
首个悠然一派 5.1 发行版!

  • Added proper hurt, death, and suckle sounds to Cochineal

  • 向胭脂虫添加了适宜的受伤、死亡、吮吸(仙人掌)的声音。

  • Fix Passion Fruit Seed spitting playing Llama Spits subtitle

  • 修复了吐籽效果作用时显示羊驼吐口水字幕的问题。

  • Fix Dragon Fruit not breaking in lava

  • 修复了火龙果实体不会在熔岩中被破坏。

  • Fix Cacti sometimes automatically breaking in Spiny Thicket generation

  • 修复了在尖刺灌丛中生成的在桶形仙人掌有时会自动被破坏的问题。

  • Improved Cochineal behaviors

  • 改进了胭脂虫的行为。

  • Added a new building to Scrubland Villages

  • 在灌丛地村庄中添加了一种新的建筑物。

  • Fixed crash on servers

  • 修复了在服务端的崩溃问题。


Introducing Atmospheric's biggest update yet!


  • Added 6 new biomes (Aspen Parkland, Kousa Jungle, Scrubland, Snowy Scrubland, Spiny Thicket, Laurel Forest)

  • 添加了六个新的生物群系:白杨林地、梾木丛林、灌丛地、覆雪灌丛地、多刺灌丛地、月桂森林。

  • Added 4 new woodsets (Aspen, Kousa, Grimwood, Laurel)

  • 添加了四种新的木材及其变种:白杨、梾木、阴郁木、月桂。

  • Added 3 new fruits (Currant, Oranges, Dragon Fruit)

  • 添加了三种新的水果:醋栗、橙子、火龙果。

  • Added 1 new mob (Cochineal)

  • 添加了一种新的生物:胭脂虫。

  • Added tons more blocks, items, foods, and plants! Note: Cochineal are still a bit of a work in progress!

  • 添加了成吨的新方块、物品、食物以及植物!

  • 注意:胭脂虫目前还有一小部分还在制作中。


* Ported to 1.19.2


* Ported to 1.18.2


* Add Aspen tree shape and make it available through Wandering Traders
* Added an toggleable "Unobtainable" description to unimplemented items
* Changed Rainforest biome category from Forest to Jungle
* Retextured various blocks and items
* Removed Gelled
* Made all Aloe-related foods put out fire
* Moved Relief & Worsening to be based on Aloe instead
* Boosted Aloe saturation
* Nerfed Passionfruit hunger and saturation
* Made Passionfruit eat faster
* Made Barrel Cactus not grow on its own
* Made Barrel Cactus able to be increased in size by using another Barrel Cactus on it
* Fixed biome features being added late
* Fixed some stuff not being counted as flowers
* Fixed some suspicious stew effects lasting too long
* Fixed Passionfruit Tart and Yucca Branches not being compostable
* Fixed some slight advancement issues


* Added Arid Shrine structure
* Added Arid Sprouts
* Added Crustose Path
* Added advancement modifiers for potion effects
* Added support for Quark's posts & hedges
* Added particles to Flowering Morado Leaves
* Changed some textures
* Changed the blocks that Dunes crops can survive on
* Fixed Dunes biomes not being tagged as sandy
* Fixed fences & fence gates not being flammable
* Fixed persistence negating slowness
* Fixed many flower pots not having loot tables
* Fixed Flowering Morado Leaves loot table
* Fixed Aloe Vera loot table
* Fixed floating lava in certain world types


* Ported to 1.16.4

* Modified advancements to include Atmospheric content


* Fixed passion vine generation age

* Fixed some villager trades


* Fixed Flowering Morado Leaves loot table
* Lowered Rainforest Basins
* Removed Rainforest fog
* Fixed issues with Aloe not properly putting out fire
* Changed Passion Vine generation states
* Added Shimmering Passionfruit to Ruined Portal chests
* Passion Vine Coil fixes



- Added Water Hyacinths to Rainforest biomes

- Added Morado Trees to Rainforest biomes

- Added Quark compat chests for all wood types
- Added Yellow Blossoms, that can be composted or made into dye



- Increase Gilia rates

- Change Dunes sky color to fog

- Update Travertine textures

- Removed Fumaroles

- Monkey Brush can now be placed in more directions

- Aloe gives blossoms instead of dye

- Added fog color to Rainforests


- Fix Quark compat Wood to chest recipes

- Fix some blocks not being flammable

- Fix some issues with Gilia

- Fix Arid Sandstone Bricks recipes

- Fix hoes not mining certain blocks faster

- Fixes Dead Bushs not generating in Dunes

- Fixed some compat ladder recipes


- Renamed Rosewood biomes to Rainforest

- Renamed Monkey Brush to Hot Monkey Brush

- Added Rainforest Basin biome

- Added Sparse Rainforest Basin biome

- Added Beehive variants for Rosewood, Yucca, Kousa, Aspen, and Grimwood (buzzier bees cross content)

- Added Chest variants for Rosewood and Yucca (quark cross content)

- Added a temporary Grimwood tree

- Added Dunes Villager variant (no dunes villages, like jungle and swamp villagers)

- Monkey Brush is now placeable upside-down

- Breaking Shimmering Passionfruit Crates will anger Piglins

- Piglins like Shimmering Passionfruit and their respective crates

- Removed Arid Shrine (may return)


- Added a configuration for biome weights
- Added "Arid Shrine", a new structure in the Dunes
- New Advancements:
- "Let them eat... cake?" - Eat the last slice of Yucca Gateau
- "Sliced and Diced" - Get pricked by all natural Dunes damage sources
- "Burn Victim" - Save yourself from burning using Aloe Leaves


- Updated Kousa Leaves texture
- Bees now spawn in the Flourishing Dunes
- Yucca Bundles now damage when fallen
- Yucca Branches now snap when collided with projectiles
- You can no longer bonemeal Aloe Vera when it is fully grown
- Getting Gelled while Gelled will no longer poison you.
- Roasted Yucca Fruit no longer shows particles
- Quark compat now syncs with quark config
- Updated Abnormals Core version
- Fixed potential crashes on startup


A hot, lush set of biomes, with warm and wavy sand, defined by a dusty sky. They are split into two main variants, dunes and rocky dunes, one of which is lusher, and the other covered in huge boulders. The normal dunes variant can occasionally become hilly, or otherwise turn into a flourishing sub biome, where the thorny plants of the dunes are even more abundant, in addition to dirt patches and melons. The rocky dunes can become a petrified dunes, where the signature yucca trees have become literally rock solid and fossils occasionally protrude from the ground.


Arid Sand and Sandstone:
Functionally identical to sand in most ways, and has a red variant, which has relatively little difference and is mixed in. Some of the sandstone textures are largely based on the bigger, chunkier sandstone from 1.14 snapshots, but have been tweaked to have more of their own color and texture.


Is both a tree and a flower, and is very thorny. Native to the dunes, it can also be found more scarcely in deserts, badlands and shattered savannahs. Yucca has a bleak, red wood color and yields fruit from occasional branches, which can be turned into a number of foods that provide the persistence buff, an effect that causes you to run faster with lower hunger, perfect if you're starving in the desert. Yucca leaves, flowers, saplings and branches all deal knockback and prick you on contact and the flowers can be used for light gray dye.


Barrel Cactus:
The smaller cousin of the cactus that lives in the dunes. It has 4 sizes and yields orange dye. It only pricks when you come into contact from a high speed, otherwise it provides weakness. Barrel cacti only grow on normal arid sand, and have to be bonemealed on red arid sand, so you can use them as decorations.


Yet another thorny plant which hails from the dunes that yields its leaves and yellow dye, its blossom flies in the direction of the sand in the dunes. Aloe can be farmed on arid sand for a fertile, slow growing version, or on red arid sand for a seedless, fast version. Aloe leaves can be eaten to increase regen speed, extinguish fire (when initially eaten) and make you partially fire immune, not enough to compare to fire resistance, but useful for a trip to the nether, aloe leaves should not be consumed as regular food however, eating aloe products while you already have the effect of the gel will poison you. You can also turn leaves into gel to prolong the effect, and gel can be turned into the sticky gel block, which you can sink through, it provides gelled, but is also quite toxic.


A purple flower that only lives in the flourishing dunes. It creates slow falling suspicious stew.


- Passion Vine Coil: Throwable passion vine that you can use to escape caves or get to higher places (improvements will come more in the future)
- Scalding & Warm Monkey Brush: Two new colors/variants of Monkey Brush that can be found.
- Fixed Barrel Cactus and Passion Vine placement.
- Fixed a crash with giving Spitting to other entities.
- Merged Golden Spitting and Spitting into one effect.


- Passion Vine Coil: Throwable passion vine that you can use to escape caves or get to higher places (improvements will come more in the future)
- Scalding & Warm Monkey Brush: Two new colors/variants of Monkey Brush that can be found.
- Fixed Barrel Cactus and Passion Vine placement.
- Fixed a crash with giving Spitting to other entities.
- Merged Golden Spitting and Spitting into one effect.


Ported to 1.15

- Added Beehives to Rosewood Trees

- Monkey Brush suspicious stew now gives Relief

- Added Vertical Planks to the planks tag

- Added Passion Vine to bee_growables tag

- Fixed plenty of log errors

- Added new compatability beehives in Buzzier Bees


Future progress is focused on 1.15 updates and the port itself, this was a small update for two things.

- Changed Spit-take advancement to be earned when hitting an entity with seed

- Added support for Entombed Ecosystems


This is the final release for 1.14. Progress will be focused on 1.15 updates and the port itself.
Dunes & Yucca, Aspen & Crustose, Kousa, and Travertine items & blocks are all unobtainable in Survival and only for creative purposes.
These will become available in future releases (for 1.15+). New blocks, mobs, biomes, and more will also be found in future updates.


- Fixed Vertical Slab placement



- Added some more tags

- Stopped boats from stacking

- Fixed some issues with passion vine placement

- Passion Vines are no longer replaceable

- Adjusted some villager trades

- Compat blocks now register even if the mod is present, they just don't appear in creative tabs

- Fixed bookshelves not giving enchanting power

- Removed emeralds from Rosewood Forest and added Lava lakes

- Buffed Shimmering Passionfruit

- Nerfed Passionfruit


Upcoming + work in progress content:

Note: these are only available in creative, and are missing a lot of features and functionality. Things are subject to change.

- Added Yucca woodset

- Added placeholder Yucca Trees

- Added Yucca casks

- Added Yucca bundles

- Added Arid Sand blockset

- Added Red Arid Sand blockset

- Added Yucca Flower & Tall Yucca Flower

- Added Galia

- Added Yucca Gateau

- Added Barrel Cactus

- Added Crustose 

- Added Crustose Log

- Added Aspen woodset

- Added placeholder Aspen tree

- Added Kousa woodset

- Added placeholder Kousa tree

- Added Ivory Travertine blockset

- Added Peach Travertine blockset

- Added Persimmon Travertine blockset

- Added Saffron Travertine blockset


WARNING: Updating to this version will erase all instances of previous blocks with the modid "rosewood"!

This mod was renamed in order to be a place to add future biomes that are currently in development as well as the current Rosewood Forest.
