sort inventory button to dragon inventory.

  • - 新增:龙背包的物品分类按钮。

  • - Added: tooltips to heart shards and various buttons that were missing tooltips.

  • - 新增:龙心碎片的工具提示和各种缺少工具提示的按钮。

  • - Added: inventory toggle button to creative inventory.

  • - 新增:创造模式物品栏下的背包切换按钮。

  • - Added: "spectral impact" skill now has a visual effect.

  • - 新增: "幽光震荡 "技能现在有了视觉效果。

  • - Added: sea_sweep particle.

  • - 新增: sea_sweep粒子

  • - Localization: update ru_ru, en_us, zh_cn, he_il.

  • - 本地化:更新ru_ru、en_us、zh_cn、he_il。

0.4 Magic Update + Emotes:



- Fixed: mending breaks tools, not fixes them.

- 修复:修补工具会破坏工具,而不是修复它们。

- Fixed: digging animation freezes.

- 修复:挖掘动画冻结。

- Fixed: should fix skill casting desync.

- 修复:修复了技能施法不同步。

- Fixed: bug that caused the sea dragon not to appear dehydration after all the blue drops ran out.

- 修复:海洋龙在所有水分值用完后不会出现脱水的错误。

- Fixed: black drops of dehydrating sea dragon no longer accumulate indefinitely in the creative.

- 修复:脱水海洋龙的干燥值不再无限期地累积。

- Fixed: rare bug with the issuance of experience to the player with no results trying to pump a skill.

- 修复:罕见错误,无法升级技能。

- Fixed: burn effect with a cave dragon bite even if the skill has a 0% chance.

- 修复:即使技能有 0% 的几率,洞穴龙攻击也会产生燃烧效果。

- Fixed: blacklisted items cannot be picked up if they try to get into 1 hotbar slot (even if not selected).

- 修复:被列入黑名单的物品如果试图进入快捷栏(即使没有被选中),则不能被拾取。

- Fixed: The black list of items does not apply to creative mode.

- 修复:物品黑名单不影响创造模式。

- Fixed: skills no longer cause an endless soft fall.

- 修复:技能不再导致无休止的bug。

- Fixed: knockback enchant seem to push mob toward you instead of sending them fly away.

- 修复:击退附魔将生物推向你,而不是让他们击退。

- Fixed: the "evil dragon" effect should not be given to the human player.

- 修复:“恶龙”效果不应该给予人类玩家。

- Fixed: when falling from lianas and getting stuck somewhere, there is no animation at all and the wings are enlarged.

- 修复:当从藤本植物上掉下来卡在某个地方时,根本没有动画并且翅膀被放大。

- Fixed: block breakdown was calculated with an error.

- 修复:区块分解的计算出现了错误。

- Fixed: breath fire spawning was calculated with an error.

- 修复:breath fire spawning生成错误。

- Fixed: humans no longer have damage bugs.

- 修复:人类不再有伤害计算bug。

- Fixed: getting correct damage increase with strength.

- 修复:随着力量药水的等级获得正确的伤害增加。


■ Configs added:

■ 配置添加:

- saving claws and teeth when dead (enabled by default)

- 死后保存爪子槽(默认启用)


■ Changed:

■ 修改了:

- claw renderer can now be disabled by removing the check mark from "claws and teeth"

- 爪子渲染器现在可以通过移除 "爪子和牙齿 "的复选标记来禁用。

- for ball lightning and fireball increased the range to 32 blocks.

- 球状闪电和火球的范围增加到32个方块。

- cost of mass buffs has been reduced, and the duration has been increased.

- 减少了大量BUFF的成本,并增加了持续时间。

- chance of block destruction/burnout increased from 20% to 60%

- 区块(被技能)破坏/烧毁的几率从20%提高到60%。

- chance of fire spawning with breath increased to 50%

- 用吐息产生火的机会增加到50%。

- Beacon Cave Fire now gives the "Tough Skin" effect, which strengthens armor instead of the fire resistance effect.

- 硬化皮肤现在给出了 "硬化皮肤 "效果,该效果可以强化护甲,而不是火抗效果。

- adult dragons now always run more faster (does not change the athletic skills).

- 成年龙现在总是跑得更快(不改变运动技能)。

- updated Hebrew.

- 更新了希伯来语。

- for each breath added a different list of blocks to destroy in the configuration.

- 为每次吐息增加了一个不同的配置中要摧毁的方块列表。

- damage from Forest Gas is doubled.

- 森林之气的伤害增加了一倍。

- added explosion animation for ball lightning and fireball.

- 为球状闪电和火球增加了爆炸动画。

- adds charged effect to ball lightning.

- 为球状闪电增加了带电效果。

- ball lightning now has many more visual effects and make lightning strike when it's raining and stormy.

- 球状闪电现在有了更多的视觉效果,并在下雨和暴风雨时使闪电发生。

- accelerated expenditure of hunger during the use of skills.

- 在使用技能时加速消耗饥饿值。

Magic Update + Emotes 0.3
  • Fixed:

  • 修复了。

  • - Passive skills can disappear after death

  • - 被动技能在死亡后消失

  • - If the tool in the claw is broken the blocks are destroyed at the same rate until the inventory is opened again. (the tool is not considered broken until the inventory is opened)

  • - 如果爪子槽里的工具坏了,那么方块仍然会以同样的速度被摧毁,直到再次打开背包。(在背包被打开之前,工具不被认为是坏的)

  • - If you put items in the dragon's craft and switch to the human inventory - the items in the craft will disappear.

  • - 如果你把物品放在龙的合成槽中,然后切换到人类的背包--合成槽中的物品会消失。

  • - Casting bar might be broken on dedicated server. Skill still works and plays animation but no cast bar

  • - 在专用服务器上,施法条可能不会工作。技能仍然有效并播放动画,但没有施放条。

  • - Some emotes seems to cancel on their own on dedicated servers

  • - 一些表情在专用服务器上似乎会自行取消。

  • - Blacklisted items cannot be picked up if they try to get into 1 hotbar slot (even if not selected)

  • - 如果被列入黑名单的物品试图进入1个快捷栏(即使没有被选中),则不能被拾取。

  • - the spike causes an endless soft fall in survival

  • - 钉子(森林龙技能)导致生存中无休止的坠落

  • - Rare dragon inventory dup

  • - 龙的库存dup

  • - possible solution for gravestones. (?)

  • - 墓碑的可能解决方案。(?)


  • Configs added:

  • 增加了配置。

  • - Config for keeping claw items (saved by default)

  • - 保存爪子槽物品的配置(默认保存)。

Magic Update 0.2


  • - Game no longer freezes when you try to use the recipe book (we removed it from the dragon's inventory). The JEI recipes work fine.

  • - 当您尝试使用配方书时,游戏不再停止(作者将其从龙的背包中删除了)。 JEI 的配方工作正常。

  • - Fixed all (hopefully) desynchronization on the server: emotions, casting, mana, sound, dimension, and so on.

  • - 修复了服务器上所有(希望)不同步的问题:情绪、施法、法力、声音、维度等。

  • - Using the animation that turns off the first-person view no longer turns it off to all players around.

  • - 使用关闭第一人称视角的动画不再对周围的所有玩家关闭。

  • - The bite animation does not cause other players to bite back.

  • - 咬合动画不会引起其他玩家反咬。

  • - The sound should no longer loop endlessly after breathing.

  • - 呼吸声音不再无休止地循环。

  • - Turning off the player animation does not interrupt the animation of other players.

  • - 关闭玩家动画不会打断其他玩家的动画。

  • Configs added:

  • 添加的新配置:

  • - completely disabling the blacklist of riding animals

  • - 完全禁用骑乘动物的黑名单

  • - all active skills pumped at once without the need to gain levels

  • - 无需提升等级即可一次性提升所有主动技能

  • - disabling experience consumption if mana runs out.

  • - 如果法力耗尽,则禁用经验消耗。

  • - mana recovery rate (under favorable and unfavorable factors)

  • - 法力恢复率(有利和不利因素下)

  • - Now, when creating your own animations, you can also specify requirements for the age and species of the dragon.

  • - 现在,在创建自己的动画时,您还可以指定龙的年龄和种类的要求。

Magic Update 0.1





  • - Special thanks to Horeak for this update! He did a great job. It took us a year to prepare for this update. And in 3 weeks of very intensive work, we did it!


  • - There are a total of 14,000 lines in DS. The update with magic adds another 9,000 lines and changes about 3,000 old lines of code. Just look at this amount of code: https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/compare/dfbeb36ec59f...26e818b8425b


  • - Added 36 dragon skills. Each dragon species now has 4 active skills, 4 passive skills, and 4 innate skills.


  • - Each dragon got its own breath! The cave dragon vaporizes enemies, the forest dragon poisons, and the sea dragon strikes everyone with lightning. The "mob griefing" game rule applies to all magic skills.

    每种龙都有专属的吐息!洞穴龙可以蒸发敌人,森林龙可以毒死敌人而海洋龙可以用闪电攻击敌人。游戏规则“mob griefing”可以控制技能是否会破坏方块。

  • - Now you can give useful buffs to your friends and yourself.


  • Added 250 textures for skills


  • - Added an emotion system. Now you can sit, sleep, rest, growl, spin and do 40 other animations to express all your dragon emotions! Just open the chat! With assets/dragonsurvival/emotes.json you can add your own emotions and sounds.


  • Added effects: Burned (target takes damage if it moves), Charged (target strikes all creatures nearby with electricity), Sea Eyes (dragon can see at night), Lava Eyes (dragon can see under the lava), Hunter (when in contact with grass the player becomes invisible to all and deals increased first damage on impact), Revealing The Soul (twice as much experience when killing monsters), Forest Gas (poisoning, but fatal), Tough Skin (temporary extra armor points).


  • Added a system of magic points (mana). They will be restored in favorable places for the dragon. For forest dragons it flowers and sun, for cave dragons - fire, and for sea dragons - water.


  • You can now learn most of the information about the dragon through the new skills menu. Absolutely everything you need to know about your dragon can be found there.


  • Returned and improved dragon inventory with a 3x3 crafting and buttons specifically for the dragon. If you want, you can quickly switch to the vanilla inventory with the button at the bottom. You can now get a crafting from survival in creative mode.


  • In-game hints. Just hover your cursor over any round buttons. Be sure to tell us what you think of this wonderful dragon on all tooltips! Horeak is watching you and will not blink.


  • Added items: Cave Dragon Treat, Sea Dragon Treat Weak, Forest Dragon Treat (to restore magic), Weak Heart, Elder Dragon Heart (for growth of dragons at different stages).


  • Heart element is renamed to "Dragon Heart Shard" and is used for the growth of newborn dragons.


  • Sea dragons again cannot stay on land for long. You will need to pump up the "Water" skill to feel well on land.


  • Cave dragons can now pump up a skill that allows them to stay in the rain longer - "Contrast Shower".


  • Forest dragons won't have to eat as much either, because they'll be able to stay in the dark longer thanks to "Light in the Darkness"


  • Improvement of claws and teeth with tools. Special GUI in the dragon's inventory. No more first-person tool animations for dragons!


  • Now the tooltip of the correct food for a dragon is highlighted with colors.


  • Added cast GUI.


  • The "Evil Dragon" effect has removed potion particles.


  • A lot of work into localization. Now we have 21500 characters in the localization files! Before that it was 9000. Thank you so much for translating Kitna into English, Sundra into French, Dgarden7 into Spanish, yuvalyly into Hebrew, Ice flare-dragon ice and Gairlading into Chinese, BlackAures into Russian. And thanks to daifucu we also got Japanese!


  • All sounds were made by NoCube.


  • Thanks for testing an earlier version: Tynebris, Sundra (molresa), Dgarden7, azuichh, Lünko. Without them, we wouldn't have known about the dozens of bugs that were in the first test version and you'd be playing with more problems.

    感谢一个早期测试版本的测试员:TynebrisSundra (molresa) Dgarden7, azuichLünko。如果没有他们,我们就不可能知道第一个测试版本中存在的许多漏洞,而你也将面临更多问题。

  • Also thank SSKirillSS for adding Blacklisted items and slots, Rideable entities blacklist, Alternate way of dragon growing mechanic and the division of all items for dragon growth into 3 stages.


  • - The bite animation no longer interrupts other animations


  • - Fixed 100500 bugs


  • - Slightly changed the code for the glowing parts of the skins. Now they can be used on membranes, but there are requirements to transparency. Its RGB color must be 000 (not 255). For you it is visually no different, but the code is very sensitive to this.


  • - Configs: All magic settings, Whether to save passives skills and grow stage when changing dragon type,  List of rideable entities, List of slots to handle blacklistedItems option, List of items that disallowed to be used by dragons,  How long of a cooldown in seconds the altar has after each use, Speed of alternateGrowing effect in seconds, Defines if dragon should grow without requirement of catalyst items, Amount of additional dragon size per each iteration of alternateGrowingFrequency for alternateGrowing effect, Items which will cause damage to dragons when consumed, List of items to grow dragons, The amount of damage taken when hit with a snowball or a water bottle (cave dragon), Additional modded USEABLE items that restore water when used (called from LivingEntityUseItemEvent.Finish), Whether the sea dragon should lose more water in warmer biomes and less during the night, How long in seconds should the cave fire effect from charged soup last, Should the default inventory be replaced as a dragon, The y position of the cast bar from the bottom of the screen.


- fixed water not rendering in first person;

- 修复了不渲染的水,在第一人称;

- fixed dragon not rendering in first person;

- 修复了龙不以第一人称渲染的问题;

- fixed off-hand item rendering;

- 修复了副手物品渲染;

- fixed sea dragon getting speedup from air blocks;

- 修复了海龙从空气方块中获得加速的问题;

- added option to toggle prince/princess spawning;

- 增加了切换王子/公主生成的选项;

- added Ukrainian language;

- 添加了乌克兰语;

- glowing skin support (example: Horeak_adult_glow.png);

- 支持发光皮肤(例如:Horeak_adult_glow.png);

- cave dragons now take damage when consuming any items in the config list "drinkingItems" which includes potions, water bottles, milk buckets and honey bottles by default;

- 洞穴龙现在在消耗配置列表“drinkingItems”中的任何物品时会受到伤害,默认情况下包括药水、水瓶、牛奶桶和蜂蜜瓶;

- cave dragons also take damage when hit by snowballs or splash water bottles;

- 洞穴龙在被雪球或喷溅水瓶击中时也会受到伤害;

- flying now uses hunger at about the same rate as running;

- 飞行现在消耗的饥饿度与跑步的速度大致相同;

- made charged soup grant water protection for cave dragons;

- 为洞穴龙制作充电汤给予不在会受到水的伤害;

- config items that deal damage to each kind of dragon when consumed;

- 增加消耗时对各种龙造成伤害的配置项;

- leather armor now renders the dye colors;

- 皮革盔甲现在呈现染料颜色;好耶。

- added command: /dragon human, /dragon cave 1 true Player;

- 添加命令:/dragon human, /dragon Cave 1 true Player;

- added auto complete for the dragon_stage argument to make it easier;

- 为 Dragon_stage 参数添加了自动完成功能以使其更容易;

- added config option for creative like flight;

- 为飞行等创意添加了配置选项;


- armor render fix;

- 修复盔甲渲染BUG。

- fix bug on first-person with shaders;


- config "levelHungerForFly" renamed to "flightHungerThreshold";

- 配置 "levelHungerForFly "重命名为 "flightHungerThreshold"。


- added config: altar cooldown, flying without hunger and sea dragon water consumption based on temperature, jump height at different stages;

- 新增配置:祭坛冷却、饥饿时不能飞行和海洋龙的水消耗基于温度、不同阶段跳跃高度;

- changes in dragon model: fixed ancient bug with UV shoulder cubes location, fixed location of all ridges, partly fixed "gap" between ridge cubes during animation, fixed z-fighting of ridges, fixed jaw, all dragon parts united into common group, body sections now have separate parent-groups with suffix _s.

- 龙模型的变化:修复了肩部UV方块位置的古老错误,修复了所有脊柱的位置,部分修复了动画中脊柱方块之间的 "缝隙",修复了脊柱的Z字形战斗,修复了下巴,所有龙的部分合并到共同组,身体部分现在有独立的父组,后缀为_s。

- new decorative parts added to dragon model (about 100 new parts): several types of horns, two pairs of "ear" cubes with different angles, horizontal tail ridges, moustache, beard, one horn on the nose and one on the forehead.

- 为龙的模型添加了新的装饰部件(约100个新部件):几种类型的角,两对不同角度的 "耳朵 "方块,水平的尾脊,小胡子,胡须,鼻子上的一个角和额头上的一个角。

- changed dragon textures: fixes standard dragon textures to the new UV and fixes asymmetry/transitions/ladder pixels/missUV, etc;

- 更改了龙的纹理:将标准龙的纹理修复为新的UV,并修复了不对称/过渡/梯形像素/缺失UV等问题。

- many animation fixes and several new animations. New animation temporarily unused;

- 修复许多动画和增加几个新动画。 新动画暂时未使用。

- dragon can not unfold wings if hungry below 6 units;

- 如果饥饿低于6,龙将无法使用翅膀;

- cacti do not damage the forest dragon;

- 仙人掌不在会伤害森林龙。

- sea dragon is faster to spend water in desert and nether, but slower at night.

- 海洋龙在沙漠和下界消耗水的速度更快了,但是在夜间速度仍然较慢。

- dragon no longer blinks along with netherite armor grids;

- 龙不再会与下界合金护甲冲突模型;

- added a new model for dragon armor rendering.

- 添加了龙盔甲渲染的新模型。

- added 4 new types of armor for other mods;

- 为其他模组增加了 4 种新的盔甲;

- fixed a very important and old bug with armor rendering!

- 修复了装甲渲染的一个非常重要且古老的错误!

- fixed dragon armor textures: extra pixels removed, wrong mirrors;

- 修复了龙盔甲的纹理:移除了额外的像素和错误的镜像;

- fixed the bug that made the head turn animation stop moving (F3+T);

- 修正了使头部转动动画停止移动的错误(F3+T)。

- fixed the fishing bug;

- 修复了钓鱼bug;


- added effects: sea peace, forest magic, cave fire, calm animals, anti-predators;

- 附加效果:平静之海洋、魔法之森林、火焰之洞穴、动物亲和、猎食者抗拒;

- added blocks: dragon memory, beacon empty, sea beacon peace, forest beacon magic, cave beacon fire;

- 新增方块:回忆之块、龙之信标、平静之海洋信标、魔力之森林信标、火焰之洞穴信标;

- added mechanics: buying an effect from a beacon for experience, damaging the player when he lacks experience, improving the beacon with items, creating a protected area with effects thanks to the memory block.

- 增加机制:从龙之信标购买效果需要经验,当玩家缺乏经验时对其造成伤害,在龙之信标下放置回忆之块,可以创建一个具有效果的保护区。

- added beacon sounds - dragonsurvival:beacon_activate, dragonsurvival:beacon_deactivate, dragonsurvival:upgrade, dragonsurvival:get_effect;

- 添加了龙之信标声音 - Dragonsurvival:beacon_activate、dragonsurvival:beacon_deactivate、dragonsurvival:upgrade、dragonsurvival:get_effect;- added beacon textures;
- added beacon particles - netherite_particle, gold_particle, diamond_particle;

- 添加了龙之信标的粒子 - netherite_particle、gold_particle、diamond_particle;- added beacon configurations;
- removed glare textures on horse riders;

- 去除了骑手的眩光纹理;

- added Spanish. Thanks Dgarden7!

- 添加了西班牙语。 感谢 Dgarden7!

- improved translation in English, Russian, French, Chinese, and Hedrew;

- 改进了英语、俄语、法语、中文和希伯来语的翻译;

- re-frying cave food has been accelerated;

- 加快了洞穴龙食物的制作速度;

- changed trade with the prince and princesses (now easier to level up them, but some items have become much more expensive);

- 改变了与王子和公主的贸易(现在更容易升级他们,但有些物品变得更加昂贵);

- improved the spawn and despawn of dragon hunters;

- 改进了龙猎人的生成和消失;

- vanill a beacon returns in recipes.


- fixed knight helmet block drops.

- 固定骑士头盔的掉落。

- fixed bolas/net rendering on other entities.

- 修复了其他实体的渲染。

- food items show which dragons they are appropriate to.

- 让食品显示它们适合哪些龙。

- Knight won't block attacks without a shield.

- 骑士现在不会在没有盾牌的情况下格挡攻击。

- Noses are returned to princesses.

- 把鼻子还给了公主。

- updated Hebrew.

- 更新了希伯来语。



  1. added Dragon Knight, Dragon Hunter, Dragon Squire, Knight Hound, Prince, Princesses (with config options);


  2. added 3 Knight Helmets (trophy);


  3. hitting or killing villagers (and princesses) gives "Evil dragon" effect to the dragon player;


  4. "Evil dragon" triggers spawning of dragon hunters;


  5. Princess or Prince can spawn around random player in overworld, and they have special trades;


  6. added an option to toggle wing status notification and an option to toggle first person model;


  7. added a config option to enable fall damage from dragon flight;


  8. fall damage from dragon flight is now calculated based on speed and his size, and is non-lethal;


  9. fixed 'Unknown custom packet identifier' spam in console;


  10. fixed dragon sliding;


  11. fixed crash from Dragon Altar if custom dragon food is disabled;


  12. added an option to toggle first person model rendering;


  13. added an option to prevent dragons from using Elytra;


  14. nests can be placed in water now, and are waterloggable;


  15. updated Chinese, Russian, English;


  16. charged charcoal recipe is more complicated;


  17. charged soup recipe requires less charged charcoal;




人类身份挖掘掉落灰尘的几率提升到1% 。






木炭的营养价值从5点()6点() 降低到4点() 2点().

增加了与eani mod,environmental,untamed wilds,creatures and beast,snow pig,lees creatures,mystical world,toad terror 和 fresh warriors的食物兼容性



■ New:


  1. updated and added items: charred meat, charred seafood, charred mushrooms, charred vegetables, which are obtained by re-cooking fried foods in furnace, smoker, and campfire.


  2. all charred/charred foods can now be made into 1 coal unit.


  3. added charged soup for the cave dragon. Best food for a cave dragons and worst for a human. Recipe: put 3 fresh charged charcoal on top of 1 charred seafood/meat, 1 charred vegetable and 1 charred mushroom, then heat it all up on several buckets of lava in the workbench. 


  4.  altar cooldown reduced to 1 second.


  5. added automatic compatibility of dragon rations and charred meat recipes through configuration with more than 80 mods (that's about 300 items). Don't forget to use the DragonFruit addon from Patreon, which shows exactly how much your dragon will get bonuses from food.


    The full list is available on GitHub: 


    焦食: [https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/tree/v1.16.x/src/main/resources/data/dragonsurvival/tags/items]

    普通食物: [https://github.com/DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival/blob/v1.16.x/src/main/java/by/jackraidenph/dragonsurvival/config/ServerConfig.java#L259-L482]

■ Fixes:


  1. updated Russian, Chinese, French and English translations


  2. updated all recipes for creating charred foods



  3. fixed a problem with players from Turkey who had the "load_registries" error


  4. minor animation fix


  5. extra models and files removed



■ New:
- added new altars of black stone, Nether brick, purple and red sandstone (special thanks to NoCube for textures and to mina987 for code)
- added text help when selecting a dragon, compatible with the configuration file (features, weaknesses, diet)
- when hitting an elder dragon to create an altar, sound is played

■ Fixes:
- textures of all altars have been updated.
- all animations and dragon model were upgraded (special thanks to AIS).
- textures of dragons were improved: when attacking, lower jaw will not be visible, and a sea dragon does not have an extra 1 pixel on the wing now
- each altar now has sounds appropriate to the type of material in all situations
- altars no longer given a nest when is turned into a dragon
- altars have strength and features appropriate to material
- altars can now be crafted and are displayed in jei
- altars no longer have 1 unit lighting
- altars can now be rotated in all sides for decoration
- altar names fixed
- russian, french (Shaenarys), chinese (Ice flare-dragon ice) and english (Contra) localization updated

■ 新的内容: - 添加了新的黑石、下界砖、紫珀块和红色砂岩祭坛(特别感谢 NoCube 的纹理和 mina987 的代码) - 增加了选择龙时的文字帮助,兼容配置文件(特性、弱点、饮食) - 选中古龙以创建祭坛时,会播放声音

 ■ 修复: - 更新了所有祭坛的材质。 - 所有动画和模型都升级了(特别感谢 AIS)。 - 改进了龙的纹理:攻击时,下颚将不可见,并且海龙现在翅膀上没有额外的1像素 - 每个祭坛现在都有适合所有情况下材料类型的声音 - 祭坛变成龙时不再有巢穴 - 祭坛具有适合材料的强度和特征 - 现在可以制作祭坛并在 jei 中展示 - 祭坛不再有 1 个单位的亮度 - 祭坛现在可以四面旋转进行装饰 - 祭坛名称已修复 - 更新了俄语、法语(Shaenarys)、中文(冰焰龙冰)和英语(Contra)本地化


■ New:

■ 更新: 
- all ancient dragon items have new textures.

- 所有远古龙类物品都有新的材质。
- parrots are now rendered on the dragon's shoulder. 

- 鹦鹉现在呈现在龙的肩膀上。
- player tags are now configurable. 

- 玩家标签现在是可配置的。
- dragons no longer drop bows, crossbows and other items.

- 龙不再掉落弓、弩和其他物品。

■ Fixes:  

■ 修复:
- fixed issue with fishing rod functionality. 

- 修复了钓鱼竿功能的问题。
- fixed bug causing dragons to throw items like snowballs twice. 

- 修复了导致龙两次扔雪球之类的物品的错误。
- human hands on the map disappeared. we ate them。 

- 地图上的人手消失了。 作者吃了它们。



■ New:


  1. Added dragon riding system (player+player)


  2. Adult dragons to carry humans and little dragons


  3. Dragons now sit in boats and with /sit


  4. Added animated textures and slightly corrected nest models and heart element


  5. Added new textures for future updates (food, doors, altars, etc.)


■ Fixes:


  1. fixed hitbox issues with dragon riding


  2. removed fire effect render from cave dragons


  3. locked dragon direction in inventory


  4. dragon shadows now scale properly off size


  5. fixed crouch, crawling and compatibility issues


  6. mosquitoes from Alex Mobs can now bite dragons


  7. passenger disconnect should now not break the game


  8. little dragons don't bite their "horses" anymore


  9. teleportation with pearls now works correctly


  10. correctly mirrored for Sleeper's Door


  11. corrected minor typos in Russian lang



Player Riders are now available!


Players can now ride on the back of another player. To do this, one of you must be the largest growing dragon and the other a baby dragon or human. When the dragon player crouched down, other players right-clicked to mount it.

The rider will see  amount of your health and have friendly fire. Also in this update, dragons now sit ON boats with new animations.

玩家现在可以骑在另一个玩家背上。要做到这一点,你们中的一个必须是最大成长的龙,另一个是 幼年龙或人类。当龙玩家蹲下时,其他玩家右键单击将会骑上。骑手将看到健康状况并进行友好射击。 同样在此更新中,龙现在坐在带有新动画的船上。


Medium patch - 0.0.34 - 1.16.5  (07.06.2021)

■ New:-Added the debuff HUD icons. 

- Config for food system. 

- Added custom eating of configured foods.

 - Compatibility with food from other mods. 

- Deleted unnecessary config options and effect changes.

 - Added additional spawn config for predators. 

- Adjusted debuffs and fixed food issues. Rebalance.

 - Removed dragon particles for creative players.

 - Temporarily returned vanilla inventory. 

- Head turn no longer overrides other animations. 

- Compatible with Dragon Fruit addon, which displays the food score for each dragon species.

 - Updated Russian, English, French and Chinese localizations.

 - Updated assets.
- Updated changelog.

■ Fixes:- Fixed invisibility. 

- Fixed model bone names. 

- Fixed hydration blocks (like snow and ice) not applying water damage to cave dragons.

 - Fixed dehydration particles showing for forest and cave dragons after swapping.

 - Fixed darkness particles showing for sea and cave dragons.

 - Fixed issues with snow hydration for sea dragons.

 - Fixed issues with paw harvest from the unnecessary config changes.

 - Fixed server crashing issues.


Fixed hydration blocks (like snow and ice) not applying water damage to cave dragons.


Removed dragon particles for creative players.


Fixed dehydration particles showing for forest and cave dragons after swapping.


Fixed darkness particles showing for sea and cave dragons.


Fixed typo in error logging. - Arcaryx

修复了错误日志中的错字。 - Arcaryx。

Fixed snow not adding hydration for sea dragons. - Arcaryx

修复了雪不为海龙增加水分的问题。 - Arcaryx

Fixed issues from paw harvest config changes. - Arcaryx

修复了爪子收获配置更改的问题。 - Arcaryx

Math animation bones are only retrieved once now. - Arcaryx

动画骨骼现在只检索一次。 - Arcaryx

Reverted head turn changes to 0.0.33 state. (animations changes pushed back to 1.17 version)

恢复的头部转动更改为 0.0.33 状态。 (动画更改推回 1.17 版本)

Fixed issues with snow hydration for sea dragons.


Fixed issues with paw harvest from the unnecessary config changes.


Added time conversion.


Dragon altar tracks cooldown separately for each player now.


Updated Contribution rules.


Comment deletion and deprecation.


Work around for 3x3 crafting inventory.

解决 3x3 的合成框。

Add check for dragon.


Unnecessary config options and effect changes.


Fixed server crashing issues.


Added additional spawn config for predator.


Moved predator spawn config stuff to correct section.


Adjusted how the stress effect works. Rebalanced a bit.

调整了压力状态的工作方式。 重新平衡了一下。

Added the debuff HUD icons. 

添加了减益效果的HUD 图标。

Adjusted debuffs and fixed food issues. 


Fixed invisibility and armor. 


Fixed model bone names. 


Head turn no longer overrides other animations. 


This is necessary for upcoming animation changes.


Added debuff HUD icons. Cleaned up debuff effect applications.

添加了减益 HUD 图标。 清理减益效果应用程序。

Fixed food saturation values.


More food fixes.


Reduced water bottle dehydration reduction to 2 minutes.

将水瓶延长脱水时间减少到 2 分钟。

Fixed issues with armor rendering for invisible dragons.


Fixed more issues with z-fighting.

修复了更多与 z-fighting 相关的问题。

Renamed dragon model bones.


Additional model name changes.


Even more naming fixes.


Temporarily broke head turn with other anims, to make it work later.


Cleaned up gradle a little bit for easier updating in the future.

稍微清理了 gradle,以便将来更容易更新。

Re-wrote config system in preparation for food changes.


Started implementing food system.


Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/v1.16.x' into v1.16.x

将远程跟踪分支 'origin/v1.16.x' 合并到 v1.16.x

Fixed mixin signatures for compile.


Fixed array server crash or something


-Added the debuff HUD icons.

新增debuff HUD 图标

- Config for food system.


- Added custom eating of configured foods.


- Compatibility with food from other mods.


- Deleted unnecessary config options and effect changes.


- Added additional spawn config for predators.


- Adjusted debuffs and fixed food issues. Rebalance.

调整了减益效果并修复了食物问题。 重新平衡。

- Removed dragon particles for creative players.


- Temporarily returned vanilla inventory.


- Head turn no longer overrides other animations.


- Compatible with Dragon Fruit addon, which displays the food score for each dragon species.


- Fixed invisibility.


- Fixed model bone names.


- Updated Russian, English, French and Chinese localizations.


- Updated assets.




■ New:


  1. all dragons now have their pluses and minuses, for example, a sea dragon can breathe underwater, but can't stay on the earth for long


  2. dragon debuffs can be disabled in the config file


  3. head rotation system


  4. dragons of different ages change hitbox size and eye height


  5. small dragons now fit through 1 block


  6. large dragons need to sneak to get inside 2 blocks


  7. dragon claws are now equal in strength to wooden tools


  8. dragons of different ages have different biting power


  9. new doors that are 3 blocks high


  10. 3 special doors that can only be opened by dragons of a particular species


  11. lots of new options in the config file, such as starting the game with wings and a chance to drop dragon dust


  12. dragon dust now also falls from a magical predator


■ Fixes:


  1. 50 of 60 important bugs have been fixed or need a little polishing


  2. Star is permeable to water


  3. Star does not replace other blocks


  4. First-person tail no longer gets in the way when moving


  5. There should be a lot less animation problems


  6. Nest shouldn't crash the game anymore


  7. Less problems with shaders


  8. Invisibility now works properly


  9. Temporarily disabled lethal damage from falling in flight


  10. Full list of bugs at github




  • Ported to 1.16.5


  • Fixed crash with "trap" skeleton.


  • Charred meat can now be cooked in the smokehouse and fire, as well as fish.


  • Added French language.


  • Added turtle helmet.


  • Dust drop chance can now be adjusted in config.


  • Various dragon door fixes.


  • Ender dragon phrases can now be translated into other languages.


  • It is now possible to reverse craft hearts and bones into dust.


  • Unvanilla armor is now displayed transparent.


  • nest image gradually lights up and saves stacks of items to charge inside.




  • Fixed game crash when changing dimension and teleportation.


  • Fixed the game crash when trying to move items to the nest.


  • Predator no longer spamming with teleportation as before.


  • You can no longer ride pigs as a dragon.


  • Cooldown to use the altar is now 3 minutes.


  • Now command */dragon* is only available to operators with level 4.


  • Small fixes.

